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S02.E13: Welcome To Earth-2

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Barry, Wells and Cisco journey to Earth-2 to rescue Wells' daughter, Jesse from Zoom. Barry is stunned when he runs into Earth-2 Iris and Joe, but nothing prepares him for meeting Killer Frost and Deathstorm. Meanwhile, back on Earth-1, Jay has to take over the Flash's responsibilities when a meta-human nicknamed Geomancer attacks Central City.




  • Love 1

I have a new favorite episode. I knew Earth-2 Cisco was gonna be evil. Loved the reveal and the name Reverb. And Cisco clutching his chest because man he's gotta be tired of watching himself die. Iris had stuff to do! And was awesome and loving and kickass! Caitlin got to be reunited with the block of wood she produces actual sparks with. And had things to do. Mayor Snart! Dorky Bartholomew! That glass cage they showed in a preview weeks ago I had completely forgotten about! Good Hewitt! Deadshot alive and terrible at his job (how does Barry know him? do he and Diggle talk?). I like it. I like it a lot. And there's another one!

Edited by bettername2come
  • Love 9

Good episode. And now I want a musical episode. I knew that Grant Gustin was on Glee, but I didn't know Jesse L. Martin had pipes. Pity Joe-2 is dead. And Deathstorm. And Reverb. They do not mess around in Earth-2, do they?


Nice that (an) Iris is in the center of the story for once. Fun to have Iris-2 smooching with Barry-1 . . . Barry would have killed for that action a year ago. Don't know what happened to Barry-2, though. I keep imagining Harry and Cisco taking turns clocking him in the head with a frying pan.


I'll give Teddy Sears this . . . he cuts a rather imposing heroic figure. Too bad Jay still has speed death impotence issues. At least he makes the helmet work.


Hi, Supergirl! See you soon! Watching Barry and Winn getting their respective geeks on should be fun to watch.

  • Love 6

Earth 1 was a drag!

Earth 2 was amazing. nice WestAllen shout out by Cisco (i'm not a fan per say, but I thought Barry and Earth2 Iris has some nice chem going there.

Best parts: Evil vibe- The actor killed it!, Barry talking to his mom (I was crying), wanna be mob guy Singh, Coward can barely shot Deadshot, and Joseph!, Iris was awesome! and CP really shined through tonight.


Killer Frost was.. okay. so was Deathstorm.

Poor Professor Stein! ;-(


I wonder who the man in the iron mask it.. has to be someone important they lingered on him long enough. My money is on Eddie (but I haven't read spoilers so I could be wrong).



ETA: Wait! MAYOR Snart?! I knew I heard Snart name, but i'm so used to calling Cold that i forgot his last name is snart.. well that's something.

ETA2: Also Berry looked a bit dazed by all the Iris smooching and the last I love you.. me think old feelings are gonna be creeping up soon. I think that's why they did this episode, to provide a romantic countering to Earth1 "sibling" friendship stuff. I think GG and CP has chemistry, if they'll write it smartly I can be persuaded to be in favor of WestAllen.

Edited by foreverevolving
  • Love 4

Finally, they give me what I want...in another universe, but just the same. 


First things first, Iris. I loved that she was all about her job, but still sexy, kind, sarcastic and a Daddy's girl. Ironic that they finally had Joe act as if Iris is the most important person in his life and he ups and dies. Oh well, I got to hear Jesse sing...so that worked and I also loved how Joe-seph hated Barry. 


Barry...well...E1 Barry was really playing but not telling Iris who he was, but I could tell that he was just trying to keep himself under control. I did LOVE his speech to Harry Wells though. I find this Wells rather foul and I don't care for him, so any time he gets told off works for me. Back to Barry, E2 Barry amused me a great deal. He's like the super geek that E1 Barry used to be. I absolutely LOVED the conversation with his mom. Also liked the Bruce, Hal and Diana speed dials. 


Cisco...halfway watching this, I started to think...what if Cisco is Zoom. Nope, he's a bad ass minion. I enjoyed his little cameo, but I think he may have ignited something in E1 Cisco. 


Killer Frost...I liked her in the beginning scenes and she kind of underwhelmed in some of the scenes in the club. When she declared herself 'Killer Frost', I was kind of like, 'Girl...be more Menancing with that'. Either way, she's a formidable villain and I am digging it. 


All in all, E2 was FANTASTIC and I'm ready for next week. 

  • Love 6

Didn't the WestAllens have "Eddie" on the phone directory? I need to go back and watch that again.


