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S06.E06: Hamptons, 90210

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Kyle confused me. In her TH she said she doesn't want to talk about Kim, but at the white party, she brought Kim up first. She was giving a list of things she was stressed out about, one being "dealing with Kim." It was then that the other ladies began asking her questions about her sister. Could be editing, but whatever.


I am confused too.


It was just replayed on Bravo and the ladies talked about Kim because Kyle brought it up and they asked innocuous questions. I thought Kyle was being dramatic with the threats that she'll talk about things Lisa doesn't want to talk about on screen. How Brandi of her. I can't be friends with people like Kyle. You can't win with people like that. Had Lisa shrugged and kept num, she'd be accused of not caring enough, when she expresses concern and engages, she is being nefarious.   


Lisa was being playful about being angry they left the hotel. She wasn't being serious.


I get that discontent is what seem to sell with this franchise but the things that seem to set them them off is too often contrive.

  • Love 14

I shared my story in order to offer a different perspective as to why Lisar acts the way she does toward her parents; I said it was a possibility, not a known happening.  But thanks for your glib reply regarding my "unfortunate childhood." 


Unless you are personally acquainted with Lisar and her parents, we are both just speculating here.  And if my speculation is/was true (which I really don't know either way), that's probably why their care is "dumped" on the sister and she IS keeping her kids away from them.  Again, YMMV.

Omg, I'm very sorry that it came out that way. It was not what I Meant to convey at all.

English is my second language and going back and forth from the two languages , I totally messed up.

Please accept my apologies

  • Love 18

I wasn't talking about her scrubs. Ha. I think it's a very high end place catering to the people who can afford it, kind of a full patient lux setting, less scary and impersonal than a hospital OR, but with all the technical bells and whistles.

I know you weren't. But with so many comments about the MD's colorful attire and chef topper, I thought I'd include the link.

This is why I love my friend Ronnie. We are always on the same page:


From his TrashTalkTV recap:




Vanderpoop arrives at the Better Than Kyle’s White Party Inn and gets a lovely ass licking from poorly coiffed staff members on the way to her studio apartment. Her picture is everywhere, she’s fed, and her own liquor is waiting for her on ice. She’s psyched. Eileen’s written a letter on a waiter check, of all things, to tell Lisa they left her for a stolen sibling home.
Lisa doesn’t get it, and when she calls Eileen to tell her that the hotel seems fabulous, Eileen says “….I don’t know what to tell you.” HAHAHAHA!! Vanderpump can’t be a diva with the people who flew her in and gave her a cover, so she’s staying. Kyle’s expecting some bitchy fake housewives drama from Lisa, but she actually seems to have genuinely hurt feelings. Lisa can be as phony as the rest of them, but when she’s hurt she doesn’t hide it well. AW!

His recaps have been a lot longer since the season started, but it is just because he missed these Ho's. 

  • Love 5

I've seen plenty deer in my lifetime, but I would still stop and stare at one in a neighborhood setting. And if it were unmoving, I would ask if it were real. I've also seen many deer statues that closely resemble the real thing. So this doesn't seem like unusual behavior to me. But YMMV.


We have deer everywhere - to the point where some towns explore ways to mass exterminate them, etc., and while we don't name them, we recognize the ones that pass through our condo grounds every day -  so I laughed when Eileen and Kyle got all excited about seeing one.  Maybe Lisa V can bring a couple back on her private plane and add to the menagerie.

Edited by harrie
  • Love 5

Sounds like roomies more than spouses though - maybe one or both can't be trusted to be responsible with money.

Vince has two children from his first marriage and I believe the oldest Richard is attending London School of Economics and the younger son is away at school as well.  So those may be expenses Eileen does not wish to cover. His former father-in-law and his father are/were respected economists.  So I am thinking Vince is no stranger to financial advice.  My guess is there is a pre-nup that sets forth the responsibilities of each party in the marriage or as responsible adults they felt it safest to both contribute equally to the monthly expenses involving their household.  Pre-nups do seem like they reduce married couples to roommates but they also offer protection to both parties.


