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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Even while begging for acceptance a baby stealing bitch lies. I didn't miss it when she told Brooke that "she did nothing. She just let it go on and on, until she couldn't anymore." Can someone explain that statement to me? Because it sounds like she is saying that she was the one to blow up the lies and deceit, but we all know that isn't what happened. And dear lord in heaven, but they are having Bill becoming one of her champions too? I say, what weirdness goes on here?

So, it looks like Show has an agenda; just like they worked for months to convince us that BethGate was Thomas's fault, they will now try to convince us that Flo was the one that came forward. You just keep on trying Show, cause I watched the whole thing, and I know better. You chose to run with the worst SL ever put to script, so don't try and con us viewers into thinking you put out something different. But you have to try though right? Cause for reasons that escape me, you want to make Zoey and Flo front burner characters, and because they are both heinous, lying heifers, you are trying to rewrite their histories. 

Here's an idea for you Show, how about you bring back some characters that make sense? Bringing back some Forrester's would be nice, you know. the core family? Bridget and Rick? RJ? Little Dante? I wouldn't even mind a reappearance of Amber and Deacon and the Alphabet baby. Anything but this endless propping of horrible characters. 

And once again, Bill is begging. OMG! Please, someone make it stop! Bill doesn't want a future with Katie. He loves her for sure, but he is not in love with her, and there is a big difference between the two. Katie would be a fool to try Batie again. In her head she knows that as soon as Bridge implodes, which it always does, and Brooke is back on the market, that Bill will be coming around trying to convince her to give up on the Dressmaker. I can't believe I am going to say this, but I am thinking that maybe Batie will not happen. There is a reason that Bill and Shauna had that encounter, and there was a reason Bill wasn't snarly and nasty with Shauna. Will Katie stand firm, and not reconcile, sending Bill into Shauna's arms? It is clear she is back on the canvas, and who else is available for the gold digging momma from hell? Well, I detest Shauna, but she would be far more interesting with Bill than Katie, so there is that. 

I don't know; Show is treading on tune out territory with me. There really are no compelling SL's, and all these attempts to redeem unredeemable characters. And Bill's endless begging. And Liam's endless begging. And Hope still being Show's punching bag, while the betraying heaux that is pregnant with her husband's child is being gilded in gold, while enjoying the charms of her new lap dog. 


Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 9

So, it looks like Show has an agenda; just like they worked for months to convince us that BethGate was Thomas's fault, they will now try to convince us that Flo was the one that came forward. You just keep on trying Show, cause I watched the whole thing, and I know better. You chose to run with the worst SL ever put to script, so don't try and con us viewers into thinking you put out something different. But you have to try though right? Cause for reasons that escape me, you want to make Zoey and Flo front burner characters, and because they are both heinous, lying heifers, you are trying to rewrite their histories. 

Bradley is big on the gaslighting, showing the audience things, letting them see it for weeks with their own eyes, and some time later trying to deny it happened. That might work with the folks who just started watching last week or the people whose long-term memory has been destroyed by right-this-minute social media. However, plenty of us remember stuff. We know what we saw, Brad. Just own your b.s. instead of trying to making many of us look like fools.

  • Love 8

Why does Flo just hang around Wyatt's office every day?!!??!! I can't take it! Guess Wyatt considers his office a dumpster and all the trash can come in. 🤨

That was quite an elaborate neckline on Zoe's top. How do you clean that without messing up the elaborate beading?

Good grief, looks like both Flo and Shauna are buying their clothes at the 5-7-9 remainders sales. From five years ago.

Ridge giving Carter romantic advice. Yikes. IMO Ridge's romantic history would make him a poor choice for Carter to listen to, even if they are supposedly best bros. The last thing Carter "deserves" is someone like Zoe. He'll never be able to trust her.

WTAF? Geez, Katie might as well send Hope a text telling her to go eff herself. Maybe Hope doesn't want to have to work with Flo at FC. Has anyone, including Hope's own mommy, bothered to run any of this by her? 😒

That smug look on Katie's face was baffling. Is she planning to have Flo beholden to her?

If Carter takes Zoe back then I'll know he's as pathetic as I always thought he was. He's a handsome, professional guy with a good job. He should be fighting the women off, not offering himself to the lowest bidder.

Okay, I'm going to need Hope to roll in and cuss every last person in that room out. This is ridiculous. And why was Donna crying? 🙄

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 10

Flo Flo Flo, gets treated like Typhoid Mary on this board. I get it, but Flo is inherently not a bad person. She got caught up in a terrible scheme helping a friend who was in a disparate situation. How many people would not protect their child. I’m not excusing their actions nor am I justifying them. I’m just saying Flo and Dr Buckingham are not career criminals. 

With that said, Lurch and Zoey can’t be held harmless. Zoey and Lurch brow beat Flo into keeping silent.  Zoey to protect her father and Lurch to get with Hope.  Lurch “drove” Emma to her death and used Douglas as a weapon to win Hope’s heart. As far as I’m concerned, Lurch blatantly committed child abuse and is guilty of involuntary manslaughter.  

Currently, unless Lurch goes to Stuffy and informs her of his doubts about Vinny and the paternity test, he again is covering up a truth in trying to get with Hope. I don’t give Lurch any benefit of a doubt that he’s still obsessed with Hope.  Lurch’s new tactic is a subliminal seduction of Hope.  

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Yet another beggar today, Zoey. 🙄

I'm getting the feeling that $Bill will lay low for awhile and try to be the model husband and daddy, but at some point he'll get his engine revved up again with.....Flo?  

Unless as some have speculated, it turns out that Bill is Kelly's father...and that brings him closer to Steffy?

Edited by MsTree
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14 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Flo Flo Flo, gets treated like Typhoid Mary on this board.

Here, Twitter, Tumblr and everywhere else in fandom.

