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S06.E07: Heads Up

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Yay for Glenn being alive!! - but that he actually survived, my eyes are rolling so hard I might be suffering from permanent motion sickness.  Seriously, an empty rolling can is what started leading off the walkers from the dumpster?!  Oh, and Enid just happens to be camped out right next door.  Yeah, ooh-k. *clamps lips shut and muffles the epithets*


Rick bitches out Tara for putting her life on the line to shoot the walkers around Spencer, but he does all he can to haul him up - when he could have been pulled over himself.  Finger salute earned, unkind sir.  That said, Spencer should have died there.  I hate how much stupidity can somehow almost always win on this show.


Hope that gun literally backfires in your face, Ron.  Eat a bullet, you little POS PD jr.


You've got Mama Carol on your case Morgan.  May the Lord have mercy on your soul... and hope you don't get a sniffle, or Carol will "burn you alive"!


Glenn and Morgan are going to form a total bromance, the way they want to save everyone - no matter the cost to themselves - and not kill people.


This show needs some 'Morgchonne'.


Hey Rick, look over there; its Jessie.  That got your attention and Head(s) Up, eh?  *chuckling shoulder nudge*



Church steeple tower just happens to fall apart at the base and falls into and breaks the wall.  Cliffhanger convenience FTW! 


*sees balloons*  "Its Glenn.  Its Glenn!"  *sees steeple fall and crash into the wall*.... it was Glenn, now its more like "about to be asshole deep in walkers".

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I am confused at what caused the tower to fall. Why wouldn't it fall straight own?


Because reasons.  Duh.  

Seriously... pretty sure the only reason it fell the way it did was because they needed it to fall that way.  Lazy.




I just can't with the way they're portraying Denise.  The woman is an MD.  She went to the same four year med school that every other doctor does.  Yet they have her making little cheat sheets - for herself! - about the most basic of first aid.  Now all hell's breaking lose, and the damn MD won't be able to identify an infected wound because she lost her crib notes.


I see it differently.  I think that was part of the point of the scene with Morgan- he showed her that she really does know the information, it's just a confidence issue and she's scared to death to have this sort of responsibility and has a huge fear of messing up. 

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I am inclined to cut Eugene more slack, because he seems very realistic to me. Even in his most heroic moment--carrying Tara to safety--he looked as if he was ready to vomit from fear, and his show of heroism didn't magically transform him into an instant badass impervious to fear...Also, I know that in the ZA I would be just as cringing and cowardly as Eugene.


I agree.  It reminded me of Tyreese being stuck with the three little white girls after the prison fell.  His eyes were bugging out and he was terrified, as most of us would be.  A true hero is someone who acts even though they're terrified.


Denise is not an M.D., she is a psychologist. She had intense anxiety while in med school (probably when she had to dissect a cadaver) so she switched her major to psychology and was done with it. Psychology degree's do not require anywhere near as much medical training as a psychiatrist. Bottom line though, she is not a medical doctor and she's doing the best she can.


Well ........ no.  She's a psychiatrist, and she's doing a shitty job.  Luckily the actress is selling it.  I'm sure the psychiatrists out there appreciate their specialty being portrayed as morons who forget their four years of intense training, and who settle for the much easier job of treating the mentally ill. 

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So Tara obviously gets Star Baker tonight for her single digit salute, but i'd also like to give a shout out to Eugene because i'm still giggling over his "open-toed shoes" comment.  

Other favorite moments include the way that we're all just continuing to agree not to notice that "Tara" is pregnant (that board in front of her belly while she flipped off Rick was laughable) and Steven Yuen's arms (hello!).

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I see it differently.  I think that was part of the point of the scene with Morgan- he showed her that she really does know the information, it's just a confidence issue and she's scared to death to have this sort of responsibility and has a huge fear of messing up. 


But it doesn't equate with a woman who was able to complete medical school, and then her specialty.  She would have already faced numerous crises, and probably lost patients.  Treating the mentally is not a walk in the park, and arguably more stressful due to dealing with folks potentially capable of killing you, others, or themselves.  The episode when she stood back wringing her hands while her patient was dying, before finally jumping in was almost unforgiveable.   Denise is showing skills beneath an EMT, or even a boy scout.

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Speaking of, LOVED the callback to Lori. I'm probably the only person alive who has a fondness for her. But I thought it was sweet what Maggie said about Judith resembling her mom (even though it was obviously a bold faced lie).

