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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Ivy saying that Aly was a little disturbed is like Stephanie saying Brooke is a little loose. Massive understatement!. So the heavy music that used to characterize Aly scenes has now bled over into Ivy scenes, does this mean Ivy's also headed for crazytown? Or is she now the standard bearer for morality now?


I'd rather Ivy become Nick N.Sane 2.0 over Waffles than to have one more character going on about morality! We've had at least two decades of this with Stephanie,then Taylor and most recently with Hope and Aly. We don't need any more of this.

I mean, there are far worse candidates to be this show's moral compass, but if you have to blackmail you way into morality and using your cousin's death to do so, you're doing it wrong.

  • Love 8

I'm enjoying Wyatt these days and Wyatt with Ivy as well, although I feel like I blinked and I missed their new couple status.


Ivy in Wyatt's shirt is a million times sexier than Steffy in...anything.


Liam is a "doofus" - how Steffy is attracted to him, I will never know. I wonder for the longevity of their relationship now that there isn't Hope or Ivy to add some drama. Maybe it's just me but Steffy already looks bored, although that could be just her permanent expression.

  • Love 8

Thank the Lord that is over! B&B has had some weird weddings over the years, but Rick and Maya's tops the list. Let's start with the guest list; Carter, no relation to anyone, and Bill Spencer, hated by most, are in attendance, but none of Rick's brothers, only one aunt, no cousins and no real friends are present. Then they pulled out Maya's Soapbox of love, and acceptance, and truth, nearly causing us to watch an impromptu intervention that resulted in a hurt, and humiliated father leaving the ceremony. The service also featured Eric, who decided during his son's wedding to remember his beloved granddaughter. And let us not forget Nick, who compared Rick and Maya's union to that of the founding of our great country, and who attempted to turn the wedding into a PSA. And finally, we have the happy couple. Listening to these two wax on about honor and integrity and true love was almost more than I could bear, but I charged forth and got through it. I wouldn't be surprised if Maya isn't offered the Nobel Peace Price because she is transgender. The show hasn't been subtle in their propping or their message, as evidenced by the dent in my skull from the continuous anvils that have rained down on it since we discovered Maya's secret.


Here is the thing, I would not have such an issue if there had been some balance. Of course Maya has suffered, but she is not alone in her suffering. Maya is the one who had the choice to make, her family didn't have the luxury of choices. Maya said "this is who I am, and this is who I am going to be, like me or love me". And of course that was her right. But what about her parents rights? What about her parents rights to their feelings and beliefs? Why is Maya the only one allowed to express her suffering and have it accepted? Julius poured his heart out, and I felt more for him, a character that I have known for a few short months, than I have ever felt for Maya. But because Julius's pain was his own, and because Julius hasn't fallen in line with the rest of Maya's Lemmings, and won't stand side by side with the other mindless bobbleheads, he is wrong. He is bad, and should be viewed with nothing but contempt. The message was clear, but the show failed with me, because I don't, and will never, view Julius as "bad", no matter how many characters tell me he is with their looks and remarks. The show has done a terrible disservice to the transgender community with this notion that all must be in acceptance, and all must understand and never question, and if you do, well then, you are a bigot and you are transphobic. 


So now Ally will be haunting Ivy; I guess the only saving grace is that we are getting all of Ally and not just her head. And the ruination of Ivy begins too. Can't they leave just one character that is worth rooting for? Everyone else has been sacrificed at the Heavenly Alter of Transgenderism, or for Liam, The Hidden Wonder of The World. And dammit, I like Ivy and Wyatt together! It also looks like they are going to do something nasty to Wyatt's personality. I didn't miss his remarks about Liam working in the fashion business. It isn't that I don't agree with him, but I hate when these random comments start coming from left field. Seriously? Ivy wants to be the Face of Forrester now? Is that because she is pissed at Steffy for getting Liam back? Or is it because she truly believes Steffy murdered Ally? Or is it something she really wants? If so, why the need for blackmail? Approach Ridge about it. Ivy certainly has all the right "tools", she is beautiful, she is a blue blooded Forrester, she is graceful, and she certainly looks more like a model than Maya. Now, if she wants to stick it to that one? Have at it Ivy, but this thing with Steffy feels off. If Ivy was that concerned about what really happened to Ally, she would have already gone to the police with her video. The way it is being presented however, makes Ivy look worse than anyone on the canvas. I hate B&B for finally giving me a character I like, who initially came on board with integrity, and who for a minute there, they were allowing to have the dignity to tell Boomerang Boy to stuff it. 


