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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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2 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

Who’s the new character that’s the seating hostess at the restaurant?   Is she a permanent character or one of those Big Brother people?  

 I sure hope not.  Jess' 15 min of fame is 14 min too long. 

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Okay! You don’t have to hit me over the head with a 2 by 4. There’s gonna be a whodunnit. Kill Bill is on. #whodunnit.

1 minute ago, Waldo13 said:

 I sure hope not.  Jess' 15 min of fame is 14 min too long. 

I think this was the second and currently final appearance this time. I’m sure CBS knowing that Cody & Jessica won The Amazing Race wanted some cross promotion again. Of course, when they announced their appearance last month I knew they had the won the race. Way to spoil it CBS! 

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Eric can miss me with his outrage. He's married to Quinn who did loooooaaaads worse. Sit down and drink a martini old man.

TPTB finally realize the ratings are in need of a rapid infusion and landed on a murder mystery storyline. Now the crack writing for Bill with his inconsistent speechifying and mustache twirling makes sense. They needed to get everyone riled up with a motive.

Oddly, Liam's simmered down and is moving on. They'll have to freshen up his anger to make him a viable suspect again. Like say he finds out that the baby isn't his daughter but his sister?

Well at least we'll see Detective Hot Dog again! Hope he brings his fine ass son and Darlita falls for him as he gets his sleuthing on.

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7 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:


What this has to do with fashion or publishing, I do not know

Mind you, General Hospital hasn't revolved around hospitals in at least a decade, so I think B&B will be okay with a few weeks. Not like any of them work anyway. ?

5 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I wanted to smack Ridge and Steffy. Don’t these two morons realize there is no marriage for Hope to mess up? Steffy just goes on like Liam is coming home next week.


And it feels great knowing all of this could have been avoided had Steffy not been so entirely butthurt and petty and not broken up Tally, leaving Sally alone to need Liam's help to begin with.

43 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Eric can miss me with his outrage. He's married to Quinn who did loooooaaaads worse. Sit down and drink a martini old man.

I dunno about worse, cuz nearly killing someone is nearly as godawful but I agree that he can STFU too.

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1 minute ago, SweePea59 said:

Silver lining! I just hope that Brooke doesn't get left out and gets to be a suspect as well.

I was just thinking that. I'm betting he somehow goes after Hope either through HftF or in a direct confrontation. That would actually get both Brooke and Liam on his ass and back on the list as suspects.

48 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

I dunno about worse, cuz nearly killing someone is nearly as godawful but I agree that he can STFU too.

Quinn's accused of murdering that guy in Europe, has tried to kill Liam no less than 3 times, kidnapped him, sexually assaulted him, tried to kill Deacon, physically assaulted Ivy which could've led to her permanent injury or death, and cheated on her redemptive love with his son.

Bill's been a misogynistic hypocritical jerk face who had an affair with his son's wife and his wife's sister, tried to kill Amber, conspired to teach Ridge a lesson with an assist from Justin in helicoptergate, conspired to commit arson, accidentally dropped a building on his son's and Sally's head.

I ain't fooled by the waft of 'redemptive love' floating around Quinn off of Eric. Quinn still stinks worse than Bill to me. 

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Bill said Katie has reverted. Reverted to what?

Heh, I loved that double-take, oh please look Quinn gave Katie's engagement ring. Did Wyatt buy it one of those overpriced chain stores or something? It is a gorgeous ring though.

Yikes, if Bill wants to get into a street fight with Katie and Wyatt I guess he better get ready to wade through those piles of his nasty business littering the street. He could give a crap but the bad PR could hurt SP.

Ridge and $Bill with their doughy grandad bods dick-swinging in a public place. Ow, my eyes are rolling down the street!


that skank hostess Jessica who ignores Hope so she can flirt with fiance/patron Cody. You would think between appearing on the last season of Big Brother and winning the latest season of The Amazing Race, their fifteen minutes of fame would be up right about now.  

