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S08.E12: Beauties And The Beat

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Kim should have known that the "beatless" idea wasn't going to fly with these ladies.  Plus, it's pretty hard to promote "natural beauty" when you sit there with your hair died blonde and your blonde wigs in tow.  And the cameras are all on you and it's just not comfortable for some women to show all of their flaws on their faces.  Kenya obviously was protesting the most because she doesn't have the best skin.  She has blemishes and I for one don't blame her for wanting to keep them covered.  As someone who has always applied foundation right out of the shower, (it's just part of my regime) I refuse to be filmed without makeup on.  I am fortunate that I don't have to wear false lashes because long lashes run in my family and a little mascara gives me the long lash look.  So I don't mind not wearing mascara, but you will not see me out and about without my foundation on.  It just makes my skin look more even toned.  I don't wear it as heavy as these ladies do though. 


Cynthia is going to start world war III if she's determined to get Kenya and Kim to work together on this commercial.  She should leave that mess alone.

  • Love 19

Sheree looked great with no makeup (or little makeup). She has great skin. I would totally show up barefaced, but I don't have a problem leaving the house barefaced - I have good skin. Plus my daytime makeup routine is pretty light, so I don't look THAT different. (I've never worn fake lashes. I think they'd be fun but I don't know how to put them on). It's a little different since they're on TV.


I thought Kenya looked great at the brunch - very subtle day makeup. But I thought she was being rude.


Kandi looked about 16 in her glasses, and I realized how much Riley looks like her. I felt some type of way about Todd trying to dodge dad duty though.


I was watching a Living Single rerun the other day and Kim always had dark hair on that show (they were wigs, it was part of her character that she wore wigs, but still). I wish she'd go back to that. I did think she looked very pretty in her meeting with Cynthia, with her hair a little lower and the headband.

  • Love 8

Kim's skin looked so weird in the scene with her hair dresser planning the brunch, at least on my TV.  It looked like she used a yellow mystic tan.  What a huge misfire in casting her, my only guess is she was so late of an addition they didn't screen her whatsoever.  At least be honest that you picked a makeup-less free party as a way to antagonize your guests.


Next week looks fun!

  • Love 6


Cynthia is going to start world war III if she's determined to get Kenya and Kim to work together on this commercial.  She should leave that mess alone.

Agreed. Kim clearly took the task seriously and came prepared. Ol' girl had storyboards and whatnot. Cynthia should've just put the deuces up to Kenya since Kenya didn't show up, anyway. Professional, come correct with her shit, Kim is the Kim I like.


I completely understand not being comfortable coming outside "beatless" if you have skin issues. It can be an ill self-esteem killer seeing all your flaws up close. These ladies wear way too much for my liking, especially since not letting your skin breathe will only enhance skin issues, but it's obviously their thing.


However, if you're going to show up to the brunch, then be a good sport about it. I didn't think Kim was being shady in her message, but there was definitely some hit dog hollering going on with Kenya.


I hope Todd was kidding about the baby schedule because I couldn't deal with that entire conversation.

Edited by Sheenieb
  • Love 12

I think the expression 'beat' is odd. I would think looking beat was the opposite of how it is being used as slang today.


Shout out to Porsha's baby hair. 


Kim has a stylist?!?! Does she style Kim's kitchen pantry, because I know no one can be paying to look like that?!?!  I did love, love, love the stylist glasses. I want a pair.


Breast feed until 3-4 years of age. Say what now?!?!!?  At that point, the milk factory as far as I am concerned is closed to your business. At 3, They are old enough to go to the fridge and get a glass of milk or a juice box. My personal philosophy -  once they start developing teeth - Islandgal OUT!!!


Sheree does have some beautiful skin. I always thought so.


Kandi looked great in that dark lipstick. 


This new baby situation is bringing out Todd's asshole douchebag to the surface. He has been such an ass. I thought it would bring out the softer side, but nope!


