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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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You learn something new every day, I just assumed he was a relative! You know the equation: Bad Actor + last name Bell = MUST be a relative

I thought so too, given how long he was on the show, but I figured he'd have had more than two love interests in eight years, if that were the case, lol :p

...Naw, I checked Wiki and unless he's a way distant cousin, I didn't see a mention of Bill Bell.

  • Love 3

I'm glad that was Thomas' pervy fantasy, but we all know that TPTB are going to push this triangle. I was hoping that he would smash one of those barbells in his face when he was manically working out.

If whining about your horrible, privileged, silver spoon in the mouth childhood made people friends Thomas and Rick would be BFFs.

  • Love 5


But Ridge was right - you can't design something that's influenced by what's being worn now on the streets of Paris or London or whatever.


To be fair though, it takes designs from Paris and London at least a couple years to hit North America. They're always ahead of us in the fashion department and we're always taking our cues from them. So Thomas is right in wrt that.


Brooke was like: "It hasn't been the happiest welcoming home"

Zende "Why because of Aly's death?"

Brooke: "God no, nothing like that, Ridge ripped up his design."

Me: ?!!!


The world truly does revolve around Ridge's branch of the Forrester family tree.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 7

It's heartwarming to see how much Aly's death has affected people. Or it would be, if the writers gave a damn. A legacy character dies and all that follows is bitter Brooke stirring the pot and Thomas taking potshots at his dad's age. And post-funeral sex. Way to mine a big plot twist and come up with fool's gold, Bell.

  • Love 17

NuThomas=Rick with the dark swoopy hair swooped to the other side. (and a tighter hotter bod..)  oh excuse me, did I say that out loud.   Ok the swoopy hair or whatever they want to call it needs to go, I don't like the look.   Zende was looking mighty fine too, please find him someone other than DancyNichole.  PLEASE!  He has done nothing to deserve her, hasn't he suffered enough as a child?  Bring the man someone hot and cool for goodness sake!

  • Love 10

I'm glad that was Thomas' pervy fantasy, but we all know that TPTB are going to push this triangle. I was hoping that he would smash one of those barbells in his face when he was manically working out.


Wait......what? Thomas and Caroline really didn't kiss? How did I miss that? I was watching and actually paying attention !  

  • Love 4

In all seriousness though - what is up with TPTB that this is how they re-intro Thomas. Let him grow on us (or at least make the attempt) and the other characters first, but no, they have to do what they always do - bull in a china shop and fast-track Thomas (who as Ridge's eldest should be a character that resonates) into a creeper who when he's not putting the make on his daddy's girlfriend is throwing a tantrum because daddy tore up his sucky crayola stick figures.

Didn't they do this ten years ago with newly SORASed 18 year old Thomas? He wanted to slag off school to design for FC and Ridge told him no? And then there was a fashion showdown because B&B.

But between being spawned from Ridge's loins and having Taylor prop him and Steffy's entitlement in her campaign against Brooke and her equally self centered spawn, is it any surprise he is what he is?

  • Love 3

I can't stand Thomas. The new actor is not especially good looking, IMO, and he has the same mangy looking beard as Liam and Rick. Putting him next to TK is like putting a piece of baloney next to a NY strip steak. Plus, I can't stand the character making the moves on his father's girlfriend. I knew this would happen but YUCK! Oh, and that shirt and tie scream "dork"!

That short sleeved tight blouse and skinny tie scream "Hipster Douche". Is that what is hot in Paris right now? 

Better than his OBVIOUSLY painted on abs. I'm pretty sure I saw a better belly makeup job on an episode of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and those guys were dressed as war hero chickens! 

So the Caroline "no...yess" make out sesh was a dream sequence, right? Because her with her legs in his lap for  wearing such a short robe that one wrong move and the Good China would be on display, then not jumping up and grabbing a frying pan when he locked the door... well seems like just the kind of 'Letters to Penthouse' fantasy this stunted man- child would have. 

Edited by smartyshorts
  • Love 8



With the rape angle we'd definitely be losing another legacy character with Thomas becoming a rapist but back in the day soaps did push the envelope by having regular seemingly entrenched characters do heinous things and then keep them around.



We definitely have a few characters who have done heinous things right now, like Quinn, who tried to kill her son's brother/romantic rival with a sword she forged in her dungeon. And Pam, who used a damn bear as an attempted murder weapon! And don't forget Rick, who before shooting a gun randomly at the office, actually shot Grant Chambers. I think all of those instances were excused due to mental illness. I don't think Bill just wanted Ridge to take a nice cool dip in the ocean when he dumped him out of that helicopter. And Deacon has done a shit load of awful things, I think. So if they went there with Thomas I don't think that would be the last we saw of him. I REALLY hope they don't go there.


