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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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On 4/28/2024 at 7:08 PM, KerleyQ said:

I never saw her on B&B, but just reading about her in SOD back then, I had this visceral dislike of her. I saw a little bit of her when she did a guest stint on Y&R, and it did zero to change that gut reaction I had about her. So, yes, please keep her far away. 

To be entirely fair, she stuck out like a sore thumb on Y&R too. They had Amber--by then, pushing 30--palling around with Daniel and Kevin and their group who were barely in their twenties. It's like TIIC were trying to de-SORAS her. I was an Amber fan back when she was considered the Scrappy Doo of B&B but even I couldn't stand her there most of the time.

On 4/30/2024 at 7:23 AM, SweePea59 said:

but has Liam ever waffled between three women all at the same time?

That's a hat trick that not even Ridge the reigning waffle king has ever pulled off. I'm almost curious enough to see how he pulls it off 🤡


On 4/30/2024 at 12:55 PM, tessaray said:

While it was good to see Ivy, that was a new low for writing. Hi, how are you and oh, you were one who got away and now that Hope's out of the way...

Sheesh, at least go out for a drink first. 

For real! Hope had years of history and didn't hit on him for months after coming back. If they're just justing Ivy for the purpose of making Steffy jealous, they could've just had them sharing a hug at the end of an platonic conversation and it would've had the same effect without Ivy looking so damn desperate and stupid.


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5 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

Liam  says he’s ended two major relationships - STEAM ended YEARS ago, Steffy has a whole husband and toddler son. I wouldn’t count that in the least. 

Well, Steffy did kiss him a few times in spite of Finn. (And that she didn't tell Finn about.) But I think Liam really only gave up on trying to get her back recently. So from his p.o.v. I can kinda see it. 

Has Liam ever had a relationship where he was the pursuer or have women always just fallen in his lap?

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42 minutes ago, tessaray said:

Has Liam ever had a relationship where he was the pursuer or have women always just fallen in his lap?

Great question. I'd say his very first go-around with Hope was more equitable of their both being into one another, but every other woman has been one chasing after him for one reason or another.

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11 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Hmm...I don't know Ivy (stopped watching years ago), but what about...Deacon? That is, if he can cut himself lose of that barnacle called Sheila.

There would be a bit of an age difference.  Ivy actually could call Deacon "Daddy".  Although the gap between Eric and Donna is probably bigger.

Deacon should have been looking down when he prayed for help.  But Beelzebub heard his prayer all the same.  

Seconding the opinion that a redeemed Sheila is pointless, unless she gets snapped back to her true self by Steffy or Lauren (who really should be the one to put her down once and for all).  Sheila obviously has no memory issues, since she knew Sugar was heading off to kill Steffy.

Why in the world would a knockout like Ivy want to get bogged down by a guy with as much baggage as Liam, father of two children with two different women?  And Liam pretty much telegraphed to her that he would be with Steffy if Finn weren't standing in the way.

Edited by Snaporaz
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On 4/30/2024 at 10:03 PM, Snaporaz said:

Could anyone besides that cockroach Sheila survive that long without water?  

What I want to know is where did Deacon get that bottle of water? It didn't seem like he left that dark abandoned building.

10 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I think the story is going to go that in an effort to subdue Sheila, Sugar knocked her over the head. That will either cause amnesia or will have knocked the crazy out of Sheila. 

Like when they kept hitting Gomez on the head?

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So, Sheila was trying to save Steffy's life, to the point of almost dying herself? I'll laugh if they have Steffy be all accepting of her now for that, because that is not who Steffy is. She'll still be a stone cold bitch to her. (Not that I blame her). But, it's enough of an effort at being "good," that Sheila will have Finn wrapped around her finger soon enough. 

I fear that we're going to get Ivy being the psycho stalker who gets between the star crossed love for the ages that is Steam. She was just so damn thirsty today. I was embarrassed for her. And Liam seemed like he was trying to strike some balance between friend zoning her and not completely shutting her down, because he doesn't have any other women drooling over him at the moment, so may as well keep her on the hook. Plus, if Sheila is going to be "redeemed," they need a new villain. 