Rosita giving machete lessons was pretty cool. But I felt badly for Eugene. Eugene is like my dog - skittish and annoying, but he means well and I just can't help but get all sad when people are mean to him.

If anything, this season's Judith(s) look more like Shane. Actually she/they just have brown hair and eyes, but no real resemblance to Rick, Shane or Lori. Still adorable, though!

I have to say, I also kind of liked Lori. Sometimes she could be really annoying, but I still liked her better than Andrea. As far as the initial Shane thing goes, I've come to the point where I've given her a pass. 1) their marriage was on the rocks before Rick got shot 2) she was absolutely 100% sure that she was a widow 3) the world was fucking ending. She was extremely vulnerable, and while she certainly screwed up, it's not like she tried to keep Shane on the hook after Rick showed up.

I also love Eugene and the adorable way he says things. And if we can be real, the vast majority of people would be Eugenes and Beths.

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I also know Rick was being a dick, but I kind of loved him ripping down the signs.  And I love Tara giving him some back.  Rick needs that kind of thing.


Actually, I really liked that too, for this reason. Everyone seems to walk on eggshells around Rick, just cause he's Intense!SurviveWalkers!Man. All of ASZ seems to, as they should. But most of Rick's group understand that the "thangs" Rick proposes to do, make sense. Because they know why, because they've been out there, so they've seen the horror. So it was nice too see Tara being relaxed and giving Rick attitude. However, that "attitude" means that she might be getting too complacent, and people die in TWD when they become complacent.


The comment about Judith looking like Lori - I totally flashed back to Rick accusing Lori, that the baby may not be his, but Shane's. I admit - I laughed when Maggie said the kid looks like Lori...but no comment about some features of Rick, the supposed father. I know, bad...


I am very impressed that you guys remember the names of the ASZers. Because I really don't at all, until one of you mentions them, then I remember reading/hearing that name and kinda make that connection.

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Well ........ no.  She's a psychiatrist, and she's doing a shitty job.  Luckily the actress is selling it.  I'm sure the psychiatrists out there appreciate their specialty being portrayed as morons who forget their four years of intense training, and who settle for the much easier job of treating the mentally ill. 


She isn't doing a great job of portraying a psychiatrist.  We'll see what happens next week.  She'll be locked in with a Wolf, Carol, and Morgan.  That is a recipe for group therapy.

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I was kind of meh about finding out about Glen's dumpster survival story.  We've all heard rumours that's what was going to happen.  About the only character I would be bummed about losing would be Carol.


Ok, Eugene.  Who in the hell in the machete class was wearing open toed shoes?  Was it you?  Seriously, after everything you've been exposed to in the last couple of years and you still are skittish about walkers?


Please do not keep these emo, angsty teens on this show.  The world's a shithole of zombies, rapists, cannibals and murderers but Enid, Porchdick Jr. and Coral can still only focus on themselves and their hormones. Did Enid ever tell Glen about the Wolves' attack? Ron thinks he'll be able to kill Coral and/or Rick and there will be no repercussions? Carl and his snarky advise to PorchDick Jr. during gun training bugged.


Yay for Tara.  More people need to tell Rick to fuck off.  Strength in numbers, Rickhole.  Even if the ASZers are wimpy and unskilled in hand to hand combat, they COULD be useful.  You don't rebuild society by keeping to your own little CDB.  BTW, where the hell was Aaron and Eric? or Heath? Tobin got several lines so... yeah, he's a goner.


Olivia must be the worst guard of the food bank ever.  Even Porchdick Jr. was able to fake her out so he could steal some bullets. 


Carol's yelling to Sam that kililng is the only way to survive felt like an anvil of foreshadowing.  And Jessie had no reaction?  She had to have heard them, they were both yelling in the house.

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She isn't doing a great job of portraying a psychiatrist. We'll see what happens next week. She'll be locked in with a Wolf, Carol, and Morgan. That is a recipe for group therapy.

How long before Carol kills all three? I give it 45 seconds. Then she'll have to deal with the fact that she killed another member of the group's significant other. Hopefully Tara takes it as well as Tyrese did.

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For that tower to fall the way it did, a lot of the rotting wood would have to be in the bottom half.  I'm not convinced that a tower of rotting wood would take out a steel wall with steel supports like that.


There was no rotting wood. The bottom of the tower was hit by the truck a few episodes ago which is how the show is explaining why it weakened and fell. I am not an engineer or physicist so I have no clue if this would happen in real life. However, it does up the drama.

