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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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7 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Actually, she's totally Betty Cooper from Riverdale. She just needs to let her Dark Hope out.

TBH I don't need Hope playing hot tub games with Liam :)  I'm quite happy with Hope "I'm gonna tell it like it is whether you like it or not" Logan...at least so far.

Edited by ByTor
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Hope: Just go be with Bill. Because deep down inside I think that's really what you want.
Steffy: How dare you! I will not let you destroy my future with Liam! I'm not gonna lose him! I'm warning you, Hope.
Hope: Cash me ousside, how bow dah?

Steffy: What...where...why?

If Hope really wants Liam she should strike a deal with $Bill to help her keep Steffy and Liam distracted and away from each other.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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A fan of show on one of the FB fan sites created a montage of all of the early Stuffy/Bill romantic moments.  I either wasn't watching closely at the time or had forgotten all about them but seeing them kiss and embrace numerous times...back when Stuffy was so pretty...helped me understand why Bill would suddenly be in love with her now.  Or how she could so easily jump into bed with her father-in-law.  Their history makes sense.  Why doesn't show use some of those flashbacks to underscore Bill's swerve away from love-of-his-life Brooke to proposing to Steffy?

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20 hours ago, A-Lo said:

A fan of show on one of the FB fan sites created a montage of all of the early Stuffy/Bill romantic moments.  I either wasn't watching closely at the time or had forgotten all about them but seeing them kiss and embrace numerous times...back when Stuffy was so pretty...helped me understand why Bill would suddenly be in love with her now.  Or how she could so easily jump into bed with her father-in-law.  Their history makes sense.  Why doesn't show use some of those flashbacks to underscore Bill's swerve away from love-of-his-life Brooke to proposing to Steffy?

Maybe they're saving that for the Still wedding :p

There was a reason many of us wanted Steffy to drop Liam and get with Bill: they did have an ease about them and Bill was kinda a mentor to her back when Steffy still passed for intelligent. And despite Steffy now being close to 30, their relationship then was far less gross back than it is now.

I don't know how Bell managed to get every beat of this once popular pairing absolutely wrong.

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So, I am working through a month long backlog and in the final stretch with only 4 more to go.  I'm enjoying most of the story, except for the police interaction, which after decades of L&O on the air, you would think they'd do better.  

I'm glad they've worked Liam's previous concussion into the story.  It's something a little different, though they just couldn't help themselves coupling it with the ToD. 

The main reason I was in favor of a Hope recast was for Brooke's sake.  So those scenes have been welcome, though I don't feel the warmth there yet.  I've come to realize that Kim Matula, for all her foibles, had a very warm on-screen presence that seems hard to duplicate. 

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On 4/7/2018 at 3:25 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

If Hope really wants Liam she should strike a deal with $Bill to help her keep Steffy and Liam distracted and away from each other.

You mean like, Hope and Bill form an unholy alliance. Said in a booming movie trailer voice.

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I am enjoying the return of my fierce Logan girls; Brooke setting Lt. Sanchez straight, and Hope…..

Well, well; who would have thought someone so soft looking and sugary sweet would be toting a reinforced steel inner bitch. I have no desire to see this triangle reformed, but I can’t deny how joyful it is to watch Steffy squirming. Poor pregnant thing is just so confused about life and reality. I didn’t miss how she referred to Liam as “my husband” as she entered Liam’s hotel room. Listen up Steffy girl, you can go around calling Liam “my husband” and telling folks to back off “your marriage”, but that doesn’t change anything. Liam hasn’t forgiven you, and it is pretty clear he doesn’t want to touch you, or even be in the same room with you. Making it so much sweeter is how Liam sees Hope as someone he can trust, and someone who would never fuck his father. And when he looks/thinks about Steffy?



So, Hope showing up in full battle armor is most entertaining. Steffy and Ridge are both nasty pieces of work, and the way Hope is gunning them down is a thing of beauty. She wasn’t about to take Steffy’s shit, and she pretty much told Ridge to talk to someone who cared. I don’t think there is any doubt Hope will be the one to cause Bridge to collapse once again. If Steffy ends up with Bill, Ridge will be blaming Hope and only Hope. The fact that Steffy chose Bill will be irrelevant. Normally I would be concerned about the fallout, and its effect on Brooke, but I feel marrying Ridge was one of her worst mistakes in many years, and a mistake she entered into with eyes wide open. Consequently, I can’t feel bad for her when Ridge starts being Ridge again.

