lanorigb November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 I didn't enjoy this episode either except for a few small details. As an RN I've been hoping they would include a patient with a chronic illness in the show and address how one manages such a thing in the ZA. If your a diabetic or have high blood pressure, how are you able get medications? At some point whatever supply out there to be pilfered is going to be expired and there's no more medications being made. Insulin does not need to refrigerated once the vial is open btw. Also for the ladies in the show-having sex could lead to pregnancy, and I don't want to think about how scary a pregnancy or how dangerous it would be to have a baby (unless of course your in a walled in community). They did a lot of glossing over about baby Judith's formula needs in the prison episodes. 5 Link to comment
truelovekiss November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 This seriously interests me more than nearly anything I've seen in the last two episodes. I still want to know who's living with who and how they decided that. I imagine if FPP is still in either house it's damn uncomfortable for him in wake of the "these people who have saved my worthless ass over and over across three states are terrible evil people" confession. Right? This is some interesting shit. If we're going to say there are 2 4 bedroom houses, and 14 people including Judith (minus Noah, plus Morgan), that leaves some people who aren't couples as roomies, and I want to know who they are. I feel like Rick gets his own room. Daryl probably built himself a fort in the backyard to sleep in. Does Carl get his own room? Does Judith? If she is still waking up at night, who gets up with her? 4 Link to comment
Iguessnot November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 But but weren't there walkers on fire in a previous episode? Making the point that fire doesn't kill the walkers? So why did fire kill the walkers in this episode? What I did like is that they showed walkers that were so decomposed that they couldn't move. Proving that eventually the decomposition will finally progress far enough that the walkers are unable to move. Or maybe I dreamed that? A fire won't stop them immediately, but it will consume them eventually. Either the brain is ash or the body unmovable. 5 Link to comment
chlban November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 No, it's not irrefutable proof. But both TWD and TTD have a formula... I think the bigger proof Glenn is still alive is that TWD itself didn't follow it's major character death formula. I also noticed he amnounced a "surprise" guest. My immediate thought was Steven Yuen, however I don't think it's because he's dead. But because he is rescued (Glenn, of course, not SY) 1 Link to comment
Timetoread November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 IAside from Rosita, I have nothing against Sasha and Abraham. If Abraham had just left it at, "If you're into it, I'm available. I hope you are because I dig you" . Cool. I'm against how it's being launched with Abraham presuming to know more about what Sasha wants than Sasha. NOPE. You're giving it far too much weight. Abraham knows as much as most men do about what a woman thinks and feels - not a goddamn thing. Sasha just let him keep on believing he does knowing that Rosita is going to hand him his ass when they get back. 3 Link to comment
Caria November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 I simply CANNOT concentrate on what's going on due to the fact that I'm completely consumed by the need to know what has happened to Glen. People are talking and shooting and riding motorcycles, but I'm just biding time and fast forwarding in my mind so we can get to the reveal about Glen. Show, I need to know what's happened to him. Let me please have that so I can concentrate on the rest of the storyline once more. 11 Link to comment
iRarelyWatchTV36 November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 CDB has to be spread out over more than two houses. Have to be. I don't care what these people have been through together, after a couple of weeks, there's gonna be want/demands/needs for privacy. Not only that, but I imagine there were some requests that 'partners' like G/M and A/R find time during the day to do their "shared activities", while the rest were out doing their 'jobs' in ASZ. "Not to hate on you all for getting to knock boots, but we do want to try to sleep here. Listening to you go at it like rabbits isn't exactly peaceful resting for the rest of us." I'm going to try to put a positive, glass half full kind of spin on this first half of the season. At least I won't miss the show during the mid season hiatus. I'd still miss the show overall...... just not how this half-season is structured and playing out. 2 Link to comment
phoenix780 November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 (edited) But but weren't there walkers on fire in a previous episode? Making the point that fire doesn't kill the walkers? So why did fire kill the walkers in this episode? What I did like is that they showed walkers that were so decomposed that they couldn't move. Proving that eventually the decomposition will finally progress far enough that the walkers are unable to move. Or maybe I dreamed that? I thought they were alive just immobilized, which seems like it would be fine, especially since the fire apparently attracted other walkers to, um, walk in and catch fire, if I'm remembering that bit of dialogue correctly. But yeah, I think walkers on fire before kept going after people. Maybe they were too noisy, who knows. Having slept on it, I'm all for another battle with a random armed group, as long as our characters have learned from the last couple. I'm not going The Governor route again with this show. Plus with three groups in play they can have fun with alliances. Do you partner with the wolves to take out the ones with guns? Where did that herd of walkers go? Just straight down the highway as our heroes turned off a side road? Edited November 17, 2015 by phoenix780 Link to comment
