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S06.E13: Tell-All Episode

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Then, 30 minutes later apologist Janelle explains that monogamists don't understand the divorce because they are more narrow minded than polygamists. Really, Janelle? How does that explain your fellow polygamist church members?

Poor Browns. Persecuted on all fronts!

Oh so how did monogamists feel with her own divorce? Forgot that is topic non grata.  No no Browns, convince us that Janelle was pure and didn't swap hormones with Meri's brother of all people prior to marrying the Koduche.

If the catfish was actually a legit guy with plenty of dough Meri would be "Bye bye Felicia" to the douchebag and Sobyn.  I still am strongly suspect that it was all cooked up by the Browns to lock their TLC gravy train.

Gah. I can't believe they will get another season. TLC please just stop.

  • Love 3

If I never read this board or CJ's blog I would really be at a loss. Last year everything was great but this year Kody and Meri got divorced, Kody and Meri have issues to the point where she is taking on fake paramours and Kody and Christine are so far apart they have to take a counselor on their trip.  How did this happen?? Talk about that Browns! The truth would be kind of interesting, this is all just BS.

  • Love 6

What snarklepuss said.  These people must think viewers are stupid.  No one targeted their family.  Meri thought online guy was going to be her ticket off the compound and when that turned out to be a farce, she decided to play the victim.

Good grief. Meri wasn't targeted. MERI targeted "Sam!" She invited "him" over to her house to scam him into her pyramid marketing scheme. He turned it around and she was scammed by her own mark.

  • Love 9

Not much to say other than Kody basically admitted that two of his four marriages were totally in the crapper (Christine and Meri), and we all know he and Janelle are just best buds.  The only thing holding this together is the kids, and when they are older or have flown the coop, I bet Robyn is the last one standing.  And props to Tamryn for at least trying this time.

  • Love 6

Kody kept repeating that he and Robyn had been married for 5 1/2 years.


When Tamryn asked Christine when she started feeling "dark" in the marriage, Christine said "About 5 years ago".


When she asked Meri when she started having "issues", Meri said "About 5 years ago".


Tamryn kept asking, "What was it, do you think, that caused you to start feeling this way?" Hello, isn't it obvious?!

  • Love 22

Did you guys catch when Meri was boo hooing and said that Robyn laid down on the bed with her and they were crying together because Saint Robyn just knew something was terribly wrong with Meri?  Ugh.... 


Christine trying so hard to be happy with that fake smile plastered on her face. I get the feeling she is just broken inside. Poor thing. She is aging rapidly. I hope she finds what ever it takes to make her happy. 


Janelle- STFU! Kody the superhero, are you kidding me? I liked her so much more when she was working outside the home, making good money, admitting she didn't like taking care of her kids all day and showing the world that she really didn't give a rats ass about Kody one way or the other. WHERE is that Janelle? 


One thing became crystal clear at this tell all is that Kody is a shitty husband. Kody is not interested in Christine. Kody is not interested in Meri. Kody is not interested in Janelle. The women are jealous of Robyn but realize they have to play nice because Robyn has won. 


Don't you know there was a long meeting behind closed doors between Kody and the wives as to how they were going to spin this catfish deal and exactly how they should handle this tell all?  It was all so rehearsed. Looking at his face, you could see how pissed he is at Meri for leaving him this mess to clean up. Now next season, I guarantee they are going to bust their ass to portray the happy family. 


I had to fast forward through all the kid stuff. I don't think they belonged there. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 12

Well, that was an hour of my life I won't get back.  I could only watch bits and pieces of this mess.  I dislike Tamron Hall nearly as much as I dislike the Browns.  What I did notice was Aurora crying and I thought it was her sister next to her giving her the side eye, but after reading on here, the girl to Aurora's left must belong to Christine?  I have never been able to keep the kids straight except I know Mariah belongs to Meri, and Janelle had more boys than girls. I didn't realize it was possible for me to dislike Robyn any more than I already did, but I do.  

So Christine starts talking about her "dark night of the soul" period in which she hated polygamy and someone complains (maybe it was also Christine) about Kody stopping the special outings with each girl child.  Both sounded as though they occurred about the time Robyn appeared, and I thought surely Tamron Hall should have inquired more about the timing.  

And I am sorry they have managed to catfish this into another season. I was hoping last season was the final one but then the Duggars had to self-destruct and the Browns had to have the "divorce" /adoption mess.  

They all seem so messed up to me.  And then there was the embrace between Meri and Janelle. Whatever there issues were , they had to be more than whether the dishes are washed after dinner or before breakfast. I think it was Janelle who wanted to wash in the morning--so maybe she is more of a morning person, and she was working so I could see her being to tired to want to wash dishes (it sounds like the didn't have a dishwasher, but surely there were some kids who could have helped or Kody). This explanation seemed so lame. I am convinced that part of their issues have to do with Meri having had Janelle first as friend then SIL and it sounds like she was okay with both, but I think having to share Kody with Janelle was just too much and Meri probably repressed her anger with Kody and dumped it on Janelle. 

