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S27.E09: Blood Versus Love


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Jenna and Brianna actually think Bananas and the Older Creepier Bananas will actually have their back???  


And because of their stupidity....I wasn't able to see CT destroy Vince in a challenge.  Disappoint.  


Abe cracked me up during the elimination....while he kept just saying GOOD JOB GOOD JOB while neither Jamie nor Mike were doing a good job.  


Dammit CT.  I already miss you.  


I still think CT would have destroyed Abe in that challenge...however, I wonder how Abe and Zach would have done against one another.  

Edited by shelley1005
  • Love 6

Where to start, where to start? Let's go with a positive. It was great to see CT again and damn, he may be a gigantic douchebag but that haircut made Zach even hotter.


How do the only two people from the blue team to actually complete the challenge end up in the pit while Mitch and Cory skate by?


So disappointed that Vince missed looking like a fool in the pit. Fucking Bananas. I hate him. Hate that this is his show. Brianna is a complete moron for voting his way. Did she not see what happened to every other girl on John's team. So far the only girl he hasn't screwed over was Aneesa and I don't see any value out of John screwing over Aneesa for Brianna and Jenna because I don't know what they bring to him. Brianna and Jenna seemed to see John and Creepy Uncle Vince for what they were and yet they still voted their way? I loved how disappointed TJ was. That line about going back to their bloodlines was so telling.


I wish Abram had stayed in the challenge because he would have fucked up John's game.

  • Love 6

Tiffany, yeah, I didn't get that either, why Brianna voted in Jamie. I also don't really get why Bananas is leaving Aneesa alone.

I don't think they're friends or see what protecting each other gets them. Cory & Mitch are probably just fodder the others think

they can beat in the final.


I'm really going to miss Abe. And I liked his brother too. I hope they both will do another challenge.

  • Love 3

I'm so disappointed Abe is going home. He's so fun to watch, and terrible tats aside; I think he's incredibly handsome. But sheeeew Cara Maria seemed to relieved. Not only did she say as much, but she even made a comment about having her bed back. I definitely think she had been checked out of that relationship for awhile. I wonder what's going on with the two of them in real life. Although I think Abe is a hotty, dating someone like him would be the stuff of nightmares.

Jenna and Brianna: Fail. I'm still rooting for Jenna, but I would have so much more respect for her had Brianna said Vince's name. They're right, nobody has helped them thus far, but Bananas and his creeper cousin won't hesitate to throw them to the wolves whereas CM and Jamie were more likely to be a reliable alliance. Dumb dumb dumb.

That challenge was terrifying. I would have freaked too. But SURPRISE another DQ from worthless Vince. Has he completed anything yet??

Did I hear Zach say he's a nice guy? Barf. He and Vince can both get off my screen. Man pigs.

I love CT. I loved having both Abe and CT as eye candy tonight. I wonder if either will ever be back for another challenge. I have a feeling they're both starting to realize they ARE above most of these other chucklefuks, and their challenge days belong in their pasts. Only time will tell I suppose, but this show isn't nearly as fun to watch as it used to be, and I think they both know it. Bananas' show my ass. These two boys represent what made this show so popular in the first place.

  • Love 6

It was no Johnny Backpack but it's always nice to see CT. He seems to be doing really good which makes me smile, I'm always rooting for him. 


I was sad to see Abe go, now who am I going to get camera reactions from when Johnny acts like a jerk and screws someone over? Also, Mike was a nice guy. I will miss him.


There's still like a hundred people who I don't even know the names of left on this show. 

  • Love 2

So many people to be upset about. Especially the Blue Team, which denied us CT/Johnny IV, where CT could have made Johnny a bitch in a public manner. And Vince is basically a hemorrhoid that refuses to go away. How did he not get a vote? He should have been the one getting emasculated in the Pit, not Jamie and Mike.


