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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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9 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

I was bummed that Ivy was unmentioned there, too, as well as in Eric's smackdown of the whiny ingrate horde. :(

It was an odd oversight, but why wasn't Brooke in the middle of this scrum? Her absence during key moments in Ridge's coup for control of Forrester Creations is curious.

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Eric was speaking but all Ridge and Steffy heard was bla bla bla.  Even Wyatt only heard bla bla bla when Quinn was trying to open his eyes about Steffy. Everyone but Quinn, Eric, and Ivy can eat shit and die.  

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Wyatt needs to get back with Ivy.  Eric called Steffy's number when he said her behavior is all about Liam.

I find it stupid though that Eric is expecting everyone to forget Quinn would be in jail right now had it been for Liam not pressing charges.  However the others are acting like Quinn did things to them. She pushed Ivy off a bridge and Ivy still sucked it up and went to the wedding. 

"When I sign this, she is Mrs. Eric Forrester." Huh? Isn't the envelope the power of attorney, or is it the marriage license?

Eric's going to end up with a heart attack just for Quinn to tell the others how they broke his heart. 

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Quinn is just not that scary.  What's really scary is the SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS of certain Forresters , not naming any names, but one has a permanent resting BitchFace and another leaves an Extra Virgin Olive Oil skid mark on his TightyWhiteys. (SlideyWhiteys?)

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I liked how Eric made Maya feel terrible by reminding her that he welcomed her family and all their ridiculous drama into his life. 

Still wish he would have put Rick, Puffy and Ridge on full blast, preferably right through the window.  Although defenestration is still too good for those three assholes.  It's amazing how much I can despise people who don't actually exist.

Whatever.  Eric better be healed quickly.  I have very little patience when it comes to this show, and don't want to see Ridge come out on top.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
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9 hours ago, grisgris said:

One thing I noticed though ... did ANY of them actually utter the words, "I'm sorry?"  

If I remember correctly I think Zende was the only one who said he was sorry.

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O.M.G. I must tip my hat to Show and the writers for that episode; it was sooooo much better than I had anticipated. I loved the slow burn, with Eric coming out with hurt and disbelief, then morphing into disgust, and later anger. And John McCook? Wow. Just like Susan Flannery, he can bring so much emotion with the inflection of his voice. I was riveted, and re-watched several times because it was just that good. 

I cannot express strongly enough how it thrilled me that they allowed Eric to call out each of his wretched family members individually. That was so much more powerful than the cluster fuck yelling at the crowd we usually get. I crowed with unmitigated glee when Eric was dressing Pam down, and threw shade on her Sainted Sister. And let me give a shout out to Alley Mills here too, because her tears and confusion were so real, I found myself almost feeling sorry for her. I also felt a little bit sorry for Zende, who was just following the pack leader; the guy with the gigantic ego, who wants to direct everyone's life. Rick and Maya deserved more than they got; those two have some long overdue debts to pay, but I guess beggars can't be choosers. Thomas got off pretty easy too. And Thorne. My God, but Thorne has never manned up to Ridge, and I am glad that Eric, in so many words, pointed that out. 

Puffy and Dad. Dad and Puffy. What a duo those two are. Even in Eric's clear distress, they could not find it in themselves to respect him. And, true to form, when the going gets tough, Puffy runs to the other side of the room. Just like Jack shouted in A Few Good Men, Steffy, "can't handle the truth." She is a stone cold bitch to the core, who only thinks about herself just like her horrible dad. I cannot believe Ridge's behavior. I have seen him do awful, terrible things. I have watched him hurt Brooke over and over. I have watched him live his whole adult life by his Sainted Mother's credo. But that shit yesterday took it to a whole new level. Telling Eric he was losing his mind? Well that is just the fuckiest, fuck, that ever fucked! As if Ridge knows anything about love, and commitment, and having a real relationship; one that carries on without your slimy mother sleeping in bed with you and your wife. I hope Eric cuts him out. And his rat ass daughter too. The rest of them at least had the decency to look ashamed, and Zende did say he was sorry. 