I don't know what they were going for with Steffy's outfit the other day, with that leather get up, but all I could see was this from the horrific Hostel movies:




and this from the bloody, and terrifying Midnight Meat Train:




Love Ivy's new hairstyle and color, guess she needed a new look for the new gig. 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 14

Ivy certainly has all the right "tools", she is beautiful, she is a blue blooded Forrester, she is graceful, and she certainly looks more like a model than Maya.

This made me think about when Ivy & Hope did a photo shoot together, and Hope kept making passive-aggressive, snide comments about how awful Ivy was at modeling. Hope even did the super mature thing of stepping in front of Ivy so "more" of her could be in the picture.
  • Love 12

RuntheTable, I can't say I'm surprised about the ruining of Ivy. I'm only surprised it took this long,because this show is as subtle as a fourth of July firework display when they want you to root for a pairing.

I almost wish Ivy WAS doing it for Liam, because trying to become head model just makes no sense. As mentioned, she can just talk to cousin Ridge about that. You know, the CEO. I see no reason why Steffy wouldn't be on board, since she won the carnival prize and Ivy doesn't have evil Logan blood in her veins like Hope.

This made me think about when Ivy & Hope did a photo shoot together, and Hope kept making passive-aggressive, snide comments about how awful Ivy was at modeling. Hope even did the super mature thing of stepping in front of Ivy so "more" of her could be in the picture.

AHAHAHAHA, thanks for reminding me why I'm beyond glad she's gone from the show!
  • Love 6
This made me think about when Ivy & Hope did a photo shoot together, and Hope kept making passive-aggressive, snide comments about how awful Ivy was at modeling. Hope even did the super mature thing of stepping in front of Ivy so "more" of her could be in the picture.

That was so hilarious! It was like Hope thought she was in Zoolander having a model-off against Ivy.

  • Love 9

This made me think about when Ivy & Hope did a photo shoot together, and Hope kept making passive-aggressive, snide comments about how awful Ivy was at modeling. Hope even did the super mature thing of stepping in front of Ivy so "more" of her could be in the picture.

Neither Hope or Maya are model material. Hope is cute and Maya is pretty but they can't hold a candle to Ivy. Ivy is gorgeous, tall, has a long neckline and great cheek bones. Has Ivy lost weight or has her new hairstyle make her face look thinner?

  • Love 9

Oh dear god...does Brad Bell think that Steffy is somehow the hero of this piece? He does, doesn't he? It doesn't matter if she's wrongly accused of maliciously murdering Aly; she's still an unlikable asshole. She makes Liam an unlikable asshole. And the worst part of this whole story fail is that it seems like Liam and Steffy are being portrayed as the "good couple" while Ivy and Wyatt are the "bad, jealous, power-hungry" couple.


I don't understand the timing on this show. The tabloids held off on covering Aly's death until after Maya and Rick got married? Or the Forresters didn't notice the bad press until after the wedding? The media usually jumps on juicy stories when they're hot; they're not going to wait for Aly's body to get cold.

  • Love 15

On a tangent, I happen to be playing with my seldom-used Roku stick, and apparently there's a channel dedicated to retro B&B episodes! Co-incidentally, I was looking for the CBS channel to catch up on this week's shows. I think the oldest episode I saw goes back to around 2003 or '04. As I type this, I'm watching one from '06 where Nick is being his N. Sne self. I'd forgotten what it was like to have a male character with actual cajones instead of just staring into outer space. Good times... :D

  • Love 5

What is the point of Nicole & Zende in the background of almost every freakin' Forrester scene? Today they had no lines but were there for what....? Their reactions? As if I could care less what Nicole thinks about anything. But yet there she was, sticking to Zende like a burr, right in the background whilst the Ivy/Steffy drama was unfolding. 


