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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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1 hour ago, Pickles said:

I am so over this whole mess. Steffy acting like a petulant child about Eric and Quinn getting together. Threatening to end her marriage to Wyatt. No one cares! Go back to Wyatt or go with Liam. It doesn't matter. And then we have Bill and Ridge both lusting after Brooke. She is having flashbacks of both, as well. Really? Maybe they can work out an arrangement where she spends six months with each of them. Gag.

I'm confused...why are the writers trying to make Brooke and Ridge-Pen "a thing" at this point in their lives?

Are we really supposed to forget that this greasy looking, unkempt ogre has been in TWO committed relationships since his return from Paris.  He was supposedly going to remarry Brooke, only to kick her to the curb and become engaged to Katie (with a funky red string and everything).  Then he kicked her ass to the curb to engage in hand porn with his brother's wife and married her.  Then to add insult to injury, they engaged in these shenanigans with baby Douglas.

So, now Brooke is Ridge's holla-back gal again (at 50-something) after all that?  And, she's actually okay with him pawing on her and calling her by some stupid pet name?  Fuck outta here!  Which leads me to ask another question in all seriousness.  Where is Ridge living these days?  Why is a multimillionaire acting like he's homeless and showing up at his ex-wife's place like it's a soup kitchen?

Like others, I'm still waiting for Brooke to get out of dream gaze and put her red suit on.  I'm just thoroughly confused as to why she doesn't consider keeping those shares for herself.

  • Love 19

I am already pissed off at Ridge for treating Eric like a doddering, senile, old man who needs to go strap on his Depends, sit in his wheelchair, and eat his lime Jello and like it, as well as for pimping out Brooke, playing on their history, their son, and her propensity to be his beck-and-call-doormat. 

Brill has grown on me and no amount of flashbacks or Ridge calling Brooke "Logan" is going to change that. Of course, now that Ridge is single and bored and looking for his old stand-by (old shoes indeed), he is suddenly viewing Brooke as his soulmate (a thing she wished for decades) just when she is on the verge of finally having a man who is committed to her and only her.

So, fuck you, Ridge.

And fuck you, too, Steffy. (Because it can't be said enough).

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, tricknasty said:

The separation must be weighing on Chickenhead. He's packed on 10 pounds since we last saw him.

Now that DB put a ring on it he ain't *gotta* keep it ripped. Besides do you think he and JMW's Steffy are gonna have any bedroom scenes any time soon that he needs to panic? ;)

As long as they give him enough notice for his Forrester rooftop workout scenes he should be able to drop a few pounds the week prior to look decent.

  • Love 7

What's the world coming to when Rick offered the most reasonable argument to Eric ?


Thomas: After what she's done to everyone in this room.

Me (after thinking about it):  A text pretending to be Liam is all she's done to the 2 rapist/assaulters, the man-slaughterer/tackling/slapper, and the 2 attempted murderers.*



*Answer key: Ridge and Thomas, Steffy, Rick and Pam.

  • Love 17
41 minutes ago, Gudzilla said:

What's the world coming to when Rick offered the most reasonable argument to Eric ?


Thomas: After what she's done to everyone in this room.

Me (after thinking about it):  A text pretending to be Liam is all she's done to the 2 rapist/assaulters, the man-slaughterer/tackling/slapper, and the 2 attempted murderers.*



*Answer key: Ridge and Thomas, Steffy, Rick and Pam.

3 attempted murderers if you count Thomas blowing up Rick's car that one time. ;)

All of them can take seats.

Edit: as for Brill, as sick as I am of Brooke having another man at her family's expense, I'll take them over another round of Bridge where Brooke was always second fiddle who is only on Ridge's radar because Caroline is gone and Taylor has disappeared to parts unknown.  Had Stephanie left well enough alone, they would've fizzled out a long ass time ago.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 13

For Ridge, Steffy and Thomas their gaining Bill's 12.5% is about a power grab.  It was very telling that Ridge was sitting in Eric's chair (the Power position) during the intervention.  He was playing King of the Hill.  They may have some concerned about Eric's well being, however, their main motivation is getting total control of "their" company.  I hope that once their coup is discovered, Eric will fire their sorry asses.

Rick does not seem to be motivated by greed or power.  He is concerned for his father and wants Eric to slow things down with Quinn.   

  • Love 11

I was thinking the same thing about Rick today.  I have to admit I was surprised, but I kinda applauded when he seemed to be halfway supportive of Eric and he actually had a valid point about "what's the rush?" I almost think that if the two of them had had that conversation in a calm rational manner behind closed doors, he might have talked Eric into at least waiting until he got to know Quinn better.  AFAIC, I don't care how quickly or leisurely Queric are in tying the knot just as long as it happens!

Finally! Quinn sees Steffy for the spoiled, selfish, petulant bitchy brat that she is and I'm using my "nice" words.  I'm glad that she finally gave up the futile fight and drew a picture for Wyatt.  I was cheering when he called Puffy out on her shit and more or less gave her her own ultimatum.  I loved watching her sputter and try to emote and squeeze out a few crocodile tears. I also thought Steffy looked panicked because her back's against the wall. She can no longer keep Wyatt on a tightrope while keeping Liam on the sidelines.

What galls me is all of this over-inflated illogical paranoia that Quinn is going to take over FC. How exactly is she going to do that and I don't think that's something she even wants.  Why? She'll have the Forrester name, wealth and lifestyle. Wyatt doesn't need any type of secured legacy as he's $Bill's spawn.  Like with Donna, everybody threw up the same arguments as they are doing with Quinn and as it turned out, Donna truly loved Eric for him, not what he could offer her in material terms. With Sheila, it became increasingly obvious that she was in it for the money and power and anything else she could get her hands on. However, with Eric being as impulsive and obstinate as he is, I could easily see him barging into the office to call a meeting and announce to a flabbergasted Quinn and Wyatt that they were now President and Vice President of FC or something along those lines. It would in now way be Quinn's doing, but she'd still get blamed for it. It would be deemed a revenge move against Steffy for divorcing Wyatt.