Quinn was so on point with Wyatt. Why can't he see what she is saying about his treacherous wife? I hope Wyatt starts to tire of the constant barbs and insults about his mother, and I hope he also tires of dancing to Steffy's tune. I would love to see him kick that rotten bitch to the curb, and just chill out for a bit, regain his footing, and find a girl that will only have eyes for him. 

Confusing stuff:

Where on God's Green Earth is Brooke? I can't help but believe that there is a powerful reason for her to absent from all this drama in Eric's life. As the sole dissenter not present, she was saved from Eric's wrath. What I want to know is why? 

What was Eric saying about those documents? Did he say "when I sign these" or "when I signed these?" What do they have to do with Quinn being Mrs. Forrester? Wouldn't that be governed by the marriage license and the wedding ceremony? 

Disappointing stuff:

Show taking the easy road and having Eric collapse before the honeymoon. I would much rather have seen this played out for longer; at least until sweeps. But in today's world, soaps don't write for the long haul, putting SLs on simmer, allowing them to stew like they used to. This also scares the bejesus out of me that JMcC may be leaving the show. I can only hope that Eric's "disorder" is temporary and he comes back even stronger, and still married to Quinn. I want more than anything to watch Mr. & Mrs. Eric Forrester stick it to Steffy and dear ole dad like they was voodoo dolls. 

The funny stuff:

Quinn and Wyatt hearing Eric yelling from the other office. 

"Mob mentality"

"A mean streak? There's a pretty wide mean streak running right through this room right now."

"Nobody wanted to ask the doddering old man."

"I forbid it," you said. You remember when you said that to me in Monte Carlo? "I absolutely forbid it!" Channeling your namesake. Stubborn and strong-willed."

"But no, no. You just made demands. It was all about you! All about Steffy!"

"Especially you. Oh, stop it. Stop it. I've been taking care of you longer than anybody else, anybody else in this room."

"And then arrogance. That's a Marone thing, you know?"  

Edited by RuntheTable
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Sorry, my quote function is acting up.  From @Kitty Redstone:


I liked how Eric made Maya feel terrible by reminding her that he welcomed her family and all their ridiculous drama into his life. 

I liked it too. I only wish he'd gone one step further and reminded them that he stuck with them when they were being nasty pricks for the sake of being nasty pricks.  While we're at it, I wish he would have reminded Rick that shooting a gun in the office was a tad more dangerous than anything Quinn did to the people in that room.

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What was Eric saying about those documents? Did he say "when I sign these" or "when I signed these?" What do they have to do with Quinn being Mrs. Forrester? Wouldn't that be governed by the marriage license and the wedding ceremony? 

@RuntheTable, I hate how soaps do the "the marriage isn't valid because the papers weren't signed" thing.  I thought you weren't even allowed to have a ceremony unless the proper paperwork was completed.  Signed would make more sense, but we all know these writers :(

ETA: I wonder if @St3phForrester is watching, I'd love to know what she thinks!

Edited by ByTor
Because singing a paper is different than signing it :)
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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

I could see him getting an Emmy nod. I'm not sure he would win but I could a nomination.

It'll be him and Peter Bergman for the Phyllis/Billy affair reveal for sure.


1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

"And then arrogance. That's a Marone thing, you know?"  

I get Eric was pissed and Ridge was REALLY acting like a prick, but you don't throw a child's paternity in their face like that. I don't care if he's 50 and Eric's 70ish, that's a line you don't need to cross -especially if you're trying to teach someone about respect, etc. Does Ridge deserve to be taken to task? Perhaps. I agree with Ridge's stance but no the extremity he took to try to make his point. But it's not Ridge's fault that Stephanie hid the truth. Either Ridge is Eric's kid or he isn't.  He and Stephanie raised him so whatever character flaws Ridge has, it's on them, not the 'Marone gene'. 

Eric's used this against Ridge before and they've made a point in previous conversations of showing that it does hurt Ridge that Eric no longer sees him as his blood and that there has been a subtle shift in their connection, but that overall Ridge embraces being a Forrester 100%. Not that I believe the writers are thinking all this deep but I think part of Ridge's desperation to be big dog on top because he IS threatened by this fundamental fact that he's no longer blood and Eric and Rick have made it clear that they do keep in mind. Ridge sees the crack in the wall that they can push him through to make him an outsider and for a man like Ridge who being a Forrester is all he's ever known and at the age he is, that's a devastating identity realignment to make.