Edited by SimoneS
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Yay for Tara.  More people need to tell Rick to fuck off.  Strength in numbers, Rickhole.  Even if the ASZers are wimpy and unskilled in hand to hand combat, they COULD be useful.  You don't rebuild society by keeping to your own little CDB.  BTW, where the hell was Aaron and Eric? or Heath? Tobin got several lines so... yeah, he's a goner.


Rick's overriding concern seems to be the number of their people they are likely to lose while learning which ASZers are likely to survive.  Hence his conversation with Michonne about now not being the time to include the ASZers in the plan.  Its too serious to use as a learning opportunity.


Tara's final conversation with Rick was interesting.  She basically said that she was just doing what Rick's group taught by example.  I think Rick is just sick to death of losing his people as an object lesson for new people.

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I have to say, I also kind of liked Lori. Sometimes she could be really annoying, but I still liked her better than Andrea. As far as the initial Shane thing goes, I've come to the point where I've given her a pass. 1) their marriage was on the rocks before Rick got shot 2) she was absolutely 100% sure that she was a widow 3) the world was fucking ending. She was extremely vulnerable, and while she certainly screwed up, it's not like she tried to keep Shane on the hook after Rick showed up.


To this day, I don't know why Lori needed a pass and I will never understand what she screwed up when it came to obsessive lying attempted rapist Shane. Actually, I do know what she screwed up, she should killed his ass after he tried to rape her and called it a day.

Edited by SimoneS
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I am confused at what caused the tower to fall. Why wouldn't it fall straight own?


I thought it was because the Walkers were pushing against it, like they were pushing against the walls. There were shots of a large group of Walkers hovering around, so I just took it as a large crowd of them were pushing ahead, both against the tower base, and the wall. And as mentioned above, the truck hit the tower, so it was already weakened. Then the Walkers were pushing against an already weak base. That's why boards were falling down during the episode, and ultimately, why the lookout collapsed.


Rick's overriding concern seems to be the number of their people they are likely to lose while learning which ASZers are likely to survive.


Totally totally agree. That's exactly what I thought. Rick and co just came back from a mission to lead out the Quarry Walkers, and how many ASZers survived? - two. How many started (Six? More? I forget) They are a liability. Rick is thinking that the ASZers are too weak and pointless to bring on a mission. They will get themselves killed, and more importantly, put Rick's group in situations that can get Rick's group killed. I thought his comment was dead on and was surprised that Michonne thought otherwise, because SHE was the one who saw all of the Alexandrians end up dying off.

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Yay Glenn's alive!


The fact there's a helium tank that works and is full amuses me.


Morgan didn't look like he had any remorse at all that his actions could have caused Rick's death. 


Judith doesn't look like Rick to me at all.


Odd way for the wall to fall. They need to barricade the wall and secure it ASAP.

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To this day, I don't know why Lori needed a pass and I will never understand what she screwed up when it came to obsessive lying attempted rapist Shane. Actually, I do know what she screwed up, she should killed his ass after he tried to rape her and called it a day.


Instead, she hatefully rejected her husband who did kill him, in self-defense. When he needed her most.  Un-for-givable.

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The fact there's a helium tank that works and is full amuses me.


I'm more invested in the mystery of who filled up the balloons before Enid/Glenn found it than is normal.  What happened?  A Wolf decided to stop murdering people to fill up balloons. 


And don't tell me that in a ZA, no one would use their last opportunity to do balloon sucking helium voice.

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I'm more invested in the mystery of who filled up the balloons before Enid/Glenn found it than is normal.  What happened?  A Wolf decided to stop murdering people to fill up balloons. 


And don't tell me that in a ZA, no one would use their last opportunity to do balloon sucking helium voice.

Those balloons were left over from the big zombie quarry plan.  They had different colored balloons at different checkpoints.  There were orange balloons at the RV.  That was some really great helium, I have to say. 


Totally agree about helium voice.  I don't care how dire your situation is.

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Not sure I buy Spencer's explanation that he was trying to get over the walls to go and get a car and come back to lure the walkers away.   Suddenly he's going to play hero?  


Where did Enid get the gun?  Seeing how easily Glenn took it away from her hopefully shows her that maybe she's not all that when it comes to surviving on her own.


I laughed when Maggie and then Rick spotted the balloons floating in the sky because it really was pretty, the green against the blue sky and they knew it must be from Glenn and they were so happy and relieved...for all of 10 seconds or so and then the building fell and it was like, oh crap!  Always so little time to enjoy anything in the ZA.  