So, yeah. STFU all of you Forrester brats and shame on to Pam, too, for trying to manipulate/guilt by invoking Stephanie's ghost. And nice touch, Eric, for kicking Sludge out of your chair.  I hope that soon, very soon, you can kick them all out of FC.

Speaking of, I thought KKL looked slightly nauseous when Sludge made that awkward grab of her today to pull her onto his leg of the desk or whatever he was trying to do which netted him being eye level with her boobs.  Just yuck. PLEASE don't set up another Bill/Brooke/Ridge triangle.

When Brooke was trying to convince Bill today that she loves her job at FC, I kept urging her on to continue ... maybe we would have found out what she actually does over there.  I get what everybody's saying about how Brooke has lost her spark or something. She's seemed very DOA for quite some time now and yeah, I have to wonder if the dual loss of SF and RM have something to do with it. Without those two (removing TK from the equation) or Nick or Taylor, the character seems to lack direction and frankly, any real purpose on the show.  Brooke has always needed a strong woman or man to play off of and right now she doesn't have that. She's too submissive to Bill, so that's going nowhere interesting.  She really doesn't seem very excited to be marrying Bill at all.  Yes, it's a shame that the writers aren't going to re-create her into a power player at FC, as all signs are pointing to another tired triangle.

TTIC must be reading again, as that red dress Brooke was wearing today more than atoned for that wrinkled silk disaster from last week. She looked hot! I also liked (for once) Steffy's makeup a little better. That copper/gold/metallic eye shadow looked good with her blue eyes.

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

.Rick does not seem to be motivated by greed or power.   

Now there's a sentence I never thought I'd read! ;)

But yeah, it's always been the  Ridge branch of the Forrester spawn who have always been after power, either for power's sake or because their mother was telling them they deserved more than the Logans or whatever. Rick to his marginal credit was usually about taking down Ridge when he went power hungry. Felicia's been a party girl most of her life who hasn't worried too much and so far Zende is the only Forrester who hasn't expressed an opinion about Quinn or using it to further himself. That, or maybe Nicole forbid him to think for himself who she banned him from working with Sasha.

  • Love 8

Random thoughts from today's episode...

- It's too bad that Wyatt forgot that his mother being happily occupied is the best thing in the world for him. Remember the short break you got from the crazy when Quinn was actually in love with Deacon?  

- Brooke mentioning that Eric proposing to Quinn seemed like something he would do. That softness towards him, however brief, gives me hope that eventually he will have some family on his side. (Rick, too.)

- Steffy is worse than I thought.  It was a special kind of cruel to imply that she could be afraid of him, because of Quinn's DNA.  And after Wyatt's ultimatum - what was that expression, exactly?  

Edited by tessaray
  • Love 13
16 hours ago, ByTor said:

And therein lies the problem...I think Eric's family definitely has reason to be concerned, but the way their concern was written and is playing out on screen they are just coming across so hateful that I can't help but root against them.  

Too bad Aly is dead, I bet she'd be able to smell whether or not Quinn is being sincere :)

In my heeeeeead, she's not deaaaaad. In my head,  in my head, in my heaaad, heeead, heeead. Sorry, been listening to a lot of 90s lately.

  • Love 7

grisgris; a thousand likes to your stunningly on point post!

An intervention? Well just La De Friggin Da; that shit was heelarious! Right up there with Bill's when Katie decided he was an alcoholic, and the ladies ambushed him at home. Don't these dolts understand that an intervention is about the one being intervened? But what do we get:

Ridge: Business and power

Steffy: What about MEEEEE!!!!!

Thomas: Thomas said something, I am sure he did, but I didn't get it. Something about hiring folks?

Pam: My sister's memory!

Rick: As said above, the only one who came close to making any sense.

Oh, but Eric was ready. I shouted with glee, and was silently fist pumping as if I was training for the Ms. Olympia when he told Steffy she had her Grandma's passive/aggressive tendencies. Eric's non reaction was priceless, instead letting his actions speak for themselves. The bestest thing of the entire show was Eric nonchalantly walking over to the desk and just looking at Ridge, silently putting him in his place, and pulling him outta Eric's CEO chair. I was laughing and cheering at the same time. 

As annoyed as I was in general, I found that Pam really got under my skin. Ok, I get that ole Steph was your sister, but enough with this notion that she was some Sainted Sentient Being. In essence, Stephanie and Quinn are the same person. Adult parents who meddle in and try to control their grown son's lives. At least Quinn can own her shit, and admit she has been wrong. Stephanie was never able to do that. And Stephanie was a thousand times worse than Quinn because she had three other children that never registered on her radar. Stephanie also never admitted what drove her, choosing instead to lay her psychopathia at Brooke's doorstep by pointing her pudgy little finger at that "Slut from the Valley" as the root of all evil. Yes, in Stephanie's mind Brooke was responsible for everything from the smog in LA, to global warming and for starving children around the world. Brooke was the Divider and the Conqueror of all things Forrester; the Trouble seed planter that wanted to rip Stephanie's family apart. In reality, it all boiled down to jealousy. Sorta like what is driving Steffy right now. Stephanie's deep seated hatred and envy of Eric's true love for Beth Henderson was Brooke's undoing. It was patently ridiculous, not to mention unconscionable that Stephanie was allowed to wage a twenty year war on her enemy's daughter, but that is how it went down all the same. 

