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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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And so it begins........but let me say that even though it pains me, I can get behind Ridge and Caroline breaking up over children. That is real. That is understandable. And so much better than Caroline's suddenly getting eyes for Thomas. Outside of the fact that Linsey and Thorsten put on their game faces, and delivered some of the best and most powerful scenes B&B has presented in some time, is the fact that that was some good writing. I kept wondering if it would have been as good in another couples hands, and I kept coming to the same conclusion; no. I do believe Linsey was drawing from her own life experiences, and most probably her recent break up with her boyfriend. And Thorsten? Man, those eyes, the clearly evident compassion. Is Ridge being selfish? I guess in some respects he is, but all the same, this is one of those areas of trouble with older/younger relationships. I can't blame him for not wanting to start a new family. As a young man, he found himself raising Rick, then Bridget came along. Then of course, there was the Phoebe, Steffy and Thomas, then Hope, and later came RJ. And just to think, Brooke had two miscarriages, and of course there was Morgan's ill gotten gain. Was Ridge the best father? Absolutely not. But I find his honesty on the subject far more honorable than hemming or hawing, or outright lying about something so important.


I found their honesty refreshing, too,  I just wish that Caroline hadn't said she would choose Ridge over babies.  Still, Ridge has to know their relationship is doomed unless he changes his mind.  It would be nice to have a scene with Eric and Ridge discussing this.


Sooner or later Rick and Maya will need to have a similar conversation.  For Maya, Rick having a bio kid could be hard for her (depending on who the egg donors and surrogates are) and adopting might leave Rick wanting bio kids. 

  • Love 5

I still don't know what to make of Maya's father. I think he is trying to accept Maya and to fit in but, to his defence, changing your prejudicial beliefs, in the course of a few weeks, I would find it hard to accept. Maya, Nick, and the Foresters are also guilty of having prejudicial beliefs in believing Maya's father as being disingenuous. I find Maya's parents to be socially awkward more than anything.

Nick and not Carter to perform the ceremony? What dose that tell you?

  • Love 2

Sooner or later Rick and Maya will need to have a similar conversation.  For Maya, Rick having a bio kid could be hard for her (depending on who the egg donors and surrogates are) and adopting might leave Rick wanting bio kids. 


That one's easy.  They will use Nicole's egg and Nicole will be the surrogate.  Then she'll decide she wants to keep the kid, which puts Zende in a horrible position against his Uncle (?  Cousin?)  Rick.


I get that Caroline wants a biological child.  But why not just adopt one of the many unseen, unheard children?  Whatever became of RJ?  Or Jack?  Or Felicia's kid?

  • Love 4

I find Julius' reaction to Maya much more realistic than Rick's almost instantaneous acceptance. Some men, especially of his generation, put a lot of stock into having a son. Having this son be transgender would be a real blow to him. He would lose face.

I'm still pissed over how Rick and Maya treated Aly, pushing her no doubt to the breaking point, yet faced no repercussions. Can't there be a walking, talking anti-bullying PSA like GLADD has with Nick?

  • Love 14

Way to graciously accept a gift Eric. Jerk.



he found himself raising Rick, then Bridget came along. Then of course, there was the Phoebe, Steffy and Thomas, then Hope, and later came RJ.

Imagine how much they've spent in boarding school fees over the years.


What an exhausting 20 minutes of propping that was.

  • Love 6

I am increasingly disturbed by the rewriting of history to make these father-son relationships adversarial.  Ridge was always Eric's favorite child.  Period.  Even after the Massimo reveal, his feelings didn't change.  Before that, he recovered fairly quickly from Ridge's sleeping with Brooke while they were married.  Now, with TK's Ridge, it's as if Eric can barely tolerate Ridge.  His disdain for him grows daily as he berates his former fair-haired boy to anyone who'll listen.*  And now, Thomas returns and acts as if his relationship with his father has always been rocky.  That simply isn't true.  As has been said before, Ridge, for all his faults, was almost always shown as a concerned, loving father.  TK's Ridge who feels his fatherly role is to write checks for sports cars has changed this characterization completely. I suppose the writers are writing to his intense, brooding, dickish poet persona where, previously, they wrote RM's Ridge as having a romantic, passionate persona.  When Ridge was reminiscing with Brooke the other day and said "I was charming, wasn't I?"  I thought his choice of tense was spot-on.