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Maybe Glenn and Enid can inflate enough balloons to make a house take flight like in "Up.". Preferably the pantry/weapons depot. This scenario is more plausible than Glenn's escape from the walkers. But I'm really glad he survived.

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Instead, she hatefully rejected her husband who did kill him, in self-defense. When he needed her most.  Un-for-givable.


I actually understand holding her responsible for hurting Rick, but not Shane who lied to her and attempted to rape her, which is what most people irrationally hold against her.

Edited by SimoneS
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To this day, I don't know why Lori needed a pass and I will never understand what she screwed up when it came to obsessive lying attempted rapist Shane. Actually, I do know what she screwed up, she should killed his ass after he tried to rape her and called it a day.

It's amazing how much that gets glossed over. And as far as the "pass" goes, it was in reference to the commonly accepted mourning period after a significant other dies. Definitely not a reference to cheating, because she was certain that Rick was dead.

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Heath and Aaron should return for MSF.

Really hope Tobin, Scott, Francine and Eric survive .through.

I like Sam, but he'll probably die with his family and Denise isn't in jeopardy.

Spencer, it can go either way but DeAnna is a goner.

Some ASZ folks have survive, can't wipe out the entire community.

Team Family will need people to help rebuild the place.

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It's amazing how much that gets glossed over. And as far as the "pass" goes, it was in reference to the commonly accepted mourning period after a significant other dies. Definitely not a reference to cheating, because she was certain that Rick was dead.


I don't get how anyone can define what is the accepted mourning period after a significant other dies in the Zombie Apocalypse. In the horror of the world falling apart, turning to someone for comfort does not earn the outrage and judgement that was cast on Lori, IMO. 

Edited by SimoneS
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Watching for the first time right now. I missed most of the initial run due to playing Fallout and not really giving a fuck after the past few eps, but now I'm mad because I missed the first five minutes and OMG GLENN!!

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Where did Enid get the gun?  Seeing how easily Glenn took it away from her hopefully shows her that maybe she's not all that when it comes to surviving on her own.


I believe she was the one who took the gun that Rick hid in the blender outside Alexandria.  

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Rick's reaction to Tara helping Spencer was like a parent screaming at a kid that nearly got hit by a car after not looking both ways before walking into the street.  Intense fear of losing the kid that comes out as anger.


I think this is very true, although given how Rick seems to view the Alexandrians, a slightly more apt comparison would be a loving parent's reaction to a kid who runs out into traffic to save a pet who's gotten loose. Like that kid, Tara was acting on blind instinct. Like that loving parent, Rick lost his fucking mind on her.



I also love Eugene and the adorable way he says things. And if we can be real, the vast majority of people would be Eugenes and Beths.


We are all Eugene.


I admit - I laughed when Maggie said the kid looks like Lori...but no comment about some features of Rick, the supposed father. I know, bad...


If laughing at Maggie unintentionally drawing attention to Judith's dubious paternity is wrong, I don't want to be right.


On another note, I loved Michonne and Rick's attitude during the come-to-Jesus talk with Morgan. The clear subtext seemed to be "STOP GIVING US A GOOD REASON TO MURDER YOU, MORGAN. JESUS CHRIST. CAROL WILL END YOU."

Edited by Eyes High
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I didn't like Lori but I did like that they mentioned her. It shows these people have a shared history and I find it sad they don't mention the others by name at all.

I don't care if it's unbelievable. I'm still glad Glenn is alive. But he and Enid sure we're making a lot of noise in that town.

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Where did Enid get the gun?  Seeing how easily Glenn took it away from her hopefully shows her that maybe she's not all that when it comes to surviving on her own.



Didn't she have a gun when she was protecting the house with Carl?

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Glenn, glad to see you and your glorious cheekbones survived! 


Other that Aaron, Eric and Tobin, I really could care less about the people of Alexandria. Spencer is pretty to look at, but jeez....what a fool! I wish Rick would gather his people and get the hell outta' Dodge. 


Carol looked beautiful tonight, I loved her outfit. I was glad to have the lovely Melissa Mcbride gracing my TV screen again...I really missed her. I wish she didn't go after Morgan alone. 


Tonight was the night I fell for Eugene! He is so "aDORKable"....... if only he'd loose that damn greasy mullet.....but since Merle is dead and gone Eugene can be my new Walking Dead BF.


Dread over the mid-season finale is twisting my stomach into a formidable knot.

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I love Eugene and chuckled at his concern for those around him with open-toed sandals...but I was a little distracted by the mullet tonight. Did he find some shoe polish somewhere for a color touch-up?


