motorcitymom65 January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 Can't say this enough. Don't take a TH as the gospel truth response to a 'particular' situation. They don't include the question for a reason. The editors are creating a 'story'. Yea, this is important. For instance, in the TH discussed where Kyle seems to indicate she has some shit she could tell, who is she talking about? The way it was edited it makes it sound like she is talking about Lisa V, but she has been consistent all year long in saying that "all the girls" keep talking about Kim. They were all asking questions (although Lisa is the most persistent) and she could have been referring to all/any one of them. They all have shit they don't want to talk about on camera. Lisa is going on and on over on Twitter about not having any secrets, which is completely missing the point. It's no secret that Eileen and her husband left their spouses for each other, yet she is probably not comfortable talking about it in great detail on camera. It's no secret that Lisa and Ken were ordered to pay $100K in a sexual harassment lawsuit, in part because Ken was accused of having evidence destroyed, yet Lisa doesn't want to talk about that on camera. It's no secret that Kim is an asshole, but Kyle doesn't want to get into the details of how much of an asshole she is on camera. This is not complicated at all and they should certainly all understand it. Does anyone remember the stories describing the season when it first started? One of the articles I read said that a large part of the drama would be between Lisa V and Lisar, who would have issues with each other about something "deeply personal". Those were the words that were used - "deeply personal". It didn't say if the personal shit would be Lisa V's or Lisar's, but I think you are seeing this narrative being set up right now. We have seen Lisa V seem intent on getting specific details about Kim on camera, and next week we will see her really ask invasive questions to Eileen about her affair - which we know that Eileen is not keen on discussing too much on camera. I think it is being set up for Lisa V to either do the same to Lisar, or perhaps Lisar (or the others) will get tired of Lisa V and spill some shit about her. One thing for sure, Lisa V is already setting the tone over on Twitter - talking about being ganged up on and blamed for everything, per Season 4. 7 Link to comment
Petunia13 January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 Yes my child LMFAO!!!! 1 Link to comment
heatherchandler January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 I've side-eyed those 2 since day 1. But I don't want to see their marriage end. I've even come to like Eileen and my wish would be that she could practice a little tough love on Vinny because to me he seems like SUCH a layabout. And THAT'S not good for a marriage especially when she seems like such a workhorse. If that arrangement works for them, great, but this week she showed that she might resent his gambling. I don't know where his money is coming from. Residuals from what? His Paddle Xtreme is a copy of Kadima which has been around for 20 years or more. His version is just more expensive - other than that, I can't see a discernible difference. Movie? What movie? But gambling? I guessed that was an issue last season and Eileen just confirmed it. There was a guy in Detroit several years ago that hit the lottery for tens of millions. He took the lump pay-out and lost it all gambling in less than 3 years. He was obviously no Vince Van Patten but it can happen. Who knows if Vinny's rich from Dick's money. There are a lot of Van Pattens to spread that wealth around to. Plus, his wife is still alive so maybe all the money has been bequeathed to her until her death. Meanwhile, Eileen is working what...3 jobs? And taking care of everything at home, too? Vinny, go outside and trim up the shrubs. I also hope they make it, I like them together bickering and all. I don't ever like to see couples split up. I agree with your assessment of his money- residuals from what? I think people assume that anyone who has ever made a movie or is in a tv show gets a cut of the residuals forever. Unless they are a big star with enough bargaining power, that is rarely true. They make their paycheck front-end and that's it. I'm sure old Dick van Patten was comfortable but not wealthy. He really hasn't had any big money-making gigs since what, the 80s. The kids probably got a little something but not a lot. I think the people have this idea that everyone famous is wealthy and quite often that's not the case at all. 2 Link to comment
motorcitymom65 January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 I'm sure old Dick van Patten was comfortable but not wealthy. He really hasn't had any big money-making gigs since what, the 80s. The kids probably got a little something but not a lot. According to reports, DVP was worth about $30 Million when he died. It was never disclosed how much he sold the pet food company for (he sold to Del Monte), but many reports had the amount upwards of $50 Million. Of course, who knows how much of that money he left to his family. He might have donated a lot to charity. 4 Link to comment
Yours Truly January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 Sounds like roomies more than spouses though - maybe one or both can't be trusted to be responsible with money. Yeah and I hate to make it sound even more like a business but it looks like that woman runs herself ragged running that household while Vince lounges around all day and benefits from her efforts. Now I'm not saying he doesn't work, that's been covered but it does look like he easily enjoys the comforts she provides around the home. With that said, it makes it a bit uneven in my book. She works and earns, puts in 50% financially AND seems to do the majority of work in the home and with the kids. Vince works and earns, puts in 50% financially and can't have a relevant conversation about the day's routine, childcare, or schedule conflicts before 9am and coffee, leisurely conducts business while lounging in the comforts of the home while demanding his environment be non distracting or noisy. Hmmmmm seems like there is something a little off with that arrangement if they do in fact get down to the nitty gritty like that and split the finances down the middle. I would say re-negotiations are in order. LOL! 9 Link to comment
