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S06.E05: Will Power

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Yes. But it's much worse than just that because Yo has Lyme Disease which can't be compared to anything else. And she has zero brain function which makes every thing a little dicey.


Yes, she has zero brain function, and is cackling in her TH when she says she can't wait for Erica to meet "da girls" because Erica has a brain - with the implication being that "da girls" do not. 

  • Love 15

The release we sign before anesthesia -- there are always risks.  (Look at what happened to Joan Rivers.)  But it's a minor surgery so she's the only one who's nervous about it.  That's the problem.


The kids are thinking "Mom's only 51, she's seeing a specialist, she'll be fine."  But Yolanda's at a low point and she needed the kids to show some concern.  Talking about her will was taking it a bit too far, but Yo's been so immersed in her health issues, she's not thinking clearly.  She thought she was being strong, but the rest of us saw her putting an unnecessary burden on her kids.


Also, I read somewhere that to be infected with Lyme disease from a tick, the tick has to be attached to you for three days.  I can believe someone camping in the woods for a week might not notice a three-day tick, but not Yolanda, or her kids. 

  • Love 1

I understand this and she said as much. I think where I was going with it was I think she trying to process how she was going to go forward knowing what Yolanda was saying and whether she would ever dare to question Yolanda's claim out loud amongst the group.

Gotcha.  I wonder what Mohammed thinks about her  dragging their kids into her drama.

  • Love 4

Yes, she has zero brain function, and is cackling in her TH when she says she can't wait for Erica to meet "da girls" because Erica has a brain - with the implication being that "da girls" do not.

That comment bugged the hell out of me. I'm still not sure how she's going to come out looking at the end of this season, but she better not get a pass at the reunion this year.

  • Love 11

But what the heck was Yolanda trying to say? It was clearly edited, and poorly as well. That she breast-fed Anwar and Bella and thus she had Lyme disease 20 years ago and passed it onto them? So nonsensical.

When Yolanda told them about the silicone dangers when breastfeeding, Kyle asked if that is how Anwar/Bella got LD, Yolanda had just told them the kids also have LD, and Yolanda answered No.


The release we sign before anesthesia -- there are always risks.  (Look at what happened to Joan Rivers.)  But it's a minor surgery so she's the only one who's nervous about it.  That's the problem.


The kids are thinking "Mom's only 51, she's seeing a specialist, she'll be fine."  But Yolanda's at a low point and she needed the kids to show some concern.  Talking about her will was taking it a bit too far, but Yo's been so immersed in her health issues, she's not thinking clearly.  She thought she was being strong, but the rest of us saw her putting an unnecessary burden on her kids.


Also, I read somewhere that to be infected with Lyme disease from a tick, the tick has to be attached to you for three days.  I can believe someone camping in the woods for a week might not notice a three-day tick, but not Yolanda, or her kids. 

IMO, the ONLY reason Yolanda had this talk with her kids was for the camera time and for greater sympathy from the viewers and NOTHING more. It was staged for the show at the house she was NOT living in at the time this was filmed. Yolanda is a sympathy junkie just as much as Kim is an alcoholic/addict!

  • Love 14

It says something when that display of Yolanda casually showing her will to her children and mother on national TV was somehow more disgusting than watching Lisa R getting her coochie waxed.

I enjoyed the scene of the Todds taking Hanky Panky or whatever his name is to the vet. I have a soft spot for animals as well so I enjoy seeing Lisa treat all their pets well and take good care of them.

I wanted to smack Gigi every time she used the word "dippers." It's a sandwich, not a constellation.

I couldn't help but think when Yolanda said a "friend" told her about what Taylor said that she really meant she had been tipped off by production.

I'm in the minority I guess but I like Erika. She seems kind of self aware and self deprecating. It's like she knows she's ridiculous and OTT but she owns it. I'm sure if anyone was in her position where they were not financially obligated to work they would probably go live out some crazy dream too. Good for her. I kind of also sensed Lisa V felt a bit of a competition with her. Not because Erika has anything she doesn't have, but she sort of "stole" her "things," like the color pink (even though of course Lisa doesn't own a color).

