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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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On 6/4/2024 at 10:17 PM, Artsda said:

What type of Covid DNA test was that. Lol 

No type at all - all the commercial home testing DNA/Paternity test kits I've checked on on-line include lab fees and prepaid return package for sending in the swabs to the lab for testing in the price, and the fastest turn around offered on getting the results back is two to three business days.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it Her Royal Highness, the Princess Steffy's, anti-Hope machinations that played a big role in Thomas' leaving town - If I'm right, then I certainly hope that Finn dumps her to marry Hope, which would make Hope Hayes' stepmother and a deserving pain in Steffy's royal rump.

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3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

By the way Stuffy, a doctor out trumps an uneducated CO-CEO who’s only in her position by nepotism. 

Is Finn helping Hope’s migraine or is he turning him on.  Go for it Hope, I wouldn’t blame you one bit for jumping Finn’s bones. 

While a doctor may be more (or differently) educated than a fashion CEO, nothing trumps experience.  The fashion business, regardless of education, is in Steffy's blood and is all she knows.  Finn knows nothing about business, fashion or otherwise.  Steffy was exactly right, if a bit blunt, telling Finn to stay in his lane.  This guy clearly hasn't read "Relationships for Dummies" - support (or stay quiet) in public, disagree in private. 

When characters like Hope stoop to the level of their rivals, while it may be emotionally satisfying, it reveals there's ultimately little difference separating them.  If Hope does jump Finn, she'll be a husband-stealer just like Steffy has been accused of being.  And Hope will inch that much closer to becoming Brooke.

Edited by Cool Breeze
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No. Steffy didn't walk in on Finn doing the pressure point massage on Hope's hand. Hope is starting to cast those longing looks Finn's way and getting twitchy like she did around Thomas ...

Steffy was a complete bitch to Finn, snapping at him and telling him to "stay in his lane." And then the death stares she shot at him. But ...

Hope acted like a tattletale, spilling her personal angst with Steffy, whether Hope's perception is wholly accurate is debatable. Yes, I think that Steffy's vendetta against Hope is personal, but at no time did Steffy trash Brooke. Brooke has no professional involvement with HFTF, so there was nothing wrong with Steffy asking Brooke to leave for the HFTF meeting. 

Finn had no business inserting himself into Steffy and Hope's discussion argument. True, he doesn't have any experience in the fashion business and shouldn't have jumped in with his opinion. He also shouldn't pointedly disagree with and call out his spouse in front of said spouse's sworn enemy. 

However, Steffy was just bitch-ass rude to him. If there was ever an occasion to ask somebody to leave the room, that was time. 

I pity Finn when he gets home. Hope that couch is comfy!



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I was so disappointed Steffy didn't walk in on the massage. I guess there's still time for that to happen in today's show, though. Fingers crossed! 

Finn may not know the fashion industry, but I just love him standing up to Steffy anyway. I think he's finally starting to realize that his wife is a bully. 

I'm going to be so mad if all the karma that seems to be headed Steffy's way gets diverted somehow. 

I wish they would have gotten a stronger actress to play Poppy, one who could really spark opposite DD's Bill. Their scenes just fall so flat for me. And I really hope that Wyatt pops back into town to get to know his new sister. I also still want Liam to feel some kind of way about this whole instant happy family thing Bill is building, since he and his mom never got a shot at that. Give SC anything to do that isn't waffling. 

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I will be celebrating 38 years with Mr. R tomorrow, and if there is one thing I have learned in that time, it's that there are times to keep your mouth shut. Finn walking in on Hope and Steffy's disagreement was one of those times. I am not saying that Finn can't have an opinion about it, but it is seriously bad marriage etiquette to call your spouse out in front of anyone, particularly their sworn enemy. I am really not that upset about it though, because Steffy has never had a problem condemning, insulting, or belittling people in front of an audience, so I guess she got as good as she has given. 

Hope though? GIRRRRL, I saw what you did there. I understand that you are angry and frustrated, but trying to pull Finn into FC's business just isn't right. Finn may be Steffy's husband, but he has no say in what goes on at Forrester, and he clearly has no say with his wife, so that little tantrum would have been better delivered when you were alone with Finn. I am also a little curious if you actually did get a headache, or if that was just a convenient ploy to get Finn's hands on you, because you are certainly looking like you did with Thomas. I also suspect that you were hoping Steffy would walk in on it, and that may still happen, because you know it will make Steffy's head explode. 