AngelaHunter November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 (edited) Quotebut Abe got all grosser than usual It's not bad enough we had to hear about his "dolphin smoothness" (I can't forget that) but now we have to hear about what makes his "ass itch." JFC, ABE - enough! Daryl reminded me of "The Littlest Hobo" this week, only more trusting and faithful even than London. And Daryl? For the last time, get the damned hair out of your eyes! And I'm an idiot, because I couldn't figure out the shrink-wrapped corpses with what looked like space helmets on. I'm so lost... Edited November 17, 2015 by AngelaHunter 1 Link to comment
catrox14 November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 You're giving it far too much weight. Abraham knows as much as most men do about what a woman thinks and feels - not a goddamn thing. Sasha just let him keep on believing he does knowing that Rosita is going to hand him his ass when they get back. Well respectfully, it's fine if we agree to disagree but please don't presume to educate me as to what I'm giving too much weight towards or should or shouldn't bother me about it. Link to comment
truelovekiss November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 CDB has to be spread out over more than two houses. Have to be. I don't care what these people have been through together, after a couple of weeks, there's gonna be want/demands/needs for privacy. Not only that, but I imagine there were some requests that 'partners' like G/M and A/R find time during the day to do their "shared activities", while the rest were out doing their 'jobs' in ASZ. "Not to hate on you all for getting to knock boots, but we do want to try to sleep here. Listening to you go at it like rabbits isn't exactly peaceful resting for the rest of us." . Well, when they got to ASZ, Deanna allotted them two houses for all of them. They spent a night or two sleeping on the floor of one house, before letting their guard down and moving presumably half their party into House B. Maybe after the wolf attack there is more open real estate, and they can spread out into a third house. 2 Link to comment
HalcyonDays November 17, 2015 Author Share November 17, 2015 *kicks thread* Civility and Respect are beautiful things. Let's embrace them, shall we? 9 Link to comment
CletusMusashi November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 I didn't enjoy this episode either except for a few small details. As an RN I've been hoping they would include a patient with a chronic illness in the show and address how one manages such a thing in the ZA. If your a diabetic or have high blood pressure, how are you able get medications? At some point whatever supply out there to be pilfered is going to be expired and there's no more medications being made. Insulin does not need to refrigerated once the vial is open btw. Also for the ladies in the show-having sex could lead to pregnancy, and I don't want to think about how scary a pregnancy or how dangerous it would be to have a baby (unless of course your in a walled in community). They did a lot of glossing over about baby Judith's formula needs in the prison episodes. The prison yard had acorns. You're giving it far too much weight. Abraham knows as much as most men do about what a woman thinks and feels - not a goddamn thing. Sasha just let him keep on believing he does knowing that Rosita is going to hand him his ass when they get back. That would be awesome. And I hope she refuses to shave off the loose ends. Link to comment
iRarelyWatchTV36 November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 (edited) I just stopped and thought about that line, "Loose ends make my ass itchy"..... Just what have Abe & Rosita been getting up to in their 'alone time'?!? One wouldn't have pegged Abe for that type, but maybe one would be wrong. Not sure even Eugene would enjoy that particular peep show. Ick. Edited November 17, 2015 by iRarelyWatchTV36 Link to comment
Anela November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 There was no forcing happening, just hoping (and, in a restaurant, you don't even have to eat the bread before you get your real order). I don't harbor any delusions that the creators of a show are beholden to do what I want when I want it; it's their story to tell, and it's 2015--I can see what I missed at any moment, basically. I'd forgotten I made that comment, but it still stands for me. Catrox and Bryce said it better - it was counter-productive, in my opinion. I have no interest in the show, and I've had no interest in this show for the past two episodes - it kept losing me. If I have to look something up on the internet, the following day, when it's normally pegged on to the end of an episode - or I'm expected to watch something in order to see it - I won't play along. I'm losing interest in the show in general, but I haven't known if it's because I'm seriously depressed, or if it was the show itself. Anyway, I don't care to say any more on the subject, or have to defend what I'm feeling. This is turning into the "was Rick bitten?" for this week, and should probably be in the small talk or nitpicking thread. Link to comment