What in the fuck are you doing Show? Ridge keeps popping into Brooke's kitchen as she goes about her domestic goddess business. And is now calling her "his Logan", and again, what the fuck is up with Ridge having pictures of Brooke as his screen saver? Montaging about her too? Throwing shade on Bill, and intimating that you don't like this "sacrifice" Brooke is making, but oh the fuck hell yeah! you go right on and get those shares Logan! As if that isn't bad enough, I didn't miss that over the shoulder troubled look on Brooke's face when she was hugging Bill, not to mention that sad look she gave Ridge as he was leaving her kitchen. And really Ridge? You just gonna be grabbing a girl and pulling her into your stuff because you can? Brooke looked shocked and stiff as a board; for a minute there I thought Ridge was going to grab himself a handful of Brooke Boobies, but RJ came calling before we got there. 

Go Quinn! I am so glad that she has dispensed with kissing Steffy's botoxed ass. If Quinn was her same old self, she would have had some big master plan in the works already. This is what Puffy is missing. Quinn has always schemed for Wyatt, not herself, and she has been on the straight and narrow, with the sole exception of the bizarre, and completely random Ivy redo. And even that was extremely weak sauce considering Quinn's past actions. And she hasn't followed through with anything where Ivy is concerned. 

Wyatt too. It is about time he called Steffy on not only her bluff but her shit. It was so nice to see her not know how to react. Wyatt wasn't placating. He wasn't cajoling. He wanted answers, and he wanted a decision. I hope she tells him she can't decide and Wyatt decides for her. I hope that so much. And I hope Wyatt's decision is to tell her Bye Bye. 

I think they are gearing up for something we are not expecting. Rick seems like he may be pulling back a bit, and Ridge seems to know this too, given the hateful look he shot at Rick when he was talking to Eric. Then there is Brooke, who is really the red herring in all of this. Why wasn't she at the "intervention"? They have left her out of many key scenes where Eric and Quinn are concerned, so she has not expressed any feelings one way or the other to either of them. I think that is wholly by design. Additionally, she is the only one who has expressed any concern for Eric's happiness, and how a takeover will effect him. I am also not missing that she is a bit put out with Ridge's high handedness with their history. Now RJ is back. I guess it all depends on if she marry's Bill or not, and if she does, how she uses those shares. Please let this be the SL that brings Brooke back to life. 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 16

Another thing I wish they would stop are the ridiculous Bridge flashbacks.  They DO NOT WORK with this Ridge.  That shit was played out over 15 years ago and have become less effective over time.

First of all, it fully depends on the audience having amnesia or some other form of memory lapse.  Anyone with two brain cells to rub together know that Brooke and Ridge's history has not been all rose petals and good times.  And, let's talk about the elephant in the room.  The current flashbacks typically feature only Brooke because another actor was portraying Ridge for 20+ years when these scenes took place.  One of the few flashbacks using nu-Ridge with Brooke in the red dress is marred when one remembers that Ridge returned after being in Paris for over a year.  In all that time, he had virtually no contact with Brooke or anyone else in his family whatsoever.  Not to mention that Ridge's exile in Paris occurred after he dumped Brooke because of an email.  We're also supposed to forget that Brooke slapped the cowboy shit out of Ridge; that he was rude and dismissive toward her, including refusing to answer questions about what he was actually doing in Paris; that they did not get married (hallelujah!) because he got his jockstrap in a bunch about her and Bill; and that he "punished" her by taking up with Katie.  Are we really supposed to forget Ridge telling Brooke, "I'm with Katie now?"  Ronn Moss was no Laurence Olivier, but there's no denying that he took that role and made it his own.

It's time to retire those Bridge montages because they are well past their sell-by date.  Are we supposed to surmise that Ridge had screen savers of Brooke while he was married to Caroline?  Does he not think about Taylor?  At all?  It certainly doesn't help that Brooke looked downright uncomfortable with Ridge yesterday.  He was clearly trying to exert his right to "own" her and can't stand it that someone else has his favorite chew toy now--the one he willfully threw away.  The other day when they were discussing how this was the longest time Brooke had ever been without someone, I saw some serious projecting going on.  It's actually Ridge who is not used to being without somebody panting after him.  He doesn't even have his mother around to reassure him that he's the hottest thing going on two legs and that everyone woman he meets over 12 is just quivering with lust over him.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

 Does he not think about Taylor?  At all?

That reminds me, doesn't Taylor have significant Forrester stock?  Or am I misremembering and she did have it but sold/gifted it?  

But yeah, does Ridge think about Taylor?  Do any of them?  Does Taylor know that she's Douglas' grandmother?  Does she even know anything that's going on with Steffy?  You'd think at the very least she'd be concerned about Steffy's many meltdowns.  Of course knowing Taylor she'd be banging the "everything that Quinn did, especially to Steffy" drum louder than anybody.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

Does he not think about Taylor?  At all?


8 minutes ago, ByTor said:

But yeah, does Ridge think about Taylor?  Do any of them?

Just like Hope, it is like Taylor never existed. 


9 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Of course knowing Taylor she'd be banging the "everything that Quinn did, especially to Steffy" drum louder than anybody.

Knowing Taylor, she would turn it around and somehow make a "Logan" responsible. 

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, RuntheTable said:


grisgris; a thousand likes to your stunningly on point post!

An intervention? Well just La De Friggin Da; that shit was heelarious! Right up there with Bill's when Katie decided he was an alcoholic, and the ladies ambushed him at home. Don't these dolts understand that an intervention is about the one being intervened? But what do we get:

Ridge: Business and power

Steffy: What about MEEEEE!!!!!

Thomas: Thomas said something, I am sure he did, but I didn't get it. Something about hiring folks?

Pam: My sister's memory!

Rick: As said above, the only one who came close to making any sense.

Oh, but Eric was ready. I shouted with glee, and was silently fist pumping as if I was training for the Ms. Olympia when he told Steffy she had her Grandma's passive/aggressive tendencies. Eric's non reaction was priceless, instead letting his actions speak for themselves. The bestest thing of the entire show was Eric nonchalantly walking over to the desk and just looking at Ridge, silently putting him in his place, and pulling him outta Eric's CEO chair. I was laughing and cheering at the same time. 