Whatever dirt Jess the former professional party girl is holding must be big and must be on someone really high in the food chain. Now it's two competition shows that CBS has compromised for her. I don't mind the B&B appearances because that precedent had been set years ago. However, there's something different about the way they've been propping her and giving her money for barely staged contests. It seems out of sync with what she appears to be bringing to the table, IMO.

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On 2/25/2018 at 11:42 AM, drivethroo said:

Winsor Harmon was Thorne #3, but he has played Thorne the longest.

Clayton Norcross was Original Thorne, who (IMO) was the typical preppy and pretty Beverly Hills blond rich guy.

Jeff Trachta was Thorne #2.  He was the Thorne that was singing with Macy.    I suppose it's been forgotten that Thorne used to sing & record albums & have concerts with Macy and stuff.  LOL

Clayton Norcross young looked a lot like Greg Sestero from The Room in his modeling days. Very Ralph Lauren ad or sailing magazine cover. 

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Just now, Petunia13 said:

Clayton Norcross young looked a lot like Greg Sestero from The Room in his modeling days. Very Ralph Lauren ad or sailing magazine cover. 


He could be as wooden as RM, but boy he was so easy on the eyes. He and KKL did have chemistry in the few scenes I saw them share during LetterGate. They should've let them get together then!

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Wow! I didn't think Ridge would approach Sheila so quickly and so publicly. Once she gets wind of what happened with Hauxdi and how upset precious Eric is, that will motivate her into action.  It will be interesting to see who she wrings the information out of as I don't think that Charlie or Pam know the whole story behind the Steam estrangement.

I fully expect that Eric is going to have another "medical episode," which will bring out both Quinn and Sheila with guns blazing, only this time they won't be aiming at each other.

Quinn's looking pretty bad and that's saying something considering it's RS. Those braids don't look good and WTH did she do to her eyebrows? As somebody else mentioned, yeah, it looks like fresh microblading.  I have heard that it takes a couple of weeks for those procedures to "settle down" and look more natural. (Which asks ... why didn't she do during the weeks and weeks that Quinn wasn't on-screen?) At least I hope that's the case. That or whoever is doing her makeup has learned eyebrow shaping from Instagram.

I'm already tired of insipid Lope. SC's goofy grin and passive-aggressive flirting really bother me. If he is being honest about there being no chance of reuniting with Hauxdi, then he needs to set heifer straight and insist that she sign the annulment papers. Whether or not he realizes it, he is stringing her along. He's starting to waffle again big time and that's starting to annoy me. Infant Princess will be just fine in a single-parent home. Will doesn't seem to be suffering (when we see him) and hopefully, the single-parent home will remain under Kate's roof. Hauxdi won't be alone, either. She can move into Brooke's boarding house and right, she and Maya can share a nanny.

This new actress makes me miss Kim Matula something fierce. (She wasn't always that great but tons better than her placement.) I thought that KM and SC were adorable together when they first met and were friends then fell in love. They also had decent chemistry which this chick definitely does not with SC. For some reason, today, she reminded me of a young Sharon Stone in "Basic Instinct" with the uber-short dress, coat and pulled-back hair. While I definitely prefer Liam's more business casual attire, he and nuHope just don't seem to go together. They look very awkward as a couple like she's too old for him or something. I can't put my finger on it.

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23 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

That was so bizarre!  I thought maybe the guy was an athlete that I didn't recognize because I don't really follow sports.  

I thought that they'd SORASd RJ again and forgot to mention it to anyone, or maybe it was Logan (Bridget's kid). But really - who the hell ARE those people?

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59 minutes ago, grisgris said:

I'm already tired of insipid Lope. SC's goofy grin and passive-aggressive flirting really bother me. If he is being honest about there being no chance of reuniting with Hauxdi, then he needs to set heifer straight and insist that she sign the annulment papers. Whether or not he realizes it, he is stringing her along. He's starting to waffle again big time and that's starting to annoy me.

I don't know what clearer message Liam could send to Hauxdi that she would understand or accept. He gave her ass walking papers without a second thought before he even knew Hope was coming back and that spawn is the only reason he's had any waffling this time. Steffy being Steffy and having manipulated Liam for the entirety of the joke that is their relationship, it's no wonder she hasn't accepted that it's the most over it's ever been.