I think Kim can and does come off as condescending and lecturing, however, Kenya was a bit too confrontational at the luncheon. Kenya mentioning her boob job was a bit much. While true, I do know that she had breast reduction surgery. Her boobs were so huge once she started developing on Facts of Life and I remember her being pretty upfront about it. 


What has Kenya ever directed for Cynthia to want her to work with Kim? Oh right, show drama!


Phaedra looked so pretty during the Christmas photoshoot. Her hair was so on point and so was her makeup! I wished she would wear darker shades of lipstick like that red as opposed to the lighter colors which IMO aren't flattering and just make her lips look greazy - not greasy - greazy!

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 15

The whole party theme had to have been a production idea.  I kind of get the message, but to insist your guests wear this or don't wear that seems a bit much.  I know I've even been to Halloween parties where the host has told me, wear a costume or don't wear a costume, whatever floats your boat - just come because I want all my friends here.  If they were supposed to be all natural, then all wigs and weaves should have been gone, too.  


The eyewear commercial again is just to stir the pot.  None of these women have anything interesting happening on camera.  Surely, their real lives have more interesting things going on than this manufactured drama?

  • Love 5

If I were Kim, I wouldn't want to co-direct with Kenya either.


And Kenya calling Kim pompous and arrogant* was just too much.


Todd is coming across very negatively in these baby discussions. 



*To be clear, I thought Kim's no-makeup party idea was pretentious. But Kenya didn't have to be belligerent about it. Porsha managed to make the point that some women might not feel comfortable without makeup without coming across like an ass.

  • Love 9

I just don't get Todd this season.  It's like he decided he wanted to be an asshole on camera from now on.  It almost seems deliberate the way he tries to make it seem like he doesn't take this baby as seriously as Kandi does.  I hope it changed once the baby actually got here.  His flip attitude is not cute.


Breast feed until 3-4 years of age. Say what now?!?!!?  At that point, the milk factory as far as I am concerned is closed to your business. At 3, They are old enough to go to the fridge and get a glass of milk or a juice box. My personal philosophy -  once they start developing teeth - Islandgal OUT!!!



Totally agree.  Breastfeeding is painful enough as it is. (nothing worse than having your breast engorged with milk and cracked nipples...ouch!), but add teeth into the equation.  Hell to the Naw! 

  • Love 8

The heck, Kandi?? Georgia is not a toy dog and Kandi has a big house and yard, a child who can walk it AND can afford a trainer and dog walker if not ... so why is she using dog pads and letting that big ass dog go in the house? Lazy Kandi.


Phaekdra, I'm gonna need you to stop thinking we're all as stupid as you believe we are and stop lying about buying yourself some new breasts. And while I'm here, stop using your child for sympathy. You are not helping him by using him to take the heat off not having a huzzzzzzbin to film with anymore, and he'll continue to act in ways that cause problems, since there was some truth to that "terrible rumor" of him misbehaving in school after all.


Rent-a-date? From Miss Buy-A-Con? mmkayyy...I hope Ayden has a few days off from school to be your date. Again.


Hmm. Caught Porsha snickering at Kenya on the low! I guess she doesn't mind her throwing shade as long as she's not the beneficiary.


Cynthia, what the hell is that color? It's not found anywhere in nature. It's a hit and then a miss with old girl. Speaking of bad hair, it looks like Kim got those roots touched up since the beatless brunch. Embrace that natural beauty, Tootie.

Edited by SnarkKitty
  • Love 8

Kim got two boob jobs? I could've sworn Kim got a breast reduction around the late eighties. It was post Facts of Life and pre Living Single. Am I imagining that? I know about the episode where Regine was considering a reduction. This was before then.

I don't think I've ever seen a turtleneck hoodie before.

Edited by charmed1
  • Love 5

Sheree looked fabulous without makeup. I need her skincare regimen.

I can understand why Kenya was going so hard. We've all seen her skin.

Phaedra's rent a date shade was lame but that long acting career jab made me chuckle.

