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General Gabbery: DWTS

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Noah always had his backstory, so to compare him to Paula Deen doesn't really wash for me. Paula's backstory was fairly negative and she is seen as controversial.  Noah was seen as a hero.  I had Noah pegged for the finals the second he was announced based on his story alone.  There are just some stories that are hard for other people to compete against, and that is one of them.  My only thing was I originally assumed we would have four celebs in the finals and DWTS switched that up.


Nobody knows if Nastia would have ever made the three person finals, even with a better edit.  But the judges weren't going to give her a 27 plus every week solely based on techincal merit.  No celeb gets that treatment, even the best of the best, because there is no storyline in that.  Even Meryl wasn't always at the top of the leaderboard every week. Sometimes that meant that inferior dancers got better scores than she did.   I remember Shirley Ballas on Afterbuzz back in S16 talking about immunity week after the judges scored down Zendaya and scored up Kellie Pickler and Aly Raisman.  Was there a sudden change in the quality of any of their dances?  Not really.  But as Shirley said, they were going to nitpick Zendaya on a technically advanced dance because they needed to create a story arc and they couldn't just stick her on the top of the leaderboard every week.  It didn't mean Aly Raisman suddenly became a great dancer.


But agree to disagree.  I'm anti the manipulation, but I also think it's hard to pinpoint who "deserves" what scores because it's all so subjective.  I'm sure there are people that don't believe that Tommy Chong deserved his scores.

Edited by spanana


Yes, the show is manipulated.  Like ALL reality shows are.  Manipulation can be anything from the dance order, to the staging to the critiques, to the music clearances and etc.  But what does it mean to judge "fairly"?  Because I guarantee that means completely different things to different people.  If you are going to have a 70 year old compete against a 15 year old and judge fairly, then your 70 year old will probably never realistically deserve higher than a 3 if they are judged against younger, fitter competitiors.   So celebs are supposedly judged against themselves, and not others.


Then don't have scores at all, and don't have the fuckery that goes with it. Maybe this piece of shit called a "reality show" might have a few last gasps? Nah, they've fucked with it too long. People know it's absurd to put different age groups against each other, that's the biggest bullshit going. But when some watchers get frustrated, others just don't bother watching. It's too stupid.  It's insulting for both age groups to compete against each other.  You think it's an accomplishment for a 14 year old to score better than Grandpa? 


18-49 year olds don't give a crap about this show and they are becoming more important as the demo ages. The median 64 year olds will hang on and believe the bullshit until they can't see the tv set anymore. How many times have we heard contestants say "Oh this is my Mother's or my Grandmother's favorite show. Definitely not THEIR favorite show, but somebody who is at least a generation OLDER  LOL>   But that doesn't grow the audience, the younger ones mock this show as something they would not be caught dead watching.  This show keeps trying to mess with the product and it's alienating people who liked it in the first place. They've been trying since season 3 to get the younger audience and they can't do it. Even with all the SYTYCD attitude, the younger ones see  DWTS as nothing but a dinosaur. And the numbers don't lie.  As long as  you've got all the nursing homes in the country watching you've got an audience. Until they're gone.

This season has become my least favorite season ever.

The pimping of Bindi is beyond anything I have seen on this show. Alexa, Carlos, Tamar and , Nick are all better dancers. Even her most deluded fans cannot possibly think she is as good as the scores she has received.

I know the Grandmas love her, but her manic grinning seems odd to me.

Sparkle Bindi, Sparkle.

Edited by gohawks
  • Love 5

Eh, respectfully disagree. I think the top 5 are the closest packed in terms of ability that I've seen since I've started watching. Nobody's head and shoulders above anyone else, nobody's behind too much, besides Alek. Bindi's not the greatest dancer to ever dance, but what she does have over everyone else is that she commits, flings herself into every movement with no restraint, and performs to her fingertips. That's a huge asset. (An old cliche, but for a reason, people don't notice what you say, they notice how you say it.) Tamar is probably the better mover and is able to pick up complicated choreography, but doesn't sell it 100%. Nick gets in his head - you can see him thinking his steps at times, and I feel like he gets heavy, footwork wise. Same with Carlos - he hesitates at times. Alexa seems to have natural movement ability but also a bit of a headcase on performance day - noticeable missteps are noticeable missteps. 


