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S27.E14: Reunion


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Any thoughts on the reunion special? I miss the old days, where it would be a half-hour long and mostly drama-free. Bringing back Abram was a mistake, especially since he has a checkered past of flipping the hell out.


Listening to Cara Maria talk about using the prize money to start a gym with obstacles . . . is she planning on raising ninjas? I wouldn't mind her in the stands of American Ninja Warrior, cheering on protégés.


Bringing in Vince solely for the "#VinceFail" montage was worth it. Johnny and "BananaCam"? Fuck off.


ETA: Let me guess . . . the trailer for the next season didn't run until "The Shit They Should Have Shown," right? How funny would it have been if Nessa concluded the show with, "Well, not enough people tweeted, so we're keeping the sneak preview under wraps."

  • Love 7

Bananas can have a seat when he called whatever Cara Maria did with/to Thomas and Abe the "grimiest" thing anyone's ever done in Challenge history. Please. Until he's had a relationship with an abusive boyfriend, he can't start any sentence with: "what she should have done was...."

ETA: Let me guess . . . the trailer for the next season didn't run until "The Shit They Should Have Shown," right? How funny would it have been if Nessa concluded the show with, "Well, not enough people tweeted, so we're keeping the sneak preview under wraps."

I only skimmed through it, but I didn't see it. Maybe not enough people tweeted? That seems weird, though - I would think they'd show it anyway. Did I miss it?

  • Love 4

I'm so tired of Johnny. What makes him the authority on Abe and Cara Maria's relationship. It just find it rich that he keeps insisting that Abe should have been told about Cara's hookup when he first entered the house and that the reason Cara didn't was because she was "using" Abe. Yet, he waited to share, out of concern for Abe of course, until it was convenient and would benefit him and his idiot cousin. Then, when it was time for them to discuss his deception in regards to Nany, he was allowed to have every excuse in the book other than that he was wrong and an asshole. Fucking dick.

#Vincefail was great! And for Johnny to say that Vince was the best athlete on the stage?! What challenge was he at? Also, his hair looked super douchy.

I wish they would leave the Abe and Cara stuff alone, especially since it's been discussed, ad nauseum and uncomfortably, for at least 2 after shows. Although, this host had a bit more tact than the other awful girl. Guess she got fired? (Hopefully, cause she sucked.) I must say, Abe was surprisingly calm through all that.

  • Love 7

Then, when it was time for them to discuss his deception in regards to Nany, he was allowed to have every excuse in the book other than that he was wrong and an asshole.

And his excuse - well, one of them, at least, was doing something strategic out of concern for his girlfriend. I love how he rationalizes doing something underhanded in this relationship regard, but doesn't allow anyone else the same right, i.e. Cara Maria. Oh the irony.

  • Love 9

Something I never thought I would see....Abram agreeing with Johnny.  He couldn't nod his head enough as Johnny was going on about how Cara was using Abe to get farther in the competition and so she had no interest in being honest with him.  It was also just so awkward to watch Cara Maria's reaction to Johnny calling her out.  Her aggressively trash talking that she did win and that she sent Bananas home...while Abe just sitting there.  It just felt cruel.  


Now, I don't actually agree with what Johnny said...or at least I don't think it was the prime motivator.  I think Cara knows how Abe can react to things, so she really didn't want to deal with him going crazy while they are all trapped together on a show.  I think she hoped to be able to get home and then deal with him then.  That was my take on it.  Also, god...their relationship is so messed up.  Those two just need to leave each other alone and move on.  


I love that Johnny is willing to use Nany when it helps him and his alliance, but when it doesn't...he has a million excuses, including his girlfriend not liking her, to cast her aside.  But then again, that is how Johnny operates.  If people don't know this already when they choose to work with Bananas...that is your stupidity.  

  • Love 8

When John was going on about how gross it was for CM to use Abe's feelings for her to get farther in the season, I was waiting for a lightning bolt to strike him down (or, at least for Nany or a surprise Camilla to kick him in the nuts).  Really, John?  Really?  Yeah, you totally didn't sleep with multiple girls on different seasons and then continue to string them along to make sure they were on your side, cutting them loose when it was to your benefit.  Nope.  Not at all.  You're a fucking saint.  


#VinceFail was probably my favorite part of the reunion.  Least favorite part?  Banana Cam.  Just stop.  