The only thing missing was Carter, also in the background, with that shit eating grin plastered on his face. 

Edited by SiouxB
  • Love 6

Carter being at the wedding and being weird that he was there isn't because he's not a relative, but because he was the former squeeze of Maya.  No way would I want any Ex of mine to show up at our wedding.  That's just too strange.


I'm disappointed in Ivy.  She's supposed to be Aly's best friend, but she's using her death to get the Face of Forrester job.  That's just nasty.

  • Love 3

If the Forresters and Spencers tried to have weddings without having any of their exes present there wouldn't be any weddings at all! At this point some couples are even each others' exes. What I can't get over is why every wedding has to be in Eric's living room.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 7

What in the name of god was all that hair doing on Steffy? It hung almost down to her ass....plus, I hate it when she flares her nostrils and makes a duck face with those lips. She just isn't that great of a player in my opinion,and i didn't think Ivy was much better when she was talking to Wyatt in his bed. I guess after the Julias scene, it was just too much to expect!!

  • Love 6

What in the name of god was all that hair doing on Steffy? It hung almost down to her ass....plus, I hate it when she flares her nostrils and makes a duck face with those lips. She just isn't that great of a player in my opinion,and i didn't think Ivy was much better when she was talking to Wyatt in his bed. I guess after the Julias scene, it was just too much to expect!!

Yes, Steffy has some Harper Valley PTA hair going on there.  My favourite part was when Liam said everyone knows Steffy's face!  Not this one they don't.


I think Ivy blackmailing to get the job is pathetic, but it actually does make more sense for it it be Ivy.  I enjoyed the confrontation but of course, it was completely ridiculous.

  • Love 7

Leave it to Bill to be the voice of reason and not sugercoat Ally and her manic behavior even though Bill is a Steffy groupie.

It seemed obvious that Steffy acted in self defence until the powers to be decided they have to pit Steffy vs Ivy a la Steffy vs Hope. Blackmail aside, which is a stupid SL, Ivy does make more sence, a the new face of California freedom, than Steffy for the excellent reasons that Wyatt brought up plus being gorgeous but Steffy thinks that being a president, a model, a designer, and a bitch there is no job she can't handle.

But what bugs me the most, beside St Maya, is Ivy's character being sacrificed for the pseudo goddesses, Steffy.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 8

Steffy propping $Bill is the worst $Bill.


I'm so glad this is fiction so I can root for Steffy to pay even though I know it was self defense.


I just realized Steffy is CEO. Does that mean she gets the Forrester mansion ? Is she the new Forrester matriarch ? Does she get her own portrait over the fireplace ?

Edited by Gudzilla
  • Love 3

I really want to be in Ivy's corner but she's making it very difficult. Her being so desperate to be the Face of Forrester makes no sense to me. IMO, Steffy should be the insecure one. She looks like she was manufactured by Mattel from top to bottom, with a plastic body and enough fake hair to defy the laws of physics. Meanwhile, Ivy seems naturally gorgeous and you'd think FC would want someone with her fresh, clean look. There shouldn't even be any debate. Somewhere Liz Taylor's ghost is laughing her head off at the absurdity of it.


Why were Nicole and Zende at that meeting? It must be some kind of backstage inside joke.


Harper Valley PTA hair

OMG, what a great reference!


I just realized Steffy is CEO. Does that mean she gets the Forrester mansion ? Is she the new Forrester matriarch ? Does she get her own portrait over the fireplace ?

That's a good point. How does Eric justify allowing Rick and Maya to continue reigning as the king and queen of Forrester mansion while he lives in the guest house? If it's supposed to be a CEO perk then I should think Rick and Maya would have to GTFO. And Nicole too since she's only there because of Maya. Maybe the three of them can move into Rick and Maya's fcuk pad. (And where does Zende live?)