Wow, this show is full of murderous assholes, huh?


And now, because I can't have a non-pervy post- Don't think I haven't noticed fine-ass Zende! At first I felt bad about lusting after a tiny little baby just out of the crib, but the actor is 23 so it's all good. He reminds of me of one of my first ever crushes, Taimak, and I am here for it.


I don't mind Deacon being a Real Househusband of LA, but if he is going to be a trophy husband, he better tighten up! Seriously, SK needs to get on whatever program WH is on. We are glad you have a job and are eating good but you need to get back down to fighting weight! They wouldn't let a woman get away with this shit, and what's good for the goose is good for the gander!

  • Love 6

It may be karma to have Thomas pursuing his father's lady, but damn, can't we have one character who doesn't act like a sleaze? I mean, I guess Liam is supposed to be the nice guy, but I find his behavior appalling most of the time and his cheerful lack of empathy disturbing.


It's been non-stop family relationships/marriages/friendships where dis-assembly is required on Show. No connections remain wholly intact except those characters off-screen or Pam and Charlie (who only serve lemon bars and wear period costumes for holidays).



Yeah, Caroline should have told Thomas to unlock the damn door or get a face full of pepper spray. Soap writers can stop portraying rapey behavior as arousing like yesterday.


Since this was Nu-Thomas' fantasy of his reunion with Caroline, Nu-Thomas is as disgusting and disturbed as all the other Thomas' before him.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 7
And now, because I can't have a non-pervy post- Don't think I haven't noticed fine-ass Zende! At first I felt bad about lusting after a tiny little baby just out of the crib, but the actor is 23 so it's all good. He reminds of me of one of my first ever crushes, Taimak, and I am here for it.


I don't mind Deacon being a Real Househusband of LA, but if he is going to be a trophy husband, he better tighten up! Seriously, SK needs to get on whatever program WH is on. We are glad you have a job and are eating good but you need to get back down to fighting weight! They wouldn't let a woman get away with this shit, and what's good for the goose is good for the gander!

TAIMAK! I crushed on him hard back in the day. That was one fine MOFO! Thanks for the trip down memory lane P-Fat. And yeah trophy husband Deacon needs to tighten up quick, fast and in a hurry. Just saw Crap Wagner on Ray Donovan. His character was an asshole. He seemed like he was born for that role.

  • Love 2

So color me WHEW! that it was just Creeper's fantasy.


I should have known better than that.


And seriously LOL at him pumping those weights - Mr. CountryGirl walked into the room about that point and just stood there, shaking his head in disgust, and said, "How can you WATCH this?"


How could I not? 

  • Love 9

Prepare ff button accordingly Nicole is dancing today 

No way, that scene would be one to rewatch 10 times!  Nicole's dancing always makes me laugh.  I'm curious if the actress is in on the joke and purposefully bad dances.  Or if that's just how she dances.  Because if that's really how she dances in real life, then I feel bad for her that Bradley cruelly continues to write dancing scenes for her.

  • Love 4

Nicole really is the Elaine Benes of B&B.

I think that Nicole was channeling her inner GAP commercial self or even one of those odd GEICO commercials. Let's see how long Caroline could actually hold out, with pressure from Brooke and Thomas, in choosing Ridge over motherhood.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember Thomas pre Paris being as creepy as Thomas post Paris.

ETA: Loved the scene between Caroline and Ridge today. The most honest raw emotion I've seen, on B&B, in a long time. Neither actor looked like they forced their emotions unlike most of the current couples do.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 8

Adam Gregory's Thomas was not quite as creepy although he got a little creepy with his fascination with Hope, especially when you consider she was his stepsister (legal marriage(s) between their parents notwithstanding and spent much of their childhoods together). . I wasn't watching as regularly with the Rick/Thomas fighting over Caroline storyline so I don't know how he came off. He was a little fixated on Brooke, though, and was willing to sell her out as having slept with him (the berry boink that wasn't) to drive Ridge/Brooke apart and get granny's shares of FC.


Drew Tyler Bell was definitely creepy and downright psycho - the biggest example was his trying to kill Rick (oh sure, he was just trying to "scare" him) with the firebomb he set off in Rick's car.