*And why is Eric confiding in Quinn, the woman who threw his niece into the Seine, and set in motion events leading to Ridge's falling out of a helicopter?  And, suddenly, he's all buddy-buddy with Deacon?  The man who deflowered his daughter while the family listened on the baby monitor.  The same Deacon Thorne, Ridge and Eric lined up to literally beat the crap out of?  Now, they're perfectly friendly?  I understand forgiving sins of the past, but come on.

  • Love 9

Oops, apparently Nicole got part of her outfit torn off by the car door.

Was it really necessary to make the Avants look like such rubes? I'm surprised one of them didn't start marveling at the Forresters' cement pond.

Heh, I guess it would have been a bit much to have Carter perform this particular wedding but I hope the writers don't make a habit of using Nick. He's just too earnest and sanctimonious for my tastes. (He did have a funny line though about testosterone past its expiration date. Looking at you, Eric, ya doddering old fool.)

  • Love 8

Just for shits and giggles I went on imdb.com and checked Emmy awards in acting for B&B, there was more than I thought:

Susan Flannery - several

Jennifer Finnegan - several

Heather Tom - several

Scott Clifton - two

Drew Tyler Bell - one

Ian Buchanan - one

Jacob Young - one

Justin Torkildsen - one

Adrienne Frantz - one

The fucking hell? Drew Tyler Bell won? For what? His biggest story as Thomas was him bonking the maid's daughter and their Vegas wedding to keep her in the country.
  • Love 2

I am increasingly disturbed by the rewriting of history to make these father-son relationships adversarial. Ridge was always Eric's favorite child. Period. Even after the Massimo reveal, his feelings didn't change. Before that, he recovered fairly quickly from Ridge's sleeping with Brooke while they were married. Now, with TK's Ridge, it's as if Eric can barely tolerate Ridge. His disdain for him grows daily as he berates his former fair-haired boy to anyone who'll listen.* And now, Thomas returns and acts as if his relationship with his father has always been rocky. That simply isn't true. As has been said before, Ridge, for all his faults, was almost always shown as a concerned, loving father. TK's Ridge who feels his fatherly role is to write checks for sports cars has changed this characterization completely. I suppose the writers are writing to his intense, brooding, dickish poet persona where, previously, they wrote RM's Ridge as having a romantic, passionate persona. When Ridge was reminiscing with Brooke the other day and said "I was charming, wasn't I?" I thought his choice of tense was spot-on.

*And why is Eric confiding in Quinn, the woman who threw his niece into the Seine, and set in motion events leading to Ridge's falling out of a helicopter? And, suddenly, he's all buddy-buddy with Deacon? The man who deflowered his daughter while the family listened on the baby monitor. The same Deacon Thorne, Ridge and Eric lined up to literally beat the crap out of? Now, they're perfectly friendly? I understand forgiving sins of the past, but come on.

All of this, but especially the last half. Why bother bringing back old characters if you're gonna ignore the whole fucking history? Yes, nothing beyond the last six months matters to the writers, but we all have access to Youtube.
  • Love 5

I am increasingly disturbed by the rewriting of history to make these father-son relationships adversarial.  Ridge was always Eric's favorite child.  Period.  Even after the Massimo reveal, his feelings didn't change.  Before that, he recovered fairly quickly from Ridge's sleeping with Brooke while they were married.  Now, with TK's Ridge, it's as if Eric can barely tolerate Ridge.  His disdain for him grows daily as he berates his former fair-haired boy to anyone who'll listen.*  And now, Thomas returns and acts as if his relationship with his father has always been rocky.  That simply isn't true.  As has been said before, Ridge, for all his faults, was almost always shown as a concerned, loving father.  TK's Ridge who feels his fatherly role is to write checks for sports cars has changed this characterization completely. I suppose the writers are writing to his intense, brooding, dickish poet persona where, previously, they wrote RM's Ridge as having a romantic, passionate persona.  When Ridge was reminiscing with Brooke the other day and said "I was charming, wasn't I?"  I thought his choice of tense was spot-on.