  • Love 6

That's a good point. How does Eric justify allowing Rick and Maya to continue reigning as the king and queen of Forrester mansion while he lives in the guest house? If it's supposed to be a CEO perk then I should think Rick and Maya would have to GTFO. And Nicole too since she's only there because of Maya. Maybe the three of them can move into Rick and Maya's fcuk pad. (And where does Zende live?)

Rick is his son so no justification needed. Zende apparently has more brain cells than Aly and Ivy combined and found a place of his own to live.

  • Love 5

I loved Ivy and Wyatt talking about Waffles holding onto two corporate positions so he would always have a back-up. Just like his love life!

Choosing Ivy over Steffy would be a no-brained to anyone with eyes. If I were driving and saw Steffy's bloated face on a billboard, I would probably have a car wreck. The only thing I could see her modeling would be dominatrix outfits.

  • Love 12

Steffy propping $Bill is the worst $Bill.


I'm so glad this is fiction so I can root for Steffy to pay even though I know it was self defense.


I just realized Steffy is CEO. Does that mean she gets the Forrester mansion ? Is she the new Forrester matriarch ? Does she get her own portrait over the fireplace ?


Nah.  Maya propping $Bill is the worst $Bill for me.


Steffy is not the CEO.  Ridge is.  Steffy is president and Liam vice president.


Besides, only Eric Forrester, Jr. and his sainted wife deserve to live in the family mansion.

  • Love 8

Oh, Ivy, such low ambitions. You call your own family "these people" and then proceed to extort them so you can be a model? Girl, please. And if she's going to be the face of Forrester what does that make Maya, the torso of Forrester? I can't see this sitting well with Her Saintedness the Lead Model.


It is a pathetic objective for Ivy to pretend she will determine the moral standard of fashion offerings from Forrester Creations as a model by walking on the bones of her dead friend and cousin. And resentful weasel Wyatt, jealous of everything his brother has had lavished upon him by $Bill -- the leadership at Spencer Publications, the V.P. at Forrester Creations, Steffy in his bed, pretentions of glory, fashion and style -- Wyatt wants his share of that gravy slopping from $Bill's ladle. Neither of them care a fig about how Ally died. Ally has become the vehicle of their ambitions.


They plan to undermine the leadership shift they were intimately involved in putting into power with Thomas? Thomas is going to work against them every step they take.


Ridge and Caroline don't give a fuck what your opinions are, just that you fit into their California Freedom vision. 



No one that has held a position at Forrester Creations by hook or by crook has held it long without suffering a thousand cuts for their trouble.


Go to the police and ruin Steffy the old fashion way, with her own stupid actions.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 6

Go to the police and ruin Steffy the old fashion way, with her own stupid actions.

Then Liam will tell Steffy "You LIED to me!!!" and bounce back to Ivy. Liam will then find out Ivy knew and will say to her "You LIED to me!!!" and cha-cha-cha back to Steffy. Lather, rinse, repeat.


I was just thinking (I guess I have too much time on my hands haha) that the worst thing is, these women always make themselves available for Liam when he decides to waffles back.  I'd love to see a twist in the writing where Ivy or Steffy would say "ummmm thanks but no thanks".

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 8

Looks like $Bill was being a little biased with his two older sons by choosing Liam to have a position in Forrester and not Wyatt. Wyatt knows more about fashion designing , because of his mum, than waffle Liam. I actually don't blame Wyatt and Ivy for wanting what they want, and how they're getting it, because the hypocrites at the house of Forrester sure weren't going to offer it to them! Look at poor Thorne in the basement all those years. He only just recently came out of there and found himself over seas?? Soooo why not use a little steffy video leverage....otherwise, they would NEVER move up the coveted  Forrester ladder. Its been so good not having to see Brooke do her talented one tear scene lately. Bill and Katie are kinda boring when they're happy. lol

  • Love 7

I hope Aly haunts Ivy until she turns that video over to police. Of course, by not turning it in for so long, Ivy is probably up for some legal repurcussions her own self.

Turn the video over and let the chips fall where they may. Let Steffy be the face of Forrester and let sales tank. Steffy is asshole enough to create her own misery with no help from Ivy.

I still won't root against Ivy though, and I'm always down for Wyatt tweaking Liam, a character who induces near Nick Newman-levels of rage blackout in me.