  • Love 2

I think that Nicole was channeling her inner GAP commercial self or even one of those odd GEICO commercials. Let's see how long Caroline could actually hold out, with pressure from Brooke and Thomas, in choosing Ridge over motherhood.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember Thomas pre Paris being as creepy as Thomas post Paris.

ETA: Loved the scene between Caroline and Ridge today. The most honest raw emotion I've seen, on B&B, in a long time. Neither actor looked like they forced their emotions unlike most of the current couples do.

Thomas post-Paris is a total weasel and I am sick to death of his Caroline fetish and the constant whining about his father. Where the hell did that all come from? I'd rather see Caroline commit incest with Liam or Wyatt than see her with Thomas, who compared to his father, is nothing but a baby boy. There is nothing manly about him at all and he is not masculine enough to seriously pull off that hipster dude look that he is totally NOT rocking. Fermez votre bouche, Thomas!

  • Love 8

Thomas post-Paris is a total weasel and I am sick to death of his Caroline fetish and the constant whining about his father. Where the hell did that all come from?

Probably from his sister Steffy :) In retrospect, from what I remember that's probably why I liked Phoebe, I don't recall her having daddy issues.

  • Love 1

I like this Thomas a lot better than the previous one.  Yes, he is creepy, but he's a much better actor.  The previous one was so wooden, and looked and acted like a plastic mannequin.  I know more than a few here said that he had a gay vibe.  I remember the rumour that Bradley was going to turn Thomas gay and that Adam Gregory balked and refused, which probably led to his departure from the show the first time around.  Probably hit a little too close to home.


I think this Thomas looks like Y&R Joe Clark's little brother.

  • Love 5

Nicole sweetie, other than via nepotism you are never going to be hired as a fashion model. For one thing, you're too short and too busty (but not busty enough to bite on Kate Upton's style). Putting all that aside though, no reputable designer will want a model who's trying to upstage their clothes.

I started watching B&B solidly right before Ronn Moss left and am only familiar with the current version of Ridge. Has he always been so cheap and selfish? I'm thinking of how he shacked up with Katie and never gave her anything more than some overwrought poetry and that tacky engagement ribbon. Now he's got Caroline stashed in a tiny apartment when he surely could afford a mansion. And today we see that he's has no problem stealing her youth while her childbearing years slip away. I love TK but Ridge seems like a total pig.

  • Love 2

I think that Nicole was channeling her inner GAP commercial self or even one of those odd GEICO commercials. Let's see how long Caroline could actually hold out, with pressure from Brooke and Thomas, in choosing Ridge over motherhood.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember Thomas pre Paris being as creepy as Thomas post Paris.

ETA: Loved the scene between Caroline and Ridge today. The most honest raw emotion I've seen, on B&B, in a long time. Neither actor looked like they forced their emotions unlike most of the current couples do.


Why oh why was there so much dancing!??  Gee that was an easy script to write!  Lazy writers!


Linsey sure brought it today with the raw emotion, she was so upset she could hardly speak at times and I think her divorce is bringing her emotions to the forefront along with her horrible accident.  She was almost on a crying jag!  But it was very real and even Ridge got teary eyed being drawn into her acting.  Wonderful scene.  That is Emmy material for Linsey!

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 13

Linsey sure brought it today with the raw emotion, she was so upset she could hardly speak at times and I think her divorce is bringing her emotions to the forefront along with her horrible accident.  She was almost on a crying jag!  But it was very real and even Ridge got teary eyed being drawn into her acting.  Wonderful scene.  That is Emmy material for Linsey!

I know...I agree...I was really impressed with her...and TK, too. Interesting they wrote her accident into the show and now the divorce w/Rick & her facing an entirely new set of life circumstances & choices....this on the heels of her public announcement of her breakup with Robert Adamson (Noah Newman Y&R). Has to be a whole lot of raw emotion for her...I hope the scenes can help her process some of it. She is one brave girl!!

Edited by RedRockRosie
  • Love 13

The Caroline/Ridge scenes were good, Caroline wanting a family is an organic way to start  the (inevitable) breakup of Ridge/Caroline 2.0.


Wait !!!!!!! Linsey and Robert are divorcing . Oh no poor girl she has to have a big blessing coming her way after the year she's endured. 

Edited by Whitley Trillbert
  • Love 8

It was really jarring to go from the well-acted emotional scenes between LG and TK to that ridiculous dancing on the catwalk (and why did it go on all episode long??).


I think the "writers" are trying to style Nicole after the toast of the Paris runways circa 70's -80's, Pat Cleveland.


Epic fail.