I am out of the loop, as I have never heard or read that Vince has a gambling problem or is addicted to gambling.  It would seem if he was having financial trouble we would have heard about it.  If his hobby is gambling, I don't see how that differs from someone who plays golf or races cars or has a private plane.  I am not use to hearing about people who regularly talk about their betting or gambling but I don't assume they have a problem with it.  I know he makes money off casino endorsements and being part of the WPT broadcast staff.  When Eileen mentioned his betting I kind of took it to mean that he spends his disposable income on betting and she chose to buy $500 dresses. 

  • Love 9

It might not just be the gambling.  It might be that Vincent makes less than she does and she is well aware that people who leave marriage often don't stay in the next one.  Or the one after that.  Or that she will be the one more responsible simply by choice if not pragmatism to care for her children should the marriage not last.  I don't think that would make her silly or too cynical.  Simply knowing that both of them fell out of love with people they felt they were married to at some point.  More than just a piece of paper I mean.


Also he might not be in financial straits enough to be made public because he is married to someone who signed RHOBH for three quarters of a million dollars going by rumors.

Edited by tenativelyyours
  • Love 4

It might not just be the gambling.  It might be that Vincent makes less than she does and she is well aware that people who leave marriage often don't stay in the next one.  Or the one after that.  Or that she will be the one more responsible simply by choice if not pragmatism to care for her children should the marriage not last.  I don't think that would make her silly or too cynical.  Simply knowing that both of them fell out of love with people they felt they were married to at some point.  More than just a piece of paper I mean.


Also he might not be in financial straits enough to be made public because he is married to someone who signed RHOBH for three quarters of a million dollars going by rumors.

Pretty sure they fell out of love with their spouses when they met.   They left them for each other.  Right?

  • Love 3

The decades of starvation are now showing all over her mug, eh?  Not so different than Rachel Zoe.  Anyhoo, this reminds me of another reason I'm digging Erika.  She said she likes to eat & even tho we didn't see her eat that yummy looking cake, just one look at her bod & it's plain to see she likes to eat.  And that's great by me.  I like that she's shapely but not ridiculously thin.


I agree in that I like Erica's curvy figure, but that whole cake shot seemed to me like the thing Gigi H. (I think it was her) did about "Oh, look at all the food I ate..." and it was all pictures of burgers with one bite taken out and the like.  It was implied that Erica took a bite of the cake and murmured "So good" but we never actually see the cake go into her mouth.  Not that I want graphic shots of same, and maybe I'm too jaded about this stuff, but I'm not sure she actually ate any of that wonderful-looking cake. Half of me thinks it was all show, nothing more. 


ETA: Sorry missy jo, I hadn't read your post yet. 

Edited by harrie
  • Love 4

They were both married when they met, and had an affair leading to their own marriage. She told her husband, Jon Lindstrom, Vince didn't tell his wife, just cheated.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eileen_Davidson Eileen's been married 3 times. She has one child with Vince, and two step sons. (his)

Interesting - didn't realize Eileen had been married twice before. Maybe her picker isn't working - Vince doesn't seem like the "third time's the charm" kind of guy! Edited by nexxie
  • Love 7

Household budget isn't that difficult. Figure out your cost for monthly house payment, utility bills, school payment, groceries, cost for family vacations. Have a household account, both put equal amounts every month. pay Everthing out of that account. Pay your own credit cards and car payments out of your bank account.

Pretty simple and practical . But I'm a Virgo :)


Thanks for answering.  Sounds simple enough, although like someone said, more like roommates.  The smaller living expenses, aside from what you listed above - I wonder how much of a sticky wicket those are for couples who split everything 50/50.  For instance, Eileen passes by a Farmers Market and buys 5 badly needed flats of flowers.  I wonder if they split that $75 down the middle seeing that it benefits their home which is shared by both. 


When she entertains her friends, and he does the grocery shopping and wine run for her (as if) would he have the receipts out the next day looking to be reimbursed?  And vice versa?


That was an interesting thing to reveal about their relationship. 

  • Love 5

Household budget isn't that difficult. Figure out your cost for monthly house payment, utility bills, school payment, groceries, cost for family vacations. Have a household account, both put equal amounts every month. pay Everthing out of that account. Pay your own credit cards and car payments out of your bank account.

Pretty simple and practical . But I'm a Virgo :)


The hub and I did our budgeting this way until a couple of years ago, and we've been married 27 years and counting.  Sometimes it just works out better depending on your circumstances. 

