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S03.E13: Rebel With A Cause

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So walking out of school to show those SAT people, smart move Wrinkly....


Kelly really you don't date your best friend's ex-boyfriend like 2 minutes after they broke up. 


I think that David is the only person to know about the summer of deception. I think no one told Brandon which is why I guess it is a reason why never really went off at Dylan and Kelly. Don't think anyone mentioned it except for Kelly's best kiss and Valerie saying about Kelly and Dylan fooling around behind Brenda's back. 

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Does Paula Trickey truly look like Teri Hatcher?


Not really. But she does look like she is about to beam up to the Starship Enterprise...


Great-Auntie Ironsides is back


At least now she has an excuse for dressing so matronly.


karma promptly backhanded them by sending Reek and Brenda to the same restaurant?


Well, how else do you explain them ending up in the same restaurant in LA, of all places, which has what, a few thousand restaurants? Either that or the Plot Contrivance Fairy was handling reservations for both couples...


My bangs will never be this perfect again.


I won't be sad to see them go.

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With this episode I have come around to the Again with This consensus that, yes, Dylan is the biggest bitch. I have never re-watched 90210 since the original airings, when I was firmly on Team Kelly and thought Dylan was hot. I was oh-so-wrong on the latter, but the former was definitely more about not liking Shannen, than anything Brenda Walsh has done, though I still say they were both at fault in the Summer of Deception. I'm still kind of Team Kelly, but it's now more Team-Kelly-Can-Do-Better. Poor, poor tiny-mouthed Jennie Garth!

Also, yes, Brenda SHOULD have broken up with Reek immediately when he started flirting with her dad. I mean, the only actual hottie on the show -- OMG, he's actually the same age as Luke Perry (yeah, you guys, I Googled), WTF -- and they make him into Jim? I mean, between Superman and Dottie, Papa Walsh was getting all the action. #Boomchickawawa (yeah, sorry, I just threw up in my mouth a little, too).

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When Brenda asked Dylan and Kelly how long the thing has been going on between them and Dylan said, "Since 6:30p" he knew what she was implicating and lied again. I think Brenda was trying to insulate herself from the truth because the betrayal was too much for her to face in the beginning.

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I find it hard to ever consider Team Kelly because while she definitely gave more of a shit about Brenda's feelings than fucking Dylan, she also was pulling some major horseshit out of her butt with that "I held Dylan at arm's length all summer!" line. Whose arm, Kelly? Perhaps a BEE'S? Because you were all up in that shit.

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Almost felt sorry for Kelly for a moment there - but no. She should have either forved Dylan to tell Brenda or told her herself. Or well, you know, not fooled around with her bestie's boyfriend in the first place. <br />I don't get why Brandon isn't the least bit angry with Dylan. Even if he thought Brenda was being unreasonable, shouldn't he had been like "sorry bro, I think I've better keep my distance to you for a while, just till my sister cools down a little"?

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Wait, Rick and Jim never had a sing-along with his keyboard? Why did I think they did? 


That 'walks like a duck, talks like a duck' line is awful but such a 90210 classic. Right up there with 'I hate you both, never talk to me again.' 


I want to say that they have made Dylan so, so much worse this season but I'm relistening to early S1 podcasts and I think it's just that they made him a little bit less terrible for a season and a half and now his obnoxious bullshit is back. 


Kelly did a whole lot of soul-searching in the time it took her to hang up the phone after Brenda told her about the break-up and turn around. There wasn't even a soul-searching drive, she literally knew they were broken up for a minute before the making out started.


I've said this before but the way they try to make Dylan and Kelly the tortured innocents in this whole situation is so ridiculous.  


Anne! NO! Farewell Nikki? NOOOOOOO! 

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Oh god, they cut the Rick/Jim singalong? Noooo! What I remember is the synchronized tie flips! The song was "great balls of fire." WHY DO I KNOW THIS!

I think this also was a problem in the episode where Donna finds out about her mom's affair. I remember the podcast Sarah and Tara seemed confused by a weird scene including Jim and the keyboard that was totally out of place, but that episode actually had him doing a series of "numbers" for the family on the keyboard and driving everyone crazy.

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On the one hand, I'm glad I'm not just making up random 90210 scenes in my head, because that would be weird; on the other, boo! That scene takes Rick from boring-but-cute to total JIm-wannabe. Without it Brenda breaking up with him makes so much less sense. 

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Were the 90s so conservative that you had to say "bimbo" instead of slut?  I thought the scene was cut terribly, but watching Shannon/Jenny- I mean Brinda/Kelly- fight is awesome. 


But I'm still on Kelly's side.  And Dylan's (by default).  But also, I have a fair amount of antipathy for SD so it was easy to root against her character.  While there was definitely short turnaround time from break-up to "let's go on dates with other people,"  I think we're supposed to have been seeing Dylan and Kelly pining for each other for months.  Nonetheless,Brenda is just as guilty of cheating as Dylan, but it is infinitely more tacky to date her best friend.  I wonder how it would have been handled if Brenda and David hooked up under Donna's nose.