I want to be happy Ivy is back, because AB can act, and Ivy is a relatively fresh character, relative to everyone else on the canvas reliving the same old stories over and over again. But, they're just going to sacrifice her to those two assholes can "cha cha cha" again. 

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3 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

Sadly sharing the fear of Ivy turning psycho.  They did the same to sweet Aly just to prop Steffy, and it happened out of the blue.  One day, she's going to the Renaissance Fair with Oliver, the next day she's seeing Darla's Floating Head telling her to kill Steffy.

If only she succeeded, we would have ended the dumb triangle years ago.

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Well, so much for my amnesia theory, I guess Sheila was too parched to talk at first. 

Oh man, are we in for it now. Sheila was kidnapped! Sheila was chained up and left to die! Sheila was trying to save Steffy! Give her the good Samaritan award and the key to the city at once! The only good to come out of it will be watching Steffy realize she didn't take Sheila down at all. 

And speaking of Steffy......GIRRRRRRL, you need to stay in your lane. You may rule your household, but you sure as fuck don't rule Deacon's. You don't get to march your bossy little ass into his place of business and attempt to dictate his life. You don't get to tell him how to feel, or what to say, or who to say it to. 

How dare Ivy come to town without first requesting an audience with her Highnass. Is Ivy unaware of the proper protocols? Steffy comes first, then everyone else. Furthermore, how dare she set up a lunch date with Liam without clearing it with Steffy first, and how dare she be leaning over the table locking lips with him! Doesn't Ivy know the only person allowed to share kisses with Liam is Steffy? 

Here is a thought Steffy, maybe Ivy didn't tell you she was in town because she knows you have a penchant for killing your cousins. 

Ivy looked a bit sassy there at the end. My hope is that they have given her some spit and vinegar this go round and she isn't going to let The Bitch run over her. 

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What is Stuffy’s malfunction?  I guess Ivy didn’t get her permission to come back to LA. I got news for you Stuffy, Ivy is a Forester by blood and you are a Forester by accident.  

Why is it any of Stuffy’s business why Ivy is in town especially when it comes to Liam. Oh I forgot, everything is Stuffy’s business.  Isn’t Stuffy married to Finn but she is still pissing on Liam to mark her territory.  

Does Stuffy have something to prove and show him that she is still in love with him.  Will Stuffy go as far as to play hide the salami with Liam and will need another paternity test?





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Is this show being broadcast from the Twilight Zone? WTF was that? I find it difficult to muster any tears for Sheila when she’s facing the consequences of her own actions. And did she say she loved Steffy? Really? Bullshit. 

Speaking of her Ladyship, what an embarrassing display. Just embarrassing. Ivy mooning over Liam is pretty sad, but I feel like Steffy’s behavior possibly set back feminism about 50 years. My grandma would sometimes call people “twerps” and I didn’t quite get what that meant… until I saw Liam lapping up all that attention,  Liam is definitely king of the twerps.

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3 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Is this show being broadcast from the Twilight Zone? WTF was that? I find it difficult to muster any tears for Sheila when she’s facing the consequences of her own actions. And did she say she loved Steffy? Really? Bullshit. 

SERIOUSLY! Were those flashbacks for our benefit? Because I don’t think she would admit what she did to Sugar.

While I find Ivy’s slobbering over Liam pathetic, why didn’t she just tell Stuffy to mind her own damn business? And that it was none of hers what she was doing in town.

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Is Ivy sticking around, or was this just a quick drop in to renew Steffy's interest in Waffle? 

I can't wait to see Steffy's head explode when she gets a load of everything Sheila related that has gone down over the past few episodes. I can't stand Sheila, but I hope that, if having a relationship with her is what Finn wants, which it seems to be, he stands firm on that. She has never allowed him to spend more than 10 seconds thinking about his own feelings on her being his birth mother. 