  • Love 11

That comment bugged the hell out of me. I'm still not sure how she's going to come out looking at the end of this season, but she better not get a pass at the reunion this year.


If anyone dares, DARES I tell you, to call her out on anything she has said/done this season, she will fall back on her "LD brain" excuse just as she has done for the last 2-3 reunions IMO.

  • Love 14

The release we sign before anesthesia -- there are always risks.  (Look at what happened to Joan Rivers.)  But it's a minor surgery so she's the only one who's nervous about it.  That's the problem.


The kids are thinking "Mom's only 51, she's seeing a specialist, she'll be fine."  But Yolanda's at a low point and she needed the kids to show some concern.  Talking about her will was taking it a bit too far, but Yo's been so immersed in her health issues, she's not thinking clearly.  She thought she was being strong, but the rest of us saw her putting an unnecessary burden on her kids.


Also, I read somewhere that to be infected with Lyme disease from a tick, the tick has to be attached to you for three days.  I can believe someone camping in the woods for a week might not notice a three-day tick, but not Yolanda, or her kids. 

 I think there is still debate about the amount of time a tick has to be attached.  In 1990 when I contracted Lyme it was 48 hours.  If the tiny deer tick has attached itself on your scalp, you may not notice it immediately.  Especially if you have thick hair.


It was difficult listening to her spew her own special brand of bullshit tonight.

  • Love 2

Well, thank God we got the annual bikini  wax scene out of the way.  Why do producers think we 'enjoy' this.  And who is the camera person who is fascinated with Yo's feet. I've seen them enough for a lifetime.  They're not even attractive.


Most disturbing revelation:  If Yo finds a treatment that she think has helped her, she has Anwar and Bella do it. 


Lisa likes making the new woman feel uncomfortable.  That verbal exchange between her and Erika was a little bit like a test for entry into the sorority.  Yeah, it was probably meant to be humorous....but Erika was sent a message of sorts.


Oh Yo.  Its amazing that she got up all those steps in Malibu with no brain function and have a disease like no other.  And then the scene with her kids - who does something like that to their teenage children?  Someone who thrives on dramatics maybe?  I felt for those kids.  Her blog is up:




There's so much to say.  So much stupidity.  David woke up in June and said she should get a full body scan and low and behold, her implants are leaking.  Does the woman ever read or listen to TV?  You're so sick and you never thought to check out those implants?  And you want to be the face and spokesperson for Lyme Disease? 


This is the best part:

It's fascinating to see how strong we really are. Our bodies are this extraordinary machinery that deals with whatever we throw at it. Looking back, what was I ever thinking putting breast implants or the poison of Botox in my so perfectly healthy body? The truth is I wasn't thinking but rather brainwashed by society's perception of what a perfect woman should look like and into believing that any of these beautifying enhancements were safe.


Yo, I hope you say the same thing when you look back at your journey through Lyme Disease.  What were you thinking?  How could you be so stupid?  How could you put your kids through any of the unnecessary treatments you allowed to be put into your body?


Oh, and when they were filming, she had just done the Adipose Stem Cell treatment,  apparently something that is not legally  available in the US with no proven clinical trials.  Maybe I'm wrong on this.



Eileen apologizes in her blog about bringing up Lisar.  She was confused.  That was bad and it wasn't Eileen's place to bring any of it up.


Other than that, it was an enjoyable episode.

  • Love 8

I kind of like Erica, but she was definitely chilly with LisaV. I think she saw Lisa's little jokes as jabs when really that's how Lisa plays with women she likes. Erica's responses were a little one-uppy. But I like her in her talking heads and like that she has no shame about having been a cocktail waitress who married a sugar daddy. And she really loves him which is nice.