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I've only been married just the one time -, I'm not lucky like Steffy to have, what, 4 under her belt by 27-ish? - but I think I remember the courthouse staff saying that when we got our marriage license, we were technically married then, because even though we hadn't performed the ceremony, getting a legalized, government document is the way you're technically, legally-bound together for eternity, or until the guy you really love is found having been kidnapped by your now-mother-in-law. If I remember correctly, & I may not, because it's been 5+ years, plus I had 2 kids awake almost the entire overnight, & I'm only on my 2nd cup of coffee, but if I do remember, the "united by God in front of friends & family" & the pastor & bride & groom signing the marriage certificate is sort of just a formality/photo-op, not technically "legal", because the legalized, government-document is the weight. I'm not sure how that works in the case of a couple getting a marriage license, then calling off the wedding before the actual ceremony, ala Kelly Taylor & Brandon Walsh. 

Again, I may be misremembering, & it could vary by state, but if I am correct, they would've had to apply for a marriage license before the ceremony, & Quinn would have a case as being Mrs. Eric Forrester, regardless if the marriage certificate is signed or not. Paging Cricket/Christine Blair-Romalotti-Williams-Williams. 

*Italicized because that was a lot of "marriage" terms & I got confused rereading it, so I made it easier. :-)

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25 minutes ago, nkotb said:

I've only been married just the one time -, I'm not lucky like Steffy to have, what, 4 under her belt by 27-ish? - but I think I remember the courthouse staff saying that when we got our marriage license, we were technically married then, because even though we hadn't performed the ceremony, getting a legalized, government document is the way you're technically, legally-bound together for eternity, or until the guy you really love is found having been kidnapped by your now-mother-in-law. 


*snort* :)

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

What was Eric saying about those documents? Did he say "when I sign these" or "when I signed these?" What do they have to do with Quinn being Mrs. Forrester? Wouldn't that be governed by the marriage license and the wedding ceremony? 

@RuntheTable, I hate how soaps do the "the marriage isn't valid because the papers weren't singed" thing.  I thought you weren't even allowed to have a ceremony unless the proper paperwork was completed.  Signed would make more sense, but we all know these writers :(

My curiosity was getting the better of me, so I found the daily transcripts, and Eric did say "because when I signed this." And I thought it was the POA not the marriage certificate. After Quinn had gone upstairs, Eric pulled out the POA and was looking at it; there was a sticky note with "Ridge Forrester" on it, because of course, Eric was just going to sign over his rights to Ridge. 

40 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:
2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

And then arrogance. That's a Marone thing, you know?"  

I get Eric was pissed and Ridge was REALLY acting like a prick, but you don't throw a child's paternity in their face like that. I don't care if he's 50 and Eric's 70ish, that's a line you don't need to cross -especially if you're trying to teach someone about respect, etc. Does Ridge deserve to be taken to task? Perhaps. I agree with Ridge's stance but no the extremity he took to try to make his point. But it's not Ridge's fault that Stephanie hid the truth. Either Ridge is Eric's kid or he isn't.  He and Stephanie raised him so whatever character flaws Ridge has, it's on them, not the 'Marone gene'. 

Eric's used this against Ridge before and they've made a point in previous conversations of showing that it does hurt Ridge that Eric no longer sees him as his blood and that there has been a subtle shift in their connection, but that overall Ridge embraces being a Forrester 100%. Not that I believe the writers are thinking all this deep but I think part of Ridge's desperation to be big dog on top because he IS threatened by this fundamental fact that he's no longer blood and Eric and Rick have made it clear that they do keep in mind. Ridge sees the crack in the wall that they can push him through to make him an outsider and for a man like Ridge who being a Forrester is all he's ever known and at the age he is, that's a devastating identity realignment to make.