As annoyed as I was in general, I found that Pam really got under my skin. Ok, I get that ole Steph was your sister, but enough with this notion that she was some Sainted Sentient Being. In essence, Stephanie and Quinn are the same person. Adult parents who meddle in and try to control their grown son's lives. At least Quinn can own her shit, and admit she has been wrong. Stephanie was never able to do that. And Stephanie was a thousand times worse than Quinn because she had three other children that never registered on her radar. Stephanie also never admitted what drove her, choosing instead to lay her psychopathia at Brooke's doorstep by pointing her pudgy little finger at that "Slut from the Valley" as the root of all evil. Yes, in Stephanie's mind Brooke was responsible for everything from the smog in LA, to global warming and for starving children around the world. Brooke was the Divider and the Conqueror of all things Forrester; the Trouble seed planter that wanted to rip Stephanie's family apart. In reality, it all boiled down to jealousy. Sorta like what is driving Steffy right now. Stephanie's deep seated hatred and envy of Eric's true love for Beth Henderson was Brooke's undoing. It was patently ridiculous, not to mention unconscionable that Stephanie was allowed to wage a twenty year war on her enemy's daughter, but that is how it went down all the same. 

What in the fuck are you doing Show? Ridge keeps popping into Brooke's kitchen as she goes about her domestic goddess business. And is now calling her "his Logan", and again, what the fuck is up with Ridge having pictures of Brooke as his screen saver? Montaging about her too? Throwing shade on Bill, and intimating that you don't like this "sacrifice" Brooke is making, but oh the fuck hell yeah! you go right on and get those shares Logan! As if that isn't bad enough, I didn't miss that over the shoulder troubled look on Brooke's face when she was hugging Bill, not to mention that sad look she gave Ridge as he was leaving her kitchen. And really Ridge? You just gonna be grabbing a girl and pulling her into your stuff because you can? Brooke looked shocked and stiff as a board; for a minute there I thought Ridge was going to grab himself a handful of Brooke Boobies, but RJ came calling before we got there. 

Go Quinn! I am so glad that she has dispensed with kissing Steffy's botoxed ass. If Quinn was her same old self, she would have had some big master plan in the works already. This is what Puffy is missing. Quinn has always schemed for Wyatt, not herself, and she has been on the straight and narrow, with the sole exception of the bizarre, and completely random Ivy redo. And even that was extremely weak sauce considering Quinn's past actions. And she hasn't followed through with anything where Ivy is concerned. 

Wyatt too. It is about time he called Steffy on not only her bluff but her shit. It was so nice to see her not know how to react. Wyatt wasn't placating. He wasn't cajoling. He wanted answers, and he wanted a decision. I hope she tells him she can't decide and Wyatt decides for her. I hope that so much. And I hope Wyatt's decision is to tell her Bye Bye. 

I think they are gearing up for something we are not expecting. Rick seems like he may be pulling back a bit, and Ridge seems to know this too, given the hateful look he shot at Rick when he was talking to Eric. Then there is Brooke, who is really the red herring in all of this. Why wasn't she at the "intervention"? They have left her out of many key scenes where Eric and Quinn are concerned, so she has not expressed any feelings one way or the other to either of them. I think that is wholly by design. Additionally, she is the only one who has expressed any concern for Eric's happiness, and how a takeover will effect him. I am also not missing that she is a bit put out with Ridge's high handedness with their history. Now RJ is back. I guess it all depends on if she marry's Bill or not, and if she does, how she uses those shares. Please let this be the SL that brings Brooke back to life. 

Edited 3 hours ago by RuntheTable.



  • Love 5
13 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Just like Hope, it is like Taylor never existed. 


Oh, it's even worse that that. In the going on two blessed years without Hope (Praise Jeebus!), she's gotten mentions when it's appropriate (ie, her video message to Deacon, Steffy bringing up how she's had to play second fiddle to her after Waffles dare marry his actual girlfriend). But Taylor isn't mentioned at Steffy's wedding to Wyatt or Aly's funeral when Thorne is there.

Did Tylo and the Bell's have another falling our? It's odd that she's had no cameos, like at all. I don't think she ever had one scene with TK! Ridge.


29 minutes ago, ByTor said:

That reminds me, doesn't Taylor have significant Forrester stock?  Or am I misremembering and she did have it but sold/gifted it?

She had some that she eventually gave to Steffy or Thomas.

  • Love 8
11 hours ago, tessaray said:

- Steffy is worse than I thought.  It was a special kind of cruel to imply that she could be afraid of him, because of Quinn's DNA.  And after Wyatt's ultimatum - what was that expression, exactly?  

She may have thought she was conveying emotional turmoil, but all I saw was artificial intelligence going, "Syntax error. That does not compute."

I. Hate. Steffy.

  • Love 14

"I'm still (technically) your wife (at least on paper)!! Mrs. Steffy Spencer (hey, I just realized I won't have to change my driver's license or social security card when I marry Liam! Again!)!!! Isn't that enough?!!"

THAT was the response to Wyatt's question about whether their marriage was over? The look on Wyatt's face mirrored my own. And yet somehow he found a scintilla of hope in it...meaning we'll be groundhogging this conversation and the chat with his mom at least a dozen more times.

Oy. Please let it stop.

  • Love 11

I never thought I'd say this, but a Bridge reunion would be the least of this show's problems, especially when I doubt they'd eat up the show as they once did in the hacylon days. At least they'd have new lines each day, which is more than what the Idiot kids get.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 7
2 hours ago, politichick said:

This show is so fucking tedious now and adding a teenager is not going to help. Also, if Ridge and Brooke reunite, I'm really done.

And, I'm right behind you.  I totally get that Ridge-Pen's trophy son believes that Bill is a bad guy.  However, I should think that he would be more offended and hurt that Daddy, Dearest pretty much ignored him while he was playing happy family with Caroline and the grandchild he tried to co-opt as his own son.  Nor, should RJ want his mother jumping back into a mess with a man who has shown that he can drop both of them like a bad habit whenever he thinks something "more worthy" of his fine self came along.