14 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

I’m just saying Flo and Dr Buckingham are not career criminals. 

I'll grant you that it's possible Flo isn't, but the jury is still out on the not-so-good doc. I'll be honest, I forgot why he was kidnapping babies to sell in the first place.

At any rate, my aggravation for Flo stems from the reason I couldn't tolerate Brooke for years--and many still can't--and why Teams Steffy and Hope have called truce to bash on Liam: that she does shit things and then act like she was the victim. At least Brooke is still getting her nose rubbed into it for her discretions. Show wants us to forget that people like Flo and Steffy were ever terrible to begin with. Well, to paraphrase an oft-quoted line: "Thats not gonna happen, Brad! Not gonna happen!"

But mostly, I can't wrap my head around someone whose friend says "Hey, can you pose as this baby's mother and I'll give you a cut of the money" and doesn't find that just the tiniest bit sus.

14 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

With that said, Lurch and Zoey can’t be held harmless.

I don't disagree, but it's worth pointing out that for as lightly as they both got off that neither has gotten a happily ever after, either. Thomas doesn't have his son or Hope or even the respect of his blood family. Even Ridge is finally looking askance at him. The show looks to be redeeming him, but his past may be coming back to work against him, which from a narrative standpoint, I'm okay with. Just like how Steffy pulled that "Ho For the Future" stunt that later got her blamed for the Possé reveal and no one believed she didn't do it.

Likewise, Zoe is trash, but the show isn't blatantly trying to pass her off as a saint and she at least worked with Hope to bring Thomas down and save her relationship to Waffle Boy. That's more along the line of what I think of when redemption and retribution is brought up.

All that outta the way, Thomas tried bullying Emma too and she noped outta that. Her only mistake was announcing what she was about to do. And yes, he should have been held to account for manslaughter at a minimum. I'd still be fine with that coming back after he's gotten with Hope and life seem okie dokie for him.

  • Love 5

I'm confused.  Is Paris the head of this so-called foundation, or is she just an employee?  If she's the head, then Katie should have consulted her before offering the job to Flo.  I feel sorry for Paris because I think she was blindsided and she'll regret having to work with Flo.  

And I'm sorry, but closeups of Zoe's face are difficult to watch.

  • Love 7

I haven't seen today's show yet, but damn! Katie has some balls on her to just offer Flo at job at FC.  I wish that Ridge had flat-out refused and it made me happy to see that he had the decency to acknowledge Hope's feelings as well as Steffy's before half-heartedly agreeing. And where are those steel cojones when dealing with Bill? Katie needs to tell The Stallion to get lost once and for all.

I was also disappointed that Brooke didn't draw that line at having Flo around day-in and day-out at FC where Steffy, Hope and Brooke would have to see and interact with her. It's OK, I guess, to "accept" Flo as Stormy's daughter, but there needs to be some very clear boundaries that extend beyond arms-length.

Flo and Shauna really are useless characters and I wish they would leave the show. I was loving Shauna's vintage Chanel suit yesterday, but how does an unemployed grifter afford clothes like that as well as the matching Chanel bag? I thought Zoe's sweater was cool but not paired with that faux reptile maxi skirt. 





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I have been typing and deleting and typing and deleting because I don't know that I've ever been so angry watching an episode as I was watching the "Welcome Felony Back to the Family She Willfully and Cruelly Fucked Over and Give Her a Damn Job as a Reward" tomfuckery.

Okay, maybe not the most angry, but it is up there with Brooke being raped at the behest of Stephanie giving Andy access to her house.

Because what these Logan women are doing to one of their own (Hope) is the ultimate betrayal. Not to mention removing every single ounce of agency from Hope, which, when you consider how much agency was taken from her the moment a DEAD BABY was placed in her arms until she finally learned the truth is truly galling. 

How dare Brooke, Katie, and Donna rugsweep what was done because despite Brooke's weak words about not forgetting, that is exactly what they are doing here. And for what? Because Storm deposited some semen one night in Vegas and made a baby with Shauna? Who gives two shits about this? Having lost a brother, I well know the pain of that loss and how it will never, ever leave you. You just learn to live with it.  But I can say, without a doubt, that if some heretofore unknown offspring of my late brother turned up and was a disgusting, despicable human trafficker, I would be hard-pressed to open my arms to them. Especially if the child they trafficked happened to be the child of another family member. 

Nor would my late brother expect me to and again, I say that if Storm were alive, he would be beyond ashamed of her and DNA or not, would want to keep this product of his loins at a distance. 

How sad for Hope, the living, breathing victim in all of this (along with Liam) that she is shoved to the side, her pain and her anguish and her trauma, the loss of the first eight months of her child's life which she can NEVER get back is completely disregarded in favor of the ghost of her uncle. 

It was her child that was stolen from her and all those days, weeks, months that were stolen. Milestones she will never, ever get to know. Not to mention - again - the DEAD BABY being placed in her arms while she wailed and wailed and blamed herself. A baby for whom she had a funeral. A baby whose things she had to pack away. A faded ultrasound picture, its ends curling up, the only tangible proof of what she had had. Of all that could and would, no, should have been.

A baby she thought about every single day and, likely, every single moment of every single day when she was awake and conscious and aching from the huge hole in her heart.

And all the while, Flo knew. 

She knew the truth about her own first cousin's baby and could have opened her month to say the words: "Phoebe is Beth." Just three little words and yet she couldn't - no, wouldn't - say a thing. Because she was covering her own ass - her criminal, $50k pocketing wanting the cushy life with Wyatt and her newfound family. 

She was not only a criminal, she was a coward. It took a child, Douglas, to finally reveal the truth and Flo only told the full story because she had to. She had no choice because Douglas outed her lying, baby-selling ass and the jig was up. She would have gone on lying had Douglas not learned the truth. 

