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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I haven't been watching lately, but did happen to catch today's show.  As for Ivy and Wyatt?  Me likey.  They really are very good together, especially when they're snarking on douchey Liam and making that plastic-infused cousin-killer miserable. 


As long as they're just giving Ivy an edge, rather than throwing her under the bus, then I approve and may tune in more often.

  • Love 6

I haven't been watching lately, but did happen to catch today's show. As for Ivy and Wyatt? Me likey. They really are very good together, especially when they're snarking on douchey Liam and making that plastic-infused cousin-killer miserable.

As long as they're just giving Ivy an edge, rather than throwing her under the bus, then I approve and may tune in more often.

This being B&B, I wouldn't count on that. Far more well developed and well received characters have been ruined because of plot convenience. I will never not be pissed off about the assasination of Nick Marone or the many times Brooke or Taylor woke up in love with Ridge one morning. Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 5

Just when I was about to throw in the towel, the show comes up with a gem like yesterday; I enjoyed every scene and every interaction. 


Ivy and Wyatt - Oh my, this couple continues to grow on me, if for no other reason than their ability to lay Liam's indecisive ass bare. Wyatt absolutely nailed it with his predictions of what will happen once Liam gets wind of the video. And Ivy is so full of spit and vinegar; I just love her snarky demeanor with Liam. I hope she is the one who has the ability to thumb her nose at Waffle Boy and continues to let him know what a useless Spencer he really is. And I see they were letting Ivy explore her actions and recent personality changes. Makes you think they do read our comments. I did find Ivy a bit humorous with all her talk about Steffy has it all, Steffy always gets what she wants, because all I heard was this:



Liam and Steffy - Well, as much as I hate to, I must give Steffy props for coming clean with Liam, but his nose was all outta joint over it. After all is said and done though, Steffy does make sense. She was traumatized; that is completely understandable, and this does make me feel bad for her. It is this whole "I can't let the truth" come out thing that has me worked up. Come on Steffy, you are a Forrester, and Lt. Baker has always been your family's personal detective. Give him some hot dogs and "Kool Aid" and I'm sure he will see his way clear to closing the investigation. 


Caroline and Thomas - I hate to admit this also, but I enjoyed their interaction. I see absolutely no romantic/sexual chemistry between them, but they would certainly work as friends. But Caroline has gotten herself in another bind; does she not remember that keeping Ridge's secret was a big factor in the demise of her marriage to Rick? Now she knows this stuff about Ridge's daughter, and has become Thomas's confidant behind Ridge's back. I just don't know about that at all. 


Ridge and Katie - OMG! How I hated this pairing. So, I found myself slightly slack jawed watching them yesterday. I liked it. It felt like a real conversation between ex-lovers. This scene personifies why I don't think Ronn Moss would fit the Ridge roll anymore. It isn't that Ronn wasn't dashing and romantic, but I just don't see him being able to pull off the heavy stuff along with the humor. When Ronn was tasked with showing emotion, he needed to roam around the room, with arms flung out wide, growling "OH Motheeeeer", or "Come on Logan!" Then to ask him to switch over to comedy? Nah, I just don't see it. By contrast, TK handled it all with aplomb. My favorite line was "Bill and chain". So, was this scene a precursor? Are they going to revisit these two? I mean, I think we all know that Caroline and Ridge are doomed, either through Thomas, or her desire for a child. I am surprising myself by saying I think I would be ok with that. Mostly because it would not require any rebuilding of Bridges, and it may reopen Bill and Brooke, a pairing I liked very much. An added bonus is it would keep Brooke and Deacon away from each other. If Quinn and Deacon fail, I don't want that to be because of Brooke, because just UCK! I would much rather see that happen because Liam goes to Bikini to drown his sorrows after he leaves Steffy over not telling him the whole truth, and Ivy tells him to nick off cause she has dignity; Quinn wanders in and in her new, more gentler way, offers support and solace to the grieving Waffle. Seeing that Liam has become too drunk to drive, an only slightly inebriated Quinn takes Liam home and gives him some proper "help". Now that would be worth seeing the end of Deacon and Quinn. Then Deacon could go and help Steffy, causing Ridge's head to explode. 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 11

Is it possible Ivy doesn't know the difference between manslaughter and murder? There are probably a lot of people born in the U.S. who don't know what manslaughter is or how it's not the same as murder so it wouldn't be a stretch that someone raised in another country wouldn't know either. It's gotten to the point now that whenever she goes on her "Steffy murdered Aly!" rant all I hear in my head is, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." (And FWIW, as a graduate of the Law & Order School of Law, I don't think it was manslaughter either but I could see some overly-ambitious ADA trying to make that case.)