  • Love 5

I've side-eyed those 2 since day 1.  But I don't want to see their marriage end.  I've even come to like Eileen and my wish would be that she could practice a little tough love on Vinny because to me he seems like SUCH a layabout.  And THAT'S not good for a marriage especially when she seems like such a workhorse.  If that arrangement works for them, great, but this week she showed that she might resent his gambling.


I don't know where his money is coming from.  Residuals from what?  His Paddle Xtreme is a copy of Kadima which has been around for 20 years or more. His version is just more expensive - other than that, I can't see a discernible difference.  Movie?  What movie? But gambling?  I guessed that was an issue last season and Eileen just confirmed it.  There was a guy in Detroit several years ago that hit the lottery for tens of millions.  He took the lump pay-out and lost it all gambling in less than 3 years. He was obviously no Vince Van Patten but it can happen.  Who knows if Vinny's rich from Dick's money. There are a lot of Van Pattens to spread that wealth around to. Plus, his wife is still alive so maybe all the money has been bequeathed to her until her death.


Meanwhile, Eileen is working what...3 jobs?  And taking care of everything at home, too? Vinny, go outside and trim up the shrubs.

Agree--and I'm a little alarmed about last year's "home-schooling" of the child. It didn't sound as if he were suffering from an illness; unless, perhaps I missed that, so I wonder if dad's 'lay-aboutedness" has rubbed off on their son. I don't have any children, but if I were speaking to my child, and he ignored me and kept playing on his phone, he, like Yolanda, would end up a toothless wonder because his phone would be out the window, and his teeth would be down his throat. YMMV.

  • Love 8

The hub and I did our budgeting this way until a couple of years ago, and we've been married 27 years and counting.  Sometimes it just works out better depending on your circumstances. 

What if one spouse makes considerably more money than the other?  I lived with a boyfriend once. He made more money than I did.  We agreed to split rent, utilites, etc. 50/50, only it really wasn't.  He'd put 50% of his monthly wage in the pot and I'd put 50% of my monthly wage in (which like I said, was much less).  So it was more of a percentage type deal. If missed a couple days of work because I was sick, or he missed a week to go fishing, we still did the 50% at the end of the month of our actual earnings.  Somehow it always worked out. If I had married him, that's probably how we would have continued, but I don't know how all the money minutiae of day to day living for the long haul would be figured out.


It feels like Eileen makes more money than Vinny.  She should get a discount on the 50/50 because it seems like she does more around the house than he does.

  • Love 5

I don't have any children, but if I were speaking to my child, and he ignored me and kept playing on his phone, he, like Yolanda, would end up a toothless wonder because his phone would be out the window, and his teeth would be down his throat. YMMV.

OMG.  Word to your mother. 


I wanted to comment on this so bad after it aired but my views on teenagers aren't always well received here, LOL, so I decided to zip it, because I'm not going to change anybody's minds, nor will anyone change mine on that topic.  But hell yeah.


The way he ignored her in the car, after she'd just been ignored by the other (grown) child in her home due to electronic devices - yeah, the phone would have been gone for the day.  Minimum.

  • Love 9

What if one spouse makes considerably more money than the other?  I lived with a boyfriend once. He made more money than I did.  We agreed to split rent, utilites, etc. 50/50, only it really wasn't.  He'd put 50% of his monthly wage in the pot and I'd put 50% of my monthly wage in (which like I said, was much less).  So it was more of a percentage type deal. If missed a couple days of work because I was sick, or he missed a week to go fishing, we still did the 50% at the end of the month of our actual earnings.  Somehow it always worked out. If I had married him, that's probably how we would have continued, but I don't know how all the money minutiae of day to day living for the long haul would be figured out.


It feels like Eileen makes more money than Vinny.  She should get a discount on the 50/50 because it seems like she does more around the house than he does.


You're right, and I shouldn't have said 50/50 in our case.  Early on, I earned significantly more than the hub, so I put in 65% of the household expenses.  (Add your incomes up, that's 100%.  Divide your income by the total amount to come up with your percentage.)  As things evened out, switched around, and/or evened back up, our percentages fluctuated.   The way I look at it, though, if you earn more you should contribute more, because you can - call me a socialist.