*And why is Eric confiding in Quinn, the woman who threw his niece into the Seine, and set in motion events leading to Ridge's falling out of a helicopter?  And, suddenly, he's all buddy-buddy with Deacon?  The man who deflowered his daughter while the family listened on the baby monitor.  The same Deacon Thorne, Ridge and Eric lined up to literally beat the crap out of?  Now, they're perfectly friendly?  I understand forgiving sins of the past, but come on.


All of this, but especially the last half. Why bother bringing back old characters if you're gonna ignore the whole fucking history? Yes, nothing beyond the last six months matters to the writers, but we all have access to Youtube.


The tension and testosterone measuring is taken directly from the pages of Oedipus Rex conflict between father and son. Will the father-killing and mother-fucking take place at Forrester Creations offices or a second significant location?



Re: Rick and Maya's Pre-Wedding Party Party

I had more fun at a recent root canal.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 7

I am not a Grinch. I don't begrudge anyone their happiness, but all this sunshine is casting all kinds of shade on Ally's death. Between Liam and Steffy, who came off like Victor Espinoza and American Pharoah running the Belmont in their quest for the Triple Crown, and now these pre-wedding festivities, I feel like everyone has forgotten that a family member died just days ago. 


And what a party it was! My oh my, I can't decide which was better, this, or the California Freedom after event? Wasn't that just the most uncelebatory celebration in history? That raucous affair, which included all of three people, clearly showed how happy everyone was about the success of the new line. Now we have the wedding rehearsal/dinner party that wasn't. I kept waiting for the other shoe to fall from all the tension in the room. But happy or not, everyone loves Maya. For a minute there, I found myself longing for the days of my hippie youth; wanting to stage a love in, yearning to put on my die-dyed shirt, and plop down, crossing my legs Indian style, while waving my arms in the air and brandishing the peace sign. And to continue my rant from a few days ago, where in the name of Forrester were Rick's family? No Bridget? Thorne? Ridge? Donna? Katie? RJ? I positively hate how B&B just forgets about characters and their history with the current SLs. In any event, these folks should have told Stephanie to leave some liner notes on how to throw a friggin party.  


I am having trouble understanding the golf club angle; for a minute there I thought Julius might start swinging it about like Hope did at Bill's house. So, does this mean that Nick and Papa A are going to become golf buddies? Oh yes, I can just see it now; the two of them tooling about one of LA's premier clubs, sitting hip to hip in their golf cart, although, I am not at all sure Julius realizes Nick is transgender, so I certainly hope we wouldn't encounter any of this:




Loved Maya and Brooke's dresses, and Brooke's hair looked so nice, but when did KKL start morphing into a chipmunk? 

  • Love 9

I just didn't get the whole golf club thing, until just now when I read up thread about the couple being written like rubes. So, I guess that Midwestern African Americans view wealthy Caucasians as golf playing, pinky up champagne swilling, fancy folk. That whole notion offends me.

I just can't come to grips with Saint Maya. When Rick was ripping Caroline a new one, his main mantra was that he couldn't handle lies, so you took it for granted that the main reason he divorced her was lying. So now, we're to believe that Maya lying, or lying by omission, is perfectly OK? Every time he toasts her, he brings up her honesty. Bullcrap.

It's really bothering me that Bell appears to have written Aly totally out of the family history. No real funeral, no follow up on the whole accident, and no repercussions for how terrible Aly was treated by Rick and Maya. It's like they don't want her to have existed.

  • Love 15

I agree about Aly and if I gave one solitary fuck about any other story right now, the glossing over her death would have cast major shade on all that.

At a minimum, couldn't Ridge have supported Thorne in his loss? They've had a contentious relationship over the years,but Ridge has buried a equally forgotten child too.