And, damn, Deacon is never going to be over her now. I was really hoping that hearing Lauren's experiences with her might turn him off, but now that he found her in that kind of danger, and her story makes her out to be some heroic victim, he's forgotten all of that and is all nauseatingly heart-eyed about her. 

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Hey..Hi...Do you guys know of any serial-type shows that I could watch that feature ordinary average people...doctors, lawyers, artisans, body shop owners, and their wives/gal pals who pass their time designing clothing lines, operating beauty shops, bakeries, running mental health facilities ...Folks that have issues with infidelity, [suspected !!]...loneliness... In-Law problems... Substance abuse...wayward teens...$$$$$$$$$ issues...health issues..

Discussing their problems in a cafe or at a kitchen table and occasionally revealing "Leavin' Louisiana In The Broad Daylight"...or homicidal impulses ...

Oh..."Guiding Light" & " Search For Tomorrow " already covered all that. Damn, getting old sucks...Almost as much as the current plots for B&B and Y&R. 

Sucks...as in the idiotic scenes with Finn/Sheila/Deacon. No FD, no EMS, all S&^$.

Stuffy needs to stuff up. Brook & Luna-tictac, sweet. RJ....get replaced. 

Ivy...Adorable...Dumbass for lusting for Liam, but the heart wants what the heart wants.


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So, was all of this silliness with Sugar and Sheila some sort of retcon to make Sheila sympathetic? If so, please stop, Show. t's not going to work for anyone who's been watching for more than 3 days. Sheila's history is way too long and way too sordid to flip that switch now. If they really wanted to use KB long term, it would have been better to bring her in as a completely different character. Then Deacon wouldn't look like such an idiot for falling in love with her, and the rest of the clan could get storyline from trying to relate to this "new" person who looks so much like the woman they all hated.

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4 minutes ago, TVForever said:

So, was all of this silliness with Sugar and Sheila some sort of retcon to make Sheila sympathetic? If so, please stop, Show. t's not going to work for anyone who's been watching for more than 3 days. Sheila's history is way too long and way too sordid to flip that switch now. If they really wanted to use KB long term, it would have been better to bring her in as a completely different character. Then Deacon wouldn't look like such an idiot for falling in love with her, and the rest of the clan could get storyline from trying to relate to this "new" person who looks so much like the woman they all hated.

It seems like such an odd choice, if they want to redeem her, to go out of their way to bring Lauren to town and remind us of all of her crimes. Yes, Sugar has committed crimes, too, but Sheila dragged this mentally unwell woman into her life and essentially forced her to become her doppelganger, so she could let her take the fall for her crimes. Who wouldn't become unhinged and vengeful in Sugar's shoes? 

Sheila has pulled so much evil shit and gotten out of so many dead end situations that it honestly would not surprise me to find out, down the road, that she engineered this whole thing. Yes, she was seemingly in really bad shape when they found her, but that could have been a calculated risk. I think, for now, the show is sticking with her as the victim, but when they decide they want to evil her back up again, they could retcon this whole thing to be one of her plots gone awry. 

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8 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Sheila has pulled so much evil shit and gotten out of so many dead end situations that it honestly would not surprise me to find out, down the road, that she engineered this whole thing. Yes, she was seemingly in really bad shape when they found her, but that could have been a calculated risk.

This is what I think as well. And didn't she also kidnap Lauren all those years ago? I think Sugar just got the best of her. I just want to GibbsHeadSmack Deacon.

But if this keeps him on my screen, I can lament and still be bitter that ASSHOLES who SNBN's* loss. TEAM!AJ!!!!, err, I mean Deacon. Heh.

*Shall Not Be Named

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Oh Dear Lord.

Why couldn't Deacon and Finn just TELL Sheila that Sugar was dead right up front? Instead of circling around and around, with how Deacon investigated and he knew, and no one believed him, blah, blah, blah. And then FINALLY they tell her  Sugar is dead.

Just fast forwarding the scenes with Liam and Steffy, which is just rinse, lather, repeat of the same goddamned dialogue.