Different strengths and weaknesses, but normalizing them all on a scale of 8-10, (because lets face it, that's the only range the judges have to play with) -- eh, pretty even. And I haven't seen the judges scoring anyone so wildly out of range of each other that it should make a difference in the vote getting. (Alek is clearly the worst dancer at this point, but they are scoring him so.)

  • Love 2
Bindi's not the greatest dancer to ever dance, but what she does have over everyone else is that she commits, flings herself into every movement with no restraint, and performs to her fingertips. That's a huge asset.



IMO Bindi is at this point the most consistent of all the celebrities left and why I'm fine with her scores. Yes, as you said, she is in no way the greatest female celebrity that's been on the show but for this season, she has been the most consistent performer. If that makes me "deluded" to think so, then so be it. 


Tamar is amazing but her lack of expression and the lack of connection between her and Val, in my opinion, does affect her performances. Still, save for the switch up Samba and her Foxtrot last week (which admittedly I didn't agree with the judges), her scores have not been that bad. In fact, Tamar's scores have often been on par with Bindi's.


They both got 28 this week, they both got a perfect score for the Iconic Dance week and earlier in the season they were both getting 8's and a few 9's. It's really been the switch up week that was the worse week for Tamar and frankly, I blame Louis. I thought he was incredibly indulgent and so desperate to show how much he can do and his amazing choreography with little regard to whether or not Tamar could really handle the difficult choreography. 


But other than Tamar, I disagree that Carlos, Alexa and Nick are so much better than Bindi. Sure maybe they have better natural ability but none of them have been consistent. Nick had that disastrous Jive earlier in the season, the Halloween Argentine Tango was a mess and much as I like Nick, I thought both his Jazz and Contemporary dances were overscored. I felt both dances were judged for the meaning and the moment behind them. And other than his Samba/Saturday Night Fever dance which I thought was excellent, I haven't been wowed yet by any of his Latin dances. 


Alexa is a mess emotionally. It's up and down with her. She messed up her Foxtrot, messed up in the Argentine Tango last week, messed up in her Jive the first week. She is not consistent. She has the ability and was actually one of my favorites coming in for the season but she just hasn't delivered on what she's capable of. Carlos seems to be getting better down the stretch but after a strong first week, he had some weeks where he was too in his head and it showed in his dances. And he too totally messed up one week, I think it was the Cha Cha, where he forgot chunks of the choreography. 


So basically, of the people left, no I don't think it's such an abomination that Bindi is sitting at the top, because she's consistent. Whatever Derek's given her, she's come out and gave it her all. And yes maybe her technique wasn't always flawless (and whose is really - because I don't care how talented or a ringer, none of these celebrities have perfect ballroom technique in my opinion) but she's never had any clear and obvious stumbles or mistakes or looked like she checked out in the performance. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 7

I truly feel that whomever you like, colors how you view their performance...to a degree, anyway. How else can one person think Carlos, for example, is great while another thinks his dancing is flawed. It is so subjective. Add in the inflammatory edits by producers and you just don't have a true depiction of the dancers, pros or the show for that matter.

I'm sure that if you polled some people and first had them watch a dance ( lets say Alek or Tamar) without any interviews before) then had them watch the same dance with negative edit, their feelings about the dance and dancer would change. That's just human nature...to a point.

I'm sure you can try to avoid the obvious show's manipulations but it's just not gonna happen for the casual viewer.