LIMOM January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 From the look of the house, it doesn't seem like they have hired help. If I were Eileen, I would go on strike and make him do some yard work. He needs a shake up, IMO. 7 Link to comment
Yours Truly January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 (edited) Agree--and I'm a little alarmed about last year's "home-schooling" of the child. It didn't sound as if he were suffering from an illness; unless, perhaps I missed that, so I wonder if dad's 'lay-aboutedness" has rubbed off on their son. I don't have any children, but if I were speaking to my child, and he ignored me and kept playing on his phone, he, like Yolanda, would end up a toothless wonder because his phone would be out the window, and his teeth would be down his throat. YMMV. Thank you!!! I was beginning to think I was the only one that went into a mini rage when I saw that scene. It's like tell your son to pay attention to you. Period! There's no flustering or frustrated blabbering. My son is starting to get into that TV, Video, Tablet (I finally got him an inexpensive one for Christmas) haze and I refuse to let that be acceptable behavior. I try to get his attention once, maybe twice then I either break out the Sonic Boom voice or turn off/snatch away whatever is distracting him. I even caught him looking at his tablet at the top of the stairs about to shakily start taking steps (he's 7 and has had some issues with his coordination/motor skills) and I laid in on him. Told him to pay attention to what he was doing and don't start letting the electronics rule his brain! One thing at a time. He can look at the damn tablet when he gets to the bottom of the stairs. I warned him that if I see him being mindless and reckless because he's too zoned in on that tablet I would start restricting his use until I fell he can balance his dependence on it. This addiction to electronics is serious and parents need to be a little more proactive with regards to teaching this new generation how to be well balanced and safe with their use of technological devices. We aren't as diligent or mindful as we need to be when it comes to holding kids to expectations surrounding these devices. It's not okay to be rude and ignore those around you because you are so involved in a damn video game. That's just beyond the pale and most people don't even notice that we are allowing this to become the norm and allowing it to be acceptable. Edited January 8, 2016 by Yours Truly 12 Link to comment
zoeysmom January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 Yea, this is important. For instance, in the TH discussed where Kyle seems to indicate she has some shit she could tell, who is she talking about? The way it was edited it makes it sound like she is talking about Lisa V, but she has been consistent all year long in saying that "all the girls" keep talking about Kim. They were all asking questions (although Lisa is the most persistent) and she could have been referring to all/any one of them. They all have shit they don't want to talk about on camera. Lisa is going on and on over on Twitter about not having any secrets, which is completely missing the point. It's no secret that Eileen and her husband left their spouses for each other, yet she is probably not comfortable talking about it in great detail on camera. It's no secret that Lisa and Ken were ordered to pay $100K in a sexual harassment lawsuit, in part because Ken was accused of having evidence destroyed, yet Lisa doesn't want to talk about that on camera. It's no secret that Kim is an asshole, but Kyle doesn't want to get into the details of how much of an asshole she is on camera. This is not complicated at all and they should certainly all understand it. Does anyone remember the stories describing the season when it first started? One of the articles I read said that a large part of the drama would be between Lisa V and Lisar, who would have issues with each other about something "deeply personal". Those were the words that were used - "deeply personal". It didn't say if the personal shit would be Lisa V's or Lisar's, but I think you are seeing this narrative being set up right now. We have seen Lisa V seem intent on getting specific details about Kim on camera, and next week we will see her really ask invasive questions to Eileen about her affair - which we know that Eileen is not keen on discussing too much on camera. I think it is being set up for Lisa V to either do the same to Lisar, or perhaps Lisar (or the others) will get tired of Lisa V and spill some shit about her. One thing for sure, Lisa V is already setting the tone over on Twitter - talking about being ganged up on and blamed for everything, per Season 4. I hope Lisa is going back there-because I thought ganged up was an exaggeration. She pulled a stunt or two trying to get the others to dislike Kyle and Mauricio. The only true people to gang up on her were Yolanda, Brandi and Kim, that night. If one employs the count the people at the table method Ken is fond of, Kyle and Mauricio were not ganging up they asked a question, neither were Joyce and Michael so there were four not ganging plus Lisa and Ken and three ganging. Lisa does not seem to learn from past behavior-just because some shit of Kyle or her family hits the news do not start talking about it on air-she has been told a couple of times to stop the chatter and she persists. I am hoping this doesn't become a big wedge between Kyle and Lisa again because we have already done the storyline. I hope the two of them are truly friends off camera. LVP has poked the Kathy and Rick bear, now she is poking the Kim bear. Their questions in Southhampton were stupid and juvenile. What I don't get is why not have the discussion out side of Kyle's presence. The audience would like to hear them talk about it. If Kyle gets mad too bad. Kim made a jerk out of herself. I also hope they make it, I like them together bickering and all. I don't ever like to see couples split up. I agree with your assessment of his money- residuals from what? I think people assume that anyone who has ever made a movie or is in a tv show gets a cut of the residuals forever. Unless they are a big star with enough bargaining power, that is rarely true. They make their paycheck front-end and that's it. I'm sure old Dick van Patten was comfortable but not wealthy. He really hasn't had any big money-making gigs since what, the 80s. The kids probably got a little something but not a lot. I think the people have this idea that everyone famous is wealthy and quite often that's not the case at all. Dick Van Patten's Pet food Company sold to Del Monte for over $500 million dollars. I think they are quite comfortable. According to reports, DVP was worth about $30 Million when he died. It was never disclosed how much he sold the pet food company for (he sold to Del Monte), but many reports had the amount upwards of $50 Million. Of course, who knows how much of that money he left to his family. He might have donated a lot to charity. I was typing my answer before I saw yours. The amount was over $500 million. 9 Link to comment