Are they going to revisit these two?

Ugh, I hope not. For all his romantic poetry readings and symbolic engagement rings, Ridge's treatment of Katie was insultingly cheap, IMO. Katie could do better. But, I guess if they are going to break up Caroline and Ridge, Ridge's next options are relatively limited. I'm pulling for a Quinn and Ridge pairing but I'm willing to wait for that until after she seduces Waffles. And by "seduce" I mean hit it and quit it. Liam could stand to see how that feels.

  • Love 8

So am I the only one here not wanting hate sex with Quinn and Liam?  I think Quinn would be ruined if they went there.  Her hate for him is one of her best qualities. 


Plus, she's had guys like Deacon and Bill who IMO are as manly as you can get and she would choose to bang such a boy in Liam?  I just can't see it.

  • Love 12

Thomas, your pants are too tight and reveal nothing of interest. Please remedy.

I love Ivy and Wyatt as a couple, but I did not need that up close and personal primer on their kissing techniques.

So now Liam and Caroline know about the video of doom. Loading dock guy has probably seen it in an IMAX theatre. This is getting to be as dumb as everyone knowing Maya's secret except Rick.

I think the Katie and Ridge scenes worked because there are no residual romantic feelings between them to make it awkward. They work very well as friends.

  • Love 17

So am I the only one here not wanting hate sex with Quinn and Liam?  I think Quinn would be ruined if they went there.  Her hate for him is one of her best qualities. 


Plus, she's had guys like Deacon and Bill who IMO are as manly as you can get and she would choose to bang such a boy in Liam?  I just can't see it.


 No, I don't want to see that either. I do see tons of chemistry and I liked Milquetoast in his scenes with her (mostly) it doesn't make any sense for the characters. Quinn doesn't hit it and quit it. She was with Bill and wanted a relationship there and now with Deacon and married him. I don't think it is in her character to do that but ( and it's a big but) characters change on a whim in Bell-A.

With Steffy, it isn't the "crime" that's going to bite her in the cha-cha, it's the cover up. I hope.

  • Love 8
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."



Yeah, sorta like Maya and Matriarch. 


I'm pulling for a Quinn and Ridge pairing but I'm willing to wait for that until after she seduces Waffles. And by "seduce" I mean hit it and quit it. Liam could stand to see how that feels.



Ridge and Quinn? Wow, that is an interesting idea. They might be pretty hot together. 


You do realize how appropriate "hit it and quit it" is when referring to Quinn? Whisks, wooden spoons, spatulas, dare I say Vegematics?

  • Love 8

I wouldn't mind a bit if Ridge and Katie had a second go-round when the inevitable Caroline/Thomas fling occurs because that could open the door to Brooke and Bill and we can finally un-emasculate $Bill and let KKL do something besides prop up her son. 


I love that Wyatt and Ivy are sticking it to Waffles and Harper Valley Handmaiden because those two entitled twits have had it coming for years.

  • Love 7

Dang it, I want Ridge and Caroline 2.0 to beat the odds. I don't want Rick and Brooke to be proven right about them.


Ridge and Katie were sweet but boring. But I do like them as friends. Ridge needs a level headed older woman who ain't Brooke.


Quinn and Ridge? She indirectly nearly killed him (with an assist by Ridge's arrogance and Bill's impulsive stupidity) and refused to accept responsibility for it. Unless she's that good and Ridge needs his back broke bad, no thank you.


I totally see the chem between Quinn and Liam, but the way I'd want that is if Liam seduced her and she had to live with the 'shame' of bedding a man she considered weak and for Wyatt to have that perpetual 'derp' open mouthed bass look on his face from the shock. Liam bedding Quinn would be the ultimate payback for Wyatt constantly interfering in Liam's relationships and picking up his sloppy seconds and in general being a wishy washy jerk of a brother. And no, Liam ain't the world's greatest brother either, but Wyatt was a dick before he knew that.