She served all of one day behind bars because Ridge didn't want Thomas to suffer consequences for his part in the continued cover-up and lies (which removed Hope and Liam's agency). She has never paid for her crimes. She has never atoned. The slap Hope gave her was a drop in the bucket with what she deserves (which is to still be sporting an orange jumpsuit in a windowless cell). And no, Katie's POV re Flo giving her a kidney (which she did not do for altruistic reasons but rather, completely self-serving ones) matters not to me. Nor should it to Hope. Because it wasn't Katie's baby that was stolen and can you imagine if it had been? She would want the thief of her child to be burned at the stake. 

Nor has Flo suffered an ounce of remorse. Someone who is truly remorseful doesn't immediately show up on their victim's doorstep, expecting them to open the door to them and accept their weak-ass apology. Someone who is truly remorseful doesn't use their donating a kidney to try and worm their way back into the family they fucked over. Someone who is truly remorseful doesn't whine about how much longer is the family they fucked over going to take before letting bygones be bygones.

Because this isn't a fucking bygone. It was a crime. Actually, it was multiple crimes. Along with committing human trafficking, fraud, and falsifying an adoption, including the legal documentation, Flo was also an accessory to kidnapping. Then you add on the months of lying and straight up gaslighting of Hope. Befriending her. Taking her into her confidence. Standing there and literally watching her own cousin struggle with her overwhelming grief and again, lifting not one finger, saying not one word to help her. That is sociopathic behavior right there. 

And yet these bitches - and yep, I'm including my gal, Brooke, here - are purposefully choosing to handwave all of that because of Storm's memory. Well, I say, "fuck them" and "fuck Flo" and "fuck Ridge, too." And Wyatt? "A double fuck you." And yep, even Bill, who apparently doesn't give two shits about his son or daughter-in-law or granddaughter. Fuck all of them.

That they could do this, forgive this bitch, and welcome her into the family fold and offer her a job at FC means they don't give a shit about Hope or her pain. It would be one thing if they agreed to let her into some small corner of their lives (and even that I would side-eye) but to roll out the red carpet and embrace her, to have her work in the same space as the woman she so cruelly wronged? Make that women as she hurt Steffy, too, and WTF to Brooke and Ridge, that they could so callously hurt their daughters this way?

That they could even consider this is horrific. They never even considered talking to Hope about this. Which is perhaps the unkindest cut of all. 

As if her feelings and her pain and her suffering were nothing. Again, she's competing with a dead man's memory and I don't even know what to say to that.

Except again, fuck all of them.

It wasn't their baby that was taken. 

It wasn't their life that was upended.

And it's not their forgiveness to give. 

If I were Hope and this was my family, my mother included, betraying me like that. Hell could freeze over before I'd let them darken my doorway ever again. 

As Maya Angelou said, when people show you who they truly are, believe them...the first time.

  • Love 23
26 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

I wish that Ridge had flat-out refused and it made me happy to see that he had the decency to acknowledge Hope's feelings as well as Steffy's before half-heartedly agreeing

Did hell freeze over during a blue moon? It's truly a thing of novelty when Ridge the ogre is the most considerate person in the room!

Of course, thatcs damingly faint praise when he still rolled over to condone this as @CountryGirl pointed out above. But then, I don't expect any better from either Ridge or any of the Logans, really.

I mean, I remember how even Victor kept Adam at arm's length for years for what he did to his grandchild and it took till 2020 and another contrived revision of his history for him to even begin to embrace him as a son. But none of the other Newmans have any use for him and rightfully so. I hate how smug Nick usually is, but his core message about Adam being given so many chances isn't wrong.

How fucked is it that the NEWMANS of all people have a better moral compass than anyone on this show?


  • Love 6
20 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Because it wasn't Katie's baby that was stolen and can you imagine if it had been? She would want the thief to be burned at the stake. 

I'm reminded of a quote I saw at r/boldandbeautiful, which summed up what I thought about this blatant hypocrisy on Katie's end succinctly:

"Katie "Petty Asshole Level: Jeff Katzenberg Towards Disney After Founding Dreamworks" Logan telling anyone to forgive and forget is sending me to the moon like $GME stock"

I mean, the sheer fucking hubris of Lemonhead Kravitz telling people to handwave the past given that her pettiness is directly responsible for igniting the Steffy/Hope rivalry is laughable. And her manipulative faked heart attack when she wanted to spite Brooke about Bill, and the batshit way she was activing towards Quinn when she was presumably thirsting for Eric...I just can't with her.


  • Love 10

I just got a chance to watch the 3/3 show. The first thing that came to mind is when was the last time Ridge showered or at least washed his hair. 

Second thing was that Ridge, in a sense, granted Flo absolution by allowing her to be given a plea deal. Maybe it was to protect Lurch who Ridge forgave in a bling of an eye.  How many times did Brooke forgive Ridge for his crap and Stephanie forgave Brooke for a lot of her crap. 

But above all, I cannot forgive Lurch for the child abuse of Douglas. 

Has Zoey became Liam junior in sounding like a broken record in pleading for forgiveness. 

I had to laugh when Katie offered Flo a job working with her in PR because it’s probably slightly above Donna’s position as receptionist.

  • Useful 1
7 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

What exactly are Felonious Flo’s qualifications for working at FC in any of their departments? And what gives Katie the right to offer Felonious Flo a job at FC? It’s not her family’s company. I cannot wait to watch the three idiots explain to Hope how and why they decided to do this. 

Good point.  Also, is there no HR department?  I understand nepotism but if she's doing "public relations" for the foundation, how do they know she's even qualified?  Just because Katie got a kidney from Flo doesn't give Katie the right to do whatever the hell she pleases by offering her a job.   I noticed that Carter and Zoe didn't seem too happy about this, and neither did Ridge. 

