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S04.E09: What Happened In Vegas

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Airianna's friends are intelligent? Isn't Sheena her best friend? Isn't Tom her boyfriend? Those two IQ put together barley break triple digits.

And because I like to mention it whenever possible YOU FUCKED HER BOYFRIEND! You have no high ground here.

Loved Airianna's recap of the apology. That was as good as your ever going to get all things being equal. Get the fuck over yourself. How about you accept her apology and then apologize to her for fucking her boyfriend and then gases lighting her about it? Bitch. Fucking unicorn bitch.

Tom's apartment is still gross so...one more thing that's not actually Kristen's fault.

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Did I hear Ariana tell Tom (on TV) while they were cleaning the apartment that she was hiding the bong so his mom wouldn't find it? Best line of the night! 


So Kristin has decided to get in to therapy and now Sandoval is supposed to welcome her back in the group with open arms? She lost ALL of her friends and has decided to play nice for a while to get some of them back. And lets not forget she fucked Jax on her and Toms couch while Tom was sleeping in the next room and lied to her bestie Stassi about it.  Don't blame him one bit for having a shit fit about his friends forgetting about what a lunatic she is. No, she should not be going to his birthday party. Next thing you know Vanderbucks will be hiring her back. I gotta give ole Kristin credit for finding a way to stay on this show, even if part of it means  having a fake friendship with Jax, who is having a fake relationship with Brittany while fakely lusting after LaLa. 


That's the thing.  Tom is sharing his birthday with Jax and Jax slept with his girlfriend while he was in the other room and then he lied about it.


There was always a common thread running through Kristen's batshit crazy.  She was furious that pretty much the entire cast had similar skeletons in their closets that she was being ostracized over.  So she kept trying to prove that everyone else, especially Tom, was guilty of what she did thinking she'd be treated more fairly, relatively speaking.  And the hole kept getting deeper and deeper because she was getting crazier and crazier because they really didn't care.  The guys didn't care what each other did when it came to their girlfriends  The girls went along with what the guys were doing with regards to friendships/hanging out.  And it drove Kristen nuts.


I can totally see her therapist pointing this out and coaching how to deal with it.  I can see Kristen or a friend of hers watching last season and pointing it out and coaching her on how to deal with it.  Whatever turned her around its effective.


I noticed a little bit of Kristen's complaints from last season coming out of Arian's mouth in this episode.  She's getting pissed that her friends are now forgetting Kristen was a lunatic last season because she's fun for them to hang out with again.  Ariana is just handling it in non shit stirring way.  She's just getting bitchy about it which will just make her more of a drag and turn more people against her until Tom cuts her loose because the guys don't like hanging out with her.

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Did anyone else notice the scene where Sandoval went in to greet Ariana after being away and she immediately put out her hand to get the money he won? And then she handed it back in the alley all, "Here you'll need this to get your tattoo removed." I wish Sandoval had stuck up for himself. My body, my choice! Not that I like the tattoo, but Ariana sounded like his mom telling him what to do... ah hah Tom's mom explains so much of their relationship now.


I would bet money (heh) that Ariana made Tom give her a percentage of his winnings as an "agreement" to go on the trip.


Stassi v. Ariana would be hilarious. Something tells me Stassi's smarter and quicker on her feet than Ariana.


I also loved her saying, "I get to decide when I'm ready." Did she even mention Tom's feelings?

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I noticed a little bit of Kristen's complaints from last season coming out of Arian's mouth in this episode.  She's getting pissed that her friends are now forgetting Kristen was a lunatic last season because she's fun for them to hang out with again.

Totally! Katie was right on when she called T&A out for their Stassiesque obnoxiousness re: the Kristen invite. I loved Katie in that scene basically laughing at their dramatics. Major growth, Katie! Good for you!



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Totally! Katie was right on when she called T&A out for their Stassiesque obnoxiousness re: the Kristen invite. I loved Katie in that scene basically laughing at their dramatics. Major growth, Katie! Good for you!