  • Love 15

  Re Ivy's blackmail scheme to become the new Forrester model, while I'm glad she's not doing it to get Ping-Pong back, her covering Steffy's ass re the video sucks. Ivy should have at least tried to stop Aly from attacking Steffy that night, but at that point Aly was so far gone, chances are she wouldn't have listened anyway. Aly was out-of-control, she tried to kill Steffy & Steffy defended herself, but Steffy's lying to the cops is the dealbreaker. Instead of claiming self-defense, Steffy chose to lie, for whatever reason, making herself look guilty in the process. When it comes to Steffy's part in Aly's death, like the saying goes, "It's not the crime; it's the cover-up."  Lest anyone think I'm feeling sorry for Steffy and/or her partner Ping-Pong, no way. I have no semblance of a fuck to give about either one of them-I just think that Ivy's sinking to Steffy's level when she doesn't have to sucks.


  Re Thomas, make room on the Hate train for me. His still having feelings for Caroline is bad enough, but his telling Steffy that she didn't owe anyone anything re Aly's death was beneath contempt. I think that Thorne, Oliver and the cops might disagree. As for making Thomas bi, I vote "No." With these so-called "writers," if Thomas-or Zende, for that matter-were bi, then the writers would either go from one extreme (canonizing him ala Maya) or the other (having him on for 5 minutes a year & never seeing/hearing from him again, like Caroline's two moms). I'm all for getting rid of Thomas, but I don't want to lose Zende. I just believe that making Thomas bi would not only lead to even more bad writing, IMO the actor doesn't have the chops to pull it off. I believe that If a storyline involving bisexuality must be done, then it should either be done right or not at all.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 6

I just realized Steffy is CEO. Does that mean she gets the Forrester mansion ? Is she the new Forrester matriarch ? Does she get her own portrait over the fireplace ?


She gets a portrait of Liam over the fireplace.  We can only hope it rivals the Maya portrait. 

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 8


I believe that If a storyline involving bisexuality must be done, then it should either be done right or not at all.


     Agree completely, the problem for me is that "right" isn't a one-size-fits-all thing.  That's okay, different strokes and all.


 I wonder who they will retcon to be bisexual? Thomas is the likely choice and the easiest retcon since we don't know much about him and he wears blouses. Rick would be an interesting choice with his love for pink and lavender and easy reaction to Maya's retcon.  But then I'd have to see more of him, so just no.

None of the younger men are what I'd call manly, they are all pretty metrosexual so it could be anyone based on looks.


  • Love 1

I just realized that in seven years of being on this show, this story of Aly is the very first one that JMW/Steffy has had which does not involve being with a man or stealing one...and that I don't entirely hate her in it.

Oh, Stephanie Forrester is still a cretin worthy of her namesake, bit since the focus in this story is far, far less on Waffles and Hope is not involved, I didn't FF any of this past week.

Also, did I miss something with Wyatt and Ivy? One day, they're discussing the video and the next, she's waking up in bed with him? I mean....just, what?

Maya still sucks, and somehow, KM has managed to become even worse in acting. How is it that I manage to feel more sympathy for Julius when he mentioned that his father disowned him after Maya transitioned when it was pretty obvious I was supposed to root for Maya? Thy guy is knocking it out the park.

I will play devil's advocate for one tiny second to say I can understand where Maya was coming from, though, too. It wasn't the best time hash out those issues (it wouldn't be a soap opera wedding if it didn't happen,lol) but why would any bride want someone there that's so completely uncomfortable?

  • Love 8

Agree completely, the problem for me is that "right" isn't a one-size-fits-all thing. That's okay, different strokes and all.

I wonder who they will retcon to be bisexual? Thomas is the likely choice and the easiest retcon since we don't know much about him and he wears blouses. Rick would be an interesting choice with his love for pink and lavender and easy reaction to Maya's retcon. But then I'd have to see more of him, so just no.

None of the younger men are what I'd call manly, they are all pretty metrosexual so it could be anyone based on looks.

It would be better to start with a clean slate in RJ or Dino or any other Forrester grandchild I've forgotten about.