  • Love 6
On 3/4/2021 at 1:07 PM, Waldo13 said:

But above all, I cannot forgive Lurch for the child abuse of Douglas. 

That is one of the many things being forgotten in all of this mess and I hope it comes to royally bite Thomas in the ass--if not in the immediate future when Liam inevitably sues for full custody after Thope gets together, then certainly once he's SORASed and his Cousin Will or Uncle Bill lets slip some details about he came about into this world in the first place.

Next to the Beth storyline itself, the child abuse was the ugliest, grossest story ever set into B&B canon and I detest how were supposed to forget that. Flo? Bad, but whatever, Hope has her own agency to shut her and her trifling family out. Douglas does not.

On 3/4/2021 at 1:07 PM, Waldo13 said:

Has Zoey became Liam junior in sounding like a broken record in pleading for forgiveness. 

Maybe they'll end up together and once they cheat on each other they can plead forgiveness to each other.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 6

Lot of foreshadowing with the talk of Wyatt and Flo's future/happiness/etc., the gushing about Wyatt's thoughtfulness, etc.  And "introducing" Flo to Carter all while Zoe tries desperately to get him back?  Wondering whether they'll try to chem test Flo and Carter.  May have been interesting pre-COVID but these new couples, e.g., Finn and Steffy, just don't land since the actors can't touch or kiss each other.  Declarations of love and desire just don't work with six feet between the lovers.

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

What exactly are Felonious Flo’s qualifications for working at FC in any of their departments? And what gives Katie the right to offer Felonious Flo a job at FC? It’s not her family’s company. I cannot wait to watch the three idiots explain to Hope how and why they decided to do this. 

It is so bizarre that none of them thought to loop in Hope, Liam or Steffy. And Katie invited Flo to FC before she even got Ridge's okay. What if Ridge had said no way!? Katie would have told Flo, well, I wanted to hire you but nobody else agrees, they still think you are evil baby-napper/seller that you are.

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What exactly are Felonious Flo’s qualifications for working at FC in any of their departments? And what gives Katie the right to offer Felonious Flo a job at FC? It’s not her family’s company. 

This is all true, though it was Hope who offered Flo a job at Forrester back in the spring of 2019, and when Flo admitted she had no qualifications to work there, Hope said something like, "This is a family company, and you are part of the family."

  • Useful 3

Thank you, Bill! Those Fulton skanks act like they're entitled to use your company as their personal waiting room. You were right to call them out.

Lol, Carter looking at Flo like, "whatchutalkinbout, Willis?" So much for being the COO if big hiring decisions can be made without his input.

I thought Carter had ended his engagement to Zoe. Huh. They're just on a break?

But then Bill folded like a bad poker hand. Those Fultons will never be stopped, especially with tool Wyatt carrying their water. Sigh. 🤨

Ditto comments upthread, what does Flo know about PR? Beyond self-promotion, that is. And wow was that some lowkey attitude she threw at Zoe or what? Not "game recognize game" so much as "checkmate, sweetie. I'm a Logan again."

A "Flogan"? Yeah, no, that's not gonna work. Not ever.

The COO of a major international fashion company lives in a condo with a bed in the combination living/dining room. Being a COO ain't all it's cracked up to be. 🙄

Zende stays being a cheap m.f.-er. I remember when his idea of a big first date with Nicole was heating up some leftovers in Eric's kitchen. Pshht. Don't be too impressed until he lays out some actual money, Paris.

You shoulda had the locks changed, Carter. Zoe did look great in that emerald green gown though. That's a good color for her, I think.

  • LOL 1
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3 hours ago, CRT said:

This is all true, though it was Hope who offered Flo a job at Forrester back in the spring of 2019, and when Flo admitted she had no qualifications to work there, Hope said something like, "This is a family company, and you are part of the family."

To be quite honest, in the entire history of B&B history, only Brooke has managed to run Forrester as a fucking business. Her older kids were in college when she was tossed out and Bridget wasn't interested in the family business but she didn't make a habit of hiring any old slag for lulz.

I decided to re-watch season 19 on YouTube right when Stephanie found out about the trust Eric hid from her and the spectacular L she takes putting Taylor in charge of her new, morality-center Forrester branding. Great fucking times that I didn't appreciate nearly enough at the time 🤣

  • Love 5

Wyatt and Shauna though:

"We are waiting for Flo!" 

"Katie called her back to Forrester Creations, and we don't know why!"

Well, yelp, that oughta satisfy Bill's curiosity. 

Shauna and Bill are definitely on the back burner. There is some reason Bill is being so nice; smiling even, to the gold digger. Not to mention that Bill's office is now the Fulton's personal stomping ground for discussing and making life choices. 

Why do Flo and Shauna dress like they are on their way to an 8th grade dance?

Oh, my Logan Women, what kool-aid are you drinking? So, I guess Hope will just come to work and find Flo there? No advance warning, no heads up? Is she going to be expected to embrace Flo based on her non-existent Stormy memories? How do ya'll think it is going to make her feel to learn that her pain, not to mention her outrage, at Flo is taking a backseat to a dead man's memory? A dead man that didn't even know the barnacle that destroyed Hope's life? And Steffy too, although she seems to have softened a bit to Flo, she is still the co-CEO, and was also hurt by Flo, and her daddy just signed right the hell off on that hiring Flo shit. 

Shut up Zoey, holy cow, but you can find new and fresh ways to annoy me. You walk in on your sister and Zende talking about their stuff, and you are all like "damn, like I really need to hear that". What part of I fucked up my own relationship are you missing? And, and, and, what were those remarks about how it wasn't totally Zende's fault? Giiiiiiiiirl, you need to take a whole auditorium of seats, and crack open a nice tall glass of STFU. 