I like professional Kim. She knows her stuff. And Cynthia is annoying for pushing this collabo. Let it go, girl. The chick wasn't even gonna call and tell you she wasn't coming.

Porsha is doing her thing at work. It's nice to see her taking all her Ls in stride and pushing on and becoming successful. I love her braids. I would get some if I wasn't worried about losing my edges. And I don't have any baby hair so...

Phaedra...meh, don't care anymore.

Todd is an asshole this season. Is he extra comfortable now that the rings are in? I don't get kt it

  • Love 8

Yes, having your face "beat" means your makeup is on point, lashes on, etc. It used to be most commonly used in the drag community. Because you literally (when applying drag make-up at least) beat the foundation/contour onto your face. It's definitely meant as a compliment when a drag queen says that your face is beat. I've heard drag queens say that most slang starts with gay men, then goes through the African American community, then goes through the Caucasian community.


Anyways, I would not have partaken in Kim's brunch.(?) Although Porsha mentioned having to work at 5am, so was it really a brunch? I noticed it was still light outside, so I assume it wasn't a dinner unless they live reeeally far apart.


Kim seemed like she had an agenda, and to me the point of the brunch was condescending. I would not have attended a party in which the host told me not to wear any makeup. Or not to do my hair, or not to do x,y, and z to my own body. Sorry, my body is my own to do with as I please. Go find some Barbie dolls if you want to host a party of women you can control. (Although come to think of it, Barbie does wear some makeup doesn't she?)


I wont even get into the fact that they're women on camera, some whose image and livelihood depend on their looks, or things such as Body Dysmorphic Disorders.


Kenya's skin is still getting talked about, even though she didn't even show it in this episode. That in a nutshell is why I wouldn't choose to go on camera without any makeup, especially if I had acting aspirations.


The rest of the episode: No idea whats up with Todd? Ugh, are they gearing up for some kind of special or has he always sucked? I thought he seemed okay before, but I don't know if he was joking around, being a jerk, or what was going on with him this episode. (To be fair I was only half-listening.)

Edited by Granimal
  • Love 13
Kim seemed like she had an agenda, and to me the point of the brunch was condescending. I would not have attended a party in which the host told me not to wear any makeup. Or not to do my hair, or not to do x,y, and z to my own body. Sorry, my body is my own to do with as I please. Go find some Barbie dolls if you want to host a party of women you can control. (Although come to think of it, Barbie does wear some makeup doesn't she?)



I agree!  Also, Kim's little thing with the notebook for everyone to write a poem about "Natural Beauty" was such a condescending request.  Is she trying to be somebody's teacher or life coach or something?  She truly has been around kids too much giving people writing assignments and shit.  I would be very reluctant to accept any kind of invitation from her again.  The only time I would accept an invitation that dictate's what I wear is if it is a formal affair or if you specify that it is casual or it's an all white party or something like that.  How I choose to present my face is my own decision, not yours.

  • Love 12

I agree!  Also, Kim's little thing with the notebook for everyone to write a poem about "Natural Beauty" was such a condescending request.  Is she trying to be somebody's teacher or life coach or something?  She truly has been around kids too much giving people writing assignments and shit.  I would be very reluctant to accept any kind of invitation from her again.  The only time I would accept an invitation that dictate's what I wear is if it is a formal affair or if you specify that it is casual or it's an all white party or something like that.  How I choose to present my face is my own decision, not yours.


agreed.  I think she seriously expected everyone to earnestly start working on their "poem" and some such nonsense. I would have done exactly what almost all of the women did.  Show up with make up on and all the lashes.  

  • Love 6


I guess I don't see it as a huge deal, because its just about a little boy acting up in school.  That is so normal, children act up a lot.

Exactly! Kids act up especially when there's a major upset in the home, like a parent going to jail. A professional would have counseled Ayden instead of playing runteldat because they don't like his mother. It's unsavory to gossip about a child.


Thank you Wirewrap. Seems you understood my meaning right off.