One could arguably have better success with Thomas. Since his SORASing in '03, he's been in three relationships that have lasted a combined length of ten months, give or take a couple weeks. Zende....YUM. I could get behind that, especially if they cast another equally hunky guy in the role. I do agree with the poster that said they don't want this to go to the extremes of sainthood or Thorne's basement, however.

  • Love 1

Also, did I miss something with Wyatt and Ivy? One day, they're discussing the video and the next, she's waking up in bed with him? I mean....just, what?

Ivy spent the night at Wyatt's because she couldn't go home (she wasn't invited to the wedding), but she and Wyatt did not sleep together. Wyatt slept on the couch. Edited by Snaporaz
  • Love 4

  About Rick & Maya's wedding. it was even more cringe-worthy than I expected, whether it was the vows, Nick's performing the ceremony or Maya's fight with Julius. Speaking of which, it wasn't Maya who had my sympathy; it was Julius. Seeing the pain in Julius' eyes and hearing the pain in his voice made me feel for him, not Maya. Of course, Maya just had to put all the family's business in the street at the wrong time in front of the wrong people, forcing Julius to do the same in self-defense  Like other posters have said, I didn't agree with the way Julius treated Maya, but I understood; otoh, I neither agreed with nor understood Maya's treatment of Aly. Maya may not have technically been Aly's family at the time of the abuse, but that doesn't make it right. Part of my reaction to Julius is because of Obba Babatunde's incredible performance. He not only owned every scene he was in in the wedding episode, he killed every one of them. Anna Maria Horseford was equally sensational. Vivienne's reasons for supporting Maya are much more valid then Julius' reasons for condemning her, but it's a shame that Maya's unworthy of Vivienne's compassion. I'll just chalk it up to a mother's unconditional love.


 And how annoying were Rick & Maya's vows? Their declaring their so-called eternal, undying, "twu wuv" for each other has basically doomed their marriage from the start. Given Rick's track record, chances are that Rick & Maya will implode way sooner than later, especially when it comes to starting a family. When that subject comes up, I'm guessing that Rick & Maya's days will be as numbered as Ridge & Caroline's seem to be. As for Nick, hate him. He's just a walking, talking After-School Special, only way less useful or entertaining, intentionally or otherwise.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 19


Maya still sucks, and somehow, KM has managed to become even worse in acting.


Right? I cannot believe she's gotten worse after all this time! You'd think being on-screen so much might actually force her to get better but nope. She was terrible during her time on Guiding Light and she continues that streak here on B&B.



Given Rick's track record, chances are that Rick & Maya will implode way sooner than later, especially when it comes to starting a family.


I do find it interesting that this topic hasn't been Afternoon School-ed to death by now too. And the writers had the perfect chance after Nick brought up the constitution and all that!!


I kind of like Ivy and Wyatt together. I think they may have chemistry ...


Also? Just end this Steffy video nonsense already. It's just dumb.

  • Love 4


Cupid Stunt, on 15 Aug 2015 - 12:46 AM, said:

Go to the police and ruin Steffy the old fashion way, with her own stupid actions.


ByTor quote

Then Liam will tell Steffy "You LIED to me!!!" and bounce back to Ivy. Liam will then find out Ivy knew and will say to her "You LIED to me!!!" and cha-cha-cha back to Steffy. Lather, rinse, repeat.


So true. Because Liam is a victim of individual historical revisionism, he is oblivious to the irony of "You LIED to me!!!" accusations being thrown from one ingénue to the next and back again.



I was just thinking (I guess I have too much time on my hands haha) that the worst thing is, these women always make themselves available for Liam when he decides to waffles back.  I'd love to see a twist in the writing where Ivy or Steffy would say "ummmm thanks but no thanks".


 Anyone who is sick of the perpetual romantic triangles, rhomboids, rectangles, or other geometric progressions has submitted a petition in on that outcome.


Keep the faith, and don't spread it thin.


Gudzilla, on 14 Aug 2015 - 4:49 PM, said:

I just realized Steffy is CEO. Does that mean she gets the Forrester mansion ? Is she the new Forrester matriarch ? Does she get her own portrait over the fireplace ?


