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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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They ran this vid on Morning Joe First Look after reporting on the science teacher in New Mexico busted with everything needed to produce a pound of meth.

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7 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Why anyone would have that boob on as a guest? He's a pretty boy who reads the news. He hasn't gotten off his ass to do any reporting in decades, brings nothing to the table.

They should try to limit their guests to actual journalists, elected officials or government officers, or authors.  And if they're going to keep using their friends as panelists, they should rotate them more often. Barnicle hasn't done anything useful in decades (if ever). Harold Ford brings nothing.

Brian Williams used to be on the show as a special guest with "gravitas" before his suspension. After he came back on air, Mika & Joe said they were looking forward to working with him again. He has never appeared since then. Now they bring out Tom Brokaw as legendary anchor man.

I completely agree with you on the selection of panelists. I don't even feel like recapping what they say.

6 hours ago, millennium said:

There wasn't anything about their comments that would cause me to suspect they were the product of personal bias.    

Probably no one deciding the fate of Obamacare has to use the Obamacare exchanges.

I do, and I've been in a state of constant anxiety since November 8.   And it never ends.  They keep at it and at it and at it, like rats gnawing at a thick wooden door knowing that sooner or later they will wear it down.

MSNBC was running commercials after the election about how close Joe is to Trump. "Joe was the first to report..." They bragged about Harold Ford Jr & Richard Haas joining Trump's cabinet. They soured on him after not getting the interview on New Year's Eve.

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Wednesday Recap. Trump is out of control & picking fights with everyone over the budget deal. Mulvaney is doing press secretary job about a new wall somewhere. It was hilarious because no one knows where it is. Peter wanted to know where it was. They didn't discuss Alexander getting in trouble yesterday for retweeting a photo of Ivanka Trump promoting a new Trump Hotel in the Philippines. Alexander had to issue a retraction.

Joe said Trump is like a baseball player who hits doubles and yells at people in the bleachers.

Joe is upset that Trump doesn't understand any of the rules of Washington.

There is a new glamor shot of Mika gazing at Joe driving in a fancy car.

Joe called Hillary pathetic over her explanations of losing the election. Mika refused to say anything about Hillary. Mika sighed and breathed heavily into the camera. Mika looked like someone killed her puppy.

Joe wants his daughter to grow up to be Hillary for her persistence.

Joe is being revisionist again. He was in awe of Hillary's field operation until after the election.

Joe mocked Hillary for saying she lost areas with no cellphone coverage. New Canaan was a Democratic stronghold. Joe hates his cellphone provider.

Joe trashed Hillary for her server, no message, she refused to come on Morning Joe etc..Hillary should not have called Trump supporters Deplorables.

Willie's birthday! Willie said Hillary & Trump should stop talking about the election.

Joe said Trump would win Pennsylvania.

Joe said he knew all along that Trump would win the mid west. C'Mon Joe! Joe demanded that TRump drop out in October. At no time did he say Trump would win those states.


Mika finally admitted that Hillary wanted a coronation. Joe is on a rant against Hillary. Why did she wantto run for Presidenent. Joe is stomping his hands on the table.

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Mika said that Trump was brilliant to go after Hillary for Bill Clinton's infidelity with her & Monica Lewinsky.

The other GOP candidates did not want to discuss Bill's personal life. Trump brought Bill's sexual assault victims to the debate.

Willie defended Lester Holt for asking about jobs. Hilllary for got about that question. She was mad about frivolous questions.

Joe said Hillary was the only possible candidate who was more dishonest than Trump.

Mika wants America to move on from the Clintons. She called it Sickly.

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I would like to give Mika some credit for being self aware enough to give a disclaimer to the audience that she realizes none of this is funny, and that they were trying to release some stress through humor.

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Mika said that Trump was brilliant to go after Hillary for Bill Clinton's infidelity with her & Monica Lewinsky.

