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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Steffys display of ugly rage was pretty much what I think has been the inevitable climax of her recent characterization, and I think both the character and the actress were enjoying themselves hugely. I didn't feel it was meant to make me root for the Steffy-Liam pairing at all; a person who flings your belongings all around your home in a self-indulgent tantrum, and insulted Ivy like that, calling her "a disaster," is shooting out all sorts of blazing red flags, if Liam had the slightest consciousness of what's right in front of him.

So I didn't feel Ivy was begging or spineless, I felt she was speaking the truth to Liam, she is far better suited to him and his perpetual state of dazed confusion than what was correctly called, upthread, a barracuda. They could be a pretty dull and calm couple, but they'd be well matched.

As for Wyatt pouncing on supposedly heartbroken Steffy within minutes of that scene, he should have been the guy to get the next slap.

  • Love 8

What the hell did I just watch?  Mature, self-respecting Steffy having a temper tantrum was pretty damn funny...not the effect they were going for, I suppose.  And I know I have to put my brain on the shelf to watch soaps sometimes, but "Oh, you do have dual citizenship after all, oopsie!" is where they went with this???  Well, if Ivy had gotten a REAL lawyer that little tidbit would have been discovered.  I know a plot contrivance had to keep Liam and Steffy apart, since we all know that keeping couples apart is the only way to create drama, but THIS was the best they could come up with???   

  • Love 10

Honestly, I think SC could play a gay character quite convincingly because for me, he's never had any scorching chemistry with any of his leading women. It always looks like they're more like siblings or buddies.

That may be the only way to redeem Liam at this point.

Hell, they could pair him with RJ and keep it in the family, as he's related to both Steffy AND Hope. Or even Thomas, since he's never had a solid relationship ever and neither adult actor was good at selling him as a romantic lead.

If your brain exploded after reading that, it means you're still sane.

  • Love 4

Yeeeeess!! That was the episode. Time to eat crow Ivy and Steffy can go play with Wyatt who btw wouldn't be so into chasing all his brother's cast-offs if they had another option in his age group on the show. Ah well! Hopefully Steffy's rehabilitation from Liam will be swift and forceful, that waffle deserves to suffer and suffer some more and it's an added bonus to see Ivy suffering after spending way too much time wanking on about other people's relationships when she should have been minding her own. Still liking the Quinn/Ivy friendship though, Quinn was hysterical and adorable today, gosh Rena looks fantastic! Raya is finally back next week and I am a happy camper to see what's in store.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 3
The only reason I want Steffy to hook up with Wyatt is so that we can see yet another woman be way more into Wyatt, in the physical sense, than she is his waffling brother.

Yep. In reference to what I surmised upthreat about Liam, I think that between the two brothers Wyatt is likely the better um, swordsman, and is probably working with much more impressive equipment. He apparently took ice princess Hope to new heights in the sack and seems to have some quiet confidence about his skillz.


    Liam has serious mental health issues that he needs to address.

Oh, there's nothing wrong with Liam. He's just "in love" with two women. Again. I think we're supposed to feel sorry for the poor put upon thing having to struggle with all his feelings. ♪ Feelings. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Feelings. ♫


I know a plot contrivance had to keep Liam and Steffy apart, since we all know that keeping couples apart is the only way to create drama, but THIS was the best they could come up with??? 

And it's another quickie wedding. Yawn. If Liam had just waited 24 hours he probably wouldn't be married now. Dumbass never learns and neither do the writers.


I can't believe I'm saying this but I was actually cheering Steffy on when she was chewing Liam out yesterday...most of the time. She read him like all seven Harry Potter books, in hardcover, translated into Esperanto. Still not feeling an ounce of sympathy for her, though. Now she knows (or should) how Hope felt.

  • Love 10

What a jackass. How could he go in the course of what, five minutes, from declaring undying love for Steffy to promising Ivy that he'd give their pseudo marriage a go? When Liam stood there and stammered to Ivy about how "messed up and wrong" his feelings for Steffy were, blah, blah, blah, I was like "wait a minute, he's said those exact words to Hope (and to Steffy.)"


Liam: What was I supposed to do? Send her packing?"