During the end of the finale, I was joking that Cara and Jamie probably said "this is awesome, I love you, now, let's give it six months or so."  So when Jenna and Brianna said they hadn't spoken for a couple months, I laughed.  I can totally see why they'd feel that way.  Yeah, you had fun, at times, and you did well together, but it just seems like you'd also want a break from each other after that.  


Oh, wait, other favorite part was Aneesa's Cory imitation.  And I kind of love that she was so open like "yeah, I knew we were going to get caught, but, screw it, life's short, I was having some fun."  She also probably did the best job of owning her shit that any cast member has done in quite a few seasons.  


I hope Abe and Cara actually got a chance to have that off camera talk and get some closure.  I don't know what the hell has gone on in their relationship, but it sounds like it's completely dysfunctional.  It also sounds like, to Abe, dysfunctional is just "normal."  They were clearly both hurting, though, so I hope that they got a chance to talk privately and try to get some closure.  They clearly care about each other, despite whatever has gone down, but it seems like Cara is ready to move on and find something healthier, but she just feels so guilty over how everything went down.  I give her points for going over to Abe to apologize before delving into the questions.  And I know it ended up coming off shitty, but I can completely understand how she ended up getting off track and bragging "I sent you home and I won, didn't I?" when John was hammering her about her behavior.  Yes, that hurt Abe to the point where he ended up agreeing with John.  But John was being such an ass.  I was so hoping she'd follow through and publicly spill John's dirt when she threatened to.  He may have acted like he didn't care, but I'm sure he does not want it so explicitly spelled out on camera like that.  (Of course he'd just deny and say she was just lashing out because she was mad at him for blowing her cover).  Personally, I wouldn't have blamed any number of people if they had punched him right in the face when he condescendingly lectured Cara to "at least be honest" about whether she gave the guy a hand job or not.  Sure, John, as soon as you're "honest" about what happened in the Exile house last season with you and Nany... 

  • Love 10

 Personally, I wouldn't have blamed any number of people if they had punched him right in the face when he condescendingly lectured Cara to "at least be honest" about whether she gave the guy a hand job or not.  Sure, John, as soon as you're "honest" about what happened in the Exile house last season with you and Nany... 

Yes!  Especially since this probably has a lot to do with why his girlfriend is not fond of Nany.

Edited by luckyroll3
  • Love 1

The thing about Bananas that always gets people to listen to him is that there is a grain of truth in all of his manipulation.  He's a lot of things but stupid isn't one.  I don't think people necessarily believe he'll have their back at any time (except Nany?), I just think he brings things to light that other people don't and he does it when it's advantageous to him.  Like when he told Jenna to put in Cara/Jamie because Cara was the biggest female threat to her winning.  He was 100% right about that and I think that resonated to Jenna.  She's not the smartest but when a fact that clear is presented to her, what else would she do?

  • Love 2

I'm done.  I was so happy that Cara and Jamie won and then I watched the reunion show and was disgusted.  Coming down on Cara for doing exactly the same things that the others have done on this show is bull shit and hypocritical.  This was the last straw for me.  I won't watch John on television anymore and I won't watch the shows that the producers make because of the blatant hatred towards women.  I've seen it before and it's made me angry but I always ended up coming back.  Now I hate all the guys and the girls just keep putting up with it.  Sorry for the rant.

  • Love 8

I think the thing about Bananas that gets people to listen to him is that production keeps pointing cameras at him. The rest of the cast, once they get to know him, seem to think he's a joke. It's common knowledge that there's no point even engaging with him in conversation, because he'll spin anything to mean anything he wants. The guy is completely full of shit, basically. But he's one of BM/MTV's "stars" so the others are stuck with him. It's like production has decided that dealing with John is just part of the challenge design each season. He's almost like the boss's son, so you just have to work with the asshole.

  • Love 5

I felt kinda bad for Jenna when she was asked about her "break-up," if you can call it that, with Zach. Her heart was broken, and I know that she put up with a lot from Jay in their relationship, and she should have been more wary of Zach after seeing Jonna, but she's young...I felt sad for her. She doesn't seem like a mean person, or that she would deserve that treatment. To go from anticipating an engagement to having him just completely ignore her and block calls? Just cruel. I wonder if we'll be seeing them on another "exes" edition.