I don't recall her making this point in this way but I will watch the video again when it's up on the website. I do remember them all agreeing that the power of the Access Hollywood material was diluted by Bill Clinton's history with women and Hillary's complacency with it (she *did* go around and try to spread the rumor that  Lewinsky was a crazy narcissistic stalker, as accounted in her friend Diane Blair's diary.)

I don't believe that Scarborough wants his daughter (daughters?) to be like Hillary Clinton. 

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40 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

I don't recall her making this point in this way but I will watch the video again when it's up on the website. I do remember them all agreeing that the power of the Access Hollywood material was diluted by Bill Clinton's history with women and Hillary's complacency with it (she *did* go around and try to spread the rumor that  Lewinsky was a crazy narcissistic stalker, as accounted in her friend Diane Blair's diary.)

I don't believe that Scarborough wants his daughter (daughters?) to be like Hillary Clinton. 

You should watch the video. Joe was very complimentary about Hillarys work ethic. She is an excellent role model for his daughter.

in Dec 2015, Joe loved Trumps strategy of tweeting about Bill & his ladies. 

Mika has frequently expressed outrage over  bills behavior in the White houseHouse

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He has never appeared since then. Now they bring out Tom Brokaw as legendary anchor man.

Maybe because he's on air from 11 pm to midnight and doesn't really want to get up at 5 am to be at 30 Rock for this shit show?

Tom Brokaw is a doddering old fool. He's milked WWII vets as much as he could, now he's moving on to Vietnam. Go away. 

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Hillary should not have called Trump supporters Deplorables.

FINALLY I agree with Joe on something....


edited to add:  Mika's Bday chicken cake yesterday was awesome.  Mika loves turning 50!  Try it without a phalanx of  Dermatologists and Plastic Surgeons and then see how it goes.  But Happy 50th anyway, Mika.

Edited by WhineandCheez
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44 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Maybe because he's on air from 11 pm to midnight and doesn't really want to get up at 5 am to be at 30 Rock for this shit show?

Tom Brokaw is a doddering old fool. He's milked WWII vets as much as he could, now he's moving on to Vietnam. Go away. 

Ok but he was never on the show when he was working in afternoons either. They won't even due pre taped interviews with him. It's as if he doesn't exist.

i agree that Brokaw should retire. 

I am surprised that Mika & Joe did not celebrate Hugh Hewitt & CAckles getting a show on MSNBC. 

Mika was. Very happy last year when the network began to purge anchors who didn't agree with Joe. 

35 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

FINALLY I agree with Joe on something....


edited to add:  Mika's Bday chicken cake yesterday was awesome.  Mika loves turning 50!  Try it without a phalanx of  Dermatologists and Plastic Surgeons and then see how it goes.  But Happy 50th anyway, Mika.

Mika also got boxing gloves. She got to punch Joe

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15 minutes ago, oakville said:

Ok but he was never on the show when he was working in afternoons either. They won't even due pre taped interviews with him. It's as if he doesn't exist.

I don't see why being on MJ is such a big deal. Like he's being punished for his bad behavior by not being on MJ? To me that would be first prize in the MSNBC Employee Gift Bag. 

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So the premise of Willie's question to Warren - Dems will have to choose between a progressive agenda, or targeting Obama voters who voted for Trump - is a false choice, and Warren picked up on that immediately, but politely. That was a great segment - they gave it enough time to get some good questions and thoughtful answers. She's smart, earned everything on her own, and sincerely cares about working families. What a refreshing change!

The guy with the hat from the Circus is ridiculous, predicting in May 2017 that Warren will be the Dem nominee and lose. Did anyone see Trump coming in May 2013? Or predict Sanders' strong showing then? These people are useless.

What surprised me about the Hillary Clinton discussion is that they all mentioned the book Shattered, the brutal post mortem of the Clinton campaign. I don't recall the book coming up before and I suspect they haven't talked about it because it scoops Halperin.

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Speaking of books, did they discuss Ivanka's new book? The one in which she gives advice to working women? I haven't read it (nor do I plan to), but I thought Mika might want to put in a plug for her new BFF. I'm guessing the book will be of great value to all those women who were born wealthy, went to work for daddy, and have a full household staff.