  • Love 7

Wow, look at Liam blink. We could solve the world energy crisis by hooking generators up to his eyelids. You have to admire a man who can watch Aly die on video and then go plow the fields of FUN!

Thomas is almost tolerable, and then he starts blathering about Ridge's and Caroline's relationship and mooning over Caroline and it's creepy. Stay out of other people's reproductive business and tend to your own. For example, going up a pants size would be beneficial to your sperm count.

Is Ivy starting a second career as a comedian? Liam is so moral? Oh, the lulz, the hilarious lulz. That worthless spitwad thinks Ivy and Wyatt and the video are all about him and Steffy and their orgasm-free sexcapades. He's going to do whatever it takes to keep that video hidden, y'all. Poor Ivy. She's in for a stern lecture or maybe some puppy dog eyes.

You know, sometimes I like Bill and sometimes I don't. I feel the same way about Brooke. The times I've liked Hope I can count on one finger. Still, Bill was pretty shitty to Hope, and it would gross me out for Brooke to be with him.

  • Love 8
but the way I'd want that is if Liam seduced her and she had to live with the 'shame' of bedding a man she considered weak and for Wyatt to have that perpetual 'derp' open mouthed bass look on his face from the shock.




  • Love 4

Agreed that Ivy really doesn't know what "self-defense" or even to a greater extent "manslaughter" is, that or she's becoming unhinged, possibly both?  Whatever the case the Marcia, Marcia, Marcia angle put Aly in the morgue, so Ivy might want to take it down a notch.


ETA; My Raya babies are married!! Woooooohoooooo!! Maya/KM looked absolutely stunning, although I wish the wedding was more about Raya's love and flashbacks of their story than transgender everything, that kind of put a damper on things for me, soooo uncomfortable, but I guess uncomfortable weddings are par for the course on this show. Obba Babatunde was absolutely phenomenal so I can see where the temptation to refocus originated, hopefully they'll focus more on Raya on their honeymoon and the show can go back to Maya being seen as a woman and character and not the poster child for all things LGBTQ to the exclusion of all else (although I fully understand the reasoning behind it).


There's a fine line to tow with social issues, as black female watching television I often got exhausted with story after story about black characters facing racism when I thought it was more beneficial to simple let the characters live their lives and be seen as characters instead of poster children for "tolerance". Sometimes a heavy-handed message can be just as damning as racist Plec-like writing. I do understand however that transgender rights are a fairly new concept in the media (and to me) so plugging away at stereotypes and archetypes is very necessary and I guess it doesn't matter too much that they've taken away much of Maya's core for this storyline on a show where just about every character went from zero to selfish and crazy in no time flat.


Speaking of uncomfortable weddings, how long until the inevitable reveal that Ivy and Liam are still married? Are we waiting for the Wivy ILYs or......

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 5
I love that Wyatt and Ivy are sticking it to Waffles and Harper Valley Handmaiden because those two entitled twits have had it coming for years.



Sadly, I think that what the show is expecting us to think is "Poor Steffy and Liam have been through so much to be together.  Those big meanies Ivy and Wyatt need to leave them alone and stop trying to ruin things for them!!" 

  • Love 6
Sadly, I think that what the show is expecting us to think is "Poor Steffy and Liam have been through so much to be together.  Those big meanies Ivy and Wyatt need to leave them alone and stop trying to ruin things for them!!"



Oh, for pity's sake, and here I thought we were through with the !!!WE WERE ROBBED!! nonsense when Hope was beamed up to parts unknown. But you are so correct; it is all about Steffy and Liam, and how they have suffered and been taken advantage of, and not really been given their shot. PFFFT!

  • Love 5

So what is LDG doing this summer?  Is he using his vacation to volunteer firefight all those CA wildfires?  Or was he so exhausted from his deep FBI undercover role investigating the smuggling ring on the FC docks that he decided to take his boat out and get some serious fishing in?  