Steffy: YES! (what a spoiled, entitled bitch)


Anyway, I thought that fight scene was hysterical. That was about the all-time low of bad drama I've seen from this show in a long time. SC is so much better in scenes with DD, DB and RS. Quinn was looking mighty hot. I love her wardrobe.


JMW appears to have also had lip fillers of it's "all lip liner" Kylie Jenner /eyeroll.

  • Love 5

If a waffle flips over on it's plate and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? When Liam finds out Ivy lied to keep him (which of course she will), he's gonna be slinging butter and syrup everywhere!

Hope should send Steffy a text asking if she ever gets tired of her leftovers.

The name of this show should be changed to "The Incestuous & The Leftovers"

  • Love 9

Yeeeeess!! That was the episode. Time to eat crow Ivy and Steffy can go play with Wyatt who btw wouldn't be so into chasing all his brother's cast-offs if they had another option in his age group on the show. Ah well! Hopefully Steffy's rehabilitation from Liam will be swift and forceful, that waffle deserves to suffer and suffer some more and it's an added bonus to see Ivy suffering after spending way too much time wanking on about other people's relationships when she should have been minding her own. Still liking the Quinn/Ivy friendship though, Quinn was hysterical and adorable today, gosh Rena looks fantastic! Raya is finally back next week and I am a happy camper to see what's in store.

While Ivy's butting in was grating, I'm not sure paying more attention to Liam would have done any good. He bitches that Hope wouldn't put out and when he got with Steffy and had all the sex he wanted, he was still pining away for that twit.

I'm more irritated with Liam because I've seen his special brand of stupid play out for the last five years. Enough already.

  • Love 5

Liam is flailing his arms in the air & crying for his deep love for Steffi. He's always loved her and then.....Ivy walks in. He's in love with her and is willing to make the marriage work. Um, did I miss something? Who does he love? Why are these twits even giving him the time of day? How is it possible that Liam keeps getting all of these hot babes? He is the gayest (nothing wrong with that) straight guy I have ever seen. Seriously! His Jim Carey style of acting is so off putting. And, yet he's been the "leading man" for like 5 years or so on B&B! <My head banging on my desk>

  • Love 8

Holy crap on a cracker! I think I have whiplash from that.

Ugh, you and me both. I seriously could not believe my lying eyes or ears at that. I know I've been wavering on my Steffy love as of late, and I was starting to come around once again on Liam but today completely undid all of that. And I can't even hate on Ivy cuz all I feel is secondhand embarrassment for her. I could never walk in on my brand new husband wailing about how or marriage was in name only and therefore not real and that he's now and always has been in love with his ex... and then proceed to plead my case like I was serving up a used car sale: So you can't have the ride you want. This one's dependable and looks pretty good on you if I do say so myself, mister. So, what do I gotta do to put you behind the wheel today, chum(p)?

  • Love 10

Let's see, Liam is the prize here?  Steffy is so mad to be missing out on this guy?  Liam, you might notice that Steffy has the makings of an abuse-ess, you liked that?  There's more where that came from, if you fight for it.  Give up that beautiful, calm girl, and you can be sweeping up broken crockery every Sunday, and have your tongue tied in knots.  How will you explain those bruises on your face to the guys at work?  Cock your head, roll your eyes, and say, "Well, ah..."   

  • Love 7

I rather enjoyed Liam's near total lack of affect as Steffy smashed up his kitchen. To be fair, he was probably trying to focus on not getting a boner while watching a woman lose her mind over his trifling ass.

Is Eric working at Immigration now? That's the only possible excuse for their rank incompetence.

  • Love 12

I watch on POP after work and Mr. Diva joins me, ostensibly reading but actually watching.  His comment on Steffy's tantrum yesterday was that it was well done and exactly what someone would do in her situation -- she's hurt, she's angry, she's frustrated, she's humilitated, and she lashes out. At Liam, at Ivy, at the poor vase. 


I have to agree.  This time (who knows why) she thought Liam would finally make an unequivocal choice. But no, like the waffle he is, he waffled.  Is "Love The One You're With" his theme song and mantra?


Mr. Diva also totally called Rick's "Transgender?, No big" reaction.  Although he thinks Rick is a Grade A jerk and deserves to be punched. Repeatedly.