jkitty January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 I am still working through the thread, so this may have been covered, but was LVP wearing a wedding dress to the white party? Da fuck? Yes, you are overdressed weirdo, unless you are doing a surprise vow renewal. 4 Link to comment
nexxie January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 Yeah and I hate to make it sound even more like a business but it looks like that woman runs herself ragged running that household while Vince lounges around all day and benefits from her efforts. Now I'm not saying he doesn't work, that's been covered but it does look like he easily enjoys the comforts she provides around the home. With that said, it makes it a bit uneven in my book. She works and earns, puts in 50% financially AND seems to do the majority of work in the home and with the kids. Vince works and earns, puts in 50% financially and can't have a relevant conversation about the day's routine, childcare, or schedule conflicts before 9am and coffee, leisurely conducts business while lounging in the comforts of the home while demanding his environment be non distracting or noisy. Hmmmmm seems like there is something a little off with that arrangement if they do in fact get down to the nitty gritty like that and split the finances down the middle. I would say re-negotiations are in order. LOL!Ain't this the truth!!!When Eileen says in her tagline that she may be an actress but that doesn't mean she'll follow your script, I'm always hoping she's speaking to Vince. His script for them: Eileen scurries and smiles. Vince sits and scowls. 6 Link to comment
SCS January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 I agree with your assessment of his money- residuals from what? I think people assume that anyone who has ever made a movie or is in a tv show gets a cut of the residuals forever. Unless they are a big star with enough bargaining power, that is rarely true. They make their paycheck front-end and that's it. Vince would have earned residuals on a decreasing basis on all his union projects after receiving his initial guarantee (chances are, with 2 parents in the biz and decent representation, he earned above whatever scale was at that time). No, he's probably no longer collecting residuals on those old gigs from the 1970s and 80s (maybe the occasional $0.09-cent check) but all those jobs earned him pension credits in SAG and AFTRA, which will afford him and Eileen (who also has been earning pension credits for many years) a very nice retirement. 2 Link to comment
FanOfTheFans January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 I kind of thought that the reason Kyle brought up Kim was she wanted the ladies to acknowledge how difficult the situation has been for her. Not that she wanted to talk about the details of Kim's ordeal but more about how it was stressful for her. In fact, I believe she spoke to this in one of her talking heads. She apparently wasn't feeling any love from the ladies. I can see both sides of the coin. The ladies worked with Kim and have a natural curiosity. However Kyle isn't looking at it from the same lens. I don't think there is a right or wrong here. Just different perspectives. Kyle is going to take some heat as many people feel she has used her sister for a storyline for years. Personally I think she is so enmeshed in Kim's addiction, she just responds on autopilot. 16 Link to comment
Yours Truly January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 (edited) I for one am all about leaving Kim's storylines on TMZ, tabloids and page six. Whatever. I am not a fan of shoehorning Kim's addictions and issues and problems into the show through other angles, manipulations and third parties. It's just sick. She's not on this season not because Bravo grew a conscience but because they really couldn't figure out a way to keep her on and not feel the serious backlash for keeping this ratings God on the show and exploiting the hell out of her. I know Kim makes an appearance which will then of course justify the Kim bashing for yet another season even with just that one appearance but I am completely tired of being force fed this woman's downward spiral into sure death. Definitely not appealing. Not exaggerating. And then to top it off watching the other women be gleefully critical because gasp they were exposed and subjected to the turmoil of her addiction. Not to mention the sure set up of how KYLE is the one we all need to mourn for her trials when Kim is the one with her feet in the grave. But hey, if you can't mourn the life of the irrefutably doomed party since apparently etiquette dictates an asshole deserves no mercy then OBVIOUSLY the sympathy "rightfully" shifts to those who must LIVE WITH the scars while the afflicted party ends up not Living at all. Semantics I guess. I just can't understand how any of them can stomach bringing so much more light onto it when everyone knows that's the reason she's not on the show anymore. If it's too tragic to continue on with her as a cast member then it's too tragic to try and elaborate on for screen time with her not around. It's just so sickening to me. Edited January 8, 2016 by Yours Truly 9 Link to comment
ryebread January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 Speaking of Kyle, she said on the park bench that after her mom died, she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and depression. That it was "completely debilitating for two years." So Big Kathy died in 2002. Farrah would have been 14, Alexia around 6 and Sophia 2. So for 2 years she couldn't bathe or feed herself or her children. She couldn't drive a car, turn on the TV herself, hold a book. Because she was completely debilitated. Methinks Kyle was using hyperbole like Yolanda sometimes does. 9 Link to comment