I LOVED E2, oh my god. Joe-seph and Bartholomew bickering, Iris being bawse and serving sex appeal while doing so, Cisco Reverb not even SOUNDING like our Cisco and totally blowing my mind. What a great actor he's turning out to be, Reverb's swag was unbelievable! And even Caitlin didn't annoy me the way she typically does.


Jay is so utterly useless and pathetic, how many Ls is he going to rack up? And that was a huge--HUGE--lie he told about Zoom stealing his speed, how dare he. 


I don't want to go back to E1. Well I mean I do (I guess) but E2 is better in every way. Why'd they have to kill off so many interesting people so quickly? 

Edited by CocoaGoddess
  • Love 6

So I guess that means Zoom isn't Earth 2 Barry unless there's some weird split personality stuff going on.  Henry and Eddie are the only Earth 2 guys who aren't accounted for barring a bait and switch.  Zoom being Eddie would mean a lot to Iris but I can't imagine Barry getting particularly worked up about it while he'd definitely freak out if it was Henry.  His mom sounded like she was happily married though.


They also had a different version of Green Arrow when they were traveling.  Did Barry and Cisco not see any of that?  You'd think a flying woman, another Flash, and another GA would warrant a comment.

Can somebody identify all of the images in the portal? All I could see was Supergirl and Jonah Hex.


Trini . ..  back in the day, the Justice League would meet the Justice Society of Earth-2 once a year. They're collected in trade paperbacks . . . I like to think the stories have held up well.





We also had Legion of Superheroes, what looked like Jonah Hex, and Gorilla Grodd.

Eddie was on the speed dial list.

As were Diana (WW) and Hal (GL) apparently.

  • Love 5

I absolutely loved this episode. First off, we got quite a bit of every main character in the story. We have the thrill of the characters acting against their norms. We got angst with E2Nora and Joe-called me-Joseph. We got Cisco playing his own straight man in his exchange with Reverb. Loved Reverb.


It was a good idea to expand Iris' role. She adds a lot and Candace Patton is great. Mayor Snart and Supergirl made me lol.


E1 Barry kind f-ed up E2 though.



I wonder who the man in the iron mask it.. has to be someone important they lingered on him long enough. My money is on Eddie (but I haven't read spoilers so I could be wrong).




I actually think it's Wally West. Then all his captives are Speedsters and maybe E2 Wally is meta.

  • Love 7

Bruce, Hal and Diana. I have to figure this out, why would they have superheroes on speed dial?


I'm going back to thinking that Zoom is in fact E1 Jay, because they are making E2 Jay so utterly pathetic and embarrassing "You don't want to see all that I have!" *eats concrete*, that this has to be his redemption of sorts.


No really show, why is he such a loser? How can Caitlin go from Ronnie to him? I can't remember laughing so hard as he tripped and then sprawled out on the pavement ...

Edited by CocoaGoddess
  • Love 3

I know they would never do it but had they cameo'd Tom Welling or Dean Cain or Chris Reeve Superman in the trip to Earth 2 time stream, the Internet would've died.

I agree with everyone, the jaunts to different Earths should be a seasonal thing for Flash and the crossovers cut. Or not made to be such big events.

Bruce was also on the speed dial lost but I'm shocked Clark wasn't.

I adored the vibe of Iris and Barry married. Can we skip to that for their E1 counterparts and just have them be happily married while he's the Flash and she's journalisting?

Jay's twist reveal? Feels like a writer swerve. Like they planted him holding a secret but didn't know until now what that was supposed to be. Turns out that he like Zoom became a speed force junkie. Jay went for synthetic and made some bad stuff while Zoom knows to go for the pure stuff from speedsters.

Barry did a Clark Kent whipping off of the glasses in a few scenes that was too cute. I also loved the moment of Hary smirking as E2 Barry gushed over him as E1 Cisco and Barry looked on in horror.

Sweet that they snuck in an Arrow character with Deadshot and he was such a bumbler. I would've loved if we heard another news report about Robert's Green Arrow who had a recent battle with Thomas 'The Dark Archer' Merlyn over in Star City. Ah, well.

  • Love 4

This show is just so much more fun with better humor and heart and character than Arrow, which I can't even watch anymore I find it so depressing and dull - 


I admit though, when it comes to alternate universes, Fringe will always have my heart.  Sniff.  I so miss that amazing show - not super humans just smart, clever characters and well told stories - oh, and Walter and his cow....

  • Love 7

I absolutely loved this episode. First off, we got quite a bit of every main character in the story. We have the thrill of the characters acting against their norms. We got angst with E2Nora and Joe-called me-Joseph. We got Cisco playing his own straight man in his exchange with Reverb. Loved Reverb.


It was a good idea to expand Iris' role. She adds a lot and Candace Patton is great. Mayor Snart and Supergirl made me lol.