Nashville November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 I like Abe (closest thing to comic relief) but don't like that he's apparently forgotten Rosita. Bad dolphin. Nothing against Sasha, but - idiot. I love Norman Reedus but that was some terrible acting. Director: "Keep fumbling with the bag until the last possible second. No, don't pull it out yet.!" Remember, though - ZombiePixieDreamGirl struggled getting Daryl's crossbow in the bag in the first place; she had to stretch the unzipped opening to get it around the butt of the crossbow. So Daryl having having problems getting back out again didn't surprise me at all. I was losing it. He was in a fucking forest, surrounded by rocks and fallen branches. Rocks, maybe - but forget branches. Everything in the immediate vicinity is burned to a crisp. One good swipe, and a branch would more than likely shatter to charcoal in his hands. That insulin box looked like it was metal, and probably could have done some damage. Nope - just a little plastic Igloo cooler with an "Insulin" label on it. I thought they were alive just immobilized, which seems like it would be fine, especially since the fire apparently attracted other walkers to, um, walk in and catch fire, if I'm remembering that bit of dialogue correctly. But yeah, I think walkers on fire before kept going after people. Maybe they were too noisy, who knows. Obligatory burned-but-still-biting crispy critters notwithstanding, there were still more than a few charred corpses laying around which did NOT evidence any movement or other zombie-related behavior at all. I would guess it is possible to kill a walker with fire, but scorching or even severe burning isn't going to cut it. Total immolation is required; that, or at least enough to completely destroy muscles and connective tissue. 3 Link to comment
Timetoread November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 Well respectfully, it's fine if we agree to disagree but please don't presume to educate me as to what I'm giving too much weight towards or should or shouldn't bother me about it. I was joking. Mostly implying that I don't take HIM seriously, not you. 1 Link to comment
RustbeltWriter November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 Obviously the writers are now taking LSD to help "write" their episodes. The couple was smart to turn on Daryl. You spend any amount of time with CDB - you will die. They were smart enough to take out a horde of Zombies with a match. Tina died within hours of meeting a founding member of CDB. They figured out Daryl would only bring them bad luck, and decided to cut and run while they still could. LOL, I completely agree with this. Oh sure, this threesome had an awesome idea to clear out a herd that didn't involve a parade but now that they've met Daryl they're too stupid to avoid the mint-in-package walkers. 3 Link to comment
KirkB November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 (edited) I figured the walkers that killed Tina died in the fire and were horribly burned but still ambulatory, they just hadn't moved because there was no stimuli. It wasn't until Tina brought her tasty jugular within biting range they had a reason to get up. And strictly speaking, Darly didn't need to fight that walker at all. If he couldn't get his crossbow out of the bag in a timely fashion he could have turned around and walked off. Giving him plenty of distance to either finally get his hands on his weapon or simply leave the monster in his wake. Edited November 17, 2015 by KirkB 3 Link to comment
ghoulina November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 Also, a question just popped into my mind. Maybe someone can answer. Going back a ways, when the "wolves not far" (unfair wolves, lol) was scrawled on the fence/building?, do we know who left that message? I must have missed that part. Help? Maybe the Wolves wrote it. Maybe they want to let people know not to get too comfortable, because they're nearby. My major problem is, if Glenn wasn't getting chomped why was he squalling? General fury and tension relief? I think it someone was being eaten alive on top of me I might scream a bit too. Didn't he have a similar reaction whilst he was basically forced to watch Noah be torn to pieces? Poor Glenn, he's always got a front row seat. This seriously interests me more than nearly anything I've seen in the last two episodes. I still want to know who's living with who and how they decided that. I imagine if FPP is still in either house it's damn uncomfortable for him in wake of the "these people who have saved my worthless ass over and over across three states are terrible evil people" confession. I really would like a breakdown as well. I imagine it's Rick, Carl, Judith, Carol, Michonne, and Daryl in one house. Probably Maggie, Glenn, Sasha, Abe, Rosita, and Eugene in the other. FPP sleeps in the church. I'm going to try to put a positive, glass half full kind of spin on this first half of the season. At least I won't miss the show during the mid season hiatus. I was already there last season, after that horrible Grady arc. It's actually quite depressing to not miss it, though. 2 Link to comment
ghoulina November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 Remember, though - ZombiePixieDreamGirl struggled getting Daryl's crossbow in the bag in the first place; she had to stretch the unzipped opening to get it around the butt of the crossbow. So Daryl having having problems getting back out again didn't surprise me at all. No, of course not. A crossbow is all odds and ends, jutting out everywhere. It's not like pulling a smaller item, like a knife or handgun from a bag. (Unless it's my bag, in which case you'll have to sift through five pounds of lollipop wrappers, receipts, and lonely hair ties to find anything.) But it was the fact that he persisted in using the hard-to-remove crossbow in the first place. There's a walker right behind you and you can't remove your weapon quickly? Improvise. Grab a stick or a rock. Trap him under your foot and THEN get the crossbow. Daryl has had much more clever kills before, so I know he can do it - and not look like a panicked noob in the process. Remember when he had to remove an arrow from his own side to kill a walker back in season 2? He was 10 times more calm then! 14 Link to comment