And my fearless prediction on Thorne's return is that Erric and Rick are bringing him back to help take down Ridge.  I don't believe for one second that Rick is done with his quest to be CEO.  His "i choose you" scene with Maya after punching BIll was just momentary euphoria.




  • Love 4

It pained me to watch Ivy STILL pleading her case to the Waffle after witnessing his declaration of "love" to Steffy. (That's aside from the fact that Ivy is achingly beautiful and Liam is favoring the Bratz doll over her--I'll never understand that.) My god, what will it take for the Waffle to end up alone at the same bar Oliver frequents, drowning his sorrows because he screwed up his love life? Has he been alone for even one effing second on this show? He just overlaps his way through women. He never gets any comeuppance for his wafflery, aside from a few cracked vases.


To be fair, he was probably trying to focus on not getting a boner while watching a woman lose her mind over his trifling ass.



My thoughts exactly. It had to be flattering for Waffles to watch a "hot biker chick who's loads of FUN!" getting all passionate because she wants him so much and can't have him (this week). I found it really emasculating to Liam, though, watching Steffy growling and smashing around the place. It looked like at any second, she was going to rip his head off, T-Rex style, and munch it down like cookies.


As for Wyatt pouncing on supposedly heartbroken Steffy within minutes of that scene, he should have been the guy to get the next slap.


Eh, I can't really fault him for seizing an open opportunity. He's $Bill's son through-and-through. Why should he pretend to be like caring & concerned Waffles when he really just wants to get laid? Plus, he can see he's having an effect on Steffy--it's not like she's pushing him away in disgust. Personally, I'm just glad he's not still pining over Hopeless, like Oliver did for YEARS after they split.


He's always loved her and then.....Ivy walks in. He's in love with her and is willing to make the marriage work. Um, did I miss something? Who does he love?


It doesn't look like love to me with Liam and any of his pairings. At best, he looks like a good buddy/big brother (to Hope and Ivy) and at worst, he looks like he's trying so hard just to keep up with the FUN! (Steffy). I think he routinely picks the petals off flowers ("I love her, I love her not, I love her") on a daily basis just to figure out which way his day should go.

Edited by Shira
  • Love 9

  UGH! Just when it seems like Liam couldn't possibly get any worse, he not only does, from the look of things, he's dragging Steffy & Ivy down with him, not that Steffy's a saint, but now Liam's bullshit has affected Ivy. Apparently, if Ivy's latest behavior is any indication, Liam's flakiness is contagious. One moment, Ivy claimed that she loves Liam (Heaven help her) and wouldn't let Steffy get in the way, another, thanks to the INS, Ivy marries Liam, claiming to play along with Liam's condition that it's a marriage in name only when she's totally in love with him for whatever reason and in still another moment, now that Ivy knows she's a citizen after all, is willing to, at the very least consider lying to Liam in order to keep him from Steffy-which, if Ivy goes through with it, would be tragic, to say the least. Ivy is the latest victim of what I call "The Liam Effect," which is Liam's way of turning previously strong, confident and competent women (or Steffy) into pathetic shadows of their former selves and in Steffy's case, she was a mess to start with and being with Liam has only made her even worse than ever. LIke I said about Rick & Maya, I would feel sorry for Steffy if she was a much better person, but she's not, to put it mildly. Steffy's confronting Liam on his hero complex proves the old saying that "even a broken clock is right twice a day." Steffy's acting butthurt about Liam's marrying Ivy, refusing to be his sidepiece again and decking him would impress me if it wasn't Steffy, who swears that she's changed, but the moment she dumps Liam, she once again settles for the next best thing to him, whether it's his dad Bill or now his brother Wyatt. Wyatt's pursuit of Steffy epitomizes the definition of insanity being doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result-which, some to think of it, also describes Ivy's marrying Liam despite knowing about his feelings du jour for Steffy-which would change again if Hope returns. 


  Liam lives to save so-called "damsels in distress" every chance he gets, but he usually ends up doing them more harm than good and Ivy is the latest example. Liam not only knows how insecure Ivy is where Steffy's concerned, he's admitted to her that her fears were justified-out of one side of his mouth, anyway-but he married Ivy anyway, both in the guise of "protecting" her and as a way to reassure Steffy that she's the love of his live because in Liam Land, nothing says romance like being with one woman while actually being in love with another. Asshole! 