KerleyQ quote

She gets a portrait of Liam over the fireplace.  We can only hope it rivals the Maya portrait.


  Steffy and Waffles reside at the Spencer beach house.


I can see a 1970s mirror portrait of Waffles over their bed. Ooo, Baby Baby. That's how you Cha Cha Cha!








  • Love 3

I will play devil's advocate for one tiny second to say I can understand where Maya was coming from, though, too. It wasn't the best time hash out those issues (it wouldn't be a soap opera wedding if it didn't happen,lol) but why would any bride want someone there that's so completely uncomfortable?


It's more fun to have those type of reveals take place at the reception. The uncomfortable member of the wedding suffers in silence, with a smise pasted on their face during the ceremony, but once the festivities begin and the booze starts to flow ... 






Some shouting. Some screamed denials. A knocked over dining table and spilled beer. The bridesmaids pull up their panties. And someone has the foresight to start up the band.


Good Times.

  • Love 2

Looks like $Bill was being a little biased with his two older sons by choosing Liam to have a position in Forrester and not Wyatt. Wyatt knows more about fashion designing , because of his mum, than waffle Liam. I actually don't blame Wyatt and Ivy for wanting what they want, and how they're getting it, because the hypocrites at the house of Forrester sure weren't going to offer it to them! Look at poor Thorne in the basement all those years. He only just recently came out of there and found himself over seas?? Soooo why not use a little steffy video leverage....otherwise, they would NEVER move up the coveted  Forrester ladder.


$Bill is a sucker for ideas that cost the victim more than blood, like Liam's cobbled-together plot to take down Rick and control Forrester. Liam couldn't have done it without Wyatt manipulating Nicole for information on Rick and Maya. Wyatt hits the mother lode on Maya, $Bill tears down Rick/Maya/Forrester Creations/Eric, get's to play the big man and makes a pile of money for the sake of public interest AND Liam gets the credit/V.P. at Forrester/Steffy -- That's how it shakes out in $Bill's worldview.


Ivy and Wyatt have been around long enough and have personally participated in Spencer/Forrester shenanigans. They can read the writing on the wall; the only way to up or forward corporately is on the back of others. Both families attack from within as common enemies.

  • Love 2

The only good thing about this latest episode of Forrester Family Hijinx is that the Logans can't be blamed for any of it this time, and none of that "real Forrester" rubbish can be tossed about. Except for Ivy, and even then it's aimed at the TayTots who are bigger entitled brats than even Ridge was on his worst day at their age, so I don't give a shit.

Speaking of excluding Logans, what happened to Donna? I thought they'd at least stick her in the Raya wedding, but nope.

  • Love 4

So, it would appear the show is offering us some choices about Ivy, the video and her actions regarding it. What you choose, or what you believe, would probably depend on how you feel about Ivy:


  1. Ivy is doing this for FC's; the media is having a field day with Ally's death, and she is only trying to protect the company by remaining silent. 
  2. Ivy is protecting Thorne, who has already suffered enough, and she doesn't want him to know what really happened to Ally.
  3. Ivy is protecting Steffy, who is being publicly drug through the mud, and is the focus and speculation of all the media rags. 
  4. Ivy sees this as her big opportunity to move into the spotlight and leave the jewelry designing to someone else. 
  5. Ivy sees this as her big opportunity to really stick it to Steffy. 


This viewer can quickly x off 1-4; Ivy is upset about Ally, and truly believes what she is saying about Steffy murdering her. Even so, her comments don't lead me to believe she is all that concerned about the fall out, unless it effects her in some positive way. I also remember how Ivy was in Amsterdam, how she didn't want to model, and was very uncomfortable, and kept saying how she should stick to jewelry designing. No, for me, it is solidly option 5. Ivy has been developing a very large chip on her shoulder about Steffy for some time now; starting when Steffy returned home demanding sex for shares. Ivy was really put out at how easily Steffy disrespected her and Liam's relationship. Then, after Liam stamped out Steffy's hopes and dreams with his declaration of love and commitment to Ivy, Steffy still returns with a Liam agenda, and for whatever reasons, Liam was open to her this time. Then, after treating Ivy like a tarnished trophy that he set on the mantel and forgot about, he dumps on her at Ally's service, right after her confrontation with Steffy. Ivy is out for blood. In her mind Steffy always gets what she wants; always coming out the victor. And she has Wyatt in her corner, another with a ax to grind. 