NoWillToResist November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 I thought last week's episode was bad, but this one was spectacularly terrible. It's so clear we've gotten multiple filler episodes to stretch out the Glenn reveal, which is angry-making on multiple levels in addition to just being bad storytelling. Bah. BAH, I SAY. Thanks to the structure of the episodes since the Glenn cliffhanger, I have no doubt that he's alive. I mean, how anti-climactic would it be for him to actually be dead at this point? He's already been mourned, we've found out his wife is pregnant etc. The only dramatic payoff at this fucking point would be for him to be alive. I'm pretty sure this episode exists just to find a bazooka and a fuel truck. At some point, someone is going to aim the fuel truck toward a zombie horde and then shoot it with a bazooka to make a really big boom. Yeah, I didn't think it was a coincidence that those 2 elements were discovered together. It's Carol's birthday!! :D For real. I can't get over how greasy it is. It seriously takes me out of the scene. I cannot fathom how this dude has as many fangirls as he does. (And I say this as someone who LOVED Daryl the first 3 season.) I'm trying to figure out how I'm supposed to believe that genuine hunter/tracker/archer Daryl goes around with hair over his fucking eyes on the regular. Seems a little counterproductive to his goals, no? A walker's bearing down on him and instead of grabbing a stick or attempting to kick it or something he wastes precious moments by insisting he dig his crossbow out of the duffel bag. Stupid. Oh man, that was painful to watch. Resourceful Daryl, with a knife on his hip, flails like an Alexandrian, and nearly gets killed. Same here. I think the point of the whole thing was to semi introduce baddies for season 6B, but the show was trying to be all mysterious, so the whole thing was fucking confusing. They were escaping from some dudes, and wanted to go someplace to find some people, I think? And the people were dead under some glass thing, for some reason? No, wait, first they went somewhere and they were zombified in like some factory thing, then they found some house in the woods and they had been there before? I think? Okay, i have no idea of what was happening, now that I think about it. I think the trio were from an area which included the fuel station. They left it to join the group of baddies, figuring it would be safe. They left with some insulin for the blond and ran off, to head back towards the fuel station where they believed one of their friends had been. They found it overrun by walkers and they figure she's dead. While walking away, they found that structure with two dead bodies, who were people they'd known before. The baddies went after them to retrieve what they stole and apparently weren't interested in capturing them or using the women for sex, since they have to be 'willing'. Quite frankly, until I see to the contrary (which I'm sure is coming), the 'baddies' didn't seem particularly bad. They gave up on their insulin retrieval when one of their own was bitten. :) Why was her friend saying, "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! We had to try!" Try what? And what the hell is the deal with all the baggie heads? I believe she was apologizing because, if they hadn't left to come back for the person at the fuel depot, none of this bullshit would have happened. 7 Link to comment
Dobian November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 Another filler episode to delay finding out what happened to Glenn. Why is it that people still let their guard down? Daryl let them get the jump on him not once, but twice. Isn't this the second time now we have to go through the saga of Daryl getting his crossbow back? He needs to just find a sporting goods store. 4 Link to comment
JackONeill November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 (edited) Thanks to the structure of the episodes since the Glenn cliffhanger, I have no doubt that he's alive. I mean, how anti-climactic would it be for him to actually be dead at this point? He's already been mourned, we've found out his wife is pregnant etc. The only dramatic payoff at this fucking point would be for him to be alive. I'm not arguing with you, but almost no matter how the whole Glenn thing plays out, it won't be dramatic. It'll be anti-climatic. TPTB has totally ruined what could have been a very tense, dramatic resolution. We've had weeks to ponder and come up with all kinds of scenarios. I'd be tempted, if I were a character on the show, when Glenn does show, I'd go; "Oh, it's you. Where the hell have you been? Oh, never mind, we're up to our ass with Walkers and Wolves." And if we find out he's dead, I'd go: "Glenn who?" I'm sorry -- TPTB has screwed this up. IMO. Edited November 17, 2015 by JackONeill 10 Link to comment
Tarasme November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 (edited) Addressing the insulin question again: Rapid acting Insulin (Novalog, Humalog, etc.) vials should be refrigerated but don't necessarily have to be. The longer they're left room temperature, the less time remaining to be used. The vials- unopened and refrigerated- are rated to be good for a year. T1 Diabetics in the ZA are pretty much doomed with regard to long term life expectancy. [insulin is a protein in a water solution- protein will break down over time- unrefrigerated insulin isn't going to poison- just isn't going to work well] Insulin vials can be refrigerated once they're opened. Or not so much but the warmer it is, the faster it becomes in efficacious. After opening, refrigerated vials have about a two month shelf life. I didn't see this posted above, but with all the confusion about the trio and wth their story is, am I the only one that thought the shrink wrapped bodies was a response to the theft of the medication/ departure of the trio? I thought that's what the brunette was going on about while blondie ran over to the bodies? Their previous group murdered those acquaintances by asphyxiation of baggie. No? No one else thought that's what happened? *sigh* Edited November 17, 2015 by Tarasme 2 Link to comment
HalcyonDays November 17, 2015 Author Share November 17, 2015 I believe she was apologizing because, if they hadn't left to come back for the person at the fuel depot, none of this bullshit would have happened. Or, you know, if Twit-PixieHead didn't lie down next to the Walkers, none of this wouldn've happened. You've got to wonder how people like this survived for so long... 9 Link to comment