I disagree. Stassi wanted folks to shut out people completely. The issue in this instance is Tom's birthday party. If Tom considers Jax' betrayal as less important than Kristin's, that is up to him. Kristin's behavior after their break-up was seriously crazy, imo. I doubt that she has evolved much, and if James is on the trip as well, Kristin might cause a lot of trouble. Just my opinion.

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Well, y'all know me as an Ariana defender, so I'm...just going to pretend this episode doesn't exist. She did not cover herself with glory.


(Seriously, it's really unfortunate the aftershow is done with for the season, she came off a lot better on it. Less self-important, more relaxed.)


Speaking of the aftershow, whoever mentioned Bubba not being Katie's nickname (unless that was a joke I somehow missed)? Tom S. called her that repeatedly when they appeared together with Julie and Brandy. Personally, I think it's cute, but I'm sappy like that.

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Well, I don't watch the aftershow, but I thought Schwartz called her Bubby.  I remember this cuz I thought it was so weird.  Bubby is the Yiddish word for grandmother & many of my Jewish friends called their grandmas Bubby when they were kids.  So I thought it was strange Schwartz was using this as a term of endearment to his girlfriend.  


But actually, Bubby is also used as a term of endearment to a loved one.  But Bubba?  Er, I thought that was a Southern dude's name.  Bubba refers to a male.  And tattooing that on your butt, Schwartzie?  WTF?  Is he trying to be popular on Grindr or the like?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I've always liked Ariana, but the tide has been slowly turning and this episode I crossed the threshold into dislike.  Her reading was lame and so was her response to Kristin.  Kristin was a nut to her, so I can somewhat understand her not just being gracious and accepting the apology, but her "we could never be friends because you aren't smart enough or pretty enough" was super stupid. And her pompous "I'm an actress that understands comedy."  Ugh.  Too bad she doesn't understand how to actually be funny.


I feel like this season Kristin has been as pretty as she said she claimed to be in season 1 episode 1.  Getting rid of FI and James has been good for her.


I enjoy Jax when he's just sitting back and laughing at everyone.


The tattoos were horrible, but probably no worse than anything Jax has.  I liked that Katie at least pretended to like it.  FI's was extra horrible though.  


I just can't with Lala and her stupid baby talking trying too hard flirting and calling everyone baby, love, daddy, and papi.  She's so bad that she makes me miss Vail.  


There were definitely some funny lines this episode.



"Sweaty, aging Jax", eh?  Heh, heh. what is up with all his sweating?  Sheesh, when isn't Jax sweating?  We noticed it last season & it's getting worse this season.  Every ep he's just one big sweaty greaseball.  Ew.


Edited by yourmomiseasy
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Well, I don't watch the aftershow, but I thought Schwartz called her Bubby.  I remember this cuz I thought it was so weird.  Bubby is the Yiddish word for grandmother & many of my Jewish friends called their grandmas Bubby when they were kids.  So I thought it was strange Schwartz was using this as a term of endearment to his girlfriend.  


But actually, Bubby is also used as a term of endearment to a loved one.  But Bubba?  Er, I thought that was a Southern dude's name.  Bubba refers to a male.  And tattooing that on your butt, Schwartzie?  WTF?  Is he trying to be popular on Grindr or the like?


The "ring on a string" he gave her at Scheana and Shay's wedding was engraved "Bubba Love" per Katie herself. They both called each other Bubba in previous seasons as I recall. Who knows what the origin of a silly lovers' nickname is?

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Well, I don't watch the aftershow, but I thought Schwartz called her Bubby.  I remember this cuz I thought it was so weird.  Bubby is the Yiddish word for grandmother & many of my Jewish friends called their grandmas Bubby when they were kids.  So I thought it was strange Schwartz was using this as a term of endearment to his girlfriend.  


But actually, Bubby is also used as a term of endearment to a loved one.  But Bubba?  Er, I thought that was a Southern dude's name.  Bubba refers to a male.  And tattooing that on your butt, Schwartzie?  WTF?  Is he trying to be popular on Grindr or the like?