  • Love 10

I felt kinda bad for Jenna when she was asked about her "break-up," if you can call it that, with Zach. Her heart was broken, and I know that she put up with a lot from Jay in their relationship, and she should have been more wary of Zach after seeing Jonna, but she's young...I felt sad for her. She doesn't seem like a mean person, or that she would deserve that treatment. To go from anticipating an engagement to having him just completely ignore her and block calls? Just cruel. I wonder if we'll be seeing them on another "exes" edition.

Blah. She left one cheater and hooked up with a guy that is a known cheater and a known asshole. Whatever. Im also tired of being young excusing stupidity. She should have known better. I'm not over here doing cartwheels at her misery. She seems like a overall nice person. Hopefully she makes better choices in the future. Edited by Racj82
  • Love 1

Blah. She left one cheater and hooked up with a guy that is a known cheater and a known asshole. Whatever. Im also tired of being young excusing stupidity. She should have known better. I'm not over hear doing cartwheels at her misery. She seems like a overall nice person. Hopefully she makes better choices in the future.

I really like Jenna, but it drives me crazy when someone sees firsthand just how awful his or her SO treats someone, and still either start or continue to date that person. Even if by some grace of god they never turn that cruelty on you (but they probably will), how does that not bother you to see how callous your partner can be? I swear though, some of these girls get off on it. Wow, my boyfriend is a real jerk to his ex, he must not like her at all! He'll never do that to me because I am so much better! Until they're not. I won't feel sorry for the next BMPer who decides she's going to be the one who's different.

  • Love 2

I felt kinda bad for Jenna when she was asked about her "break-up," if you can call it that, with Zach. Her heart was broken, and I know that she put up with a lot from Jay in their relationship, and she should have been more wary of Zach after seeing Jonna, but she's young...I felt sad for her. She doesn't seem like a mean person, or that she would deserve that treatment. To go from anticipating an engagement to having him just completely ignore her and block calls? Just cruel. I wonder if we'll be seeing them on another "exes" edition.

He's such a dick to ignore and block her calls when HE was the one caught cheating.  But really girl?  You're the one still pursuing him?!?  Please run in the other direction and make a mental note of the type of guys to stay away from.  

  • Love 5

Cara looked so uncomfortable during that reunion, I did feel for her.

Vince fail was hysterical, as was Aneesa's imitation of Cory. Best athlete on the stage? Bananas, please go away with that nonsense

I liked Jenna and Brianna cracking up during their footage of their fight. I feel like Jenna should have seen it coming about Zach, but I did feel bad for her that he's just completely ignoring her. What a douche.

On a shallow note, I liked Rianna with the lighter hair

  • Love 4

The whole Cara Maria/Abe thing was awful and strung out for too long.  We already covered it once, and it just seemed cruel to bring it up again.  Also, there seemed to be some indication that it could have been unhealthy in an abusive way, and that made me super uncomfortable.  I have no idea if it's true or not, but there were some things along the way that would have made me question a friend closer about what was going on.  So, if the  other cast members had any hint of that, it seemed like they should have just not commented.  Plus, at any rate, it's not really any of their business to pass judgment on either of them for what went down, especially considering much worse stuff has happened on the challenge that what they were accusing Cara Maria of.  (Even if she had sex with Thomas, which I doubt, she's hardly the first to have done it while on a challenge, and she wouldn't have been the only cast member to be cheating on this very season!  She just had the bad luck that her SO turned up on the show.

  • Love 4

Everything between Cara and Abe was uncomfortable, but I'm not sure Abe's behavior was genuine.  It just seemed weird.  And what is he doing to himself?  He looks like a chubby fifty year old.


I'm not sure that Johnny is a hypocrite.  He seems to have some twisted idea that as long as you hide your cheating and don't humiliate your significant other, all is good.


I don't buy Jenna's story.  Zach saw how good she did, and they're setting up for an Exes season.  Maybe he forgot to tell Jenna.


Brianna's hair is gorgeous.


This reunion was boring and strangely set up.  I don't necessarily like when they're all drunk, but it's at least more entertaining.


Maybe they can have a buddies season, and Cara and Rianna can be teammates.  They were kind of funny in their THs.



  • Love 2
I don't buy Jenna's story.  Zach saw how good she did, and they're setting up for an Exes season.  Maybe he forgot to tell Jenna.