E1 Barry kind f-ed up E2 though.


I actually think it's Wally West. Then all his captives are Speedsters and maybe E2 Wally is meta.

You may be on to something, I was gonna comment that the man looked white, but just to be sure I went to look at the scene a secod time and the man does look black..- So we can probably rule out Wally as Zoom.



  • Love 1

This show is just so much more fun with better humor and heart and character than Arrow, which I can't even watch anymore I find it so depressing and dull - 


I admit though, when it comes to alternate universes, Fringe will always have my heart.  Sniff.  I so miss that amazing show - not super humans just smart, clever characters and well told stories - oh, and Walter and his cow....


I also have an unhealthy obsession with Fringe and I don't think any AU story on television will ever be as seamless and natural as it was on Fringe. Being Red felt almost as organic to the show as Blue did.


But The Flash came pretty damn close tonight, I cannot believe how much I am dreading returning to Earth1. Why oh why did they have to kill off so many core characters? This should have been a regular occurrence, but I'm not sure I am as interested in Earth2 with dead Joseph and Reverb. 

Edited by CocoaGoddess
  • Love 9

I'm going back to thinking that Zoom is in fact E1 Jay, because they are making E2 Jay so utterly pathetic and embarrassing "You don't want to see all that I have!" *eats concrete*, that this has to be his redemption of sorts.


No really show, why is he such a loser? How can Caitlin go from Ronnie to him? I can't remember laughing so hard as he tripped and then sprawled out on the pavement ...

Seriously, why are they making this iconic character SO LAME??


... Jay's twist reveal? Feels like a writer swerve. Like they planted him holding a secret but didn't know until now what that was supposed to be. Turns out that he like Zoom became a speed force junkie. Jay went for synthetic and made some bad stuff while Zoom knows to go for the pure stuff from speedsters.



  • Love 2

Of all the nutty things going on at Earth 2, I truly would have never, ever predicted that Floyd "Deadshot" Lawton would be a bumbling detective.  That was the greatest!  I'm still bummed that Earth 1 Deadshot is done for, so it was nice to see him again, and I'm sure Michael Rowe had fun with the return.


This episode was entertaining as hell.  I love how Earth 2 is apparently very advanced in technology, but everyone seems to dress and act like they are from the 50s.  Earth 2 Barry in particular, looked like almost every hipster I've ever seen.  And then all the differences: not just stuff like Caitlin and Ronnie being evil and Floyd good, but Joe being a lounge singer (and they finally put Jesse L. Martin's singing talent to use), Mayor Snart, and Iris as a badass cop.  Now that is something I can get behind.  Candice Patton was sexy as hell in that role.  Regular Barry was bad as always at trying to go undercover, but I won't even blame him for gapping when she striped down to her bra casually like that.


I knew we were getting Killer Frost and Deathstorm here, but the Reverb twist was great.  Really loved how Carlos Valdes played that version of Cisco.  He was just a smug bastard; to the point that he probably would have gotten along real well with Eobard/Harrison.  Kind of bummed he's already dead, but Zoom showing up and taking both him and Ronnie out was a pretty solid way to show how much of a badass he is.  Still have no idea what to think of Zoom's identity.  We didn't see either Henry Allen or Wally, so maybe them?  Eddie, perhaps?


Nice touch with injecting clips of the 90s Flash and Supergirl in their little travel between universes.  And that other Arrow too.  Pretty sure that wasn't Oliver.


All the stuff back on Earth 1 was easily the weakest part.  They just haven't done a good job at making Jay interesting.  Even when Barry gets on my last nerve, there is something about it (probably Grant Gustin's performance), that at least makes me give a damn.  Jay is just such a bore.


Glad we're continuing the Earth 2 adventures next week!

  • Love 7

Really fun episode.  Can we stay on Earth-2?  It just seems like a lot more awesome place.


Typical Barry...gets himself involved like an idiot and everything just breaks down from there.  When did he meet Deadshot again?


I did love the Earth-2 counterparts.  Singing Joe, Evil Cisco, Deathstorm, Killer Frost.  I laughed at Singing Joe hating Barry.

I really liked Cop Iris.


Awesome to see the Supergirl clip.  Was that shot of the Flash John Wesley Shipp from the original show?