LIMOM January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 YOURS TRULY, I agree with you 100%. Kim is sick and I find it obscene to exploit her situation. She DESERVES a check,IMO. Link to comment
The Mighty Peanut January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 (edited) I can't find the post so apologies for not crediting where credit is due, but if Lisa R and Lisa V do feud over something "deeply personal" I really want to know who the aggrieved party is. Lisa R, as recently as her latest blog, has repeatedly expressed frustration with not being allowed to discuss certain topics. The most recent is not being able to discuss Kim's "latest arrest" (nice shade, asshole) or "any of the sisters" (presumably in reference to Kathy and Kyle), and how she could barely keep up with what she was allowed and disallowed to speak of. Because apparently it's too difficult to grasp that there's a huge fucking feud between the Richards/Hilton/Umansky clans and she's fueling the fire. Earlier, she implied that Yolanda shouldn't have hid her marital troubles, and she felt she was entitled to "have a conversation" about Yolanda's illness. So, maybe there's something to her deep psychological issues with being shushed. At the same time, the whole "What did Harry do?" thing is bullshit. He allegedly has had affairs with men. Even if he hasn't, she doesn't want to talk about it, obviously, which is understandable and stems from the same place I think Kyle is coming from. Then, you have Lisa V and her prodding questions coupled with her own reticence to share anything unsavory about her personal life. So, I have to wonder--does Lisa V go after Lisa R's family and incite another glass throwing fit of rage, or does Lisa R go on one of her "owning it" tirades and alienate Lisa V? Edited January 8, 2016 by The Mighty Peanut 8 Link to comment
Bronzedog January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 I would think that Dick Van Patton would have left all of his estate to his wife, not his children. I'd be surprised if Vince inherited anything. I think he can probably afford shampoo, though, and, he looks like he could use some. 15 Link to comment
Yours Truly January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 (edited) YOURS TRULY, I agree with you 100%. Kim is sick and I find it obscene to exploit her situation. She DESERVES a check,IMO. Obscene is the perfect word! If people want to be concerned and show concern fine but in what world is it acceptable to mull over someone else's dire circumstances in such callous of ways? I get being curious about it but the lack of restraint displayed? The lack of any sort of decorum over the obvious tragedy waiting in the wings. Gives me the creeps, the willies, and all sorts of yucky goosebumps. The lack of human decency just icks me completely out!! At the very least Kim Richards has a disease, illness, and most likely mental issues what the fuck is the others reasoning for being so immersed and engaged to such a despicable degree? Reality TV? Really that condones everything? They "suffered" at the hands of Kim Richards? PUUULLLLEEEEZZZZEEEE!! Ughhhhhhh, I need a valium. Maybe I'll give Kim or Monty a call. Edited January 8, 2016 by Yours Truly 6 Link to comment
LIMOM January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 Especially since Kim has expressed on the show that she would like to keep her problems private. leave her alone already. 7 Link to comment
Wings January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 I agree, keep Kim off this show in the flesh and in the dialog. Enough. 13 Link to comment
Yours Truly January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 (edited) I can't find the post so apologies for not crediting where credit is due, but if Lisa R and Lisa V do feud over something "deeply personal" I really want to know who the aggrieved party is. Lisa R, as recently as her latest blog, has repeatedly expressed frustration with not being allowed to discuss certain topics. The most recent is not being able to discuss Kim's "latest arrest" (nice shade, asshole) or "any of the sisters" (presumably in reference to Kathy and Kyle), and how she could barely keep up with what she was allowed and disallowed to speak of. Because apparently it's too difficult to grasp that there's a huge fucking feud between the Richards/Hilton/Umansky clans and she's fueling the fire. Earlier, she implied that Yolanda shouldn't have hid her marital troubles, and she felt she was entitled to "have a conversation" about Yolanda's illness. So, maybe there's something to her deep psychological issues with being shushed. At the same time, the whole "What did Harry do?" thing is bullshit. He allegedly has had affairs with men. Even if he hasn't, she doesn't want to talk about it, obviously, which is understandable and stems from the same place I think Kyle is coming from. Then, you have Lisa V and her prodding questions. So, I have to wonder--does Lisa V go after Lisa R's family and incite another glass throwing fit of rage, or does Lisa R go on one of her "owning it" tirades and alienate Lisa V? What I find funny and very annoying about Lisa R's need to discuss shit is that she can feel free to discuss whatever the fuck she likes but her problem is that she wants to be able to do it in a setting where she doesn't look fucked up. She wants it to "be ok" to have these talks and discuss in some sort of way where its "acceptable" to discuss. Shit, nothings stopping her from gossiping and shit talking to Lisa V or her kids or to Harry Hamlin or Eileen or Hankie and Giggy she just knows that she will look like the fucked up asshole that would want to sit around and talk about that shit. It bothers me that she's so outraged that she can't SAFELY talk about something that doesn't need to be talked about without having to worry about being the only on out on that ledge. If they all agree to work it into filming then they can successfully keep it from back lashing on any one of them and Lisa doesn't want to have a Brandi moment where she won't ever be able to recover from. She needs the other women to be on board and they ain't bitin'. That was her thing last season. She was so intent on holding Kim accountable and was able to do so since so many (especially Eileen) of the cast had the same feelings about it. But now that Kim isn't on they aren't so quick to follow Lisa's into battle so haphazardly. Kim's not on anymore to give us a visual and balance out the cast members negative reactions to her. They all recognize this but Lisa still seems to think that raking Kim Richards over the coals is completely par for the course and her obsession over breaking down "other people's truths" is downright obnoxious and pretty unnecessary at least to the degree she seems to want to take it. That woman needs a muzzle. Now wonder they kept trying the shut that bitch up when she was younger. Someone needs to plump her lips up even more so she can't even open them anymore. That'll do it! LOL! Edited January 8, 2016 by Yours Truly 3 Link to comment