I hate Steffy. I think it is important to say that often. She is such a wretchedly horrible person. The way she waltzed into Liam’s room, all fucking cha cha cha. Just EEWWWW! She has no respect for others or their boundaries or their feelings. It is all about what she wants and what she needs. And now with Hope taking off her gloves, and stating her case for and to Liam, Steffy is terrified. Bitch knows she is dead in the water, and just like old times is trying to win Liam back with her disgusting female parts. I also can’t believe how quick she was to jump at Quinn being the shooter while Ridge was still in jail. Man, that was some quickity quick shit right there. The words were barely out of Thorne’s mouth before that heifer was making statements about Quinn’s past criminal behavior.

The party was ridiculous, but I really enjoyed the round table discussion afterward. That is due in no small part to a Tally sighting. I can barely think about no more Sally. It makes my heart hurt. Seeing her and Thomas again just reemphasized their amazing chemistry. The show is going to be so dull now. No more feisty, beautiful redhead…….just Bridge and the Triangle of Boredom. Well, maybe this new don’t give a fuck Hope will spark it up a bit, and of course I still enjoy Katie and Wyatt.

Poor Scott Clifton, after weeks of amazing material, they are forcing him back in the toaster and have changed the setting from “bagel” to “toast”, because any good waffle should be browned on both sides. I think I am becoming a terrible person because I was just not that disturbed about an unarmed, defenseless Bill getting shot in the back, and now this:




Edited by RuntheTable
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Hope is going to need to get Liam to be at Forrester with her soon, because who knows what infernal machinations Steffy has in mind. Steffy will try something, and she's going to have Ridge's support with the full court press every day. Hope has Brooke but she needs Liam there to be a buffer. Looking forward to this, gonna be fun!

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All caught up, finally. I think my favorite scene in the last batch was the one with Sally, Thomas, Quinn, Eric, Pam, Charlie, Katie and Wyatt are all just sitting around gossiping about who shot Bill.  It felt so natural compared to Brooke and Ridge in the office.  

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On 4/7/2018 at 11:25 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

If Hope really wants Liam she should strike a deal with $Bill to help her keep Steffy and Liam distracted and away from each other.

I think it would be worth the price of admission if Hope struck up a deal with the devil ($Bill) and ended up falling for him instead and no longer has any interest whatsoever in Liam.  Yeah, I said it.  Hope falls for the stallion and Steffy loses her effing mind because she always thought the stallion would be her fallback guy.  Sinfully delicious....Hope and $Bill.

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Ew, has Hope shared any men with Brooke yet? So far Hope's only slept with Liam and Wyatt, right? And doesn't $Bill pretty much hate Hope? OMG, that would be something, to see her become the queen of the Spencer empire. Yep, Steffy would lose her mind!

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On 4/5/2018 at 8:43 PM, grisgris said:

  Why those two fight over that sad sack never ceases to amaze me.


 I don't know the backstory of how this petite triangle came about, I assumed it was to be the story of the female offspring

of enemies Brooke and Taylor and their love for the Big Waffler, Ridge.  If that was the intent, then they should have made

Hope highly sexed too, not that omigawwwd please please lose your virginity already or I'm going to throw my tv out the window.  They should have cast a leading man as the Waffler, not a man/boy.  Come to think of it, Wyatt is a man/boy too.  Interesting how they cast the men.

And I liked Oliver! As far as I'm concerned, Oliver's moment of discovery was the only element of surprise I've ever seen on the show.  Hasn't everything become so predictable?  It's a soap opera, I want shock and outrageous situations.

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5 hours ago, SimplePleasures said:

I think it would be worth the price of admission if Hope struck up a deal with the devil ($Bill) and ended up falling for him instead and no longer has any interest whatsoever in Liam.  Yeah, I said it.  Hope falls for the stallion and Steffy loses her effing mind because she always thought the stallion would be her fallback guy.  Sinfully delicious....Hope and $Bill.

Yes please........

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6 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Ew, has Hope shared any men with Brooke yet? So far Hope's only slept with Liam and Wyatt, right? And doesn't $Bill pretty much hate Hope? OMG, that would be something, to see her become the queen of the Spencer empire. Yep, Steffy would lose her mind!

Hope and Brooke "shared" Oliver, so to speak.  It really wasn't a conscious thing since it was the Posse' wall boink, case of mistaken identity at Hope's graduation party. Oops!

