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Reel to Real: Backstage, Twitter, & All Media Dram-ugh

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I like the idea of Austin being alive, they had finally made him interesting when he was killed off. His return alive will also affect Summer since they're still married as well as Abby.

And Dylan saving the day and figuring it all out while the cops do nothing but arrest the wrong person, is so similar to how SBu's Jason used to save the day.

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  • how did he know that the Scoobies would try to cover it up?  If they didn't, the EMTs would have arrived and he would have been found to be alive, and what would have been the point in that?
That could be answered pretty easily, Austin was knocked out, but when the Scoobs dragged him out in the snow to cover the murder up he was actually conscious and heard everything.  The thing that bothers me is, the police found him dead in a car, how do they come back from that?  Unless the GC police are as stupid as the FBI is in The Following...oh wait, maybe they are :)

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I think it's possible it could have been a surprise, that she had no idea Kelly would go from a somewhat scheming homewrecker to someone who has completely lost touch with reality.

The extent of the character's break with reality, yes, I agree, is extreme. (So you'd think she would allow for viewers to HATE what Kelly now is.) But that the character is written off shouldn't have been a surprise. That's more what I was getting at.


I do sympathize with CM having to play that campy shit. I don't know how you do it as an actor without rolling your eyes. It's the whole "my heart is breaking" part of CM's that is making me roll my eyes. 



Re: Harding, is the show he was on with Katherine Heigl done? 

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The extent of the character's break with reality, yes, I agree, is extreme. (So you'd think she would allow for viewers to HATE what Kelly now is.) But that the character is written off shouldn't have been a surprise. That's more what I was getting at.

I think you're awesome MM, I hope you don't think I'm picking on you :)  Wasn't there a lot of speculation that when CM was hired that Kelly was going to end up being a more long-term character?  Could she have been led on to believe that? Although I guess she should have suspected something since she's a non-contract performer.

Edited by ByTor
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I think you're awesome MM, I hope you don't think I'm picking on you :) Wasn't there a lot of speculation that when CM was hired that Kelly was going to end up being a more long-term character? Could she have been led on the believe that? Although I guess she should have suspected something since she's a non-contract performer.

No no not feeling picked on at all! Love conversations! Though I am feeling like I'm obsessing about poor CM. Lol. Seriously. I wish her well. :-)
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Kelly was always a temporary character (and a minor one at that). CM was never taken off recurring and put on contract.

I don't know that it's a fact that Kelly was always a temporary character. Instead, I believe CW, the previous actress in the role, was expected to be short-term. And, I think it was CM's choice not to be contract. She apparently has preferred to have flexibility and that was evident all the way back to her days leaving and returning several times as Dixie on AMC.


We were saying on these boards that Kelly was going to go crazy and come after Jack and/or Phyllis a year ago.

Kelly wouldn't be the first long-term character who went nuts and went after other long-term characters. Kevin. Michael. Phyllis. And arguably, Victor. Yet here they still are.


Pratt has no ATWT history with CM.

That's probably most of it right there. He likely feels like he must flex his muscles by getting rid of the predecessor's perceived pets.


It's the whole "my heart is breaking" part of CM's that is making me roll my eyes.

Based on my experience when she was on AMC, that melodramatic tone is not anything new for CM. I wouldn't even make a bet on whether it's sincere. But it looks to me like some more shady business went on behind the scenes and yet another veteran actor's potential is wasted as they're shown the door in service of the flotilla of crap we're seeing now.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I think it's possible it could have been a surprise, that she had no idea Kelly would go from a somewhat scheming homewrecker to someone who has completely lost touch with reality.

Maybe she was under the impression Kelly would be the love of Jack's life? That makes her sound more like Kelly, not less.

ETA - CM was never on contract at ATWT. She played Rosanna on and off for years and had 'great love' stories with Rosanna/Craig and Rosanna/Paul. (Both pairings made me gag.)

Edited by Runningwild
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And, I think it was CM's choice not to be contract. She apparently has preferred to have flexibility and that was evident all the way back to her days leaving and returning several times as Dixie on AMC.


I heard that about her as well. But she clarified in an earlier interview it was not her choice at Y&R. 