Yikes Yolanda. That was quite an uncomfortable scene. Yo must really be out of it though, Gigi was eating fried bread and cheese and she didn't get one negative comment!

  • Love 14

I understood the Lyme disease thing to be that Yolanda breast fed, so her youngest two, who she had fake breasts when breastfeeding, have a compromised immune system. This then made their Lyme symptoms worse, like a double whammy. According to Yolanda. 


I didn't believe her when she said the kids had Lyme disease though. She acted strange and seemed like she was lying, for whatever reason. Or maybe the kids are just going along with it to save her face. Like, "Oh Bella, you must have Lyme, because you drank and drive! You wouldn't do this if mind sharp." And Bella just went along with it because why not. If you tell someone they are sick, they will think they are sick. As far as Anwar, maybe he has a learning disorder or something that Yolanda is trying to cover up. Her saying her kids have Lyme is, IMO, her way of covering up the fact she doesn't think they are very smart. IMO. 


I am so over Lisa Rinna's talking heads where she says something and then cackles like it's hysterical. So annoying and so fake. The part I liked best of Lisa R was when she was leaving her house and the driver asked her how she was and she answered him in a very casual, non fake way.


Kyle definitely has a very sensitive and nurturing side to her. I think she is really worried and cares about Yolanda. I think Erica is great in this group. She is totally on Lisa V's level with the dance club thing and the gay pride/ gay support they both have. Plus, Ericka and her hubby can bring in business to Sur and Pump, which I'm sure Lisa is always on the lookout for new customers. She is intimidating, but I think she is also harmless and very sensitive as well. She obviously is trying REALLY hard to not have some insecurities herself with the perfect everything. 

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 6

How about Yolanda telling Kyle that there have been on long term effects of botox on the brain? That just seemed like such a weird, mean dig. First off, I doubt there have not been any studies. Botox isn't exactly a new thing and it's not like it was first tested the first time it was injected into a wealthy housewife. Second, it isn't injected into your brain so I don't think 20 years down the road people who get botox are going to start losing brain function. Third, shut up Yolanda. It's not your business what Kyle injects into her face. Oh my god, Yolanda is making me take Kyle's side so many times and I can never forgive her for that.


Edited to add: I am doing a terrible job making my point here. It seemed like swipe at Kyle because of how she said it and the face she made when she said it. It looked like it was aimed at Kyle, kind of like "You better watch out! Keep it up and you might be like me some day!" It was more how I interpreted the scene than anything else.

Edited by Thick McRunFast
  • Love 8

Yolanda is THE biggest HW victim of ALL....EVER! LOL


No, she claims they are STILL suffering LD, despite the fact that any school I know of would NEVER allow a sick student play football or soccer.


She had her leaky silicone implants removed and the leaked silicone cleaned up, also maybe a couple of affected lymph nodes that were affected by the silicone as well.


In a months time she was back with her trainer. She recovered very, very fast after all the silicone was removed. LOL

I really feel for the Hadid kids.  Sadly, it seems that those kids know what they are dealing with and maybe it's not their first time at the rodeo.

  • Love 7

I was hoping Erika would be her own person but it looks like she's going to be Yolanda's attack dog this season in place of Brandi. Is she really expressing disgust that they were shocked her husband was almost 80 years old? Surely this isn't the first time she's gotten that reaction. I bet Dana/Pam was weeping watching her flash that $189,000 ring.

  • Love 10

I know the very basics about Lyme disease, but seriously both Bella and Anwar have it too? Is that really possible? I would think it would be a very very small percentage that three family members have Lyme disease.  Yo passes on treatments to them? I would not be surprised if Yo told Bella she has it so she has to ease up on the modeling, so she does not upstage golden child Gigi. 


I thought Anwar was joking about buttering bread, but who knows. I do not see him on the show enough to get a feel of his personality, which is actually a good thing. I thought it was a win last season when he had a brief scene where he turned down Yo offering him almonds.