2 hours ago, kimmy482 said:

"I'm still (technically) your wife (at least on paper)!! Mrs. Steffy Spencer (hey, I just realized I won't have to change my driver's license or social security card when I marry Liam! Again!)!!! Isn't that enough?!!"

THAT was the response to Wyatt's question about whether their marriage was over? The look on Wyatt's face mirrored my own. And yet somehow he found a scintilla of hope in it...meaning we'll be groundhogging this conversation and the chat with his mom at least a dozen more times.

Oy. Please let it stop.

Wyatt should be used to that look by now.  It almost mirrors the look he had when Hope all but admitted that he was not her first choice; he was just choice because the guy she really wanted was 30 minutes late.

I'm still trying to figure how such an unappealing creature like Stuffy became the hypotenuse of a triangle with Bill's daffy sons.  I'm sure that if Hope came back tomorrow, there wouldn't be enough bleach to get rid of the skid marks Lame and Wyatt leave on Stuffy's back side.

Edited by MulletorHater
  • Love 10

Steffy saying she's still Wyatt's wife means that at least today she isn't leaving him for Liam.  Because asking her if their marriage was over was the perfect opening for her to say 'yes and I want a divorce'.  So like Wyatt I also have a scintilla of hope that these crazy kids might make it.  Color me surprised because I thought she'd tell Wyatt they were done.

The Bridge stroll down memory lane makes me think that ousting Eric with the 12% isn't going to happen. Ridge is positively possessive and mooning about Brooke and even Steffy had to remind him to knock it off if they wanted to get Bill's shares.  I see several possible scenario where this could go:

 1)  RJ objects violently to the Brill marriage, and egged on by TKRidge, pushes Brooke to break up w/ Bill or at least postpone the wedding. Brooke gives in because she loves her son and probably feels guilty for leaving him at boarding school for years. Bill is furious, keeps his shares and backs Eric as CEO

2)  TKRidge decides that ultimtely he cannot allow "my Logan" to marry Bill and pushes Brooke to break up w/ Bill or at least postpone the wedding. Brooke in a fit of momentary nostalgia gives in.  Bill is furious, keeps his shares and backs Eric as CEO

3) TKRidge disrupts the Brill wedding a la Dubai. Bill is furious, keeps his shares and backs Eric as CEO.

4)  Brill wedding happens and Bill reveals that he never had any intention of giving Brooke the shares to sell to Ridge,  Bill would never do anything to help the Dressmaker

5)  Brill wedding happens, Brooke gets the shares but refuses to sell to Ridge and also refuses to vote Eric out

6)  (my personal fave)  TKRidge somehow tricks Brooke into marrying him. Bill is beyond furious, etc, etc,, etc see above.  Brooke wants an annulment STAT, but Ridge hems, haws and repeatedly stalls on getting  moving on it. Ridge thinks he can make Bridge Part 47,902 happen if he can keep Brooke in the marriage long enough for her to remember their DESTINY.  Brooke wants none of it and openly moves in with Bill.  Fisticuffs erupt between Bill and Ridge.  Ridge growling that Bill is sleeping with "his" wife and Bill laughing that she's Ridge's wife in name only.

  • Love 8
18 hours ago, grisgris said:

Speaking of, I thought KKL looked slightly nauseous when Sludge made that awkward grab of her today to pull her onto his leg of the desk or whatever he was trying to do which netted him being eye level with her boobs.  Just yuck. PLEASE don't set up another Bill/Brooke/Ridge triangle.

Every time TK calls her "Logan," I get indigestion. TK can't act convincingly enough to pretend his character was ever deeply madly utterly in love with Brooke a couple thousand times.

I'm afraid the triangle is already engaged. Last week Katie was watering long-dormant seeds of Ridge's DESTINY with Brooke to the point where he actually thinks it's his idea Brooke is back to being his "Logan." He's agitated and angst-y that Brooke has to marry $Bill to get the shares to bounce Eric out of Forrester Creations, to allegedly get rid of Quinn (how that's supposed to work is still a mystery to me). Steffy is making desperate declarations about pimping Brooke out to $Bill to get the shares to SAVE Forrester Creations from Quinn's nefarious scheming. $Bill is making defensive, snarky statements and swinging his dick around to demonstrate who's the big wiener ... er, a winner, and rushing through a fake Nevada residency and divorce. Now, RJ returns to L.A., wanting his "turn with his parents" (How sad is that statement?) and is foursquare against Brooke marrying $Bill because "You and Dad love each other!"

Brooke is generally disengaged by the plotting to take over Forrester Creations from Eric, not involved with her wedding plans and only giggles when she's being flattered or tickled by $Bill.

World War Forrester.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.


When Brooke was trying to convince Bill today that she loves her job at FC, I kept urging her on to continue ... maybe we would have found out what she actually does over there.  I get what everybody's saying about how Brooke has lost her spark or something. She's seemed very DOA for quite some time now and yeah, I have to wonder if the dual loss of SF and RM have something to do with it. Without those two (removing TK from the equation) or Nick or Taylor, the character seems to lack direction and frankly, any real purpose on the show.  Brooke has always needed a strong woman or man to play off of and right now she doesn't have that. She's too submissive to Bill, so that's going nowhere interesting.  She really doesn't seem very excited to be marrying Bill at all.  Yes, it's a shame that the writers aren't going to re-create her into a power player at FC, as all signs are pointing to another tired triangle.

Brooke doesn't appear to be very enthused about very much. There's a lot activity swirling around her, but she's not directly involved in any of it. Her participation has been reduced to signing her name for wedding license indemnification and saying "I do" at the appropriate time.