I don't know.  I mean, I wouldn't put it past him to cook up something to have a strong Exes team, but it sounded too like what happened when he was done with Jonna - he just shuts all communication down without warning or explanation.  He's not remotely mature enough to actually break up with someone, so he just goes radio silent.  Later, if called on it, he'll act like it was her fault. 

  • Love 8

I'm so happy for Cara that she finally won a Challenge, but it's unfortunate that it will forever be tainted by her cheating on Abram. I felt bad for her at this reunion show because honestly, enough is enough with this subject. She's owned up to it, apologized to Abram, and yet, she continues to be publicly shamed for it and of all people, by Johnny Bananas.

That guy is such a douche. He accuses Cara of using Abram for her own personal gain to win when it was really he who saw the whole situation as a great strategic move for himself without caring about Abram's feelings. Johnny and his damn banana cam can just go away now.

I feel sorry for Jenna as well. She seems like a really nice girl and it's too bad she got involved with another douche like Zach.

  • Love 9

not a fan of Cara

Abe seems decent but I do think they mutually mind-fucked each other and are better not together

I like Jenna even though she is young and dumb. She is lucky Zac broke up with her....she deserves better.

Johnny is an entertaining villain...he and Wes are the best villains even though lately Wes hasn't been a villain (I wonder if he is going to do any more challenges).

Vince was a fail...lol

Annessa did good at the reunion and owned her bad behavior

For anybody who's interested, Wikipedia set up a page for the next Challenge. I plan on writing about this on my blog, but I will say this: one person disappoints me greatly by returning to the neverending carnage.


I'm spoiler tagging it since some people might not want to know what the theme is for the next season....or who the contestants are...and what have you.


From reading who the rivals are....those are some pretty weak rival connections if I do say so myself.  And seriously...can these Are You The One? people please go away.  Like now.  

  • Love 3

Cara looked so uncomfortable during that reunion, I did feel for her.

Vince fail was hysterical, as was Aneesa's imitation of Cory. Best athlete on the stage? Bananas, please go away with that nonsense

I liked Jenna and Brianna cracking up during their footage of their fight. I feel like Jenna should have seen it coming about Zach, but I did feel bad for her that he's just completely ignoring her. What a douche.

On a shallow note, I liked Rianna with the lighter hair

Zach did the same exact thing Joanna. He was literally like, I'm done, and broke off all contact with her. Why the fuck would you date someone like that? Because he has muscles? I just can't with that. I've never seen someone with so many warning signs before. Made doubly crazy by the fact that dudes would probably crawl over broken glass to get with Jenna. A guy that targets women with low self esteem could spot her a mile away. Edited by Racj82
  • Love 2

For anybody who's interested, Wikipedia set up a page for the next Challenge. I plan on writing about this on my blog, but I will say this: one person disappoints me greatly by returning to the neverending carnage.



Wow, I am disappointed in one person too...is this who you are referring to:


Sarah? Hell, they might as well hand her and John the damn check right now. I really like Sarah and always rooted for her, but don't think I can with her teaming up with John.

  • Love 2

I also speculate that the relationship between CM and Abe is unhealthy and abusive at times. I went through the abusive relationship, and felt I couldn't end it for a long time, so I pulled a CM (no sex, more of an emotional intimacy).


I think they certainly don't bring out the best in each other. She was not happy to see him and so happy when he left, these are RED FLAGS. That's not normal loving functional relationship behavior.


I think that Tomas was a crutch for CM's stress and anxiety of dealing with the relationship with Abe. And I'm sure there have been other close-calls and will be again if/when they get back together.


I don't justify my emotional affair That being said, it was just nice to feel like there was a possibility that someone could still care about me and treat me well, and it gave me some confidence and self-esteem.


If CM doesn't want to leave Abram, maybe she messes up intentionally (subconsciously) so that she can feel like she deserves the abuse.Or perhaps it's an outlet to unleash her anger at him.


To be very clear, this is ALL speculation (aside from parts about my past) I am not saying Abram is or is not abusive. I have never met him nor been in a relationship with him.

I also speculate that the relationship between CM and Abe is unhealthy and abusive at times. I went through the abusive relationship, and felt I couldn't end it for a long time, so I pulled a CM (no sex, more of an emotional intimacy).


I think they certainly don't bring out the best in each other. She was not happy to see him and so happy when he left, these are RED FLAGS. That's not normal loving functional relationship behavior.