  • Love 7

Very respected and well known for the tram flap, which allows mastectomy patients to be reconstructed sans implant. As for the colorful scrubs, well, based on the following site, it looks like prints are not that rare. This page is the pink ribbon page but there's quite a choice:



Honestly I think that Dr is as world famous as Yo said she is. That Dr just wants money and attention. The office looked like it was decorated in the 80's (don't even get me started on all the purple)

if I was a surgeon I would never operate on Yo. Who knows what kind of complications could arise from all the medications/supplements Yo takes.

  • Love 4
I am wondering why they have to sedate Gigi so she won't chew off her skin and why Giggy is getting woken up by Yolanda in Australia.

Now which one will be dating a Jonas??



Kate Hudson is dating Nick Jonas, but probably not exclusive. Gigi is currently with Zayn, the former One Direction-er. I read the Daily Mail everyday for my trash celebrity updates. 


Growing up, I had the most hateful, violent, emotionally and mentally abusive people one could imagine as parents.  The things those people did and said to me can STILL bring tears to my eyes some 30+ years later, even after years of therapy.  For example, when the time came for me to go to college, her exact statement was, "I'm not paying for ITS education."  Yes.  It.  So, fast forward a few years where, due to some hard work and hustle, I got a partial scholarship to (an out of state) school and worked to pay for the rest of it (books/room/board/etc.), though I did stay with an aunt the first couple of months I was there, until I got a job/apt/etc.  That was in 1992.  They never once called me, would not accept my phone calls, and I'm sure it's no surprise that they weren't there for my graduation.  We have never spoken again.  At first, it wasn't by my choice; I was devastated over the way my parents treated me.  Even more devastated by the stories (Iies) they told people about me - like I had stolen things from their home, that I used drugs, hurtful stuff like that.  But to the outside world, they were this wonderful, religious couple with nothing but goodness in their hearts and halos above their heads.  It was only after finding a good therapist who advised me to cut out the toxic people that I could begin to live my life with some semblance of happiness.

My point behind all this TMI is that perhaps Lisar has very good reason to stay away from her parents.



SomeJabroni I am sorry for your pain.  It sounds unbearable. I am glad that you were able to find a helpful therapist and I wish you the best. I agree with you that Lisa might feel she has a good reason to stay away. Maybe she is doing the best she can.  Didn't she say she also had a sister die when she was younger? Just did some research and she said she tries to get back once a year. That's just the way she rolls I guess. 



Given the seriousness of her silicone leakage, has Yo ever (at least on cam) acknowledged her health issues could be related to this?  I'd have liked for her to once get outside of her self-absorbed world & say to the cam, "see, this is what can happen with implants."




Yo inadvertently just made herself the poster child for silicone leakage.  What a mess. So what is going on in Yo's boobs nowadays anyway? Did she get new implants? Is she just au natural? Is that why David left?  




  • Love 1

It's possible that Yolanda called all three kids but they only showed footage of the call with Gigi. I mean, when they could show a bloodly busted implant, why not edit out dull, repetitive calls where Yolanda talks baby-talk to her children?



Yes, of course that's possible.  I did acknowledge that upthread (not that I expect everyone to read every post!)  But we've seen over and over how she favors Gigi, and when she told David that she wanted to talk to Gigi she didn't mention her other kids and it certainly sounded like a complete sentence.  What I had said in an earlier post was that if she in fact had called all of her children, I would think she would want to clarify that via social media, which would take just seconds to do and would go a long way in making her look not as Gigi-focused.  As far as I know, she hasn't done that.    Not the biggest deal in the world, just IMO further proof that Gigi is in a class by herself in Yo's eyes, and Yo is not at all aware of how obvious that is.


And the bloody busted implant.  Did we really need to see that?  I have a high tolerance for things like that, but it caught me off-guard.  Yuck.

  • Love 5

Honestly I think that Dr is as world famous as Yo said she is. That Dr just wants money and attention. The office looked like it was decorated in the 80's (don't even get me started on all the purple)

if I was a surgeon I would never operate on Yo. Who knows what kind of complications could arise from all the medications/supplements Yo takes.