Edited by Jordan Baker
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5 hours ago, teddysmom said:



Tom Brokaw is a doddering old fool. He's milked WWII vets as much as he could, now he's moving on to Vietnam. Go away. 

Why do you have so much hate for Tom Brokow? What's wrong with him honoring WWII vets and Viet Nam vets? I admire him for that. Perhaps that's because my father was in WWII and I'm married to a Viet Nam vet. 

Edited by Kenz
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Except for Elizabeth Warren this morning, this show's been a snooze fest the past two days.  Did Joe get his meds adjusted?  And Mika is more stepford wifey than usual.

I am now officially sick and tired and just plain sickened by the "glamor shots".  Yuck.

Edited by stormy
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I am now officially sick and tired and just plain sickened by the "glamor shots".  Yuck.

They're wince-inducing. I would love to know whose idea they are (although I have my suspicions.) And if they give us the creeps, I have to think there must be some producers or even friends of Joe and Mika who think they're too much.

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11 hours ago, oakville said:


MSNBC was running commercials after the election about how close Joe is to Trump. "Joe was the first to report..." They bragged about Harold Ford Jr & Richard Haas joining Trump's cabinet. They soured on him after not getting the interview on New Year's Eve.

While there are instances where Scarborough's bias clobbers you over the head -- i.e., where Jared Kushner is concerned -- this didn't seem like one of those times.

I was grateful that Scarborough and Mika had the courage to question what we all saw.   Almost nobody else in the media is doing it.  On CNN, there is an ongoing attempt to normalize what's happening in our country right now regardless of how grotesquely bizarre things have gotten.   Oh sure, the CNN anchors "question" it but a moment later hand over the discussion to toadies like Jeffrey Lord, Andre Bauer or Kayleigh Macaninny, so that any point is soon lost in a gruel of mealymouthed doubletalk.   Such discussions always end inconclusively.

If there's anyone else who appreciated the clip I linked to above, here's a related piece:

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9 hours ago, teddysmom said:

I don't see why being on MJ is such a big deal. Like he's being punished for his bad behavior by not being on MJ? To me that would be first prize in the MSNBC Employee Gift Bag. 

The point is that Mika & Joe were strongly supporting Brian Williams  unethical actions as a journalist. They were excited when his suspension was lifted & were looking forward to having him back on the show. However, they haven't bothered to hav him on the show & rarely mention him.

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10 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

FINALLY I agree with Joe on something....


edited to add:  Mika's Bday chicken cake yesterday was awesome.  Mika loves turning 50!  Try it without a phalanx of  Dermatologists and Plastic Surgeons and then see how it goes.  But Happy 50th anyway, Mika.

Mika is in excellent shape. In one of her books, she admitted that she had gained weight after the birth of her kids. She dressed frumpy & was reprimanded by network executives who told her to get herself camera ready.  She took time off to "refresh" herself with a new face & breast augmentation. She was happy with the results & was able to make a comeback at MSNBC.

4 hours ago, Mumbles said:

They're wince-inducing. I would love to know whose idea they are (although I have my suspicions.) And if they give us the creeps, I have to think there must be some producers or even friends of Joe and Mika who think they're too much.

No one else does these glamor shots.

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12 hours ago, millennium said:

While there are instances where Scarborough's bias clobbers you over the head -- i.e., where Jared Kushner is concerned -- this didn't seem like one of those times.

I was grateful that Scarborough and Mika had the courage to question what we all saw.   Almost nobody else in the media is doing it.  On CNN, there is an ongoing attempt to normalize what's happening in our country right now regardless of how grotesquely bizarre things have gotten.   Oh sure, the CNN anchors "question" it but a moment later hand over the discussion to toadies like Jeffrey Lord, Andre Bauer or Kayleigh Macaninny, so that any point is soon lost in a gruel of mealymouthed doubletalk.   Such discussions always end inconclusively.