Ah, you must be the one who explained the nickname to me. His "Bubba" tattoo has bugged me because he calls her "Bubby", "Booby", and "Boobala", but I have never heard "Bubba". I've concluded that Shwartzie is a poor speller or was so wasted the "tattoo artist" thought he said "Bubba".
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Did I hear Ariana tell Tom (on TV) while they were cleaning the apartment that she was hiding the bong so his mom wouldn't find it? Best line of the night!


She said it was HER bong, and I feel like she intentionally said it on camera so everyone would be reminded, yet again, how cool she is. Ariana, for me, is like that meme about the bitch eating crackers. When you loathe someone as much as I loathe Ariana, EVERYTHING they do is offensive. 

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There was always a common thread running through Kristen's batshit crazy.  She was furious that pretty much the entire cast had similar skeletons in their closets that she was being ostracized over.  So she kept trying to prove that everyone else, especially Tom, was guilty of what she did thinking she'd be treated more fairly, relatively speaking.


I have no clue why Tom would want to remain friends after Jax has lied to him a bazillion times, especially in regards to sleeping with his girlfriend. However, there is a difference between Kristen and Jax. Jax fucks his way through the restaurant and moves on. Kristen cheated on her BF and they broke up, but she did NOT move on. Now, Tom almost certainly screwed Ariana while they were together as well, so I get Kristen being mad. But she went totally batshit crazy with her targeting of Ariana and flying people across the country to attest to the shape on one's dick. She was causing all sorts of drama at work, and during Scheana's vacation, etc. Jax is sloppy, but he's rarely calculating and vindictive. 


So again, *I* would have dumped both Kristen and Jax like a hot potato, but I can see how going on a trip with the former would be a bit more concerning. 


Ah, you must be the one who explained the nickname to me. His "Bubba" tattoo has bugged me because he calls her "Bubby", "Booby", and "Boobala", but I have never heard "Bubba". I've concluded that Shwartzie is a poor speller or was so wasted the "tattoo artist" thought he said "Bubba".


I think it may simply come down to a lack of intelligence, being able to spell, etc. I imagine maybe Schwartz started out calling her "baby" and it kind of evolved from there. If you listen to him, he says it differently, depending on the inflection of his baby talk. To me, it sounds more like he's saying "buh-bay", but I could see him thinking that ending the word with an "a" gives it the long "A" sound. 


Ariana does realize that, just because Kristin hoped she'd get hit by a Mack truck, her chances of getting hit by a Mack truck didn't increase, right?


You shouldn't question Ariana's logic. She's the smartest person she's ever met. 

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Ariana does realize that, just because Kristin hoped she'd get hit by a Mack truck, her chances of getting hit by a Mack truck didn't increase, right?


She likes to pretend that Kristen is a physical threat to her. Tom still maintains the reason he ran away from Miami Girl was because "that psycho got through security" (i.e. she walked in like any other customer) and for all he knew she was carrying a gun. Which, I hate to say, is unfortunately the case with literally anyone these days but seeing that she was being followed by a camera crew after being flown out by Bravo and had to sign a release, etc., his fears seemed a teensy bit unfounded. Then after Ariana saw Kristen's comments about wanting her to get hit by a plane, and after she slugged James at the wedding, she picked up on the "Kristen is a liability" theme and acts like she feels unsafe around her. 



Stassi slapped Kristen

Stassi talked repeatedly about stabbing people with daggers, giving them dildos coated with acid, having them drawn and quartered

I think Stassi threw a drink on someone in season 1

Tom Schwartz definitely poured a beer on Katie's head

FI Tom punched Jax in the face

Jax fought Frank in the parking lot

James spat at Kristen/Kristen's door


Not excusing any of it--at all--but again Kristen is being ostracized for pulling the same ghetto shit that they all have been guilty of.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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There's nothing cute about Ariana. She's a mean girl who didn't get enough attention and sees fault in everyone but herself. We know Kristin can get pretty scrappy, I'd say Ariana's lucky that K didn't reach across the bar and shatter her "tough girl" facade and a few teeth. Something tells me Ariana's "bad ass" rep has never been tested, and she'd shit a brick if someone were to actually put hands on her.

