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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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19 minutes ago, smartyshorts said:

I'm glad that insufferable Zoe isn't the one to finally bust the Quarter goodness, but what the heck was she talking about "you moved on so sooooon"????   These two have been "broken up" for longer than their actual relationship lasted.


And 3/4 of their relationship was her chasing after Zende, attempting to entice him to help her cheat on Carter.

  • Love 9

But Zoe straight up walking into Carter's apartment, then right into his bedroom?  No, sis.  That's how people get SHOT!

Right? She was nuts just going there like that.


business swinging

Might've put somebody's eye out! (Yeah, bad stereotype but I'm thinking Quinn wouldn't be all about it if Carter wasn't working with something impressive. She's got $Bill for comparison and we know he's packing.)

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18 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Why would Zoe head right back to FC to tattle on Carter to Ridge and Eric? Oh yeah, because she is that big of a b!tch baby. A normal woman would've gone home and cried alone had some damn divinity months ago and never stepped into her ex's house uninvited to begin with

Fixed that for ya :p

But seriously, WTF does she expect Eric and Ridge and everyone to do? Time goes so damn slowly on this show that I'm fairly certain they split up before Hope officially called it quits and even that feels like eons ago.

I've cringed at Brooke and Taylor in the past but D A M N

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Shauna is a true BFF to Quinn.

I love her giving Zoe a "don't fuck with me" look here.

Also, DR looked stunning in her sleeveless top and plaid skirt and made what is typically a teens/early 20s getup (ask me how I know) work.


Elsewhere, Eric telling Brooke (re Quinn) "She's always been faithful to me."

So what was this?





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2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

And 3/4 of their relationship was her chasing after Zende, attempting to entice him to help her cheat on Carter.

So, um....has she even looked at Zende since Carter broke up w her ass?Too bad Liam got the Waffles nick name before she did. Guess we can call her IHOP then lol

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Why are all of these people spending all this time talking about Zoe and Carter, instead of, oh I don't know, working? 

Now that I mention it, what exactly is Zoe's job? I thought she was a model, so why is she always just strolling into people's offices?

And OMG, how did Shauna become the voice of reason in all of this? Damn you, Show!

And by the way, Carter doesn't owe Zoe anything! Carter told her he was done, and acted like the SINGLE man he is. Zoe going around begging and whining to anyone who'll listen isn't Carter's problem; why is he feeling guilty? 

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Uh, Brooke, did you sleepwalk over to the cabin and pull that outfit out of Hope's closet? And again with a gigantic belt. Nope, that look is not doing you any favors IMO. 😼

Zoe's pants. Yikes. How do you sit down in fabric like that? In fact, how do you walk without creating a static spark that ends up setting the lower half of your body on fire? 😐

Meanwhile, look at Shauna in her classic Burberry mini. But DUN DUN DUUUUN, there's the tell-tale leather jacket. Oh noes!

Quintessential couple. Ridge and Brooke? HAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHA! Relationship goals they are not, not unless you live for neverending cycles of infidelity and betrayal. 😐

If Carter didn't take his apartment key back from Zoe he should've had the lock changed. Has he never had to break up with someone before or has he always been the one to get dumped?

Carter and Quinn acting guilty about Zoe was giving me agita. Stop it! That psycho doesn't deserve your pity. 🤨

Pssht, a "bag of drama"? Ridge, right now Zoe, Carter, and Quinn have an entire luggage set of drama. You don't even know.

Zoe, seriously? A cocker spaniel could take your place in Carter's bed. You ain't that special. And no, I'm not suggesting bestiality so get your warped mind out of the gutter. 🙄

Dang, Shauna is that bestie, thinking to go grab Quinn's jacket. But will she jump on Zoe's hand grenade for Quinn? Hey, Carter, open your mouth and don't use Shauna as a shield.


Seriously, no one has jobs anymore! 

Apparently they all get paid just for showing up--unless their last name is Forrester. Then they get paid for merely existing.

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First things first. WTF is Brooke wearing?  Is she now borrowing clothes out of Hope’s closet. There nothing worse than a  40+ woman trying to look younger than Hope, Zoey, or Paris. Next, Brooke needs to drink a heaping cup of STFU and mind your own business. 