One good thing about Johnny & Vince winning . ..  .they'd probably have to spend their prize money on hospital bills once Abram gets through with them. Shit, I might punch people if Johnny lucks into yet another Challenge win. If MTV ever pulls the plug on this show, Johnny would be fucked.


I won't lie . . . the mission was inspired. I never learned how to swim under the water, so I'd be useless. Johnny and Abram sharing personal space was funny.

  • Love 3

Whoops! I tried and failed to quote you TiffanyNichelle, LOL!

I was going to say: I missed that!!!! I'll have to re-watch. But I do think CT came in to pay tribute to Diem, but he's done. And after what MTV did to Abe on the aftershow, I'd be shocked to see him return again.

Both CT and Abe had less than fine moments during their run, but both have matured and realized there is much more to life outside of the Challenge. Sadly, a lot of others don't seem to have matured a day since their debut... Cough cough... John... Cough

Edited by AngryCarrot86
  • Love 3

These people are fucking stupid and I'm stupid for watching this crap. Any time I find myself yelling "you people are fucking idiots" at the TV every few minutes, it may be time to stop watching this crap.

I hope that pussy Vince doesn't come back but I have a bad feeling he's going to be a career Challenger like his loser cousin John.

I'll miss Abe, I agree with the poster who said Abe's hot. I have never been attracted to blonde guys but there's just something about old Abe.

  • Love 6

How do the only two people from the blue team to actually complete the challenge end up in the pit while Mitch and Cory skate by?


So disappointed that Vince missed looking like a fool in the pit. Fucking Bananas. I hate him. Hate that this is his show. Brianna is a complete moron for voting his way. Did she not see what happened to every other girl on John's team. So far the only girl he hasn't screwed over was Aneesa and I don't see any value out of John screwing over Aneesa for Brianna and Jenna because I don't know what they bring to him. Brianna and Jenna seemed to see John and Creepy Uncle Vince for what they were and yet they still voted their way? I loved how disappointed TJ was. That line about going back to their bloodlines was so telling.

That's what I was trying to figure out the entire episode....both Vince and Mitch DQ'd yet the skate by?? Yet when it's a female elimination day, conveniently it's always based on "performance". I was also upet with Mike for volunteering himself in instead of voting for Vince. If he did, so would Jenna and Cara's cousin. Also, if the person going into the elimination is based on votes, why does one person's vote for himself stop the vote? Everyone else should have been forced to vote.

And while I thank the show for playing the Banana Backpack clip, it would have been amazing if Johnny/Vince had been in the Pit just see Johnny shit his pants when CT came out. I have a feeling that's what the producers were hoping for, but they didn't realize the rest of the cast were such idiots. I mean, c'mon! The past 3 male eliminations, they had the opportunity to throw Vince in and they didn't. Johnny has never been so vulnerable on a challenge nd they're all failing miserably in their nonattempts to send him backing, despite constantly talking about it. Ugh!!

And as much as I can't stand Zach, damn did he look hot. I hate myself for falling for it.

  • Love 7

Kudos to Jamie, Abram, Mike, and ugh, Johnny, for completing that underwater swimming challenge. I know I wouldn't have been able to.

Man, I thought that Brianna and Jenna would start to be smarter in the game, but I was wrong. I was so disappointed that they decided to side with Johhny and #VinceFail (thanks Cara Maria for that one!) I don't know how many times Johhny has to screw people over for others to see that he is not a trustworthy ally.

Too bad Abram and Mike got eliminated. I like those guys a lot and would like to see them back. It's funny how the rest of the guys were making fun of how Mike and Jamie did against Zach and CT as if they would've done any better had they been in the Pit instead.

I'm rooting for Cara Maria and Jamie to win it all.