That isn't to say he *should* be dating, much less someone he has a history with. But Hope knows who Liam is and I won't be particularly sad if her passive aggressive strategy falls through. She can't be that ignorant about the idea of him not being over Steffy, baby or no baby.

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45 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Steffy being Steffy and having manipulated Liam for the entirety of the joke that is their relationship, it's no wonder she hasn't accepted that it's the most over it's ever been.

The only other time it was just as over was when he found her in bed with Wyatt. He dumped her ass without discussion, only entertained interaction with her long enough to see if she would cop to the deed and ignored her the rest of the time, packed up his office at Forrester, and was getting the hell out of dodge to regroup and recharge when a concussion and Quinn undid allllll that.

Seems like when Liam feels Steffy has made a clear (in his mind) choice to betray him with another man he is D-O-N-E. Done. Really wish they had Liam see that break- up through. Quinn robbed us! ?

In this case the baby makes it more complicated. He can't cut and run on Steffy when she's pregnant with his kid. No matter what she did, he's gonna look like the louse as she looks forlornly sad while rubbing her swollen belly. The optics are always gonna have Steffy look like the more sympathetic party- especially with Liam out about town with his ex-fiancé aka his estranged wife's adopted sister/rival. That's like if Brad was seen out with Jennifer with Angelina at home with the children or Ben out with JLo while Jennifer drags the Bennifer kids around and hawks Capital One credit cards to make ends meet. No matter if Angelina and Jennifer were humping  Brad's and Ben's dads respectively, Brad and Ben would still get the side-eye.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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Katie doesn't need to worry about legal representation. Eric and/or would get her the best lawyer in town to fight Bill. 

I guess budgets are tight.  That's why Il Giardino is the only place in Los Angeles to eat.


Suspect list (so far):

  • Ridge
  • Justin
  • Sheila
  • Sally
  • Wyatt
  • Katie
  • Quinn
  • Eric
  • Liam
  • Thomas


Maybe RJ can be the shooter so they can send him away.  There's no need for his characters, especially if the Spectras are going bye-bye.  But if RJ turned out to be the shooter, we all need to side-eye Brooke because that would be both of her sons shooting people.

Edited by drivethroo
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RJ, much like Hope, could be used better. I don't like this little twerp any more than I liked Thomas before his character reset, but having him be the one who shot Bill is a complete Maria Bell move that is lazy as fuck.

....but then, who other than Sheila, is disposable on that list? Given recent spoilers, I doubt Sally did it either.

But if this how RJ get shuffled off (since I doubt the only child of the show's one supercouple will bite it, especially not when Ridge has already lost the one kid already)...man, lame.

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Show was so funny yesterday!

I wish we had an Il Giardino type restaurant near me; it would be a one stop shop for all the hip news and happenings. Makes me pine for Cafe Russe. 

Ridge is kind of acting like Steffy is his girl and not his daughter. Just a bit creepy there. And asking Sheila to off Bill? No words. 

Who kidnapped Rena Sofa and replaced her with Groucho Marx? 

Who Killed Bill Vol 3

I would love to see something like we had with Murder on the Orient Express, we certainly have enough suspects to pull that off, unfortunately though, Bill would have to actually die, and I don't see that happening. 

I love Bill and Ridge scenes. 

I don't think I like what is happening with Liam. This feels like I have been time warped back about seven years. The clothes. The passive/aggressive flirting. Deep down, I was hoping that we would get something different. Hope would come home a changed young woman, focused on her career, not interested in a relationship with anyone. But no, that would be far to complex  to write.

It was kind of sad because right after watching Show, I watched my weekly recording of LA to Vegas and saw Kim Matula. I am in agreement with grisgris; I miss her too, but she is really very good on her new show, so I don't ever see her coming back. 

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ok here is my guess right now, Justin is the one that does it, because at lunch Bill told him he could run everything, and Justin asked for clarification  and Bill pretty much told him if something happened to him and Will was not old enough, Justin would be running things.   Maybe Sheila gets Justin under her thumb......  I don't know just my thoughts.