FierceCritter November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 I think the trio were from an area which included the fuel station. They left it to join the group of baddies, figuring it would be safe. They left with some insulin for the blond and ran off, to head back towards the fuel station where they believed one of their friends had been. They found it overrun by walkers and they figure she's dead. While walking away, they found that structure with two dead bodies, who were people they'd known before. I believe she was apologizing because, if they hadn't left to come back for the person at the fuel depot, none of this bullshit would have happened. Initially, I also thought they were going back to the fuel station to look for a girl named Patty. And they got there, and the camera kinda zoomed in on one walker in particular. And then they got all, "She's gone," and I thought one of the walkers must be Patty. Nope. Turns out "Patty" was the fuel truck Daryl found (it was on it's license plate). Presumably, "Patty" was originally parked at the fuel station, and the trio knew it and were going to get it to drive off in. But it looks like the Unidentified Baddies got to her first, and parked her in the woods and hid her. 3 Link to comment
NoWillToResist November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 I think it someone was being eaten alive on top of me I might scream a bit too. Didn't he have a similar reaction whilst he was basically forced to watch Noah be torn to pieces? Poor Glenn, he's always got a front row seat. Not to nitpick too much here, but Nicholas wasn't being eaten alive; he'd already blown out his (questionable) brains by that point. IMO, far less traumatizing than watching Noah watch/feel as his own face was peeled off. *shudder* I'm not arguing with you, but almost no matter how the whole Glenn thing plays out, it won't be dramatic. It'll be anti-climatic. TPTB has totally ruined what could have been a very tense, dramatic resolution. We've had weeks to ponder and come up with all kinds of scenarios. I'd be tempted, if I were a character on the show, when Glenn does show, I'd go; "Oh, it's you. Where the hell have you been? Oh, never mind, we're up to our ass with Walkers and Wolves." And if we find out he's dead, I'd go: "Glenn who?" I'm sorry -- TPTB has screwed this up. IMO. Oh, I didn't mean to imply that it WILL be dramatic (mainly because I actually don't give a fuck about Glenn's fate); just that, IMO, if anyone actually cares about Glenn or the Glenn/Maggie pairing, I'm sure the show will pull out all the stops to make it a glorious reunion with tears and laughter and pregnancy talk and blah. Again, I won't give a fuck, but I'm sure many will be moved. But if it's confirmed that he's dead when the others return, what's the reaction supposed to be? They've already all prepared for him to be dead, so there should be no rending of garments and graceful swooning in the street... Or, you know, if Twit-PixieHead didn't lie down next to the Walkers, none of this wouldn've happened. You've got to wonder how people like this survived for so long... Well yes, there's that. Frankly, when blondie bit it (well, technically got bit), I was relieved. Actually, full disclosure here...I laughed. Because...really? I was supposed to laugh, right? I wasn't supposed to be sad or traumatized or anything, right? But can you imagine the fuckery of being stuck with someone with that type of medical requirement? She'd have doomed them all. 4 Link to comment
NoWillToResist November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 (edited) Addressing the insulin question again: Rapid acting Insulin (Novalog, Humalog, etc.) vials should be refrigerated but don't necessarily have to be. The longer they're left room temperature, the less time remaining to be used. The vials- unopened and refrigerated- are rated to be good for a year. T1 Diabetics in the ZA are pretty much doomed with regard to long term life expectancy. [insulin is a protein in a water solution- protein will break down over time- unrefrigerated insulin isn't going to poison- just isn't going to work well] Insulin vials can be refrigerated once they're opened. Or not so much but the warmer it is, the faster it becomes in efficacious. After opening, refrigerated vials have about a two month shelf life. Also, I think it's worth noting (unless I missed them discussing how long they'd been on the run), that the intrepid trio might have very recently taken the vials FROM a refrigerated unit and put it in the cooler, thus giving them a longer window of usage, theoretically until they could find another supply. Initially, I also thought they were going back to the fuel station to look for a girl named Patty. And they got there, and the camera kinda zoomed in on one walker in particular. And then they got all, "She's gone," and I thought one of the walkers must be Patty. Nope. Turns out "Patty" was the fuel truck Daryl found (it was on it's license plate). Presumably, "Patty" was originally parked at the fuel station, and the trio knew it and were going to get it to drive off in. But it looks like the Unidentified Baddies got to her first, and parked her in the woods and hid her. Thanks for clarifying! I think part of the trouble with this show is that the cast is so full of forgettable characters whose names don't stick with me at all. Then they thrown in this episode, with red shirts 1-3 and they talk about some chick whose name I can't be arsed to remember, then bore me for 30 minutes, and expect me to remember the name redshirt #2 uttered back before I prayed for deliverance from this episode, and connect the dots from 'random name spoken by a nobody a half hour ago' to the truck Daryl just tripped over. Edited November 17, 2015 by NoWillToResist 4 Link to comment
