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"The View": Week of 01/25/16

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Paula cannot be this stupid.  Doesn't matter if the body parts didn't exist--the people indicted thought they did, and by asking, not soliciting (Whoopi, you ignorant idiot), or wanting to buy said body parts, what they were doing was illegal, and that's why they were indicted.  Go to TNT, WGN, Sundance, WE and watch an episode of Law & Order, if the actual law and decision is too difficult for you to grasp and understand.


And Candace (of course!) believes like Fiorina-that Planned Parenthood is EVUHL because those body parts and the harvesting of same, does exist, though it's been debunked, and no such thing is happening, but these videographers, investigative reporters, were on to the truth and are being scapegoated and punished for doing their job.  Just like any other respectable investigative reporter would, according to Miss Paula. I wish Joy had been given the chance, after Candace tried so very hard to convince everyone that she is very compassionate and is not talking about abortion in general, but "this case."  I wanted Joy to ask her, no not ask, throw in her chipmunk voice, does she think proving Planned Parenthood didn't harvest body parts a government conspiracy that they did and everyone is lying? She will "always believe them." Who is them? My brain, with what little working cells it has and needs, cannot take this kind of blind, ignorant thinking. And I cannot believe I was cheering Whoopi when she ripped into Candace, before Miss Chipmunk clarified what she meant.


And oh look! Hee hee! a planned Spiderman skit, where said Spiderman was off his mark and Sarah Haines fell.


And yes, Paula, "bloviate" is a real word.  Look it up.


I desperately need a Vicodin now.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Hahahahaha!   OMG this snark is why I love this forum, especially with a glass of wine.   You nailed it tentativelyyours!  


Candace doesn't even have to open her mouth for me to laugh at her but my favorite part today was when they showed the clip of Trump being Trump and her only contribution was a proverb from the Bible, "Pride goeth before a fall."   The woman really only has one channel.  


To her credit, she did look a little sick when Joy pointed out that as a Republican,  Candace might end up voting for Trump but honestly I don't see her as political even a little bit,  or ever following politics at all before this show.  Which is fine of course, politics isn't everything but she is on The Spew during a crazy election year.

My bold.  I heard her say that because it's one of my favourite expressions, but I'm sure she said "Pride goes before a fall" which I thought was really odd for a bible thumper.  Just sayin'.  Could be wrong.

Oops, another double-post .... WTH????


Edited by Medicine Crow
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I don't know what kind of cheap, rough, cruel tissue the nuns in my Catholic girls high school used instead of Kleenex, when they WIPED the lipstick off some of the girls and left them chapped and embarrassed.  I felt like doing the same to Sara Haines today.  Her bright shiny orange-ish lipstick was just asking for it...and remove those false eyelashes, young lady!   (Also...I like Sara just fine)

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And oh look! Hee hee! a planned Spiderman skit, where said Spiderman was off his mark and Sarah Haines fell.


Stupid and complete waste of time. Another day of her so she is 2 for 2. Who wants to bet she is back again annoying me tomorrow?


Couldn't take anymore after that and no need at all to hear about Fuller House. I'd rather see another dust up with CCB and Whoopi!

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Here, Candace, as far as the Texas indictments go:


1.  Texas Planned Parenthood was cleared of any wrongdoing.  They DO NOT sell or donate fetal tissue.

2.  The "criminals" who were indicted were those who misrepresented themselves, their credentials, and created the false video of the transaction.


Not to worry, Candace, Texas will investigate the matter until they make you happy.

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I don't know what kind of cheap, rough, cruel tissue the nuns in my Catholic girls high school used instead of Kleenex, when they WIPED the lipstick off some of the girls and left them chapped and embarrassed.  I felt like doing the same to Sara Haines today.  Her bright shiny orange-ish lipstick was just asking for it...and remove those false eyelashes, young lady!   (Also...I like Sara just fine)

What is with the make-up person?  Poor Sara looked like a clown today.


I was really happy they had Michael Moore on to lay out exactly what happened in Flint -- APPALLING!!!!

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Is every show going to open with a 90 second discussion of how big Sarah's stomach is?  Because I seriously don't give a damn.



Actually, I think Whoopi brings up the topic pretending that she actually cares...about something.  AND...Sara's not even that big!  Let's bring on some average woman who gains 30 pounds...or a really interesting one who has gained 50 or more!!!  Let one of them waddle out and try to climb onto the elevated chair.