  • Love 4

Early on the show was cheesy in a good sort of way. Now it's just molded cheese. I REALLY wish they would just cut out the gimmicks. I don't really care about anyone's personality either. These are d-list people, not Brangelina or anyone else relevant. I've always wondered how many people even vote anyway. I'd love to see them release the vote totals. Somehow I doubt it's that many people.

  • Love 3


18-49 year olds don't give a crap about this show and they are becoming more important as the demo ages.

my niece is 25 and she texted me to let me know she's going to tonight's show!!! Hopefully I'll have some exciting tidbits! 


Perhaps this is why the show is recruiting more of the internet/ vine personalities - to make the younger folk interested. 

  • Love 2

I guess that means we're getting another three person finale. I have seen some speculation that they just won't have an elimination because of Tamar's withdrawal but I just can't see them not having an elimination a week before the Finals, especially when they had a three person Finals last season just fine. Despite Tamar's withdrawal, I still say Carlos or Alek goes home on Monday and I won't be surprised if it's Carlos. 

  • Love 1

They were going to go with a four-person finale, so I think they'll take that from 4 to 3 with Tamar dropping out. We thought they might do a double elimination somewhere but didn't. So technically they were carrying an extra celebrity.

I don't think they'd bring back Alexa. They got what they wanted out of her, so to speak, and she still probably doesn't have a strong shot of winning this thing. I can't imagine how much that would blow the show up if she came back and won.

I do think this will change how illnesses and injuries are dealt with. If you have to miss a performance because you're sick, you're out. I think scoring the dress rehearsals and eliminating only if you don't have a performance to score will be done.

  • Love 1

I wonder if this causes the show to change it's rules on exactly how medically cleared you have to be to return to the competition after needing to go to the hospital for an issue. Their legal team is probably having heart palpitations, she very well could have keeled over on live TV.



That's exactly what I thought. Given that it's live TV, things could have gone really badly. I think the show would be foolish not to adapt the rules, considering what could have happened. 


I certainly hope the show stipulates from now on that you can't dance against doctors' orders. Apparently Tamar's doctors didn't want her to leave the hospital on Monday because they still weren't 100% sure what was wrong with her. I know some people were applauding her "strength" and "determination", but I thought it was foolish of her to come back and dance when she was still clearly unwell. This show should not be something to risk one's health for. With a pulmonary embolism, she could have just dropped dead at any moment.

I certainly hope the show stipulates from now on that you can't dance against doctors' orders. Apparently Tamar's doctors didn't want her to leave the hospital on Monday because they still weren't 100% sure what was wrong with her. I know some people were applauding her "strength" and "determination", but I thought it was foolish of her to come back and dance when she was still clearly unwell. This show should not be something to risk one's health for. With a pulmonary embolism, she could have just dropped dead at any moment.

When Kim was eliminated, didn't Tom say something about the show's lawyers said she couldn't dance because of her medical issues? If so, why didn't these same lawyers step up when Tamar checked out of the hospital?

When Kim was eliminated, didn't Tom say something about the show's lawyers said she couldn't dance because of her medical issues? If so, why didn't these same lawyers step up when Tamar checked out of the hospital?

I thought the Kim thing was over the location. Basically the lawyers could hide behind the fact that she was in Atlanta and not LA. The producers/lawyers made such a big deal about it being over the location that I truly wonder if they would have let Kim dance if she was in LA. They could not have predicted that another serious illness would occur in the same season that would make them look like hypocrites if they didn't let that person dance against medical advice. Especially since Tamar was already having the racism card played for her in the media.

I do think after this season they will tighten up the medical rules and find a way to leak it to the media. I can't imagine they'll let another season play out like this.

I thought the Kim thing was over the location. Basically the lawyers could hide behind the fact that she was in Atlanta and not LA. The producers/lawyers made such a big deal about it being over the location that I truly wonder if they would have let Kim dance if she was in LA. They could not have predicted that another serious illness would occur in the same season that would make them look like hypocrites if they didn't let that person dance against medical advice. Especially since Tamar was already having the racism card played for her in the media.