I think that Tomas was a crutch for CM's stress and anxiety of dealing with the relationship with Abe. And I'm sure there have been other close-calls and will be again if/when they get back together.


I don't justify my emotional affair That being said, it was just nice to feel like there was a possibility that someone could still care about me and treat me well, and it gave me some confidence and self-esteem.


If CM doesn't want to leave Abram, maybe she messes up intentionally (subconsciously) so that she can feel like she deserves the abuse.Or perhaps it's an outlet to unleash her anger at him- one may never know.


To be very clear, this is ALL speculation (aside from parts about my past) I am not saying Abram is or is not abusive. I have never met him nor been in a relationship with him.

Edited by Granimal
  • Love 4

Wow, I am disappointed in one person too...is this who you are referring to:

Sarah? Hell, they might as well hand her and John the damn check right now. I really like Sarah and always rooted for her, but don't think I can with her teaming up with John.

I'm thinking the same thing too.

I really like Sarah as well and I was so happy that she gave Bananas a taste of his own medicine on Exes 2 and that she ended up throwing him in an elimination round. What a disappointment it will be to see her paired up with him after all the crap he said to her.

I'm also not excited at all to see his cousin Vince on the list of contestants for next season. He thinks he's a great athlete, but he didn't do one thing this season to prove that.

  • Love 1

Johnny, his relationship assessments and his hypocritical self can retire from challenges anytime now. Contrary to what he (and BMP) thinks, not everyone watches challenges to see him. In fact, I can see his presence keeping me from watching future shows. What's he been doing for money lately since he didn't win anything on his last two challenges? Good for Cara pointing out she sent him home, too bad it didn't shut him up. Entitled asshole.


Jenna's a gorgeous girl, but she looks so much prettier with minimal makeup and her hair not overly done. Same with Aneesa. She looks better with less makeup. Oddly enough, Cara didn't have as much on as she usually does for reunions & whatnot.


The lineup was odd, six teams and then Kellyanne and Abram. The host was loads better than Zuri, so much more natural.

  • Love 3

There's not much I have to say that hasn't already been said; but on a shallow note, I have to agree with the above poster who mentioned Abe is looking pretty rough.  I used to think he was SO handsome, especially in Cutthroat with the longer hair - rawr.  But MAN does he looks like a completely different person now!  It's not so much the weight gain for me, it's the explosion of terrible tattoos and the billy goat gruff thing he has going on.  It makes me sad, lol. 


I wonder if Zuri was fired.  This host was leaps and bounds more in tune with the cast and the overall feeling of the room.

  • Love 3

One thing that bothered me about the reunion was Cara Maria and Abe airing out their dirty laundry in front of everyone. It seemed like they should've been discussing their issues privately instead of out in the open. They both were clearly hurt, and I don't think it was cool of them or MTV to put that on public display. I'm not surprised since it happens every season. I just watched that and felt uncomfortable. They should be saying these things to each other privately or to a therapist instead of to Nessa and a national viewing audience.


Another thing that bothered me was hearing that Zach broke Jenna's heart. I was so hoping that Jenna was the one who ended things with that douchenozzle. Zach just disappeared like he did with Jonna. That's what he does. He's a coward and I just hope 1 day he gets his comeuppance. Maybe Laurel will kick his ass on the next challenge. He's such a misogynistic loser. I want better for Jenna.


Finally, it bothered me that Bananas suggested that Vince was the best athlete on the stage and was purposely tanking on the challenges. I call bullshit. Vince just really sucks at this game and that epic fail montage of his disqualifications this season was priceless.

Edited by jmonkey
  • Love 2

Jenna is blind to Zach because she's young and stupid.  Young girls always think "oh he won't do that to me.... we're different..... he cares for me more...." 

Hopefully eventually she'll grow out of that, but it took her FOREVER to get over Jay and that dude cheated on her all the time!

I get that...but it's like when you're dating someone, and he or she is really rude to service staff. He or she isn't being rude to YOU (in general), but it would still rankle a decent person.


Even if Jenna had a crystal ball that could confirm Zach would always care about her and would never treat her as cruelly as he treated Jonna, it should still bother her that he was capable of that cruelty, even if she was never a direct victim. I just hate that, "I don't care how rude someone is, as long as it's not directed at me" bullshit. 

  • Love 2

I get that...but it's like when you're dating someone, and he or she is really rude to service staff. He or she isn't being rude to YOU (in general), but it would still rankle a decent person.