I wanted to shoot Coral tonight, but I want to shoot PorchDickJr even more. How stupid is supplies woman?


Carol/Morgan/Doctor/Wolf (sounds like a variation on Rock/Paper/Scissors) sounds like a fun game.


I liked having Michonne as the voice of reason in these times of the Ricktatorship.


Whoever said Tara got the best line of the night with her emotive gesture is correct.

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Sure it's great to teach people how to shoot so they can kill zombies, but why doesn't anyone tell the Alexandians that you can put zombie guts all over yourself and the zombies will leave you alone? But then I still can't figure out why they wanted to free the zombies from the pit. Why not just leave them there and built a wall around the pit?

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I don't care if it's unbelievable. I'm still glad Glenn is alive. But he and Enid sure we're making a lot of noise in that town.


Exactly. You know what someone well trained in avoiding walkers and who had just narrowly escaped death at the hands of a walker mob would do? Bumble around yelling for someone, carrying on a conversation with them despite them being several feet away, and knocking around objects that land with a clatter.




Tonight was the night I fell for Eugene!


I love the way he speaks, although I have never met anyone in real life who expresses himself or herself in that fashion. I love that even though Eugene is a coward, he owns that he's a coward instead of strutting around filled with macho puffery.

Edited by Eyes High
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I believe she was the one who took the gun that Rick hid in the blender outside Alexandria.  


Nicholas took it.  He used it to try and kill Glenn in the woods last season.  I think Carl gave Enid a gun to help protect the house when the Wolves were attacking.

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I didn't like Lori but I did like that they mentioned her. It shows these people have a shared history and I find it sad they don't mention the others by name at all.

I don't care if it's unbelievable. I'm still glad Glenn is alive. But he and Enid sure we're making a lot of noise in that town.

But they occasinally will have callback moments.

The blonde female walker with the cuffed hand, that Tyrese refused to Kill. Shout out to Andrea.

So Carol had to.

Glenn remembering the extra battery for the RV, thanks to Dale.

Maggie saying "We all have a Job to do" like believe Beth told her during the Prisonbattle/escape.

Curl naming all the ladies that died, when deciding what call lil ass kicker.

To name a few...

Edited by MrsRafaelBarba
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I'm glad Glenn is alive. 


I swear I'm not all about shipping but I kind of confused here. Do we have verification that Rick and Jessie are a thing? Was it mentioned in the episode. Are they just on DL? Or was that just a kiss and nothing else?


I had no problem with Rick yelling at Tara and Spencer nor her flipping him off. I've yelled at people I love because I was scared I wsa going to lose them. And then we made up, no problem LOL


I swear to Gods, Rick and Michonne are gonna be the death of me! The way she just snaps him back in line and he just seems to adore her for it. Gah.....help me.

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 Really, Ron and Enid, a match made in Zombie Apocalypse Hell.


Er - anybody else notice Enid spelled backwards is "Dine"?  Not a good association, what with flesh-eating walkers all about....


So, who is the biggest asshole tonight:

Morgan captain save a wolf

Enid emo-er than thou

Spencer Spencer climb the Fencer

Post-Lizzie Carol for telling a fucked up kid to kill people to stay good

Ron...just, Ron, man.


Asshole teenagers FTW.

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And The Walkers are like "Yay!  Church dinner!"


Speaking of church, fuck you, Father Gabriel, and your prayer circle!  You almost fucked shit up for everybody last season, so no one should entrust their soul to you.


It seems that Rick seconds that thought. Part of me tunes in just to see how he'll shade Father PP each week. His immediate "no" to PP's offer of help a few weeks ago will forever be my standard though.

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For some reason I find it hilarious that no one is remotely concerned about Nicholas. I mean, nobody knows that he's dead but not a single person mentioned the fact that he's still "out there" with Glenn, Daryl, Abraham and Sasha.


That ending gave me such whiplash. We got just a few seconds of hope before it all came crashing down.

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So...Father PP wanted to pause the work on the fence and generally learning how to survive for a prayer circle?  I'd have torn that sign down, too.  At least hold it after sundown when work will stop for the day anyway.


I like Enid for some reason.  I'm also glad Glenn's alive for now (so we can do "will Glenn and Maggie reunite part 2"), but I have to admit that I feel cheated. 