  Liam doesn't want real relationships with women, he just wants to rescue them to their eternal gratitude. That's not love; that's worship. Liam's affections bounce back-and-forth so much and so fast that I've thought of a new nickname for him: "Ping-Pong." Liam also deserves that nickname because when it comes to women, I think he should be smacked upside the head with a ping-pong paddle as much and as hard as possible. 

  • Love 14

Liam's affections bounce back-and-forth so much and so fast that I've thought of a new nickname for him: "Ping-Pong."

ding ding ding we have a winner! :)


My thoughts exactly. It had to be flattering for Waffles to watch a "hot biker chick who's loads of FUN!" getting all passionate because she wants him so much and can't have him (this week).

And the funny thing is, I don't exactly buy that she was stomping around acting like a deranged 2 year old because she wanted Liam so bad.  To me it was more like an entitled, spoiled idiot who couldn't handle not getting her way.

  • Love 11

Steffy righteousness over Liam marrying her cousin....no words. Sees her right for Aspen.

Everything else was spot on what she said about him. The scene could have been improved only with her saying she was leaving to make a call to Hope in Paris to apologize. I don't think I've ever seen Ronn Moss chew scenery like those two did...so hilariously over the top. This is why I watch B&B!

I also realize, for probably the first time in B&B's history, that all the main stories are being carried by the next generation of kids. Perhaps that's out of necessity now that there are only two day one actors left and KKL and TK didn't take off with the Chem (thus no more Bridge,thank God). It's what the show should have done ten years ago instead of having every woman under 40 pining for Nick N. Sane and pairing Rick up with boring Hope prototype Phoebe.

  • Love 5

Personally, I'm just glad he's not still pining over Hopeless, like Oliver did for YEARS after they split.

Ugh, I'd forgotten about that crap! Hope is this show's Cricket Blair, minus the ambition, charm or any redeeming characteristic whatsoever.

I nearly compared her to Summer Newman, but even Hopeless doesn't deserve the insult of being compared to that cretin.

  • Love 8


Yep. In reference to what I surmised upthreat about Liam, I think that between the two brothers Wyatt is likely the better um, swordsman, and is probably working with much more impressive equipment. He apparently took ice princess Hope to new heights in the sack and seems to have some quiet confidence about his skillz.


I'm here for this.



Is there news on Sean Kanan that I missed?  Where is Deacon? They don't even mention him.  Not been on for months, it seems.



He'll be back next week.  :)

  • Love 3

How refreshing would it be if Ivy tells Liam that she is, in fact, a citizen and offers him an annulment? He accepts without hesitation, and runs back to Steffy, who has already discovered Wyatt's "talents" and opts to stay with him. Liam decides to go back to Ivy, because he now realizes that he's always loved her and always will, but she's had her eyes opened by how quickly he agreed to the annulment and tells him to fuck off.

Yeah, I know...I can already hear Ronnn Mosss growling, "it's not gonna happen!"

  • Love 18


Here's my wish for AB. I hope the writers start turn Ivy into a darker character.


sugarbaker design quote

Seriously, with Quinn relegated to comic relief, this show needs an effective, unbridled, unapologetic bitch.


You'll get your wish now that Ivy's duel citizenship issue has been cleared up and marrying Liam wasn't necessary. She honestly believes she's the right woman for Liam and that he's a faithless ass that will drop her like a hot rock if given the chance. The new citizenship information needs to be buried deep so that Liam doesn't high-tail it back to Steffy.


Withholding her citizenship status from Liam is going to significantly darken Ivy's personality.

  • Love 2

How refreshing would it be if Ivy tells Liam that she is, in fact, a citizen and offers him an annulment? He accepts without hesitation, and runs back to Steffy, who has already discovered Wyatt's "talents" and opts to stay with him. Liam decides to go back to Ivy, because he now realizes that he's always loved her and always will, but she's had her eyes opened by how quickly he agreed to the annulment and tells him to fuck off.

Yeah, I know...I can already hear Ronnn Mosss growling, "it's not gonna happen!"




An exquisite Smell the Fart and the whole bag of horrors ...