But no, we gotta celebrate Raya's love, have Ivy become N. Sane by putting the screws into her cousin over some expired pack of Eggos, and Tommy boy creeping on his dad's girlfriend. Riveting!

....and sadly, still more watchable than Y&R

  • Love 13
So, I guess that Midwestern African Americans view wealthy Caucasians as golf playing, pinky up champagne swilling, fancy folk. That whole notion offends me.

Yeah, I didn't have a problem with them showing the Avants to be feeling a little out of their element. They're small-town people who've apparently never been around the kind of wealth the Forresters have. But Mr. Avant's assuming that Eric--a man he'd never met before and knew virtually nothing about--was not only a golf player but one who wouldn't already have the best clubs, was too much. Why would he need to give Eric a gift anyway; is it because the Forresters are presumably paying for the wedding? So what? Best I could tell, no one was trying to rub Mr. and Mrs. Avant's noses in it or make them feel guilty for not being filthy rich. It was unnecessarily tacky, IMO. Between that and Nicole's constant dancing (which IMO is sterotypical but that's another discussion), AFAIC the writers are failing on the Avant score and what's apparently an attempt to bring more "flava" into the show.


I just can't come to grips with Saint Maya.

Me either. I almost choked when Brooke said Maya was a blessing to the Forrester family. Maya is a schemer extraordinaire and has no ambition other than to be a lead model for a boutique fashion house and a young rich man's wife. If that's what Brooke considers a blessing then I feel sorry for the lot of them.

  • Love 16

It's heartwarming to see how much Aly's death has affected people. Or it would be, if the writers gave a damn. A legacy character dies and all that follows is bitter Brooke stirring the pot and Thomas taking potshots at his dad's age. And post-funeral sex.


And a wedding!  These people forgot Aly as soon as her body was cleared off the side of the road.


And Dollar Bill, apologizing!  Can't have a character go around being cruel, saying mean things and humiliating someone and not paying for it . . . oh wait.


I already disliked Rick and Maya, but the propping and glossing over their horrible actions and behavior just makes me despise them all the more.  I just don't give a single shit about either one of them.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 14

Did a beloved family member just die? I can't tell. Now, no one has to spend a year in mourning, but it might be tasteful to wait a month before setting up a beautiful spread where pictures of a dead young lady recently sat. It's nice to see Bridget, but she couldn't draw the line at missing family events at her niece's funeral? For crissakes, let the fallout from Aly's death breathe a little before throwing the happy happy joy joy wedding of the century at us.

I did still feel bad for Maya at the end, listening to her dad say those heartbreaking things.

  • Love 7

And a wedding!  These people forgot Aly as soon as her body was cleared off the side of the road.


And Dollar Bill, apologizing!  Can't have a character go around being cruel, saying mean things and humiliating someone and not paying for it . . . oh wait.


I already disliked Rick and Maya, but the propping and glossing over their horrible actions and behavior just makes me despise them all the more.  I just don't give a single shit about either one of them.

Same here. If they wanted people to care about those two, they shouldn't have had them go on a reign of terror, particularly with respect to Aly. Being transgender doesn't confer sainthood. I wanted to slap the self-righteousness off Maya's face when she demanded an apology. You bullied Aly along with Rick so just STFU. I didn't even feel sorry for her at the end..

  • Love 11

Maya is a schemer extraordinaire and has no ambition other than to be a lead model for a boutique fashion house and a young rich man's wife. If that's what Brooke considers a blessing then I feel sorry for the lot of them.

The only difference between Maya and Amber is Amber had the balls (no pun intended) to do her own shady ass shit instead of latching on someone else to cheerlead.

She was still a borderline sociopath by the end of her run with the Big Bear trapping, but she also treated by everyone as the slime she was.

  • Love 6

Same here. If they wanted people to care about those two, they shouldn't have had them go on a reign of terror, particularly with respect to Aly. Being transgender doesn't confer sainthood. I wanted to slap the self-righteousness off Maya's face when she demanded an apology. You bullied Aly along with Rick so just STFU. I didn't even feel sorry for her at the end..