Can I just say that I have no respect for Tom Schwartz? He watches Katie argue with Tom/Ariana, lets his best friends yell at her, and doesn't says a word in support of her. I'm not saying he needs to fight with his friend, but even a "Just hear her out, guys" or a "She has a point, you should think about it" would have helped immensely. This isn't "A man has to fight his woman's fights," this is "If you want to marry this person, you don't let her get bitched out by Tom Sandoval while you eat noodles/Domino's in fear and silently wish your girlfriend had no mouth."

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Yes as one of the few people who also didn't dislike Arianna immensely --- she's making it hard, ya'll!  I have no defense for her this week.  She was a bitch to Tom about the tattoo, completely lame and un-funny in her diary reading, a bitch to Katie, and - god help me - unnecessarily rude to Kristin. 


Don't get me wrong though. I'm still not a Kristin fan.  She's a crazy bitch, and - despite all of her therapy - I think she's just one wrong look away from scratching somebody's eyeballs out. BUT.  She did appear to be more mature, self-aware, and even somewhat remorseful for some of the things she's done in the past.  Time will tell.


However, I will maintain that I think the relationship that Unicorn and Tom have appears to be healthier than the one he and Kristin had.  That was the definition of toxic!  And his mom appears to really like her - and them together.  So hopefully she was either ramping up the bitchiness for more screen time/the drama factor, and isn't really such a smug bitch in real life? 


Ubiquitous, on 29 Dec 2015 - 07:33 AM, said:Ubiquitous, on 29 Dec 2015 - 07:33 AM, said:

Ah, you must be the one who explained the nickname to me. His "Bubba" tattoo has bugged me because he calls her "Bubby", "Booby", and "Boobala", but I have never heard "Bubba". I've concluded that Shwartzie is a poor speller or was so wasted the "tattoo artist" thought he said "Bubba".


Are we watching the same show? LOL I've heard him call her Bubba many times.  


I read Katie's Q&A on Reddit a while back, and she explains that the nickname has had a number of iterations over the years...  Bubba, Bubby, Baby, etc. 

Edited by Duke2801
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Jax is always so greasy omg. Was he always this greasy? I feel like first season Jax was not this bad. But like the older he gets the greasier he becomes.

Sweating and herpes are very much associated to one other, generally due to the fact sweating is usually a conditional aspect of getting herpes. Sweating, often even excessive sweating, can also be one of the most telling signals which you might have this social sexually transmitted disease.

Edited by HumblePi
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Sheana sometimes looks like a 11 year old girl that got into her mother's makeup drawer when the mother was out shopping. She's almost cartoon-ish looking and way over the top with the eyelashes. I thought Katie looked like she gained a few pounds and I almost thought that she and Tom were heading into an engagement because she was pregnant. That doesn't seem to be the case. I'm amazed at how differently Tom Schwartz comes off in professional modeling photos but in the show he always looks kind of dirty. But the biggest impression I get of both Toms is how really dumb they both are. They have the mentality and maturity of 16 year old guys, to me they're borderline short-bus riders.

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I read Katie's Q&A on Reddit a while back, and she explains that the nickname has had a number of iterations over the years...  Bubba, Bubby, Baby, etc


Yea, that's what I figured. Kind of like how I started out calling my husband "Lovey". Then it become "Luffy" - "Lufferton" - "Lufferton Pufferton" - "Puffy". And the last one really got me in trouble when I let slip in front of friends. I definitely will NOT be getting "Puffy" tattooed on my ass. 

Sweating and herpes are very much associated to one other, generally due to the fact sweating is usually a conditional aspect of getting herpes. Sweating, often even excessive sweating, can also be one of the most telling signals which you might have this social sexually transmitted disease


Interesting. I posited yesterday that it might be the result of steroid use. I did some Googling later (yea, I'm pathetic) and it appears excessive sweating and oil production can be a sign of using steroids. Either hypothesis would make sense, if you ask me. In fact, maybe he's juicing up AND walking around with a passel of STDs. He is really really sweaty. 

