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S11.E08: The Big Launch

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Corey wants Kris to watch 5 classic films, like Boyz N the Hood. I haven't seen that on AMC classics, did I just happen to miss it?

And yeah that art was really Kris's style. I notice she didn't buy any of it.

Jonathan is such a lackey for her. Carry her piss to a doctors office? Bring her a cronut? Why not wipe her ass too? And he's supposed to be some big shot but doesn't know the street address she gave didn't exist? She's such an entitled bitch. Lecturing Kourtney about using her kids as excuse. How many times has she used North as an excuse to not do something? I recall her ugly cry face when she was scared to zip line, and used the now that I'm a mother bullshit.

Was Kendall serious about that shit show Kanye put on? I do think Kourtney was being facetious, I hope so.

And Kylie? She was was a fish out of water. Without T as a security blanket, she's scared of her own shadow.

Edited by iwasish
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Corey wants Kris to watch 5 classic films, like Boyz N the Hood.I haven't seen that on AMC classics, did I just happen to miss it?


Actually, the movie is considered a classic if one is speaking of black/African-American films/cinema over the last maybe 25 years or so.


But I still rolled my eyes when he said it, like boy please.


I can't take him as I've said many times and I surely can't take them together. 


The both of them should sit down and try watching Roots together, he's an idiot.

Edited by represent
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What is Corey doing on this show? He is so forced, like when Kris was talking to Kourtney and he keeps interrupting with "that's my friend" and then "we love you." 

Who are you? What are you doing on this show? I don't get what Kris is seeing with this guy.


Kourtney really doesn't care, he reactions during the "app" discussions and why hers was late solidified that. Also I like that Kendall doesn't consider the app launch her reality at all, she said what are we wearing because I have to go to work after. Like the app launch wasn't her work at all.


Kylie left her own magazine launch party because Tyga wanted too? LOL at Kylie thinks all of fashion week is wanting her, that's why she did so much? The only thing she can get is from her brother in-law.  Kim's right to worry about Kylie's reputation/behavior she's probably seeing shades of Rob in Kylie.


Kourtney wants to dress in Kanye's clothes everyday? Yet I don't see her doing so. lol


Tyga can be edited out at anytime. With all the underage girls press and cheating, E! still airing him is gross. He and Corey need to be removed. 

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Please stop trying to make Kylie happen. Or am I too late? Has she already happened? I do not care for her at all.

Has this show turned into a gigantic parody of itself or am I late to the party on that too and it's been like this forever? What a joke this show is.

"You can be a model but we're gonna have to cover your face."

Edited by woodscommaelle
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Where I'm from, Boys N the Hood and Friday are Black people classics, i.e cult movies everyone watches and still quotes. Did you hear Khloe call Kim "Felicia" at dinner? That's from Friday.

Kylie is so weird to me. She has this robotic apathetic demeanor yet at the same time she appears to be timid and vain. I can't put my finger on it. It is interesting how she frames the past versus the present...I wonder if she equates her newfound "demand" to her cosmetic enhancements. I remember around this time everyone wanted to see what Kylie was doing, wearing, etc. Her app was the most popular of the bunch. All of this is going to her head. It's very telling that Kim is already hearing rumors about her unprofessional behavior. She better get that ego in check. She and Tyga are such a bore together.

I thought it was hilarious that Kourtney was so irritated by the app fiasco. It appeared as if she let the ball drop in regards to her portion of the work and was pissed that everyone else's was ready. I totally laughed when Kim called her out.

Johnathan grow some balls. Although his whole bit seemed staged and could have been left on the editing room floor.

Kanye's clothes were shit. My mom and I laughed about the Walking Dead memes we remembered from the Internet when it launched. And no wonder he doesn't understand his designs are crap, everyone was fawning over him like it was the second coming, although I detected some facetiousness from Kourtney.


Edited due to double post ugh.

Edited by Bluethcs24
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Kim has someone who wears a fake pregnancy stomach & tries on her clothes so Kim can see how they look. I can't, I just can't. And then she bitches out Kourtney for not doing her app because she had a baby, but Kim is too tired to try on her own clothes


I can't believe how they were all raving about Kanye's krappy klothing line, Kourtney sounded like someone slipped something in her drink, "didn't it make you want to wear his clothes every day? DIDN'T IT????" Wow.