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One of my brothers is the CEO of Planned Parenthood in a very red state (I've mentioned this before).  In some states, PP gives women the option to donate fetal tissue for research. In most states, including the one in which he works, any donation or sale of fetal tissue is prohibited by law. (I don't know why legislators feel it's somehow more respectful to dispose of fetal tissue as biomedical waste than to have scientists use it for research purposes, but there it is. I mean, it's not like researchers don't use donated human bodies for research, and no one seems to have a problem with that.)


Why was Miss Whoopi wearing a pillowcase on her head as a cap?


And I can't believe Miss Whoopi had the cojones to call out Sara Haines for pointing her finger at someone at the table. 

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Is every show going to open with a 90 second discussion of how big Sarah's stomach is?  Because I seriously don't give a damn.  She's not the first woman to ever be pregnant.  She is not the first woman on this show to ever be pregnant.   


Who cares.  


OMG YES, I had the same thought, enough already!  She is just a fill in host so why is she getting all the attention?  


Top bad Miss Whoopi couldn't state with any intelligence or authority the Texas ruling on Planned Parenthood to shut CCB down.  

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Top bad Miss Whoopi couldn't state with any intelligence or authority the Texas ruling on Planned Parenthood to shut CCB down.  


They all entirely missed the most interesting (entertaining?) aspect of the story (imo) which is that the Houston district attorney (who is a Republican and was appointed by a pro-life Republican governor) was conducting an investigation that had been ordered by the pro-life lieutenant governor, and this is why they were in front of a grand jury to begin with ... they were trying to stick it to Planned Parenthood.


Oops.  Seems the grand jury went off the reservation and indicted the filmmakers, and now the DA is stuck prosecuting this case against them.  Talk about poetic justice.  HA!


This would have been a good day to have Sunny there so she could have explained what was really going on and it wasn't just a gaggle of ignorant twits squawking over each other basically saying nothing meaningful at all.  You know, like they do every other day. 

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Is every show going to open with a 90 second discussion of how big Sarah's stomach is?  Because I seriously don't give a damn.  She's not the first woman to ever be pregnant.  She is not the first woman on this show to ever be pregnant.  


Who cares.


So what, who cares!


If they would stop having her on the show everyday, they wouldn't need to talk about her.


I'm getting sick of The View becoming GMA's View. Not sure if I've mentioned that air headed Sara Haines annoys the life out of me (ha-ha) and  this "best pal" stuff between Paula and her needs to end. I don't want these hosts to "get along, love each other and work together on another ABC show". 


There is little difference between CCB, Paula and Sara Haines. Why three of them??

Edited by Vinyasa
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Well eff me I agreed with Whoops in that CCB has no right to judge a woman who needs an abortion. Some folks are not in CCB's comfortable position with a husband, a job ,,,some money...,... oh let me shutty.

CCB kind of makes me sick Yeah she speaks for the unheard voices of the unborn. But once they're born she votes for no breakfast in the school and no food stamps. Got it CCB. Just get um born then eff them and what they need to survive after BIRTH.. 

I agree with Whoopi in that I have never met a woman who looked forward to getting an abortion.


Edited by ari333
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Who is CCB calling evil? The TX grand jury found that the PP employees were not in fact selling body parts. The video had been deceptively edited and doctored. I would say that  the videographers are the "evil" ones - presenting false credentials and offering to buy body parts. And just who is she to speak for the voiceless? A zygote is not a human being. 

Joy's song selections were spot on. 

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Who is CCB calling evil? The TX grand jury found that the PP employees were not in fact selling body parts. The video had been deceptively edited and doctored. I would say that  the videographers are the "evil" ones - presenting false credentials and offering to buy body parts. And just who is she to speak for the voiceless? A zygote is not a human being. 

Joy's song selections were spot on. 


I believe she's calling Planned Parenthood evil, because SHE has also seen the "UNEDITED" footage--footage, mind you, that has been proven to not exist--and based on that "UNEDITED" footage SHE has seen, Planned Parenthood IS harvesting body parts...and everything that Fiorina has lied about. 

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Who is CCB calling evil? The TX grand jury found that the PP employees were not in fact selling body parts. The video had been deceptively edited and doctored. I would say that  the videographers are the "evil" ones - presenting false credentials and offering to buy body parts. And just who is she to speak for the voiceless? A zygote is not a human being. 

Joy's song selections were spot on. 



I wonder if CCB will speak for  a dude's   crunchy dried up masturbation sock . But wait... masturbation is probably evil too . so......

I"ll be in hell if you need me. :)

Edited by ari333
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I haven't been watching lately, just clips here and there, but it seems to have gotten worse and not better which is a shame since it is election season and the View was known for always talking about politics.