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I find it amusing no one seemed to notice Shwartzie totally had the wrong name tattooed on his butt. He's never called her "Bubba"!


It's been mentioned before that it's their nickname for each other--a couple of times if I'm not mistaken. 


But Bubba?  Er, I thought that was a Southern dude's name.  Bubba refers to a male.


Well, a name can be made up or given to anyone at any time, especially when it's a pet name; I could name my hypothetical daughter "Mr. Man Sir Male Testosterone Guy" if I like, regardless of gender. I'm not sure why it matters that these two call each other "Bubba"?


Isn't StASSi sppd to make an appearance this season?


What does "sppd" mean?

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Sweating and herpes are very much associated to one other, generally due to the fact sweating is usually a conditional aspect of getting herpes. Sweating, often even excessive sweating, can also be one of the most telling signals which you might have this social sexually transmitted disease.

Edit to add the herp theory is not without merit! Usually the sweating with that is during a major outbreak but my theory below could cause an ongoing outbreak due to a taxed immune system. Now I need a shower and the images in my mind erased.

Jax is on coke, meth, adderall .. whatever code word needed for being a relentless tweeker. Major indicators include sweating, sexual impulsivity, still standing while completely wasted drunk and of course, being a cast member of Vanderpump Rules!

Edited by freeradical
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I have no clue why Tom would want to remain friends after Jax has lied to him a bazillion times,


You shouldn't question Ariana's logic. She's the smartest person she's ever met. 


You know, I figure Sandoval is like Wile E. Coyote, pointlessly & forever chasing Road Runner -- or Charlie Brown, forever trying to kick that football Lucy is always gonna take away, so he always falls on his head.  Sandoval will always forgive Jax for screwing him over -- and Jax will eventually (& dependably) always screw him over -- cuz Jax screws everyone over.  So why the fuckety fuck is Sandoval still friends with Jax?  For the sake of the show?  Nah, I don't think so.  Is he in luv with Jax?  Idk.  I don't get it.  Ariana sensibly hates Jax's guts.  Oh, but I forgot, Ariana's brilliant, so she gets everything & everyone.  Alrighty.


And yeah, sure Jax will say "it takes so much more energy to hold a grudge" -- cuz he's always doing some fucked up shit against everyone around him, so they'd be certainly justified to have a grudge against him.  The guy is just an asshole thru & thru.  I don't know how he has any friends at all.  He fucks over anyone near him.  Why the Toms stay friends with him, I guess says a lot about them.  Peter is friendly with Jax, but I don't get the impression he's as close to him as the Toms continue to be.


Ugh, Ariana's proclamation of being so brilliant continues to bug me.  The thing is, she couldn't have been more right in just about everything she said about Kristen & her past behavior.  And yet, loopy Kristen came off pretty well.  And Ariana?  She seemed hard-edged, condescending & unsympathetic (with her not accepting an apology) & just plain unlikeable.  It sorta floored me -- cuz I agreed with Ariana.  Kristen's apology was phony & meaningless.  But Ariana handled her ALL wrong.  Just shows, on reality TV, you can be totally right, and yet on cam, if you don't handle yourself properly, you can give off an unlikeable impression which muddles it.


And Sandoval yelling at Katie?  WTF was that about?  I get his annoyance/frustration at Kristen being thrown at him.  But why take it out on Katie?  And why the yelling -- at Katie or at all?  Sandoval seems like such a weakling.  Everyone steps on him & he takes it.  We've seen Jax & Lisa & Kristen & Ariana treat him like shit & he always takes it.  OK, so he doesn't like having Kristen thrown at him.  So do something about it, wimp.  Screaming at Katie ain't the answer.  


I hate how some of the chucklefucks think of Katie as a punching bag.  But I like how Katie has demonstrated several times she can speak up (and very well) for herself.  Clearly Katie can defend herself when she needs to.  Well, she better cuz Schwartzie ain't gonna come to her rescue -- er, ever.  He'd be too busy stuffing his mug with noodles.  Oy.

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Are we watching the same show? LOL I've heard him call her Bubba many times.  