I get that Yo is upset about people possibly doubting her illness. I do think most of the women have said that she probably has something in addition to Lyme or possibly questioning the treatments. I do not think any of the ladies think that she isn't sick with something. I am probably a horrible person, but I really do not think what Taylor or Lisa Rinna said was that bad. Rinna seemed to regret it after she said it. Unless either of them go full Meghan PI on Yo, then I do not care if they are somewhat questioning what she puts out there.


Erica is just there for me. So far she bores me.

  • Love 6

Just an FYI:  A tick with Lyme has to be attached for 24 to 48 hours to transmit the disease.  A single dose of 200mg of doxycycline given within 72 hours of a bite will decrease the odds of developing Lyme by about 90 percent if that tick has Lyme.  So, if you see a tick deer tick attached to you, carefully remove it and go see your doctor or visit a care clinic right away, and bring the tick.  Been there, done that, a number of times.

  • Love 14

I was hoping Erika would be her own person but it looks like she's going to be Yolanda's attack dog this season in place of Brandi. Is she really expressing disgust that they were shocked her husband was almost 80 years old? Surely this isn't the first time she's gotten that reaction. I bet Dana/Pam was weeping watching her flash that $189,000 ring.

Why did she even feel the need to announce his age in the first place? I think she loves watching people's reaction to that and then gages how to treat them based on their reactions/responses.  

  • Love 17

The release we sign before anesthesia -- there are always risks.  (Look at what happened to Joan Rivers.)  But it's a minor surgery so she's the only one who's nervous about it.  That's the problem.


The kids are thinking "Mom's only 51, she's seeing a specialist, she'll be fine."  But Yolanda's at a low point and she needed the kids to show some concern.  Talking about her will was taking it a bit too far, but Yo's been so immersed in her health issues, she's not thinking clearly.  She thought she was being strong, but the rest of us saw her putting an unnecessary burden on her kids.


Also, I read somewhere that to be infected with Lyme disease from a tick, the tick has to be attached to you for three days.  I can believe someone camping in the woods for a week might not notice a three-day tick, but not Yolanda, or her kids. 


The deer tick that can give you Lyme disease can be smaller than a sesame seed, so it could be easy to miss, unless you are looking for it.  

  • Love 5

I know the very basics about Lyme disease, but seriously both Bella and Anwar have it too? Is that really possible? I would think it would be a very very small percentage that three family members have Lyme disease.  Yo passes on treatments to them? I would not be surprised if Yo told Bella she has it so she has to ease up on the modeling, so she does not upstage golden child Gigi. 


I thought Anwar was joking about buttering bread, but who knows. I do not see him on the show enough to get a feel of his personality, which is actually a good thing. I thought it was a win last season when he had a brief scene where he turned down Yo offering him almonds.


I get that Yo is upset about people possibly doubting her illness. I do think most of the women have said that she probably has something in addition to Lyme or possibly questioning the treatments. I do not think any of the ladies think that she isn't sick with something. I am probably a horrible person, but I really do not think what Taylor or Lisa Rinna said was that bad. Rinna seemed to regret it after she said it. Unless either of them go full Meghan PI on Yo, then I do not care if they are somewhat questioning what she puts out there.


Erica is just there for me. So far she bores me.


Well, Yolanda IS using LD as an excuse for Bella getting the DUI last season and I wouldn't be surprised if she is also using it to explain why Bella hasn't reached the same status/level in modeling that Gigi has. As for Anwar, I am not sure if she is using it as an excuse for him because we really know so little about him other than the fact that he plays football and soccer even though he should not be able to pass the required school physical to play if he does in fact have LD.

The deer tick that can give you Lyme disease can be smaller than a sesame seed, so it could be easy to miss, unless you are looking for it.  


AND, you don't always get the "bulls eye" ring when bitten by an infected tick. If you have flu symptoms (bad aches/pains) that last longer than a couple of weeks, get a LD blood test.