If there's anyone else who appreciated the clip I linked to above, here's a related piece:


I appreciate that there is discussion of Trump potentially having Dementia. He is the oldest elected President in US history.  Mika & Joe are playing the role of TV Doctors & trying to diagnose their friend of 12 years as having dementia. It's very rude. If my friends were showing symptoms of a medical issue, I would contact them privately to see if I could help or see how he is doing. Making public accusations to score cheap ratings points is ridiculous. During the campaign, Joe was busy writing articles for the Washington Post blasting Trump. Joe's son , who was diagnosed with Asperbergers fell down the stairs and was hospitalized. Trump called Joe to see how Andrew was doing and showed some sympathy. Joe was appreciative & mentioned it on air that despite their political differences, Trump was classy .

I think the presidency is a very tough job. Trump is probably overwhelmed with all the demands of the job. Mika & Joe should show the same grace as Trump did & contact him to make sure he is ok or call Jared or Ivanka.

It doesn't help anyone to have the president of the USA behaving in an erratic fashion.


11 hours ago, scrb said:

Wow she admitted to cosmetic surgery?


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They are engaged:


Thursday's show opened with Willie and Harold Ford congratulating Mika and Joe.  But Joe jumped in to say, "yes, the ratings have been great."  Mika looked coy.  When they threw it to another guest, he also congratulated them on their "ratings," wink, wink.

P.S. The couple are color-coordinated in pink today.  

Edited by sleekandchic
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43 minutes ago, sleekandchic said:

They are engaged:


Thursday's show opened with Willie and Harold Ford congratulating Mika and Joe.  But Joe jumped in to say, "yes, the ratings have been great."  Mika looked coy.  When they threw it to another guest, he also congratulated them on their "ratings," wink, wink.

P.S. The couple are color-coordinated in pink today.  

I just noticed that Mika is wearing an engagement ring today.

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51 minutes ago, sleekandchic said:

They are engaged:


Thursday's show opened with Willie and Harold Ford congratulating Mika and Joe.  But Joe jumped in to say, "yes, the ratings have been great."  Mika looked coy.  When they threw it to another guest, he also congratulated them on their "ratings," wink, wink.

P.S. The couple are color-coordinated in pink today.  

I predicted this would happen a few weeks ago. It's the 10th anniversary of the show in the next month or so.

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Mika looks lovely today in pink top & navy cardigan. Mika is wearing her engagement ring. It's Bigly! God Job Joe!

Joe is wearing a suit.

Main topic today is Why was Anthony Weiner printing out Huma's classified emails? That's silly. Joe & Ford Jr said they would be prosecuted for mishandling classified info. Huma should be indicted.

Joe is mad at the GOP for passing health care law without a CBO score. They will lose in Congress.

Moyadin wants the Palestinia issue solved. Trump wants peace between Jews & Palestinians. It's easy according to Trump. Moyadin saidno. Could be 1 or 2 state solution.

Joe thinks Pelosi will be back as Speaker of the White House in 2019!. LOL!. It's too early

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So Joe and Mika really are a thing? I've always discounted the rumors because the rumor mill always seems to hint at a relationship anytime a man and woman work together. But I caught all that "Congratulations" nudge,nudge, wink, wink at the top of the show and thought, "Wait, seriously?" 

So, this is out now? They're admitting the relationship?

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I guess they can live happily ever after? Good luck kids.

Does one of them have to leave the show now?   Most companies don't allow that type of conflict of interest. Know your value Mika!! Marry the boss.

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Watching that last segment with Senator Blumenthal and the discussion afterwards, I felt like it was deja vu all over again.  They wore a new rut in their lengthy -- interminable -- discussion of HRC and the emails, just like they did back before the election.  (The ghost of Arms Greenspan could almost be seen hovering over the table.)

Did they discuss anything to do with Twitler and the investigation of the Russian hacking/influencing/theft of the 2016 election?  Well, I guess since Comey can't talk about the grand juries and the Russian hackers Comey has grabbed overseas with the FISA warrants he got, there's no news.  Twitler, Flynn, et. al. aren't possibly guilty of treason, nothing to see here, let's move along.  