Eileen Davidson has been dumped by Y&R repeatedly and sent to the back burner and failed to get Emmy nods. She doesn't whine about it. It's a privilege to get these jobs and the grown ups know it. I'm just surprised at Cady, since she's been the business for so long. But I think you may have hit on it with the shady business. Something no doubt went down with Pratt et al.


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Just a friendly reminder that information about future happenings on the show (beyond casting news) are spoilers, no matter how sketchy the source, and need to be spoiler tagged. The same goes for speculation based on those spoilers.

You can read the full spoiler policy here.

Don't make the bunnies cry.


That bunny is trying to deal with boogerz and prolly recently sneezed in that pic. You can't fool a groomer ; (

About CMcC I don't really feel sympathy. It's a job. They end. Especially in show business. I said many x on her she's a bad actor and has bad wigs. I stand by those times I said it. Those are objective opinions not facts. That's what happens when you are an artist and its performance based it the skill and presentation may be critiqued.

From what I understand she's written blogs and a published a book where she gets pretty candid about being taken advantage of financially and sexually as a child. The interviews she gave promoting her writings are that she is sharing this in a place of empowerment and honesty which is great. . . . But she doesn't sound very strong right now but vulnerable. Fragile and insecure. Her comments about she's not her character but her character's feelings are her own made no sense also. I think she's full of contradiction in her messages and the images she puts forth publicly: JHO. YMMV!

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That's an interesting blog by CM, I'm presuming the would she be more valued if she did a reality show comment is regarding Eileen. I'm also wondering if the reality show that approached her wasn't RHOBH instead of Lisa Rinna, getting Cady to be opposite Eilleen since she was married once to Cady's husband. 

Edited by Artsda
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If she was approached to be on RH and turned it down she's a fool. It would make her much more famous and pays very well. Eileen was paid one million dollars or close for appearing and is a household name now.

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She pointed that out in the blog too, that females on a certain reality show were making a million a season which also made me think of RHOBH. She was trying to give it away without saying the name of the show or mention Eileen. She is a fool for turning it down, I get not wanting her marriage and his ex drama especially when you work together but obviously they made it work to share scenes and it's not like it's not scripted. 

Edited by Artsda
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We don't know that she WAS approached for a RH show. If she was, I certainly don't blame her for turning it down. The money may be great but those shows are, IMO, trash and I wouldn't want to be known for that.

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I watched a few of the RHOBH shows with ED.  It would take a million dollars to put myself with the likes of the overly botoxed crowd of rich self indulgent women who think nothing of humiliating themselves by throwing a glass of champagne in someone's face for the sake of ratings.   

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I don't think so. She hinted at things but apparently it was on her FB page that she let slip. I didn't see it.

What I find ridiculous about her FB essay above is the ego of it. Does she think she's the only actress who has dealt with trash talk? She's choosing to put herself in a public forum (Twitter, Facebook, and blogging). And she's written a tell-all memoir about her life and all its gory details. She wants fame and people to "connect" to her in a real way. The two are diametrically opposed. Fame means you are a commodity. People consume you; they don't give a shit about your feelings. Even when they say they do they are just projecting their fantasies onto you. How can they know you when the only interaction is a character on a television show plus some tweets? You want real connection, connect to real people. Her 140 character tweets and her blogs, which are thoughtful at times, are one-sided conversations.

Learn from your costar PB and stay the hell off social media. He does his job and goes home and no doubt has "real connections." lol. He also has a hell of a lot more respect from fans and colleagues. Probably because he doesn't go begging for it from strangers online.

BRAVO X 10000.. this is perfect..  You said it so much better than I could have.

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Hunter King took a serious amount of shit for a LONG time over the MM drama last year. She did not say one word about it. She stayed off Twitter for a few months and then came back on and ignored every nasty (and they were nasty) comment directed personally at her. And she continues to get many many nasty comments about her acting and her Emmy wins, which she generally ignores or sometimes responds to but she doesn't feel she should somehow be exempt from these attacks because she is sensitive. And she's a 20-year-old kid. I think an old pro like Cady should be expected to handle heated opinions about a poorly written character she's getting a lot of money to portray.

 HK is still getting tons of hate and just look at the hate she receives here.. and we are low key compared to twitter.. and yet she knows how to play the game already. I don't have much sympathy for CM. She knows how it is.

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Whatever, I think a lot of the criticism about Kelly and CM were over-the-top to an extreme that at times has really left me taken aback.