Also Zoey, I think a nice romantic, candle lite dinner, with soft music, and a cozy fire would have done more to warm up Carter's heart. It would have shown you were putting in some effort, instead of just changing your clothes. Your gown was beautiful, but using your lady parts to try and woo Carter back is all kinds of tacky and crass. Oh, and just a wee bit obvious. 

Looks like game is on with Zoey and Flo; that was one uncomfortable and icy hello. And Flo is being shoved up Paris's ass? Wow, and not even a word to the girl that was just hired herself. I suspect that Flo will be working as President of the company within a week, what with how everyone is on the forgiveness gravy train, and how much they need to "show" her their acceptance. They can miss me with all of it. 

@CountryGirl; your post! If I could give you a Nobel for it I would. All kinds of freaking amazing!


Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 13
21 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

I have been typing and deleting and typing and deleting because I don't know that I've ever been so angry watching an episode as I was watching the "Welcome Felony Back to the Family She Willfully and Cruelly Fucked Over and Give Her a Damn Job as a Reward" tomfuckery.

Okay, maybe not the most angry, but it is up there with Brooke being raped at the behest of Stephanie giving Andy access to her house.

Because what these Logan women are doing to one of their own (Hope) is the ultimate betrayal. Not to mention removing every single ounce of agency from Hope, which, when you consider how much agency was taken from her the moment a DEAD BABY was placed in her arms until she finally learned the truth is truly galling. 

How dare Brooke, Katie, and Donna rugsweep what was done because despite Brooke's weak words about not forgetting, that is exactly what they are doing here. And for what? Because Storm deposited some semen one night in Vegas and made a baby with Shauna? Who gives two shits about this? Having lost a brother, I well know the pain of that loss and how it will never, ever leave you. You just learn to live with it.  But I can say, without a doubt, that if some heretofore unknown offspring of my late brother turned up and was a disgusting, despicable human trafficker, I would be hard-pressed to open my arms to them. Especially if the child they trafficked happened to be the child of another family member. 

Nor would my late brother expect me to and again, I say that if Storm were alive, he would be beyond ashamed of her and DNA or not, would want to keep this product of his loins at a distance. 

How sad for Hope, the living, breathing victim in all of this (along with Liam) that she is shoved to the side, her pain and her anguish and her trauma, the loss of the first eight months of her child's life which she can NEVER get back is completely disregarded in favor of the ghost of her uncle. 

It was her child that was stolen from her and all those days, weeks, months that were stolen. Milestones she will never, ever get to know. Not to mention - again - the DEAD BABY being placed in her arms while she wailed and wailed and blamed herself. A baby for whom she had a funeral. A baby whose things she had to pack away. A faded ultrasound picture, its ends curling up, the only tangible proof of what she had had. Of all that could and would, no, should have been.

A baby she thought about every single day and, likely, every single moment of every single day when she was awake and conscious and aching from the huge hole in her heart.

And all the while, Flo knew. 

She knew the truth about her own first cousin's baby and could have opened her month to say the words: "Phoebe is Beth." Just three little words and yet she couldn't - no, wouldn't - say a thing. Because she was covering her own ass - her criminal, $50k pocketing wanting the cushy life with Wyatt and her newfound family. 

She was not only a criminal, she was a coward. It took a child, Douglas, to finally reveal the truth and Flo only told the full story because she had to. She had no choice because Douglas outed her lying, baby-selling ass and the jig was up. She would have gone on lying had Douglas not learned the truth. 

She served all of one day behind bars because Ridge didn't want Thomas to suffer consequences for his part in the continued cover-up and lies (which removed Hope and Liam's agency). She has never paid for her crimes. She has never atoned. The slap Hope gave her was a drop in the bucket with what she deserves (which is to still be sporting an orange jumpsuit in a windowless cell). And no, Katie's POV re Flo giving her a kidney (which she did not do for altruistic reasons but rather, completely self-serving ones) matters not to me. Nor should it to Hope. Because it wasn't Katie's baby that was stolen and can you imagine if it had been? She would want the thief of her child to be burned at the stake. 

Nor has Flo suffered an ounce of remorse. Someone who is truly remorseful doesn't immediately show up on their victim's doorstep, expecting them to open the door to them and accept their weak-ass apology. Someone who is truly remorseful doesn't use their donating a kidney to try and worm their way back into the family they fucked over. Someone who is truly remorseful doesn't whine about how much longer is the family they fucked over going to take before letting bygones be bygones.

Because this isn't a fucking bygone. It was a crime. Actually, it was multiple crimes. Along with committing human trafficking, fraud, and falsifying an adoption, including the legal documentation, Flo was also an accessory to kidnapping. Then you add on the months of lying and straight up gaslighting of Hope. Befriending her. Taking her into her confidence. Standing there and literally watching her own cousin struggle with her overwhelming grief and again, lifting not one finger, saying not one word to help her. That is sociopathic behavior right there. 

And yet these bitches - and yep, I'm including my gal, Brooke, here - are purposefully choosing to handwave all of that because of Storm's memory. Well, I say, "fuck them" and "fuck Flo" and "fuck Ridge, too." And Wyatt? "A double fuck you." And yep, even Bill, who apparently doesn't give two shits about his son or daughter-in-law or granddaughter. Fuck all of them.

That they could do this, forgive this bitch, and welcome her into the family fold and offer her a job at FC means they don't give a shit about Hope or her pain. It would be one thing if they agreed to let her into some small corner of their lives (and even that I would side-eye) but to roll out the red carpet and embrace her, to have her work in the same space as the woman she so cruelly wronged? Make that women as she hurt Steffy, too, and WTF to Brooke and Ridge, that they could so callously hurt their daughters this way?

That they could even consider this is horrific. They never even considered talking to Hope about this. Which is perhaps the unkindest cut of all. 

