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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I don't watch a soap to see people work, I can do that IRL. It's pretty boring in fact I have no idea what most of their jobs are supposed to be, Other than the Great and Powerful CEO and Lead Model. I know some are designers of clothes or jewelry but whatever.

I mentioned Aly being OOC a while back but really to make this story "work" a lot of people are acting oddly and in ways real people would not. Who would stay at a workplace where the CEO fired a gun at you? Not me, I'd be getting a lawyer to sue that ass ASAP. And Eric is so OOC we have people speculating about Alzheimer's FFS.  But it's a soap and I don't expect reality but there is only so far to stretch my imagination. I don't want to end up like The Face of Boe.( Dr Who ref)

  • Love 6

I'm not saying I expect or even want to see Liam churning out paperwork, or Ivy and Wyatt doing whatever jewellers do, etc, on the daily. I'm not looking for a company video presentation. But I do expect at least a smidgen of realism. I never liked how Liam, both before and after his SP presidency, spends more time at Forrester than the people who work there, just like I disapprove of Ivy disappearing from FC in the middle of the day to gossip and swap spit with Liam on the rare occasions when he did show up to work. Ridge is a designer, he should focus on that and maybe they can put out a collection that consists of more than four dresses and no showstopper. I don't even know what Aly is supposed to be doing, but since I never see Oliver I can only assume he's the only one working and earning his paycheck.

  • Love 4

I've never heard anyone say Liam works hard, but this is the only board I visit. It must get hectic, popping in and out of toasters, taking long, hot showers to wash off syrup and jam, and having people butter you head to toe. Brunch must be hellish for Liam, as he dodges grabby hands and hungry mouths just to survive.

  • Love 14

I've never heard anyone say Liam works hard, but this is the only board I visit. It must get hectic, popping in and out of toasters, taking long, hot showers to wash off syrup and jam, and having people butter you head to toe. Brunch must be hellish for Liam, as he dodges grabby hands and hungry mouths just to survive.



In the beginning of the show,folks did used to manage working and pushing along the drama at the same time, such as Kirsten discussing her designs with Margo with a smooth transition to discussing how overbearing Stephanie was over her lack of a love life. And, of course,the entire balance of the show was different with five stories at once that got rotated and shuffled. We didn't get weeks upon weeks of Donna/Mark/Rocco/Katie (*groan*) drama or any other story.

  • Love 5

When I say people, I mean people on the show, not the board. Katie, Bill, and I think maybe Caroline but I can't say for sure (how would she know, anyway since she works at FC) love to gush about how hard Liam works and how much he deserved his promotion. I can only imagine that translates to him never setting foot in an office setting at all since he's now somehow also vice-president of Forrester, which makes him the best employee anywhere ever.

  • Love 2

It's funny, I think B&B does a much better job of at least indicating people do work.  (Well, maybe except for Liam.)  We've seen Quinn, with welding torch and face plate, Ivy with jewelry designs and models being assigned pieces, Rick looking at the computer, Caroline and Ridge surrounded by sketches, Oliver photographing people, Hope being Hope, Wyatt fussing about stuff, though I'm not really sure what stuff.  Anyway, except for the obligatory police officers and bartenders, we rarely see anyone at work on other soaps.   

  • Love 6

I thought Aly had finally gotten a life of her own once she started seeing Oliver, but now she's back with her obsessive behavior. I'd also thought that it was Hope she was obsessed with, but I guess it was Liam all along. Maybe she subconsciously wants Liam for herself? Remember that time she flirtingly kicked Liam's ass at tennis?

Funny...as far as I'm concerned, given a choice between Oliver and Liam, Oliver wins.Every.Single.Time.

Edited by Snaporaz
  • Love 4

Well... I hear people say he works hard at SP. I just rarely actually see Liam doing it. He's always at Forrester making out with Ivy and now chit chatting with Steffy. The most work I've seen him do recently was with the whole clean up effort after Bill started blasting Maya.