I do think after this season they will tighten up the medical rules and find a way to leak it to the media. I can't imagine they'll let another season play out like this.

The Kim thing was brought up in something I read earlier today (pretty sure that was an article from somewhere about Tamar dropping out due to health issues). Anyway, they said/reminded that Kim *was* (or so they said, & I think I remember this) medically cleared by her doctors to continue on the show after her TIA.

The problem (& the reason Kim & Tony were forced to drop out) was that Kim wasn't released from the hospital in Atlanta until a Friday, for 1 thing; & while she *was* medically cleared to keep dancing, she *wasn't* medically cleared to fly from Atlanta to LA (which is at least a 3 1/2 hour flight, probably a little longer), because of the risk of getting more blood clots & having another TIA, or perhaps a major stroke, if she couldn't move around in the plane cabin a lot during the flight & keep the blood flowing properly.

Since she only got outta the hospital/got medical clearance to continue dancing on Friday & needed to be in LA ASAP for the final rehearsals/camera blocking on that Monday's show, flying would've been the transportation method preferred--but she wasn't medically cleared to fly, & they didn't have any dress rehearsal or camera blocking footage of her dance(s) with Tony for that week to judge, so Kim & Tony were forced to drop out of the competition according to the rules (& Tom very specifically read the part of the rules pertinent to their situation to Tony & Kim when he talked to them on the show, before he announced they had to drop out due to Kim's illness/inability to travel because of it).

A few of the smaller entertainment blogs have, especially when she was having badly edited packages. The bigger media message has mostly focused on the broader negative picture -- slow to connect with Val, having less rehearsal time because of her busy schedule, some troubled weeks on the show -- without really connecting the dots. They've mostly let fans form their own opinions about what's happening.

If they had a obvious example where Tamar was treated differently then another contestant, I'm not honestly sure where they would go with that. If they would just report "the facts" or try to speculate on it. I know her fans were already trying to start mess on social media though mostly over Tom's comment that Tamar would have been eliminated automatically if she didn't come back.


Thanks! I am a casual follower of dwts in the media and didn't know how it was discussed outside of this board or People magazine.  I don't think it would have been unfair if Tamar was eliminated because she didn't perform in the couple's dance. She would have missed part of the competition. It was unfair when Melissa Rycroft got that pass. I think they let them stay in the competition more for Tony than anything. 


I actually didn't think that Val and Tamar had that much of a disconnect this season. It was definitely more business-like than Val's previous partners and it was one of many things she had to do. This week's package was positive, but I think it was interesting that Val thought they finally had a breakthrough and Tamar felt they were fine the whole time.   


From my perspective, the one who seems to have been push the most in the media is Bindi and then the Penavegas had their People Magazine blogs. Everyone else kind of seemed barely talked about.  

I definitely think they need to revisit their medical clearances because while I don't fault Tamar for coming back and trying to dance, it's the fact that she had medical clearance to do so that I don't totally understand.   I know hospitals can't keep any patient from walking out, but you do need medical clearance to do DWTS.  I understand at the time they didn't know about the blood clots, but it was a very sticky situation and one that could have had a very different ending. 


DWTS is basically saying they are exploring all opportunities, including an Alexa return.  Now asking somebody to come back isn't entirely unprecedented.  In S3 they asked Willa Ford to return after Sara Evans dropped out and Willa said no.  The problem here is without a results show, voting based on last week's routines has already happened.  So I can't think of any fair way to bring Alexa back with the voting--let alone so close to the finale.  But I'm sure the show will try to bring drama into it anyway they can.  If anything TPTB are probably pissed that Tamar announced her news on her own terms instead of letting the show do it.



I just don't see any point whatsoever in bringing Alexa back. I liked her, but WTH. If they were planning on having 4 people in the finals, then the simplest thing to do would be to have no elimination next week. The 4 left are the ones they wanted, anyway. If they were doing a double elimination next week, then just eliminate one person. Why do they make things so overly dramatic and complicated? Geez!