Well, I only know of Feng for the above-mentioned tram flap and her rep as a microvascular surgeon, both of which predate Yo's leaky boob. No idea if she has become a reality TV frequent flyer.

ITA that Yolanda must be a soup of supplements.

Kyle threatening to divulge secrets about her cast mates in retaliation for replying with queries to a topic she introduced - if her talking heads were indeed in reference to the discussion at the pool - makes as much sense as Yolanda bristling at Kyle's comparison of her ailments to various conditions after she, Yolanda, herself described her health problems as a "mystery" and/or Kim losing her mind over questions about her sobriety after she showed up for taping lit to the gills.

  • Love 7

Interesting - didn't realize Eileen had been married twice before. Maybe her picker isn't working - Vince doesn't seem like the "third time's the charm" kind of guy!


They've been married for 13 years.  That's a pretty good run in this day and age.

Thanks for answering.  Sounds simple enough, although like someone said, more like roommates.  The smaller living expenses, aside from what you listed above - I wonder how much of a sticky wicket those are for couples who split everything 50/50.  For instance, Eileen passes by a Farmers Market and buys 5 badly needed flats of flowers.  I wonder if they split that $75 down the middle seeing that it benefits their home which is shared by both.


When she entertains her friends, and he does the grocery shopping and wine run for her (as if) would he have the receipts out the next day looking to be reimbursed?  And vice versa?



I would think they each put equal amounts into a joint account and pay the household expenses from that.

Edited by swankie
  • Love 4

Can't say this enough.  Don't take a TH as the gospel truth response to a 'particular' situation.  They don't include the question for a reason.  The editors are creating a 'story'. 


As for Eileen's comment about the deer.  Heck, if I see a deer and someone else is there, I say do you see the deer.  And I see them almost daily.  I then clap my hands while quickly walking toward them, with an attitude, to scare them.  Get out of my yard.  Stop eating my hosta.  And take your freakin ticks with you.  OK.  I look a little nuts when I do this.  I don't care.  The worst part is that sometimes they run away quickly.  Other times they just look at me with an attitude until I get really close.  

  • Love 6

Yes, of course that's possible. I did acknowledge that upthread (not that I expect everyone to read every post!) But we've seen over and over how she favors Gigi, and when she told David that she wanted to talk to Gigi she didn't mention her other kids and it certainly sounded like a complete sentence. What I had said in an earlier post was that if she in fact had called all of her children, I would think she would want to clarify that via social media, which would take just seconds to do and would go a long way in making her look not as Gigi-focused. As far as I know, she hasn't done that. Not the biggest deal in the world, just IMO further proof that Gigi is in a class by herself in Yo's eyes, and Yo is not at all aware of how obvious that is.

And the bloody busted implant. Did we really need to see that? I have a high tolerance for things like that, but it caught me off-guard. Yuck.

Bella's the middle nothing special, dark haired child. Gigi was her first and is her favorite. Anwar is the baby and the required male destined to carry on the Hadid name. This may contribute to forgotten Bella having issues with Lyme induced DUIs and Lyme suppressing cleaning skills.

  • Love 6

Maybe she is doing the show to help pay for "singing/music" act. LOL

I was thinking the same thing.  I don't know how much her singing gigs bring in or the royalties from her published music but she seems to have a pretty hefty overhead.  Trunks and trunks of custom made costumes, shoes and props.  A gaggle of sycophantic stylists, publicists and assistants.  Hair and makeup.  Makeup and hair.  Travel.  I feel like she has a very expensive, heavily subsidized hobby being Erika Jane.  Regarding the alleged eating of the chocolate cake, did.not.happen.  I kept my eye on that sucker from the minute it was delivered and if she ate more than one bite I'd be shocked.  It was still there when she had put her napkin on the table and was having a chat with LisaV about the party in the Hampton's.  That whole cake thing was a ploy to make her seem accessible but how many people do you know that order a big dessert at lunch?  How many women in Beverly Hills who wear tight white jeans and stilettos at home eat a slab of chocolate cake anytime but especially at lunch.  I rest my case.

Edited by zulualpha
  • Love 13

I just have to say (and I may have said this before) - I have such a mix-up in my brain whenever I see Gigi and Giggy.

I am wondering why they have to sedate Gigi so she won't chew off her skin and why Giggy is getting woken up by Yolanda in Australia.