Yeah, I didn't feel sorry for her today either. Everyone has given her a pass for her bad behavior because she's transgender, so I'm glad her comeuppance is coming from the most hurtful of sources. Also, I never want to see that sanctimonious Nick dude again. And because i still can't get over it, why the fuck didn't she buy her mama a dress for the wedding?!?

  • Love 12

Same here. If they wanted people to care about those two, they shouldn't have had them go on a reign of terror, particularly with respect to Aly. Being transgender doesn't confer sainthood. I wanted to slap the self-righteousness off Maya's face when she demanded an apology. You bullied Aly along with Rick so just STFU. I didn't even feel sorry for her at the end..

Aly cared about contributing to Forester, with her shoe line, enough to take the slings and arrows of Rick's and Maya's abuse to see it to fruition. To Aly's mind, this was as important to her as Maya defending herself as being transgendered. So why was Aly minimized and Bill had to eat crow for Maya? Even though we actually only heard a few people speak at Aly's funeral, I would have loved if we actually heard Rick and Maya speak to apologize, to Aly, for treating her like crap.

Like Rick had to puff out his chest in every conversation about being CEO, Maya has to puff out her chest to remind everyone she is transgender. I think that Audrey, of Big Brother 17, put a whole new perspective on being a transgendered woman when she said that she is now a WOMAN and that transgender was only the process that she went through.

  • Love 11

Maya, Nicole and Brooke looked beee-yoo-tiful today! Great seeing Bridget again as well, it's cute what Sean Kanan tweeted her, hopefully they'll have a chance to work together. Katie looked gorgeous as well, glad that Bill apologized, I still love my Batie, she's the only woman that holds him accountable and actually makes an attempt to show him a better way, glad he brought up the exclusive idea too, I hadn't thought of that and he's right that he should have.


It always breaks my heart to see children desperate for a parent's love or acceptance when that parent is so shit at giving it. It's like swimming against a tide, I know a little something about poor parenting and it can be very very hard to let go of the relationship you want to have with them and see the relationship for what it is. A parent should be the one person (or two people) you can rely on to love you unconditionally and yet..... I can only hope Maya will find a father figure elsewhere and let that one go, it'd be sad to see her self-esteem fall by the wayside over such an obdurate man. Obba Babatunde is playing him to a T and quite masterfully, this is so many men and fathers of that generation. I imagine a lot of LGBTQ viewers (and cisgender viewers with bigoted parents) saw their fathers in Julius today.



You bullied Aly along with Rick so just STFU. I didn't even feel sorry for her at the end..



ETA: Bullying Aly about washing Maya's feet and bringing him dinner is NOTHING in comparison to what Bill did to Maya over and over again frankly. Nothing.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 1

My ideal comeuppance for Rick and Maya would be for Thorne to read them for filth until they're both quivering, teary messes. I'd take a scene of late night soul-searching where Rick feels guilty and terrible that he contributed to Aly's last months on earth being an exercise in humiliation. Rick and Maya don't have to be publicly flogged, but for fuck's sake, show, it would hurt no one for their behavior to be acknowledged and frowned upon. Flawed characters are far more interesting than these two amazing paragons of virtue we're being asked to love.

I see Mr. Avant saying hurtful things about his child because of who she is as separate from the Aly situation. If he was ragging on Maya because he heard that she and Rick acted like a pair of high school bullies to that poor young lady who just died, I might get some satisfaction out of it.

  • Love 13

ETA: Bullying Aly about washing Maya's feet and bringing him dinner is NOTHING in comparison to what Bill did to Maya over and over again frankly. Nothing.


But I think that's exactly why people are so bothered about it.  Maya of all people should be better than that.  IRL, I know people can find it hard to speak up against bullying behavior because of fear or not wanting the bully to focus on them, so I can pretend that's why Maya went along with it but I'd rather the character show some self awareness.  ETA:  Instead the writers took the lazy way out and disappeared Aly instead of examining Rick and Maya's behavior.