When I'm home and The View is on, I find myself switching the channel to the Real. That show keeps on improving, but the View doesn't. I do hope the View finds its footing though, because it would be a real disappointment if it ended with this lineup.

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This whole turnabout thing with the Planned Parenthood accusers turning into the accused reminds me of Prop 8 in California.


Prop 8 passed when voters approved a ban against same-sex marriage. When the California Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional, the supporters of Prop 8 took their fight to the U.S. Supreme Court, which refused to rule on it, essentially making same-sex marriage legal in California. I believe that this triggered the amazing marriage-equality movement that took place all over the country in 2013, eventually leading to SCOTUS's 2015 ruling that marriage equality is legal throughout the U.S.


Now, in retrospect, do you think the backers of Prop 8 expected that to happen? I often wonder if they wish they'd just left things as they were, because their "victory" backfired on them in a truly spectacular fashion. I see the same principle in effect with the makers of those fake videos, who really thought they'd caught PP in a manufactured "gotcha!" moment. And seriously, if the Supreme Court of a conservative state like Texas finds PP innocent and their accusers at fault? That says a lot about the evidence right there.


I generally think Paula's level-headed, but that is one horseshit argument she offered: Since no body parts were being sold, offering to buy them isn't a crime? To me, its corollary is, if I tried to pay you to kill my husband and you said no, then no crime was committed. Simply untrue.

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I wonder if CCB will speak for  a dude's   crunchy dried up masturbation sock .


Yes.  Yes SHE WILL!  Just as soon as she finishes baptizing all the used tampons in the world because lots of times women don't even realize they were pregnant and they just get their period and never knew.  Then she will see that they all receive a decent Christian burials.  


Just don't expect her to pay for it. 

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Yes.  Yes SHE WILL!  Just as soon as she finishes baptizing all the used tampons in the world because lots of times women don't even realize they were pregnant and they just get their period and never knew.  Then she will see that they all receive a decent Christian burials.  


Just don't expect her to pay for it. 


Exactly. Miscarriage gets sympathy and abortion gets vilified.... When both are horribly painful situations.

I kind of agree that I see CCB and Sara and Paula as three of the same; But CCB seems much more smug and judgmental.

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I was waiting for an explanation of the clip of Hillary coughing, too.


All I heard was Miss Whoopi asking if people would have said Hillary was "weak" and "can't take the pressure" if she had excused herself briefly.  I was at a complete loss as to why she would have thought even the most avowed Hilary hater would read such a thing into a woman stepping aside to get a drink of water to clear a frog out of her throat.  It was weird.  


Then .... gonads.  Whoops really doesn't know what gonads are?  She thinks they are in your throat?    Yes, Miss Whoopi, your gonads are in your throat, right under your hyper bowl.  



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I think Whoopie's misunderstanding of what a gonad is can be attributed to the fact that she was an only child raised by her single mother or because she was raised with her brother by her single mother or because she was chosen by her father along with her four siblings for adoption 60 or 66 years ago.

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Whoopi points to Sara's bulging belly or CCB's youthful looks because she has nothing else to contribute. She's filling air time. She's pretty much clueless on current events, politics, etc.

Edited by merriebreeze
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Celia Rubenstein posted:

I was at a complete loss as to why she would have thought even the most avowed Hilary hater would read such a thing into a woman stepping aside to get a drink of water to clear a frog out of her throat.


Always the dickwad, Hannity today used Hillary's incident as the lead-in for the shilling of his sponsor, Pine Bros. Coughdrops.  He truly is rivaling Limbaugh for the biggest a-hole on radio.

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I think the mean and nasty Miss Whoopi is as bad as the new and improved Miss "Dopey" Whoopi on yet another rehab tour.

Wish they would have talked about Cruz donating bottled water to Flint - but only for anti-abortion groups in other words to crisis centers for pregnant women and women with little ones. Makes me wonder what the cut off age is for a Mom's little one. Or if older siblings are told - no use that water over there..........

I think the mean and nasty Miss Whoopi is as bad as the new and improved Miss "Dopey" Whoopi on yet another rehab tour.