Ridge is pimping her out (Bitch, where's my FC shares!!), and acting like an ass about how she's going about getting what he wants to dispossess Eric, when he's not waving his Stephanie Freak flag to prove his loyalty (Where the fuck were you when she died, asshole?). $Bill gave Brooke a hideous engagement ring and using the shares as a carrot, is steering her quickly toward the altar. Steffy and Thomas are scuttling around corners, conniving amongst themselves and trying to buy a clue about their future power base at FC. Rick seems genuinely concerned about Eric's well-being, but he hasn't talked to Brooke about those concerns. Pam is suddenly worried about keeping Dead Stephanie's legacy alive, as if her past abuses and crimes weren't enough.


Romantic triangles are all TIIC know how to write for B&B.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

However, I should think that he would be more offended and hurt that Daddy, Dearest pretty much ignored him while he was playing happy family with Caroline and the grandchild he tried to co-opt as his own son.  Nor, should RJ want his mother jumping back into a mess with a man who has shown that he can drop both of them like a bad habit whenever he thinks something "more worthy" of his fine self came along.

While this is all true, we already have Rick banging on that drum, at full volume at 3 AM in the morning.

Plus, it gets in the way of the "Daddy left us for Brooke!" crap that Thomas and especially Steffy have been pushing for the last eight years.

Speaking of, God no! Do all soap kids, especially on B&B have to ship their parents together? It's one thing when six year old Hope Logan doesn't get why Ridge is leaving, and another thing entirely when you're a teenager who is old enough to begin grasping how dysfunctional your parents are....especially if he's spent as much time away as he has.

This is part of why I liked ATWT Parker and Faith.  Neither of them gave any fucks to call their parents out on being absolutely wrong for each other. God willing, Faith Newman will be in the same boat if Y&R doesn't get axed before her SORASing.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 3
5 hours ago, RuntheTable said:


Just like Hope, it is like Taylor never existed. 


Knowing Taylor, she would turn it around and somehow make a "Logan" responsible. 

I can hear it now:  "If it wasn't for those Logans, pushing Hope in between Liam and Steffy, they would have been happily married for years now, and Quinn would be no part of Steffy's life!"  

So, if Ridge decides to start insinuating himself in between Brooke and Bill, how long does it take for Bill to call Caroline home to shut that shit down?  (Which would be fine with me, because I vastly prefer Brooke/Bill and Ridge/Caroline to Ridge/Brooke.) 

  • Love 11

New RJ did an okay job today but he has horrible posture. Maybe, he was nervous. He had his hands in his pocked & was slouching over. Hopefully, he will relax and stand tall. In two years he will be the veteran of the show and another young newbie will be coming on. That what's I like about the young kids when they are hired. A couple a years on a soap really matures the kids. I remember all the first days of the young kids like Kevin Bacon, Meg Ryan, Julianne Moore & Grant Show. One day they are kids and the next they are carrying the show. LOL!!!

  • Love 5
15 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

New RJ did an okay job today but he has horrible posture. Maybe, he was nervous. He had his hands in his pocked & was slouching over. Hopefully, he will relax and stand tall. In two years he will be the veteran of the show and another young newbie will be coming on. That what's I like about the young kids when they are hired. A couple a years on a soap really matures the kids. I remember all the first days of the young kids like Kevin Bacon, Meg Ryan, Julianne Moore & Grant Show. One day they are kids and the next they are carrying the show. LOL!!!

Sad thing is, soaps don't get talent like that anymore.  Off the top of my head, Eva Longoria is the most recent big name to get her start on soap operas, back nearly 15 years ago. On B&B, if you have a medocum of talent, your character gets axed to prop whatever relationship they pursue for Steffy that week.

  • Love 5
On 9/14/2016 at 5:12 PM, Foghorn Leghorn said:

You said it!  His pants were so tight today there was no privacy to his privates!!  Ewwww!  

How did he manage to jam both his hands into his pockets today? He looked ridiculous! Good thing he stood behind that plant so I wouldn't be subjected to watching his crotch. Yuck! Straighten up RJ....like father like son I guess.

  • Love 6
56 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Sad thing is, soaps don't get talent like that anymore.  Off the top of my head, Eva Longoria is the most recent big name to get her start on soap operas, back nearly 15 years ago. On B&B, if you have a medocum of talent, your character gets axed to prop whatever relationship they pursue for Steffy that week.

There just aren't that many roles in soaps anymore. How many new characters get added to the 4 soaps that are left? Especially with budgets the way they are.  It's too bad, because Liam and Wyatt could use some fresh dating options. :-)  

But I do think there have been more than Eva Longoria. I was mainly an ABC soap viewer until ABC cancelled AMC and OLTL.  Between the ABC and the online version, there have been some successes, I think.  Amanda Seyfried and Michael B. Jordan, from AMC, though they were in the 2003-2006 range.  Renée Elise Goldsberry left OLTL in 2007.  Justin Bruening (AMC) and Josh Kelly (OLTL) seem to be doing okay. Laura Harrier, from the online OLTL is filming Spiderman now.  (The online AMC/OLTL had some talented younger actors.)   

  • Love 2

Egads! OK, I give Steffy absolute permission to go full frontal postal on that sniveling brat, RJ and the sooner the better.  Once she gets wind that he could possibly be the proverbial fly in ointment to putting the Brill union into play, she'll be all over him. Have at it! Let her unleash some of that psycho energy where it will do some good!

Man, that was a sad scene with the Sludge Jr. and mama and daddy. Seriously? They had no idea that he was taking extra classes at school?  Brooke sheepishly mumbling that she really had no idea as to what he's been up to or that he wanted to return to L.A. demonstrated absentee parenting at its finest.  Do you ever like, actually talk to your kid? Text? Email? Skype? ANYTHING??? It's not like Ojai is on the other side of the world.  And what's with RJ being all sanctimonious about "Aunt Katie and her child?" Has ever even met Will? ITA that he should be having some major issues with Ridge about blowing him off for the child bride and is grandkid/son. That's where he needs to be putting his focus.  So this is basically a Felcia/Thorne and Steffy/Thomas redux over wanting Mommy and Daddy to get back together again. I can sort of give RJ as pass because of his age, but OTOH you can't tell me that the Ojai (and every other) boarding school isn't full of kids in nearly identical situations. A more interesting situation would be for him to meet Douglas and hash it out with Sludge/Caroline/Thomas.