So they have trained Truley to pretend there are no cameras?  I thought maybe they had told her right before filming to pretend the cameras were not there so she wouldn't be nervous, and that is what she meant.  Sorta like when they tell speakers who have stage fright to imagine the audience naked or wearing ridiculous outfits.  

I don't see Janelle hanging around after her nest empties out. And I expect Christine to move in with one of her children as I can't see her living alone so I think Kody may well end up with only Robyn.  The kids will all scatter.  I can see them trying to have a reunion once every few years for the kids to get back together.

I hated how Tamron Hall seemed to put Mariah on the spot.  I am sure Mariah was having to deal off camera with her mother's unhappiness, plus being aware that the older of her half-siblings knew what her mother had done.  After what they have been through since Robyn came aboard, I doubt Meri would want Mariah to choose polygamy.

  • Love 3

Regarding the body language - How Kody can claim he has no favorite meanwhile he is always on the couch right next to Robyn, looking at her for responses and even answering in tandem with her with both of them finishing each other's sentences is beyond me.  Meanwhile there is no energy between him and Janelle, other than she's this friend of his.  C'mon, they must think we fell off the same turnip truck they did!


I felt like Kody was eyeing Meri all through her part like he was afraid that she might say something that wasn't "approved".  I'm sure Tamryn knew that they were going to whitewash her part of the affair with the catfish.  Meri probably went along with it because she is now realizing that the only gravy train she's able to jump on any time soon is this one, so she'd better toe the party line and do her little doggie tricks for the Kodouche lest the treats dry up.  So pathetic and sad....She's probably already downed an entire pitcher of Kodouche's Kool Aid by now and is now (like Christine) entirely blaming herself inside even as she publicly puts all the blame on the catfish.  I knew this would happen, sadly.


Tellingly, Tamryn asked Kody something about why he is now so concerned about public opinion and he said something about how it's because he "didn't realize" the impact of social media.  I'm wondering what that was all about.  I'm thinking this is the reason for all the spin on everything - He really doesn't want the world to know the truth now that it's gotten ugly and can make them look bad, especially after all that breast beating he's done over the years about how wonderful everything is.  But pssssst.....Hey Ko-douche - I have news for you - All this dyke plugging with lies only makes you and the family look WORSE in the eyes of the public, not better!  Better to suck it up and be honest about what's really going on than insult our intelligence!

  • Love 5

Kody kept repeating that he and Robyn had been married for 5 1/2 years.


When Tamryn asked Christine when she started feeling "dark" in the marriage, Christine said "About 5 years ago".


When she asked Meri when she started having "issues", Meri said "About 5 years ago".


Tamryn kept asking, "What was it, do you think, that caused you to start feeling this way?" Hello, isn't it obvious?!


I don't want to give Tamryn too much credit here but I'm wondering if TLC has told her she can't ask flat out if Robyn ruined their family so she's doing what she can to make sure the audience sees it and hopes maybe one of the wives will fess up. 



I am also wondering what they have on Janelle. She is suddenly butt-kisser of the century. It seems to me that either the family has something over her or they've promised her something in exchange for her fawning devotion. 

Edited by 3girlsforus
  • Love 12

The big elephant in the room is that if Meri's online love hadn't been a catfish, she would likely have fled the family by now. In the last episode, before she realized she was being catfished, it certainly seemed like Meri was prepping to leave. But she'll never be honest about that, just like we'll never get all the complete reasons why Christine suddenly moved her mother into her house and is dragging her on family vacations. Nope, nothing to see here. The divorce meant nothing, except when Meri was always crying and then tried to cyber-escape. Christine's marriage is just fine, except when she admits her kids go a week without seeing Kody and when he openly treats her with disdain and dismisses her. Aurora is just great with her adoption and new life, except for all the clear signs that she has a serious emotional problem.


I think the Browns might think we're all drunk when we watch this show, and therefore not paying any attention.

  • Love 11

I just got back in town and was able to watch half of this tell all episode so far. I haven't read through the responses here yet, but I just had to remark how pretty Meri looked. I know that might not be a popularly shared opinion here, but it seems as if all the catfishing stuff coming out in the open has released her. She spent the season scowling and distant on the couch, but during this tell-all show she seemed relaxed and engaged with the group, and she had sincere smiles for what was being said by the others, as opposed to her previous manner of staring off into the distance, not making eye contact with anyone. She seems a lot happier, and maybe that is all an act but it feels genuine to me. And her happiness has made her much prettier.

  • Love 8

Regarding the body language - How Kody can claim he has no favorite meanwhile he is always on the couch right next to Robyn, looking at her for responses and even answering in tandem with her with both of them finishing each other's sentences is beyond me.


I felt like Kody was eyeing Meri all through her part like he was afraid that she might say something that wasn't "approved". 