Next, when has Zoey been elevated past who gives a shit?  Another bit character, like Vinny, whose been elevated to sainthood.  I rather see Liam acting like Lady Macbeth, out out damn spot, than Zoey droning on about Carter and his new gal pal. Not only does she make my eyes bleed with her hideous wardrobe but my ears bleed, and my stomach turn.  Zoey is becoming Brooke Jr sticking her nose into other people’s business. They think everything is their business. 

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I was going to qualify this as likely being a very UO, but after reading the latest comments, maybe not...I loved Shauna today.  She was all business and held that shit together.  

I'm also usually hesitant to get into this (unless I despise the actor on a personal level but anyway) given the horrific standards people put on women, but I wish Denise Richards didn't get a lot of that work done.  She looks so good otherwise.  

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4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

If Carter didn't take his apartment key back from Zoe he should've had the lock changed. Has he never had to break up with someone before or has he always been the one to get dumped?

He's always been the one getting the shaft. Maya couldn't get away from him soon enough when she found out Caroline had cheated. I forgot who, if anyone, he was with before Zoe.

4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Carter and Quinn acting guilty about Zoe was giving me agita. Stop it! That psycho doesn't deserve your pity. 🤨

Right? Maybe spare a thought for the husband who, his own horndog history notwithstanding, has been extremely tolerant of shit he didn't even tolerate from Brooke. Like cheating with his son.

Zoe is owed less than nothing.


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5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Carter and Quinn acting guilty about Zoe was giving me agita. Stop it! That psycho doesn't deserve your pity. 🤨

It's not only Carter and Quinn.  Now, Zoe has Ridge, Brooke and Eric involved. Shauna by association. Who GAF? That thirsty bitch brought this on herself clear and simple. If I have to listen to her monotone "breaking tears" voice another day, I'm going to throw something at the TV. She has to be one of the worst actors to appear on that show in a long time. 

I am really disappointed in Carter. Why does he care about hurting Zoe? She hurt  him and didn't give it a second thought until she realized that Zende was no longer an option. 

You can tell which episodes VSL has written and today obviously wasn't one of them. That's a pretty clever way to get yourself a front-burner SL. Take up the pen yourself!

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I don't know what I am more disappointed about:

1. Carter being all broken up over Zoey's "pain"

2. The apparent end of Quarter

3. Being proven completely wrong about Shauna

How did Zoey become such a mainstream character? We now have Eric expressing his concern for her fragile emotional state? Fuck, why don't we just have a press conference about it? And let Zoey go on air and tell her tragic tale? UGH! So done with it. 

Looks like Quarter is over. Carter is going to be going overboard with Zoey now; again UGH! Stupid Show is always rewarding the evil and the unworthy. 

And Shauna stepping up really got me. I dislike this character for so many reasons, and was absolutely certain she was working an angle. But, she proved me wrong. She does care about Quinn, and she does have her back. I am wondering though, will this lead to something between Shauna and Carter? Would they have the same kind of heat as he did with Quinn? And I wonder if Quinn would be jealous? For now though, I will settle for Shauna letting Zoey know the lay of the land. While Quinn would be a handful for Zoey, I think Shauna could be one as well; just in an entirely different way. 

I don't understand why Brooke and Ridge showed up at Eric's in the morning like that? 

I am burnt to a crisp with these conversations about people's sex lives. It skeeves me out. 

Shauna looked amazing; and she has impressive posture.

Zoey looked like she was heading home to relax on the couch with some NetFlix

Why was Paris wearing a skirt with Daddy and other sundry sayings on it?

I loved Brooke's outfit; just not on her. 

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While I certainly hope Quarter continues, I wouldn't hate the idea of Shauna and Carter having to fake coupledom sparking into real feelings/attraction. At least she's available. 

Wouldn't Quinn lose her mind then?

Because IMO, especially with yesterday's actions, Shauna is definitely a much better friend to Quinn than vice versa and more than Quinn deserves. I'm not sure Quinn would have done with Shauna did if the situation was reversed. So maybe the tables can turn a little bit in that regard. 


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You can tell which episodes VSL has written and today obviously wasn't one of them. That's a pretty clever way to get yourself a front-burner SL. Take up the pen yourself!

Yeah, it's interesting how, in the episodes LSV wrote, Carter had personal agency, was clear-eyed, and acted with strength and purpose. The rest of the time he's written more like a simp who's a willing victim of people who want to use him, like the Forresters or Zoe.