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I'm usually in favor of anything that would make Steffy's head explode but Hope with Dolla? Eww. She looks like a child compared to him, as does Steffy.  However Steffy is harder. Not more mature by any means but just hard for her age so that doesn't give me the yips as much. Still gross, tho. I know this show has gone there and I accept that but really no one should be shopping in the same relationship store as their children. It's gross. It was gross when Ridge and Eric did it, it's gross now.

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1 hour ago, grisgris said:

Hope and Brooke "shared" Oliver, so to speak.  It really wasn't a conscious thing since it was the Posse' wall boink, case of mistaken identity at Hope's graduation party. Oops!

But Hope and Oliver never had sex. 

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I gotta pass on Hope/Bill as well. I know Brill were able to move past Bill running down all the Logan’s as sluts thing, but that is different from being the direct target of abuse time and time again.

9 hours ago, TessHarding2 said:

 I don't know the backstory of how this petite triangle came about, I assumed it was to be the story of the female offspring Of enemies Brooke and Taylor and their love for the Big Waffler, Ridge.  If that was the intent, then they should have made Hope highly sexed too, not that omigawwwd please please lose your virginity already or I'm going to throw my tv out the window.

There were so many layers to the original ToD that the new one just did not have. Brooke and Taylor were both smart, capable women that would have made decent lives for themselves even if neither had ever met Ridge and occasionally they got stories that didn’t pertain to Ridge’s dick.

Hope and Steffy both came across as spoiled, entitled little brats. I could see that out of Steffy just by who her parents were, but Hope already had a built in tapestry of character building story.  I was never against her wanting to wait for the right guy but the two places where this show went wrong with that was 1) everyone treating her as horrible for doing so and 2) no acknowledgement that maybe it stemmed from the circumstances surrounding her birth. Cuz yeah. I went on a no sex before marriage kick over far less.

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The only real thing Stuffy is good at is barking orders even when she is in a vulnerable position.  Stuffy demanding the truth but in reality, Stuffy can't handle the truth.  Instead of foaming at the mouth, Stuffy is squirting Botox. 

Katie is still worried about Bill getting custody when she has a better case than Bill for keeping custody.  I'm sure that fantastic minister, I mean lawyer, Carter can get family court to see that. But, as Katie said, Bill can bribe the court. 

Thorne is a prick with a capital P. 
Bill just confirmed what Hope said to Liam about Bill wanting to be with Stuffy. Liam also told Stuffy she should be with Bill so why would Liam looked shocked when Bill was pushing for him to be with Hope?  I would take Bill's deal in a heartbeat.  Too bad Ivy or Sally are not an option. 

Speaking of Ivy, Ashleigh Brewer is going back to her roots and is doing another Australian soap opera.  As for her blond short hair, Ashleigh did it for a movie roll in which she played a police officer.  

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7 hours ago, ByTor said:

Which is why Ridge and Carowhine squicked me out.

Caroline and Ridge worked-ish for me when she didn't have that baby voice or did all that screeching. When she was a young woman captivated by Ridge and thrown by being his muse and having that power over him, I could dig it.

As far as Bope? I'm waiting for the reveal that the reason Bill hates Hope it because she's a dead ringer for the true love of his life that spurned him because he wasn't rich enough or come from the right background or blond enough. It is not outside the realm of possibility for him to backtrack on her.  He was a stone cold truth telling hard bastard about Brooke when he first came on and he then fell under the spell of the Golden Cooter. If its discovered that the actors have the same chem as SC and RS did that caused the folly of captive cabin, this show wouldn't hesitate testing Bope out.

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And of course the first place $Bill would go to is lowkey blackmail. What I didn't see coming is his encouraging Liam to be with Hope. He's being blatant about his intention to go after Steffy. Unfortunately that'll probably make Liam decide he wants to go back to her.

Ugh, what I definitely don't want to see is Liam and Bill competing for Steffy's hand because Waffley Waffles McWaffleface can't handle having more than one option.

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Yep, I knew it. Remember when I warned Liam to not trust his dad in the hospital because he’d use that confession against him? The nerve of Bill to try to blackmail Liam is astounding and yet so typical of him. And what the hell is that dead animal on top of Slutty’s head? And still, I can’t buy into this Bope. She tries to be strong minded and fight against Slutty but she’s just so bland to me. How about some real anger, pointing her finger in Slutty’s face, stomping around and getting in her face? Something, anything to show some fire? Maybe if they dressed her better she might seem like someone with something to offer a man. I know some disagree with my opinion of Bope and that’s fine. Maybe I’ll change my mind in the future. 