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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

will be celebrating 38 years with Mr. R tomorrow, and if there is one thing I have learned in that time, it's that there are times to keep your mouth shut. Finn walking in on Hope and Steffy's disagreement was one of those times. I am not saying that Finn can't have an opinion about it, but it is seriously bad marriage etiquette to call your spouse out in front of anyone, particularly their sworn enemy.

While realistically true, this is a soap, and more importantly, as far as I'm concerned, this is Steffy, who could give Cujo a run for her money. So I am TOTES Okay with Finn walking in and hearing his heifer of a wife, saying that HFTF should have been cancelled or whatever she said.

She constantly lets Liam be a buttinsky whenever he comes by and Finn and Steffy are in the middle of something, or spouts off about Sheila* and no one says squat.

And since it is a soap, of course Hope would fill in Finn about what his wife is trying to do. I'm okay with that, too.

*I have stated that I have LOATHED Sheila ever since she showed up on Young & the Restless Days, and I still do. But whatever conversations Finn with his no balls and Steffy, the hoarder of said balls have, are none of Liam's business or how Finn feels about Sheila.

So, like @KerleyQ I SO, SOOOOO want Steffy to walk in while Finn is giving Hope the massage.

And I also want a horsie.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

She constantly lets Liam be a buttinsky whenever he comes by and Finn and Steffy are in the middle of something, or spouts off about Sheila* and no one says squat.

That one. Until she starts pulling a more firm foot down on that crap, it's gonna be pretty hard for me to feel especially sorry for her when Finn interjects.

All that being said, he's an absolute fool for jumping into that mess between Hope and Steffy. Liam was a dumb, horny ass 20 something trying to find a warm body to bone 15 years ago, so he had some excuse for being the way he is. As a mid-30s+ doctor in Los Angeles, I assume none of that applies to him.

14 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

When characters like Hope stoop to the level of their rivals, while it may be emotionally satisfying, it reveals there's ultimately little difference separating them.

You're not wrong on that but fans were gonna slag Hope off as another Brooke clone whether she fucked the entire roster of the Los Angeles Chargers or went off to become a nun during her virginity crusades so I'll cheer for the option that brings the most entertainment value.

That said, I think I speak for many people when I say there is little Hope could do that will be lower than fucking the guy who went to the lengths of letting another person die to keep her for her child, cuz she's been well a truly poisoned nearly as badly as Brooke was for her fans when she went after Nick after he went to Bridget. 🤷‍♀️

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Boy, Steffy really can’t tolerate any dissent. Yikes. Thankfully she has her little yes-waffle on call to blow copious amounts of sunshine up her nose.

Finn’s game is so cringe. Telling Hope again that she embodies the name of her line? Please stop. Keep making out though.

I hope Brooke changes her mind.


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2 hours ago, Artsda said:

Ridge doesn't know his daughter at all

Ever notice how Ridge is always a cheerleader for his kids - he was continually excusing every psycho thing Thomas ever did, kept calling him "the poor kid," like he was a confused juvenile who just needed some guidance to find his way - and believing that his supremely entitled daughter would not try to rip out Brooke's throat 10 minutes after he made them co-CEOs betrays a deeply imbedded obtuseness where his adult children are concerned.

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2 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

Stuffy's head is going to be ON FIRE if true.

Her head will be on fire if Hope and Finn hook-up, but it will explode if daddy succeeds in convincing Brooke to be her co-CEO - I can see her rampaging through Forrester Creations, screaming "Off with their heads" because the Logans have invaded her life.

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3 hours ago, Blondie said:

Does anyone else see Steffy and Finn's married relationship as abuser and victim?  I don't see her as being  strong as much as being controlling and then punishing when he doesn't  toe the line. 

Yes. Flip the genders-if it was Finn behaving this way, would it even be questioned? Controlling and punishing are behaviors of abusive partners.

Oh no! Did Brooke wimp out and turn down being Co-CEO?!

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On 6/6/2024 at 10:27 PM, Cool Breeze said:

When characters like Hope stoop to the level of their rivals, while it may be emotionally satisfying, it reveals there's ultimately little difference separating them.  If Hope does jump Finn, she'll be a husband-stealer just like Steffy has been accused of being.  And Hope will inch that much closer to becoming Brooke.

Meh people still drew a significant moral distinction between Brooke & Taylor despite Taylor being every bit(more actually if we factor in the murder/attempted murder) as rancid as Brooke was. Banging the same guys, hopping on Ridge while he was taken, and shagging the man her daughter loved. As pointed out Hope had haters fumbling & contradicting themselves at times for reasons to shit on her even when her body count stagnated at two. Hinn changes nothing except the reason for said hatred. Personally, I think Steffy is still in the lead in the shit-stirring, husband/boyfriend fucker department. It helps that she's not wrongly accused of being a homewrecker/cheater. That's just as true and canon as Brooke's sins against Bridget & Katie are. Hope here is still a novice compared to all 3 Steffy, Brooke and Taylor. For now anyways. 