Yesterday I think Carter was back to looking like a deer caught in the headlights, not sure from which direction the hit was coming. Quite a noticeable difference. Maybe the writers could find some kind of middle ground with Carter since Quarter has proven to be such a sensation. People like seeing Carter with some real swagger, even if it is based on an illicit relationship.


I don't understand why Brooke and Ridge showed up at Eric's in the morning like that?

It seemed like Brooke woke up wanting to get right into Eric's business again, and was hoping to catch Quinn there too. But then they made it seem like Eric, Brooke, and Ridge were carpooling to work. Huh? Either Eric can still drive himself or he has a chauffeur and doesn't need his son and busybody DIL to come over from Bel Air to take him to work. It was silly to me.

  • Love 10

Of course Brooke (and Zoe) speculated who Carter might be involved with.  It absolutely has to be someone they know.  The dating pool for these people is as shallow as a thimble.  Odd that they had to throw in the possible love interest was "from Detroit" though.  Not sure what that was intended to signal.  Or maybe I am.

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Zoey please please stop acting so righteous. You are the one to fuck up your relationship with Carter in the first place. You lost the right to ask questions about anything relating to Carter and his relationships. Does Zoey deserve sympathy?  No nada not at all now please go away and sit in a dark basement and eat some worms. 

Speaking of who thinks she is the queen of righteousness is Brooke. No, Stephanie was right, Brooke is nothing more than the slut from the valley.  Brooke fails to mention that she was the one who rekindled the feud with Quinn.  Did Eric forget that Quinn only meddled with Brooke after she tried to come between Eric and her. Brooke can meddle in Eric’s and Quinn’s marriage but god help anyone who meddles in her.  

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1 hour ago, Cool Breeze said:

Of course Brooke (and Zoe) speculated who Carter might be involved with.  It absolutely has to be someone they know.  The dating pool for these people is as shallow as a thimble.  Odd that they had to throw in the possible love interest was "from Detroit" though.  Not sure what that was intended to signal.  Or maybe I am.

I know Show may have forgotten that Carter was brought in as Marcus' adopted brother from Texas, but I certainly haven't.

The line was unnecessary.


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Oh, Zoe. You  just doesn't get it. Carter is not your fiancee or your boyfriend- He's told you so.

What or who he does is no longer your business, so stop asking.

And Quinn is not your friend. She's someone who uncharacteristically took pity on you in your unhappy situation, and you used that to browbeat the woman into pleading your case to a man she barely knew. And then nagged her endlessly about it. Well, she knows him now!

And Shauna is nobody to you. Stop talking  to her like she owes you an explanation.

And I thought Liam was the most pathetic character oh the show.

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I remembered that TK (Ridge) is a big Red Wings fan from way back

Huh, just another reason for me not to like the actor. Everybody knows the team to support (as I do) are the Winnipeg Jets!  😉

As an aside, isn't TK from Australia?  Interesting that of all the North American sports to latch onto, he chose hockey. I wonder how that happened...?

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It is NONE of Zoe's business who Carter is sleeping with, how many, the how and the why and the when - NONE OF IT.

It is NONE of Brooke's business what goes on in Eric and Quinn's marriage. NONE. And considering she cheated on Eric with Ridge just like Quinn, she has zero room to pontificate.

These ladies need to seriously keep their eyes on their own papers and keep their yapping traps shut.

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Finally!  I can watch this show again.  I haven't bothered to watch lately because I didn't want to see those two together.  I haven't dared to come here because I didn't want my eyes mutilated 🥺 by seeing pictures of them.   I've been reading spoilers on other sites to see when it was safe to watch again.  At least, I hope it's safe to watch again.

Carter:  Your goose is C.O.O.ked, and I love it!  I can't wait until Eric finds out you've been screwing his wife.  You dumbass.  What will you do then?  Get another job officiating weddings?  I.don't.care. 

Zoe is a dumb stalker but at least she didn't drug and rape your ass.  Yeah, she's kinda stupid, but not evil like that witch you screwed.  A married witch, by the way.  I'm not a fan of Zoe's but if she gets her head on straight and stops being so needy and desperate, she might turn out to be a halfway decent person.   Just move on, Zoe, ditch the fugly outfits and wigs, (but look over your shoulder to make sure Paris isn't following you, wherever you go).  I saw an online photo of the actress with a short haircut and she looks so much better without those wigs she wears on the show.  