As if her feelings and her pain and her suffering were nothing. Again, she's competing with a dead man's memory and I don't even know what to say to that.

Except again, fuck all of them.

It wasn't their baby that was taken. 

It wasn't their life that was upended.

And it's not their forgiveness to give. 

If I were Hope and this was my family, my mother included, betraying me like that. Hell could freeze over before I'd let them darken my doorway ever again. 

As Maya Angelou said, when people show you who they truly are, believe them...the first time.

I wish I could rep this entire post a trillion times! 

Just speculation on my part, but I fear worse (yes, worse!) is to come:  this effing show will force a reconciliation between Flo and Hope. The victim will be forced to fully embrace Flo as a Logan (family member and colleague) in the coming days/weeks. 

  • Love 8
39 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I find myself muting the sound whenever the Zoe actress is on screen. It seems to me that she’s gotten much worse as an actress as time has gone on. She is zero believable in this role. It is hard to believe that TPTB couldn’t find a better, more attractive actress to play this character.

Agree!  Not a Zoey fan at all!  She sounds angry with Carter, GMAB.  I hate that shiny green dress, looks cheap and she needs a bosom to carry it off.  I don’t find her the least bit attractive.  Carter, please get a backbone and throw her out and take away her key!

Loved Brooke’s white suit.    

  • Love 12

What exactly about that blue dress scream Paris’s personality to Zende? She’s young and into a lot of short skirts and pattern mixing. That dress looked like it was intended for someone older. The slo-mo twisting was weird too. 
I don’t know why Zoey still pretends that she’s still engaged to Carter and that they have a future. There’s a lot about Zoe’s history that I don’t understand including why she is head model and why she wasn’t fired after the Beth conspiracy or why Hope even hired her at all when she first crashed the Hope For The Future fashion show. I also don’t understand why she was never arrested for stalking Xander or arrested for her part in the Beth conspiracy. She’s gotten a free pass for so much of her crap and Carter is probably going to give her a pass here too because so much of what she did recently is reduced to “I was innocently flirting with Zende because I have the sads because I’m the victim of men and I have no personal agency in my decisions”

Let’s review her previous relationships.

Xander- he left her in England and did not tell her where he was moving because he was scared of her. She stalked him to Los Angeles. He gave her another chance, but he bounced again when she threatened him about staying quiet about the Beth situation. 

Thomas- She began this relationship at the behest of Hope and Liam so she could get dirt on him. She knew his deal from the beginning, but then suddenly turned delusional and acted like the whole thing was real until she again turned on him to expose him. She was not a victim here. 

Carter- She always seemed more impressed with his position at Forrester rather than actually interested in him as a person. She jumped on Zende as soon as he came back to Los Angeles. He was younger, wealthier, and a Forrester relative. Plus, she was more attracted to him. When that went south she went for back up plan Carter’s proposal, but still hoped to convince Zende to give her a shot. Again, when that failed she’s now back to her backup trying to convince him it’s true love.

Edited by Angeleyes
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3 hours ago, norcalgal said:

Weeeelllll, except for that period of time when Show made Bridget Forrester, M.D. into a freaking fashion designer!!!  Yeah, that actually happened, and it came outta nowhere.

Lol yeah, but that was after Brooke was ousted by Stephanie in '03. Even after Nick kicked her outta Jackie M, she didn't jump over to FC even after Ridge offered her a job.

Reason #8247 why Bridget is the most universally loved character in B&B canon.

  • Love 6

Zoe is nucking futz. Carter owes her nothing AFAIC. At this point she's just trying to hold onto his checkbook and his status with the Forresters. At least he finally bought a clue about that.

Zende courting Paris with his grandfather's mansion is like Wyatt taking Nicole on an airborne date flying up and down the CA coast in Bill's jet. The men get to look like big-ballers on someone else's dime and the women get played for cheap. Ugh.

Didn't Zende design a dress for Zoe too? And I remember that awful art deco-esque schmatta Thomas designed for Hope. I'm thinking these Forrester fellas should get a new playbook because the one they're using now is actually kind of demeaning IMO. "Your usual look sucks so I am fixing it for you with this wannabe couture dress."

When Carter was lamenting about the one time he was engaged and it didn't work out was he talking about Maya? Wasn't that when he proposed on the first date? I am unable to can with this guy. What is wrong with him?

Oh Carter, Zoe may be lying snake but you served yourself up to her on a silver platter fresh from the microwave. You have a right to be butthurt over her betrayal but you seriously need to work on your neediness. And your gullibility. Don't fall back into her clutches!

  • Love 10

Brooke always has an opinion wether or not it’s solicited.  Judgmental is Brooke’s middle name.  

Zoey would be more believable if she was a half decent actress.  Carter’s only attribute is his chest and he’s only a good actor when he’s shirtless. 

I really liked Paris’s dress. In fact it was the nicest dress in a very long time but that hair has to go.  Please let Paris go back to her regular hair. She’s very pretty to say the least. 

Edited by Waldo13
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On 3/5/2021 at 3:18 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

When Carter was lamenting about the one time he was engaged and it didn't work out was he talking about Maya? Wasn't that when he proposed on the first date? I am unable to can with this guy. What is wrong with him?

Yep, that was it. And Maya put up no pretense about not being over Rick, he just took it upon himself to pursue this obvious rebound. 

The only reason I hesitate to call him the biggest tool on the show is because Liam is still on the canvas, but at this point it's damn near a photo finish in that race to the bottom.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Wait! Please wait a minute Carter Wait!