Even if Jenna had a crystal ball that could confirm Zach would always care about her and would never treat her as cruelly as he treated Jonna, it should still bother her that he was capable of that cruelty, even if she was never a direct victim. I just hate that, "I don't care how rude someone is, as long as it's not directed at me" bullshit. 


oh I agree completely!!! It would definitely bother me.  I would hate to be dating someone that everyone else would label a douche bag.  I just don't think Jenna has that mentality to realized that YET. She seems to be a simple minded person. 

  • Love 2

I think they certainly don't bring out the best in each other. She was not happy to see him and so happy when he left, these are RED FLAGS. That's not normal loving functional relationship behavior.

While I also don't know them, and did get an uncomfortable feeling that something is pretty wrong in that relationship, I just want to address the one point you made that I quoted above.. I am not in an abusive relationship in any way, thankfully, and if my husband came and surprised me on survivor, or something similar, that would be great. But if he showed up at work with a big grin and jumping up and down while I was just about to give a presentation I worked for months on, it would be very distracting, awkward and disruptive, and yes I would not be happy to see him and be glad when he left! I feel like to Cara Maria this was a job, and she had prepared hard for it, and Abram showing up was disruptive to her plan, and that's why she looked shocked and disappointed when he showed up. All speculation of course, but that's how I took it.

However, yeah, I kinda feel icky watching them interact and something doesn't seem right

  • Love 4

Jenna is blind to Zach because she's young and stupid.  Young girls always think "oh he won't do that to me.... we're different..... he cares for me more...." 

Hopefully eventually she'll grow out of that, but it took her FOREVER to get over Jay and that dude cheated on her all the time!


It also unfortunately seems to be a pattern with Jenna.  When she was on this season they mentioned part of the tension between her and Brianna is the past is that Brianna hooked up some either one or some of her boyfriend(s).  


Jenna is a funny, pretty girl who is a lot smarter than she pretends to be for tv.  I hope that she finds a way to break this pattern because she deserves someone worthy of her.  

  • Love 1

Funny thing is the most popular foods in Germany are probably ethnic cuisine or things like Italian food.

Well other than the wursts at beer halls.

Bet they were eating anything but traditional German food between the time they arrived in Berlin and the Finals.

Apparently though reality show audiences would rather watch people puke (often after some drunken escapades) than see them do something athletic all the time.

  • Love 2

I felt so bad for Abram. I think Cara is a giant douche for writing that she hopes Abe gets cast to come on the Challenge with her in her good bye note to him before she left. I thought her saying to him that she was wanted to use the money if she won to buy them a house was bad enough but that really takes the cake. What the hell was he supposed to think then when he did show up on the show? MTV really helped set him up by all this and I doubt he'll ever do another Challenge. Cara has stated and I believe, that he was never physically abusive. I think they were probably both emotionally abusive to each other...there's way more proof of Cara's emotional abuse than Abe's at this point. I was always a big Cara fan but I always heard how fake she is..I'm thinking that is true now...how could you set up someone you were in a years long relationship with and supposedly loved? She's just as slimey as most of the other people on this show.

I know it was mentioned in the aftershow thread that all the aftershows are done back to back over a series of days, with everyone for the ones being shot that day all backstage, coming out in pairings as needed.  Is the reunion part of that timeline?  If that's the case, it would mean the initial CM/Abe show, the finalist teams show, and the reunion were all done within a span of 2 or 3 days. Assuming they were even on speaking terms outside the show, I doubt they had time to have any lengthy conversation about any of it before the reunion shoot.  They'd have been better off to leave Abe out completely, and bring in Camilla to address her paranoid meltdown.

I know it was mentioned in the aftershow thread that all the aftershows are done back to back over a series of days, with everyone for the ones being shot that day all backstage, coming out in pairings as needed. Is the reunion part of that timeline? If that's the case, it would mean the initial CM/Abe show, the finalist teams show, and the reunion were all done within a span of 2 or 3 days. Assuming they were even on speaking terms outside the show, I doubt they had time to have any lengthy conversation about any of it before the reunion shoot. They'd have been better off to leave Abe out completely, and bring in Camilla to address her paranoid meltdown.

They filmed the reunion back in January that's when they Also filmed the shit they should have shown special. The cast was in New York the same weekend as the blizzard. The after shows are filmed in LA.

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