  • Love 2

I have Lupus SLE and Menieres Disease...I struggle every single day. I don't have access to private jets or high tech treatments...but I do find her explanation of her children also having Lyme very suspect. Every time I see her she appears to allude that she she is dying....whatever.



I am not saying she doesn't have Lyme...but as someone with a chronic, debilitating , auto immune disease....I see it from a different perspective.

  • Love 24

I don't think it odd that members of the same family get Lyme.  I've had two.  After all, you're all in the same environment.  All of us have removed deer ticks from ourselves.  So that, in of itself, is not odd to me. 


It is odd that Yo is bringing this up now....two years after the fact.  And it's also odd that her kids didn't get as sick as she has....  I can understand why Bella and Anwar didn't want to go public with it.  It's their business.  It seems to me that it was a desperation ploy by Yo to bring attention to herself because she just seems so desperate this season so far.   Her marriage????  But it seems Yo is feeling much better now - is that because the implants were removed?  Maybe.  Or is it because of other things???

  • Love 3

Wow, can't add too much more here that hasn't already been said about Yolanda.  It was disgusting enough reading about her comments saying her kids had Lyme and blaming any shortcomings on that, but seeing her say it out loud was even worse, and then the will reading was a new low.  


I really enjoyed the gathering of all the ladies.  I'm ok with LisaV when she lets her stealth bitch be visible for all to see, it's when she plays coy and innocent that I dislike her the most.  She was definitely giving a strange competitive vibe to Erika, who responded in kind.  Oh, Eileen, I laughed so hard at Kyle's frantic "No, bitch!" reaction to her blabbing about LisaR.  


Count me in as not needing to see another waxing anytime soon.  I missed the comment that LisaR made to the waxer, I kind of tuned out that whole scene.  

  • Love 3

Well, Yolanda IS using LD as an excuse for Bella getting the DUI last season and I wouldn't be surprised if she is also using it to explain why Bella hasn't reached the same status/level in modeling that Gigi has. As for Anwar, I am not sure if she is using it as an excuse for him because we really know so little about him other than the fact that he plays football and soccer even though he should not be able to pass the required school physical to play if he does in fact have LD.

Lol you are on the same page as me.

Maybe Bella dropped out because of her DUI or who knows how YoLemons has been carrying on she might have pulled her completely out of school.

No parent should ever be ok with their child dropping out of high school. I don't care how rich and powerful these people are. All that money and clout Mohammed and Yo have they couldn't find a way to get her a private teacher and still let her get her high school diploma.

Something just smells like

  • Love 12

Bella appeared truly traumatized by the Will scene. Yolanda's rationale about losing her father at a young age and that somehow motivated her actions fell flat with me. I was six years old when my father died and this year I've dealt with my own breast cancer dx (I'm down a boob, but all things are looking good). My primary concern has been protecting my five year old son and making sure he never sensed any instability in his home life. So much so that I made my husband go home nearly as soon as I woke up after surgery on account of the fact that our son is nearly always with one of us. Had I not remembered how I felt at six years old, I doubt I would've been quite so insistent on this.

The Hadid kids did not need Yolanda to bring up the subject of her Will. It served no purpose but to raise the question of whether they should be worried about Yolanda dying and that was clearly not something they were considering prior to her bringing out the Will.

If my situation were dire (and fortunately it's not), I'd try to prepare my child for the possibility of losing me, but damn to do it on national t.v.. and in such an almost ambush fashion, is simply not cool.

  • Love 23

Just watched the episode, better then last weeks but Vanderpump needs a storyline and STAT. Her animals are not cutting it. So glad that Erika finally got introduced to the group, really want to see more of her dynamic with everyone. Pretty telling that Kim Richards is not on this show anymore yet she still brings the drama for the ladies.

  • Love 5

I don't think it odd that members of the same family get Lyme.  I've had two.  After all, you're all in the same environment.  All of us have removed deer ticks from ourselves.  So that, in of itself, is not odd to me. 