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Kourtney is usually the Kardashian I dislike the least, but the launch of her app being delayed is entirely her fault. She's not actually doing the development, there's a company taking care of that, all she had to do was sign off on the specifications. I think there was some passive-aggressiveness at play since she initially didn't want to do the app and fought with Kim about it. If Kourt really didn't want to do the app, she should have stood her ground, instead of agreeing to do it, then dragging her feet.


Both Corey and Jonathan are such huge suck-ups, I almost want to see them in the same scene, just to see them try to outdo each other.


Did anyone notice how Riccardo Tisci touched Kanye's shoulder - his hand lingering there for a bit, then sliding down Kanye's chest? Those two are "friends", all right.


I have no words for how ugly Kanye's klothing line is. I think the only reason he wanted Kylie to model for him is that Kendall wouldn't touch that krap with a ten-foot pole.

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All you have to do is look at Kanye's clothes, realize that high end fashion magazines have been him calling him for YEARS a fashion icon and then it makes it clear why Kim has allowed him to take control of her wardrobe and why she too looks like shit now. There was an old KUWTK on recently where Kim buying was on-line at an auction buying some $5,000 jacket that Kanye liked for her and Kourtney told her she was nuts and she was like "but how I look and dress reflects Kanye and I HAVE to look good for him because then we'll have to go on-line and read about my fashion being criticized". I think she's been brainwashed into believing her style has gotten better since he has a say in what she wears.

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Khloe sure is trying to make "dope" happen again. Kourtney was a lot more chattier and happy than I've seen her in a long time, it looked really good on her. Ohhh to sit around the kitchen table and decide how big of a jet the family needs...we discuss what's on sale at the IGA and if we have a coupon for JCPenney.

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Did anyone notice how Riccardo Tisci touched Kanye's shoulder - his hand lingering there for a bit, then sliding down Kanye's chest? Those two are "friends", all right.



Yes! How awkward was that? 

Kim trying do do damage control for Kylie. Too late, she already has the diva reputation. 

So I guess Kim is Kanye's new publicist? Half the show was about him. Very smooth, Kanye, very smooth. Way to use your wife's show to benefit yourself and you didn't even have to say a word.

 I thought Kourtney was smart enough not to drink the almighty Kanye Koolaid, but when she started going on about how she wanted to clean out her closet and wear nothing but that crap, my like for her dropped several thousand notches. 

Cory Gamble- is that really the best Kris can do? 

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Where to start with this one?  In no particular order:


Khloe telling Kylie and Tyga that they should have a threesome.  Does that woman have any boundaries within her family?


The way Khloe seems to always talk with food in her mouth...it distorts her voice in a way that's like fingernails on a chalkboard for me.  And speaking of fingernails, the way she has to hold her fork because of her long, pointy manicure bugs me too.  And Khloe is my favorite K sister!


Kim wore the same shredded beige top that she's worn before.  And what is up with the walking around with coats over her shoulders?  Is she trying to cover up her arms?  It's an odd affectation.  Probably Kanye told her to do it.


Who IS Jonathan, besides Kim's personal servant?  Does he have a role within this family, like publicist or something?  Is he on the Kardashian payroll?  Does he actually get paid to carry around Kim's pee in a bag?  Did I just type that last sentence?


Kanye's fashion show.........???  And Kylie's role within it, even though by her own admission she is not a model, nor nice, nor polite, nor respectful...?????


That painting of the Kardashian sisters by Mr. Brainwash was all kinds of creepy.  And hey, there's another sentence I never thought I'd type.


Wasn't Kris supposed to be hanging around, keeping an eye on Scott and the kids?  Didn't she agree to do that, and then totally didn't?  Nice job, Grandma.



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Kourtney is usually the Kardashian I dislike the least, but the launch of her app being delayed is entirely her fault. She's not actually doing the development, there's a company taking care of that, all she had to do was sign off on the specifications. I think there was some passive-aggressiveness at play since she initially didn't want to do the app and fought with Kim about it. If Kourt really didn't want to do the app, she should have stood her ground, instead of agreeing to do it, then dragging her feet.


Both Corey and Jonathan are such huge suck-ups, I almost want to see them in the same scene, just to see them try to outdo each other.


Did anyone notice how Riccardo Tisci touched Kanye's shoulder - his hand lingering there for a bit, then sliding down Kanye's chest? Those two are "friends", all right.