Was the whole planetarium thing supposed to be a rebel with a cause reference?  Because Dylan being MB&D to know?  /yawn.


Poor Rick. Honestly, Brenda/Kelly would be lucky to date someone like him.  But I can appreciate that breaking up with someone who is almost exactly like your Dad is perfectly reasonable, especially if you're 16.  


zzzz....there were other plot lines this episode?

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Almost felt sorry for Kelly for a moment there - but no. She should have either forved Dylan to tell Brenda or told her herself. Or well, you know, not fooled around with her bestie's boyfriend in the first place. <br />I don't get why Brandon isn't the least bit angry with Dylan. Even if he thought Brenda was being unreasonable, shouldn't he had been like "sorry bro, I think I've better keep my distance to you for a while, just till my sister cools down a little"?


Don't think Brandon knows what exactly happened. He asked Dylan (rewatched the episode) if it was the SATs and he said yeah, so he lied to Brandon.

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Nonetheless,Brenda is just as guilty of cheating as Dylan, but it is infinitely more tacky to date her best friend.  I wonder how it would have been handled if Brenda and David hooked up under Donna's nose.


Was the whole planetarium thing supposed to be a rebel with a cause reference?  Because Dylan being MB&D to know?  /yawn.


Awesome to the first paragraph and to the 2nd? Yeah because he's MB&D to know and he's tortured as Kelly is. Oooooh!!!

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These episodes don't make Kelly look very smart.  I 100% believe that Dylan is so douchey as to go from Brenda to her best friend after getting dumped but Kelly was on the phone with Brenda, hearing about how betrayed she felt at Dylan cheating on her and lying about it, literally moments before Dylan walked into her room.  And again, during that scene with Donna.  Yet Kelly honestly seems to believe that Brenda making a hypothetical "I don't care who Dylan dates" statement, while she (probably) believes that he'll mope and pine like he did the last time, is a green light to date him.  It just makes her look dumber than Donna (sorry Donna, you know it's true).  Kelly eventually starts mastering the needless drama but only after Brenda leaves.  Until then, she doesn't hold a candle and should have avoided any opportunity to go up against the Queen.


That said, Brenda doesn't look very smart either.  No way it doesn't occur to Brenda that Kelly's attitude and moping since the end of summer might be related to the mysterious girl Dylan hooked up with.  I think that it occurred to her for a fleeting moment and, in that same moment, she pushed it away because Dylan cheating on her with Kelly is way worse than cheating on her with some faceless girl.  As we will see later this season.


This episode also reminds me of a season 3 trend that I didn't like: Dylan and Kelly knowing each other FOREVER.  Before season 3, we were lead to believe that Dylan had been at the same schools but, otherwise, didn't know Kelly very well.  Now, we start hearing about how they have this whole history pre-Brenda as if they've secretly been in love and would already be together if not for the interloper from Minnesota. 


Oh, and season 3 is when Jennie Garth starts using the baby voice in a major way and it drives me crazy.  I feel some sympathy for Kelly in an abstract sense, her guilt about deceiving Brenda warring with her desire to be with Dylan, but that fucking baby voice keeps me from ever being Team Kelly in her triangle stories.

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I have to admit that, Baja-Hoodie aside, I thought Dylan was mostly great in S1 and part of S2.  So it's such a buzz kill that he's become such a self-righteous poser dickhole as the show has gone on.  If they were going to turn him into a tool, I wish they would have just gone full Mancini and made him a full villain.  


Anyway, the ultimate Brenda/Kelly fight that I still remember from when it originally aired was this gem of teen bitchery, which I think it coming up next episode:


Donna: “You do remember Brenda Walsh. She used to be your best friend.

Kelly: “Well, we all have our crosses to bear.

Brenda: “Or our legs to uncross"




Edited because "Dyland" is not a thing and no one wants to go to there.

Edited by MuuMuuChainsmoker
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I have to admit that, Baja-Hoodie aside, I thought Dyland was mostly great in S1 and part of S2.  So it's such a buzz kill that he's become such a self-righteous poser dickhole as the show has gone on.  

To be fair, he was a self-righteous poser dickhole to begin with. But he was an amusing self-righteous poser dickhole, whereas now he's an awful self-righteous poser dickhole. 

(Ok, I just like typing 'self-righteous poser dickhole' a lot.)

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And back to the boring stuff: I don't understand WHY Dylan the SATs was even a subplot. It's not like there are any stakes involved. They made it clear Dylan wasn't going to college soooo...? What a bizarre idea. It would be more interesting if he had a bad case of athlete's foot he was trying to vanquish or something.

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And back to the boring stuff: I don't understand WHY Dylan the SATs was even a subplot. It's not like there are any stakes involved. They made it clear Dylan wasn't going to college soooo...? What a bizarre idea. It would be more interesting if he had a bad case of athlete's foot he was trying to vanquish or something.