And I wish the show would make up their minds on whether he is Eric's unknown son or $Bill's long lost half brother.  (I'm saving a few dollars to bet on a Pam loony bin baby.  Has she had one yet?)  I suppose we'll just have to wait until Will, RJ or the Rick/Nicole baby needs a kidney or bone marrow transplant. 


** Yes, I'm a little bored right now.  I suppose that's better than hate watching but any conflict involving Liam and Wyatt just puts me to sleep.  Doesn't Scott Clifton ever go on vacation?

  • Love 3

Loading Dock Guy is currently building a man-sized waffle iron in the basement of Forrester Creations.

When Liam first graced us with his presence, wasn't he some sort of tech guy? Now he thinks he can make sure no one else ever sees that video, almost as if he has no clue how the internet or technology works.

I think Ivy believes Steffy murdered Aly because that's what she saw when she rolled up. We all saw Aly wanting to smash that rock over Steffy's head, but Ivy didn't. All she saw was Steffy swinging a tire iron at Aly. It's a big, dumb misunderstanding that makes both women look like idiots. Steffy lies unnecessarily, making herself look guilty, and Ivy launches a blackmail scheme based on incomplete information. Meanwhile, the dead girl's father is nowhere to be found, and he can't even get back in the basement because of Loading Dock Guy's waffle iron project.

  • Love 10

I think Ivy believes Steffy murdered Aly because that's what she saw when she rolled up. We all saw Aly wanting to smash that rock over Steffy's head, but Ivy didn't. All she saw was Steffy swinging a tire iron at Aly. It's a big, dumb misunderstanding that makes both women look like idiots. Steffy lies unnecessarily, making herself look guilty, and Ivy launches a blackmail scheme based on incomplete information.

Yep. A question I wish someone, anyone would ask Ivy is: what exactly is Steffy's motive supposed to be? If self-defense wasn't the reason, there had to be another one, right?

A question I wish someone, anyone would ask Steffy is: why are you lying? There's a mountain of evidence that Aly was becoming ever more unhinged and targeting Steffy. Just tell the truth. Blackmail over.

BTW, I'm loving Wyatt and Ivy as a couple (at least, when their story consists of more than, "Wyatt, is was MURDUH." "Ivy, this video is DANGEROUS.") They need their own story STAT.

  • Love 8

Sadly, I think that what the show is expecting us to think is "Poor Steffy and Liam have been through so much to be together. Those big meanies Ivy and Wyatt need to leave them alone and stop trying to ruin things for them!!"

Good god, do TIIC expect us to forget the past four years? RuntheTable nailed it. Steffy and Liam were not "robbed" because they never had anything resembling a relationship to steal. At best, she was his back up when Hope wouldn't put out.
  • Love 3

Good god, do TIIC expect us to forget the past four years? RuntheTable nailed it. Steffy and Liam were not "robbed" because they never had anything resembling a relationship to steal. At best, she was his back up when Hope wouldn't put out.


I believe that the second JMW signed this contract, we were all supposed to forget that Liam has repeatedly chosen other women over Steffy when given the opportunity.  And that their "love story" was her obsessing over him after she couldn't get his father and him accepting her as his backup warm body when Hope wasn't right next to him. 


It would be almost hilarious (if not annoying to watch) to see how quickly they changed gears on that "love story" if Kim Matula signed back on long term. 

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 8

I believe that the second JMW signed this contract, we were all supposed to forget that Liam has repeatedly chosen other women over Steffy when given the opportunity.  And that their "love story" was her obsessing over him after she couldn't get his father and him accepting her as his backup warm body when Hope wasn't right next to him. 


It would be almost hilarious (if not annoying to watch) to see how quickly they changed gears on that "love story" if Kim Matula signed back on long term.

Really, their romance for the ages began when Bratz almost drowned in that stupid bathtub in her planned fuck flat. Eggo unfortunately rescued her when he came to return his dad's keys to the planned fuck flat. When revived, Bratz imprinted on him like a baby duck and began stalking him. Eggo drunkenly hooked up with her (she would put out) after a break-up with Hope and gave her Hope's engagement ring which she happily took. So romantic!

BTW, why is Kim Matula still in the credits. Wouldn't be that hard to edit her out.

  • Love 10

 And where does Steffy live anyway?  Did they say and I missed it?