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Today’s show had everything - everything, I tell you. Birth mom. Ten toes. Syrupy Liam & Steffy domesticity. Everything a show needs to send me screaming from the room to seriously consider a hiatus from the cow flop parade on my TV. 

Please, make Kelly Bill’s kid. I’d love to see smug idiots Liam and Steffy get their faces cracked. Steffy could then tell Ivy that Liam was her daughter’s sibling.

2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Oh Dear Lord.

Why couldn't Deacon and Finn just TELL Sheila that Sugar was dead right up front? Instead of circling around and around, with how Deacon investigated and he knew, and no one believed him, blah, blah, blah. And then FINALLY they tell her  Sugar is dead.

Thank you! Such comically inept dialogue.

Speaking of which, yes, Finn, your mother is alive. Her name is Li and she’s the one who didn’t put a bullet in you and your wife. 

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Why are Stuffy and Liam acting like Kelly doesn’t see her father all that often.  In B&B time it only seems that Liam only saw Kelly for few minutes than Kelly was sent off to bed without dinner.  


That was such a convoluted story Deacon and Finn where telling Shiela about why they thought she was dead. Couldn’t they just come out and tell Shiela that Stuffy killed Sugar, in self defense, because Stuffy thought  Shiela was attacking her?  They made it sound that Stuffy killed Shield on purpose. 


Is Stuffy’s and Finn’s marriage on the rocks because Shield is alive?  Was Ivy the catalyst in bringing Liam and Stuffy back together?  


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Nonono !! Ivy needs to be the catalyst to bringing LIvy back together. Not that she deserves Liam  stale pastry.

Deacon sees a changed and redeemed Sheila. Finn sees a changed and redeemed Sheila. Anybody wanna ask Li to weigh in on this ?? Now that she's recovered from being run off the road and over a cliff by Sheila. 

Such an adult conversation between the cousins and their prey. Seagulls fighting over a dying mollusk.

Did Stuffy actually Meow during that Convo ?? When I woke up, I thought so....

Kelly's cute and serves as a reminder of how very long Liam has been an idiot. Soon to be SORAS'd and sent to a Parisian boarding school and get much needed therapy from G-Ma. [Kelly, not Liam]

Next week, will we see Stuffy's world be shattered ?? My air popper is primed for some habanero sugar corn for the watch party !!!!!  🍿🌶️🍬

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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

I am disappointed. I was looking forward to the double wammy of Steffy getting bent over seeing Ivy kissing Liam, followed by her discovery of a very much alive Sheila in Deacon's apartment. 

That would have been worth the cost of admission. 

Same. I was so disappointed when she headed back to her house with Liam instead of proceeding to Deacon's apartment as planned. I guess getting Liam locked away from Ivy's clutches was more pressing than telling Deacon how he can and can't mourn. 

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Ridge is Such.A.Dick. I know that it is the most minor thing that happened today, but the way that he spoke to & belittled Charlie for walking in without knocking, what a total asshole. Playing wacky hijinks music when Charlie is on-screen doesn't make me want to see Ridge treat him like less-than. 

I was waiting for Steffy to tell Hope to be careful going to Il Giordino, because Liam & Ivy were making out in the midst of everyone having lunch, & she might slip on their spit. You’d think that’d be something she’d race to tell Hope. 

If Hope had this reaction to 9 toes, I can’t wait to see Steffy’s. You’d think these people would be used to dead people reappearing. How many times did Taylor die & return?

Edited by nkotb
There / their
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I really wished that when Hope came out of her faint at seeing a live Sheila, that she had grabbed her phone and called Princess Steffy - and this is how I wish the conversation would have gone: "Guess what, dear evil ugly-spirited stepsister of mine, SHEILA'S ALIVE, SHE'S ALIVE, YOU BITCH, AND FINN'S HERE WITH HER - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" which would have caused Steffy the Witch to give out a piercing screech that could be heard 5 miles away and dissolve into a big, fat puddle on the floor right in front of her darling daddy's eyes - The End

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Boy Howdy! Steffy really believes that she can tell Finn what to feel, when to feel it, and WHO he should hang out with. This is a poster for someone who is ABUSIVE-Isolate the person from everyone but you. 