Now which one will be dating a Jonas??


That made me picture Ken holding Gigi while tottering about Villa Rosa.

  • Love 4

Bella's the middle nothing special, dark haired child. Gigi was her first and is her favorite. Anwar is the baby and the required male destined to carry on the Hadid name. This may contribute to forgotten Bella having issues with Lyme induced DUIs and Lyme suppressing cleaning skills.

I hate to say this but I think there's a lot of truth in this.  Gigi was the little me.  Bella was 'second'.  I do think Bella, even before the nose job, is a very pretty girl with looks that have more depth and much more interest than Gigi.  I think she's quite stunning now.  But that's not what Yo is about.  It's sad.  I think there's a lot more to the reasons for Bella's DUI.  I don't think it's a case of looking for attention but more a case of Bella dealing with be 'second' and the insecurities that go with that.  Didn't Yo say that Bella was different?  I can understand why.  I think she may have been treated differently.  I would imagine it was very hard for her in Yo's household.


Anwar seems to be doing his own thing and isn't into being a celebrity at this point. And it also seems he's living with father now.  I don't think Anwar is following the Yo formula.  We'll see.  It'll be interesting to see if he decides to go to college or follow his sisters' path of being a model.

  • Love 4

This is why the Yolanda storyline is bad for the show. No one can really say what they really think, or they'll look horrible. She's not Brooks. There's no doubt that she was ill. And you can't pick on or gang up on a sick person for how they handle their illness, not in public. It's the height of meanness. I would bet large amounts of money that when LVP and Lisa Rinna and maybe Kyle are alone with no cameras, they have opinions about Yolanda's performance, but they're not dumb enough to say them. The engine of this show is women with strong opinions sharing them and dealing with the conflict that arises as a result. But the nature of Yolanda's "storyline" prevents them from doing so. And if they even tiptoe around the truth - like Lisa Rinna reporting that "other people" brought up Munchausen's - then they get vilified. Kyle was on Access Hollywood yesterday (clips online), and every time the anchors tried to get her to talk about Yolanda's illness and whether it was real, she said "you want me to get slaughtered on twitter?"

So instead we get scene after scene of a woman who is clearly both a) ill and b) malingering, and she is holding the entire show hostage. No one can question her. It's bad drama.

As for Kyle - I'm going to be on her side, and then against her. On her side: her pain when she was describing what was going on with Kim was intense and real and visible. I kind of wonder about anyone who can't empathize with that. Against her: it's not fair to get angry at the other women when they bring Kim up on camera. Kyle, Kim has been on the show for five seasons. Last season in particular, her behavior made everyone miserable. I understand that as her sister you're frustrated that she isn't here to defend herself. But it is ridiculous to think that they're not going to talk about it, and it is completely unfair to compare them talking about Kim to you protecting their "secrets" on camera. Kim is responsible for her situation, and no one - especially not LVP, LR, Eileen, etc. - are morally obligated to protect her now.

Yes, yes, yes to all of this.

Yes my child



Thanks for the nightmare before I go to sleep.

  • Love 5

I hate to say this but I think there's a lot of truth in this. Gigi was the little me. Bella was 'second'. I do think Bella, even before the nose job, is a very pretty girl with looks that have more depth and much more interest than Gigi. I think she's quite stunning now. But that's not what Yo is about. It's sad. I think there's a lot more to the reasons for Bella's DUI. I don't think it's a case of looking for attention but more a case of Bella dealing with be 'second' and the insecurities that go with that. Didn't Yo say that Bella was different? I can understand why. I think she may have been treated differently. I would imagine it was very hard for her in Yo's household.

Anwar seems to be doing his own thing and isn't into being a celebrity at this point. And it also seems he's living with father now. I don't think Anwar is following the Yo formula. We'll see. It'll be interesting to see if he decides to go to college or follow his sisters' path of being a model.

To saying Bekks is different is because Yo treats her different. Kids know who the favorite is. And because he's living with daddy Anwar can now get a decent meal.