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What is WRONG with the psyches of the writers of this show?  Do they not think we would be totally squicked out by Liam trading his freedom by handing his (horrific) wife over to his dad?  As much as I would like to see Liam walk away from Steffy because of all the hurt she has caused him, how does this make any sense?  It boggles the mind! (Of those of us not availing ourselves of legalized MJ in any form)

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Wow! Hope was firing on all cylinders again today!

Hope: "I just want the very best for Liam."

Hauxdi: "And I suppose it isn't me?"


Hauxdi: "Blah, blah, blah .... our baby ... our family." (Rubs fake baby bump and pointedly turns to walk out.)

Hope (calling after her): "Steffy. You've played that card too many times already." Hauxdi stops dead in her tracks and looks dumbfounded.

And if that wasn't enough, she reminded Hauxdi (again) how she is making this all about herself and not given the least bit of consideration to Liam's feelings and needs. After calling out that heinous slag, the icing was telling her (again) how much alike Hauxdi and Bill are (e.g. conspiring against Lope all along) and will eventually end up together.

All Hauxdi could do was stand there with a horrified expression in her eyes because her face can't move and repeat, "You're getting into Liam's head" or "MY husband." And yes ... WTF is that awful wig? It looked particularly terrible today. It just hung there over her head like a dried out broom that had been used one too many times on the bathroom floors at a major arena.


OK. What's the issue here? Liam has served Hauxdi with annulment papers. He should have told $Bill. "You know what? You don't have to threaten me with my freedom. I'm going to get it anyway because you can have Steffy!" I don't Get what Waffleboy's hesitation is. The best explanation was when he told Bill that he was "messed up in the head." Yup.  I'm not saying that he needs to jump immediately into a relationship with Hope. But at this point, he really should be speaking with an attorney (not Carter) who specializes in family law to work out a co-parenting arrangement, both in terms of custody and financial support. Not to mention, either force that slattern sign the annulment papers or go full-court-press divorce on her. He needs to do something along the lines of if she refuses to sign the papers, he will go for full custody of the baby (which he probably wouldn't get) but at least threaten her.

Liam is just a chicken-shit wimp. It does make me question whether or not Bill is his bio father.

I can't believe that Bill was once again desperately trying to retcon some kind of "destiny" between Steffy and him.

Did anybody else get an impression today that Jarrett is the one who shot Bill? Why else would he make a random appearance at SP to plead with Wyatt for his job back? A seasoned fashion journalist like that could easily find another job. Maybe not in L.A., but surely in NYC or abroad. What is he wasting his breath for?

Thorne is an ass. He really needs to butt out. First, he tried to convince Brooke what a loser Sludge is (true) but he needs to leave Katie and Wyatt alone. This skeevy predator needs to go far, far away. Dude also needs to work with a diction coach on his "American" accent. I've noticed him really slipping badly lately.

Edited by grisgris
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So now that Liam knows Bill wants Steffy, Liam might be having second thoughts about divorcing Steffy?  Because if Steffy ends up with Bill, and not alone, Liam can't be happy with Hope?  Liam can only choose to divorce Steffy and be with Hope if Steffy has no one to run to?  Liam is officially Ridge, and Ridge and Brooke will now be competing to see who can be Stephanie.

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So, if Bill blackmails Liam into marrying Hope and then we eventually find out Liam wasn’t the shooter, then what? Will Bill & Steffy have fallen in love by then? Will Hope get pregnant by then? Will Liam just say WTF and turn himself in? There’s a lot of material for this storyline. Unfortunately, that means Scott Clifton will be on everyday. UGH! So far it’s Monday and I’m sure he’ll be on at least 4 of the 5 Days. I will have to keep,a running tally for the week. Oh, brother!!!!!!

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I guess the good news is that Liam didn't shoot his father.  The anvils were falling so thickly in Jarrett's scenes that it looked like the Black Friday sale at 'Anvils R Us'.

The bad news is that Hope is going to get screwed over again.  This whole blackmail bullshit is a way of making Hauxdilox a 'victim'.  And when you're dealing with a bitch so nasty that she'd fuck her own father in law, you have to work really hard to turn her into a victim.  So now it's going to be 'Poor Steffy.  She's just trying to bring her family together and Big Bad $Bull and Nasty Hope won't let it happen'.  It also looks like Brooke is going to go down with Hope's ship too.  Ridge is going to turn on both Hope and her mother because they dare to question Ridge's story that his poor little flower was defiled by a monster.