The sad thing is, I don't really care if Ivy brings Steffy down because I can't stand the character. Why should she get the guy and the gig? She is already President of the company, why does she need to be the face of it also? And really, who do you want representing your company? A beautiful, graceful young woman or a young woman who's cheeks look she is storing up nuts for the winter and who lips could propel a helicopter. I hate that Ivy is using Ally's death to achieve her ends, but this is what we are being given. In the scheme of things, and after watching this show for nearly three decades, Ivy's actions pale in comparison to other's; not that that excuses her, or removes Ivy's culpability, but considering what I have forgiven and overlooked on the B&B, this is small potatoes. And beyond all that, is that I need someone to root for!


Thomas is losing me; I still find him cute, and I think he is a competent actor, but that whole fantasy scenario with Caroline? Then, his remarks about Steffy not owing anyone anything about Ally's death. Just so insufferable. No, the TayTots are never accountable for anything; they embody being entitled. 


Bill and Katie are happy, and as they were saying, it is full steam ahead for SP's, the company of content. Talk about anvils.  

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starting when Steffy returned home demanding sex for shares. Ivy was really put out at how easily Steffy disrespected her and Liam's relationship. Then, after Liam stamped out Steffy's hopes and dreams with his declaration of love and commitment to Ivy, Steffy still returns with a Liam agenda, and for whatever reasons, Liam was open to her this time.



This is the thing that still annoys me.  We know that the reason Liam was open to her this time is because JMW was signed on for a long term stint this time, as opposed to the short return she was here for when she first tried.  But the writers gave us exactly no on screen reasons as to why Liam went from "no, how dare you! I love Ivy!" to "Ivy who?  Let's get naked!" in about 5 seconds. We were just supposed to accept that Liam was into Steffy again because they were able to get JMW on a long term contract now (not something to be all that proud of, show).  And no, show, cheap plastic parachuting army men aren't reasons. 

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The thing for me is that's it is an easy call. Blackmail is wrong  even if you are blackmailing a murderer. When you have a character like Ivy, who has been a "good" guy then you must give them a compelling reason to do the wrong thing. Ivy could have good reason as runthetable has stated and I could buy almost any of those but the show is not showing or even telling us what her reasoning is. I don't know why I should think they would since this show has characters change personalities and motivations (when you do get one) on a whim and usually without any explanation. see: Maya and her instant re-torch for Rick.

Good characters can be driven to do the wrong thing by rage or love but Ivy doesn't even seem very pissed about anything nor in love with anyone so the question just remains. Until it's forgotten like the rest of the plot points.

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What is it with Scary Face that every man goes hard in the pants for her?  I just don't get it.  She has a rocking body, but her face is so flipping plastic and those duck lips are just too much.  I just can't put a name to it, but her face seems so disproportionate. Maybe the eyes are too small or too far apart, or whatever, but something is off in the face.  Ivy is much more beautiful.  


With Aly gone, the show needs a new antagonist and since they're making Maya to be Saint Maya.  Not even Quinn seems all that bad anymore, so they need a new baddie

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  1. Ivy sees this as her big opportunity to move into the spotlight and leave the jewelry designing to someone else. 


I don't understand why the writers assume every female wants to be a model.  Being a designer is a creative/artistic profession - modeling is so passive ** and from the looks of it, pretty tedious bts.  Ivy wanting to be the face of FC makes no sense at all.  Steffy even less though.  Being an executive anything is a full-time job, plus being on the design team for a new line.  She should be directing photo shoots, not starring in them, 


** If I think about it, I suppose modeling does require some skills but they are more along the line of sales and marketing, which is still miles apart from the type of things a good designer does.

Edited by tessaray
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