Quinn?  There's not a decent bone in her body.  While Zoe might stalk a bunny, Quinn would most definitely boil one.

Carter:  I'll say it again:  You're a dumbass.  You would have fared better hooking up with Shauna.  At least she's single.  Yeah, she's a grifter, but not disgustingly evil like that psycho bitch Quinn.  And with those trout lips of Shauna's, she would have sucked the marrow out of your bone(r).  Yeah,  you would have liked her much better. 


Edited by Crashcourse
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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

The only reason I fell back on calling that Detroit business out yesterday was because I remembered that TK (Ridge) is a big Red Wings fan from way back, even during his AMC days. I figured/hoped he ad libbed that part as some kind of inside joke.

Thank you.  I'm happy to be wrong about this.

Didn't notice her full outfit yesterday but Brooke looked great today.  Doesn't seem inappropriately "young".  But she does need to listen to herself.  She sounds just like Stephanie did when she was talking about her.  Sniffing dismissively at "Vegas" the same way Stephanie did about Brooke's origins in "the Valley".  She needs to find business of her own.  This is not it.

And Zoe?  For your thirst, here's a nice, tall glass of STFU.  Drink up.

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On 5/12/2021 at 3:49 PM, Anna Yolei said:

Seriously, no one has jobs anymore! 

I came to post a similar sentiment. When do these people work? 
Another thing, why is Paris always in the fashion area of FC? Does the foundation not have at least its own suite of offices?

So there is only one of those average looking jackets? No others were sold?

So Quinn’s past as a successful jewelry designer has been retconned to scrounging around in Vegas? WTF?

Edited by LittleIggy
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Although it is a relief to not have to listen to Liam going on about his latest screw up, this confrontation scene with Zoe, Carter, Shauna, and Quinn is ridiculous. Zoe and Carter were broken up, so as emotionally painful as it might be (for a regular person), Zoe has no right to demand answers to some increasingly intrusive questions. BTW, Carter, get your key back now, or you'll never be able to date anyone again without worrying that Zoe will pop in to "check up". 

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As an aside, isn't TK from Australia?  Interesting that of all the North American sports to latch onto, he chose hockey. I wonder how that happened...?

TK was born in Germany but at some point moved to the US. He went to graduate school at Wayne State in Detroit, which is when and where he became a Red Wings fan. He's really tight with the team and has done announcing for some of their games.

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Oh Brooke, the karma bus will be coming for you. Geez, enough with the working Eric to dump Quinn. And stay out of Carter's business too. Why don't you go back to meddling in Hope and Liam's relationship? 😑

Whoa, I was not expecting Shauna to tell that huge lie for Quinn. And Carter just stood there with his mouth hanging open. FFS, I guess the only person in the room with any balls was Shauna.

Shauna serving the real talk to Zoe. Yes! But someone needed to tell her in no uncertain terms  to shut it already. No one owes her any explanations. She chose to risk making a fool of herself for weeks after Carter broke up with her. I do fault Carter though for being kind of wishy-washy in the way he's handled it. He should not have left her any room to think she still had a chance with him, especially after she started weaponizing everyone she could to try to change his mind.

OMG, I just wanted to reach into the TV and punch Carter in the neck. What a flipping wuss. 😒

Huh? Who was looking to compare Quinn to Stephanie? IMO that's like comparing Mars to Jupiter.


Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Zoe: Am I just the biggest fool? Is everyone laughing at me behind my back?


Not gonna lie, I am surprisingly enjoying this story.  It's not a high bar given the alternative (Liam or anything Thomas ever), but it's fun to watch. there's real chemistry between all the parties involved, and I'm looking forward to the dumb reveal for Zoe/Eric.  

What is up with Ridge making sense so often lately?  I really don't like him, and he'll likely say something smug and self righteous again at any moment, but I have to give credit where it's due. 



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6 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

TK was born in Germany but at some point moved to the US. He went to graduate school at Wayne State in Detroit, which is when and where he became a Red Wings fan. He's really tight with the team and has done announcing for some of their games.

!!!!!!!  to the bolded part. Does he do play-by-play or color commentary? Wow, I’m aware of other celebrities as hockey fans, but that’s another level if TK is doing hockey commentating! 