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We're only at the speculating who will attempt to off $Bill stage and I'm already disappointed in the outcome, because I just realized that 1) the guilty party will likely make very little sense and 2) even if it does make sense, there won't be any consequences.  

And WTF was that stupidity with Ridge telling Sheila to kill Bill for the Forresters?  Wouldn't Quinn and Eric having lunch bemoaning what Bill did have worked better?  At least more subtle... 

ETA: TK and KB have no chemistry, so if they are going to be in each others orbit because of this, it's going to grate. 

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I have always liked the idea of Hope and Liam, even if the reality wasn't always so great.  But they are both playing a very dangerous game here.  Until he gets Hauxdi's signature on those papers, Liam has no right to sweet-talk Hope, especially when it's crystal clear she's still carrying a giant size torch.  He should show some consideration for her feelings.  The mention of the gondola incident was all well and good.  Hauxdi and Bill did manipulate that situation.  But neither of them pulled a gun on Liam to FORCE him to marry Hauxdi.  Liam chose his dick over the woman he loved.   Neither one of them should forget that. 

Hope is putting herself out on a massive limb.  She's going to lose no matter what happens.  If she 'gets the guy', she's going to have the wrath of the Forresters come down on her.  That's not just risking her 'family'; it's risking her livelihood.  Ridge is saying some pretty nasty things about Hope now, and nothing's happened.  Imagine how ugly he'll get if Liam actually makes a choice, for once.  And, if Liam decides to go back to Hauxdi and their spawn, for whatever fucked reason Bell comes up with,  she's going to be 'Bad Hope' who tried to take advantage of Poor Steffy's 'MISTAKE'.  See above re:  family and livelihood.

It's understandable that Liam would be attracted to Hope, especially at a time like this.  She's the complete opposite of the slattern who's had him mesmerized for years.  But he needs to settle things with the slattern before he brings another woman into the mess that his life will continue to be as long as Bell keeps Liam as the father.  Once the REAL father is revealed, all bets are off.

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This is the Liam that I liked, before he became the Waffle or the pod person holding Steffy's purse. He was getting back to it with Sally but that's done I guess. I don't mind new Hope she isn't gold but she's better than some on this show.  I just like whoever gets him away from Steffy, I guess. 

Dolla has been weird since the building thing and it's funny that he is already such an asshole that no one has noticed. I predict that the attempt on his life will lead to the discovery of a brain tumor actually saving his life and explaining his OTT weirdness and allowing everyone to forgive him. Just guessing.

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1 hour ago, mightysparrow said:

I have always liked the idea of Hope and Liam, even if the reality wasn't always so great.  But they are both playing a very dangerous game here.  Until he gets Hauxdi's signature on those papers, Liam has no right to sweet-talk Hope, especially when it's crystal clear she's still carrying a giant size torch.  He should show some consideration for her feelings.  The mention of the gondola incident was all well and good.  Hauxdi and Bill did manipulate that situation.  But neither of them pulled a gun on Liam to FORCE him to marry Hauxdi.  Liam chose his dick over the woman he loved.   Neither one of them should forget that. 

Hope is putting herself out on a massive limb.  She's going to lose no matter what happens.  If she 'gets the guy', she's going to have the wrath of the Forresters come down on her.  That's not just risking her 'family'; it's risking her livelihood.  Ridge is saying some pretty nasty things about Hope now, and nothing's happened.  Imagine how ugly he'll get if Liam actually makes a choice, for once.  And, if Liam decides to go back to Hauxdi and their spawn, for whatever fucked reason Bell comes up with,  she's going to be 'Bad Hope' who tried to take advantage of Poor Steffy's 'MISTAKE'.  See above re:  family and livelihood.

It's understandable that Liam would be attracted to Hope, especially at a time like this.  She's the complete opposite of the slattern who's had him mesmerized for years.  But he needs to settle things with the slattern before he brings another woman into the mess that his life will continue to be as long as Bell keeps Liam as the father.  Once the REAL father is revealed, all bets are off.

I suppose Liam could pull a $Bill and declare that it's been Hope all this time and that Steffy and Ivy were just poor substitutes???