I agree with this 100%. I have always hated the retcon of Ridge's paternity, and felt it was done for the sole purpose of allowing Ridge to have that splash dash romance with Bridget. UCK!!! And I have particularly hated how Rick and Eric pull it out at their convenience. I would say though, that Rick is far more likely to use it than Eric. But in this instance, I think Eric was just so hurt and so angry, and he saw the Marone bent for dominance, and couldn't help himself. I didn't get the feeling he was using it to tell Ridge he didn't see him as a son, although there have been times I have thought that. Yesterday seemed more about pointing out Ridge's biggest fault, and one Eric feels comes from Ridge's Marone genes. 

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6 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Yesterday seemed more about pointing out Ridge's biggest fault, and one Eric feels comes from Ridge's Marone genes. 

And he'd be wrong, because Ridge has been a Forrester long before he was a Marone and Stephanie in particular coddled him and made excuses for him and fought his battles. And in later years, Eric went along with it. Eric helped make that bed, so he can lie in it, IMO. But for all of Ridge's faults his paternity is not one of them, and I hate that the show  has made a point of Eric pulling this card out more than once lately. 

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12 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

And he'd be wrong, because Ridge has been a Forrester long before he was a Marone and Stephanie in particular coddled him and made excuses for him and fought his battles. And in later years, Eric went along with it. Eric helped make that bed, so he can lie in it, IMO. But for all of Ridge's faults his paternity is not one of them, and I hate that the show  has made a point of Eric pulling this card out more than once lately. 

I agree with this also. Eric seems to forget sometimes that Ridge also has Douglas genes, and well, us old timers know all too well about Stephanie, and how she was never wrong. I have always said that Stephanie and Eric created the monster that is Ridge; Stephanie for enabling and protecting, and Eric for accepting whatever Stephanie wanted. The only time Eric had any backbone with Stephanie was when it came to other women. As far as the family went; that was all Stephanie's domain. He pretty much did the same thing with Rick, although I think he had a much bigger hand in creating that little monster by being more the enabler. 

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Ridge had always been at odds with Eric at one point or another in his life.

I just rewatched the very first episode (which, holy crap everyone was young!!!) and his first lines are all about bitching to Thorne about Eric being stuck in the past and that he needs to sex up his designs more.

Once an asshole, always an asshole. 

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True, but he was never this cruel about it and unlike now, I got the sense Ridge was coming from a place of passion instead of a money grab/power play.

Still, I'll take this over some of the shit we've had in recent years.

Eric/Quinn 2016: Making B&B Great Again

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This is true, which is why, more and more, I'm referring to him as Fridge. Because the real Ridge would never treat his father so shabbily and it's too obvious that he wouldn't have been happy no matter who Eric married. Although, I'd wager a guess that Fridge is thrilled to the gills that Eric picked Quinn because then he can make yet another power-grab under the guise of Campaign Never Quinn. If Eric had fallen in love with Rebecca from Sunnybrooke Farm, he wouldn't have that excuse but you can bet he would be sitting there, the hamster wheel in his greasy head turning, paranoid that this woman would somehow keep him from being King of the World, and what can he do to prove she's Satan's Concubine.

Edited by CountryGirl
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3 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

I get Eric was pissed and Ridge was REALLY acting like a prick, but you don't throw a child's paternity in their face like that. I don't care if he's 50 and Eric's 70ish, that's a line you don't need to cross -especially if you're trying to teach someone about respect, etc. Does Ridge deserve to be taken to task? Perhaps. I agree with Ridge's stance but no the extremity he took to try to make his point. But it's not Ridge's fault that Stephanie hid the truth. Either Ridge is Eric's kid or he isn't.  He and Stephanie raised him so whatever character flaws Ridge has, it's on them, not the 'Marone gene'. 

Eric's used this against Ridge before and they've made a point in previous conversations of showing that it does hurt Ridge that Eric no longer sees him as his blood and that there has been a subtle shift in their connection, but that overall Ridge embraces being a Forrester 100%. Not that I believe the writers are thinking all this deep but I think part of Ridge's desperation to be big dog on top because he IS threatened by this fundamental fact that he's no longer blood and Eric and Rick have made it clear that they do keep in mind. Ridge sees the crack in the wall that they can push him through to make him an outsider and for a man like Ridge who being a Forrester is all he's ever known and at the age he is, that's a devastating identity realignment to make.