jaync January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 I thought Kyle was being dramatic with the threats that she'll talk about things Lisa doesn't want to talk about on screen. How Brandi of her. I agree, Kyle's all about the dramz. And, if there's none going on, she'll find a way to stir and/or resurrect some up, like with NYgate. (Not to say Lisa and Ken aren't harboring any objectionable secrets, but Brandi despises them, and the most gasp-worthy thing she could come up with is that they lived in the Valley or some shit.) They were both married when they met, and had an affair leading to their own marriage. She told her husband, Jon Lindstrom, Vince didn't tell his wife, just cheated. Cheating happens, but cheating on hot ass Jon Lindstrom? Girl, bye. Kate Hudson is dating Nick Jonas, but probably not exclusive. Gigi is currently with Zayn, the former One Direction-er. Didn't GiGi date the other Jonas before this latest guy? 4 Link to comment
ryebread January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 Then, you have Lisa V and her prodding questions coupled with her own reticence to share anything unsavory about her personal life. So, I have to wonder--does Lisa V go after Lisa R's family and incite another glass throwing fit of rage, or does Lisa R go on one of her "owning it" tirades and alienate Lisa V? Someone posted here the other day that Rinna was on a radio show recently and said that she's merely playing a role on RHOBH. And that she takes is as seriously as she would any other acting job. If she's to be believed, this is all FAKE! They're all acting! So it doesn't really matter who goes after whom because it's not really happening. She's not really a high strung, braying bozo! It's an act! To that, I say....Nice try, Rinna. 8 Link to comment
zoeysmom January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 Speaking of Kyle, she said on the park bench that after her mom died, she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and depression. That it was "completely debilitating for two years." So Big Kathy died in 2002. Farrah would have been 14, Alexia around 6 and Sophia 2. So for 2 years she couldn't bathe or feed herself or her children. She couldn't drive a car, turn on the TV herself, hold a book. Because she was completely debilitated. Methinks Kyle was using hyperbole like Yolanda sometimes does. Do we know what she did and did not do? Maybe she was using debilitated as in weakened as opposed to totally disabled. I think of debilitated as a weaken not a total unable or disabled. I do think she probably did far more than she is implying. Neither woman has said they could not hold a book or turn the TV on by them self. 11 Link to comment
The Mighty Peanut January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 (edited) One of the things I like about Vanderpump Rules is that aside from the very obvious set-ups like the birthday trips is that, in my opinion, it's relatively real within the spectrum of reality tv and they admit it when they hate each other on twitter and in podcasts. On housewives it's all passive aggression and out and out lies. For example, I really like Erika but her magnanimousness on WWHL was a little hard to take. Whereas Kristen Doute was asked why she thought Lala was interested in James and she said "I guess she's into bestiality." Edited January 8, 2016 by The Mighty Peanut 11 Link to comment
nexxie January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 Do we know what she did and did not do? Maybe she was using debilitated as in weakened as opposed to totally disabled. I think of debilitated as a weaken not a total unable or disabled. I do think she probably did far more than she is implying. Neither woman has said they could not hold a book or turn the TV on by them self.Maybe she dragged herself through most of her duties, but the enjoyment factor was extremely diminished. 12 Link to comment
Juneau Gal January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 Speaking of Kyle, she said on the park bench that after her mom died, she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and depression. That it was "completely debilitating for two years." So Big Kathy died in 2002. Farrah would have been 14, Alexia around 6 and Sophia 2. So for 2 years she couldn't bathe or feed herself or her children. She couldn't drive a car, turn on the TV herself, hold a book. Because she was completely debilitated. Methinks Kyle was using hyperbole like Yolanda sometimes does. As much as I HATE to defend Kyle, perhaps she was in a fighting fire with fire mode. When talking to someone like Yolanda, who tends to magnify everything, I too might enlarge my ailment a bit just to be heard by her. Even so, look where it got Kyle; being dismissed by Yolanda with a "nothing compares to the Lymes". Great person that Yolanda; overflowing with empathy that one. 13 Link to comment
Leigh3 January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 What in the fuckity fuck was with Yolanda sobbing when coming out of surgery? For real?? She and her hypochondria need to take several seats Some people have this reaction coming out of anesthesia. Not sure why. Since I was a little girl I wake up crying after any anesthesia. Weird...and scary for family to see. 4 Link to comment