I want to guess that she's living in her childhood home, Taylor's house.

Now wasn't Taylor in Paris with Thorne? If so, wouldn't she have returned for Aly's funeral and to be there for her friend Thorne? And the rest of the Forrester family? And her daughter? If ever a girl needed her mother...

Or is Taylor roaming the streets of Paris in her pj's?

  • Love 5

I want to guess that she's living in her childhood home, Taylor's house.

Now wasn't Taylor in Paris with Thorne? If so, wouldn't she have returned for Aly's funeral and to be there for her friend Thorne? And the rest of the Forrester family? And her daughter? If ever a girl needed her mother...

Or is Taylor roaming the streets of Paris in her pj's?


Maybe she will come back to help Steffy remember what happened between Aly with a rock and without?


You know, I've been looking at this all wrong.  Ivy wanting to embrace her dark side and dump the nice girl label (because what does it get you?) is a good thing.  Because the flip side is that there's some serious UCG going on with Steffy being Liam's damsel in distress.  Especially on FF.  Those two and their deer in the headlight expressions...

  • Love 4

I believe that the second JMW signed this contract, we were all supposed to forget that Liam has repeatedly chosen other women over Steffy when given the opportunity. And that their "love story" was her obsessing over him after she couldn't get his father and him accepting her as his backup warm body when Hope wasn't right next to him.

It would be almost hilarious (if not annoying to watch) to see how quickly they changed gears on that "love story" if Kim Matula signed back on long term.

As a general question to anyone that follows B&B on other boards/media besides here: were Lope really that popular? I liked them well enough when Liam was still trying to accept Bill as his dad and all that, but any good will I once had has been long since tanked by their constant on-and-off whiplash of a relationship. At the first sign of trouble, these two run apart from one another--how the fuck am I supposed to root for two people to be together when even they don't root for each other?

I just don't understand the logic of why these two were in one another's orbits for so long. KKL and Ronnnnnnnnn Moss clicked, as did Moss and Tylo so I can understand why that ToD was milked for the better part of two decades. But KM and SC? Just, no.

  • Love 5
As a general question to anyone that follows B&B on other boards/media besides here: were Lope really that popular?

From what I saw, they had their faction of supporters just as Liam and Steffy seem to have now. Maybe some viewers are more inclined to buy into TPTB's party line instead of forming their own opinions. (And I'm still laughing about comments on one site about how great Steffy's bundles of hair have been looking over the past few days. Seriously?)

  • Love 2
Yikes. I wonder if it means Ivy has indeed made an enemy out of Quinn--again. That's probably not a smart or safe move since she's seen first hand the kind of stuff Quinn has no problem pulling.



You know what I remember most about that was how Ivy just went right over to Quinn's workshop, and was wearing Quinn's welding gear and was "working" on something when Quinn got home. Even Quinn didn't know what to make of that. I have always wondered if that was just another B&B random scene, or if they were laying an early foundation for an Ivy personality change. Regardless, she is apparently going to be doing just that. I own you? To Steffy? For some reason I just love that. It is almost like Stephanie in the old days with Brooke, "you took my husband", "you destroyed my family", and just like Brooke, Steffy is the one who currently holds the power at FC's. 


I am kind of looking forward to this. 

  • Love 5

You know what I remember most about that was how Ivy just went right over to Quinn's workshop, and was wearing Quinn's welding gear and was "working" on something when Quinn got home. Even Quinn didn't know what to make of that. I have always wondered if that was just another B&B random scene, or if they were laying an early foundation for an Ivy personality change. Regardless, she is apparently going to be doing just that. 

Thanks for reminding me of that. My guess is that was part of a dropped story line.

WTF with Steffy and Katie's hair extensions/wigs?  Caroline's striped outfit is fugly.  Ivy looks good as always.  She and Wyatt work somehow.....go figure.


Thomas is creepy but TKRidge does it for me every time.  Man is fine!


Bring on an Ivy/Quinn/Wyatt SL.  I want to see more of RS.  Show.....you're wasting her.  Her and Ivy in battle mode would be great.


Caught up last night

  • Love 6


Thomas, your pants are too tight and reveal nothing of interest. Please remedy.