With all that said, as much as Steffy has this & worse coming, I'm not thrilled about "Hinn" because it creates an unnecessary, contrived mess in this limited cast. No fresh blood = weird switcheroos like we're seeing now. If Finn's Sheila baggage isn't bad enough he'll go back to being a directionless Steffy bootlicker eventually just like Liam did. What's Hope gonna do then? She's definitely not thinking this through. Just like she didn't think hooking up with Thomas through. Naturally this gives Steffy the satisfaction of being right, and fuel for her anti-Logan crap which I think is the real point here. Hinn isn't about humbling Steffy at all. If Liam wasn't in the wings waiting to replace Finn and Steffy wasn't also glazing Liam at the moment I might feel differently. But the long game certainly seems to be to vindicate Steffy's foul behavior towards Hope (and Brooke).

If they were going to have Hope get back at Steffy for getting Thomas to leave her(not a loss by any stretch but that's a different conversation) then Bradley and co. just should've let Hope bitch slap Steffy back in March. Or just as good, have Hope start dragging Steffy and her mother the way she drags her and Brooke. That's a much fairer way of sinking to Steffy's level. But we can't have nice things that make sense.....

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Yeah right!  Stuffy has so much on her plate but yet she able to take quite a few breaks from the office. So Stuffy’s plate can be taken care of between 11 and 2. 


God forbid that anyone else can influence Finn over her. God forbid that Finn has a mind of his own. Stuffy rules the roost with an iron fist. 


Yes Hope. Don’t try do and by doing you have taken the initiative of kissing Finn. You go Hope. 


I’m guessing that there is a big difference between Stuffy and Hope as a lover. Stuffy is a receiver while Hope is a giver. Now which type of loving will Finn prefer?  

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Me early on in the episode:  "Hope and Finn are really kind of cute and sweet together." 

Me at the end of the episode: "Oh, so they do have that kind of chemistry!" 

I hope that kiss was real, and not a fantasy. Although I'd be shocked if that scene of the two of them in the previews for next week wasn't a fantasy. If that's real, it would be this show moving way faster than they usually do. I think most viewers are assuming it's Hope's fantasy, but I hope it's actually Finn's fantasy. 

16 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

I think Steffy is going to pull another stunt again and make a threat about cancelling HFTF. That will be the catalyst for Brooke to reconsider and accept Ridge's co-CEO offer. I'm all here for it!

This is what I was thinking, too. Steffy is going to discover or suspect that Hope and Finn are getting close. She'll cut HFTF in retaliation, and Brooke will change her mind and agree to be co-CEO so she can stop her. I'll be surprised if Brooke turning the role down yesterday was the end of that story. 

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There is a video on YouTube of a B&B party where all the Emmy nominees, including the production crew, were introduced. Each person spoke briefly. TK said very little and acted awkwardly and almost embarrassed to be nominated.

I wonder what he submitted for his Emmy reel? I can't recall any standout SLs for Ridge in the past year. 

I feel poor KKL is slowing becoming Susan Lucci 2.0.

Edited by CharlizeCat
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2 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

I wonder what he submitted for his Emmy reel? I can't recall any standout SLs for Ridge in the past year. 

I'm not sure what the eligibility period was, but the only two storylines I can think of for Ridge over the past year or so would be him and Brooke reuniting in Italy and Eric's health issues. 

On 6/5/2024 at 2:28 PM, KLovestoShop said:

How many more unknown kids will Bill have?  He’s sure busy spilling his seed all over the world.  

Well, Screamin’ Jay Hawkins is estimated to have between 57 and 75 illegitimate children, 33 of which have been identified. $Bill has some catching up to do.

On 6/7/2024 at 7:55 AM, KerleyQ said:

I wish they would have gotten a stronger actress to play Poppy, one who could really spark opposite DD's Bill. Their scenes just fall so flat for me. And I really hope that Wyatt pops back into town to get to know his new sister. I also still want Liam to feel some kind of way about this whole instant happy family thing Bill is building, since he and his mom never got a shot at that. Give SC anything to do that isn't waffling. 