It was nice to see Hope drop a barrage of truth-bombs on Hauxdilox.  For a while there, it looked like Pearl Harbour at Forrester Creations.  I loved the fact that Hope refused to back down or allow herself to be brow-beaten.  She reminded Hauxdi that the reason her marriage was in danger was because SHE FUCKED HER FATHER IN LAW.  She called her on playing the baby-card, over and over and over again.  I have a feeling that this might be all Hope gets because I don't think she's going to get her man.

I don't think Liam really wants Hauxdilox.  How could he?  But he's too 'principled' to allow himself to be blackmailed by his old man.  Let's forget that Liam had no problem blackmailing $Bull a few months ago.  But that was a PRINCIPLED blackmailing. 

I have no idea why Bell insists on keeping Liam and Steffy together.  THEY DON'T WORK.  They're tiresome to watch.  Set Scot Clifton and the viewing public free, for God's sake.

I also get the feeling that Wyatt's going to try to use Jarrett in some way to get his old job back.  I don't know how it's going to happen but no matter how much they've tried to make Wyatt into a 'good guy', he's the product of Quinn and $Bull mating; he can't help but be a manipulative prick.  Wyatt has been working the angles since he arrived on the show.  Who knows, maybe he'll find a way to get Hauxdilox back?  Anything but Wyatt and Hope getting back together; I couldn't bear that.

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9 hours ago, grisgris said:

Thorne is an ass.

But he's a correct ass, Katie does have terrible taste in men.  She also has terrible taste in dresses, what was with that mother-of-the-bride getup she had on?  Did they have her look so matronly to make a point that there's an age difference between Wyatt and her?

8 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

I loved the fact that Hope refused to back down or allow herself to be brow-beaten.

8 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

I don't think Liam really wants Hauxdilox.  How could he?  But he's too 'principled' to allow himself to be blackmailed by his old man.  Let's forget that Liam had no problem blackmailing $Bull a few months ago.  But that was a PRINCIPLED blackmailing. 


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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

But he's a correct ass, Katie does have terrible taste in men.  She also has terrible taste in dresses, what was with that mother-of-the-bride getup she had on?  Did they have her look so matronly to make a point that there's an age difference between Wyatt and her?



What was the point of that dress? She was showing major arm (looked good actually) during the whole scene. Why have sleeves at all? At least, have it pinched in the middle to show some material and some skin. That said, I bet that dress cost a pretty penny.

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So Hope did say she had some relationships when she was away.  You mean to tell me that none of them held a candle to Liam, the little twerp with pubic hair on his chin?

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16 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

So now that Liam knows Bill wants Steffy, Liam might be having second thoughts about divorcing Steffy?  Because if Steffy ends up with Bill, and not alone, Liam can't be happy with Hope?  Liam can only choose to divorce Steffy and be with Hope if Steffy has no one to run to?  Liam is officially Ridge, and Ridge and Brooke will now be competing to see who can be Stephanie.

Basically. The only difference between him and Ridge is Liam understands what consent means. 

I've said in the past that both women have had plenty of reason to be 100 percent done with his ass and this...this shit right here is why I can never fully get behind Liam being an entirely innocent victim of circumstance.

He never can stick to anything then passes the buck for his stupid decisions, like giving Hope's ring to Steffy, then staying married after finding out about the gondola. He rightfully told both of them to kick rocks, then is getting pissed at someone showing interest in the wife he has no use for.

I'd normally say shit or get off the pot, but he's already gotten off and it trying to time the next person who waited ten minutes already.

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It is unfortunately a typical pattern for Liam to waffle but here I could understand his hesitation if it is more about him not wanting Dolla to raise the child. He knows Dolla really doesn't have a shit to give about her no matter which of them fathered her. To Dolla, a child is, at best, a possession and at worst an inconvenience. The child is immaterial to Dolla while Liam already loves her intensely. Dolla wants Steffy anything in the way, his own child, grandchild or even Steffy's feelings are just obstacles to be crushed. Hope has been gone how is it that she is the only one who gets this?