That is how I felt about all the hate directed MS's way. It was and is very extreme and some really hate this woman they never met. But I sure never saw MS crying the blues like CM. I even remember MS telling her fans to chill on the Sharon bashing. Yet she is still hated so much.. But she wears her big girl panties and keeps on groovin.

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I feel like Sharon Case gets placed into that category,too. I really believe that some hate her for being so beautiful and for her huge fan base. I guess it comes with the territory. Sharon Case is the recipient of some really nasty and frankly disturbing hatred that goes non stop 24/7.  When MS quit the show some of her more rabid fans started a petition to get SC fired they were so incensed that she was still on the show and MS had left. SC is a professional though and a very classy woman and never comments on the hatred. I think that is one of the many reasons I love her so much because she stays above the fray

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Great post Slowpokey....SC is a class act..some of the hatred spewed at her and her character is pathetic...doesn't seem to bother her in the least..trying to get her fired was the bottom of the barrel IMO...

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I agree Canadia it takes a pretty sick mind to try and get SC fired because MS chose to leave the show.  It was MS's decision and had nothing to do with SC.  MS had the right to leave if that is what she wanted and SC had the right to stay.   Some fans go way overboard it is just crazy.

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The fact is ratings are up from last year, week after week. Ratings are key. Not social media chatter. Which always skews negative. If I were writing for the show I'd ignore Twitter as well. It's just simple math. Y&R consistently pulls in 5 million viewers. There are maybe (and I'm being very generous) 100 or so tweeters.

If numbers drop like they are for Days, Pratt and JFP can't ignore audience. Until then....

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He wouldn't kill Jack, would he? (He mentions that the doppelganger story could go on indefinitely if he doesn't kill one or the other.) That's kind of alarming...

I don't know who Frank Runyon is, but did anyone read that article about him (linked underneath the Pratt Phelps article? It looks like Y&R is getting

touched by a freaking angel?!?

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He wouldn't kill Jack, would he? (He mentions that the doppelganger story could go on indefinitely if he doesn't kill one or the other.) That's kind of alarming...


I can't imagine. It would be a killing Maureen Bauer type situation. He just doesn't want to give story away. If Fack dies I'm sure there will be a few moments (or episodes) of was it real Jack or Fack who died? They can't miss up the opportunity to do that. lol.


His comments about Jack and Victor and how Jack was this good guy with women wanting to sleep with him (I think that referred to where they were going with Kelly vs Phyllis) were pretty accurate IMO. Not sure doppelgänger was the only answer but whatevs. I was struck by the description of Victor as caricature and how Pratt didn't like that. Isn't he more of one now? It tells me we may see a Victor downfall story coming.


Pretty sad state of affairs isn't it! No one who should give a rat's ass about the viewers.


I think they do care what viewers want. They have to because ratings will determine if they are employed or not. They are saying they won't bow to Twitter/social media comments. And I agree. There are really comparatively few people who comment on the show vs who watch. And if the ratings are not dropping -- and are in fact improving -- then Twitter isn't even reflecting viewership. People bitch but keep watching. I have to say last year I was bored out of my skull and missed shows constantly. And apparently so did lots of other people because the ratings were relatively low -- hence Pratt being hired. 


I mean if you look at Twitter support (and those online polls) Lane and Hevon are THE SHOW and the reason for Y&R's existence. That is a load of crap and Pratt and JFP know it. GH has always had huge social media numbers and their ratings have never reflected that. 


And something else I got from them is they don't have a fraction of the creative freedom Bill Bell had. They have to answer to Sony and CBS execs. They can't add angry fans to the list of those they have to please. IMO.




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^^^I had the same reaction regarding Pratt thinking Victor had become a caricature, since he's really doubled down on that caricature. Victor is now practically appearing in scenes out of the ether. I hope you're right about a sizable humbling coming his way.

I really don't know what to make of Pratt, though. Suspension of disbelief is one thing, insulting the intelligence of viewers is another. The doppelgänger is plenty of suspended disbelief all on its own, and I'm happy to take that ride. But why bother having two cops find Jack tied to a bed and pleading for help, only to have them help the kidnapper and walk away? Shit like that just makes me angry. It seems like the writers are only thinking of the larger arc and not really caring about the details along the way.