  • Love 6

Yolanda annoys the hell out of me. I don't know if she has mental issues, as you think she has. I do think she is incredibly manipulative. She is ill, I'm sure but she imo is very aware when to play the sick card. What I mean is she is in the best safest little housewife bubble, she is untouchable. Her rude nasty behavior has never been brought up,and never will be. Did I mention she annoys the hell out of me lol. Yo has always acted above this tacky show and yet her sick ass is still on it. Makes no sense to me.



I absolutely agree that she's manipulative.  Is there physical/emotional stuff going on?  Sure.  But I think the large majority of what we're seeing is outright manipulation.


And I'm glad you mentioned the rude, nasty behavior that we've seen from her.  It seems to have been pretty much forgotten.  And now of course everything is attributed to Lyme brain, so she can do whatever she wants and anyone who doesn't shower her with pity is criticized.


I thought she was going to just be a Friend this season since her health is so poor.  Why are we seeing her more than ever?


Listen.  I don't know if the cast truly believes that Lyme Disease is Yolanda's medical malady. However, no one is pointing and jeering at Yolanda. I think the ladies realized that BRAVO was going to forge ahead with 'Yolanda, M.D.'  and tried to participate, but only to a point. Only to a point because these women realize that Andy and Yolanda want to slam them at REunion and they do not wish to supply any doses for those shots.


I agree.  No one should be speaking for an entire group of women, especially someone who clearly has a reason to spin it that way.  I do think the HW's are treading carefully.  The likelihood is that they very well may believe that Yo has or had LD, but I really doubt very much that it's as simple as that.  With everything they know, everything they've seen and heard, it almost certainly has to be much more complicated.  I agree with you - They're not taking the bait.

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 9

I guess she could've called the other ones, the ones who aren't Gigi, and it was cut or not filmed because they are the other ones, the ones who aren't Gigi.


When I saw the episode it didn't phase me in the least that she only called Gigi. I talked to all my boys personally about my back surgery I had in early December. But I only called our oldest one from the hospital on the day of. He knows his job is to pass out the information to the others. There are just times when I call him and let him deal with the others. I know that sounds bad even to me typing it out now, but he's better at keeping things calm than I am and my husband (their dad) just doesn't deal with that kind of thing. 


So that was how I took Yolanda until I read all the comments, now I feel bad about not calling them all. lol


I don't favor him over the others, he just got the job of oldest kid. The other thing for me is that I'd have to make 6 phone calls and I just wouldn't be doing that from the hospital. 

  • Love 4

The Girardis may be rich but over on the Mansions thread Talula brought this article over:  http://allthingsrh.c...lions-in-taxes/  They owed 10 million in taxes there is definitely a problem in the cash flow area.



What is with these rich assholes not paying their damned taxes?!!  Do they hire lazy accountants that don't feel like filing every year?  What's the deal?  Sheesh!!!

  • Love 10

To saying Bekks is different is because Yo treats her different. Kids know who the favorite is. And because he's living with daddy Anwar can now get a decent meal.

A part of me thinks the reason why Anwar didn't know how to butter bread is because there never is any in the house.  Just the bag of supplements prepared by his mom.

  • Love 11

I think that if Lisa Vanderpump stays, which I think she will because she's just another rich narcissistic that can't see enough of her own face, that she and Erika will either be great friends or deadly foes. Lisa V may just have to surrender her crown being the richest woman in the group over to Erika who could make or break Lisa V in many ways. There has to be an intimidation factor when engaging in a 'show off contest' with Erika Girardi. I don't think Lisa Vanderpump wants to ruffle any feathers in that camp.


Small correction. Erika is not rich, her husband is.  


I know that what belongs to a husband belongs to a wife but in their circles with prenups and whatnot, that is not the case. Two worth of two people in a marriage isn't equal. 

  • Love 2

Vince has two children from his first marriage and I believe the oldest Richard is attending London School of Economics and the younger son is away at school as well.  So those may be expenses Eileen does not wish to cover. His former father-in-law and his father are/were respected economists.  So I am thinking Vince is no stranger to financial advice.  My guess is there is a pre-nup that sets forth the responsibilities of each party in the marriage or as responsible adults they felt it safest to both contribute equally to the monthly expenses involving their household.  Pre-nups do seem like they reduce married couples to roommates but they also offer protection to both parties.