I have no words for how ugly Kanye's klothing line is. I think the only reason he wanted Kylie to model for him is that Kendall wouldn't touch that krap with a ten-foot pole.

YESSS to the Riccardo Tisci caress! I was watching with my mom and I said "Everyone thinks he's Kanye's secret boyfriend" and then he caressed him and I was like "SEE?!" Lmao.

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Faye Resnick looked like an extra from Planet of the Apes. I was so distracted by the mess that is her face, that I barely remember what they were even talking about.

Corey creeps me out. I think Kris is gonna need a restraining order to make that go away some day. Still can't figure out if he has the hots for one of the daughters or if he's a professional walker..

Lets just call Jonathan what he is. Kim's bitch. What i found really funny about that scene tho, is that he is basically doing for Kim what she did for Paris Hilton!

"Kim run get me some coke. Run get me condoms. Kim give me your underwear. Kim..run down to Walgreens and pick up my herpes meds."

Kim learned from the best.

Again, Kylie seems almost borderline developmentally disabled to me. And if I was any of those sisters, you would never catch me sitting right next to Kendall in any shot. She makes the rest of them look sooooo bad and plastic. She looks so natural compared to the rest of them.

I wondered last night what their apps focus on? They said Kourtney's was lifestyle but what the eff do the others have on theirs? Like Kendall and Khloe in particular. I know Kendall is a pretty girl but wtf does she have to talk about?

Edited by MarysWetBar
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And if I was any of those sisters, you would never catch me sitting right next to Kendall in any shot. She makes the rest of them look sooooo bad and plastic. She looks so natural compared to the rest of them.


I noticed this too.  When they were all walking into the press conference, Kendall's legs go on for days, she's the only one (besides Kourtney) who still maintains a very natural beauty, and she seems like she might actually enjoy chatting about things other than, "You look cute today."  Not saying she's a rocket scientist, but she seems to have a bit more of a soul than her sisters.


Khloe's lips are starting to freak me out, in much the same way as Kim and Kylie's do.  Just say no, Khloe!

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Unless she's talking about Tyga, Kylie is just glazed and whatever. And it looks like she's joined Khloe in the "can't wipe - acrylic nails" club.

Worst plastic surgery in this episode was the woman sitting next to Jonathan in the final scene.


Yolanda will not be pleased that Bella didn't get her name captioned, despite standing next to Kylie in the fashion show, and getting a line in the morning after breakfast scene. Favourite daughter Gigi got one in the graduation episode, she didn't even have to say anything.


I bet Lyme disease will ultimately be blamed.

Edited by Kokapetl
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Kourtneys last app update is a tutorial showing people how to eat a Kit Kat. Really deep stuff!

I'd rather watch that than watch Kims giant orange anus lips demonstrate how to eat a churro.

And regardless of whether Kourt dropped the ball on her app or not, she should have punched Kim right in her face for saying " you're not special" Kim has used North as an excuse for plenty and she spends way less time mothering than Kourt.

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I thought minus Kendall that their faces looked particularly distorted. I mean like really bad, fun house mirror distorted. I don't know if some of it was the lighting too. Then Faye Resnick appeared and she looked even worse. For the life of me, I don't get why these women have mutilated their faces. Kris actually looked better than the younger ones, at least last night. Maybe that is because she started later with altering her face.

This whole show was so much BS being thrown around. You guys have covered that well. I question my own sanity as to why I watch this show. So so phony. Their fake outsides have consumed anything that at one time might have been real on the inside. I've never seen such a group of people with so little self-awareness.

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Would someone tell Kanye and krew that " dope" and "sick" are over and aren't coming back.

Kim lecturing Kylie ... Did she really tell her it's okay to be a diva and difficult as long as she's sweet and professional when she does a gig? And that everyone loves working with her because she's always soooo sweet?

Tyga looked like a thug when he suggested Kylie and he go to another club. With the hoodie and the sunglasses, probably stoned .

How many times did Kim say. "Mine and Kanye's"?

I don't know if she went to private or public school, but they overpaid for her education.

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Corey creeps me out. I think Kris is gonna need a restraining order to make that go away some day.


LOL YES! He should never speak.


I thought minus Kendall that their faces looked particularly distorted. I mean like really bad, fun house mirror distorted.