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So yeah, I took care of that problem by contacting my local hitman and putting a contract out on Zoe's ceaseless babbling. 

A girl needs to learn to read the room.

A girl needs to learn when to shut the hell up. 

I hate Shauna, so I am pissed off that she is making me like her now. 

Who is that person impersonating Quinn? The Quinn I know has never felt bad about a damn thing, and she has done hella worse than sleeping with the company's COO. 

Stupid ass Zoe is gonna say there might still be a chance for her and Carter. It is becoming increasing clear why Zander felt it necessary to leave England to escape Zoe. The girl is thick. 

Oh fuck it! Let's head on over to dad's place before heading into the office to wax philosophical about life, love and making mistakes. 

I noticed Ridge conveniently left out his missteps though. No mention of QuinnGate or VegasGate. 

And Brooke; just look at you getting all hypocritical about Quinn. And judgmental too! I mean, condemning Quinn's jewelry business as "scrounging around?" You might think you are Stephanie, but you're not. In the early years, Stephanie came off as a snotty, elitist, high society wife. And SF knew how to bring that and was OMAZING. OTOH Brooke, you come off as a meddling little bitch, who can't wait to stick it to Quinn. What makes it worse is that, at least in my opinion, you have much more to hate Quinn for than Stephanie ever did you. Your misfortune was being the daughter of Beth Henderson, but we all know that Quinn goes out of her way to hurt people. It is her trope in life. 

I truly wish Show could get some balance. Three different groups of people today all talking about the same stupid ass shit. 

God, how I miss the days of drama and intrigue and fashion. 

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11 hours ago, norcalgal said:

!!!!!!!  to the bolded part. Does he do play-by-play or color commentary? Wow, I’m aware of other celebrities as hockey fans, but that’s another level if TK is doing hockey commentating! 

My bad, TK was an official NHL blogger for the Red Wings, not an announcer. Too hasty googling on my part initially.

Also, re the Detroit thing, someone on another soap forum posted that the name Ridge said as the model Carter might've been dating was actually the name of LSV's wife. Allegedly she's from Detroit so the reference was indeed an inside joke. Kinda tricky though since I doubt most viewers got the connection, and unfortunately many thought mentioning Detroit was something negative.

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Does this look like a woman in love with her husband and happy to be reunited with him?


You and only you...my ass.

While I'm thrilled that the distancing restrictions have been lifted and stand-ins and mannequins are gone (although I'll always miss Hopequinn), Zoe and Carter's first real kiss is a thing I needed never to see.

And Carter is back to being the limp noodle before Quarter happened. 

Him to Zoe: "I'm the best version of myself when I'm with you."

No, you're the fucking worst version of yourself. And yep, I'm saying that even though him cheating with Quinn means he's...cheating with Quinn. 

The only thing that makes sense is his reuniting with Zoe is to atone for his sins where Quinn and Eric are concerned. But I still detest it.

So nothing to look forward to next week, I'm guessing?

Also, two people can keep a secret.

When one of them is dead and we have three players in the know (Carter, Quinn, and Shauna). 


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Kill me. Just kill me now if this 💩 is going to continue much longer.  Another day and another day where Zoey needs two heaping cups of shut the fuck up. One doesn’t seem to be working. 

Poor poor Zoey everyone is feeling Zoey’s pain. For me I couldn’t give 💩💩 because Zoey has been less than nothing until Carter showed her some attention than she took a steaming dump on his soul.  Yes Zoey, Quinn did help you get Carter back by giving him the guilts.

It looks like guilt pangs are contagious on the B&B.  From Liam to Carter to Quinn. Quinn’s guilt pangs are the most surprising of all. 


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33 minutes ago, TVForever said:

Well that was just cruel, Show. You gave us a few days of  Sexy, Fun, In-Charge Carter, only to have him turn back into Pathetic Milquetoast Carter, with a side of weird! I thought he was going to start crying for a minute there! What the heck was all of that?

I'd cry, too, if the storyline boomeranged me back to Zoe.

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7 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

And Brooke; just look at you getting all hypocritical about Quinn. And judgmental too! I mean, condemning Quinn's jewelry business as "scrounging around?" 