THIS.  These two things that jumped out at me as well.  If they were going to show such beautiful solidarity between Kody and Meri, why not seat them next to each other on the couch?  Why have Kody do his death-stare at Meri across the set?  And his kowtowing to Robyn - if this doesn't show everyone who wears the maternity pants in this family, nothing will.


In other news, hello, Paedon!  I forgot what you looked like!


Tamron basically asked Garrison if he was the troublemaker of the family.  Nice way to label the kid.  I always thought the scenes of Janelle yelling at him during the boat making segments were pretty awful for his sake.


Did I catch it right when Meri said that she'd only told the older kids about the catfish thing 2 HOURS before going on air?  What the - ??

  • Love 8

Janelle- STFU! Kody the superhero, are you kidding me? I liked her so much more when she was working outside the home, making good money, admitting she didn't like taking care of her kids all day and showing the world that she really didn't give a rats ass about Kody one way or the other. WHERE is that Janelle? 


I had to fast forward through all the kid stuff. I don't think they belonged there. 


Janelle's super hero comment was the biggest surprise of the night for me. She's always gotten so much credit for being the practical, reasonable one (and I've always liked her for that) so for her to spew out the company line like that  - and seemingly believe it - was bizarre.  She also has more boys than girls so her experience with Kody as a father is probably more positive than Christine's who had more girls. I think she also has very low expectations for Kody as a father and husband - she needs him to fulfill so few needs for her. 


Kody kept repeating that he and Robyn had been married for 5 1/2 years.


When Tamryn asked Christine when she started feeling "dark" in the marriage, Christine said "About 5 years ago".


When she asked Meri when she started having "issues", Meri said "About 5 years ago".


Tamryn kept asking, "What was it, do you think, that caused you to start feeling this way?" Hello, isn't it obvious?!


It's so obvious yet the Browns always explain it away as correlating to the "move to Vegas" rather than Robyn joining the family. Swap out "Robyn" every time any one says "move to Vegas" and it would be way more revealing. 


Although I actually feel some sympathy for Robyn as I do think she was/is in an untenable position which Janelle sort of touched on last night. Sounds like a lot of the struggles the family has had as a result of Robyn joining the family were experienced even when Janelle and Christine joined. Robyn's addition just happened to be public and filmed and therefore all that we saw. It would be interesting to see what would happen should Kody take another wife. Would Robyn become as broken as Christine and Meri have?


ETA: YES! to the comments about the change in body language. Anyone remember these good old days of Meri and Kody on the couch?





Edited by mamey2422
  • Love 8

I don't want to give Tamryn too much credit here but I'm wondering if TLC has told her she can't ask flat out if Robyn ruined their family so she's doing what she can to make sure the audience sees it and hopes maybe one of the wives will fess up.


I wonder that, too.  These tell-alls insult my intelligence (what little I have left after watching them).  I firmly believe that Tamron Hall is presented with a list of forbidden questions from TLC via the Browns, making these tell-alls more of a tell-some, as long as the questions don't involve anything too heavy.  I think that's why the vast majority of her questions tiptoe juuuuust over the edge of slow-pitch softball.  That being said, I think this was the most hard-hitting tell-all yet, but that bar is pretty low.


Just once, I'd love to see Tamron lean forward conspiratorially and say, "Okay, ladies, let's get real.  Show of hands- who thinks Robyn is a back-stabbing, man-stealing bitch?" and watch the fur fly.

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 11

I wish they would interview Christine's mom as to her take on on the entire situation. She once was a part of it all and now is not, so I bet she has some insights as to what's really going on.

I'd be so interested in her POV too. But she's homeless and living on the kindness of the Brown family. Oh, why does she have nothing? Because polygamy failed her.
  • Love 12

I hope TLC has figured out that viewers want the a$$hole edit. The ratings go up anytime the family pulls a stunt that pisses off the viewers.

Let me explain why, TLC. The Brown family's behavior is polarizing and alienating. There is nothing remotely likeable or relatable about this family's conduct.

1. The Browns pejoratively stereotype their viewers as "monogamists" and attribute negative qualities to us while attributing respected qualities to themselves. They create an "us" vs "them" distinction intended to elevate themselves as superior in wisdom, commitment, and morality.

2. They openly ridicule viwers (both on Twitter and their Tell-Alls) who even slightly disagree with them.

3. Despite generalizing, stereotyping, and criticizing "monogamists" in almost every show, the Browns whine that monogamists lack the understanding of polygamy to make observations about their actions.

4. The Browns poor mouth and whine about difficult lives, despite living in $2 million worth of home, taking trips to Hawaii and Disneyworld, and educating a record number of children (even in private school). The average American family is working longer hours than ever, struggling to repay student loans (not a problem for the uneducated Browns), regain value in their home after the mortgage crash, and puzzling over how to save for their kids' college. The viewers don't begrudge anyone's success. But it is ire-provoking to hear the Browns complain week after week when they are living so much better than everyone else. On the other hand, the Browns are on a reality show, which most Americans are loathe to do. Which brings me to my next point. . .