BTW, any chance that Sheila could take Ridge out at the same time?

Edited by grisgris
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3 minutes ago, grisgris said:

BTW, any chance that Sheila could take Ridge out at the same time?

You mean like when she was aiming for Brooke and got both her and Taylor as well?


1 hour ago, drivethroo said:

Maybe Karen is the shooter, because she's sick and tired of Bill running Spencer Publications like it's his very own North Korea and messing with her money.

Or Caroline's other mother. Or hell, Caroline. If Thomas blasted her for what she did and/or threatened to take Douglas for her, she could spiral (remember the retcon plant of how Caroline had mean girl/bad behavior issues after the show decided she was no longer Hope 2.0? That's enough for this show to make her go full Aly levels of crazy) and blame Bill and plug him. Maybe she flies back following Thomas and stops by Bill's to seek Bill's help and tells her he's not to blame and that she didn't have to go along with it and she just snaps and plugs him.  It'd explain why he wouldn't identify the shooter since it'd be his own niece and he'd take that bullet because of the guilt.

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Now, we can add Hope to the list of potential suspects in the "Who shot $Bill, but don't worry, he'll survive" sweepstakes. Maybe it was Jessica or Cody (the hostess & guest at Il Giordano), who overheard Ridge ask Sheila to off $Bill, which, by the way, may have been the absolute dumbest thing he's ever done. 

Man, this Forrester/Spencer baby is super fast at everything! Didn't Bill force himself onto Steffy  (seriously couldn't even type that without laughing, who'd believe that?!?!) right around Thanksgiving? If so, she's just barely out of her first trimester, if that. Even when I felt my babies move, it took weeks before Hubs could. I can't believe that Liam could feel that little gymnast kick already. I think this girl is an overachiever like her Daddy, Bill.

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Hope is right; Does Stuffy deserve another chance?  Nope. What a coincidence, the baby just happens to kick while Stuffy is asking about Liam's feelings for Hope. 

Hope asking her mother what she should do is like asking the fox to guard the hen house. 

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Well, I was right about it possibly being a rainy murder night. All of the sudden everyone is talking about the weather and the trees were whipping up at Wyatt’s. Now, will the shooting or however Bill gets attacked happen this Friday? I don’t know how much more I can take of everyone saying,  “I hate Bill Spencer!” day after day. LOL!!!!!!

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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

Well, I was right about it possibly being a rainy murder night. All of the sudden everyone is talking about the weather and the trees were whipping up at Wyatt’s. Now, will the shooting or however Bill gets attacked happen this Friday? I don’t know how much more I can take of everyone saying,  “I hate Bill Spencer!” day after day. LOL!!!!!!

Oh, I don't know. This show usually has characters having the same conversation over and over for weeks at a time. If the topic is how much of a jackass Bill is, I'm okay with that. 

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I think $Bill was so quick to disinherit Liam and Wyatt because he never wanted them to begin with.  We know he wanted Quinn to have an abortion, not sure about Kelly. When they showed up as adults he was 'well ok, you're here now'  But he had been saved from actually having to be father for 20+ years.

He threw jobs and houses at them, but he didn't try, or seem to want to, be a real father.  $Bill wanted Liam and Wyatt to be carbon copies of himself, much as he was exactly like Bill Sr (more of an bastard actually).  $Bill wants blind unquestioning loyalty from everyone around him -- employees, family, wives.  If he doesn't get it he hollers "betrayal" and throws the betrayer out of his life or trash talks them (Brooke) after they leave him.

I think $Bill sees Will as his only real son, largely because Will is too young to to do anything $Bill doesn't like.   I firmly believe when Hauxdi Jr is revealed to be his, $Bill will have no interest in raising Will.  $Bill will probably disinherit him because Katie defied him and married Wyatt, and will be all over Hauxdi Jr as his "only" child.

Edited by La di Diva
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6 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Until he gets Hauxdi's signature on those papers, Liam has no right to sweet-talk Hope, especially when it's crystal clear she's still carrying a giant size torch.  He should show some consideration for her feelings.  The mention of the gondola incident was all well and good.  Hauxdi and Bill did manipulate that situation.  But neither of them pulled a gun on Liam to FORCE him to marry Hauxdi.  Liam chose his dick over the woman he loved.   Neither one of them should forget that. 