I mean, just how was Deacon insisting that Sheila being alive, manipulating Finn? And I really wish Hope had done a better job defending him, instead of apologizing for Deacon to those ASSHATS.

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23 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I mean, just how was Deacon insisting that Sheila being alive, manipulating Finn? And I really wish Hope had done a better job defending him, instead of apologizing for Deacon to those ASSHATS.

THIS!  First Thomas is being swayed by Hope and now Finn is being manipulated by Deacon--could Steffy be any more condescending?  No one in her orbit is allowed to have an opinion that differs from her's?  "Deacon's getting in Finn's head"?  Because there's no way Finn could have an independent thought that would go against Steffy.  Finn is definitely in a mentally abusive relationship--I wonder if the show realizes how controlling Steffy is coming off.

And Steffy is a hypocritical cow--she hates Brooke to the depths of her blackened soul but now it's a step too far that Hope's supporting her dad and now Steffy's all  "How could Hope support her dad after what Sheila did to Brooke?" Like Steffy cares a flying fig for Brooke's suffering--Steffy is completely incapable of being kind to anyone who isn't her and she especially can't give  someone she disagrees with an ounce of grace.

I would like to give props to AN's reaction--Hope's stunned expression was the right mixture of shocked horror without being over the top.  I also sort of hope Sheila cackles evilly in Steffy's face :)

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Whatever Stuffy wants Stuffy gets but maybe not this time.  


Heaven forbid, Hope supports her father.  Every episode Stuffy becomes more and more insufferable. 


When Hope was contemplating Shiela being alive, I thought smoke would start coming out her ears and her eyes would roll back and we would see tilt. 


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As Finn and Deacon are telling Hope about Sugar, all I could think was "are y'all hearing what you're saying here?"  Sheila ruined that woman. She made her look exactly like her and planned on setting her up to take the fall for her crimes, so she could just skate away free. Caused her to completely break down and end up in prison for her own (revenge) crimes, and now she's dead because that's how badly Sheila broke her. And they're all smiling away while being super thankful that it was one of Sheila's victims who died instead of Sheila. For them it's just "oh, yeah, Sugar was this woman who Sheila forced into plastic surgery to make her look just like her. You know, as you do sometimes." 

Still, though I cannot wait for Steffy to see an alive and well Sheila, all 9 toes of her, next to a beaming Finn. Suck on it, bitch. 

I agree, their marriage is definitely abusive. Finn hasn't been allowed to have his own thoughts about Sheila since the moment he found out who she was. I get that she's done bad shit to Steffy's family. No argument there, but Finn still deserved to have time to process it, to have some conversations with her and figure out how he feels about her on his own. Steffy would have been perfectly within her rights to say "while you're dealing with her and figuring out where you two stand, I don't want her near the kids," but she couldn't allow him any time to wrap his mind around it, because she had already decided what his feelings on the subject should be. But, flip the story, and have the relative in question be her psycho brother, and Finn was also not allowed to have his own feelings and concerns about Thomas. He has to embrace him and trust that he is all better now, because Steffy has deemed it so. 

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I see what Show is doing; in order to make Sheila palatable they are trying to make Steffy and Ridge insufferable. This tactic doesn't usually work for me, but when you consider that Steffy and Ridge were already insufferable, this recent glomming on with even more hatefulness is making it almost easy to root for Sheila. And I am only saying root for her in the sense of causing Steffy and Ridge's faces to crack so hard that it splits them both in two, and I never again have to hear their condescending shit. 

Ridge, talking to Charlie about knocking on doors. HA! Did Ridge knock on Caroline's bedroom door that night? How about Brooke's? Not to mention that barging into other people's homes is status quo in Bell LA. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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i wasn't expecting to see a proposal today. I'm beginning to think that Steffy is actually going to kill Sheila.