5. The Browns enjoy living the high life, but try to avoid (and complain endlessly about) the "job" that funds their lifestyle. The Browns agreed to put the intimate details of their lives and interactions on television. They willingly negotiated to sell their privacy (and their children's privacy). They have been paid handsomely with money, parties, trip, homes, and comped goods. But they aren't living up to their end of the bargain. They hide everything they can from the viewers - refusing to answer questions or giving a generalized answer and refusing to elaborate. They tried to hide the divorce and the affair from TLC. They complain that they have to disclose their lives to the public. They bristle (Kody) and fake cry (Robyn and Meri) at the slightest hint of criticism from the public. They consider these as persecution. Browns, this is why you are being paid!

Bottom line: The Browns have thoroughly alienated their audience. We do not relate to them in any way. We don't like them. And we don't think they are delivering what they are getting paid for.

Edited by Jusagirlintheworld
  • Love 20

Hah, BradandJanet, I had the exact same thought, in the exact same words.....It's scary how transparent they are and how we can all see right through their attempts to deceive us.

Yes, assuming they have realized Meri fully intended to flee the family with her online prince charming....future fame get together without the TLC cameras will be super AWKWARD.

  • Love 1

If I never read this board or CJ's blog I would really be at a loss. Last year everything was great but this year Kody and Meri got divorced, Kody and Meri have issues to the point where she is taking on fake paramours and Kody and Christine are so far apart they have to take a counselor on their trip.  How did this happen?? Talk about that Browns! The truth would be kind of interesting, this is all just BS.

obviously you simply don't understand polygamy, but how could you, you poor monogamist/snark


"One thing became crystal clear at this tell all is that Kody is a shitty husband. Kody is not interested in Christine. Kody is not interested in Meri. Kody is not interested in Janelle. The women are jealous of Robyn but realize they have to play nice because Robyn has won."  

Interesting point.  I wonder....if Robyn had been the one "flirting" on line how Kody would have reacted. 

Edited by Granny58
  • Love 10

I just got back in town and was able to watch half of this tell all episode so far. I haven't read through the responses here yet, but I just had to remark how pretty Meri looked. I know that might not be a popularly shared opinion here, but it seems as if all the catfishing stuff coming out in the open has released her. She spent the season scowling and distant on the couch, but during this tell-all show she seemed relaxed and engaged with the group, and she had sincere smiles for what was being said by the others, as opposed to her previous manner of staring off into the distance, not making eye contact with anyone. She seems a lot happier, and maybe that is all an act but it feels genuine to me. And her happiness has made her much prettier.

I agree...she did look much prettier and her eyes were pretty and blue.  I think stress is destroying all the women.  

  • Love 2

I think Meri has pretty eyes and a nice smile. I actually thought all the wives looked pretty last night, except for their wardrobe choices. I'm glad Mariah is no longer thinking about polygamy and I'm sure all the kids get it that it's not a good lifestyle.

Don't feel sorry for Kody at all. He is not hurt by Meri's online thing because he doesn't care. As long as she stays around so he can make money on the show, that's all he cares about.

I wanted to punch Kody when he kept repeating that he railroaded Christine and that one weekend was too much talk about their relationship. I bet if they didn't have the show, Kody would just leave with Robyn and her kids and not look back.

  • Love 4

Kody admitted tht people in his OWN CHURCH complained about his divorcing Meri to marry Robyn.

Then, 30 minutes later apologist Janelle explains that monogamists don't understand the divorce because they are more narrow minded than polygamists. Really, Janelle? How does that explain your fellow polygamist church members?

Poor Browns. Persecuted on all fronts!

I haven't watched yet (and may never watch again...). So, Janelle really said that monogamists are more narrow-minded than polygamists? Wow. Just as their tweets indicate, they have internalized the idea that any disagreement with what they do equates to ignorance, narrow-mindedness, and undeserved hostility. In the Brown's world, strongly differing opinions apparently never have any merit or legitimacy--which sort of flies in the face of their occasional yapping on social media that "we're not perfect, but we..." (fill in empty platitude here: we love each other, we support each other, etc.).

  • Love 2

3. Despite generalizing, stereotyping, and criticizing "monogamists" in almost every show, the Browns whine that monogamists lack the understanding of polygamy to make observations about their actions.


What gets me is how completely wrong they are about monogamists.  Contrary to what they assume about us, we DO have an understanding of polygamy and polygamists - Enough to know that it sucks so bad we would never want to be one ourselves!

  • Love 13

I haven't watched yet (and may never watch again...). So, Janelle really said that monogamists are more narrow-minded than polygamists? Wow. Just as their tweets indicate, they have internalized the idea that any disagreement with what they do equates to ignorance, narrow-mindedness, and undeserved hostility. In the Brown's world, strongly differing opinions apparently never have any merit or legitimacy--which sort of flies in the face of their occasional yapping on social media that "we're not perfect, but we..." (fill in empty platitude here: we love each other, we support each other, etc.).

