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Season One Talk: FFwSB

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I don't think the Poles are quite the Mexicans of the UK, but listening to the rants you'd certainly think so.

The EU enforced immigration policy arguably was an actual problem in the UK, but the problem is that the UK's solution was an utterly insane "throwing the baby out with the bathwater" solution. They let their own bonkers versions of Ted Cruz (Nigel Farage) and Donald Trump (Boris Johnson) plunge their society into utter chaos by not having even a hint of a plan. If they really thought the combination of immigration and economic issues with the EU put them at a loss, their solution was to piss off the very people who they STILL have to negotiate with for most of their future trade agreements. Just in the past day, this maniac Farage actually showed up at the EU meeting and belittled them to their faces. Again. AFTER he won. The very people, as I said, that even if you're leaving, you have to negotiate future replacement agreements with.

A sane approach would have been to put together some kind of ten year plan, NOT put it to a public vote, and negotiate some pre-agreements first that you could present as doable if Britain left. Phase the membership out in a long plan.  But to do that you needed to play nice and get the EU to like you. Instead, every last member of their governing body utterly loathes the person who's there to represent the UK. They'd sooner piss on Farage's grave than do anything for him.  They'd sooner piss on their own family's graves than do anything for him.

Getting back to the immigration thing, the other big aspect is that even if the EU was leaving the UK open to too much unregulated immigration, the UK's current response, even MORESO now after they won, has been utter and total racism. Reading the UK news about incidents this week has been like looking in a mirror shining on certain parts of the US.

Edited by Kromm
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This Wikipedia article says that the Polish-born population in the UK increased from 60,711 in 2001 (official census data) to around 790,000 in 2014 (Office for National Statistics data), and that they are the second-largest overseas-born group in the UK after those born in India. Poland became part of the EU in 2004, which is when the UK granted free movement to workers from the new EU member states.

Loved the David Tennant bit. The Scottish accent makes everything better.

Edited by purist
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13 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Listening to Sam talk about how Trump needs to lose all fifty states . . . it's so eerie. She's in my head.

Have you seen what the Democrats are offering as alternatives? It's like they're consigned to having the GOP get their turn in the White House and don't want to "waste" a good candidate. It's a shame Sam can't put aside her partisanship. I'm seeing "Hillary For Prison 2016" signs in pro-Dem neighborhoods of an extremely pro-Dem state, so there's room to take a few shots without bursting anyone's illusions.

You guys, I WAS THAT KID. I wrote a pro-Reagan editorial for my local newspaper and volunteered at Republican HQ, and I grew up to be a Sam Bee-lovin' Democrat. As I watched him, I hoped that he would have the same trajectory. (Basically, it involved leaving my conservative hometown for a big east coast city and meeting people with different points of view.) So I would not be too hard on him -- he's just parroting the words of the adults around him. Having said that, I don't blame FF for giving him so much airtime because it is pretty hilarious to hear kids mindlessly spew Republican talking points.

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So, that kid. What're the odds in 10 years he's a serial killer? 

That was seriously hard to watch. The kid sounded so intelligent and articulate but really doesn't know anything beyond what his immediate circle of family and friends have told him. It's one thing to hear the adults in the room spewing nonsense but it's harder to see it coming out of the mouth of a child because it feels like brainwashing. 

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And they don't even hear themselves. America has freedom of religion... but not Muslim. 

The whole thing about Hillary being the devil incarnate, lying and crooked, but Trump is sent from God. I just... I don't know... Very depressing.

I hadn't heard about Palin not being at the convention. Trump's explanation was hilarious. She's far away. Holy cow. And I love Sam's theory that Palin was mad at Trump because he stole her word-salad spinner. That makes so much sense, it must be true!

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

It's one thing to hear the adults in the room spewing nonsense but it's harder to see it coming out of the mouth of a child because it feels like brainwashing. 

It's really creepy actually. He looked old enough to use the internet. Saying stuff like "we elected a muslim as president" is easily refuted. When you hear that out of adults, just parroting the narrative laid out for them, the lack of curiosity and wanting to find stuff out is alarming.