  • Love 2

Maybe I need to rewatch the episode. Everyone seems to have thought it was an amazing episode, whereas it came off as disjointed and strange to me. Like it had good ideas and some fun moments, but wasn't sure it flowed that well. And definitely didn't think the episode was executed perfectly because Earth 1 was being featured during the Earth 2 stuff and that threw things off unnecessarily to me. So yeah, I was definitely doing other things while watching this, so I hope that's it I clearly missed the small things they snuck in that are being discussed. But what I was paying attention to and saw, was just okay. Like Harry seemed more strange than he should have been after last week, Barry was acting like he didn't know he needed to blend into Earth 2's Barry form, and Cisco wasn't bugging me as much as he could have! It was strange. It all came off as part fun, part stilted, and part clever, but in expected ways more than shockers (except for Deadshot the detective). I didn't dislike it, but it's hardly a favorite episode and while I will rewatch, I highly doubt I'll be raving like I'm seeing done so far.


Caitlin as a meta or whatever they'd be considered on Earth 2 was something I was looking forward to in this episode in particular and that at least didn't really disappoint. I've been bored by her character this season, so that's really why I was looking forward to the change. For anyone who has seen Sky High, she really reminded me of her character in that more than I thought she would given she's good on there.


And whoever doesn't know Jesse can sing makes me feel old, and I'm just not. It'd be different if it wasn't well known, but come on. It's like being surprised Taye Diggs can sing. Yes, Jesse is from the original Broadway cast of Rent. He also sang regularly during the time he was on Ally McBeal. This wasn't even anything special. Watch a few things on YouTube or part of the Rent movie if you aren't familiar.

Edited by JasmineFlower

 If they're going to keep doing alternate universe stories, they're going to have to open up the multiverse because they've killed off most of the dopplegangers.  


 I was disappointed we got nothing of Alt-Stein.  They couldn't have VG pop over for an hour or so?  Or least give him a long lunch to record a voice over?  


 I actually felt sorry (and second-hand embarrassment) for Jay.  I'm not quite sure why they're making him so pathetic.  


 So Henry's been out of sight out of mind for weeks and he gets name checked right before Barry goes to E2.  Yep, he's totally not Zoom.   

  • Love 2

Regular Barry was bad as always at trying to go undercover, but I won't even blame him for gapping when she striped down to her bra casually like that.


Well she did think that Barry was he husband. So stripping down casually probably is not out of the ordinary for her. Once she finds out that he wasn't her husband she should be a little mad about that. But she won't because Iris has to be forgiving and light. Womens can't have too many emotions on the Flash. 


I did like that Iris finally had the screentime she deserved and got to do something besides introduce Barry's one hundred father figures into the scene.


Can we just stay in Earth 2 next week. I don't care what's going on with Jay the most useless person in existence. And Killer Frost is much more interesting than Caitlin. 


Reverb with his samurai hair. Lol. So all of Barry's friends are evil on Earth 2 besides Iris. Mayor Snart was nice surprise. That would be interesting for Earth 1 Leonard to find out. 

  • Love 2

So Melissa Benoist's Supergirl is part of Arrowverse? Any crossover anytime soon?

They've already confirmed that the Flash will be appearing on Supergirl this season.




I know they would never do it but had they cameo'd Tom Welling or Dean Cain or Chris Reeve Superman in the trip to Earth 2 time stream, the Internet would've died.

I'm going to hold out hope that they will surprise us with some more images on the return trip.  Linda Carter ftw.  I would also take Rose McIver (iZombie is also a DC property so why not since we are talking alt Earths).

Edited by Xenith22
  • Love 4

Ok, so that was really fun. I'll admit that I skipped all the Earth-1 scenes once Barry/Cisco/Harry left, but I managed to catch a glimpse of Jay using superspeed again. 


Married WestAllen! That made me so happy! Ok, it pisses me off that we had to wait 13 episodes to get even a snippet of their romance, and it had to be between Earth-2 Iris and our Barry, but it was something, and it proved that they do work. Maybe this'll reignite something in Barry. I thought Iris was great, and I do like that Joe didn't like Barry. Too bad he got killed, but I'm glad Iris kept it together. 


Killer Frost was amazing. Honestly, I've been so annoyed with Caitlin that having her evil was a nice change. Deathstorm was...eh. Killer Frost was just a bundle of fun and I enjoyed seeing Caitlin like that. Reverb was alright, I guess. Having him be just the evil Cisco seemed too convenient. I guess it's because I see Cisco as this show's special snowflake so knowing that he can apparently be 'as powerful as Zoom'...or at least, that's what Reverb THOUGHT, is not that interesting. But hey, Carlos did a good job with his evil self.


Jay: Don't get attached to your counterparts.

Harry: Don't get attached to your counterparts.

Barry: *gets attached to his counterparts*


And, of course he gets captured. 