Edited by tessaray
  • Love 12

KKL looked so beautiful!  Loved her hair and that dress was so flattering, she looked super classy today as she does most of the time but today she looked very special.  Man they are really pushing Nichole down our throats and why does she have to be with Zende all the time, they get together in every scene.  AJ looks great and glad she is back and I hope we get some fresh storylines involving Deacon and Quinn.  Am very tired of Nick and Maya and this TG thing.  I suppose she will be so hurt listening to her dad's redneck rant that she will run off and no marriage will be happening.  Another come find me scenario.  It has been super refreshing though to have no Liam et al storylines for a few days!  

  • Love 7

Yeah, I didn't feel sorry for her today either. Everyone has given her a pass for her bad behavior because she's transgender, so I'm glad her comeuppance is coming from the most hurtful of sources. Also, I never want to see that sanctimonious Nick dude again. And because i still can't get over it, why the fuck didn't she buy her mama a dress for the wedding?!?


I'm still frustrated by the writers' amnesia with stuff I saw on my screen just weeks and months ago but that didn't stop me from feeling very sorry for Maya today.   And it's quite possible that Vivienne didn't want anyone to buy her a dress - some women feel pretty strongly about stuff like that.  Or maybe it's a weight thing, on the part of the show's wardrobe people (if so, then shame on them).


But yeah, Nick can go away anytime now.    

  • Love 4

If I were Maya I would never have accepted $Bill's apology.  He is not sorry for what he did at all, it was quite orchestrated and he really doesn't give a shit about Maya or Rick.  She should have said: for the sake of Rick's Auntie, you can stay but hell no, I don't forgive you.


Did a beloved family member just die? I can't tell. Now, no one has to spend a year in mourning, but it might be tasteful to wait a month before setting up a beautiful spread where pictures of a dead young lady recently sat. It's nice to see Bridget, but she couldn't draw the line at missing family events at her niece's funeral? For crissakes, let the fallout from Aly's death breathe a little before throwing the happy happy joy joy wedding of the century at us.

I did still feel bad for Maya at the end, listening to her dad say those heartbreaking things.

I know in my family, my bro died when he was 19 and my sister postponed her wedding by six months.  But other people I know have been in that situation and carried on with the wedding a week later. I seem to remember Dog the Bounty Hunter getting married the day after his daughter died!  Personally I think it is awful, but the Forresters had no problems with it.  I think they were all back at work seconds after her non funeral.

  • Love 6

Did a beloved family member just die?

Nah It was only Thornes' kid.


I  Personally I think it is awful, but the Forresters had no problems with it.  I think they were all back at work seconds after her non funeral.

Ivy (her best friend) went back to work straight from the accident.


So Nicole says "Maya is on her way down." and Julius decides to go off on a rant right then ? Nice timing Julius, I don't think I want that golf club either.


I hope Bridget mentions where Whip is.

  • Love 8

But I think that's exactly why people are so bothered about it. Maya of all people should be better than that. IRL, I know people can find it hard to speak up against bullying behavior because of fear or not wanting the bully to focus on them, so I can pretend that's why Maya went along with it but I'd rather the character show some self awareness. ETA: Instead the writers took the lazy way out and disappeared Aly instead of examining Rick and Maya's behavior.

It reminded me of a post I saw of a friend's Facebook book page saying that she knows she was a bully to folks but I guess a certain guy had brought because she mentioned to him "can't you get over that?" And goes on to mention that she was abused in high school and that's why she acted out. I mean...yeah, it would've been cool if he could move on and her situation sucked, but that post sounded so damn dismissive.

The point here is that two wrongs don't make a right. Maya's dad sucks for being a bigot, but she sucks, period, full stop.

  • Love 15
ETA: Bullying Aly about washing Maya's feet and bringing him dinner is NOTHING in comparison to what Bill did to Maya over and over again frankly. Nothing.