Can we all just agree that "evangelical" is the loophole religious people use to chip holes in separation of church and state and just tax them like everyone else?

We're going to have some shooting incident this week right? Is it even debatable?

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Will he? If he's going to the local high school, those values are going to be ingrained for many years, and he's not going to be exposed to alternative views. What's the motivating factor to him to move beyond? He thinks Obama is a muslim. Where is that going to be challenged? 

As a former teen boy, I am confident in saying they are probably the dumbest species on the planet. Getting pubes do not alleviate the condition, and I would go so far as to say that it makes it worse. 

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10 hours ago, ganesh said:

Will he? If he's going to the local high school, those values are going to be ingrained for many years, and he's not going to be exposed to alternative views. What's the motivating factor to him to move beyond? He thinks Obama is a muslim. Where is that going to be challenged? 

It could take years.  I wasn't exposed to differing views until college, which was only a few years, and at that time I thought they were all wrong.  My grad school and first job were back in the bubble and I  stuck to my republican guns for years.  It actually wasn't until I moved to a different state and really experienced some hardships and a different life that I finally realized that much of what I was taught to believe was a big fat lie.

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21 hours ago, ganesh said:

Will he? If he's going to the local high school, those values are going to be ingrained for many years, and he's not going to be exposed to alternative views. What's the motivating factor to him to move beyond? He thinks Obama is a muslim. Where is that going to be challenged? 

The Obama is a muslim thing always makes me laugh. I probsbly learned about islam in grade 8 social studies, and if Obama is a muslim he is a pretty bad one. Considering how often the guy is on camera it should be pretty easy to prove he isn't  praying to Mecca 5 times a day nor fasting during Ramadan. Plus he drinks. If 13 year old me knew thzt hopefukky this kid can figure out something close.

How the fuck does Samantha find these stupid, low information whackjobs? I have this strong urge to slap each and every one of them into semi conscience.

I feel sorry for that Republican Samantha was talking to at the hot dog restaurant. He looks as if Samantha gave him a loaded gun, he'd take it, point it at his head, and pull the trigger.

You killed a Canadian goose with your bus, Samantha! You're gonna pay when you next cross the border!

They should have run this on Monday and done something on the convention itself for the Wednesday segment.

The piece about the convention delegates--the narration reminded me so much of Tracey Ullman's State of the Union.

2 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

As someone who lives in PA, I sincerely apologize, but please know we are not all like this!

I WAS wondering why they were traveling from NY to Cleveland via the South route, probably Route 30, instead of I-80, but that's just the map nerd in me. To experience the "true" PA, I suppose.

Yeah, I can't imagine anyone going from NY to Cleveland by way of Altoona unless you specifically want to go through Altoona.  That or just to avoid the deadly boredom of I-80.  You have to drop down from I-80 or drive an hour up from I-76 PA Turnpike to get to Altoona. 

I grew up in a small town outside Altoona.  I'd forgotten just how redneck and right wing Central PA is.  I was definitely not appreciated in 1972 as a McGovern supporter.  At all.  But PA is as a whole is anything but monolithic, which is why it's almost always considered battleground or swing.

14 hours ago, Victor the Crab said:

Until the robot uprising begins! 8O

Don't even joke with my biggest nightmare!


Never thought I would say that but I felt so sad for the Republican in the Beaver district. That is of course until I remembered he has the right to vote for Hillary, Jill Stein or that guy whose name escapes me for the Libertarian party who is the most republican candidate by the way so he still has options if he's so unhappy about Trump's nomination. 

That poor blonde girl with the glasses needed that hug biggly©.

I also had a "WTF good god woman" moment with the Bernie supporter. All that posturing must take a toll on her back. Between the glass earth or whatever, the white large scarf she was sporting and the commiseration for the world while living in what seems to be a beautiful country mansion... I just can't. She seemed so self-serving and unaware, it was ridiculous. I burst out laughing when the interviewer asked her why she didn't bring food instead of a ball.

Anyway, that wasn't as brilliant as I hyped myself it would be but I still had some good laughs, sheer terror and anger while watching so still a win in my book.

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