Agree that using Ridge's paternity against him was way out-of-bounds.  Arguably more deliberately hurtful than Ridge's disrespectful "cuckoo" hand-wave. I do find interesting the notion that Ridge's recent motivations exist because he's threatened by the fact that he's not actually a blood Forrester.  In the early years, he was the undisputed leader of the children, a mantle he wore easily.  Now, though, he's got to force and browbeat everyone to do what he says.  He no longer has that ease of leadership he once did, pre-paterrnity-reveal.

2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I agree with this 100%. I have always hated the retcon of Ridge's paternity, and felt it was done for the sole purpose of allowing Ridge to have that splash dash romance with Bridget. UCK!!! And I have particularly hated how Rick and Eric pull it out at their convenience. I would say though, that Rick is far more likely to use it than Eric. But in this instance, I think Eric was just so hurt and so angry, and he saw the Marone bent for dominance, and couldn't help himself. I didn't get the feeling he was using it to tell Ridge he didn't see him as a son, although there have been times I have thought that. Yesterday seemed more about pointing out Ridge's biggest fault, and one Eric feels comes from Ridge's Marone genes. 

Eric was out of line but he was very obviously hurt and he, in turn, tried to hurt.  Later in the scene, he called Ridge his "first-born son", so I choose to think that's how he really sees him.  It's kind of like how you're always the other parent's kid when you screw up.

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Why the hell is Ridge always putting his hands on people? Quinn again, of course, but he also half put his arm around the doctor outside of Eric's hotel room? He's really just being evil now. He's way more interested in being right and going unchallenged than caring a bit about Eric. Gross. 

I did enjoy the detail of Quinn knowing what medications Eric is on. It's a small moment but strong writing to ground that relationship, and contrast to his asshole of a family. 

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19 minutes ago, nasir jones said:

How many times does Ridge need to put his hands on Quinn before Wyatt puts his fist through Ridge's greasy face?  One time should've been too many.

This. You phrased this so much better than I could have, & with much less cursing than I was coming up with. If Quinn had physically come at Ridge, I would've never said a word about him defending himself, but he put his hands on her twice, unprovoked, & physically restrained a tiny little woman from seeing her near-death husband twice - twice! I've loved Ridge since TK took over, & I know that's not popular around here, but I always appreciated that RM was gone & that TK was almost a different character, & definitely a much, much, much better actor. No more. I'm fucking done with that piece of shit. 

Ok, now that that's off my chest, I thought for sure we were looking at a stroke when Quinn mentioned Eric's high blood pressure meds. I might've needed to borrow them after seeing this episode, FYI, & the jury is still out on whether I'll need them after finishing this post. It was very odd how the doctor opened up to the Forrester kids & grandkid, but when the wife came in the room, he shut his mouth & threw away the key. Guess Ridge is like the great & powerful Oz, & what he says goes. At least Thorne filled Mrs. Eric Forrester in.

Wyatt, you are not a Forrester. Leave the pity-party of the feeling-guilty-because-they-were-too-chickenshit-to-stand-up-to-Ridge-&-Steffy, go to the hospital & support your mother, who, whether anyone likes it or not, is Mrs. Eric Forrester.

Finally, I try to rise above & not bash an actor (very often), but just wow. JMW was so bad in the hospital scenes. I'm not an actor, but I'd think that when a fellow-actor is in front of you, in a hospital bed, it shouldn't be that hard to dig deep & show emotions like, I don't know, concern, fear, worry, guilt. I got nothing from her. I felt something for everyone else, including the coven at FC (which was actually really well-acted, I thought, from the people sort of on the periphery), but for her, she could've been thinking about what color she's going to dye her hair next. 

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John McCook really brought his A game yesterday!  He read that entire room for the filth they are.  I especially loved it when he read Pam and reminded her of how many times he had to forgive her and her "sainted" sister.  I had to stand up and applaud when he let Rick and Maya have it.  Maya, who lied about the most fundamental thing about herself actually had the unmitigated gall to have an opinion about this matter.  There are some people who need to learn how to read a room and sit down somewhere and keep their mouths firmly shut. 