Morgan got an hour plus bonus time, if I remember correctly (it felt extra long).  Last week Sasha, Abraham, and Daryl got theirs, albeit with splashes of Maggie.  They couldn't have followed the same narrative pattern and given us some meaningful time with Glenn and Enid?  Or at least a flashback to his origins in the ZA world, maybe when he was under the dumpster?  Why couldn't Glenn stumble across a bunch of randos and have a mini-adventure?


I dunno, I'm not in the right mood for this show lately so I'm being picky.  Even acknowledging that, it felt tremendously unbalanced.  And, Glenn, Glenn/Maggie are no longer going to be bait for me.  You want me to sit through stories for other characters, or the first 10 minutes of your new show, AMC?  Make them compelling on their own.   


Bring on next week.  Thank goodness there's a fuel truck racing towards Alexandria...at some point in the timeline.  I'm kind of assuming simultaneously with the tower collapse, but who knows.


No, wait.  Bring on the break.  I like this show enough to want to watch, I want to watch in a timely fashion to avoid spoilers, but I think I need a break.

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Why must we watch Eugene backslide?  He showed a lot in rescuing Tara and Glenn (& Nicholas), but now just hearing walkers makes him wimpiest of the wimps.  Just hard to accept.


Rosita, so good to see you again.  And very glad to not seeing you shed a tear over Sergeant CantKeepItInHisPants.

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I would never normally root for the deaths of children, but it's time for Enid and Porchdick Jr to go.


If she refused to come with me, I would have left her there.  She seems to manage quite well on her own, roaming the countryside, with her long hair, which if it were me, I would definitely tie back.  For safety reasons.

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I just started to like Tobin so of course he's going to die and I'm worried about Denise and even little Sam (I like his connection with Carol).


Yeah, usually I stay away from calling deaths, unless it's a villain, but Tobin was coming off as rather doomed in those scenes. Still, I thought the biggest redshirt in the episode was that dark-haired lady at the back of Rosita's training group, the one that already looked like a walker.


I thought Carol's thoughtless advice to Sam was probably the worst moment of the episode.


I don't mind Enid and I I somewhat admire her desire to fend for herself, even though I think it's totally wrong-headed, because throwing in with a group, settled or transient really isn't much safer. However that does not mean I have much tolerance for annoying and she really was being annoying, in fact sufficiently annoying that it was starting to rub off on Glenn because his plucky insistence that they stick together and return to Alexandria rapidly pushed past my "enough already!" point. That was some really thin and ill-considered writing the pair of them got. Their scenes and Enid's bratty attitude in particular were pointlessly grating. I think the object was to give them some dramatic tension and remind us Who Glenn Really Is, which is Stuff We Already Know.  

Edited by yuggapukka
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In the ZA people need to grow up faster. Sort of like in the Middle Ages. So I think we can consider Enid and PDJr adults and root for their deaths with a clear conscience.

Damnit! I missed that. That's what I get for using Into the Badlands as laundry time.

There are interesting articles about how "teenagers" as we know it are pretty recent constructs and purport that that mental phase didn't even exist as recently as the early 1900's.


Poor Glenn, always stuck face-to-face with people getting torn to shreds.


I'm so sad no one's "cappa" was "de-tated."  :(

Edited by morgankobi
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The comment about Judith looking like Lori - I totally flashed back to Rick accusing Lori, that the baby may not be his, but Shane's. I admit - I laughed when Maggie said the kid looks like Lori...but no comment about some features of Rick, the supposed father. I know, bad...



I went straight to Daryl's "Shane Jr." comment.


I'm guessing that what Gimple meant by the whole "The Glenn we know is dead." comment is that Glenn would emerge from underneath the dumpster with his (already ample) hotness cranked up to 11? Seriously, his arms were disturbingly attractive.


I was spoiled for his return, but it was still nice and not a complete asspull.


And Lo, after the third episode has passed, Glennsus shall rise again.


In the live chat, I made a comment about Rick needing to take a seat because of his attitude, but after some thinking and some research, I semi-retract it. I keep forgetting that the timeline is pretty damn compressed for the last few seasons. The season 4 premiere to now (with the exception of Morgan's bottle ep) have all taken place within the span of right around 53 days. So, in less than two months, the group has dealt with the flu epidemic, Carol's exile, the fall of the prison, Terminus, the Wolves, and the losses of Hershel, Lizzie, Mika, Bob's Leg, Bob, Beth, Tyreese, Noah, and all the other redshirts. That is a laundry list of shit to process in a very short time span. I'm amazed Rick (and the rest of TF) are still functioning. Rick shouldn't have snapped at Tara, but I do kind of understand it better now.

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