...as I continue banging my forehead against brick wall despite the bloody forehead.  

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Main topic today is Why was Anthony Weiner printing out Huma's classified emails? That's silly. Joe & Ford Jr said they would be prosecuted for mishandling classified info. Huma should be indicted.

I couldn't get a handle on why everyone was having a meltdown. I thought we knew from the last time Comey made one of his OH LORDY CONCEAL OR SPEAK announcements that there wasn't classified info in the emails, and that Huma was sending them to the home laptop so SHE could print them, not so Anthony could. 

And if there was classified info, like Comey said, it didn't meet the qualification that Huma & HRC were doing something nefarious, just being dumb. 

I do wish Joe & Mika would stop color coordinating their outfits. They look ridiculous. 

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well holy shit, they're engaged.  And STILL talking about Hillary's emails. 
Stupid is as stupid does.
Huma printed out her work.  Yep.  Let's focus on this instead of investigating KGB/GOP ties to hacking American elections.  Seems legit.

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2 hours ago, TVForever said:

So Joe and Mika really are a thing? I've always discounted the rumors because the rumor mill always seems to hint at a relationship anytime a man and woman work together. But I caught all that "Congratulations" nudge,nudge, wink, wink at the top of the show and thought, "Wait, seriously?" 

So, this is out now? They're admitting the relationship?

They will not admit on camera that they are couple. No wonder Mika wasn't too mad last week at being called rude & snobby

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Holy Crap. 

I hate to say this but they do look happy in those photos.


Huma printed out her work.  Yep.  Let's focus on this instead of investigating KGB/GOP ties to hacking American elections.  Seems legit.

I have to print stuff all the time for my boss. He usually does it but sometimes he doesn't have the patience to take an add'l step or figure out that he is printing something the server can't handle in 1 millisecond. 

I am wondering why all the focus on the show and in those hearings was on the HRC email stuff, when clearly the Russia connection is way more a threat to our national security, IMO. 

Comey should get an Oscar for that performance yesterday. 

Edited by teddysmom
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I guess it is true. She gets the adoring man that she needs and he gets to vacation in Nantucket (and the south of France and Monaco) with an upper crust Northeast European wife. LOL!

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The trip to the Hotel du Cap in Antibes was ostensibly for Brzezinski’s 50th birthday, which was on May 2, but there was a hidden purpose at play. On the final evening of their trip, the couple ascended the hotel’s palatial walkway from the pool and restaurant to its mansion overlooking the Mediterranean. They were en route to the Bellini bar in its lobby when Scarborough paused and stopped Brzezinski. “Halfway up the hill, he said he needed to sit down,” she told me. “We hadn’t been feeling well, so I thought, Oh, poor guy, he can’t make it up the hill.”

“His glasses were fogging up he was so nervous. I kept thinking he really must not have felt well,” Brzezinski said.

Scarborough then plopped down on one knee with an oval-shaped diamond ring set in platinum that he’d been hiding in his suitcase for days and asked her to marry him. “When I saw him on one knee, I started laughing nervously, almost hysterically,” she said. “And then he asked, and I said, ‘Absolutely.’ ”


This is seriously adorable.  Come on, how romantic!

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Over/under on how long it last?

Well if they were 20 years younger, maybe 3-4 years.

But now as they see Social Security and Medicare in their near horizons?

Then again, how long can this show last?  Generally TV is not kind to senior citizens as hosts.  So if the show ends and they're with each other all day ...

EDIT:  Hmm, for some reason, I thought they were both near 60, not 50.

Joe could get into mischief with some 25-year old intern or something.

Edited by scrb
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On 5/1/2017 at 8:28 AM, stormy said:

I'm kinda hoping for a wedding because then Mika would have to go.  The show has no integrity and should stop portraying itself as nothing more than a gossipy news magazine.

Why would Mika have to go, just because they are married? 