FierceCritter November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 Thanks for clarifying! I think part of the trouble with this show is that the cast is so full of forgettable characters whose names don't stick with me at all. Then they thrown in this episode, with red shirts 1-3 and they talk about some chick whose name I can't be arsed to remember, then bore me for 30 minutes, and expect me to remember the name redshirt #2 uttered back before I prayed for deliverance from this episode, and connect the dots from 'random name spoken by a nobody a half hour ago' to the truck Daryl just tripped over. I did not realize what actually went on with the Patty thing for sure until 1) I watched TTD and 2) with the knowledge gained by TTD and knowing how things would end having seen it the first time, I watched the second airing. I don't bother looking at things like what's on a freaking LICENSE PLATE when a FUEL TRUCK is discovered by a major character. I look at the major character and the BIG TRUCK. It's been said before, but I'll chime in my agreement. It's just wrong to have to watch another show to understand what's going on on the main show. And to have to re-watch to catch things you missed the first time through. We're not talking hidden Easter eggs, we're talking plot points that are pertinent to the story. 11 Link to comment
kelslamu November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 I could have sworn I heard "Don't" coming from the walkie talkie. I was bored and that's just sad. Link to comment
Yolapukka November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 (edited) I would be so bored by this show if there were no noobs and redshirts, just the core cast wandering forever on the road and alternating walker trouble with bad-people trouble. I enjoyed this weeks random idiots and the pursuing baddies are obviously going to have more to say than Argh-chomp. Zombies have really fucking boring dialogue. It's like they've got nothing to say. I thought pixie-twit might get wacky due to high blood sugar and do something boneheaded but instead she got straightened out and still managed to be bone-headed enough to cuddle the recently dead. I assume we'll see more of the other two in the future, even if they're just identifiable smears on the road when Daryl gets the bike back. I don't care that they took the stupid bike, because it's, well... stupid. I do care that they took the cross-bow. It would have been a little less scummy if they'd taken it from him for their own protection and dropped it when they were too far away for Daryl to catch up and use it against them. I don't blame them for having no interest in and even hostility to another "safe" place, they just left one and it had obviously turned into an ugly trap. In their shoes I quite probably would have got as far away from Daryl as possible myself once he started talking along those lines, especially when they saw he had some convenient transportation that could get two people far away from a bad spot. Edited November 17, 2015 by yuggapukka Link to comment
nachomama November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 Remember, though - ZombiePixieDreamGirl struggled getting Daryl's crossbow in the bag in the first place; she had to stretch the unzipped opening to get it around the butt of the crossbow. So Daryl having having problems getting back out again didn't surprise me at all. I thought we were going to have a cool moment where Daryl shot him through the bag. There's some movie or tv show where they shot people through a purse. 3 Link to comment
riverheightsnancy November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 I have a feeling that the fuel in "Patty" was used to create that hot fire, which would immobilize the walkers enough to stop or slow their roll so that they cannot actually attack a human. I think if the fire is so hot that the muscles melt or burn up, walkers cannot move. There are no arms, no legs. Sort of like what Michonne did. The head can be left for easy stabbing. Remember back to the farm when the barn burned down, that didn't really stop the walkers too much. A super hot fire, propelled by an accelerant, might be what they used to stop those walkers in the forest. BUT, they have to be able to control a fire and that is where it is likely to go horribly wrong for ASZhats. I have to say that one of the biggest issues that I have with this show in general, are the inconsistencies with how/why a walker is still "alive" and actually able to walk, 2 years after the main outbreak. The brain is essentially made of the same tissue as the rest of the internal organs (like muscle). Given enough heat and no hydration, the brain will boil inside the skull if it gets hot enough. That should kill the walker, OR make it unable to move because there isn't a body anymore. We have seen numerous instances of the case where a walker could not move because the rest of the body had disintegrated somehow. I think that the writers painted themselves into a corner and the idea of ONLY stabbing in the brain, doesn't work for me, especially with walkers that are not fresh. In addition to that, what about regular decomposition of a body? Do the laws of body decomposition fail to exist in a ZA? (in a Joe Peschi voice ala My Cousin Vinny!) There is no way, 2 years in, that non-fresh walkers can still be doing what they do. I kind of wish that there were actual dialogue in the show about these concepts. At least people talking or pondering, how they can survive if they just outlast what is left (there was an interesting discussion in a prior thread about the #s of potential walkers and how many would need to be killed per person, so we have already met that threshold many times over). Although, the writers don't want that because without walkers, there may not be a show. But we all know that the show is about the relationships and not really about the walkers. Based on the info from the CDC episode, their main objective should be to keep every single person alive and make more babies. Otherwise the human race is toast. 1 Link to comment
ghoulina November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 Not to nitpick too much here, but Nicholas wasn't being eaten alive; he'd already blown out his (questionable) brains by that point. IMO, far less traumatizing than watching Noah watch/feel as his own face was peeled off. *shudder* You are correct. But he was newly dead, and I still think I'd be pretty freaking disgusted by it, and also terrified that I'd be next, as I'm right underneath him! 2 Link to comment