Umbelina January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 (edited) Small correction. Erika is not rich, her husband is. I know that what belongs to a husband belongs to a wife but in their circles with prenups and whatnot, that is not the case. Two worth of two people in she gets half if they split up. Sounds like no prenup to me. On WWHL she said she gets 1/2 if they split up. That sounds like no prenup to me. While thinking about this I suddenly started thinking about these marriages and husbands. KIM: obviously a hot mess, but I do like that she remained good friends with her first husband, Monty. The rest of her romantic life seems quite a bit like her mom's in many ways. Complete nightmare. Remember Ken? shudder. I think she became addicted to drugs/booze quite young, whether mommy or Hollywood was the biggest influence who knows? There is a genetic connection with addicts, and I'm pretty sure that he addiction problems influenced her romantic connections. KYLE: I really do believe the stories about Maury cheating, and the trans-sexual stuff as well. I think he's also a pretty good dad and provider, but yeah, faithful? I seriously doubt that. YO: I think she really tried with both of her marriages, but her naivety and rather juvenile ideas about marriage really show, I have a feeling that is great for the guy in the beginning, but obviously seriously boring/annoying once you leave the 2 year "romance" stage. Obviously her illness contributed as well, but I think her issues are mostly based in leaving home (and school) so soon to model, wanting a father figure to take care of financial and other things, and her insecurity about not finishing high school. RINNA: Hamlin is probably gay/bi, and I think they have an open arrangement. There are probably reasons, aside from OJ, that Kyle and Rinna are such good friends with Kardashian/Jenner. LISA: Probably the best marriage of the bunch, they've been together forever, and get each other. Yes, he can be curmudgeonly, but for a couple to both live and WORK together for so long? They have to be very compatible. He also just doesn't strike me as a cheater. Will Lisa pick up something else on the side? Maybe, but I kind of doubt it, she seems content with sexual jokes. EILEEN: Everything about this relationship screams "run away" to me, and I don't care how much money daddy left you, if you have a gambling problem, it won't matter. I think he does, if they are already squabbling about it on the show, it probably goes deeper. He also strikes me as a lazy slob, and he's mean to her ON CAMERA, so am I supposed to believe he's nicer to her when the cameras are not rolling? She works her ass off, and seems to do all of the stuff around the house too. It just feels like what we see before the HW divorce. He treats her like Adrienne treated Paul. Also, Vince strikes me as too lazy to cheat often, but if the opportunity presented itself and he was slightly drunk on booze or a gambling win? Oh yeah. ERIKA: No idea yet. Yes, he's old, and yes, she probably married him for the money. It does feel very very Anna Nicole Smith, but without the drugs. She'll probably stay married until he dies, or is indicted for not paying taxes. She hasn't got many years left with the old coot anyway. I don't see them as cold simply because he wasn't all over her in that restaurant with cameras in his face. Sex or no prenup will keep them together. She traded her youth for money, as many do. Edited January 8, 2016 by Umbelina 7 Link to comment
sasha206 January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 I hate to say this but I think there's a lot of truth in this. Gigi was the little me. Bella was 'second'. I do think Bella, even before the nose job, is a very pretty girl with looks that have more depth and much more interest than Gigi. I think she's quite stunning now. But that's not what Yo is about. It's sad. I think there's a lot more to the reasons for Bella's DUI. I don't think it's a case of looking for attention but more a case of Bella dealing with be 'second' and the insecurities that go with that. Didn't Yo say that Bella was different? I can understand why. I think she may have been treated differently. I would imagine it was very hard for her in Yo's household. Anwar seems to be doing his own thing and isn't into being a celebrity at this point. And it also seems he's living with father now. I don't think Anwar is following the Yo formula. We'll see. It'll be interesting to see if he decides to go to college or follow his sisters' path of being a model. I totally agree about Bella and Gigi. I think Gigi has favored daughter status. My guess is with her original nose, Yolanda didn't think that Bella would end up being a model so therefore her worth was less. On Anwar, we rarely saw him before and now I keep seeing him on Daily Mail so I think she's probably trodding him out too. I think Yolanda wants to portray that she's a woman of depth. Mother extraordinairre, savoir of lyme disease and hokie treatments by quacks to remove her illness. But in all actuality, she lacks depth. I truly believe that she knew David lost interest when we saw the nekkie book and the French Maid treatment happened. So then she exaggerated her illnesses to the point that she figured he'd stick around b/c he didn't want to look like a jerk and leave her when she has been so public about being ill. I suspect now that he's run for the hills, she'll end up making a miraculous recovery in a couple of years. She'll be back to her usual thinness, she'll have new plastic surgery and new hair extensions and she'll be looking for her next millionnaire. 8 Link to comment
LIMOM January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 (edited) I believe that Yolanda prefers Gigi because she was the first born, looks exactly like Yolanda' s mother and seems to me to have an easy going personality. Bella is stunning IMO, she looks more like Mohamed. Edited January 8, 2016 by LIMOM 1 Link to comment
Leigh3 January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 Bethenny is now a producer on a housewives show. No housewife in their right mind would go against her. Unless it's on her show and she wanted them to for ratings purposes. Say what???? Why? I know she and Andy are close, Hmmm interesting. Wonder how that sits with Vicki and Ramona? 3 Link to comment