On 5/2/2017 at 4:55 PM, izabella said:

"Reading the transcripts of this President's interviews is disturbing."  What have these people been watching for the last year if they are just NOW realizing how disturbing his speech is, or rather his lack of coherence.  He's never made any sense, and knows nothing about the issues and always, always, makes up stuff because he doesn't know, understand, or remember a damned thing.  Where have these "news" people been?


On 5/3/2017 at 0:30 AM, millennium said:

There wasn't anything about their comments that would cause me to suspect they were the product of personal bias.    

Probably no one deciding the fate of Obamacare has to use the Obamacare exchanges.

I do, and I've been in a state of constant anxiety since November 8.   And it never ends.  They keep at it and at it and at it, like rats gnawing at a thick wooden door knowing that sooner or later they will wear it down.

I'm nearly certain members of both houses of Congress get their insurance via the exchanges (unless they're covered by a spouse's insurance, like I think Ted Cruz is covered by whatever plan his wife gets from Goldman Sachs). 

2 hours ago, teddysmom said:

I couldn't get a handle on why everyone was having a meltdown. I thought we knew from the last time Comey made one of his OH LORDY CONCEAL OR SPEAK announcements that there wasn't classified info in the emails, and that Huma was sending them to the home laptop so SHE could print them, not so Anthony could. 

And if there was classified info, like Comey said, it didn't meet the qualification that Huma & HRC were doing something nefarious, just being dumb. 

I do wish Joe & Mika would stop color coordinating their outfits. They look ridiculous. 

The way Comey worded it yesterday, he made it sound like Huma emailed documents to Anthony and then he printed them out, but even when I heard it live on air, it sounded like a misspeak, because one of the Senators followed up and asked if Anthony saw the content of the emails and I believe Comey said no. How could he print out emails he didn't see? 

I believe it went down how you said, Teddy's mom. Huma used the same laptop Anthony used for his cyber-activities to print out work materials for review. I think the meltdown was inspired by the inarticulate way Comey laid out the events, and people generally not understanding computers, parsed his words without any nuance. 

Did anyone get a look at the ring, today? I can't believe they're engaged this soon. She hasn't been divorced for two years, yet. I wonder if it will change the show.

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5 hours ago, cased said:

I just noticed that Mika is wearing an engagement ring today.

I have to quote one of my least favorite commercials here and wonder if "he went to JARED!". In this case, though, that would probably refer to Kushner.

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1 hour ago, WhineandCheez said:

“Halfway up the hill, he said he needed to sit down,” she told me. “We hadn’t been feeling well, so I thought, Oh, poor guy, he can’t make it up the hill.”

“His glasses were fogging up he was so nervous. I kept thinking he really must not have felt well,” Brzezinski said.

"I thought my 50-something boyfriend was having a heart attack, but actually he was proposing to me.". Living the dream, Mika.

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1 hour ago, General Days said:

I'm nearly certain members of both houses of Congress get their insurance via the exchanges (unless they're covered by a spouse's insurance, like I think Ted Cruz is covered by whatever plan his wife gets from Goldman Sachs). 


Even if they are on the exchanges, the vast majority of our congressmen are wealthy enough to absorb any additional expenses that result from the damage they do with their legislation.   Most Americans are not, which explains why medical bills are the leading cause of personal bankruptcy in the United States.   

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Even if they are on the exchanges, the vast majority of our congressmen are wealthy enough to absorb any additional expenses that result from the damage they do with their legislation.   Most Americans are not, which explains why medical bills are the leading cause of personal bankruptcy in the United States.   

They exempted themselves from the pre existing condition language, they're basically keeping their ACA coverage, it's the rest of us that can eat shit & die. 

It'll be fun to watch Joe scream at them tomorrow for their shortsightedness. 

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Wow she admitted to cosmetic surgery?