Thorne was especially deserving of Eric's contempt.  He was right.  Why didn't he just say no?  Instead, he tells Eric that he would stand up for him only to turn around and listen to King Ridge-Pen and not show up.  His read of Stuffy was right on point.  Too bad the actress has neither the talent nor gravitas to step into her late grandmother's shoes as this fearsome queen bee.  All I see is a pretender to the throne playing dress up in her grandmother's suits and pearls.  Stephanie had a presence about her that let you know that she was no joke.  Stuffy?  Pffft!  And, on a shallow note, does she even have the ability to cry real tears anymore?  Or, are glycerin drops constantly needed?

And, speaking of pretenders to the throne, who in the heck is Ridge-Pen, indeed?  Nothing more than the literal bastard that Stephanie foisted off on Eric to raise while keeping his bio sperm donor in the dark for over 4 decades.  Cruel?  You betcha!  But, sometimes you have to go there because it's the elephant in the room that every last one of those mofos dance around.  Ridge-Pen had the best of everything, while the other children were lucky to get any attention at all.  Eric raised his dusty ass only for him to betray him at every opportunity, personally and professionally.  I sure as heck can't forget that one of those betrayals occurred when Ridge-Pen, his mother and wife wanted him to get the lion's share of Eric's estate and to be put in charge at Forrester Creations.  To accomplish that, Ridge-Pen wanted to have Brooke declared "mentally incapacitated" because she took a sabbatical.  When he couldn't get his way, what does he do?  He goes running to Massimo, who had a ready-made position waiting for him.  And, he has no respect for Quinn?  Too bad the show has only 22 minutes of actual airtime because Eric could have filled a whole hour, plus special bonus scenes describing the numerous ways that bulbous clown isn't worthy of his respect.  Just ask Thorne, about his ill-fated marriage to Original Recipe Caroline, including what happened when he went to the kitchen to make the mother of all sandwiches.

And, why does Chickenhead Wyatt still act as if his whatever-it-is with Stuffy is worth holding onto?  She has neither the looks, charisma or anything else to warrant all this trouble.  As crazy as Quinn is, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.  How many different ways does Chickenhead need to be told and shown that his so-called wife just isn't that into him?

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How much to I hate Ridge? He is such a pompous bully. Quinn needs to steamroll right over these idiot family members. I would be planting my rear in Eric's hospital room and not budging. She is his WIFE, whether Ridge and Steffy like it or not.

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I don't like this Ridge-without-Caroline. I'm not a Quinn fan either and don't feel she's served enough time for her previous actions to deserve this new happiness, but she does have legal rights and needs to smack Ridge upside his head with her marriage license. 

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I love TK so much as an actor, but it's really hard to see him playing such an asshole. If there were any decent writing on this show, they would have Ridge feeling threatened by Quinn and jealous of his father's new happiness because he is alone and having to breakfast at Brooke's.

But that will never happen.

Sad news about Agnes Nixon.  THERE was a woman who could write a soap opera! 

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So stroke plus amnesia for eric and loving son ridge will make that marriage go away, and Quinn for that matter. Until super dr bridget comes back home with the miracle cure for daddy. 

That said i am loving BB much more than YR right now. 

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48 minutes ago, maisie said:

I love TK so much as an actor, but it's really hard to see him playing such an asshole. If there were any decent writing on this show, they would have Ridge feeling threatened by Quinn and jealous of his father's new happiness because he is alone and having to breakfast at Brooke's.

But that will never happen.

Sad news about Agnes Nixon.  THERE was a woman who could write a soap opera! 

Nixon, along with Bill Bell, were two of Irna Philips' protégés who pretty much shaped daytime TV into what it became in the heyday of the 70s and 80s. I was never an ABC soap fan (I always felt like I was cheating on CBS when I was watching one at a relatives house or my hair dresser :p ), but it truly is the end of an era with her gone.

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6 minutes ago, carolinagirl81 said:

So stroke plus amnesia for eric and loving son ridge will make that marriage go away, and Quinn for that matter. Until super dr bridget comes back home with the miracle cure for daddy. 

FFS! Please tell me this is spec. So we'll be treated to an amnesia S/L every few months now? Do the writers have amnesia?