I read Katie's Q&A on Reddit a while back, and she explains that the nickname has had a number of iterations over the years...  Bubba, Bubby, Baby, etc. 


Really?  OK, if you say so.  I only heard heard him call her Bubby.  That's why I was surprised.  And while they seem very close in spelling, they have such different meanings.  I just didn't get where he got Bubba from.  Shrugging hard.  Ultimately, it's between them & makes no diff to me.  BUT when he tattoos Bubba on his ass, then he sorta announces this nickname to the world.  Well, if he's showing his ass off to the world, that is.  And given how Bubba refers to a male, I'm just saying he should be prepared what people might assume when they see it.  If he doesn't care, that's up to him.  Still say it could set him up to be awfully popular on Grindr -- or in prison.  Good luck with that tatt, dopey Schwartzie.


When Schwartz says these nicknames to Katie, he does seem so puppy-dog sweet.  But that's Schwartzie's shtick, ain't it?  To be puppy-dog cute?  And he is mostly kinda sweet.  My beef with him is that his nice-guy sweetness can be misleading.  Look, as a friend, Schwartz seems mostly OK.  But as a bf?  Idk, not that great (to me).  Not horrible like Jax.  Or a step-all-over-me weakling like Sandoval.  Schwartz's sweetness is very appealing.  I'm just saying it can be misleading cuz he has some qualities I would find a deal-breaker.  Still think Katie could do way better, but good luck to her.


The references to Sandoval's tatt as being so awful was bugging me.  I've seen worse.  Look at Jax's tatts, which mostly look to be fading to a blue/green muddled mess.  Sandoval's tatt didn't seem that bad to me.  It was a sweet gesture.  But could Ariana acknowledge that?  Um, noooooo.  That ain't who she is.  Another reason I don't care for her.  She's such a fucking cold fish.

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Bacon A, hah!


Mama Flat Iron was a nice, unexpected surprise.


Jax: He sure looked greasy (and possibly high) this week.

This week? The guy's been looking like he's mainlining Mazola for a while now.


Lisa was funny: "How did this heroic woman push out a man who plucks his eyebrows and shaves his forehead?" Bwahahaha!

Funnier than anything in that comedy club, that's for sure.

She's clearly getting some backlash and her response is basically everyone is fake and dumb except her.

​So arrogant. People who are truly smart and 100% real know that they aren't always in the right, and that others aren't less intelligent just because they have a different view.

Andy is not going to like that.

Andy isn't a producer of this show, so I doubt he gives a shit.


LOL I've heard him call her Bubba many times.

Me, too.

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He might have been too little to know how to operate the lock. Or he might have been 15 and still didn't know how to operate it. Because he's Tom. 


I'm thinkin the flat iron cord prevented him from reaching the doorknob and he did not want to interrupt his man(boy)scaping


As for the A ass tatoo - I don't understand Ariana being so upset by it. I mean how often do you have a view of his naked ASS - I mean unless you go R Kelly on Tom on a regular basis his ass will not be at eye level often

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As for the A ass tatoo - I don't understand Ariana being so upset by it. I mean how often do you have a view of his naked ASS - I mean unless you go R Kelly on Tom on a regular basis his ass will not be at eye level often


I'm beginning to think there's something the rest of us don't know about sex. First it was James's bites on the back of his arms, now Tom's ass tattoo for his girlfriend. Maybe there's a position we've just never heard of. ;)

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I'm beginning to think there's something the rest of us don't know about sex. First it was James's bites on the back of his arms, now Tom's ass tattoo for his girlfriend. Maybe there's a position we've just never heard of. ;)

Well, we may have heard of it...but not practice it. Girl behind guy wearing a strap on. Also, I have heard Schwartz call Katie Bubby and Bubba both quite a lot

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I don't mean to read too much into it because I know it was just two minutes of the bacon A aftermath and a bit of a disagreement over how pink they should make drinks for the homeless teens. I also understand they've been together for two years and the honeymoon is over. At the same time, I feel like I'm seeing Tom's pattern. When he was trying to woo Kristen with fancy dinners and guitar serenades she always seemed dour and unsatisfied and he always seemed dejected. Now he's doing the same sort of thing with Ariana and she seems perpetually pissed. Maybe it's nothing. But I think he might do things he knows are selfish or dismissive (cheating, missing a day that Ariana made very clear was important to her) and later try to make up for them with grand gestures. YMMV.