There is compelling "before and after" photos that indicate surgical work and augmentation, and I admittedly haven't read Mika's books, but I suspect an admission on her part of plastic surgery would have received some media attention at the time she made it and I can find no mention of it after a Google search. I am aware of the weight loss and the improved wardrobe, both of which she admitted in books and interviews, and there is a lot of independent coverage of those reveals on the Web. But headlines like"Mika Brzezinski cops to a boob job/facelift in new book" just doesn't come up.

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I found one article that she had Invisaligns back in 2015 and couldn't say ISIS because they were causing a lisp. Joe & Halperin were in tears laughing at her. She was laughing along, it was pretty funny. 

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7 hours ago, teddysmom said:

I couldn't get a handle on why everyone was having a meltdown. I thought we knew from the last time Comey made one of his OH LORDY CONCEAL OR SPEAK announcements that there wasn't classified info in the emails, and that Huma was sending them to the home laptop so SHE could print them, not so Anthony could. 

And if there was classified info, like Comey said, it didn't meet the qualification that Huma & HRC were doing something nefarious, just being dumb. 

I do wish Joe & Mika would stop color coordinating their outfits. They look ridiculous. 

I know! Those matchy-matchy outfits are so juvenile.  Today they looked like a pair of fraternal twins on their first day of kindergarten.  This has to be Meek-a's idea, because she is so socially clueless and old-fashioned.  And Joe obviously doesn't give a rat's ass what he shows up to work in; remember the good old days of fleece jackets and no socks?

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1 hour ago, Mumbles said:

There is compelling "before and after" photos that indicate surgical work and augmentation, and I admittedly haven't read Mika's books, but I suspect an admission on her part of plastic surgery would have received some media attention at the time she made it and I can find no mention of it after a Google search. I am aware of the weight loss and the improved wardrobe, both of which she admitted in books and interviews, and there is a lot of independent coverage of those reveals on the Web. But headlines like"Mika Brzezinski cops to a boob job/facelift in new book" just doesn't come up.

I am retreading her book "All Things at Once" it  is mentioned in that book. I wii find you her quote

6 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

I know! Those matchy-matchy outfits are so juvenile.  Today they looked like a pair of fraternal twins on their first day of kindergarten.  This has to be Meek-a's idea, because she is so socially clueless and old-fashioned.  And Joe obviously doesn't give a rat's ass what he shows up to work in; remember the good old days of fleece jackets and no socks?

Mika has now told Vanity Fair that Trump offered to officiate their wedding at the White House. Ivanka & Jared have offered to hold the e wedding at Mar a Largo. Mika has politely declined. Jared has offered to officiate

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1 hour ago, oakville said:

I am retreading her book "All Things at Once" it  is mentioned in that book. I wii find you her quote

Mika has now told Vanity Fair that Trump offered to officiate their wedding at the White House. Ivanka & Jared have offered to hold the e wedding at Mar a Largo. Mika has politely declined. Jared has offered to officiate

Oh lordy.  They're already starting off with enough strikes against them:  Multiple exes fallen by the wayside; a dead intern; he's an emotional bully (maybe physical, too); she's an emotional doormat; they're from opposing political backgrounds; yada yada yada.   Let's not compound the problems by throwing tRump into the mix.  I hope she - for once - sticks to her 'principles' and insists on keeping their distance.

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I also remember the quote Oakville is talking about where Mika admits to having work done. Don't recall if it was in the book or somewhere else. 

There was an article in the NY Times recently about a "plastic surgeon to the stars" who said the trend for actors and media personalities these days is for frequent small tweaks to their looks rather than anything as blatent as a facelift, so the differences are only apparent over time-probably the route Mika took.

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Here is the link to Mika & Joe's interview with new Glamor shots! They need a house for their pets including chickens!


22 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

Oh lordy.  They're already starting off with enough strikes against them:  Multiple exes fallen by the wayside; a dead intern; he's an emotional bully (maybe physical, too); she's an emotional doormat; they're from opposing political backgrounds; yada yada yada.   Let's not compound the problems by throwing tRump into the mix.  I hope she - for once - sticks to her 'principles' and insists on keeping their distance.

It's the new power couple like Carville & Matalin.

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