Except for the part where Aly--a person known to be emotionally fragile at best--ended up dead. Meanwhile, Maya "here, have some cake" Avant is still alive to pull her Marie Antoinette routine on someone else. And the writers would have us buy that she should be able to do it with the impunity that apparently comes with being a Forrester (or attached to one), as well as having been scandalously outed as transgender. I think it's mindboggling that TPTB are putting Maya up as some kind of heroine when she can't even express a whit of unconditional remorse for her part in what was done to Aly.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 16
It's not even watchable for snark value any longer and bears no resemblance to Bill Bell's vision 25+ years ago.

Don’t know what Bill Bell’s vision was, but I started watching when Amber was trying to portray Rick as a cross dresser so Caroline would lose interest in him*. Fighting over Caroline, Thomas ended up throwing Rick out the window during a fight which convinced Caroline that Rick was the man for her.

*If anyone can give me a timeline as to when I started watching this crap, it would be much appreciated, since it’s a better soap compared to GH and Y&R and that is a low bar…

Edited by tricknasty
  • Love 5

That truly was a full body dry heave set to music!

I watched it with the sound turned off. Can something be funny yet scar you for life at the same time?


 I suppose the writers are writing to his intense, brooding, dickish poet persona where, previously, they wrote RM's Ridge as having a romantic, passionate persona.  When Ridge was reminiscing with Brooke the other day and said "I was charming, wasn't I?"  I thought his choice of tense was spot-on.

I thought it was a real George Burns tearing down the fourth wall moment. It was like TK was acknowledging he was the Mystery Date dud.


Also, I just have to say it. Creeper's swooshy hair reminds me of Claude Funston in the Zippy the Pinhead comic strip. Every time I see him.

Here's a bit about Claude:

Claude is a perenially lovesick urban hillbilly with a cowlick on steroids whose real life closely parallels the guests on tabloid TV talkfests.


He’s soulful, emotionally needy and full of comedic self-pity. Claude believes everything he reads in the National Enquirer. His dreams die hard and, as a result, he harbors a "dark side", full of suspicion and paranoia. Fortunately, his darker urges don’t dominate him, and he comes off a little like a "Don Quixote of love". He’s never truly introspective, but has a romantic image of himself (lots of "could’ves" and "should’ves").




  • Love 1

I hope Bridget mentions where Whip is.

Why? I don't think she was ever with him? Whip was with Taylor the last time he was on the show, she started going back to Ridge and Whip just kind of disappeared.

Bridget did mention Owen. She said that her son Logan was camping with Jackie and Owen. I miss Jackie, Owen and Bridget. Would much rather see them back on the show and get rid of some of these useless others. Like Carter.

  • Love 3

 Between that and Nicole's constant dancing (which IMO is sterotypical but that's another discussion), AFAIC the writers are failing on the Avant score and what's apparently an attempt to bring more "flava" into the show.




Yes, I liken Nicole's constant (awful) dancing to those early Facts of Life episodes where Tootie was always on roller skates. In 2015 all I can do is roll my eyes and FF.

  • Love 5

I don't have a problem with $Bill apologizing to Maya but I think his timing was completely wrong. He could have done it before now instead of waiting until minutes before Maya's wedding. Way to make Maya's last moments as a single woman all about yourself, Bill.


Maya looked beautiful. I absolutely loved her white peignoir. Nicole's dress was nice too, so unlike the weird stuff she usually wears. That lipstick color was off though, IMO.


If Rick's divorce was just finalized does that mean this whole wedding was put together in 24 hours? And does anyone on this show ever get married in a church, or anywhere other than the Forrester mansion? (Or ski resorts or Italian beaches?)


I thought on soaps it was supposed to be a bad omen if you see the wedding dress before the bride walks down the aisle. Whatever, I thought it was a gorgeous dress if also a little common. Katie wore a similar dress the last time she and Bill got married so I would have expected Maya to go with something a little more avant garde. <Bad dum tsss.>

  • Love 3

I see in the spoilers for the next week or two that

that Lt Baker is back investigating Aly's death.  Steffy sticks with her story and suggests to Liam that it's time for them to end Ivy's employment at FC.  Ivy has other plans, however, and shows the video to Thomas.  She promises to keep it to herself if he can convince Steffy and Company that Ivy should be the new Face of Forrester.  I don't really think blackmail is Ivy's style, but at least she's not using it to get back together with dopey Liam.  