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This was a lovely show. I absolutely loved Kristen and Jax searching for "flings" for Kristen. Those two should get their own show when Vanderpump rules is not on the air. And Katie being all "you can tell the guys that you know from experience..." Just awesome. And Jax predicting Ariana´s reaction to the tattoo, but I guess a really bad fake medium could have predicted that. Lisa was perfect in the background. Ariana sucked, I´m off the "I think Ariana is okay"train - yet I´m still on "Kristen sucks and is great at the same time"train.

Edited by halkatla
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There's nothing cute about Ariana. She's a mean girl who didn't get enough attention and sees fault in everyone but herself. We know Kristin can get pretty scrappy, I'd say Ariana's lucky that K didn't reach across the bar and shatter her "tough girl" facade and a few teeth. Something tells me Ariana's "bad ass" rep has never been tested, and she'd shit a brick if someone were to actually put hands on her.

Can I just say that I have no respect for Tom Schwartz? He watches Katie argue with Tom/Ariana, lets his best friends yell at her, and doesn't says a word in support of her. I'm not saying he needs to fight with his friend, but even a "Just hear her out, guys" or a "She has a point, you should think about it" would have helped immensely. This isn't "A man has to fight his woman's fights," this is "If you want to marry this person, you don't let her get bitched out by Tom Sandoval while you eat noodles/Domino's in fear and silently wish your girlfriend had no mouth."

Seriously! I was waiting for Schwartz to stand up and just say "Let's get an uber, Katie" something. Anything but letting one of his asshole friends berate his girlfriend over nothing. I have always hated this about Schwartz! He let Jax do the same thing last season. Just lay into Katie about shit he made up in his head to be mad about and Schwartz would sit there like a dummy. It was when I stopped liking him. He may be more charming, but he's just as self involved and awful as any of them.

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There's nothing cute about Ariana. She's a mean girl who didn't get enough attention


Yeah, I think Ariana is an undercover mean girl. She said something in the episode with her birthday about feeling bad for Lala because she remembers how she felt in high-school coming in to hear all about the parties she wasn't invited to and how much it sucked. I think Ariana is the kind of girl who is really mean and judgemental of people because she was never the person in the cool group and because of this, she thinks she is such a cool, fun, girl because she knows how it feels to be an outsider so she thinks she's good to everyone when I think she's actually way more judgemental of people because of this.  Every thing that might be a little different about her becomes a production because only SHE is that odd or different, no one else is like her.


I think a lot of why Kristen acted crazy was because everyone in the show was all, "you're acting all crazy over nothing!" like Tom and Arainia didn't cheat- which I think they did, their stories never really made sense and kept changing but I digress - and I think she felt that all these people were pot calling the kettle black, which..true. Granted, she went to extremes, her and the Miami girl going into SUR and her yelling at her boss and telling her to "F off" was uncalled for but I think a lot of her crazy in the beginning was that most of these people were acting like she was the most evil person ever and they seemed to act like she was making something out of nothing..when something did happen and she had valid points. I think a lot of her issues were all "all of these people are lying liars who LIE and CHEAT, why am I singled out?"  I also tend to agree with her that I don't think Lisa likes her very much and that's possibly a factor on how we see her though the show. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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I'm beginning to think there's something the rest of us don't know about sex. First it was James's bites on the back of his arms, now Tom's ass tattoo for his girlfriend. Maybe there's a position we've just never heard of. ;)


SUR Buttplugs and here are our dynamic Vanderpump Rules Butthead Ambassadors (A "Tail" Of 2 Toms)


I just realized the "A" on Tom's ass is the Scarlet Letter ....LOL

Edited by KungFuBunny
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Ariana was horrible at the Tom/mom dinner scene using "we" as pronoun choice for tattoo removal. That kind of stuff would be a dealbreaker for me.