Wait! Please Carter


Please Carter, can’t you see

That I was raised by a rotten daddy

He made me do really bad things

But that shouldn’t be enough for you to want back your ring


There must be some kind of way

That I can convince you to let me stay

Please, my love, Carter, can’t you see

That you are the only man for me


I’ve been standing here telling you how sorry I am

For putting the moves on another man

But sexing up Zende and losing you wasn’t my plan


Please Carter, can’t you see

All the men in my life have treated me so badly

I was just ascared of committing to you

And your resistance now is making me blue


Too many days have passed us by

We need to work it out now and give us a try

I was hot for Zende, because he was the cat’s meow

But I have decided I love you, and that’s all over now


Please Carter, can’t you see

I’ll do anything to bring you back to me

I'm sorry, I strayed, I was just so horny

But I promise you, I’ll never again be naughty


Oh, you better give me another chance, give me another chance

And you best remember I’ve been a stalker in my past

Please, please Carter

Please, just one more chance, that is all I ask

You better give it, or else your gonna live it

Give it to me, give it to me, give it to me

Oh, Carter, I am asking you to hear my plea

Give my the right answer; the sooner the better

Otherwise, I might get bitter and become a hater

Please Carter, please carter, hear my plea









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I've been busy with work so I didn't watch any episodes last week(or Y&R) and I don't plan on it because I might lose whatever sanity I was able to protect while watching this shit show so far.  The one thing that might make Felony's forced redemption almost ok is if she dies sooner rather than later. 

On 3/5/2021 at 12:51 PM, norcalgal said:

Just speculation on my part, but I fear worse (yes, worse!) is to come:  this effing show will force a reconciliation between Flo and Hope. The victim will be forced to fully embrace Flo as a Logan (family member and colleague) in the coming days/weeks. 

I agree with you, I think Hope will be surrounded by the Logan's, possibly Liam, plus felony and her bitch ass mother, Bill, Whyatt, and maybe psycho Quinn will all hound her, badger her and mentally abuse her into forgiving Flo. It will be even more disgusting than what's happened already. But I knew something like this would happen eventually. Hope's good girl, forgiving, self-righteous attitude would come to bite her in the ass eventually. Everyone knows how long she's put up with Liam's crap, so what's some more crap? She's forgiven so much already so now that's all anyone is going to expect/demand from her. The message of her being a doormat has been received by the people around her and they will act accordingly. I know on some level it's a mere pipe dream of mine to see Hope bitch up and fuck some people up the same way they did to her, starting with Flo/Shuana. But it is realistic for her to set boundaries and hold people accountable, but Brad won't even allow her that right.   

She's also put up with her mother's crap (marrying Bill when he's shitted on Hope almost as much as Steffy has), I'm still a bit upset Hope never confronted her on how she could love a man that went out of his way to make her life hell, forget about him being Katie's man, what about what he did to Hope? 

In speaking of Katie, I'm happy to see everyone going in on her lol, It makes the "Katie is the only decent Logan!1!1" crowd look stupid, pfftt no she's not. She's just as petty, and annoying as anyone else on the show she's just better at hiding it. The only time I halfway rooted for her is when she found out about Still/Brill 1.0, when she was with Wyatt, and when she was suing Bill for custody of Will, because of Bill's lame ass obsession with Steffy's supposedly golden cooch. Other than that she's just there. With that said When I found her character interesting was when I saw her reaction after Storm died. 

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What a meh week.  The only thing I liked was Zoe's green gown; just wish someone else had been wearing it and what is with it with her latest wig? The color is too dark and really ages her unless it is intentional to not make her look so young next to Carter. And speaking of Zoe and Carter, how long do we have to listen to this tired recycled conversation between them? Carter needs to firmly and finally dump her cheating ass once and for all. And get that ring back so she doesn't have any excuse that suggests she and Carter are still engaged. Ridge could fire her too, for good measure. But he won't.

The redemption of Felony Flo story can stop like yesterday. I already mentioned being gobsmacked by Katie's audacity to offer Flo a job without running it by Ridge and Steffy, but it sounded like purposely went over there heads by asking Eric about the possibility. I wish Bell had the balls to do some kind of auxiliary story about other employees suing the company for not posting the job, offering a fair opportunity to others, etc. At least Paris' job at the foundation was semi-legit and sounded like there was an actual search going on to fill the position.

Aside from her awesome vintage Chanel, I thought Shauna looked horrible, especially with that bad wig on Thursday and Friday. Where does she get off with her indignation that the Logans owe Flo big time for donating a kidney to Katie. Actually, Ridge is to thank for all of this. If hadn't caved and let Flo out of jail, she would still (hopefully) be behind bars. I wanted to slap the taste right off that pair of grifters' mouths. 

Poor Hope, being hit with double barrels. First, Liam's infidelity and the baby and now, Flo being underfoot every day at FC.

Also, why does Bill allow everybody to congregate in his office? I am glad he finally threw the whole motley crew out.

So another cheap-ass at-home date with Zende and Paris. I thought that color of blue was stunning on Paris, but the cut was way too old and matronly. It reminded me of something that Stephanie or Jackie Marone would have worn back in the day. But, I think those two are kind of charming and refreshing, so I will sit with it. I just don't want to see a QoD between those two and Zoe and Carter. Zoe deserves to be alone for a long time.

To answer a few questions I read from other posters:

FC must have a HR department because when Katie was having that awkward moment with Flo, Zoe and Zende, Brooke popped in to announce that "HR was ready for Flo." Nice try, but not good enough.

Actually, it was Thorne who hired Zoe. After she crashed that fashion show, there was allegedly so much gushing public feedback on how awesome she was, that he hired her for lead model on the spot. That was one time he should have stayed in the basement and out of sight.




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I get there’s unconventionally attractive spokes models like Lauren Hutton, Anjelica Huston, Slick Woods, Adrien Brody, Kristin McMenamy, ect ... But they all were, key word, attractive and Zoey is def not. The more the characters rave about her exceptional beauty just high lights it.

Her integrity and charisma are nonexistent as well so it’s a real wtf how much ass pats and free passes she gets. 