  • Love 4

Probably from his sister Steffy :) In retrospect, from what I remember that's probably why I liked Phoebe, I don't recall her having daddy issues.

She wasn't around long enough to be ruined. :(

With the rape angle we'd definitely be losing another legacy character with Thomas becoming a rapist but back in the day soaps did push the envelope by having regular seemingly entrenched characters do heinous things and then keep them around.

Thankfully, rape is the one trope that B&B doesn't mine into very often. Excluding the times Ridge got passes on his "misunderstandings" with Caroline and Brooke, there have only been two major rape stories (I think Jessica Forrester was a part of one, but I don't know for sure), and one of those was because KKL asked for something meatier than to bounce between Ridge and Nick as she had for the past three years.

Plus,I'd like to think Bell is taking notes from Y&R about how well received the four (!) rape plots in six months have been.

  • Love 1

I started watching B&B solidly right before Ronn Moss left and am only familiar with the current version of Ridge. Has he always been so cheap and selfish?  I'm thinking of how he shacked up with Katie and never gave her anything more than some overwrought poetry and that tacky engagement ribbon. Now he's got Caroline stashed in a tiny apartment when he surely could afford a mansion. And today we see that he's has no problem stealing her youth while her childbearing years slip away. I love TK but Ridge seems like a total pig.


I think Bn'Bs extravagant days are behind her, but Ridge was and is all about himself, first and foremost.


I'm not exactly clear on why Caroline would consider Ridge good father material, he's all about personal freedom; he doesn't want any more anchor babies and his lack of interest in RJ or any of the other children in his life has been pretty consistent with TK in the role. 


After his treatment of Thomas and his crayon sketch, Ridge had nothing instructive to offer and zero encouragement, just a destructive demonstration of power and prowess. -- Though all words to the contrary, Thomas thought he'd hit gold and bristled that there was something amiss with his vision. 




godfreydaniels quote

I see meddling ego Brooke is back berating every male that let her go!!


Her meddling works entirely to her advantage. Brooke can sow dissent with both Thomas and Caroline, pushing them together while she acts the innocent when Ridge finds out Caroline's pegative by Tommy Boy by schtupping in the big CEO leather throne. 


**finger snapping commences**



  • Love 4

And so it begins........but let me say that even though it pains me, I can get behind Ridge and Caroline breaking up over children. That is real. That is understandable. And so much better than Caroline's suddenly getting eyes for Thomas. Outside of the fact that Linsey and Thorsten put on their game faces, and delivered some of the best and most powerful scenes B&B has presented in some time, is the fact that that was some good writing. I kept wondering if it would have been as good in another couples hands, and I kept coming to the same conclusion; no. I do believe Linsey was drawing from her own life experiences, and most probably her recent break up with her boyfriend. And Thorsten? Man, those eyes, the clearly evident compassion. Is Ridge being selfish? I guess in some respects he is, but all the same, this is one of those areas of trouble with older/younger relationships. I can't blame him for not wanting to start a new family. As a young man, he found himself raising Rick, then Bridget came along. Then of course, there was the Phoebe, Steffy and Thomas, then Hope, and later came RJ. And just to think, Brooke had two miscarriages, and of course there was Morgan's ill gotten gain. Was Ridge the best father? Absolutely not. But I find his honesty on the subject far more honorable than hemming or hawing, or outright lying about something so important. 


I am so glad they are allowing Nicole's true personality to come out. I like this silly, goofy Nicole so much better than the angry, bitter girl we first met. And I could watch her tub thumping, dork shuffle all day. Maybe they don't dance where she comes from, or maybe Mama and Papa A were too restrictive and didn't let her go out, but I find her mix of the Waka Waka, the Bump, and the Swim hilariously entertaining. 


I can't figure out what Brooke is doing. As a fan, I want to believe that she is coming from a good place, but when it comes to Ridge, she has never really acting with any type of reason. All the same, the show seems to be pushing Brooke and Ridge farther away from each other. Their talk the other day wasn't like any I ever remember them having. And it hasn't been lost on me how they keep putting Brooke in Eric's orbit. I also think they have been chem testing Quinn with other people, including Ridge. I think they are at a loss with what to do with Brooke. They only know one way to write for her, and it just doesn't work anymore. Could they have finally realized this, and have decided to let her grow? I guess only time will tell. 


It seems Ally's death was the green light Liam needed to get the checkered flag. Not only the checkered flag, but he even won the pole position and led the entire race. 


Loving Wyatt and Ivy, who are now my second favorite paring next to Caroline and Ridge. 