Don't you see?  It's because someone is accusing him of being a *cheater*!!  This cannot stand!!

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Judging by the laws of t.v., if your father really likes the person you are dating as a teenager, that dude is doomed.


Also, no fucking way I sitting and taking the S.A.T.'s over again if I don't have to. I roll with Dylan on that one. It's not just some test and it's very easy that your score could fall way off on retry.

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I want to thank everyone for bringing up Rick and Jim singing together. I looked it up on youtube and there was indeed synchronized tie flipping as they sang which is probably the exact moment that Brenda realized she couldn't bang him because he was too much like her dad. Makes so much more sense now.

Also, that clip where Steve told Andrea, "you know what kids are like," made me laugh. Like "remember when we were kids?"

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Oh poor Kelly, she just can't win. She sleeps with her best friend's boyfriend, only stops when said BF comes back and they are sure to get caught, and then hooks up with said boyfriend the minute he's dumped by the friend, and lets the asshole in question in question talk her into continuing to lie and keep secrets that she knows she should talk to the BF about. Poor, poor Kelly. Why do bad things always happen to her? We are now entering the era of "Shut up, Kelly".

PS. Can we get a "The Blaze: A lot of parents read it." t-shirt?

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Actually, when Brandon asked Dylan if he and Brenda broke up over the SATs, Dylan said it was more complicated than than, while looking right at Kelly (who was staring from afar).

I can't believe those 2 assholes kissed on campus, before they even told Brenda. Was that tree next to them supposed to hide them from the hundreds of people walking by?

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This episode also reminds me of a season 3 trend that I didn't like: Dylan and Kelly knowing each other FOREVER.  Before season 3, we were lead to believe that Dylan had been at the same schools but, otherwise, didn't know Kelly very well.  Now, we start hearing about how they have this whole history pre-Brenda as if they've secretly been in love and would already be together if not for the interloper from Minnesota.


Yes! I hated this almost as much as I hated Dylan's douchiness from the moment Brenda returned from Paris (and I love Dylan).


I'm probably biased since I was a huge Brenda/Dylan fan but I felt like the writers kept pushing some Dylan/Kelly connection that was never there. Kelly suddenly loves motorcycles but Brenda doesn't and actually tells Dylan that she HATES them while he's fixing his bike (like ok, we get it). Dylan/Kelly suddenly don't want to go to college but Brenda does, which is funny because in 4x02 *spoiler alert* we get the exact opposite dynamic.

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These episodes don't make Kelly look very smart.  I 100% believe that Dylan is so douchey as to go from Brenda to her best friend after getting dumped but Kelly was on the phone with Brenda, hearing about how betrayed she felt at Dylan cheating on her and lying about it, literally moments before Dylan walked into her room.  And again, during that scene with Donna.  Yet Kelly honestly seems to believe that Brenda making a hypothetical "I don't care who Dylan dates" statement, while she (probably) believes that he'll mope and pine like he did the last time, is a green light to date him. 


That said, Brenda doesn't look very smart either.  No way it doesn't occur to Brenda that Kelly's attitude and moping since the end of summer might be related to the mysterious girl Dylan hooked up with.  I think that it occurred to her for a fleeting moment and, in that same moment, she pushed it away because Dylan cheating on her with Kelly is way worse than cheating on her with some faceless girl.  

I don't think either Brenda or Kelly were particularly dumb about it, I think both of them were just seeing/hearing exactly what they desperately wanted to believe. Of course it's always hard to remember when watching it because they were both in a love triangle with a balding middle-aged stick insect, but they were just kids!


Even Dylan, asshole that he was, was being written pretty true to a fickle teenage boy with raging hormones in this storyline, but it's tough to watch and not hold him to adult standards. Since he's 45, has slept with 300 adult women, practically ran a hotel, had years of hard drinking and drugging and dangerous living and was already in recovery by age 14, owns a home outright, etc. 


Oh, 90210. Bless its heart.

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I don't get Dylan's orgasmic reaction to chocolate mousse. Cheesecake, brownie sundae, apple pie...I would get. Another reason he's turning into the worst, he picks shitty desserts and then barely shares them.

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I can. Good chocolate mousse, when done right, is just as exquisite as cheesecake or any other dessert. But yes, he does barely share. Though who can blame him, he may have smiling but was probably thinking "Dammit, order your own mousse!"

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I don't get Dylan's orgasmic reaction to chocolate mousse. Cheesecake, brownie sundae, apple pie...I would get. Another reason he's turning into the worst, he picks shitty desserts and then barely shares them.


Oooh if you have the perfect chocolate mousse, it's divine. 

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I don't get Dylan's orgasmic reaction to chocolate mousse. Cheesecake, brownie sundae, apple pie...I would get. Another reason he's turning into the worst, he picks shitty desserts and then barely shares them.


LMAO! The first "bite" he gave Kelly was basically an unlicked spoon.

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