I just don't think that the Ploppy character and $Bill are a good fit period. And this new insta happy family is just nonsense. Your idea about Liam sounds like it would be interesting. And Wyatt sure needs to come back to town for this and have some opinion and feelings himself. And so does little Will, at least for the summer while school is out. So far there hasn't been anything interesting about this story line.

And seriously, calling a woman "Poppy"? That was my grandfather's name and basically the name of everyone I've ever known's grandfather. Poppy = Grampy, Gramps, Grandfather, Granddad, Peepaw, etc.

22 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I think most viewers are assuming it's Hope's fantasy, but I hope it's actually Finn's fantasy.

That would be interesting. I was thinking that it was Hope's fantasy since everything in it was focused on her. And it was out of the blue behavior for Finn. All we've seen from Finn is him loving his wife and him being a caring friend to Hope. He hasn't shown us anything yet that would make that scene a believable event.

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Well, I named my cat Poppy!

I believe that the name "Poppy" is more commonly used in the U.K. as a first name intended to carry into adulthood, like Poppy Delevingne. When I adopted my cat two years ago, I wanted a British female name and Poppy was fairly high on the list for both people and pets. 

But for B&B Poppy, the name doesn't really fit the character. I am thinking something like Francesca. I have also never heard "Poppy" as a derivative of Penelope. Usually,  it's "Penny."

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3 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Well, I named my cat Poppy!

I believe that the name "Poppy" is more commonly used in the U.K. as a first name intended to carry into adulthood, like Poppy Delevingne. When I adopted my cat two years ago, I wanted a British female name and Poppy was fairly high on the list for both people and pets. 

But for B&B Poppy, the name doesn't really fit the character. I am thinking something like Francesca. I have also never heard "Poppy" as a derivative of Penelope. Usually,  it's "Penny."

Poppy is the name of the lead in my most favorite rom-com novel ever - I’ve Got Your Number (author Sophie Kinsella).  Soooo many funny scenes, but the very best took place in a jewelry store. 

Wait, whut? I thought Katie and Carter were involved? But her comment today that he “was” her “last” relationship makes it sound like they’re no longer together?

And could Steffy be MORE of a fuckwit of a Bully? Demanding  Hope “explain” herself? Will Finn find one of his balls and tell her to stop? Wait, I forgot what show this was.

I got second hand embarrassment when Luna was gushing about what a beautiful “mansion” Bill lived in. It wasn’t a good look-it came off as being so happy she landed a wealthy sperm donor bio father. 

Since there were a few Wyatt mentions, I hope we see Wyatt again. And I also want a horsie.

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It never fails that when something happens out of the ordinary, it’s usually a dream fantasy. This time with Hope and Finn. I sure do hope that this dream fantasy is a prelude to a kiss and more. 


Hope hit the nail on the head. Liam is a nice guy but wasn’t devoted and Thomas was devoted but not a nice guy.  Why didn’t Hope just say, to Stuffy, what is going on is that I want Finn to make passionate love to me. 


Liam seemed to be ok with Luna being his stepsister. 

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Are we supposed to trust Poppy? Her excitement of moving into the mansion I don't trust.   She's still the one who kept Bill away from Luna all this time even when they both asked and suddenly she's so giddy to play family. 

Hope has to follow demands while Steffy doesn't ask her husband standing right there. 

Steffy also seems to spend more time with Liam than Hope does with Finn. 

So Carter and Katie broke up offscreen? This writing is just terrible. 

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Liam must have been a real dud as  a marital partner. Now that Hope is "free" she seems to fantasize about any eligible male in sight.

How did " smart, confident, intelligent, competent, beautiful woman" Steffy  [just ask her Daddy] get so needy and insecure that she needs to continually snarl at or about Hope at the drop of a hemline ??

The $Bill / Poppy / Luna scenes are FF fodder. Just too cringey and smarmy. 

Poor Carter has lost yet another love interest ?? Sads. But neither he nor Katie seems too broken up. Setting the stage for Katie to go all jealous ?? WHY ?? $Bill gave her beaucoup chances to reconcile and she refused.

@GHScorpiosRule ...Can't give you a Wyatt return, but....

Here ya' go ... 🐎

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Steffy is in her own little world, where reality need not apply.

"Hope keeps making excuses for Sheila."  Um, what?  She's very much not excusing anything Sheila has done. She's just hoping that she is sincere in saying she's changed, because her father married the psycho, and she wants a relationship with her father. 

"She has to stop leading Finn into these situations."  Again, um, what?  Bitch, you're the one who sent him to pick up the pizza, so you could hang out back at home listening to your ex-husband fawn all over you. 