Edited by maggiemae
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This whole Hobbie Lobby approach by CCB and Paula just sends me over the edge.  CCB is someone who touts faith over and over again as fact and demands everyone respect that, and yet also demands that no one be allowed to actually use fact as a basis of a belief.  It is mindboggling in its arrogance when you think about it because the default for her is that if you don't believe exactly what she does, you are damned.  Literally.  Which means you are automatically morally deficient.  Yet she can take a lie and say that because she believes in it despite it being a lie right in front of her face, she demands everyone else respect that.  I so want someone of a different faith, or no religious faith at all, put this smug ignorant bag of hair and nails and tottering heels that make her look like an ostrich looking frantically for a hole  to jam her head in on an iceberg, in a corner and simply force her to once again act like it is her right to get respect for her faith.  And then have that person force to admit she does not respect the belief others might  have.   Because she will say you have the right to believe it, but she will not respect it.  And there in lies the rub.  People like her think that the freedom of religion means the rest of us have to respect her belief system.  Well I don't.  But that is the abiding premise of conservative Christianity.  Because they believe that they are so right that only if they can exercise that right over others can they truly be free to practice their faith.


And I am actually starting to hope that Whoopi does push her too far.  Paula claims as a journalist to work with facts and yet had to deliberately muddle the Texas investigation and findings as it was clearly definitive and she just would not say that in the simplest terms.  At this point someone so determined to present her view all while claiming to be a fact based professional simply makes me hope they take each down in a huge ball of on-camera flames.  I want hair pulling and biting.  I want closeups of Whoopi going down with whatever blanket and sheet she has draped herself in riding up and showing those unshaved calves of hers while Paula gets her unnoticed wig yanked off.  I want utter humiliation for both.  I hate the way Whoopi acts, but I am hating that this voice of reason is, if not lying outright making sure the real truth is kept hidden or clouded, 


Actually the issue with Hillary and age and frailty could have been interesting if they had looked at everyone running to compare age.  And also ponder if it is fair that with her resume, her age is an issue and yet no one really pushes on the complete lack of a resume in regards to Fiorina or Trump.  Or the slim one that is Rubio and Cruz.  President Obama was young but had a career firmly rooted in public service from the lowest levels (something I think many politicians sadly lack on both sides of the aisle).  I'm not thrilled with Hillary.  Nor her age.  I think the last four Presidents have shown how physically demanding the office is.  But the problem is this panel is already all or nothing in every political discussion.  CCB and Paula are never going to decry a conservative unless that one is the outlier to the rest.  They demand to be able to draw their wagons in a circle and defend even the weakest.  And it creeps over to Whoopi and Joy to do the same.  I do think Sunni would be better than Paula at this point because I do think she is able to look at the issues as issues and not simply "conservative" and "liberal".  She touts her own view but it is based on individual elements.  Paula is proving to be just a bit brighter than CCB but still has the same black or white ideology and clearly does not have the cognitive skills or determination to parse all the components that should make her make up her own damn mind.

Edited by tenativelyyours
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That entire conversation about the Planned Parenthood case/indictments in Texas was a mess.  Such a mess that Whoopi let it devolve into an argument about abortion because as usual, Miss Whoopi didn't have the facts.   Gah.   Don't they have a co-host with any kind of understanding of the legal system and what went down in Texas?  Interesting that they didn't have Sunny on today to weigh in.   Even Joy didn't have a basic understanding of the situation.  

And I think what bugged me even more than that is as soon as Candace expressed her dissenting anti-choice opinion Miss Whoopi's response was to raise her voice and flap her arms and repeat the gobblygook she just said trying to shout her down which only makes Whoopi look like the ignorant bully she is.  That's her M.O. everytime anyone at the table disagrees with her; just shout them down and tell them they're wrong. 


Someone must have said something in her ear though because as quickly as she ramped up the yelling at Candace for her opinion "being just wrong"  she pulled it back and fake hugged her.  Too late Miss Whoopi; I already saw/heard you.   



I wish Joy would flat out ask CCB if she would like to see Roe v. Wade overturned. Time for a pop quiz.

That wouldn't be much of a quiz; of course CCB would like to see Roe v Wade overturned (if she even knows what that is and how many many states have eroded it to the point where safe and legal abortions are inaccessible in half the country.)  because that's how she interprets her faith and Candace sees everything through that lens.   Everything.  


If they want to have a discussion about abortion rights, about the crazy dichotomy of the hard right faction of this country wanting government to get out of the way of everything but women and their reproductive system then have it but it seems rather pointless  at this table and would simply end in shouting and chaos, as usual. Although I'm not gonna lie, I always enjoyed it when Bitsy would have meltdown over the subject of abortion or in one case, the mistaken belief that Plan B was the same thing as an abortion.   Heh, good times. 