ghoulina January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 I find it odd that Vinny and Eileen "split everything 50/50". Bill paying night must be worse than game night in their house. Get out the tally sheets.How does that work, exactly? I lived with my ex-fiance for 3 years and we kept separate accounts the entire time, and split the bills. We simply had a household budget, of what the monthly expenses were. So when he got paid, he gave me "x" amount of money and I put it in my account, then I paid the bills. I imagine they might do something similar; it's most likely Eileen handles the household expenses. Then whatever is leftover is theirs to spend at their own discretion. 4 Link to comment
Wings January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 Second (or third) marriages often do the 50/50 split. I think the producers had some nail biting moments as they were filming. The sources of drama are gone (Brandi/Kim) so where do they go now? Erika was a hope for some drama but that did not pan out. Let's get Bethany! Well, that did not get a rise from Erika. Let's get Lisa to push Kyle on the Kim topic. Oh shit, she won't talk about it. Ahhhh Katherine, she may be our hope. We shall see about that. It is a very dull season thus far. 4 Link to comment
zoeysmom January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 I would think that Dick Van Patton would have left all of his estate to his wife, not his children. I'd be surprised if Vince inherited anything. I think he can probably afford shampoo, though, and, he looks like he could use some. I am guessing the money is in trust. I think Mrs. Van Patten is in her eighties so it would be foolish not to plan for the future, they might want to avoid paying double triple taxes . Also Jimmy Van Patten was a partner in the pet food company. I would think that Dick Van Patton would have left all of his estate to his wife, not his children. I'd be surprised if Vince inherited anything. I think he can probably afford shampoo, though, and, he looks like he could use some. I am guessing the money is in trust. I think Mrs. Van Patten is in her eighties so it would be foolish not to plan for the future, they might want to avoid paying double triple taxes . Also Jimmy Van Patten was a partner in the pet food company. 5 Link to comment
sasha206 January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 I lived with my ex-fiance for 3 years and we kept separate accounts the entire time, and split the bills. We simply had a household budget, of what the monthly expenses were. So when he got paid, he gave me "x" amount of money and I put it in my account, then I paid the bills. I imagine they might do something similar; it's most likely Eileen handles the household expenses. Then whatever is leftover is theirs to spend at their own discretion. And these arrangements make sense to me. I just don't understand why the fuck he's giving her a hard time on spending HER money on a dress! 1 Link to comment
zoeysmom January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 And these arrangements make sense to me. I just don't understand why the fuck he's giving her a hard time on spending HER money on a dress! I read it differently that he was teasing her and she was teasing him right back about him blowing money on betting. I didn't hear hard time, or an obvious gambling problem. They seem comfortable with each other but there is a little bit of the everything needs a comment between the two of them. Even Terry Dubrow brustled at a $400.00 Polo shirt and he is incredibly big on spending. These folks drop designer names and red-soled shoes to let us know they do go there and spend money. 9 Link to comment
sasha206 January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 I read it differently that he was teasing her and she was teasing him right back about him blowing money on betting. I didn't hear hard time, or an obvious gambling problem. They seem comfortable with each other but there is a little bit of the everything needs a comment between the two of them. Even Terry Dubrow brustled at a $400.00 Polo shirt and he is incredibly big on spending. These folks drop designer names and red-soled shoes to let us know they do go there and spend money. Maybe so. He just seemed so aggravated and pissy! 5 Link to comment
Duke2801 January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 (edited) ryebread, on 08 Jan 2016 - 11:16 AM, said:ryebread, on 08 Jan 2016 - 11:16 AM, said: Speaking of Kyle, she said on the park bench that after her mom died, she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and depression. That it was "completely debilitating for two years." So Big Kathy died in 2002. Farrah would have been 14, Alexia around 6 and Sophia 2. So for 2 years she couldn't bathe or feed herself or her children. She couldn't drive a car, turn on the TV herself, hold a book. Because she was completely debilitated. Methinks Kyle was using hyperbole like Yolanda sometimes does. Kyle didn't say any of that. Or even imply it. She's not a Yolanda who is claiming she hasn't read a book in 3 years or whatever her fake-ass timeline is. Debilitating does not equate being bedridden 24/7. It means a condition that makes somebody weak and unwell. There are a plethora of people in this world - some on this forum, even - who suffer from illnesses that cause them to be weak or unwell on some days. Yet, still manage to care for their children, hold down a job, and well, watch reality tv and post on this forum. And even if for some reason she couldn't drive or cook or bathe her kids for a 2-year period, Kyle is blessed to have an extremely hands-on, attentive husband and father to her children. I'm sure Mario stepped up and did more than his share when she was ill. Edited January 8, 2016 by Duke2801 21 Link to comment
heatherchandler January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 (edited) Kate Hudson is dating Nick Jonas, but probably not exclusive. Gigi is currently with Zayn, the former One Direction-er. I read the Daily Mail everyday for my trash celebrity updates. Yes she is with Zayn now BUT she was with Joe Jonas last summer. I believe you were neglecting your DailyMail duties as it was extensively covered. Gotta keep up with the Jonai. If one employs the count the people at the table method Ken is fond of Dick Van Patten's Pet food Company sold to Del Monte for over $500 million dollars. I think they are quite comfortable. I was typing my answer before I saw yours. The amount was over $500 million. Ken really does like to do the "go around the table" method. Holy cow! Ok, I thought the last thing DVP did was Eight is Enough! Edited January 8, 2016 by heatherchandler 3 Link to comment