And just the sheer lack of self-awareness that she has her ex-husband over to fawn over her constantly, even though she knows damn well that he wants her back and doesn't give a single fuck about respecting her husband. Oh, and she's hiding those kisses from Finn. (God, if Hope knows about even one of those kisses and throws that match onto the fire tomorrow when Steffy is raking her over the coals for daring to touch Finn, I would be giddy.) 

I'm disappointed that the kiss wasn't real, but it also makes sense with the kind of guy Finn is. He's not going to jump into that yet. I feel confident it's going to happen, but it's going to take more of Steffy being Princess SuperBitch to him (and to Hope in front of him), for him to start feeling like his marriage isn't working anymore. 

I generally like SC as an actor, but I'm starting to think that he's maybe just not capable of generating that kind of hot chemistry. Apparently, AN can generate it with anyone else. KM was certainly able to generate it with DB. JMW can generate it with DD and TN (and accidentally has it with TK). I haven't seen any kind of heat from any Liam love scene the entire time I've been watching this show. Even back on GH, where I loved Dillon and Georgie, they were more of the sweet young love chemistry.  He has good friendship chemistry with characters, but romantic? Meh. 

So, Carter and Katie just get a throwaway line referring to their relationship in the past tense to explain why Katie is free to obsess over Bill again? How lazy can you be? You get this urge to do this story, and you can't even take an extra week to show us the two of them having a conversation about how their relationship has fizzled out, and they would like to part as friends instead of lingering on? I'm going to assume we're, stupidly, headed to a Bill/Katie reunion in the not too distant future. Poppy is just a little too into the fancy new house. And I still think it's going to come out that Luna isn't really Bill's daughter. Since that's where they're headed, and they clearly want to involve Katie, I'd have Liam not happy with this whole situation, and he and Katie team up to figure things out. Of course, then I'd probably also detour to a Katie/Liam relationship instead of the Batie reunion (yeah, I know, Katie would have the father and both sons then, but, still, it's a soap), and have it come out that Poppy wasn't the one who screwed with the tests, but it was Li, because she was worried Finn might be the father and didn't want to unleash that mess on his life. 

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Is it still throbbing?

Your cheeks look pink, are you hot?

You are the whole package.

Unintentional humor at its finest. 

Hey Steffy, Hope was holding your husband's hand. Unlike you, who was holding Hope's husband's dick. So, take your snarky ass somewhere and STFU.

Katie and Carter broke up? Wow, it was nice of Show to give us that throwaway line or we might never have known. 

I just can't with Bill, Poppy and Luna and the whole happy fambly thing. It just doesn't feel right. Something is off. And it isn't about the gushing over the mansion either, hell, I would probably be doing the same thing. No, for me it is something else, something I can't quite put my finger on. No worries though, I am sure Katie will have it all figured out in no time. 

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5 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

For those who haven't seen the episode, who's fantasy was it?  Hope's?  Finn's?

If it’s followed by Steffy’s head exploding, then the correct answer would also be that it’s MY fantasy. 😏

They really were hot, while that scene was a fantasy, it’s a matter of time. 

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Liam is ecstatic about having Luna as a half sister and I would be surprised if Wyatt didn’t feel the same. As for Will, it’s a toss up so to his mother’s influence. 

Does Katie ever knock. She walks into Eric’s house or Bill’s house like she owns the place. 

Stuffy to Finn, put on my panties. Finn to Stuffy, I can’t get into them. Stuffy to Finn, you won’t until your attitude changes 😉

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Does Steffy not know the difference between going to something with someone and ending up at the same place as someone?  He didn't go to the memorial or wedding with Hope. He went to the memorial himself, and he was picking up pizza for Steffy and Liam when he came across the wedding. 

Speaking of the pizza, it's kind of hypocritical for Steffy to keep patronizing Deacon's restaurant. He's a "loser" and he's married to Sheila, who works there and lives in an apartment over the restaurant (at least that's where it seems their apartment is). Even if she feels confident Sheila won't be there at a specific moment, why is she spending her money there? It's going to Deacon and Sheila. 

Hey, Show? When I said I wanted more Bill, I was not thinking "show me a week straight of him sitting around talking, over and over again, about being a happy family." 

Hope was pretty on the nose with all the stuff she was saying to Brooke about Steffy and Finn. Brooke was, of course, also right to be concerned that Hope might be falling for a married man. I couldn't help wondering, when Brooke was telling her that's Ridge's daughter's husband, did Ridge ever have that kind of conversation with Steffy any of the times she was going after Hope's husband? 

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