Edited by tricknasty
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2 hours ago, nasir jones said:

How many times does Ridge need to put his hands on Quinn before Wyatt puts his fist through Ridge's greasy face?  One time should've been too many.

Man, do I hate that fucker.  The moment he put his hands on Quinn, he should have been drawing back a nub.

Ridge-Pen has always been a punk ass bitch who likes to sucker-punch real men like Bill and Deacon, only to find out that his mouth wrote a check that his ass couldn't cash.  Deacon would have kicked Ridge-Pen's ass ninja-style and would have ensured both of his hands were broken in the process.

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I thought the idiot doc said brain hemorrhage?  Why was this idiot doc listening to greasy bully Ridge-Pen?  When Quinn said she is Eric's wife he should have only been talking to her.

Ridge-Pen putting his hands on Quinn not once, not twice but at least three times is pretty egregious.  I would feel worse if Quinn hadn't pushed Deacon off a cliff though.  She can hold her own.  What surprised me is that neither Rick nor Thorne intervened and tried to point out to Ridge that he was acting psycho.

I have never liked Ridge, but his behaviour here is quite shameful.

I am glad most of the Forresters clan realizes that they were in the wrong.  Too little too late, but at least they realize it.  Except Ridge and Puffy.

Wyatt should have been there to support his mother.

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1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

Man, do I hate that fucker.  The moment he put his hands on Quinn, he should have been drawing back a nub.

Ridge-Pen has always been a punk ass bitch who likes to sucker-punch real men like Bill and Deacon, only to find out that his mouth wrote a check that his ass couldn't cash.  Deacon would have kicked Ridge-Pen's ass ninja-style and would have ensured both of his hands were broken in the process.

I'd pay good money for Deacon to come back and kick Fridge's ass into next week, and I bet that's something even $Bill would support.  But that would probably make Beelzebub and his evil handmaiden start a rumor that Quinn's having an affair with Deacon simply because he had her back. Hateful bitches.

I. Still. Hate. Steffy, and now her raggedy ass daddy, too.

Edited by bittersweet4149
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Yes to the nth degree to Ridge needing to be gut-checked by someone...uh...Wyatt?  That's your mother wimp-ass.  Nobody puts their hands on someone's mother.  I would have punched him out myself if he did it to mine! Yeeesh. 

JMc should get an Emmy nod.  The gentleman brought his A+ game.  I hope he gave Quinn control of everything so Ridge can sit and spin.

I am a huge TK fan from AMC (salute Agnes Nixon...you knew how to pace the SL and write complex characters and stay true to them.  You will be missed...I cut my soap teeth on AMC in the 70's) but I hate seeing him have to play this despicable character, too.  He is capable of sooooo much more.  And just an observation...I kinda get from his body language he doesn't like playing this either.  JMHO

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This story line is the most interesting one in many years. It's due to the writing and acting by Eric and Quinn. The rest of them are just pathetic. Even if the writing is bad, give it your best, people. Meaning you, Steffy. Couldn't you muster ONE tear for your grandfather in his office or in the hospital? And there are no words for Ridge-being so disrespectful to his father and shoving Quinn around at the office/hospital. I'd have his sorry ass arrested if he manhandled me like he did Quinn. He needs to go back to Paris and disappear onscreen. Wyatt, where are you when your mother is being treated like shit under Ridge's shoe? Be a man for once in your feeble life! Ok, rant over. Go Eric and Quinn!

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Amen, Gam2. That Liam isn't around buzzing in Steffy's ear and making it about him is just a bonus. I. Hate. Steffy....but I will always hate that weak willed, sniveling, whining coward Liam more.

 I'm glad this story has remained primarily on the Forrester family, showing how not one of them besides Ivy has a lick of class. Especially Steffy who made it her life's mission to take the mantle her sainted mother passed on to make the Logans miserable to get the stocks for her family. Good God. If Phoebe didn't die in that car accident, Steffy probably would've offer her eventually. 

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3 hours ago, tricknasty said:

FFS! Please tell me this is spec. So we'll be treated to an amnesia S/L every few months now? Do the writers have amnesia?

Yes this is my opinon lol sorry. I could really see it going down like this though. 