The question was posed whether Kody would divorce Robyn and remarry Meri now that the adoption was complete. Janelle couldn't understand why people would consider that an option. She says it is the paradigm monogamists operate under and they couldn't understand anything else or something like that. Prior to that, Robyn explained that monogamists can't understand the depth of the commitment level of spiritual marriages.

Interesting, though, even thought they say legal marriage is n important, they sure seem to act like it is. Meri used to have her marriage certificate framed in her bedroom. (Remember the scene when he injured her knee skiing and Kody was saying goodbye to her). Us, monogamists. We just don't understand as much as polygamists.

Edited by Jusagirlintheworld
  • Love 6

I am also wondering what they have on Janelle. She is suddenly butt-kisser of the century. It seems to me that either the family has something over her or they've promised her something in exchange for her fawning devotion. 


I'll tell you what I think re: Janelle - It's the other way around.  It's what she has over the rest of the wives.  We all know that she's Kody's oasis in the midst of all the drama of the other wives.  Suddenly she is finding favor with him at least as a friend.  He probably confides in her and thanks her for not being needy and unhappy with him, which in turn makes her feel like she's finally "special" to him - More special than the other wives in her own little way.  Even more special than Robyn because it's not blinded by romance.  Which is making me wonder if her approaching Meri now (to which Meri asked "why now?") had something to do with Meri's fall from grace and Janelle's guilt over rising above Meri's position in Kody's eyes.

  • Love 7

IIR, Gabriel says it is hard for a husband to do polygamy right. I think he said Kody does, but most husbands don't. So, this is what "polygamy done right" looks like. I'd hate to see polygamy done wrong!

What gets me is how completely wrong they are about monogamists. Contrary to what they assume about us, we DO have an understanding of polygamy and polygamists - Enough to know that it sucks so bad we would never want to be one ourselves!

IIR, Logan says it is hard for a husband to do polygamy "right." I think he said Kody does, but most husbands don't. So, this is what "polygamy done right" looks like. I'd hate to see polygamy done wrong!

Edited by Jusagirlintheworld
  • Love 7


You aren't being "persecuted" because you're a polygamist; you're being criticized because you're a shitty father and partner. Meri was ready to run off with the first person who replied to her with a "LOL" and a winky emoticon. Christine is one klonopin away from asking Janelle for her biggest coat and pulling a Virginia Woolf. With the exception of Auroradaytonunbrianna and King Solomon, not a single one of Kody's children respect or regard him. You're a failure as a partner and parent, Kody. Stop blaming monogamistic rule for your short-comings.



When this show started, I thought - interesting concept!  Three families, blended under one roof, the kids all being raised together and the wives each having a part to play in raising them, with one husband.  Not for me, but I withheld judgement until I saw how they worked together.  And now?  We see how they work together.  They don't.  Kody clearly only cares for his last wife.  He is friends with Janelle, which suits her just fine, as I don't think she ever really wanted the messiness and drama of a true, 100% committed husband.  He openly despises Christine, and the way he stares at Meri suggests that he not only doesn't have a clue what to do with her, he doesn't really care.


If Kody was a doting and caring father and husband?  This blog and others like it would take on an entirely different tone.  Kody & Krew think we monogamous women don't "get" it.  Kody treats his wives as though they are expendable, interchangeable and replaceable.  There is nothing to "get."  Kody is a lousy husband to half his wives, and is an absent father to 95% of his children.  If he were a monogamist, polygamist, polyamorist, what have you - it doesn't change the fact that he's neglecting most of his family.

  • Love 6

Interesting, though, even thought they say legal marriage is n important, they sure seem to act like it is. Meri used to have her marriage certificate framed in her bedroom. (Remember the scene when he injured her knee skiing and Kody was saying goodbye to her). Us, monogamists. We just don't understand as much as polygamists.


Wait, what?! Seriously? If this is true then Meri really does deserve everything that's coming to her now with the ascent of Queen Robyn. If she really had her certificate framed and up on a wall (who does that?!), that clearly is a big FU to the other wives and demonstrative of her lording first wife status over the others. Between this and Meri not owning up to her actions in the catfishing mess, or really being truthful, means that I've lost any sympathy I'd developed for her recently.


On another note, I usually like Christine (well, as much as anyone can like any of these fools) but I loathe that affected voice she puts on sometimes. She had it going full force when she was talking about her "dark period" (i.e. when Sobbyn joined the family).

  • Love 4

I’ve slagged on Tamron before, but she came out well last night, I think.  Better than usual, anyway.  The viewers were heard as far as she’s concerned – that was clear.  There was one point where she pretty much stared somebody (Kody?) down and would not retreat.  He said something like “I don’t want to discuss that” and she replied “but you have to/you’re going to” in a pretty firm way.  If this reunion was run like Housewife reunions, it’s possible fees for the reunion special are contingent upon producer satisfaction with the participation of the cast.  Play ball or they don’t cash the check.  


What the heck is going on with Janelle? She kissed butt as much as Christine usually does. Until tonight I didn't realize that Robyn has broken Janelle in addition to Meri and Christine.