Can I apply for a job as busboy for FC's outdoor cafe? I will happily wipe Carter's, Zende's and Thomas's sweat off of the tables as they workout. 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 14

NuRidge was never much involved with his kids, but Old Ridge definitely was. When Rick shot Grant and lost him memory, he went to bat to protect him. And despite the foolishness Steffy insisted on repeated during the Triangle of Doom, Ridge was always there for them in their formative years. When Taylor came back and HE WAS ROBBED!! he ended up marrying her, Ridge was brokenhearted to leave Hope and RJ.

Ridge had precious few redeeming qualities,but his parenting was one of those.

  • Love 3

Someone must have hacked my account and typed that sentence.



I am so glad they are allowing Nicole's true personality to come out. I like this silly, goofy Nicole so much better than the angry, bitter girl we first met. And I could watch her tub thumping, dork shuffle all day. Maybe they don't dance where she comes from, or maybe Mama and Papa A were too restrictive and didn't let her go out, but I find her mix of the Waka Waka, the Bump, and the Swim hilariously entertaining.

OK RuntheTable, fess up :)

  • Love 1

I also think they have been chem testing Quinn with other people, including Ridge.



If they are chem testing her none of the potential pairings work for me.  Plus, I like Quinn and Deacon.  They are the most equal pairing on this show and I'll take them over Maya and Rick blowing smoke up each other's asses any day.  I would also take them over Liam and anyone.  They just need a freaking story.


I also wonder if its not so much chem testing but them realizing Rena Sofer has guarantees and they are throwing her here and there to fulfill them (you know, since they can't be bothered to actually write for her.)

  • Love 7
OK RuntheTable, fess up :)



Holy Guilty Party Batman, but I have been outed!


If they are chem testing her none of the potential pairings work for me.  Plus, I like Quinn and Deacon.  They are the most equal pairing on this show and I'll take them over Maya and Rick blowing smoke up each other's asses any day.  I would also take them over Liam and anyone.  They just need a freaking story.

I also wonder if its not so much chem testing but them realizing Rena Sofer has guarantees and they are throwing her here and there to fulfill them (you know, since they can't be bothered to actually write for her.)



Agreed. The only other pairing I would be interested in seeing is Quinn/Liam, and that would only be for hate sex. Oh, and for Liam's world to be rocked. The boy would never be the same. 


B&B has never been able to get it right; they either hire terrible actors who look good and give them meaty SLs, or they hire good actors with pedigrees and waste them. I am honestly surprised that Rena is still a part of the cast. I thought she would be gone after trying to "stab" Liam with the knife she forged. 


Maybe they could write a story where Quinn and Deacon are actually blowing that smoke up Rick and Maya's butts? 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 6

Holy Guilty Party Batman, but I have been outed!

Agreed. The only other pairing I would be interested in seeing is Quinn/Liam, and that would only be for hate sex. Oh, and for Liam's world to be rocked. The boy would never be the same.

B&B has never been able to get it right; they either hire terrible actors who look good and give them meaty SLs, or they hire good actors with pedigrees and waste them. I am honestly surprised that Rena is still a part of the cast. I thought she would be gone after trying to "stab" Liam with the knife she forged.

Maybe they could write a story where Quinn and Deacon are actually blowing that smoke up Rick and Maya's butts?

The most infamous example is Lesli Kay, who is one of maybe four or five actors in this show's history to win any kind of acting award for the show. She was about to be written out until popularity demanded a rewrite....just to have her pulling mean girl antics first with Bridget over Dante, then with Donna over Daddy and crying about her parents' divorce, even though they've been separated more often than not. Gimme a break.
  • Love 2

I don't think Lesli Kay won an Emmy for her role on B&B.  I think she won while she was on As the World Turns.  She was nominated as Felicia one of the years, but I think she lost to Genie Francis.


I agree that I am puzzled as to why she is no longer on the show.  She is a fantastic actress.  Why not bring her back?  I think she and Bill would be a powerful pairing.  Or recast Prick Marone with a new actor?  I guess she's in the "older" generation, and since Bradley has found his new obsession in Liam Spencer, the entire show has to revolve around Liam's magical crotch.  So no room for Felicia it seems.

  • Love 3

Just for shits and giggles I went on imdb.com and checked Emmy awards in acting for B&B, there was more than I thought:


Susan Flannery - several

Jennifer Finnegan - several

Heather Tom - several

Scott Clifton - two

Drew Tyler Bell - one

Ian Buchanan - one

Jacob Young - one

Justin Torkildsen - one

Adrienne Frantz - one

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