BrokenRemote November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 (edited) I watched it a second time from the point where blonde elfie more or less committed suicide snuggling in between two zombies with dry cleaner bags on their heads. I have questions. Why was her friend saying, "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! We had to try!" Try what? And what the hell is the deal with all the baggie heads? I thought the first one was a walker who died with a motorcycle helmet on, which was pretty funny since Darryl had just wiped out. But there were quite a few baggie heads as the episode progressed. . .if you want to call that "progress." P.S>An announcer shouted at us during Badlands that TWD "only has TWO EPISODES LEFT!" Like, yawn, so? Just give us the yay or nay on Glenn and call it a day. The things like not naming these people, or explaining any of what they're doing, and the guy randomly screaming about having to try and some confusing stuff about burning something down--all together that's what lost my interest in the entire episode. I found myself picking up my phone to read emails and dangling a string for the cat to pounce on in order to entertain myself. I just couldn't get into the story because the show gave me no reason whatsoever to care about these people, their past, their future, their motivation. There was nothing about them to invest in or root against, really. And I could literally not tell someone what happened in that episode except for a random action or line here and there. It was like tuning 11 seasons in to a show I'd never seen before with a couple actors I liked and trying to follow (or care about) what was going on. Edited November 17, 2015 by BrokenRemote 6 Link to comment
rab01 November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 I have to say that one of the biggest issues that I have with this show in general, are the inconsistencies with how/why a walker is still "alive" and actually able to walk, 2 years after the main outbreak. The brain is essentially made of the same tissue as the rest of the internal organs (like muscle). Given enough heat and no hydration, the brain will boil inside the skull if it gets hot enough. That should kill the walker, OR make it unable to move because there isn't a body anymore. We have seen numerous instances of the case where a walker could not move because the rest of the body had disintegrated somehow. I think that the writers painted themselves into a corner and the idea of ONLY stabbing in the brain, doesn't work for me, especially with walkers that are not fresh. In addition to that, what about regular decomposition of a body? Do the laws of body decomposition fail to exist in a ZA? (in a Joe Peschi voice ala My Cousin Vinny!) There is no way, 2 years in, that non-fresh walkers can still be doing what they do. Given what we've seen, I don't think that a Walker's brain and muscles still operate like human flesh. They clearly aren't eating enough to keep a human body moving. There's also no reason to say that the bodies are really decomposing because they aren't "dead." They may become injured, non-essential bits can be torn off but so long as a muscle is attached to a bone, it appears that the limb still moves. I put it all down to the idea that the zombies aren't human flesh anymore - the bacteria/fungus/mold/whatever has colonized the host completely and replaced human flesh with its own stuff. 5 Link to comment
BrokenRemote November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 (edited) I have a feeling that the fuel in "Patty" was used to create that hot fire, which would immobilize the walkers enough to stop or slow their roll so that they cannot actually attack a human. I think if the fire is so hot that the muscles melt or burn up, walkers cannot move. There are no arms, no legs. Sort of like what Michonne did. The head can be left for easy stabbing. Remember back to the farm when the barn burned down, that didn't really stop the walkers too much. A super hot fire, propelled by an accelerant, might be what they used to stop those walkers in the forest. BUT, they have to be able to control a fire and that is where it is likely to go horribly wrong for ASZhats. I have to say that one of the biggest issues that I have with this show in general, are the inconsistencies with how/why a walker is still "alive" and actually able to walk, 2 years after the main outbreak. The brain is essentially made of the same tissue as the rest of the internal organs (like muscle). Given enough heat and no hydration, the brain will boil inside the skull if it gets hot enough. That should kill the walker, OR make it unable to move because there isn't a body anymore. We have seen numerous instances of the case where a walker could not move because the rest of the body had disintegrated somehow. I think that the writers painted themselves into a corner and the idea of ONLY stabbing in the brain, doesn't work for me, especially with walkers that are not fresh. In addition to that, what about regular decomposition of a body? Do the laws of body decomposition fail to exist in a ZA? (in a Joe Peschi voice ala My Cousin Vinny!) There is no way, 2 years in, that non-fresh walkers can still be doing what they do. I kind of wish that there were actual dialogue in the show about these concepts. At least people talking or pondering, how they can survive if they just outlast what is left (there was an interesting discussion in a prior thread about the #s of potential walkers and how many would need to be killed per person, so we have already met that threshold many times over). Although, the writers don't want that because without walkers, there may not be a show. But we all know that the show is about the relationships and not really about the walkers. Based on the info from the CDC episode, their main objective should be to keep every single person alive and make more babies. Otherwise the human race is toast. Maybe the virus isn't really a virus but an infestation of microscopic insects or organisms that take over every cell of the host and keep it moving as though it were still alive (basically dragging around this big sack of human shaped food with a shuffling motion), and the queen of the hive or whatever takes up residence in the head to take advantage of the skull's protection. And if these tiny creatures left the body it would just collapse into a pile of assorted organs and bones.... ETA: Or, what rab01 said. Edited November 17, 2015 by BrokenRemote 3 Link to comment