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Hope is a pathetic idiot like all the rest of these characters.  She returned to town, and told Steffy she wanted to be there for her.  Why?  Hope has ever reason to not like Steffy, and to want nothing to do with her.  If Hope wanted Liam (why anyone would I don't know), then she should have been honest about it from the get go.  Now she's another waffling self-righteous judgmental hypocrite, and this show already has enough of those.  It didn't need another idiot spineless woman either.

Liam doesn't get to choose who Steffy gets involved with.  Just like Steffy doesn't get a say in who Liam gets involved with.  Liam and Steffy are getting a divorce, and that means they can move on to dating whoever they want to.  That's what happens when people get divorced.  Staying together for the children is an outdated notion that usually doesn't work, but children are affected by divorce. Before getting married and having children, it's a good idea to think about it instead of simply jumping from one spouse to another every couple minutes.

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Me me me, the mantra of Bill and Stuffy. They deserve each other but I don't think it would actually last if they actually got together.  First they are too much alike and second, TIIC would not allow it.  

Liam keeps saying his wife like he would just take her back so Bill can't have her.  Yelling in a cheap hotel room is not a good idea but it's like a tree falling in the woods because if nobody is around, does it make a sound?  Is Thorne that arrogant that he wouldn't think that Bill wouldn't object to him or anyone else that would marry Katie?  

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and, raise his own grandkid as his own.

Yeah, that worked out real well for Ridge when Caroline got knocked up by Thomas. Kinda soon for them to be recycling that plot line. I think Bill is waiting for Steffy to give birth before he reveals that the child is his. Thing is though, if she's still married to Liam when the baby is born then Liam will be considered the legal father. (Assuming that's the way it works in CA.) Liam might fight for custody and it'll get hella messy.

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4 hours ago, Artsda said:

Billy suddenly being a Hope/Liam fan was hilarious. He detested her.

It's proof of three things:

1)Bill is always about Bill Spencer first

2)Hating Hope over such a stupid thing as waiting to have sex (putting aside how she went about it in the most obnoxious way) was an excuse so he could fuck Steffy with Lame's dick

3)have said that, the writers can't keep anything consistent besides Pam's lemon bars.

I think I'd have rather Hope and Steffy pulling an Otalia to this. Almost. :|

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25 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

I think I'd have rather Hope and Steffy pulling an Otalia to this. Almost. :|

As awesomely out of left field and then so obvious as Otalia was...no. Just no to Stope.

How about we have Thorne become the father figure to Liam that they both thought he could be back when Liam first arrived. Liam needs a strong male figure to emulate and not be a dick to him and Thorne needs a 'child' he can mold and mentor. Liam really shouldn't be working at Forrester and sure as hell not at Spencer. Thorne could be an investor in whatever Liam wants to do OR have Liam work for Aly Designs since it's neither Forrester nor Spencer. Hell, at least then he'd be in competition with HFTF and it'd have Lope circling each other outside of romance crap.

Bill literally still has a hole in his back and yet hobbled over to see Liam to blackmail his son with a quickness.

I don't know this Bill Spencer. I don't like him. It feels like a lot of his character work as a father has been mightily trashed for Still.

Also, Liam? Bill? I think Steffy should have a say whose weiner cuddles next to her at night. Liam, you should tell Bill that you've told her repeatedly to go to him because he really is the best. She's the one not running to him so....yeah. Bill should think on that.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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Wow, Thorne was being kind of a judgmental dick toward Katie. His wooing game is weak if he thinks the right approach is to go all Henny Penny on her.

It's kind of creepy to watch two men negotiating which of them gets to have a certain woman like she's a piece of property.

"If I was still interested." Shut your smug mouth, Thorne. From where I was sitting it looked to me like Katie already declined your interest and chose another man. You don't have the upper hand, fool.

Unless someone implanted memories into Liam's head, it looks to me like he did indeed shoot Bill. That Jarrett guy seems like a red herring, IMO.

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"What about what I've been through? You almost killed me!" -- $Bill shouting his pitch at Liam to dump Steffy in favor of Hope

All I could think is what a shame it was Liam, or whoever, didn't succeed.


Oy ... Steffy is The One ... The unavailable woman $Bill's penis is fixated on ... No accounting for taste.

File this attempted murder under FAIL on Liam's part (if in fact Liam shot $Bill). Liam cannot complete anything that divests himself from $Bill's influence, and this conversation is no different.

$Bill wants Steffy and Liam's child -- Of course he does.

Was does it take for Liam to defend what is rightfully his?