I can’t imagine why, but Janelle really loves Kody and will take what scraps she gets.  All I can figure is that she knows if Meri and Christine both fly the coop, she will get more time with him, especially when he eventually tires of Robin but his only way out of her claws is to spend time with his other wife.  So she’s propping him now so that he always owes her.  I bet she’s the one who instructed him that he would come off better if he kept his mouth shut.  He’s never said so little in ANY reunion.  He was on an extremely tight leash.


Kody sat there with a quizzical dog expression rather than someone concerned about his WIFE cheating on him and making plans to leave. His was not a normal reaction.



I thought it was actually a pretty savvy public relations position to take.  It simultaneously minimizes her “crime” (“if WE don’t care, none of you should!”) but also removes the stigma of being cuckolded (“she didn’t cheat on me!”)  They gave us what we wanted (Meri put on the spot) without delivering anything but her pain and humiliation.  Oh, and Robin’s pain that she hadn’t been confided in sooner.


Aspyn was stunning.  And composed.

  • Love 7

Wait, what?! Seriously? If this is true then Meri really does deserve everything that's coming to her now with the ascent of Queen Robyn. If she really had her certificate framed and up on a wall (who does that?!), that clearly is a big FU to the other wives and demonstrative of her lording first wife status over the others. Between this and Meri not owning up to her actions in the catfishing mess, or really being truthful, means that I've lost any sympathy I'd developed for her recently.


On another note, I usually like Christine (well, as much as anyone can like any of these fools) but I loathe that affected voice she puts on sometimes. She had it going full force when she was talking about her "dark period" (i.e. when Sobbyn joined the family).

Interesting.  In some clips we saw Christine's magnificent flowing mane and her usual joyful demeanor.  Then she used the soothing voice, which I personally wish I had.  I'm dissatisfied with my voice but I would be called out on is now if I tried to change.  I think all those factors combined should raise her up to the most desirable wife level.  I simply do not understand Kody's fascination with Sobyn.  I haven't seen any aspect of her personality that stands out to me.  From what we've seen, her overarching personality trait is worry and angst.  No man wants THAT all the time.  

Edited by Granny58
  • Love 2

Interesting.  In some clips we saw Christine's magnificent flowing mane and her usual joyful demeanor.  Then she used the soothing voice, which I personally wish I had.  I hate my voice but I would be called out on is now if I tried to change.  I think all those factors combined should raise her up to the most desirable wife level.  I simply do not understand Kody's fascination with Sobyn.  I haven't seen any aspect of her personality that stands out to me.  From what we've seen, her overarching personality trait is worry and angst.  No man wants THAT all the time.

If the rotating fever blister is any indication, I think Robyn has something Kody wants. I have to go bleach my brain now. Blech.

  • Love 3

I tried, I really did.  I would turn it on and then the bile would rise in my throat at the sight of the most despicable, dishonest, and delusional people on earth and I would have to switch it off.

However on one peek, I did catch the older kids and could stand them for a few minutes.  Goodness, they are a handsome bunch.  I was surprised that Mariah has apparently changed her mind although was hesitant to say so outright.  She isn’t stupid, she can certainly see what a mess polygamy has made of her mother’s life.  I did have to roll my eyes a bit at the one boy (I don’t know any of their names;  he was the big guy with the Kodyesque hair) that said he wouldn’t chose polygamy because he wasn’t as “strong” as his father.  Really, dude?  Do you mean in terms of strong-arming his sheep wives?  Or strongly cheating, lying, and grifting?

The second peek had that insipid interviewer tiptoeing around Meri and asked her about why she ‘fessed up about her boyfriend.  Cue All About Me Robyn to jump in with  “I made her” and then pull the “gotta cry now” face.  Went right to the off button with that one.

Third (and last peek) was the little blond girl parroting the “there are no cameras” mantra that I’m sure she has been taught her entire life.  God, that’s just so sad.  As has been pointed out, the therapists should really be lining up outside the McMansions when they are foreclosed on and the tribe is moving out.  Although at that point there won’t be any money to pay for them.

Maybe this has been asked – was this filmed before the whole catfshing story was out in the press?  Because if it wasn’t, then we should all be extremely disturbed about the belief that their viewers have the IQ of turnips.  Seriously, that whole “run, we’re in danger” shtick has already been done and we all know the BS on the Flight to Vegas.  Now the big bad catfisher is out to harm the kiddies?  Give it up already.

  • Love 1

The viewers distrust Robyn because she comes across as ungeniune, manipulative and we have seen the shift in family dynaics on camera since she arrived on the scene.


I don't think Robyn has changed Jenelle and Kody's relationship because their relationship has always seemed a bit... cold?  But they both seem okay with that.  Jenelle is an odd duck.  She seems nice, but odd.


Meri and Christine seem shredded.  They both just look sad. sad. sad. I think they used to share Kody's affection in a way, and Robyn came in and swooped up all of the Romantic Attention... since she is the only fertile one. 