Honestly, I did love Barry finding out his mom is alive in Earth-2. He worked so hard in his lifetime to avenge her death that knowing she's alive in Harry's world...man, I can only imagine the struggle he was facing as he was talking to her. I bet there was a moment of doubt on leaving Earth-2 behind when he has his mom, his dad, his wife being Iris and Joe, even if he has to mend the relationship over time (and that was before he died so...). 


Also, Deadshot! I guess their one rare cameo that they can make, seeing as Lawton was one of my favourites on Arrow and was pissed they killed him off for the Suicide Squad movie. 

  • Love 5

Just before and while on E-2?  GREAT episode.  [and no E2!Patty, praise the Lord!!]


Everything else?!  Ultra meh.


So E2!Barry isn't the Flash on E-2, right?  If so, why was half the Justice League's real personas on his "speed dial" at home??  Other than that, everything else was really good.  Except that all the doppelgangers - aside from Barry, Iris, and Cailtin - are now deceased.


I think the PTB forgot the little "To Be Continued" at the end, so I don't forget to tune in next week to get the conclusion to this immediate storyline.....  ;)

They've already confirmed that the Flash will be appearing on Supergirl this season.


A reason to watch at least 1 Supergirl episode.  Nice.   (although, I plan to watch them all - at some point)

Very nitpicky, but this was a very dangerous mission. Why wasn't Iris at Star Labs when the gang world jumped? I want E1 Iris part of the action.


This was actually very in-character for Iris (& Barry) this season.


-  Barry gets destroyed by Zoom, no Iris when he's shown recovering at the end of the episode

-  Iris gets impaled by the broken glass, no Barry when she's shown recovering at the end of the episode

-  Barry undergoes a very dangerous mission, no Iris to say goodbye in case its (possibly) the last time they see each other ever again

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 3

That may have been the best episode of the season. Flash does much better when it just tries to have fun.


And MarkHB, I, too, thought the Altantis reference was to the Bahamas resort!  


Oh well, at least there's two of us?


Good things:


1. The Easter eggs and cameos. I know I missed about 50% of them, but I may have squeaked just a little bit at John Wesley Shipp Flash and the numbers on Barry-2's speed dial.  Pity they couldn't get the rights to throw Christopher Reeve in there, or at least Tom Welling.


2. Cop Iris!  And on a very shallow note, I think this is the hottest she's been on the show. And not just during the bra reveal.


3. Jesse Martin singing. More of this please show.


4. Evil Cisco!  And good Cisco saying that the name wasn't all that bad, and going, hey, can I do that?


5. Floyd Lawton as a guy that made Star Wars stormtroopers look like good shots. That was hilarious. 


6. Barry getting to talk to his mother. Aww. And Earth-2 Joe hates Barry. Heh.


7. They FINALLY FLIPPED THE HOSPITAL SET AROUND!  After three seasons of that same damn set (Arrow used a slightly different one in the first season) just seeing a hospital bed on the other side of the room was enough to bring me to tears. 


(Of course then the Flash went right back to one of the Arrowverse's favorite underpasses and one of Arrow's favorite warehouses, but we can't have everything. I'll take what we got.)


Questionable things:


1. Yes, I know Wally is on the show, but if you have to interrupt all of the fun stuff going on over on Earth-2, Flash, do it for an interesting Wally scene. That wasn't it.


2. I know Cop Iris was suspicious, but I kinda figure that as a cop, and his wife, she should have been more suspicious, especially after Killer Frost and Deathstorm announced that they were looking for someone who had crossed over.


Bad things:


1. The "I secretly injected myself with superspeed stuff which killed my DNA which is why I'm dying because I wanted to go faster" plot made less and less sense the more I thought about it, and that was without thinking much about it.  First and foremost, why would he be keeping that a secret from Team Flash, especially since one of them is another speedster, one of them has specifically been studying speedsters, one is a medical doctor who has been studying speedsters, and one is an engineer who keeps calculating how much faster speedsters need to run (faster!).  These are the very people you should be talking to, Jay!  And it's not like injecting yourself with speed stuff to make yourself a better hero is necessarily a bad thing, unless the showrunners were trying for some steroids/athletic drug metaphor that mostly went right past me.


2. I can't decide if the Earth-1 villain, Geomancer, was pathetic or boring or both. Let's go with both.


3. I get why Caitlin stayed behind on Earth-1 - she's not a metahuman and someone had to stay on the other side of the portal, and Joe has another job, but did I miss the plot-convenient reason of why Jay decided not to return to Earth-2 so he could be there to be the Flash just when a metahuman showed up?


4. Earth-1's Team Flash: Remember, Barry!  You're on a mission!


Barry: Ok.


Barry (sees Iris): Never mind the mission!


The many Earth-2 characters now dead because of this: THANKS BARRY. 

  • Love 15

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