ETA: another great post tenetivelyyours

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Paula, in the discussion of planned parenthood, doesn't understand how people can be indicted for trying to buy SOMETHING THAT DOESN"T EXIST.  No, Paula, the fetal body parts DO exist,  but they are not for SALE. Planned parenthood was not selling the body parts  - they were disposing of biomedical waste.   Trying to buy body parts is illegal because it sets up a demand for something that is illegal.   soliciting prostitution is illegal, trying to buy heroin is illegal.  same thing - trying to buy something that is illegal to sell, is illegal. 

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Kudos to Joy for bringing up Trump's comments about Rosie on the show. It felt like a She Who Must Not Be Named moment.


It really did!  I love Joy.  She is 100% the reason I keep watching.


Im tired of the Sarah tummy talk on this show. sheesh


Sarah doesn't look too thrilled with it either.  I'm sure it's beyond tiresome since she probably hears similar comments all day long.  And every time Whoopi brings it up, it sounds forced.  Enough already!

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Paula, in the discussion of planned parenthood, doesn't understand how people can be indicted for trying to buy SOMETHING THAT DOESN"T EXIST.  No, Paula, the fetal body parts DO exist,  but they are not for SALE. Planned parenthood was not selling the body parts  - they were disposing of biomedical waste.   Trying to buy body parts is illegal because it sets up a demand for something that is illegal.   soliciting prostitution is illegal, trying to buy heroin is illegal.  same thing - trying to buy something that is illegal to sell, is illegal. 


I did not understand what Paula's problem was.  It's not that hard to understand, and all she did was keep repeating the same thing over and over.  She was not sounding like a intelligent woman at all today.  I also caught her saying that someone was "doing good", rather than "doing well".   Sure, that happens in every-day conversation, but she's supposed to be educated and more informed than the rest of us, not less.  I've been noticing over the last few months several instances of her not being anywhere as bright as I initially thought she was.  Or was supposed to be.  


She can stay, though.  She's still better than Raven and Sunny, and that god-awful Stacey London.

Edited by DebbieM4
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I wish Whoopi had not jumped on CCB when she made her "evil" comment.  Except for at the very beginning of her time on the show, I think CCB is faking it, and not really putting her views out there.  The best thing is to allow her to articulate her views, and then they can challenge them, but Whoopi bullies, and I am sure everyone feels sorry for poor Candace.


I liked when Michael Moore talked about Full House, and then started talking about Bob Saget who is known to be crude and rude.  I also got the sense that CCB was horrified that he was even talking to her and about her show.


And, Paula, who has family in Flint, actually said that local government "voted for" switching the water source to the Flint River.  As if to defend the Governor.  But she missed the part where the local city council has no teeth, and in fact no one even wants to run for city council so they are getting just anybody to fill the seats.  Plus their vote wouldn't matter anyways.  Moore is right about the cover-ups, which I agree, is even worse than the original idiotic decisions.

Edited by bannana
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Sarah doesn't look too thrilled with it either.  I'm sure it's beyond tiresome since she probably hears similar comments all day long.  And every time Whoopi brings it up, it sounds forced.  Enough already!

I wonder if Whoopi's fascination with Sarah's belly is her [fake] way to show the viewers she's totally a friendly co-host who loves all her other co-hosts.  Haha Whoopi, it's not working - we can see you.  

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The two people who created the Planned Parenthood "expose" weren't indicted for soliciting body parts (which is a misdemeanor), they were indicted for tampering with government records.  They used phony drivers licenses as ID, which is a felony.  Of course the View panel didn't bother reading the articles.

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I astounds me that they let Whoopi go on camera looking the way she does. With that ugly, stupid hat - or was it some gross, shapeless bag? - and the rest of her ensemble, she looked like a homeless person who left their street corner and wandered into a TV studio. Zero make-up and zero effort. She looks disgusting. 


Do the producers look at this as part of her bohemian charm? Hideous.

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I did not understand what Paula's problem was.  It's not that hard to understand, and all she did was keep repeating the same thing over and over.  She was not sounding like a intelligent woman at all today.  I also caught her saying that someone was "doing good", rather than "doing well".   Sure, that happens in every-day conversation, but she's supposed to be educated and more informed than the rest of us, not less.  I've been noticing over the last few months several instances of her not being anywhere as bright as I initially thought she was.  Or was supposed to be.  


She can stay, though.  She's still better than Raven and Sunny, and that god-awful Stacey London.

I've never thought Paula was smart. The only reason I like her is that she has manners and can operate in more than one mode. I've just become resigned that they are determined to have someone there that spits out conservative viewpoints during the political topics--no matter how ludicrous--and at least she doesn't scream, she's mostly coherent, and her voice doesn't make my ears bleed. She's better than the other options they've cycled through. She's what I thought Nicolle was going to be. 

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