I am out of the loop, as I have never heard or read that Vince has a gambling problem or is addicted to gambling.  It would seem if he was having financial trouble we would have heard about it.  If his hobby is gambling, I don't see how that differs from someone who plays golf or races cars or has a private plane.  I am not use to hearing about people who regularly talk about their betting or gambling but I don't assume they have a problem with it.  I know he makes money off casino endorsements and being part of the WPT broadcast staff.  When Eileen mentioned his betting I kind of took it to mean that he spends his disposable income on betting and she chose to buy $500 dresses. 

I had posted a link to an article on another episode thread about Vince's dad. It was mentioned in the article how Mr. Dick Van Patten learned all about poker and card games from his own father, Vince's grandfather. Dick Van Patten's developed a passion for horse races at a young age. It became a great past time for them. Dick Van Patten went to the races every week. Dick was also a commentator for poker tournaments. He passed that passion on to his boys. 


Here is one article:



Another article:



This article has some mention of Dick's love for cards and it also goes into detail about the story Vince told about Michael Jackson helping their mom clean their house:


  • Love 2

Next time take a black light. That'll make you freaky!


The scary part is I have one and my husband refuses to take it because I would probably never go on another trip that requires hotel stays ever again!


I've had pneumonia twice in the last 5 years and my doctor told me the most common place to pick up the kind I had was shopping carts and hotel rooms. I now wipe the handles of all shopping carts. Pneumonia is not fun. 

  • Love 5


The way he ignored her in the car, after she'd just been ignored by the other (grown) child in her home due to electronic devices - yeah, the phone would have been gone for the day.  Minimum.

You are too kind. I took away my kid's phone, tablet, and anything else I could think of for four days. Gotta hit 'em where it hurts. 

  • Love 8

I like Vince! I don't think Elieen married him for money and I don't think she is the trophy wife type. Her making the same or more than Vince probably makes her feel good and/or secure. Plus, I think they have many shared interests. He is an athlete and actor, and she is also very athletic and competitive. I think also she really likes his pedigree and is proud to be part of the Van Patten family. Vince may not have the most amazing personality, but I bet he is fun and he isn't bad looking for a 60 year old man. His body looks great. 


Vince seems like the spitting image of his dad and VInce also seems to be trying to follow his trajectory. Also, VInce had just lost his dad when this was filmed, so he is probably a little sad and grumpy. 


I like Vince. He was a little "grumpy old manish" with the dress price, but I like him.


Harry Hamlin and David Foster seem the same to me in terms of interest in their wives. Of the BH couples,  I love in this order: 1) Ken and LVP because they do get along really well--- I don't know how you find a man that loves teacup puppies but Lisa did it, amazing. My husband would feel castrated if he had to so much as hold a teacup dog so I have a lot of respect for Ken in that regard. 2) Kyle and Maurico. These are the beautiful people. I think they have a great marriage, seem to have fun together, and Mauricio specifically wanted a stay at home mom/wife who was great with kids. I like men that prioritize their family AND work their tails off to provide for them. Go Mauricio! 

After the two obvious strong couples, it gets tough. I would say 3) Eileen and VInce because they may have a professional working relationship, but they aren't controlling of one another and seem pretty independent, outside of Jesse. Also, I don't think it is shown on the show, but I do think that VInce and Elieen do a lot of surfing and athletic/active things together. Erica's relationship screams, "DADDY ISSUES!" which is not appealing, and it almost seems like she rarely sees him and so when she does she amps it up big time. (Weird and not jealous worthy). Harry Hamlin appears to be a man that likes men, so to compromise he married a woman with the body of a 12 year old boy and a butthole face. Yeah, not at all appealing. Obviously David Foster is no longer a husband, which I saw coming. Thankfully Yolanda doesn't have any kids with him.

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 6

The scary part is I have one and my husband refuses to take it because I would probably never go on another trip that requires hotel stays ever again!


I've had pneumonia twice in the last 5 years and my doctor told me the most common place to pick up the kind I had was shopping carts and hotel rooms. I now wipe the handles of all shopping carts. Pneumonia is not fun.

Just started getting a pneumonia shot recently. My Right Aid store gives shots along with flu shots and whooping cough shots, it's the new thing I do. Hubby was very sick with an infection that led to sepsis last year. He was hospitalized for a week. Thank goodness he had his shots or he may not have come through it so well.

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