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I really don't know what to make of Pratt, though. Suspension of disbelief is one thing, insulting the intelligence of viewers is another. The doppelgänger is plenty of suspended disbelief all on its own, and I'm happy to take that ride. But why bother having two cops find Jack tied to a bed and pleading for help, only to have them help the kidnapper and walk away? Shit like that just makes me angry. It seems like the writers are only thinking of the larger arc and not really caring about the details along the way.


Yeah and as soap viewers we are willing to swallow a lot of shit and this is still insulting. It's a fairly easy fix. Just have some indication that Kelly had worked something out with these cops. Paid them off or something. The larger arc is that Jack is getting enraged and desperate and even the cops won't help him. I really do think he will kill her. It will give some interesting story for Jack down the road. But FFS, show, the details. I think they should have gone the Misery route and had Kelly get Jack back on drugs. It would be a very easy way to manipulate him, keep him weak, confused and desperate (she could withhold drugs when she wanted something from him).  The straitjacket is a logistical nightmare -- although considering he doesn't have any bodily functions it shouldn't matter. <eye roll>

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Here's how good writing is supposed to work, whether for a movie, a book or a soap opera: characters, while behaving consistent with their core beliefs, move plot forward in interconnected arcs that, while logical, still contain surprises (this is what keeps the reader/viewer intrigued) -- but those surprises MUST always resolve in such a way that the audience says "Of course! I never saw that coming, but of course it now makes perfect sense!" This recipe for a good story is the antithesis of the current writing morass on Y&R.

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GH is finally losing Geary - they should grab one more actor Y&R pissed away. You all know of whom I speak. The guy Y&R (With BM too)  used to win an Emmy the last two years.

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HI -- did anything big happen on Friday? DVR did not record Y&R -- last i remember of thursday was Michael and the hooker and Christine setting Sharon free..thx!!!!!

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Chelz looks like a complete frump.  What a boring waste to make her the object of GabAdam's desire.  Sage is the other bookend frump.  Billy looks like a mannequin.  And lol at Anita sitting there in the midst of it.  The only ones who look interesting and watchable are Fack, GabAdam, Ashley and Phyllis  (Gawd did I just type that?  Yes, thanks to GT)



JFP and CP look like two dolts who are systemically destroying everything YR.  I am not in the know, but didn't these two destroy other soaps?  And why are they acting like this time it will be different? 

Edited by Suby
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GH is finally losing Geary - they should grab one more actor Y&R pissed away. You all know of whom I speak. The guy Y&R (With BM too) used to win an Emmy the last two years.

Heh, it's about time. I only tune into that awful soap about once or twice a year and there's no way MM can pull that show out of the crapper.

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Y&R loses 321,000 viewers over the previous weeks.  Hopefully it's not a blip but a long downward slide that will help get rid of Phelps and Pratt.



This is why DC is such a joke of a site. Compared to last year Y&R dropped a mere 3,000 viewers. Every other show dropped significantly from the previous week as well. It is not a sign the show is "bleeding" viewers. It's an indication that viewership drops off at this time of year. If the viewers plummeted compared to last year over a number of weeks -- that's bleeding viewers.


This is the site that was all over Hevon as the best soap story they'd seen in years. 


It's really poor reporting. They should be interpreting these figures for people. Not skewing them. 


I'm also not cheering ratings super drops (like I did with MAB). How many HWs are they going to through? I think if they lose significant numbers and ratings plummet, that's it for the show. No more renewals when the time comes to renew.

Edited by miamama
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So Splatt is uncomfortable hearing women talk about erections, but he's good with calling the women characters crazy.  Now Phyllis is included in the list,


"that's what Steve Burton does best—multi-level angst in a manly way"

"The audience will be rooting for him as he tries to protect his family. Meanwhile, we're playing what I feel is the coolest part of the story—Victor's plan to merge Jabot and Newman Enterprises."

"Kristoff St. John is gold"


And the men are gold, manly and cool.


The audience loves Hilary and Devon?  Really?


So the gay storyline has to be "something that's never been done before"?  But they freely admit to doing storylines done to death such as doppleganger, WTD, crazy women story lines. 


"Wouldn't the best solution be to negotiate a deal so that Burton goes back to GH to play Jason and you bring Miller back to Y&R to play Billy?
[No response]"

The best part indeed lol

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