Take those silly sheepskin gloves and burn them. Sure you have head bonk swirlies, but $Bill focusing on the gloves means he intends have your motel room broken into, steal the gloves and threaten you with them if you give him any more guff about letting go of Steffy.

Rent a better place to live because Baby Girl Bump is incubating.

Let $Bill have Steffy, and good riddance. Steffy will protest a little, but once she's served with divorce papers, and $Bill is named correspondent, file for full custody of Baby Girl Bump.

Let Ridge have an aneurysm and spend his days plotting against $Bill -- Fuck them both.

If ... What am I saying ... When Liam and Hope get together let them try to survive surrounded by Forrester's who will blame them for breaking up Steffy's Happy Family while she gleefully schtups The Stallion. 


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I don't care if Liam shot Bill.  The majority of these characters are despicable people (the boring non-fun to watch kind) so it would actually be doing the fans a favor if they actually succeeded in killing each other.  Unfortunately, these people are to incompetent to accomplish anything.  If only one of them would kill Ridge and Brooke, that would be worth watching.

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Hey, @Cupid Stunt, welcome!  I didn't know you watched this dreck!

9 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

Let $Bill have Steffy, and good riddance.

That would be perfect, but of course someone else wanting Steffy will make Liam want her all the more.  Yay, the return of the TofD...said nobody ever.

13 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Yeah, that worked out real well for Ridge when Caroline got knocked up by Thomas. Kinda soon for them to be recycling that plot line.

Hahahahaha oh, @Joimiaroxeu, you're so cute :)

Edited by ByTor
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11 hours ago, ByTor said:

Hey, @Cupid Stunt, welcome!  I didn't know you watched this dreck!

I used to be a daily viewer, but gave up last spring. I keep up by reading the fabulous snark on the forum.

I caught yesterday's the episode on the break room TV. It was like I never left, with the only difference being The One for $Bill's penis is Steffy and not Brooke.

Liam remains a hapless, facial hair-deficient waffle. New Hope is better than I imagined, but very doe-eyed. New Thorn is a creep. Katie and Wyatt? <shrug> If she wants to lose custody of Will, $Bill is willing to oblige, though it might throw cold water on The Stallion's future stanchion mating with Steffy.


Let $Bill have Steffy, and good riddance.

11 hours ago, ByTor said:

That would be perfect, but of course someone else wanting Steffy will make Liam want her all the more.  Yay, the return of the TofD...said nobody ever.


Perhaps, but everything Steffy did preceding grief/revenge/inevitably fucking $Bill was done to manipulate Liam and assuage $Bill. Steffy went to $Bill to help and support him, against all of Liam's wishes. For Liam it's not just the non-stop lies, or Steffy and $Bill playing him for years, or fucking while Steffy was in a snit over Sally kissing Liam, or $Bill proposing to her while pregative with Baby Girl Bump -- It's about $Bill's boast being Steffy's First and he has always had possession of her. That's a thought that's been hop-scotching through Liam's feeble brain for a while. $Bill has proven time and again, with enough relentless pursuit, he gets what he wants regardless of the damage or the personal cost.

Liam doesn't trust Steffy and has no reason to. She has avoided telling Liam the truth since she imprinted on him in the Jackie Morone Memorial Bathtub drowning event (she was mooning over $Bill dumping her for Katie, I might add), This is about protecting Baby Girl Bump for Steffy and $Bill. The idea of $Bill having anything to do with raising of Liam's child with Steffy has got to be the most galling of all possible futures for his child. Liam knows $Bill will not stop until he possesses Steffy, so the only recourse for Liam is divorce, exposing Steffy's infidelity with $Bill in court, then Liam can gain full custody of Baby Girl Bump. 

This is only one of many reasons why I gave up on B&B; the relentless game of triangle toss plays on unabated with no end in sight. With so few characters to choose from, a twenty-peat on TofD makes regular viewing impossible.

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1 hour ago, Cupid Stunt said:

Liam knows $Bill will not stop until he possesses Steffy, so the only recourse for Liam is divorce, exposing Steffy's infidelity with $Bill in court, then Liam can gain full custody of Baby Girl Bump. 

But then would Bill use the attempted murder secret to block Liam from getting custody of the kid (tm Ridge)?  Liam is pretty much screwed no matter what he does.  This is how I think it will play out...with Hope's help, Liam will realize his memories of the shooting are false due to his head injuries, and then they will sleuth their way into discovering the real murderer (Jared or Justin).

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