  • Love 8

eh---as awful as Liam has been and as stupid as other characters have been they do not take away from the Little Napoleon and his arm piece----as awful as others can be in their dumbness---Rick and Maya and the whole horrid giggly reign they presided over cannot be ignored---they are still at the bottom of the barrel in obnoxious---although I will admit Liam is giving them a run for their money---if they return to their supposed regal position I will be horrified but chock it up to idiots that write the show---no way has Rick paid for his "crimes" or Maya either----and Liam being stupid or Eric being senile does not absolve them either 

  • Love 8

I hope you're not trying to catch up with the episodes you missed, you will likely be sorely disappointed.


Too late! But actually I'm not all that disappointed with what went down in those episodes - as much as I couldn't agree with much that came out of Eric's mouth (especially this constant "Ridge stole Brooke from me!!!" whining that is a) wrong and b) immature), it's how it was said that gave me all the tingles. Boy howdy, did JMC and TK light a match under each other in those scenes! When Eric was giving Ridge the serve about "not quite the Forrester you think you are" and he was all, "Oh yeah! Morality", right in TK's face, I was like "Dayum Johnny spit that venom!" And his voice got all growly and throaty and he was all animated with his hands and I guess this is what people mean when they say they could listen to people read the phone book, 'cuz I could watch JMC as Eric drag Ridge all. day. long. and not be the least bit upset that what Eric was doing was way out of line. 


And then this scene when he goes from being happy to see Steffy to being absolutely disgusted with Ridge & Co staging the coup, and he says "I don't want to fight any more", and then that "Oh, oh no" thing he does, and he & TK trying to out-yell each other, just bury my rotting corpse already because that stuff slayed me.


(Sorry to drag up stuff that happened a month ago, but I'm not remotely interested in what's going on right now. Liam can't make up his mind? Whatever.)


LOL, St3ph! We know Australia is fab! That's why it's so ridiculous that Ivy's acting like she's being deported to some third-world country with no indoor plumbing.


To be fair, some places down here don't have indoor plumbing.


Welcome back, St3phForrester! Did you and Eric secretly elope?


It'd be the only explanation for Eric just disappearing from the show all of a sudden - how frustrating! We know where Rick went, but where did Eric go to lick his wounds? Did he drown his sorrows in a bottle of whiskey? Did he go to the Club or a bar or back home? And was it to the main house or is he still in the guesthouse? And where in Saddam Hussein's hell is Donna? Ridge made all this noise about disappointing his father and how hurt he would be and all the rest of it, why don't we see that? I know I'm not the only person who would be interested in watching an original, long-term B&B actor go to work on some heavy, "I've just been kicked out of my own company - again" emotional wallowing in self-despair. I don't want Eric to be reduced back to a talk-to character when there are (still) opportunities for him to be a driver of a story, even if it's a b- or c-plot. I'm not ready to give up on him yet!!!


At this point, I'd take Brooke back to get into the fight for FC ring or start something up with Eric, Ridge, Bill or Deacon. ANYTHING!!!  Move to this kindergarten theatre off the stove.


You guys know well that I'd rather give myself a hysterectomy than watch Brooke & Eric together again, but I'm willing to make the sacrifice if it means we're not going to collectively suffer through this rubbish with Steffy & Liam any longer. And I hate that my home girl Ivy is being so dumb about this. If she was on an Aussie soap she would have read Liam for filth and dumped his ass as soon as Steffy showed her plastic face. Bitch ain't about no time-share dick.

  • Love 10

I haven't had a chance to post lately but I have definitely been lurking. All I can add to the general discussion is that now I officially hate Liam. I don't even want to call him Waffles anymore because waffles are delicious either alone or with sweet  buttery toppings. But this "guy" is the literal worst. 

My viewing partner turned to me at one point and said... did the door even swing all the way closed before he went from "You are absolutely the One and I will punch at invisible bees to show you how I will never stop fighting to be with you and only you", to " well Whatserface said No, so let's make it work, Other Brunette"? 

I guess if Liam is your boyfriend/ fiance/ husband... you can't ever leave him alone. Because even if he assures you thoroughly and with Sincerity (squinty eyed dohhhh, Okay face), that you're having steak for dinner, if someone else talks to him for an uninterrupted two minutes... I hope you like fish. Because anyone can talk him into anything. I wonder if that Nigerian Prince has his email address. 