Yep. This was at least the second opening Wyatt's handed Steffy to make a clean break and again she's too chicken-shit to own up that she wants out of the marriage.  I don't think that it's so much about hurting Wyatt, hell, he's taken enough of a beating from her, so what's one more blow? He knows it's coming anyway. I think that she just wants to stall and hang on until she has a free and clear path to Liam.  She's literally gambling away her marriage and future with Liam as to what she thinks she (and the rest of the FC brats) can do to split up Eric and Quinn.  She has no Plan B for getting out of the marriage now. She's like a dog with a bone about "focusing on saving the company," and she still hasn't delineated exactly what she's saving FC from.

Quinn's advice to Wyatt to grow a pair is a little too little too late. There was a time when I think she really wanted Wyatt with Steffy as an entree to the Forrester pedigree, but I think that finally took a backseat to what she believed would actually make Wyatt happy. Now, she doesn't need any of that and telling Wyatt now to stand up for himself and not allow Steffy to call the shots is a nice guilt-free way to cut him loose and finally let him fight his own battles, which is great, but she's about 15 years behind schedule on that one. Where is Bill, BTW, in all of this? Whenever Hope was stringing Wyatt or Liam along, Bill was in both of his son's faces telling them they deserved better, not to mention freely berating Hope. I know. I know. It's STEFFY. His feeble attempt to get through to her fell flat. And right now he's too preoccupied with mining the Golden Cooter to give a fuck.

RS must have gotten the message and is finally growing the bangs out. Hallelujah! It also looks like she took a couple of inches off the length of the rest of her hair, too. Looks great! KKL, please take note.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, grisgris said:

. I can sort of give RJ as pass because of his age, but OTOH you can't tell me that the Ojai (and every other) boarding school isn't full of kids in nearly identical situations.

I don't.  It irritated me back when Drew Tyler Bell's Thomas was pulling the same shit after Taylor came back from the dead and he wasn't that much older than RJ is now. Same with his and Steffy's texting stunt a few years later.

But I full heartedly agree with the last part. That's why Rick's crybully BS never flew with me.

1 hour ago, grisgris said:

Where is Bill, BTW, in all of this? Whenever Hope was stringing Wyatt or Liam along, Bill was in both of his son's faces telling them they deserved better, not to mention freely berating Hope. I know. I know. It's STEFFY. His feeble attempt to get through to her fell flat. And right now he's too preoccupied with mining the Golden Cooter to give a fuck.

And it's a shame, because SC does his best work with Don Diamont and DB shines with them both as well.

I remember seeing clips from the good ol' dayswhen Caroline I was wavering between going back to Ridge and staying with Thorne put of loyalty and Stephanie could say in so many words that her sons deserved better without running interference. That what I'd like to see from Bill. Tell her what he told Liam about having their chances and fucking it up and that if she's truly conflicted she owes it to Wyatt and herself to let him go and figure it out.

I don't expect him to be nearly as nasty to Steffy as he was to Hope, but anything to make it clear that he's not gonna support her using his sons--either of them.

As an aside, anyone else worried Steffy will go full cougar on baby Will when he gets old enough? I don't wanna put that juju out there, but I know that's something Bell would do.

  • Love 6
51 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

As an aside, anyone else worried Steffy will go full cougar on baby Will when he gets old enough? I don't wanna put that juju out there, but I know that's something Bell would do.

Ha! Over Katie's dead body would this happen. Actually it might be THE thing to make Katie's borrowed heart give out once and for all.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Ha! Over Katie's dead body would this happen. Actually it might be THE thing to make Katie's borrowed heart give out once and for all.

If having her husband ditch her for her sister--twice!--hasn't done the trick, she'll probably outlive Victor Newman ;)

But she can pay off some doctors as she takes a heart attack and donates money to a new wing as she guilts him into marrying the other choice in the triangle, making her transformation into Stephanie 2.0 complete :p

  • Love 2

If RJ was eight years old I might buy this.  But I'm all for new faces, so am willing to wait to see where this goes. I'm assuming the kid ends up in a coma or in ICU and all he wants is Mommy and Daddy together again... though I will be happy to be wrong.  (Not that I care about Brill or Bridge either way.) 

  • Love 1

Watching today's episode, I don't know that I wanna write off the kid playing RJ just yet. Despite getting the hand me down dialogue from the Tridge brats, I think he could maybe shine with a few more months. I kinda want to see how he'll interact with the siblings he has on screen. Certainly, I wish he'd been aged up the same time Hope was as he'd have had more kids in his age bracket.

Speaking of recycled ideas, Bill thinks he can demand Brooke stay away from Ridge? Ha! He could give Nick a call and see how well that worked out for him.

while I'm glad that she's not running back to Liam, I dunno what Steffy gains by waiting. If I didn't know better, I'd think her BS about only being worried about the company was sincere. But I can't disagree with anything Quinn said. Liam is a spineless wimp that never fights for anything and I'm glad his mewling isn't being immediately rewarded by her running to his side. As much as I hate Steffy, she has brains and ambition and a spark that Waffles McWaffleface will never have. Hopefully Scott Clifton moves to greener pastures and TIIC can kill Liam off in some big, giant Out of the Ashes type earthquake, because LA is due for a 7.0 anyway. Either way, he's dead weight.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 3
7 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I agree with RJ about that ugly ring. That was the first time I paused the tv and took a good look at it. WTF is it supposed to be?

A really freaking ugly sword. Of course. Because new all simpering and giggling Brooke is a warrior or whatever stupid meaning it has. 