I do not think this character has the least bit of sex appeal. I can not stand his scruffy mangy looking wannabe beard. He does nothing for me. And Steffy is beginning to look like a bobble head with all that non moveable hair that just hangs ever so stiffly down her mid backside. The girl has ruined herself in the looks department in my opinion. She use to be halfway attractive but now just NO!  Ivy and Wyatt are okay together as long as they aren't slurpy kissing. Ridge is still the MAN! Hated Carolyn's posture in that stripped knit ensemble yesterday. Its a NO for me also. Bring back the Avants.

  • Love 7
WTF with Steffy and Katie's hair extensions/wigs?

Katie's hair has long been a mystery to me as I've wondered whether it was all hers or not. If those are are extensions they're very well done, I think.


All the guys are shirtless except Chicken & Waffles.

Wyatt kind of pudged out after Hope left so maybe he wasn't feeling up to par in the presence of some of the other guys. Not sure what Liam's issue might have been. And ugh, Carter, put a bra on those things.

  • Love 2

The video of Aly getting her head caved in really does make these characters horny.  If Thomas wants Caroline so bad, show her the video.  No way she can keep her panties on after that.


Ally missed her calling. There's plenty of Sexual Healing® to go around in her name though.


It is unfortunate Caroline didn't learn anything from her first experience with Keeping Secrets From My Husband/Significant Other And Falling Under The Spell Of Another Man syndrome.


Letting Thomas wheedle a promise to keep the Ally video a secret from Ridge, allowing him to discuss and insinuate himself in their personal affairs, slobber and sniff all over her is how she wrecked her marriage to Rick. Caroline has much more to lose besides being Ridge's live-in girlfriend.

  • Love 3


All the guys are shirtless except Chicken & Waffles.


Joimiaroxeu quote

Wyatt kind of pudged out after Hope left so maybe he wasn't feeling up to par in the presence of some of the other guys. Not sure what Liam's issue might have been. And ugh, Carter, put a bra on those things.


Wyatt looks like a loaf of Wonder Bread. Liam is sporting Frat Boy bod; he could either way, maintain muscle definition or slide into couch potato mode. Carter is over-developed for my taste.  

  • Love 4

tessaray, on 21 Aug 2015 - 2:28 PM, said:

And where does Steffy live anyway?  Did they say and I missed it?


SweePea59 quote

I want to guess that she's living in her childhood home, Taylor's house.

Now wasn't Taylor in Paris with Thorne? If so, wouldn't she have returned for Aly's funeral and to be there for her friend Thorne? And the rest of the Forrester family? And her daughter? If ever a girl needed her mother...

Or is Taylor roaming the streets of Paris in her pj's?


Steffy lives with Liam at the Spencer beach house.


Katie and $Bill live in Taylor's former home.


Taylor is living under the care of multiple plastic surgeons in Paris. jk --  I want to say she lives with Thorne in Paris, but maybe not.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 4

And this! OMG Ivy!


Next on B&B; 


<shakes head>


Not having to resort to blackmail in my storied career, Ivy's intentions seem to become less convincing with each retelling. 


You want to strike at the heart of your wounded feelz and who you believe is the person who MURDUHed your cousin and friend? Go to the police with the video, then post it online. Not only will Steffy be investigated by clearer minds than your own, but you will make her life absolute hell forever. Who knows, she might even have to step down from the presidency of FC to protect the company from another scandal. Whatever happens, Ivy blackmailing Steffy for career upgrades and revenge will never happen.  


Steffy, Liam, Thomas, Caroline, and Wyatt know about or have seen the video and consider it a threat to Steffy and her version of events -- because it shows a perspective that is damning to Steffy's account. Ivy won't be able to blackmail Steffy without Ridge and $Bill finding out about it eventually, and then she will have the whole Forrester clan and outliers howling for her blood.


The only juice Ivy had was no one knowing about the video, and then blackmailing Steffy for what she wanted. Now that the Loading Dock Guy is going to show the Ally video with his Grand Canyon vacation slides, Ivy's video has lost its ability to shock and coerce. The Ally video is a bigger threat to Ivy now that so many people are aware of its existence. Give it to the police and let the video do its damage to Steffy.

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