Kylie's face is hard to look at. Very sad.

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Like Kendall and Khloe in particular. I know Kendall is a pretty girl but wtf does she have to talk about?


She posts a lot of BTS stuff from her shows or shoots  (she wisely won't let the cameras anywhere near the day job - the footage of her walking  Givenchy was taken from the cameras that stream the live feed from NYFW) ,trivia about herself (that's where she spilled about her first kiss which was with the son of notPonch from CHiPS) and general stuff (she had her dermatologist who treated her for her really bad acne on to explain how it was treated)

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And regardless of whether Kourt dropped the ball on her app or not, she should have punched Kim right in her face for saying " you're not special" Kim has used North as an excuse for plenty and she spends way less time mothering than Kourt.

I think Kourt is very aware that what she says on camera could come back to bite her in the ass so she chooses not to react much of the time. I hope off camera is another story cause, really, who the fuck does Kim think she is.....Somebody in the family please, please, put that bitch in her place. Oh, that's right, Rob did and now he's an outcast. 

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So Kylie's party, she decided to leave with Tyga, his suggestion right? I think that's what I saw; he whispered in her ear and then she decided to leave, go to another club. 


First of all wasn't that a party to celebrate her magazine cover? If so it was unprofessional, it's business, not your wedding where the bride and groom can leave the guess behind and head toward the honeymoon.


Next and worst of all, is just how selfish Tyga is....any man who cannot allow his woman to shine has problems that, that woman should run from.


That party was to celebrate her professional accomplishment and his advice to her was to leave with him?


She was getting too much attention and he wanted to prove he was more important, end of story.


He truly is vomit inducing.

Edited by represent
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Now we know why Kim's butt is so big.  Jonathan Cheban lives inside it.   (While I thought Kris Humphries was pretty much a jerk, I used to love the way he called out Cheban, both to Kim and to Cheban's face.  Kim was embarrassed and that made it even more fun to watch.)


LOL that Kendall was walking Givenchy, while Kylee gets....Kanye and that mess.


Corey can leave any time.  He's so phony - so clear he is there for publicity only.  


And he can take Tyga with him. 


These women really don't have a very high bar when it comes to selecting the men in their lives, do they? 

Edited by mwell345
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Would someone tell Kanye and krew that " dope" and "sick" are over and aren't coming back.

Kim lecturing Kylie ... Did she really tell her it's okay to be a diva and difficult as long as she's sweet and professional when she does a gig? And that everyone loves working with her because she's always soooo sweet?

Tyga looked like a thug when he suggested Kylie and he go to another club. With the hoodie and the sunglasses, probably stoned .

How many times did Kim say. "Mine and Kanye's"?

I don't know if she went to private or public school, but they overpaid for her education.

As much as I loathe Kim, I think she gave Kylie solid advice.  I have read that she has a good professional reputation of being on time and being gracious, courteous and professional. It would be good for Kylie to take her advice.  I think that out of all of them, Kim seems to be the one that has always been really invested in building and sustaining her brand, from the very beginning.  Her brand may be selling herself and her looks, but she's committed and puts in the work.  And she knows that a poor work reputation can make people not want to work with you when you're not the "it" person anymore.

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Now we know why Kim's butt is so big.  Jonathan Cheban lives inside it.   (While I thought Kris Humphries was pretty much a jerk, I used to love the way he called out Cheban, both to Kim and to Cheban's face.  Kim was embarrassed and that made it even more fun to watch.)


LOL that Kendall was walking Givenchy, while Kylee gets....Kanye and that mess.


Corey can leave any time.  He's so phony - so clear he is there for publicity only.  


And he can take Tyga with him. 


These women really don't have a very high bar when it comes to selecting the men in their lives, do they?

Corey and Kris both know why they're in this relationship, and they also know that the other person knows. He's a whore, she's rich. Can't say the same for Kylie.
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These people... It is funny that Kendall was walking a legit show and Kylie was walking in Kanye's her brother in laws. I highly doubt that if Kayne wasn't Kim's husband, she would be walking in that show. Also wish Kim would shut up about Kourtney, I get that Kourtney should have worked harder but real life stuff started happening and this just shows that Kim doesn't know how to deal with human emotions. I would never spend any time with Kim if I was related to her. I'm sorry. 