Edited by Hawkeye720
  • Love 4


If Rick's divorce was just finalized does that mean this whole wedding was put together in 24 hours? And does anyone on this show ever get married in a church, or anywhere other than the Forrester mansion? (Or ski resorts or Italian beaches?)

They used to, but sets got too expensive. But most of the receptions have always been at the Forrester Mansion .

As for Rick's situation...my aunt was in a similar situation when she met my uncle and as dirt poor college students they were able to manage a potluck wedding at my grandmother's church ten days after her divorce was finalized.

Given the revolving door that passes as marriage on this show, I'm sure the Forresters have wedding staff on call for occasions like this, and unlike the situation of Steffy holding out for divorce over annulment for the sake of being a pill,Rick and Maya had a better idea of the finalizing date. So getting this set up so quickly is the very least of the problems I have with this wedding that takes place before their niece's body has had a chance to grow cold.

....not bitter at all about that, btw. :/

  • Love 7


ETA: Bullying Aly about washing Maya's feet and bringing him dinner is NOTHING in comparison to what Bill did to Maya over and over again frankly. Nothing.


Completely disagree with this. What Maya and Rick did was far worse in my opinion. It was up close and personal. Plus dangling her own shoe line in her face to put up with the bullying.


Also worse (in my view) because at least Bill was called out (to his face) about how wrong he was to publish.


The writers aren't even acknowledging what Rick and Maya did to Aly - how they contributed to her mental break. Good lawd. Maya is allegedly the most wonderful wonder that ever wondered and has rainbows flying out of her butt. Give me a break with this stuff. She's a heroine? Really show really? Oh wait that's right, she cannot be accused of bullying or held up to the same standards as everyone else because she's transgendered.


Here's the thing if Maya was bullied and picked on because of her identity issues and going through this transition and STILL bullied Aly, that makes her a terrible terrible person by default as far as I'm concerned. I realize most of the bullying of Aly happened before the transgender retcon but sadly the writers have ignored the obvious and that's on the folks in charge. Both Maya and Rick should be held accountable in their actions with Aly but instead the audience is supposed to forget all that and just love their amazing love story.



Edited by hypnotoad
  • Love 20
Both Maya and Rick should be held accountable in their actions with Aly but instead the audience is supposed to forget all that and just love their amazing love story.

Yep. Apparently someone on writing staff was feeling nostalgic and took this movie's tag line a little too seriously: 4vvSm2z.jpg

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 5

I see in the spoilers for the next week or two that

that Lt Baker is back investigating Aly's death.  Steffy sticks with her story and suggests to Liam that it's time for them to end Ivy's employment at FC.  Ivy has other plans, however, and shows the video to Thomas.  She promises to keep it to herself if he can convince Steffy and Company that Ivy should be the new Face of Forrester.  I don't really think blackmail is Ivy's style, but at least she's not using it to get back together with dopey Liam.  


So the Raya wedding was just a time out before they get back to destroying Ivy's character?  And why does

a jewelry designer even want to be a model

Edited by tessaray
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Apparently someone on writing staff was feeling nostalgic and took this movie's tag line a little too seriously:


That tag line is the worst! It makes absolutely no sense. Except in the case of Maya and Rick I guess.


The pairing wouldn't bother me so much if I actually saw a bit of chemistry, charm or personality in either of them when they are together on screen. The Maya and Rick pairing is so boring to me. Every conversation is about how much she supports him. The writers couldn't even be bothered to allow Rick to have a semi-realistic response to finding out Maya had withheld (lied) in regards to very important information about herself. I can't imagine any man wouldn't be taken back a bit to find out his GF was born a man. And Rick in particular with his issues about trust also should have had more of a reaction.


Of course couples in love should support one another but I think there is a huge difference between support such as: listen I will be there for you in this fight for the company and this: you shot a gun at the office? Cool. Or: you made Aly wash your feet? You are the bestest.

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