It is odd that Yo is bringing this up now....two years after the fact.  And it's also odd that her kids didn't get as sick as she has....  I can understand why Bella and Anwar didn't want to go public with it.  It's their business.  It seems to me that it was a desperation ploy by Yo to bring attention to herself because she just seems so desperate this season so far.   Her marriage????  But it seems Yo is feeling much better now - is that because the implants were removed?  Maybe.  Or is it because of other things???

She quickly recovered AFTER the silicone was removed. Just last week in in interview, she claimed she had 90% of her health back, she had the silicone cleaned up 5 months ago. There is no doubt that removing the silicone was THE major factor in her recovery. 

  • Love 12

The reasoning that it might not be all that unusual for all of the Hadids to contract Lyme because they live in the same environment is superficially sound but actually unviable in my opinion. Firstly, some stats in recent years have documented Lyme prevalence in the double digits (as in 66) for the entire state of California with 0 total incidents occurring in LA County during the latest compilation. Secondly, all three Hadids would have been asymptomatic, which increases the improbability. Thirdly, all three would have to have been unresponsive to conventional antibiotic treatments and developed PTLS symptoms. The odds are astronomical before you even start factoring in the variables about silicone poisoning which, at this point, is complete conjecture since there's no way to retrospectively specify when Yo's implants specifically started leaking.

  • Love 10

Pretty telling that Kim Richards is not on this show anymore yet she still brings the drama for the ladies.

It's called Andy being thirsty for drama.

Wasn't there a report somewhere that Erika and Marcus Allen ex wife didn't bring enough drama that's why he brought back the show's problem children - Kim and Brandi - especially for emergency back for Yolanda.

  • Love 1

Would a mammogram detect a leaky implant?

I don't think Bella's career has been thwarted by LD. I just don't think she has the modeling chops like her sister though I think she is prettier.

I wonder if the housewives have to take turns filming a bikini wax like its in the contract Though I'm pretty sure Lisa r volunteered. More screen time and perhaps more glamorous than a Depends model.

  • Love 3

Lol you are on the same page as me.

Maybe Bella dropped out because of her DUI or who knows how YoLemons has been carrying on she might have pulled her completely out of school.

No parent should ever be ok with their child dropping out of high school. I don't care how rich and powerful these people are. All that money and clout Mohammed and Yo have they couldn't find a way to get her a private teacher and still let her get her high school diploma.

Something just smells like

I am not sure Yolanda was talking about HS, I think she was talking about art school/college. She dropped out, just like Gigi did when she moved to NYC. I do, however, think Yolanda is trying to make it seem that Bella is too sick to get to the same modeling level as Gigi did.


Just watched the episode, better then last weeks but Vanderpump needs a storyline and STAT. Her animals are not cutting it. So glad that Erika finally got introduced to the group, really want to see more of her dynamic with everyone. Pretty telling that Kim Richards is not on this show anymore yet she still brings the drama for the ladies.

I, for 1, like seeing LisaV with her pets. It is fun to watch. As for Kim being a subject despite only being a FOH this season, she was in the news on a regular basis during filming because of her drunken/high/thieving antics and Kyle is still on the show. Of course they are going to talk about her and IMO, so far they have been far kinder than I would have been had she treated me like she did LisaV, LisaR and Eileen. YMMV

  • Love 3

I'm fine with seeing Vanderpump with her pets but I feel like it is the only storyline she has thus far. We spent 3-4 episodes on a horse and now with her ailing Swan. For me, Kim Richards personal life should not be the most interesting thing happening this season when she isn't even on.


I, for 1, like seeing LisaV with her pets. It is fun to watch. As for Kim being a subject despite only being a FOH this season, she was in the news on a regular basis during filming because of her drunken/high/thieving antics and Kyle is still on the show. Of course they are going to talk about her and IMO, so far they have been far kinder than I would have been had she treated me like she did LisaV, LisaR and Eileen. YMMV

  • Love 2

Would a mammogram detect a leaky implant?