KungFuBunny January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 I hate to say this but I think there's a lot of truth in this. Gigi was the little me. Bella was 'second'. I do think Bella, even before the nose job, is a very pretty girl with looks that have more depth and much more interest than Gigi. I think she's quite stunning now. But that's not what Yo is about. It's sad. I think there's a lot more to the reasons for Bella's DUI. I don't think it's a case of looking for attention but more a case of Bella dealing with be 'second' and the insecurities that go with that. Didn't Yo say that Bella was different? I can understand why. I think she may have been treated differently. I would imagine it was very hard for her in Yo's household. Anwar seems to be doing his own thing and isn't into being a celebrity at this point. And it also seems he's living with father now. I don't think Anwar is following the Yo formula. We'll see. It'll be interesting to see if he decides to go to college or follow his sisters' path of being a model. The boy discovered butter and has gone buck wild. Living with dad he can eat all he wants other than almonds, lemons and the pills Yolanda shoves at him. 7 Link to comment
panthergirl13 January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 I think it's time for me to stop reading all these posts, because I have officially started confusing "Gigi" with "Giggy". 2 Link to comment
ryebread January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 True, they all do it but only Yolanda is trying to make herself the face/"warrior" of an illness/disease, LD. Kyle has been trying to make herself the face of a Wounded Warrior, for years. The Most Victimized Victim ever Victimized. 9 Link to comment
RedheadZombie January 8, 2016 Share January 8, 2016 I had just watched an HBO documentary about corruption in the NYPD called "The Seven FIve". Maybe that's the reason I got chills down my spine when the Los Angeles Chief of Police, Charles Beck casually walked over to Erika and Thomas as they were dining in The Palm, a very exclusive restaurant. He quickly explained that he was there for lunch, but in uniform? I found that just a little bit difficult to swallow. The Chief and Thomas looked very comfortable with each other. My strange suspicious mind immediately jumped to a "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" situation between them. I realize that Thomas Girardi is a successful L.A. attorney and he's known as the 'king of the class action lawsuit'. I am a cynic by nature and the cozy relationship between a police chief and a litigation attorney is always suspect in my mind. It was a little odd that Mr. Girardi told the police chief he loved him. I thought cops despised defense attorneys. Maybe, maybe not. Sounds like it would save headaches over one or the other bitching about how much was spent on a dress or a pair of shoes ect. I think Vince was playing it up for the camera. I liked that Eileen said to Vince "hey, I make my own money, I can buy what I want." Eileen married him when she was in her forties, and it was her third marriage. I imagine it's just easier to keep things separate. On the first point, I wonder how much those things weigh - seems uncomfortable even without the leak. I'll take this one on. Just remember, these are estimates/guestimates. It takes (on average) 150-250 cc's each cup size, so I'll use 200 cc's for simplicity's sake. The most common implant sizes seem to be D and DD. 30cc's = 1 ounce. (But silicone weighs a little less than water) If Yolanda started at an A, then she went up 3-4 sizes. Each implant would then weight roughly 1.25 - 1.67 pounds. 4 Link to comment
harrie January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 It was a little odd that Mr. Girardi told the police chief he loved him. I thought cops despised defense attorneys. It looks like Tom Girardi isn't a defense attorney. His suits are mostly about business litigation, personal injury/product liability and class action. He's the one bringing the suit, not defending anyone. 7 Link to comment
harrie January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 I had posted a link to an article on another episode thread about Vince's dad. It was mentioned in the article how Mr. Dick Van Patten learned all about poker and card games from his own father, Vince's grandfather. Dick Van Patten's developed a passion for horse races at a young age. It became a great past time for them. Dick Van Patten went to the races every week. Dick was also a commentator for poker tournaments. He passed that passion on to his boys. Here is one article: Another article: This article has some mention of Dick's love for cards and it also goes into detail about the story Vince told about Michael Jackson helping their mom clean their house: Great Kazu, thank you for posting these links, especially the last one. I always liked Dick Van Patten, but I didn't know what a genuinely kind (and interesting) man he appeared to be. 3 Link to comment
LIMOM January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 It looks like Tom Girardi isn't a defense attorney. His suits are mostly about business litigation, personal injury/product liability and class action. He's the one bringing the suit, not defending anyone.Wasn't he involved in the case involving the pacific Gas lawsuit?I think Erika mentioned something about Erin Brokovitch. If so, He won a huge settlement. 5 Link to comment
harrie January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 Yes, he successfully brought suit against the Pacific Gas & Electric (aka Erin Brokovich) case, as well as other large corporations. I'm way off topic, though, so I'm dropping it here. 3 Link to comment
Lura January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 (edited) Wasn't Julia Roberts in a film about Erin Brokovich? I don't want to veer too far off topic, but when it was mentioned in the show, it rang a bell. I've heard Erin's name for years, but I have no idea what it's all about. ETA: See later post. Edited January 9, 2016 by Lura 2 Link to comment
Umbelina January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 Yes, she was. Erin's pretty famous for fighting for the rights of people who have medical issues from various industrial or state polluters. She's worth a google. 4 Link to comment
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