Thank you for this. He may be reaping far more than he sowed with Steffy banging Bill but sowed he did and....well, here we all.

This is why I generally liked Bridget. When she was done, she was done, didn't play game and although Nicket should've been dead the minute Brooke and Nick said I Do, he was always the one persuing her.i Both Steffy and Hope have had them moments of wanting to come first, but neither of them have every truly moved on from him.

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Wow, I liked Pam's coat. And her bag.

So Justin's the heir apparent now. He better not sleep with anyone $Bill doesn't approve of.

Hope, if Steffy lays down in the middle of Bel Air and screws the entire USC and UCLA offensive lines it still wouldn't be any of your business. Go after Liam if you want--or not--but stop using Steffy's behavior as your excuse.

Now might be a good time for Bill to call Quinn's bluff and demand a DNA test on Wyatt. He better do it soon though because it's starting to look like the Orient Express up in SP.

Was that a body double or KM in those Liam & Hope flashbacks?

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This show makes my eyes twitch. Slutty has suddenly blossomed from one day to the next and the baby’s kicking today? Have these writers ever known one pregnant woman? I do not like this new Hope in any way. And I hate the way Brooke is talking to her and treating her and......well, everything. I’ve said this before about RJ, Nicole and several others but with all of the out of work actors in LA, this show couldn’t have found any better actors? I hated the way they wrote Hope for KM but holy cow, she was a much better actress than this one. I guess if you can hire a desperate actor/actress for $50.00 an episode, a flock of them show up to audition. 

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

We can only hope that he spend months in a coma. Detective Hotdog will be on the case! 

Lt. Baker. The longest running recurring character on B&B. I don’t know if that’s actually true but it sounds good. LOL!!!


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13 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Seriously WTF even is that shit?

I don’t know. When deciding to potentially murder someone would you really worry about your eyebrows? I doubt it but that’s just me. LOL!!!!

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RS definitely looks like microblading gone bad or the makeup artist had too heavy a hand with the brow dip. The tight braids at the hairline just accentuate her eyebrows.

AN might just be unfortunate in that that's the natural arch of her eyebrows. There is a British makeup artist on YT (a good 20 years on AN age-wise) who has she same type of eyebrows and viewers always comment on "too much Botox." She replies that it's the natural shape of her eyebrows. I believe her.

(BTW, if you are a woman "past a certain age," who would like some easy makeup pointers, I highly recommend Speed Beauty by Caroline Barnes on YT.  She does a lot of high fashion and celebrity makeup and isn't some kid trying to sell products and attract followers on Instagram. As promised in the title, her videos are very short and easy to follow.)

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Ok, so far I think the only person who hasn’t threatened to #KillBill is “our baby girl”. If the next ultrasound shows her clutching a weapon, it’s on.


"Okay, dad, back up off my brother and my other brother's mother."

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The only people that haven't threatened Bill so far are Brooke, Hope, Pam, Charlie, the partially open door, and the warehouse guy.  Since we heard Thomas' name, maybe he will throw his hat into the ring. 

Bill thinks Wyatt and Katie are disgusting but doesn't think proposing, to his pregnant daughter-in-law, disgusting at all. Of course it's hypocritical but Bill doesn't think so. 

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I think we found the killer.  It's going to be weenie lackey Jared, the reporter guy.  He just showed up today, getting fired, he's a character that means nothing and nobody cares about him.  But, the cocky-assed look on Justin's face really bothered me today.   

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3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:


Bill thinks Wyatt and Katie are disgusting but doesn't think proposing, to his pregnant daughter-in-law, disgusting at all. Of course it's hypocritical but Bill doesn't think so. 

I guess he went from thinking it was disgusting to being mad that Wyatt beat him to the "IDGAF what anyone thinks about it" mindset first.

I half-expected Justin to start reciting some of Samuel L Jackson's lines from "Django Unchained" today.

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