  • Love 1

They won't bring her back, but they probably like the drama of the speculation around it. I hate them LOL. And agreed, there's no point now. Tamar shouldn't have been allowed to dance and I absolutely blame the total incompetence and irresponsibility of the show and producers for letting it happen. But now it's done and I don't see a way to reverse any of the damage.


Alexa was in the bottom, so getting eliminated wasn't "unfair", though it turned out to be unnecessary. She went out on fantastic performances, what if she comes back, struggles again and has to endure the humiliation of getting eliminated some more? And if she's not eliminated and someone else is, the show has opened up a can of worms. Because anyone going in her stead could rightly claim that she had the advantage of her fans and the general public knowing now that she needed more people voting for her, giving them a motivation to try and rally for her while the others didn't get a potential voting boost like that. And yeah...imagine the mess if they brought her back and she won? Not that this would be likely anyway, but even in theory...

  • Love 2

I wasn't an Alexa fan by any stretch.  


But I do think she has a decent argument for being allowed to return.  Had Tamar not left the hospital against-medical-advice and made it through the final group number, she would have been eliminated and Alexa would've been safe.


We now know that Tamar had no business ignoring her doctors' advice and leaving the hospital.  And, frankly, the show had no business allowing her to dance under those circumstances.  Competing against-medical-advice with respect to a cardio-pulmonary situation which could be fatal is entirely different from allowing a contestant to compete against-medical-advice with respect to a musculo-skeletal issue which, while serious, is not life-threatening.


Of course the problem is that no one voted for Alexa during the voting window this week.  So if they brought her back, they'd probably have to make it a non-elimination week followed by a double-elimination.


editing because I realized there's not time between now and the finals to insert a non-elimination followed by a double-elimiation.

Edited by Alapaki
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People seemed to have been speculating she's coming back because Mark posted some non-specific "very excited, big news" post to his social media, but my guess is that was about his music career, given that his single got a good sized bump from being featured on the show.

Also, he wouldn't have put up a funny video of a fake dinosaur doing a goofy dance to triumphant music if it was about Alexa getting back on the show because that would be tied to Tamar's bad health situation. His tone would have been different, or more likely he wouldn't have said anything at all.  Fans are just in hysterics and reading into everything.

Edited by katha

Alexa sent out a tweet last night that seems to confirm she's not coming back - mentions of her "journey coming to an end, but everything happens for a reason." (People seemed to have been speculating she's coming back because Mark posted some non-specific "very excited, big news" post to his social media, but my guess is that was about his music career, given that his single got a good sized bump from being featured on the show.)


The thing about not having an elimination this week is that it kind of takes the wind out of the sails of the "who's going to make the finals???" drama that they like to have for a semifinal. I think I'm onboard with the best plan being eliminating one this week, and going forward with a 3 person finale. And adding in an extra pro dance to fill time, one that they let the pros choreograph for themselves instead of Mandy Moore. (Okay, that last one is wishful thinking.) 


I think after you're eliminated, it would be very hard mentally to get "back in the game". I took Alexa's tweet as she not coming back. TPTB would first want to know if she's interested before going through scenarios to make it happen. 


I think TPTB need to re-assess how they handle medical situations in the future. Normally they had a process of getting cleared by their docs. But Monday, they got so caught up in the drama, they forgot to assess whether Tamar was fit to dance or not. From what I saw, she clearly was not. (And from what I read in US? People?, Nick really had to guide her through and adapt to whatever moves she could remember to make.)   Diagnosis or not, Tamar should have realized she was in bad shape - bad enough to require a trip to an emergency room.  I'm sure she had no negative intent, or even thought of other contestants, Alexa or whoever was destined for elimination.  I think she just wanted to prove she's a strong woman capable of juggling too many projects.


At this point, I'd rather they eliminate the next one this coming Monday and just have a 3-person finale.