Edited by Steph619
  • Love 4

Jenna and Breanna are so catastrophically dumb.  So, you know for certain that John has screwed over two close female friends already.  You haven't seen Cara Maria screw over anyone.  Last episode, the two of you were ranting and raving about what an unmitigated asshole Vince is (and you were right).  So, all of that adds up to "we'll side with John"?  How???  Did a producer offer them some kind of bonus to ensure John and Vince lived to douche another day?  I'm not getting what their thought process was.  Or am I giving them too much credit to say that, between the two of them, they could generate a single thought process?  It's just John talked to them most recently, so his was the only conversation they remembered?  


So disappointed that we didn't get another Johnny Bananas Backpack moment.  Vince would have made an excellent second edition.  


I loved Abe talking about how he'd be close enough to drown John "a little."  I'm going to miss his psycho ass.  


Since they're going back to their bloodlines now, I hope Cara Maria and Jamie take the mission in two weeks so they can happily send John and his mutant asshole cousin into the Pit.  Any chance we can get CT and Zach back for one more go at it?  


ETA:  Since we know they'll consider the bloodlines legit Challenge cast members now, I really hope they bring Mike back some time.  I think he was my favorite this season.  I just hope he gives up the notion of volunteering for elimination matches.  

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 8

Glad I'm not the only one who thought Zach looked hot, that haircut did wonders for him. He's still a douche though.

Jenna and Brianna, why?! I really wanted to strangle them both for their stupidity. We could have had another Bananas backpack moment and you guys ruined it. Hopefully they'll come to their senses in the coming weeks but I doubt it.

I really enjoyed Abe lecturing everyone. He was like a disappointed father

  • Love 4

Johnny is like Boston Rob on survivor. People have all these chances to get him out by putting Vince up and don't. Who do they think is going to win? They needed to take him out and they had the best chance tonight. Ugh. I hope Vince does another challenge so I can sit and watch him get his ass kicked in the pit and sent home. I always think someone in this show will wise up and they never do.

  • Love 3

Well, however far Johnny's tears for Diem and the reminder that he was a good friend to her might have veered the needle over into "Johnny's a good guy in real life" territory (for me, not at all...I'm a firm Johnny hater), his comment about Rianna looking like a sea creature (and I'm sure he didn't mean mermaid) veered it back over.  His consistent casual misogyny is just so repellent.  

  • Love 7

Abram talking about drowning John "a little" made the episode. Which is good because Jenna and Brianna are morons. Or are they geniuses? They know they are one of the weaker teams and probably figure that they'll be dragged along to the finale because of that. So why not side with Johnny by ridding the field of a strong team (Abe/Mike or Cara/Jamie) so Brianna and Jenna have a better chance of making the final and making some dough? Unfortunately for them, I don't think Johnny cares who makes it to the final between them and Aneesa/Rhianna because he's sure he can beat both of them. We'll see if he sticks with his Aneesa alliance or throws her in because he thinks Jenna/Brianna are even more useless come final time.

  • Love 5

 Unfortunately for them, I don't think Johnny cares who makes it to the final between them and Aneesa/Rhianna because he's sure he can beat both of them.


This is dead on.


Of course John doesn't want to put Jenna and her cousin in or Aneesa and her cousin (I think it is her cousin anyways).


He knows he can smash both of them in a final. Hell, all it will take is one gross eating challenge to eliminate Jenna and let's be honest, Aneesa won't be able to finish. She is out of shape and I believe she smokes. The finals have historically been something even someone who does crossfit on a daily basis would have trouble finishing.


I am with the rest of you...why do I watch this shit. It is and probably will continue to be the John show...


And looks like John will influence everyone to vote Cara in next week.


I normally don't look at spoilers, but I will before the final episode if John makes it. If he wins, I am not even watching it.