I'm always a bit lit on wine when I watch this (that's real, not Ariana bong speak) but didn't Sandoval say his lyrics would be viewed as the Dead Sea Scrolls or similar? That was some funny self-deprecating humor.

Ariana believed her journal was hilarious. Like she had written a prequel to Old School.

Kristen indeed looks amazing this season! Wow! I'm glad for her.

Lala (phone says no way and 3 times wanted that to be Layla-smartphone indeed) I think could be such good tv but we need a non James player. He's boring and doesn't bring the good stuff, so one note. Jax isn't the right character, we need new blood for her because I think there is potential there.

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I don't mean to read too much into it because I know it was just two minutes of the bacon A aftermath and a bit of a disagreement over how pink they should make drinks for the homeless teens. I also understand they've been together for two years and the honeymoon is over. At the same time, I feel like I'm seeing Tom's pattern. When he was trying to woo Kristen with fancy dinners and guitar serenades she always seemed dour and unsatisfied and he always seemed dejected. Now he's doing the same sort of thing with Ariana and she seems perpetually pissed. Maybe it's nothing. But I think he might do things he knows are selfish or dismissive (cheating, missing a day that Ariana made very clear was important to her) and later try to make up for them with grand gestures. YMMV.


I don't think you're reading too much into it at all. I'm now beginning to see a pattern with him myself. It was interesting meeting his mom and hearing about her background. I believe Tom is attracted to "strong" women, but he is misguided as to what he perceives as strong. What he's really finding are insecure women who get off on being assholes to other people. Ariana, in particular, loves to lord her imagined superiority over others. She'd never truly hang out with smart people. She wants to be the smartest one in the group. She often talks to Tom like he's a child, and he IS immature, but that's not what I'd want out of a partner. 

Edited by ghoulina
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Katie and Jax are just going about this Kristin-coming-on-vacation thing all wrong. 


They should have told Tom that Kristin would be coming the day after Tom's birthday, in a dumptruck. pTRU1-5957253dt.jpg



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The post above is winning. That's all I can say. 


I never thought about Tom purposely doing the same things he did with Kristen with Arainia, but now it makes sense. I see a whole bunch of cracks in their perfect romance. It really is funny if someone could go back to last season when Tom and Ari got together and now and compare/contrast how they were. 

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I bet if Kristen banged Flat Iron all would be forgiven. Except with Arianna…and she has a sour puss on her face all the time so who would know she's upset? Arianna used to be such a great foil to Kristen's crazy, what happened? Maybe she thinks it's her time to shine and go all bunny-boiler to show her "range" as an actress. After all, we've already seen her "comedy".

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Regarding how sweaty Jax is, I have to second drug use. Be it steroids or uppers. From past experience, I am very familiar with that slick, oily sheen his skin always is coated in. Makes me happy I've moved on from that part of my life!

As far as Lala, (ugh, that name!) My take on her is that she wants to be with whoever can get her drugs. Didn't she go home with Jax after the Gay Pride party and they almost had sex, but couldn't? Perhaps someone was struck by coke dick. James strikes me as a friend of uppers as well. They go out drinking together and apparently just make out. Maybe he gets struck with the same problem? I could be way off on that though! Lala definitely likes the feeling of being fought over. 

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Supposedly Stassi is living or lived with Kristen so yeah she is returning to the show at some point this season.

How could I forget the teasers for this season when successful businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks tells Stassi "You're not important enough to hate"? I must be getting old.

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Lisa is really bugging me lately.  Actually, she always bugs me.  She is so weird always interjecting herself and making digs at her workers/former workers.  Who does that?  Who kicks down for entertainment?  It's not funny if you are making fun of someone who works for you.

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Lisa does seem to be way into her employees lives this season. I remember in the first couple seasons, she actively tried to stay out of their love affairs and parties and only wanted them not to cause trouble at places that her friends and peers owned but aside from that, she didn't really give a damn. She just wanted them to do their job. This season the fact that she calls meetings and then the first couple questions are about the weekend party and whatnot seems off. Could be producer driven, I suppose. 

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