Yeah, I can forgive her hypocrisy on Quinn's cheating but looking down on her self-made business is where I draw the line. Credit where it's due, FC have had far worse stewards than Brooke and I don't begrudge why she went after ownership, but she did not do the hard work of building FC from the neck up and Quinn would still be surviving if she'd never married Eric.

STG, I haven't been this sick of Brooke since she used the flimsiest of excuses to dump Ridge to chase Nick after he'd moved on.

24 minutes ago, TVForever said:

Well that was just cruel, Show. You gave us a few days of  Sexy, Fun, In-Charge Carter, only to have him turn back into Pathetic Milquetoast Carter, with a side of weird! I thought he was going to start crying for a minute there! What the heck was all of that?

I learned ages ago not to get too attached to good things on this shit show, but damn, this was a flash in the pan. We are starving on AAAAAAAANY scraps after the misery that was 2019's baby story and the tedium of Liam forever playing Archie Andrews. Why couldn't this have last at LEAST two more weeks?

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I cannot believe these people were apologizing to Zoe. Zoe won't let it go unless they shut her down forcefully and bluntly. Carter has been a free agent for weeks even if Zoe has refused to accept it. Nobody should be acting guilty or entertaining Zoe's delusions.

Oh please, it's not like Zoe walked in and caught Carter mid-stroke. 

Carter, you didn't hurt Zoe. Shut up with the false equivalence. What she did while she was engaged to you and claiming to love you was a betrayal. Your sleeping with another woman after you had broken up with Zoe was not. You owed her nothing, and certainly not your indefinite celibacy. 😒

Carter, you m.f.-ing fool. Sure hope you don't talk in your sleep. Or a random piece of Quinn's handcrafted jewelry isn't still in your bedroom.

Paris, you're behind on the hot goss. The new woman in Carter's life is the effing old one that he tried to drop kick weeks ago. Ugh, Zoe stays getting rewarded for bad behavior. 🤨

Heaven help Carter and Quinn if Zoe finds out the truth. She'll make a beeline straight to Eric and imma need Quinn to push Zoe off a bridge to keep that from happening. Hear tell the Golden Gate is lovely this time of year. 😉

I'm still laughing about the speculation out on the soap interwebs that Quinn could be pregnant with Carter's baby. Nah, Quinn's baby factory has very likely shut down for the duration. 😼

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Fucking Show. 

Stupid fucking Show.

Lousy, dimwitted, shortsighted fucking Show.

Dumbass, mean, cruel, thoughtless, hurtful fucking Show.

I hate you fucking Show. 

I hate you.

I hate all of you.

Allowing me to tinkle my toes in that hot ass Quarter water; then taking the pool away.

Stupid fucks. 


Zoe snapping her bony fingers, demanding answers to questions she has no right to ask. 

Carter taking off that badass man armor he's been wearing and revealing the limp toast underneath. His best self indeed. Most guilty self is more like it. Getting back with the trifling trick that fucked you over won't take your guilt away. Just saying. 

Hugging Eric and telling yourself he is the only man for you won't take yours away either Quinn. 

Dumbasses. Getting back with your ex's won't un-guilt you. 

And Carter doesn't have a friggin thing to feel bad about in relation to Zoe. Not a good Goddamn thing. 

Stupid ass fucking mean ass Show. 

I hate you.


Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 14

learned ages ago not to get too attached to good things on this shit show, but damn, this was a flash in the pan. We are starving on AAAAAAAANY scraps after the misery that was 2019's baby story and the tedium of Liam forever playing Archie Andrews. Why couldn't this have last at LEAST two more weeks?

Well I started watching again for Quarter and of course I knew it wouldn't last as long as I wanted because this show hates the viewers. Hates. But geez I thought it would last longer than this! And yes I am sure we'll just go right back to Archie Andrews and his guilt over Vinny. Uggghh.

Also, why show why? Why can't I just have confident Carter rather than stupid wimpy Carter? Carter should feel guilty for betraying Eric but Zoe? Ummm no. Just no. To paraphrase Ross from Friends - you were on a break! And then to get back with Zoe? OMG. Just make it stop.


And Brooke; just look at you getting all hypocritical about Quinn. And judgmental too! I mean, condemning Quinn's jewelry business as "scrounging around?"

Brooke can just shut the hell up. I am over her nonsense be it about Eric's marriage or Hope's marriage.

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