Kim could have said "let's let our hair down and chill" but instead she came off as condescending. I'll always love her though because Kenya hates her.


How many more times does Kenya get to throw "I think he's gay" as a pejorative before Andy gets in that ass?

Edited by ThomasAAnderson
  • Love 10

How many more times does Kenya get to throw "I think he's gay" as a pejorative before Andy gets in that ass?


I don't think Andy cares as long as she doesn't use the "F" word or call them a queen.  Plus, he's so smitten with Kenya I don't think it matters.  Nene threw out racial slurs one season and when he called her out on it at the reunion, she asked him if he wanted her to kiss his ass and that was the end of it.  She did however apologize to the gay community for what she said.  Andy has his handpicked favorites that get away with more than others.

  • Love 5

This is everyone's last warning. You can discuss Ayden and his behavior in reference to the show, but NOT about what any particular poster may or may not have talked about previous to this being shown in detail. Y'all know better than this and just because Lis and I happen to sleep from 12-5 does not give you carte Blanche to discuss this. We've been over this before. Drop it, or further mod action will take place.

I will say that I don't think Kim meant anything by the 'beatless brunch' request. I don't think it was maliciously planned at all. To be honest, the amount of makeup the ladies wear is jarring. I get contouring and highlighting for a red carpet event, but it's clear the ladies get their makeup and hair done for every day of shooting. I think that Kim isn't used to the beat faces, crocodile Birkins, and 5 inch Louboutins to every outing so wanted the ladies to shake things up a bit. I laughed at Kim's simple 'okay' when Kenya went on her little rant. Kenya was looking for an argument and Kim wasn't here for it. She said 'okay' and kept eating her meal.


Kim straight up said 'I do not co-direct'. I'm sure production is behind Cynthia pushing for a Kim/Kenya collab. Kenya tried to diss Kim by saying Kim directed an episode of a Tyler Perry show, but Tyler was directing Kim. Well, duh, it's his show. Tyler is very heavily involved in all of his productions. I don't think it was anything against Kim as she has a lengthy director resume.


I believe Kim got a reduction after FoL and then again while filming Living Single. I don't see how that's bad. Having large breasts can do a horrible number on your back.  I would like Kenya to address the ass that she clearly got done and her botched lipo belly.

Edited by trimthatfat
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What confused me was why Porsha got her makeup done at the radio station. Why does she need makeup (and she already had some on) for the radio? That was just ridiculous.

I think Kim was trying to make a point about how the women wear so much makeup (Porsha wearing makeup on the radio?) and meant to say that they're all naturally beautiful without it and should celebrate that. But I think she presented it in the completely wrong way and she did come off as pretentious and shaming them for how much makeup they wear. She should have made it an optional thing or a "minimal" makeup party. I have horrible skin problems and while I don't mind going out to the grocery store or even to work with zero makeup on (don't have the time or don't care) but you can be sure if I was on camera (HD camera, no less) I'd want to cover that up. Nevertheless, Kenya was exceptionally rude. If you're that pressed, then don't show up.

I don't know why Cynthia wants Kim and Kenya to work together other than drama. Kenya can't even be bothered to show up. If it were me, drama or no drama, I would not even let Kenya anywhere near the commercial. Kim seems ready to go with the thing and her idea is pretty good.

  • Love 3

What confused me was why Porsha got her makeup done at the radio station. Why does she need makeup (and she already had some on) for the radio? That was just ridiculous.


The radio show that Porsha is on is taped for DishNation. So, even though she's on the radio, there is a camera filming the show for fans. I was going to post an example, but the video looked huge on my screen. You can check on YT to see what I mean.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 4

Kenya texting while driving is just the worst!  A friend of mine just lost a family member who was hit by a driver texting.  It is now vehicular manslaughter but even that has not stopped selfish people from texting because they are so important.


I saw that too, made me want to slap all that paint off her face.  If she think she's all that then go make up free!  I'm 56 and I'd do it, so unless she has the pox or something she's got no excuse.