  • Love 3

So I'm really embarrassed about this but all all along, all these years, Johnny has not bothered me and in fact I thought he's really pretty smart at this and great at figuring out the best way to approach challenges, mentally and physically, and yeah he's a little bit arrogant and manipulative but who isn't, and if he wants to do this for a living, well who cares, etc etc

But my friends, I get it now, I see it, the light has clicked on for me. And it's all because of that nauseating cousin of his. Vince is so repulsive, and the sneaky maneuvering and outright bullying and sarcasm and boorishness with which he plays the game makes me root against him so hard. Then it hit me that's just what John does! Only John is more charming and has some good one-liners and is an effective player, so it kind of didn't bother me. I always felt like hey you're a moron if you fall for johns game but don't blame him for it! But with Vince, the way he scuttled out of the pit by going after mike that way, turned my stomach and at the same time opened my eyes. Now I want those caveman cousins out of there! And why did mike feel like he had to volunteer? He should have said no like the others did, and then let them come up with a solution, short straw or whatever method. But he let Vince goad him into it and that's just stupid.

At least my years old love for CT still is pure! And growing...

  • Love 8

Loved seeing CT back in action and died LOLing at the bananas backpack. NEVER GETS OLD


Also busted out laughing at Abe's "I could drown him a little." Hilarious. 

I really REALLY hope him and Mike come back for more challenges. This has been one of the most entertaining seasons. 


 Mike gave up the pit to let Jaime win so Cara can stay. Obvious.


Anyway BOOOO on the cast for not voting in Vince or John. Seriously!!!! What a missed opportunity to get rid of Bananas!!!! Vince SUCKS!


And its teams like Aneesa and Rhianna who make me long for the performance based eliminations. If you perform the worst you are in the pit. Done. Not fair they get to skate by. Same with Vince and John. John performs but can you imagine if him and Vince had to go in every time he Dq'd????


ETA: ITA about Zac's haircut. He is so freaking hot.  Him and CT. I love them. CT is hotter because of his personality but they are both gorgeous humans.


Also John calling Rihanna a sea creature was nasty and shows what kind of person John is. I can forgive shady politicking but being unnecessarily mean to Rihanna is just disgusting. He's a bully.  You aren't funny. Some of his one liners are light hearted and not cruel but that was just uncalled for especially cause Rihanna seems to be like neutral and hasn't done anything to John. 

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 7


Man, I thought that Brianna and Jenna would start to be smarter in the game, but I was wrong.

They made the best move for themselves. By voting Jamie in they had a chance to get rid of the strongest female competitor. If Jamie lost Cara would be gone and then they would only have to beat Aneesa to be the top female team. Since they didn't know how money is split there was a chance that it's going to be top male and top female getting big money.

  • Love 7

AHHH!!!!! This episode was such a huge disappointment. I will miss Abe and Mike. They were the only team I enjoyed watching. Mike was the perfect straight man to Abe's crazy antics. With that said, I appreciated Abe's commentary. He brought a voice of reason to The Challenge and called John out on his lack of integrity. And somehow John still remains unscathed. The problem is Abe couldn't wake up a bunch of morons or plan it out so that he could take John out himself. It saddens me greatly that the insufferable Bananas and his Neanderthal cousin Vince get to live another day knowing that CT would've crushed Vince in that pit. I wish Mike wouldn't have volunteered himself, and I wish Brianna and Jenna weren't so stupid to follow John. They're probably going to get eliminated next week now. I believe CT is somewhat friends with Cara Maria, so obviously he had no animosity towards Jamie and probably took it easy on him. However, I think CT would've been pumped to face Vince who had the gall to compare himself to CT at the bar and CT had to tell him to step off. CT would've destroyed Vince world record style in what would be known as Johnny Bananas Backpack 2.0 and Abe would still be in the game with Bananas going home. It's so painful knowing what should've been.


The women had no incentive to try hard in the water challenge since it wasn't a female elimination week. This challenge seemed hard, and I'm not surprised all but 4 got disqualified. I'm definitely not surprised Vince got DQ'ed again. He's terrible at this game. What a delusional asshole he is to think he's a beast. I wish Abe would've messed with John underwater a little bit. Cara Maria is right. Abe could've drowned him and put an end to John's career. He seriously will be on The Challenge until he can collect social security.