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I subscribe to neither app, but I do find Kourtney to have a kind of tongue in cheek, subtle humor. Kim not so much. So if I had to watch one it'd be Kourts. But I do agree, shallow and vapid pretty much describes them.

These people... It is funny that Kendall was walking a legit show and Kylie was walking in Kanye's her brother in laws. I highly doubt that if Kayne wasn't Kim's husband, she would be walking in that show. Also wish Kim would shut up about Kourtney, I get that Kourtney should have worked harder but real life stuff started happening and this just shows that Kim doesn't know how to deal with human emotions. I would never spend any time with Kim if I was related to her. I'm sorry.

Who would have picked Kylie out of that lineup of skinny, moth eaten clothes wearing, expressionless zombies wearing hats, it's not like she was a shining, charismatic star. Wonder how hard Kim had to twist Kanyes arm to have her walk the show.!

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I have never seen a worse case of raging pregnancy hormones than Kim. Holy hell, she is a fucking nightmare right now - and it's not like she was some gentle gem before but how Kourtney didn't rip her a new one is beyond me.

And as for Kim's advice to be sweet - I HATE when grown ass women talk about being sweet in the workplace. Don't be sweet. Be a professional. And if you don't know the difference, go sit in Morgan Stanley for a day. One of my biggest pet peeves. Could you see any 30-something man advising his younger brother to be sweet at work?

Edited by Shangrilala
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I thought minus Kendall that their faces looked particularly distorted. I mean like really bad, fun house mirror distorted. I don't know if some of it was the lighting too. Then Faye Resnick appeared and she looked even worse. For the life of me, I don't get why these women have mutilated their faces. Kris actually looked better than the younger ones, at least last night. Maybe that is because she started later with altering her face.

This whole show was so much BS being thrown around. You guys have covered that well. I question my own sanity as to why I watch this show. So so phony. Their fake outsides have consumed anything that at one time might have been real on the inside. I've never seen such a group of people with so little self-awareness.

 I was thinking the same thing! They all looked...off. A few scenes caught Kris looking rough and Faye-wow And whats up with Jonathon? Has he had plastic surgery? I kept stopping the dvr to look closer at his face. Something looks different and not in a good way.   I was thinking maybe the editing is different. Not using a soft filter or something?

As for Kylie I literally feel my blood pressure go up and I want to punch her whenever she is on the screen.  

Kim has a body double to try on clothes because she is tired?? GAG!    Like she told Kortney "you aren't special"

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Yeah, being told to be "sweet" in a work setting always makes me side-eye. And it does seem like only women are given this advice, like just sit there and nod and agree with everything. Be professional, be on time, but "be sweet"? Okay. This is where I disagree about a lot of the recap on last nights episode, Kim isn't always right. In fact, I found her very much wrong but I digress. 

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I was thinking the same thing! They all looked...off. A few scenes caught Kris looking rough and Faye-wow And whats up with Jonathon? Has he had plastic surgery? I kept stopping the dvr to look closer at his face. Something looks different and not in a good way. I was thinking maybe the editing is different. Not using a soft filter or something?

As for Kylie I literally feel my blood pressure go up and I want to punch her whenever she is on the screen.

Kim has a body double to try on clothes because she is tired?? GAG! Like she told Kortney "you aren't special"

Jonathan has had like 2/3rds of his original nose removed


Edited by Kokapetl
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Oh and Mr. Brainwash? If you haven't seen Exit Through the Gift Shop, DO. It's an excellent documentary, and shows what a hacky loser hack MBW is. It might also be about what hacks Bansky and Shepard Fairey are, but they're in on the joke, at least. Leave it to Kris Jenner to take Thierry Guetta seriously. 

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I actually wanted to look at that painting a bit more, when Kris went to see that artist.  At a glance, I was like, why aren't I seeing a full view of Kylie's face? She was sitting on the chair backwards it seemed like. And, why was she blocking most of Khloe's body and I think the left corner of her face. I was like WTF?


LOL, I was stuck on that, quite a peculiar artistic vision when it came to the far right side of that painting. 

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Corey and Kris both know why they're in this relationship, and they also know that the other person knows. He's a whore, she's rich. Can't say the same for Kylie.


Exactly - which is why I question her taste in men.  She's rich - and she could pick from any number of "boyfriends" who would be very happy to strut along beside her while the cameras were rolling and talk about film and "art" .  But Corey is the guy who made the cut.  Boggles my mind.