Either Kody hasn't seen the photos, or heard the voicemails... or he was looking for a way to save face.  Could be both.  THAT wasnt' just flirting.  I can't imagine how upset my husband would be if I did 1/2 of what Meri did.  I guarantee he would not shrug it off as 'flirting'.

  • Love 7

So many great posts again!  They certainly put a spin on that Meri Catfish story.  We all know if this Sam were real Meri would be long gone.  How do they think we would buy that story what a bunch of BS.  Robin can't even fake a good cry, she is awful.  Janelle is lost, she has become one of them.  Still wondering what made her go "all in" suddenly.  Maybe the Robin/Kody legal marriage. I noticed when both little ones would not come out on camera, Kody said "I'll go get HIM" Solomon always #1 with him, guess it didn't matter that Truley wouldn't come out.  I think Maddie, Mariah, Mykelti and Aspyn all looked very pretty.  Aspyn's hair is gorgeous.  They claim polygamy is so great yet they have tons of problems, the wives all with Kody and then separately with each other.  Doesn't sound so great to me.  

  • Love 5

Points to Ponder That I Laughed At Instead:

--Robyn wanted a wedding because it was all about "changing what the world would maybe make us out to be."  Hahahah--the world??? Seriously?

--Kody saying he is accosted "constantly" on the street from monogamists who want to tell him what he should be doing in his life.  Maybe Kody should listen....

--Kody saying "I told my friends......"  Friends?  Oh yeah, must be those guys from high school that TLC had to dig up and convince them to pretend you all 

   were so close.  And there's also the other plygs that the "fah-mly" has vacationed with over the life of the series.

--Christine's voice change as she airs her dirty laundry and how "flawed" she is.

--Meri saying nothing will happen to the "fah-mly" on her "watch."  lol, yeah--before or after you bring another stalking grifter blackmailer into your lives?

--None of the older kids wanting to practice plural marriage--now that's a real testimony to the world about the wonders of polygamy!

--The sphincter convulsions I experienced when Janelle wanted to armor up and fight Meri's battle.

--Robyn saying "Sommon" instead of Solomon. 

--Not one word mentioned about Kody's hair--and I must say, it sure needed a color touch-up.


All in all, they need to change the name to "tells little or nothing."  But it was good for a laugh or two.

Edited by 4leafclover
  • Love 13

Janelle is lost, she has become one of them. Still wondering what made her go "all in" suddenly.

Janelle is practical. She wants the money. "Sam" says Janelle is absolutely paranoid that she will be taken advantage of financially. She guards her money and her income jealously. The fans are taking issue with Kody. Janelle may fear that the gravy train will end if she doesn't defend Kody.

Points to Ponder That I Laughed At Instead:

--Robyn wanted a wedding because it was all about "changing what the world would maybe make us out to be."  Hahahah--the world??? Seriously?

--Kody saying he is accosted "constantly" on the street from monogamists who want to tell him what he should be doing in his life.  Maybe Kody should listen....

--Kody saying "I told my friends......"  Friends?  Oh yeah, must be those guys from high school that TLC had to dig up and convince them to pretend you all 

   were so close.  And there's also the other plygs that the "fah-mly" has vacationed with over the life of the series.

--Christine's voice change as she airs her dirty laundry and how "flawed" she is.

--Meri saying nothing will happen to the "fah-mly" on her "watch."  lol, yeah--before or after you bring another stalking grifter blackmailer into your lives?

--None of the older kids wanting to practice plural marriage--now that's a real testimony to the world about the wonders of polygamy!

--The sphincter convulsions I experienced when Janelle wanted to armor up and fight Meri's battle.

--Robyn saying "Sommon" instead of Solomon. 

--Not one word mentioned about Kody's hair--and I must say, it sure needed a color touch-up.


All in all, they need to change the name to "tells little or nothing."  But it was good for a laugh or two.

Bahaaha. You win the Internet!!!

Edited by Jusagirlintheworld
  • Love 4

 I simply do not understand Kody's fascination with Sobyn.  I haven't seen any aspect of her personality that stands out to me.  From what we've seen, her overarching personality trait is worry and angst.  No man wants THAT all the time.  

I think Kody's fascination is very simple. Kody had 3 wives that let themselves go, they were fat. They no longer turned him on. They had the grind of tons of kids to look after daily.   Robyn comes along and at the time was very skinny, had a great body and younger. He had the hots big time and the sex was probably better than he has ever known. She had his dick standing at attention which I don't think the other 3 were able to do for some time. I'm sure Robyn makes sure she takes care of her man in the bedroom. As we all know, men are stupid that way. The newness and excitement of Robyn haven't gotten old yet. 

  • Love 9

I think Kody's fascination is very simple. Kody had 3 wives that let themselves go, they were fat. They no longer turned him on. They had the grind of tons of kids to look after daily. Robyn comes along and at the time was very skinny, had a great body and younger. He had the hots big time and the sex was probably better than he has ever known. She had his dick standing at attention which I don't think the other 3 were able to do for some time. I'm sure Robyn makes sure she takes care of her man in the bedroom. As we all know, men are stupid that way. The newness and excitement of Robyn haven't gotten old yet.