I think I might have sprang an octular nerve rolling my eyes at Kim tonight.  Even my mom, who never watches this show but happened to be over last night, said "wow, someone is in love with herself."  She thinks quite highly of herself, doesn't she?  And for her to give that talking head just SO flabbergasted that anyone would think she was throwing shade with that brunch invite?  Come on, now.  No one is buying what you're selling, Kim.  She's so insufferably pretentious.  Horrible casting choice.


Cynthia also needs to give it up on the Kenya/Kim co-directing venture.  She's CLEARLY just doing it for show drama, there's no logical need for it.  I SEE YOU, CYNTHIA.


And breastfeeding until late toddlerhood/early childhood is becoming more popular now.  It squicks me out, personally, but it drove me crazy how giggly and apologetic that woman (what exactly was her title?) was when she was explaining that she did it.  If you're going to practice extended breastfeeding then own it.  Don't apologize for it and be obnoxiously giggly about it.  You're really not helping your cause by presenting it that way.

  • Love 9

The last thing I need  is someone my age trying to teach me "life lessons" about how I have natural beauty or whatever.  It was absolutely meant to be condescending because Kim always looks awful.  Her entire voice mail message was ridiculous, patronizing and condescending.  It was not a surprise that the response was eye rolling and generally ignoring her.

Edited by RCharter
  • Love 10

What's funny to me is the beatless brunch is the kind of trick Kenya would have pulled in her first season. Remember the icons dinner or whatever that was when she dictated everyone's costumes and then threw an ugly temper tantrum because Porsha showed up as a different character?

At least Kim had the graciousness to be a good hostess and laugh off the fact that some of her guests didn't want to participate.

  • Love 17

I saw that too, made me want to slap all that paint off her face.  If she think she's all that then go make up free!  I'm 56 and I'd do it, so unless she has the pox or something she's got no excuse.

If you're an adult you should go out looking the way you want.  And no one should have the stones to tell you otherwise.  If a person wants to go out with no makeup, no one should force them to wear makeup and if someone wants to go out with a face full of makeup no one should take it upon themselves to tell them to do otherwise.  Kenya doesn't need to "look for an excuse" to wear makeup, she is a grown woman and she can wear a face full of makeup if she wants.  

  • Love 10

If you're an adult you should go out looking the way you want.  And no one should have the stones to tell you otherwise.  If a person wants to go out with no makeup, no one should force them to wear makeup and if someone wants to go out with a face full of makeup no one should take it upon themselves to tell them to do otherwise.  Kenya doesn't need to "look for an excuse" to wear makeup, she is a grown woman and she can wear a face full of makeup if she wants.  


Goodness, it's only make up, it's not like Kim asked Kenya to come to her party naked or something.  Of course she can go out the way she wants, I just wonder why some women feel that they NEED make up; I mean I wear it but I don't NEED it, I don't feel incomplete without it.

  • Love 3

Goodness, it's only make up, it's not like Kim asked Kenya to come to her party naked or something.  Of course she can go out the way she wants, I just wonder why some women feel that they NEED make up; I mean I wear it but I don't NEED it, I don't feel incomplete without it.

Its the principle.  And if it wasn't such a big deal, it shouldn't have been the cornerstone of her event.  People should do what they want without "life guidance" or "life lessons" from Kim Fields.  No one has undertaken to tell Kim that she can't show up to events unless she wears a decent wig and a less hideous outfit.


I don't think anyone needs makeup, and I don't think choosing to wear makeup means you need it.  It simply means that you're a grown woman who chooses to wear makeup when you go out.  I don't spend my time worried about other people wearing make up or hair, if people want to wear their natural beauty, good for them, if they don't thats fine too.  Choosing to wear a weave or to have your face beat isn't going to tell me who you are, or whether you love yourself or not or whatever.  To think it is some indicator of personality seems more superficial than wearing makeup/wigs/weaves in the first place.

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