I don't think Bella's career has been thwarted by LD. I just don't think she has the modeling chops like her sister though I think she is prettier.

I wonder if the housewives have to take turns filming a bikini wax like its in the contract Though I'm pretty sure Lisa r volunteered. More screen time and perhaps more glamorous than a Depends model.


I don't think LD has effected Bella at all but it seems to be Yolanda's and now Bell's go to excuse for both of them so I would not be surprised to hear either of them make that claim. LOL Bella had to stop riding horses because of LD, Bella got a DUI because of LD and Bella had to drop out of art school/college because of LD, I doubt this is the last of the poor Bella had to stop or was unable to do whatever because of LD that we will hear from the 2 of them.

  • Love 1

For me, Kim Richards personal life should not be the most interesting thing happening this season when she isn't even on.

This would be great but the producers feel the only storyline Kyle has is when she's talking about sister sledge. Plus Kim will be on later in the season because she's supoose to give Lisa R "You've been a very naughty girl" talk.

  • Love 2

It is amazing that Yo did have enough brain function to say that Erika should meet the girls tomorrow for drinks.  How convenient!  How amazing!  How snarky of me but I can't help myself to be 'apprehensive' that Yo 'can' follow directions by production to 'set up' the next filming.  After all, we're talking about a person with no brain function here.....

  • Love 3

I'm fine with seeing Vanderpump with her pets but I feel like it is the only storyline she has thus far. We spent 3-4 episodes on a horse and now with her ailing Swan. For me, Kim Richards personal life should not be the most interesting thing happening this season when she isn't even on.


I am not sure what else they filmed of Lisa, they film hours and hours of footage then edit it down to what they, the producers, want. I suspect that with everything happening to Kim off the show and Yolanda's health that they decided to run with those. IMO that storyline, Kim, is second to Yolanda's health questions in the producer's mind and anything else is just filler. So far none of the others, LisaR and Eileen, have brought much to the table storyline wise either. This season will be centered around Yolanda and the Richard sisters (all 3) and the drama surrounding them whether we like it or not. LOL JMO 

  • Love 2

It is amazing that Yo did have enough brain function to say that Erika should meet the girls tomorrow for drinks. How convenient! How amazing! How snarky of me but I can't help myself to be 'apprehensive' that Yo 'can' follow directions by production to 'set up' the next filming. After all, we're talking about a person with no brain function here.....

I still giggle when she says she has no brain function

  • Love 3

I don't think Bella's career has been thwarted by LD. I just don't think she has the modeling chops like her sister though I think she is prettier.



I think Bella is prettier too.  And maybe not as motivated to be a model as Gigi is.  Who knows?  But I far prefer her looks to Gigi's. 


I don't think LD has effected Bella at all but it seems to be Yolanda's and now Bell's go to excuse for both of them so I would not be surprised to hear either of them make that claim. LOL Bella had to stop riding horses because of LD, Bella got a DUI because of LD and Bella had to drop out of art school/college because of LD, I doubt this is the last of the poor Bella had to stop or was unable to do whatever because of LD that we will hear from the 2 of them.


Oh yes.  I think Yolanda has decided that LD is very convenient because so many things can be excused because of it.  She may admit to feeling better, but I don't think she's ever going to completely let it go because it's just so damn useful.  And now apparently Bella and Anwar are always going to be off the hook too because - poor dears - they have LD.  Gigi, as the golden child, apparently in Yolanda's opinion, is not in need of anything to fall back on as an excuse at this point.  But I'm sure it's on the back-burner just in case.


It's really insulting, actually, how much she underestimates the intelligence of viewers.

  • Love 9

I thought that I heard Yolanda say that we don't know the longterm effects (30 years?) of Botox yet. (I get Botox and love it because I have a nasty line between my eyes, that gives me a "bitchy resting face" ;-). I would hate to stop; but I do concern myself with the longterm effects too, because I think it's only been used as a cosmetic procedure for about 20- 25 years? I don't think Yolanda was implying that it would reduce brain function; but instead that it was and is a known toxin. She's trying to reduce her toxic overload and thinks injecting a toxin (botulism) is not worth the risk.