riverheightsnancy November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 Or it is really Aliens! haha 1 Link to comment
Mu Shu November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 It's not bad enough we had to hear about his "dolphin smoothness" (I can't forget that) but now we have to hear about what makes his "ass itch." JFC, ABE - enough! Daryl reminded me of "The Littlest Hobo" this week, only more trusting and faithful even than London. And Daryl? For the last time, get the damned hair out of your eyes! And I'm an idiot, because I couldn't figure out the shrink-wrapped corpses with what looked like space helmets on. I'm so lost... I wondered about the helmets. Were they motocross enthusiasts who wandered into a burning greenhouse? Aliens?? Darth vader's young uns? Link to comment
CletusMusashi November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 (edited) Nanobots. Nanobots explain everything. Edited November 17, 2015 by CletusMusashi 5 Link to comment
rab01 November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 Nanobots. Nanobots explain everything. Except the CDC episode. Nothing explains the CDC episode ;) 1 Link to comment
TattleTeeny November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 I feel like Abraham's itchy-ass/loose-ends remark was thrown out there for everyone impatient to learn what happened to Glenn. 1 Link to comment
Ocean Chick November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 I think it was Milton who exposited that walkers decay, but at a much slower rate than normal dead people. Also I think that a hot enough fire would boil the brains of walkers, but fire might not be hot enough by itself, thus explaining why some charred walkers are dead-dead and some are still walking around. It all depends on what the fuel feeding the fire was. 1 Link to comment
riverheightsnancy November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 I am new to TWD, but I was wondering if people who have been fans of the comics or since the beginning of the series, think that the show-runners will actually give us answers to the infection at the end of it all? (as a former Lost fan, I realize how insane that question is though!) 1 Link to comment
ghoulina November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 Nope. I'm pretty sure Kirkman has even said he has zero desire to go there. 2 Link to comment
rab01 November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 I am new to TWD, but I was wondering if people who have been fans of the comics or since the beginning of the series, think that the show-runners will actually give us answers to the infection at the end of it all? (as a former Lost fan, I realize how insane that question is though!) I think we're more likely to see civilization rebuilt by the end of the show than see an explanation of how the plague started. 1 Link to comment
nodorothyparker November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 Kirkman has said repeatedly in interviews that he's not interested in the particulars of how this happened. I've always taken that as he can't figure it out either and decided to skip ahead to the part of the apocalypse that did interest him. In retrospect, we all probably could have saved ourselves a lot of trouble and annoyance if we'd remembered that before the premier of FTWD. 8 Link to comment
morgankobi November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 Or, you know, if Twit-PixieHead didn't lie down next to the Walkers, none of this wouldn've happened. You've got to wonder how people like this survived for so long... Easy, they hadn't run into anyone from CDB yet. I did not realize what actually went on with the Patty thing for sure until 1) I watched TTD and 2) with the knowledge gained by TTD and knowing how things would end having seen it the first time, I watched the second airing. I don't bother looking at things like what's on a freaking LICENSE PLATE when a FUEL TRUCK is discovered by a major character. I look at the major character and the BIG TRUCK. It's been said before, but I'll chime in my agreement. It's just wrong to have to watch another show to understand what's going on on the main show. And to have to re-watch to catch things you missed the first time through. We're not talking hidden Easter eggs, we're talking plot points that are pertinent to the story. I spotted this right off (and I wasn't paying full attention). I don't think this one fits the TD gripe. Nanobots. Nanobots explain everything. A fellow Revolution survivor? 2 Link to comment
NoWillToResist November 17, 2015 Share November 17, 2015 Kirkman has said repeatedly in interviews that he's not interested in the particulars of how this happened. I've always taken that as he can't figure it out either and decided to skip ahead to the part of the apocalypse that did interest him. While I don't doubt that a writer will have an easier time not having to explain the genesis and exact nature of the outbreak, in the context of how utterly fucked the world(?) is in this 'verse, I actually would find it realistic that our gang never find the answers. Military is gone, gov't is gone, communications are gone...they've practically gone back to a time where humans roved in tribes. I don't think it's realistic to think that the survivors in this world would have the resources and smarts to put towards answering such questions; their focus would be on surviving and rebuilding the basics of civilization, IMO. 4 Link to comment
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