Just read that Jonathan left  Celebrity Big Brother (British show) after 7 days.  


"After leaving the diary room he joined close pal, TOWIE star Gemma Collins, who told the US star he should stay as 'you want to make it big in the UK?'


'It's not that, I'm huge here. We're on in 180 countries!' Jonathan pointed out of the success of Keeping Up With The Kardsashians, which he appears in.


My, my, someone certainly thinks he is special.   He's only on in 180 countries when Kim needs someone to carry her pee to the doctor's office or make a doughnut run. 





Does it really matter if its Kourtney eating a Kit Kat or Kim eating a churro? Both are pointless and vapid and its ludicrous they charge money for such stupid nonsense.


Even more ludicrous is that people are willing to pay it.

Edited by mwell345
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Kim wore the same shredded beige top that she's worn before.  And what is up with the walking around with coats over her shoulders?  Is she trying to cover up her arms?  It's an odd affectation.  Probably Kanye told her to do it.



I don't think it has so much to do with the arms, more likely the clothing doesn't actually close in the back, either because zippers won't even come close to zipping or she has had the clothing just flat up split open in the back. 


 I was thinking the same thing! They all looked...off. A few scenes caught Kris looking rough and Faye-wow And whats up with Jonathon? Has he had plastic surgery? I kept stopping the dvr to look closer at his face. Something looks different and not in a good way.   I was thinking maybe the editing is different. Not using a soft filter or something?



Jonathan's plastic surgery was off the charts in this one. 


Kinda, sorta show related, but certainly fits given the shitshow we saw Kanye's fashion show was, but I heard a "blind item" on the radio this morning on the Elvis Duran show. First they were mindlessly talking about Kim and Kanye and then moved on to this "blind" item. What superstar who is also a designer has a very specific dress code for the large dinners he likes to host? All guests are required to wear sold colors only, absolutely no stripes or patterns, and showing up in anything but will get you sent home to change. As names were being tossed out, they were told they were just talking about him and it was revealed it was Kanye. Given his "fashion show" was nothing but hideous solid colors, this I 100% believe. 

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Kanye's clothes look like the shredded clothing the contestants on Survivor are left with after a few weeks on the island.

What's the over/under on Corey changing his name to Korey? Yuck.

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I actually wanted to look at that painting a bit more, when Kris went to see that artist.  At a glance, I was like, why aren't I seeing a full view of Kylie's face? She was sitting on the chair backwards it seemed like. And, why was she blocking most of Khloe's body and I think the left corner of her face. I was like WTF?


LOL, I was stuck on that, quite a peculiar artistic vision when it came to the far right side of that painting. 

Same here!  Khloe is partially invisible in the painting.  I found it rather disturbing.  It looked like an impressionist painting with the K sisters' faces superimposed.  I couldn't figure out why Kris didn't purchase it instantly and hang it on her Wall of Daughters.


Kinda, sorta show related, but certainly fits given the shitshow we saw Kanye's fashion show was, but I heard a "blind item" on the radio this morning on the Elvis Duran show. First they were mindlessly talking about Kim and Kanye and then moved on to this "blind" item. What superstar who is also a designer has a very specific dress code for the large dinners he likes to host? All guests are required to wear sold colors only, absolutely no stripes or patterns, and showing up in anything but will get you sent home to change. As names were being tossed out, they were told they were just talking about him and it was revealed it was Kanye. Given his "fashion show" was nothing but hideous solid colors, this I 100% believe. 

LOLOLOL  No stripes or patterns?!  Sent home to change?  I find this absolutely hysterical.  Now I clearly see why Kimye is such a perfect pairing.  They are both delusional narcissists.  Hopefully North or Saint won't become attached to a striped blankie or polka-dotted stuffed animal, because Daddy will throw it in the trash.

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There was one scene where Kim was all red huge lips. It looked comical. I don't like Jonathan. He's a huge nothing. 


Kylie was a cute girl, but her plastic surgery made her gorgeous I think. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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There was one scene where Kim was all red huge lips. It looked comical. I don't like Jonathan. He's a huge nothing. 


Kylie was a cute girl, but her plastic surgery made her gorgeous I think. 

Really??  I think she was NOT cute before and the surgery makes her look freakish. 

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