Also, I don't think she was pointing a finger at Kyle, per se, as I imagine every woman over 30 in Beverly Hills gets injections. Her friend Erica was also sitting there too, right? She admits to botox. Wasn't it her claim, it kept her looking younger than her age of 44?

(PS. I hear often about drugs that were prescribed and then years later, are found dangerous, detrimental and even deadly...Look at fen-fen (sp). My husband's poor aunt died from fen fen or phen phen. There are numerous ads with attorneys saying, "if you took (insert drug name), please call our offices at 1 800 lawyer because you deserve compensation...yadda yadda yadda...

Thalidimide. That's the unforgettable one to me. Edited by SFoster21
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Well, thank God we got the annual bikini  wax scene out of the way.  Why do producers think we 'enjoy' this.  And who is the camera person who is fascinated with Yo's feet. I've seen them enough for a lifetime.  They're not even attractive.


Most disturbing revelation:  If Yo finds a treatment that she think has helped her, she has Anwar and Bella do it. 


Lisa likes making the new woman feel uncomfortable.  That verbal exchange between her and Erika was a little bit like a test for entry into the sorority.  Yeah, it was probably meant to be humorous....but Erika was sent a message of sorts.


Oh Yo.  Its amazing that she got up all those steps in Malibu with no brain function and have a disease like no other.  And then the scene with her kids - who does something like that to their teenage children?  Someone who thrives on dramatics maybe?  I felt for those kids.  Her blog is up:




There's so much to say.  So much stupidity.  David woke up in June and said she should get a full body scan and low and behold, her implants are leaking.  Does the woman ever read or listen to TV?  You're so sick and you never thought to check out those implants?  And you want to be the face and spokesperson for Lyme Disease? 


This is the best part:

It's fascinating to see how strong we really are. Our bodies are this extraordinary machinery that deals with whatever we throw at it. Looking back, what was I ever thinking putting breast implants or the poison of Botox in my so perfectly healthy body? The truth is I wasn't thinking but rather brainwashed by society's perception of what a perfect woman should look like and into believing that any of these beautifying enhancements were safe.


Yo, I hope you say the same thing when you look back at your journey through Lyme Disease.  What were you thinking?  How could you be so stupid?  How could you put your kids through any of the unnecessary treatments you allowed to be put into your body?


Oh, and when they were filming, she had just done the Adipose Stem Cell treatment,  apparently something that is not legally  available in the US with no proven clinical trials.  Maybe I'm wrong on this.



Eileen apologizes in her blog about bringing up Lisar.  She was confused.  That was bad and it wasn't Eileen's place to bring any of it up.


Other than that, it was an enjoyable episode.

Yolanda's blog gives a link to another blog written by her friend Ellie. I found it very interesting and enlightening.


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I don't think Lisa was jealous. I think she is weary of a possible Brandi 2.0 and honestly I thought Erica came off a little more chilly than Lisa. I don't mind Erica, but I do think Yolanda can't stand Lisa and likely said as much to Erica before she ever even introduced them.



I think LisaV and Erica were sizing each other up.  I don't think LisaV was jealous of Erica, but I did get a vibe of Erica not really warming up to LisaV.  I don't think she thinks LisaV is as clever and funny as LisaV thinks herself to be.  I agree with you that Yolanda has already influenced Erica as far as LisaV is concerned.


It's really unfortunate that Eileen spilled the beans on LisaR from a misunderstanding.  She thought Yolanda and Lisa were talking about the conversation LisaR had when she was reading about the Munchhausen's to LisaV and Kyle when they were actually talking about the conversation LisaR had with Taylor.  By the time she realized it, it was too late.  I felt bad for her.  Now LisaR is going to feel some kind of way about Eileen talking about her behind her back.  tsk tsk

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