I hate this business of 4 going into the finale, then eliminating one on Tuesday leaving the last 3 to place at the end of Tuesday's show. I keep remembering what they did to Aly: You're eliminated! Now go out and dance with Zendaya and Kellie. That was cruel.

  • Love 1

I think DWTS opens itself up to an ugly lawsuit if they refuse to allow an otherwise coherent contestant who shows up to perform.  If Kim had chosen to get to L.A. AMA (Against Medical Advice), I don't see how they would have kept her off the show.  Dance is inherently dangerous and DWTS would be loathe to become the grand arbiter of degree of injury.  This also becomes super dicey in re minors.  What do they do if a Bindi presents obvious injury?  At what point is BBC Worldwide required to gain specific parental/guardian permissions?

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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And by that token last season was rigged for Rumer Willis right? Rumer never had a bad edit or package, she was all over the media and the show spent all season pimping the fact that she was the daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore. And let's not forget that hatchet editing job on the person who was arguably her biggest competition talent wise - Nastia. You know much like how some felt Tamar was treated this season. But apparently to say that was absolutely crazy talk and Val and Rumer won that mirrorball fair and square.


And for the record, I actually do think they won fairly. I'm just pointing out how easy one can spin a conspiracy theory for whoever happens to be their favorite. So last season had no rigging or suspicion because Rumer was amazing and well she was paired with Val. But this season the show is clearly rigged for Bindi because let's face it, she's with Derek who we all know has never won a mirrorball fairly apparently. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 2

Fair point, but I don't think he was pushed that much compared to Bindi. In my first post when I joined this forum, I already stated that the show seemed rigged to me and this was my first season watching it. And didn't many people here observe similar things? ;)

I guess I don't really see that. He got the whole baby reveal and the heartwarming package attached to his icon and multiple appreances from his bandmates. In my opinion he was plenty pushed.

And by that token last season was rigged for Rumer Willis right? Rumer never had a bad edit or package, she was all over the media and the show spent all season pimping the fact that she was the daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore. And let's not forget that hatchet editing job on the person who was arguably her biggest competition talent wise - Nastia. You know much like how some felt Tamar was treated this season. But apparently to say that was absolutely crazy talk and Val and Rumer won that mirrorball fair and square.


And for the record, I actually do think they won fairly. I'm just pointing out how easy one can spin a conspiracy theory for whoever happens to be their favorite. So last season had no rigging or suspicion because Rumer was amazing and well she was paired with Val. But this season the show is clearly rigged for Bindi because let's face it, she's with Derek who we all know has never won a mirrorball fairly apparently. 


I can't comment since I didn't watch last season :D Honestly, I have already accepted the show for what it is: an entertainment/reality show so I'm not that upset about the unfair treatments, just stating my observations of the show in general.

  • Love 1

I guess I don't really see that. He got the whole baby reveal and the heartwarming package attached to his icon and multiple appreances from his bandmates. In my opinion he was plenty pushed.


This. Nick has had some performances that didn't go as planned, like the Jive, but his edit on the show has been really good in my opinion. The only real "negative" package he had was probably the switch-up week and a lot of his fans thought Witney was the one who came off badly. 

I guess I don't really see that. He got the whole baby reveal and the heartwarming package attached to his icon and multiple appreances from his bandmates. In my opinion he was plenty pushed.


Other than the baby reveal/icon week (I wish they didn't do the baby reveal thing), I didn't think other weeks were special. He was over-scored a couple of times I admit, but it was not limited to him.  And appearances from his group were to be expected, they are practically his family (given his not so good relationships with his biological family). Nick has been with BSB since he was 12yo, they basically raised him.


This. Nick has had some performances that didn't go as planned, like the Jive, but his edit on the show has been really good in my opinion. The only real "negative" package he had was probably the switch-up week and a lot of his fans thought Witney was the one who came off badly. 


So who do you think were pushed more, Nick or Bindi?

Edited by Brownie

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