The quote of the night was from Abe. Referring to Brianna, he said, "I just don't see that killer instinct in her. She's about as fearsome as a Chihuahua turd with sparkles on it." I love that guy and CT. I hated seeing that misogynistic douche Zach again. I hate that Jenna is with that assclown.


Hopefully Bananas gets eliminated next male elimination, but I'm not holding my breath at this point. And, yes, it's even more sad that we're going to be seeing Vince for the next 5 challenges. He's not self-aware enough to realize that he's horrible at this game.

Edited by jmonkey
  • Love 5

They made the best move for themselves. By voting Jamie in they had a chance to get rid of the strongest female competitor. If Jamie lost Cara would be gone and then they would only have to beat Aneesa to be the top female team. Since they didn't know how money is split there was a chance that it's going to be top male and top female getting big money.


I was thinking the opposite - since there are mixed gender teams, it would be hard to make a "top male" and "top female" team designation.  As a two girl team, I'd want to get rid of the two guy teams as much as possible.  

  • Love 2

Thinking about it, I'm okay with Abram & Mike going out. They were brought in after the game started . . . I don't think it would have been right for them to win, even if they were actual substitutes, as opposed to BMP bringing in Abram because of Cara Maria's dalliance. Also, can you imagine how much meth Abram could buy with the prize money?

  • Love 1

John (thanks Abe!) is keeping Aneesa and her cousin around because he knows they won't be able to finish a final challenge. Same with Jenna and Brianna. In fact, the only threat left in the game is Cara Maria and Jamie- because not only can they both finish a final, Jamie is strong enough to actually help Cara Maria (this is not a dig on Cara Maria, just that historically the final challenge involves them having to carry something heavy while climbing up something difficult, and that type of task can be really hard for petite women like Cara Maria).
John is going to have to carry Vince completely if he hopes to finish, because Vince has been completely worthless.
Which is why I really want Cara Maria and Jamie to make it to the final; if they get eliminated, John definitely wins. [Mitch and Cory are such non-entities I'm not even considering them.]

Edited by ctkat1
  • Love 5

I don't know if Jenna/Bri made the wrong choice. If any of the remaining girls get CM in the Pit they're toast. If she went out with Jamie, the next female elimination day would be either Jenna vs. Aneesa or Bri vs. Ri. Much better for them than Bri vs. CM, especially now that CM definitely doesn't have the numbers on either side of the equation. Hope we see Mike again.<br /><br />Zach can fuck off. I'm sure he sheared his hair to be less recognizable after he embarrassed himself on the last one. John/Vince just make this whole thing not fun. Having Abram back reminded me when he was on the Inferno how people went after the money, but didn't completely lose their minds if they lost and seemed to get along better. Theresa even said last season once BanNany went out everyone could be friends. <br /><br />I guess the show doesn't think it can work without John, but I'm just not convinced of that.<br /><br /><br /><br />

  • Love 1

Abe grew on me this season. I never had any feelings towards him, always kind of neutral on him,  but his dislike for JOHN is amazing, complete with his reactions when Johnny continues to screw over people who John declared he would never screw over. It was so much fun that Abe had the exact same reaction I had on my face: glee. Also, I feel like Abe was the only one around calling out John's tactics. Yes, Cara was a few times this season but Abe just knows what game John is playing and it's always nice to hear it from someone else. 


Vince is useless. I hope that now that bloodlines are back together, it means Johnny and him just keep losing because Vince does.. nothing. And if he does come back, I sincerely hope he returns when it's a one-man for all challenge and everyone is on their own and he sucks as much as he did here and gets put in an elimination. Mike should have never said, "I'll go in every time" He was a good teammate. I do wonder if the switch back to bloodlines would not be happening if the team would have voted differently? Would they have wanted to essentially keep dead weight of Vince? But because bloodlines are returning next week, it changes things. I wish Teej had saved that reveal for after the elimination. 

  • Love 1

I'd like to know what sort of safety precautions they had set up for that comp.  F*** THAT! 