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On 3/7/2021 at 9:05 AM, TeamGabi said:

knew something like this would happen eventually. Hope's good girl, forgiving, self-righteous attitude would come to bite her in the ass eventually. Everyone knows how long she's put up with Liam's crap, so what's some more crap? She's forgiven so much already so now that's all anyone is going to expect/demand from her. The message of her being a doormat has been received by the people around her and they will act accordingly

On a related tangent, I've gone back to watch the episodes from 2005, and Brooke pulls this EXACT crap on Bridget with Eric's help. One episode, Bridget calls her newly re-married parents over along with Nick and she calls all of them out on the charade. She tells Nick and Brooke to.hold hands and be with each other, she calls out Eric for the dottering old coot he is, and what does Eric do? Tell Bridget she's incesure because there's gonna be no one with a blank slate and that she'll have to accept that her romantic interests I'll come with baggage. It was by far the worst gaslighting I've ever witness for this show, next to Brad Bell  trying to handwave The Misunderstanding™ between Thomas and Caroline.

Any sane person would have walked away from Nick, given her history. One can say it was stupid of her to get involved with her mother's ex in the first place given...everything, but at the end of the day, he was in love with another woman and viewed her as little else as an incubator. Just because Eric was fine w sloppy seconds to spite Stephanie doesn't mean the rest of the world is.

But as much as I hated that bullshit and found it to be the second-most insulting story B&B put to script at the time, Bridget at least had people in her corner to defend her: Dante was there for her, calling Nick on his shit and althought Stephanie always had an anti-Brooke agenda, I believe that in this case, it was pure coincidence (at least until Felicia got mixed up with Dante some months later, then she didn't give a shit lol) and nothing Stephanie said was wrong.

But who does Hope have? Certainly not her feckless cockwomble husband who has proven he goes with the easiest decision and the warmest clam cave available. There's too much history for her and Steffy to bond over what they were both robbed of by this trick and at best Steffy might have told the Logans to fuck off because of her anti-Logan bullshit, but that's nothing to do with Hope.

On 3/7/2021 at 9:05 AM, TeamGabi said:

In speaking of Katie, I'm happy to see everyone going in on her lol, It makes the "Katie is the only decent Logan!1!1" crowd look stupid, pfftt no she's not. She's just as petty, and annoying as anyone else on the show she's just better at hiding it. 

That's highly up for debate lol. She hasn't had that "good Logan" crown since the night Nick came aboard her canoe in Catalina. I'll grant that she's gotten her karmic payback with interest and dividends for that being with Bill and all, but she was perfectly fine dating Ridge to spite Brill. I've never seen a less convincing pairing than I had Kridge, and that includes the pairings they're trying to sell now AND Ridge/Bridget. Yeah, I said it haha

"Katie is just there" yeah, pretty much.

22 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Actually, it was Thorne who hired Zoe. After she crashed that fashion show, there was allegedly so much gushing public feedback on how awesome she was, that he hired her for lead model on the spot. That was one time he should have stayed in the basement and out of sight.


Actually, that whole version of Thorne sucked ass. Don't get me wrong, old Thorne had some true WTF moments like asking Macy to adopt the baby Darla was carrying and spending way more time than a 40+ year old single father should be playing petty tricks on the new stepmommy that even Ridge found beneath his entitled ass to pull, but this one just....naw. the fact that Ridge embraced him as a brother for the first time in their life should've been a red flag, especially given what an oaf the current version is.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Steffy said she was taking care of herself for the baby's sake. And? That's what she's supposed to do. Does she expect a pat on the back for doing what every expectant mother should do anyway? 🙄

I did like Steffy's polo dress though.

OMFG, did they hire a team of writers just to pen begging scenes? Why is this crap between Zoe and Carter still going on? Did anyone ask for more of this? Bueller? 🤪

Uh, Paris when a guy designs a couture dress for you, he's probably expecting something in return. Too bad the classic Grecian gown is so common. He probably copied it off a Vogue pattern book or Wikipedia.

GET MARRIED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE?!?! Whee, now Zoe's using Carter's neediness against him. This broad is next level at mind-fcukery. If only she used her powers for good. 😒

Wow, Carter's letting Zoe keep that insane ring. Girl, you better go sell that thing before he changes his mind. (Which reminds me, Thomas gave Zoe a pretty hefty engagement ring too. Does she still have it or did she throw it back at him when all his scheming came to light?)

Zoe again begging Ridge to help her get Carter back was so cringe. I was almost embarrassed for both actors. Almost. 😐

Would a big city hospital ordinarily have one person running their testing lab? Seems to me like an awful amount power to invest in a single employee.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 8

Zoe mentioned Paris following her around, and I got the impression that it wasn't just to LA.  I'd like to hear about more history between them because I just don't get Zoe's intense dislike of her sister.   I also don't understand her blaming Paris for her busted relationship with Carter.  The writing for these two just doesn't make sense.

And who just bursts into a lab like Thomas did?  Is there no security?  

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Steffy said she was taking care of herself for the baby's sake. And? That's what she's supposed to do. Does she expect a pat on the back for doing what every expectant mother should do anyway

You're talking about someone who thought it wise to hop a motorcycle in her second trimester the first time he got pregnant, so that's a lesson she struggled to understand from the get go.

2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

GET MARRIED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE?!?! Whee, now Zoe's using Carter's neediness against him. This broad is next level at mind-fcukery. If only she used her powers for good. 😒

Like fucking around with Steffy's life and giving her a more worthy nemesis than Walmart discount bin Cricket Blair aka Hope. Even before she lost all her agency, that rivalry was akin to when big studios would drop cease & desist letters on harmless fanfic websites in the 1990s.

I don't mind the show having a shit stirring grifter. Hell, I don't even hate that it's Zoe but boy do they need to find a better outlet for her manipulation.


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