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, grisgris said:

 So this is basically a Felcia/Thorne and Steffy/Thomas redux over wanting Mommy and Daddy to get back together again. I can sort of give RJ as pass because of his age

I understand what you mean.  Although RJ is old enough to know his parents are the last two people who should be together, at least he's not 40 something like Thorne and Felicia were when they were whining about mommy & daddy getting back together.  And if Steffy, who did her share of "we wuz robbed of a daddy by the evil Logans" whining, spews one word about RJ doing the same, I swear I'll go through the screen and deflate those puffy lips!

  • Love 9

Nuh Huh Show, no way, no how! There ain't gonna be no Bridge reunion because of the "chiwldrwen":

1. RJ was fine with Bill on his last return home. He not only accepted, but coveted his Spencer Sword, and couldn't wait to tell his dad Bill had given him one. 

2. RJ is still a kid, but is old enough to understand that while his parents share history, and while they love each other, they don't love each other like that anymore. 

3. Brooke deserves a real romance, with a man who only has eyes for her. I am no fan of Bill, but any man who can make Brooke forget about destiny is A OK in my book. The only other two to do that; Nick and Thorne, are no longer with us, so Bill it will be. 

My head is full of ugly thoughts and hateful sentiments. Did I really hear Ridge say something like "It is your mom's life and her decision?" WTF???????? Since when? Ridge has made a career out of interfering in any relationship Brooke has had, and how can he forget his most recent foray into his 007 alter ego, when he chased Brooke and Bill down, using helicopters and boats that walk too? But now he is ok with it? Ridge has visions of shares on his brain, and the power pull is much stronger than that of the GC, so while he may be a bit conflicted, he is gonna role with it. 

And it scares me all to heck when Brooke starts giving the squinty eye stare. Don't do it Brooke. Go on and marry Bill; he is the only person who is able to pump any life into you these days. If you reunite with Ridge, it will be just like it was with Nick, particularly after Bill's mandate that you stop working at FC's. 

I feel it. Doesn't everybody feel it? There isn't going to be a Brill wedding. Brooke is going to cave to her son and deny herself happiness. Is that Karmic payback? 

Steffy is too preposterous for words. FC's is in chaos? By who's definition? Things seem to be running pretty smoothly from what I have seen, so any chaos is in your Puffy little head, or is being created by your hand. And I noticed as you were laying out your plans to Thomas, they stopped after you get Bill's shares and get Quinn out of FC's. What is your next step? I would lay bets that is when you completely break Wyatt in half by asking for a divorce. You want that one two power punch because Wyatt didn't do your bidding. I bet if Steffy knew that Wyatt is now having semi normal conversations with his mother, and isn't over there berating her and telling her how awful she is, that Steffy's head would implode. Wyatt must not only continue the charge, but must lead the charge against his mother, because that is what Steffy has mandated. Brooke is dragging her feet? Bill needs to step it up? Jesus! What a couple of brats! The ink isn't even dry on Katie and Bill's divorce settlement, and Bill and Brooke aren't moving fast enough? 

Wyatt needs to take the bull by the horns and kick his unsavory wife to the curb. I would love it, I mean I would shout my glee from the rooftops, if he did that. But it would be so much sweeter if after he does, he rediscovers Ivy, who is in a faux relationship with the Waffle, and the two Spencer boys start fighting over Ivy while Puffy watches in disbelief from the sidelines. Then she can go and cry her crocodile tears to Bill, who will be drowning his sorrows over losing Brooke, and he and Steffy can finally consummate their long standing mind fuck. 

17 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

$Bill is making defensive, snarky statements and swinging his dick around

Stop that! Hot coffee coming back out of the nose hurts!!!!

15 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

Bad haircut, bad posture, sports jersey,

I am hoping it was just nerves. A young kid with his first scene getting in between to soap vets had to be nerve racking. He did ok as far as his lines, but man, oh man, I so wanted to get my scissors and cut those choppy, crooked bangs. 


12 hours ago, grisgris said:

Man, that was a sad scene with the Sludge Jr. and mama and daddy. Seriously? They had no idea that he was taking extra classes at school?  Brooke sheepishly mumbling that she really had no idea as to what he's been up to or that he wanted to return to L.A. demonstrated absentee parenting at its finest.  Do you ever like, actually talk to your kid? Text? Email? Skype? ANYTHING??? It's not like Ojai is on the other side of the world.  And what's with RJ being all sanctimonious about "Aunt Katie and her child?" Has ever even met Will? ITA that he should be having some major issues with Ridge about blowing him off for the child bride and is grandkid/son. That's where he needs to be putting his focus. 

Get outta my head grisgris! I was tilting my head like a confused dog as I listened to these two parents go on about the going's on in their young son's life, as if it was the first time they had heard any of it. What parent doesn't know their child is taking summer classes? Or is taking on additional work to be able to miss a semester? Wouldn't the school have to get their ok on that? And what school is going to let a teenager take off on their own without notifying the parents? Isn't there some sort of liability there if something were to have happened to RJ? And the kid has to ask his parents if it is alright if he comes home? Good Heavens. When you consider that Brooke and Ridge fought for years to have a child, and this is how they treat him? 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 10

Of course, this would never happen, but how about RJ needing a blood marrow donation (or some other cliched situation) and it turns out that he's really Nick's CHILD after all.  I know there would be no way to lure Jack Wagner* back even for cameos, but at least it would throw in a new twist.  While Ridge has always been the father RJ has known and Brooke and Ridge as the parental unit (and that should not change) it would still be intriguing to see where that would go with Bridge. Maybe RJ could also sail off into the sunset in search of his bio-dad. However, it would be lots of fun to see "Popeye" mix it up with $Bill over Brooke.

*Plus, IF JW ever came back at all for any length of time, I'd be royally pissed. If TIIC could afford him, then that makes RM's departure all that more of a bitter pill to swallow.

  • Love 4

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