I know how to swim, could probably dive pretty far down but to sit in a freaking little box for air?? HELLZZZ no. 


What if someone panicked too much and couldn't go back up? I feel like Jenna was near that and the other dude said he couldn't get enough air cause he was freaking out. 



Does anyone know what the count would have been if Brianna, Cara Maria and Abe had voted for someone other than Jamie? Would it have been 3 against 4 or a tie?

I figured they all voted for Jaime because they were out numbered.

Edited by gunderda
  • Love 2

I'd like to know what sort of safety precautions they had set up for that comp.  F*** THAT! 

I know how to swim, could probably dive pretty far down but to sit in a freaking little box for air?? HELLZZZ no. 


What if someone panicked too much and couldn't go back up? I feel like Jenna was near that and the other dude said he couldn't get enough air cause he was freaking out. 




Eh, it didn't look deep at all.  Maybe 10 feet?  There was divers with oxygen tanks all around. I thought it was one of the cooler challenges.  

  • Love 3

That was a really clever water challenge, I thought. There wasn't any real danger, since they could easily just swim up and get fresh air, but the claustrophobia made it feel dangerous anyway. I'm totally comfortable in water, but having my head in that box like that would have probably freaked me out, too. They should use this type of challenge more often, IMO. I think it works better than the ones that test people's fear of heights, since we've seen that so much now that I have a hard time believing any of them are truly scared to fall when they're wearing safety harnesses.


This is the first time I've been able to appreciate John as a villain, and I think it's only because he has strong opposition and isn't being cut much slack with editing. He's a jerk, and it's not even cute anymore. He's still a worthy antagonist, and we're seeing his talent for turning off morals to win money, but it's not looking glamorous, everyone else has his number and he's pretty much a joke to them on a personal level. Of course, BMP could easily turn around and cast him with a bunch of his buddies next season and reinflate his ego, paint him as a hardcore competitor deserving of admiration and so forth. I just get the impression from the edit this season that production isn't really banking on needing to do that. And there was some cracking wise about how he's getting old in this episode, too, so I think John might be put out to pasture soon.


I guess I'm rooting for Cara Maria because her partner seems cool, I've never really hated her as a character, and they both seem like good athletic competitors. But the way Jenna's being edited, the way she and her partner fell out earlier, I also expect they'll turn it around and manage to work together to win in the end.


I have to say, in general, the storytelling this season is pretty solid, IMO. Whether it's good casting, or good scenario design, or just good luck -- I dunno -- but they did something right this time.

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I think they did say that the boxes were about 7 feet deep, or at least the first one was.  I wasn't sure if the rest got deeper or not.  I believe the one guy who was having trouble breathing in the box - it was probably because of the water pressure pushing on his chest.  It's not a feeling most people are used to, and even people who can swim don't necessarily swim down deep.  I can swim and am reasonably comfortable in the water, but I get claustrophobic and I'm not sure I could have stayed in the box.  I did think the pictures of Abe and John in the box next to each other were pretty funny.

  • Love 3

I'm pretty comfortable in the water including under-water (though maybe not that deep), but that challenge freaked me out. I was practically gasping for air on behalf of the contestants. That said I liked it as a challenge. It was nice to see something that wasn't fear of heights, gross stuff to eat, or creep crawlies being dropped on them.


I didn't particularly like how their performance in the Challenge didn't seem to have much to do with them going into the pit or not.

  • Love 5

I'm pretty comfortable in the water including under-water (though maybe not that deep), but that challenge freaked me out. I was practically gasping for air on behalf of the contestants. That said I liked it as a challenge. It was nice to see something that wasn't fear of heights, gross stuff to eat, or creep crawlies being dropped on them.


I didn't particularly like how their performance in the Challenge didn't seem to have much to do with them going into the pit or not.