I asked my hubby how he would feel about knockin' boots with Robyn. He visably shuddered.

Edited by Jusagirlintheworld
  • Love 12

This is a case of active famewhoreitis in action.  The common symptoms are extreme delusions and revisionist history.  


Symptom one:  What is plastered all over the internet is wrong.  Here is the real truth.  Robyn Vader did not cause the divorce.  IT'S FOR THE CHILDREN.  It's just a coincidence that the pregnancy came shortly after the legal marriage.  Forget last season when she said she didn't have time for another baby because MSWC kept her too busy.  We really didn't hear that.  The other wives LUV Robyn.  We poor monog people just don't understand this super duper love they all have.


Symptom two:  Kody's older kids think he is the best thing ever, even though they show open contempt. 'Cause now he's superdad.


Symptom three:  Meri was not ready to bolt.  She did not say LAST WEEK that she might just be gone one of these days.  She was tricked and she was protecting the family by playing along.  Or something.  And forget the internet articles about this.  Nothing to see there.


You get the idea.  The list goes on and on.  Anything to keep the gravy train rolling.

  • Love 18

I don't want to give Tamryn too much credit here but I'm wondering if TLC has told her she can't ask flat out if Robyn ruined their family so she's doing what she can to make sure the audience sees it and hopes maybe one of the wives will fess up. 


I agree Robyn's arrival coincides with the deterioration of the other wives' marriages, and it seems to have had a negative effect on Kody's relationships with his daughters, too.  But you know what .... I really don't blame Robyn.  She may have some selfish motives and behaviors, but I place the blame for any destruction brought on by her arrival squarely on Kody. Or maybe I should say "Little Kody." 


Surfer Douche handled the entry of Robyn into the family about as badly as he could have.  He has made no secret that she is by far his favorite, showering his time and attention upon her at the expense of the others.  When someone dared to complain (Christine), she was punished by Kody who gives her cold shoulder to this day.  None of this is really Robyn's fault.  


I don't think the divorce is Robyn's fault either.  It wouldn't have had a snowball's chance in hell of happening without Kody pushing for it.  He wanted to reward his special snowflake with the coveted title of "legulwive," plain and simple.  He knows his other three marriages are withering on the vine due to neglect, but he also knows he has no interest in repairing anything because he and Little Kody would rather just be with Robyn.  So why not just quit pretending and go ahead and tie himself legally to the one he's really attracted to, the one who is still popping out babies and will be sticking around?  This "doing it for the kids" is a lot of crap.  Last night's little slip that Jessup himself had brought up Kody adopting the kids proves it.  He has no intention of trying to take those kids away from the Browns.  No divorce with Meri and legal marriage to Robyn was required to make the kids safe.  It happened because Kody preferred it, and what it did to Meri or anyone else in the family be damned.  


Same thing goes for losing interest in spending time with his daughters.  That is 100% on Kody.   Now maybe (especially where the kids are concerned) Robyn could do more to encourage Kody to work on his relationships with everyone.  But frankly I don't think Robyn has any more ability to reign in Kody's gigantic ego and willingness to be selfish than any of the other wives do.  Kody is a hopeless narcissist and efforts to control him or change him are a waste of time.  He does what he wants to do.  And I can't fault Robyn for being smart enough to realize that to really push it would damage their relationship, and opting to stay out of it.  She's seen what speaking up did for Christine, after all.  You don't criticize or try to control Kody without paying a price. 


Okay, all that being said .... even if I am wrong, and Robyn really does wear the (maternity) pants in the family (lol laurakaye), I still put the blame on Kody for allowing someone to walk into his family and damage his relationship with both his wives and daughters.  It's his failing as "head" of the family.  Robyn doesn't have any special magical powers he is incapable or resisting.  It's Kody's choice to put her ahead of everyone else on the cul-de-sac and cause all these hard feelings and suffering.  


It does make Robyn look awful, I get that.  She brought this dark cloud with her when she arrived, for sure.  But Kody is the only one who could have made it turn out differently, and he simply opted not to because he doesn't care how Meri, Christine, and Janelle feel.   He only cares how he feels, him and Little Kody.   He would follow Little Kody into a forest fire if that's where he was pointed. Walking over Meri, Christine, and Janelle to get there means nothing to him.  And I don't think that is really Robyn's fault.

  • Love 20

I just read in someone's post they mentioned Kody mentioning people "monogamist" stopping him in the street and telling him about what to do, and how it's offensive (at least that's what I think he meant by that) that is... But does he not go on national television every week telling us monogomists how we are simple minded, narrow minded, judgement all, etc.? For the record, I wouldn't ever live polygamy, it's just not for me, but I have absolutely no problem that they do, assuming they are all consenting and happy, except they clearly are not happy, which is where the judgement comes in

  • Love 11

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