That was a long way to go to say this guy is a damp musty dishcloth and I can't believe anyone would put up with this nonsense. To quote StefFish about Ivy.. "She's a Forrester, she'll be okay".

I want Ivy to run from this fish bellied fool, but now I want her to cause Maximum Damage on her way out. Not just a broken vase either. Push him out of his Vice presidency at Forrester Creations, demand Spencer Pub stock in return for a speedy annulment. Inject him with pubic crabs somehow. 

Bang Bill, or Carter, or Othello for good measure.. since according to Liam, you are 'just dating and getting to know each other.' I hope ivy got something IN WRITING about her citizenship status from incompetent but still smug INS guy. 


On a more positive note.. G'Damn but Quinn looks good. Marriage agrees with her. 

  • Love 16

Bang Bill, or Carter, or Othello for good measure.. since according to Liam, you are 'just dating and getting to know each other.'

How about Nick so we could see Maya's head explode? :)

On a more positive note.. G'Damn but Quinn looks good. Marriage agrees with her.

Agreed, and I really like the longer hair on her.
  • Love 1

Maybe Steffy and Rick could get together for a good old-fashioned ragefest. Rick can grab a gun and pop a cap in Liam's fine china, and Steffy can smash up whatever he misses while shrieking like a kettle left on the stove too long.

Smartyshorts, your viewing partner had me at "punching invisible bees." I give that image four waffles and a pat of butter.

  • Love 12

Congrats DollEyes for winning the Give Liam a New Nickname contest! "Ping-Pong" is absolutely perfect. He's such an asshat.


And thank you smartyshorts for my new favorite phrase, "punching invisible bees". Awesomesauce!


I had to take a mental health day and skip Friday's ep. Sounds like (spoiler alert!) Liam continued waffling. And Steffy had a Hulk moment and smashed things. Talk about must-see tv! /sarcasm Though after too many years of watching GH, I don't think Steffy could ever live up to the master, Sonny Corinthos (PhD in Barware-Smashing Hissy Fits)


Sean Kanan next week? Yay! I'll have to actually watch. We haven't seen Deacon since the wedding, have we?

Edited by Maelstrom
  • Love 4

I finally got caught up with my backlog of episodes and I found Steffy's meltdown quite satisfying.  For a long time I have wanted to see someone go after Liam for his world class waffling. I would have enjoyed it more if Steffy had actually thrown something AT Liam, rather than just throwing things.  Triple bonus points if she had thrown that vase right at his head.  The name Ping Pong does fit Liam quite well except for the fact that ping pong is enjoyable; Liam not so much.  How about naming him Pong in honor of the early video game?  For those who are too young to remember Pong, it was a crude version of ping pong which you played on your TV screen, involving one small ball bouncing around the edges of the screen while two players controlling cursors tried to hit the ball back and forth.  If a player missed the ball, it went off screen for a moment but then came back.  The ball didn't stop bouncing back and forth until you turned off the TV. Just like our Liam.

  • Love 8

I finally got caught up with my backlog of episodes and I found Steffy's meltdown quite satisfying. For a long time I have wanted to see someone go after Liam for his world class waffling. I would have enjoyed it more if Steffy had actually thrown something AT Liam, rather than just throwing things. Triple bonus points if she had thrown that vase right at his head. The name Ping Pong does fit Liam quite well except for the fact that ping pong is enjoyable; Liam not so much. How about naming him Pong in honor of the early video game? For those who are too young to remember Pong, it was a crude version of ping pong which you played on your TV screen, involving one small ball bouncing around the edges of the screen while two players controlling cursors tried to hit the ball back and forth. If a player missed the ball, it went off screen for a moment but then came back. The ball didn't stop bouncing back and forth until you turned off the TV. Just like our Liam.

Brava! I approve of this logic.

This Steffy meltdown with Liam would have been a good place for self reflection, not just for the shit she pulled with Hope but to realize she's repeating the same shit as her parents and Brooke by chasing Liam and playing second fiddle. Even Taylor pointed that out on the flight home from Italy....until the marriage was deemed invalid and she saw another opportunity to use Steffy as a weapon in her fight against the Logans.

Le sigh.

  • Love 2

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