This is a great point. It was complete and utter bullshit that Mike and Jamie were sent into the pit even though they were the only ones on the blue team to complete the challenge. IMO Vince and Mitch should've been required to go into the pit for getting DQ'ed and being on the losing team. There should at least be a finishing component to each Challenge. If you don't finish and you're on the losing team, you should be automatically thrown into the pit. I know politics and strategy come into play too, but there should be more of an emphasis on your actual performance in the challenges. Of course I say this knowing that Vince would've gotten destroyed by CT if he would've been in the pit this episode and that would've sent the insufferable Bananas home.

  • Love 6

I grew up in Hawaii, spent the majority of my childhood in the water and was even once given a good talking-to by the police for jumping off the rock at Waimea bay at midnight on a full moon. I have no problems doing dumb things in the water and always had a hard time understanding why they were so scared in other challenges where they merely drop into water (like the trivia one,) but I think this challenge would have been kind of rough for me. I found myself getting really anxious along with Jenna and I'm pretty sure I would have bailed seeing how long they had to wait in each of the tiny chambers filled with stale, humid air while not really knowing what was happening because everyone else was dq'ing.

  • Love 3

Well the first Challenges, they had people go to the elimination round if they performed the worst in the Challenges.


But obviously the producers want the drama of the politicking and so they encourage forming alliances and backstabbing.  So a good chunk of the show is taken up with the whole deliberations, convos, fights, etc. around the voting.  I never watched Survivor but presumably this is how they do it and Bunim-Murray just copied it.

  • Love 1

I kind of like the mix of both....where if you finish dead last then you automatically go into the elimination, but then the group (either everyone or the winning team) needs to vote who goes in with you.  It punishes those who are made of suck, discourages people from throwing challenges, but at the same time also allows for the drama of having to make alliances and get votes.  I liked the challenges who worked that way the most....and the beginning challenges here they did that (before they moved to having teams) and I thought it worked well.

  • Love 6

Little Spoon . . . first of all, nice avatar. Now . ..  to me, CT is proof that you can do this show and not be an asshole. Sure, it took him years to reach a point where he's not slugging everybody or doing it with Shavoun (ew), but he seems to be chill. On the other hand, Zach is a misogynist asshole who needs a beating. I mean, better to see him than Frank, but he's a long way from redemption.

  • Love 6

To be fair, the challenge he did where he hooked up with Shavoun and almost murdered Adam was the one he did right after his brother died. MTV really should have seen he was not in the right state of mind but then again, they continuously let Tonya came back where she was never in the right state. But I agree, CT is proof you can grow up and change. Zach is an ass. I've thought this since his RW season. He's always been a judgemental jerk. But I think CT grew up a lot since The Duel challenge. I also think while it wasn't right for him to nearly kill Adam, I think he and Adam always had a tense relationship, there was always bad blood and that night happened to be the night that was the final nail in the coffin. Was it right? No.  But did he learn and grow from it? Yes. Zach hasn't grown at all. He has gotten worse with each passing challenge and there are times when I think he could be a nice guy and that he is growing up and then he will remind me what a jerk he is. 

  • Love 5

True, but given how pathetic Vince has been, you might argue that Jamie and Cara Maria are the bigger threat.

The bigger threat to Johnny and Vince, same as Abe and Mike.  If you want to rank the teams top to bottom, Jenna and Brianna come in 2nd to last no matter how you parse it down, with the only team weaker being Aneesa and Rhianna.  If the rest of the show breaks down to guys vs. girls, they were guaranteed a place no matter what.  If it doesn't (which is more likely), they still have to survive 2 more teams.  Even if they knocked out Aneesa and Rianna, they'd still have to beat one of the other 3 to make the final.  In past years, when they've taken 4 teams to the final location to compete for the top 3 spots, the competition is usually part strength/ part intelligence.  Jenna lucked into the last one with the trivia game, but that bird has already flown.  It would more likely be a puzzle game, and then she's screwed, unless Brianna has a secret brain trust she's been hiding.

  • Love 2

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