Do I think that Sheila is reformed? I don't think it is possible for a psychopath to change their spots. But I do think it is possible for them to behave when they are getting what they want. And that's where Sheila is right now.

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Was I supposed to laugh at this episode?  Because I laughed through the whole damn thing. 

I cannot wait for Steffy to find out Sheila's alive. And then I can't wait for her to hear Finn gushing about how Sheila almost died trying to save her and the kids. I'm just sad that the start of her finding all this out wasn't her busting into Deacon's apartment while Finn and Hope were hugging at the end of today's show. 

Of course Liam brings up personal stuff during a business meeting. And I cracked up that Carter, of all people, seemed a little like he wanted to call him out on being unprofessional. 

Watching today, with Finn and Deacon explaining everything to Hope and trying to convince her that Sheila is better now, I had a vision of what some future storyline is going to be. Finn and Hope are obviously going to become a couple. And, of course, Deacon is going to marry the nutjob. So, Hope is going to be super important to the only people who matter to Sheila, and Hope is not going to be fully on board with the idea that Sheila is reformed. She's going to at some point, go after Hope because of that, and maybe that will be the thing that finally gets through to Deacon and Finn. Because there is no way in hell Sheila is just good now. She didn't become good when she had a shot at everything she wanted - Steffy was allowing her into their home and let her hold Hayes, and she was still plotting and scheming. She's not going to be good now. I'm just waiting for the eventual end of Friday shot of Sheila shooting an evil look at the camera after Finn or Deacon gushes about how wonderful she is now. 

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Yeah, I'm convinced Sheila had the key to those chains in her pocket the whole time, and that credit card purchase from the convenience store was a couple week's worth of snack foods and water.  There's a reason she didn't want to go to the hospital.  But I'm still looking forward to Steffy's meltdown!☢️

Does it look like SC has lost weight?  He looked really thin today, and his face looks a little gaunt.  Hope he's ok...

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This Stuffy we are talking about.  A convicted murder has a better chance of surviving the electric chair than Finn being allowed to have a relationship with his mother. 

Stuffy has not only taken Finn’s ball but she has fried then and served them to him with Fava Beans and a nice Chianti

It would be fantastic if Finn and Stuffy divorce, Hope marries Finn, and they have a baby before Thomas returns to LA.

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Was this Deacon's second proposal? I could have sworn, during the gag-worthy montage of flashbacks we got when everyone thought Sheila was dead, there was a scene where she accepted Deacon's proposal?

I'mmajustgonnhavetamute whenever there are scenes with both Deacon and Sheila, because her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to my ears.

I did appreciate that Hope still threw out just because she was captive, doesn't mean Sheila has changed. While still showing empathy for said captivity. I howled at the look on Sheila's face: How DARE Hope not fall in line like Finn and Deacon have?

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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11 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

Do I think that Sheila is reformed? I don't think it is possible for a psychopath to change their spots. But I do think it is possible for them to behave when they are getting what they want. And that's where Sheila is right now.

This, this, and more this! 

Sheila will be fine until someone challenges her. Hope wasn't really on board, but she wasn't up in Sheila's face either. Now, Steffy on the other hand? Our Royal Highnass isn't going to be quiet. She isn't going to listen. She is going to start hurling directives at everyone, telling them what they are going to do, how they are going to feel, and who they are going to see. 

Finn doesn't have a chance in hell of making any type of relationship with Sheila as long as he is married to Steffy. So, looks like he will have a choice to make. 

Liam comes to a work meeting and first thing out of his mouth is asking if Steffy heard from Finn. 

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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Liam comes to a work meeting and first thing out of his mouth is asking if Steffy heard from Finn. 

I've noticed this about him in all of his "work" and/or office scenes. He seems to think the office is a place for gossiping or talking personal stuff, instead of, you know, WORK. Same with Steffy. All she's done for the past two weeks (which okay, in show time is only one or two days) is whine about Sheila being dead and how Deacon is manipulating Finn.

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