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Hey Wyatt...you know that woman you call "mom"?  You know, the woman who was paid good money to abort you but had you anyway?  The woman who raised you and always put your happiness first?  Yeah, her, the same woman you refused to defend when your father in law put his filthy hands on right in front of you!  Just so you can stand by your asshole wife, who, by the way, doesn't even want you.

@nkotb, I'm with you, I could also use a dose of blood pressure medication after today's episode.  Ridge forbidding Quinn to go into Eric's room, bullying TWO doctors into treating Quinn like persona non grata, all with the smuggest of smug smirks on that oily face.  I never thought this would happen, but I might actually hate Ridge more than Steffy at this point.  I was wondering where Brooke was in all this, but she'd probably be going right along with the "no, Ridgey-poo, it's not your fault, you were trying to protect him" bullshit.

ETA:  Because I'm so annoyed I forgot to mention...I've said it before and I'll say it again, when you are "afraid" of someone so "dangerous" that an entire family is in need of "protection", maybe constantly going at them and antagonizing them isn't the best move.

Edited by ByTor
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Ridge's hypocrisy knows no bounds plus he is the poster child for narcissistic personality disorder.  Quinn is LEGALLY, Eric's wife since the ceremony was performed. The priest files the marriage certificate with the city.  As Eric's wife, she is Eric's care giver unless there is a health care proxy to the contrary. There is nothing Ridge can do about it believe me. I had bouts with my in-laws but the hospital deferred to my wishes.  A POA has nothing to do with health care. 

I also say, where the fuck was Wyatt?  If someone laid hands on my mother, that person wouldn't be able to wipe their ass let alone hold a pencil.  

Yes Ridge, Quinn is responsible for Eric's condition and for that matter for Brooke having to marry Bill. If Quinn should be in jail, for kidnapping, than Rick should be in jail for discharging a gun within city limits and Ridge should be in jail for assault.  Too bad being a raging bitch is not a crime for they could punish Steffy by wetting her lips and stick her to the wall.

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Actually, regarding POAs, there are POAs for financial purposes and POAs for health care decisions.  I think it gets easily confused with living wills, DNR, etc.  During the summer, I had to become the DPOA for my elderly father and also for my brother while he was in a nursing home recovering from major surgery and the attorney said that we needed one for finance and one for health and I have heard that from people in similar situations who went to different attorneys.  Anyway, the focus on Eric's health POA from the spoilers bothers me because it leads me down the path to thinking there might be a "remove life support" decision and it will be in Ridge's hands. (Lather, rinse, repeat from the past.)

Man, even for a soap, that was some pretty rough manhandling of Quinn by Ridge.  I would almost prefer RM's wooden delivery to this raging maniac of TK's making.  I could never see old Ridge forcefully grabbing a woman by the upper arms and shoving her around.  Yeah, and FU to Wyatt for just standing there like a wooden store dummy (sorry, had to go there for bringing up RM!) Steffy didn't care.  She wasn't even paying attention.  This sham of "standing by my wife," has just become an embarrassing farce.  Wyatt needs to pull his balls out of Steffy's pocket and dump her. His mother needs him right now. The next time Ridge-pen grabs Quinn like that I hope to see a replay of Stephanie's infamous "knees to the nuts" scene.

I was also slack-jawed the way those doctors kow-towed to Ridge's orders to keep Quinn away from Eric. She's Eric's WIFE. I noticed that in the opening scene in the hospital, the camera focused on some commemorative plaque on the wall.  I couldn't tell if it was a medical or donor recognition, but it was a man's name. Anyway, it reminded me that when Stephanie was still alive, there were hospital scenes of the "Stephanie Forrester Wing" or something like that. So maybe that's how Ridge got away with it. Otherwise, those were some major violations of the Hippocratic oath "First, do now harm" and IMO they were doing Eric harm by not allowing his wife to see him.

JMW is such a terrible actress. She looked like she was trying to shed tears, but just could not. She just spat out that it was all Quinn's fault. Puh-leeze ... take several seats.  However, it was smart to have Alley Mills head up the junior league back at FC.  It's always a treat to see Pam doing something beyond pawning off lemon bars or gossiping.

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