The only person I've seen working hard is Quinn in making a beautiful sword, for Liam, and an amazing letter opener for Rick. But in truth, Rick works very hard in making himself the best CEO in the history of FC

  • Love 1

I think it's probably kind of hard to show the types of work that don't involve some kind of real action. It's fairly easy to depict designing and modeling, but harder to illustrate somebody doing strategic planning or budgeting or whatever other types of stuff CEOs and VPs do. At FC and SP, that seems to be having office or steam room sex, eavesdropping, gossiping and speculating.

  • Love 2

When I say people, I mean people on the show, not the board. Katie, Bill, and I think maybe Caroline but I can't say for sure (how would she know, anyway since she works at FC) love to gush about how hard Liam works and how much he deserved his promotion. I can only imagine that translates to him never setting foot in an office setting at all since he's now somehow also vice-president of Forrester, which makes him the best employee anywhere ever.

Ah, that shit.

Yeah, the show has gotten horrible with telling us things that we don't see.

  • Love 1

I know the show tells me that Steffy is FUN, unique (just like everyone else!), and a total badass. Haven't seen it. The show told me Hope farted lavender-scented rainbows and possessed the golden treasure of virginity which she would only bestow on the most worthy of suitors as if it was the goddamned key to the Lost City of Atlantis. Never saw it.

*Shudders* I just flashed back to the seemingly endless days when the Triangle of Terror gobbled the show like a voracious giant Pac-man. Characters may have been at work, but the only conversations they shared were about Hope's and Liam's sex life or lack thereof. Characters today work like ants compared to those dark days.

  • Love 18

Thank you NinjaP.....I started watching B&B just as Bill dumped Ridge out of the copter and H/W/L were consuming the show.  I was gonna bounce but Quinn/Deacon/Ivy pulled me back in.  I missed Fun!Steffy the first go'round and am not impressed now.  Never got the allure of Hope, either....girl has the personality of a wet dishrag.  Yeah, I'm feeling bitchy today......


Liam, look under your damn nose!  Ivy is worth both of them combined....and then some.


Lovin' $Bill and his hand-wiping glee at all the shit going down at Forrester.


Good on Rick for choosing Maya.  But FC is really stupid to let her leave.  As someone upthread posted, really bad PR maneuver.  They could spin this to great advantage.

  • Love 7


But FC is really stupid to let her leave.  As someone upthread posted, really bad PR maneuver.  They could spin this to great advantage.


 They could and they probably will as I don't think this is over by a long shot. But she resigned so they are not accountable especially since Ridge and company were not in charge when she did.

I just wish they would find a narrative that is more moderate than $Bill's Neanderthal rant or Nick's After School Special. Both are extremes and I don't think most people would fall into either camp, both are silly. IMO

Rainbows don't fly out of Myra's butt simply because she conned some criminal into paying to whack off her pee-pee. Neither is she evil because of being transgender but she has with Rick's backing, treated people horribly for little reason other than she could. Just like PRick, they are two of a kind and I'm glad they are back together so I can FF more easily.


  • Love 9

Yes! And what I found super creepy is that Brooke talked endlessly about it. Is this something mothers and daughters talk about IRL? I know I would NEVER discuss with my mother!

Granted, this is the same woman that was in sobs when Deacon took Bridget's virginity over the phone. The Forresters have no idea what boundaries are.

  • Love 10

  I'm glad they are back together so I can FF more easily.

Unfortunately these writers apparently don't like happy couples and love the drama of break-ups.  Unfortunately also, when couples aren't allowed to be together and happy for more than six months, it's no longer drama but the same old boring predictable crap.

  • Love 2

This. This nonsense right here is why I just can't with Aly. I. Just. Can't. Excuse the hell out of me, where does she get off demanding to know Liam's intentions toward Ivy. Who does this girl think she is?

Aly talks a lot of shit about things she doesn't really know about, and she was bound and determined to make that meeting unprofessional. Why does she even get to be in that meeting? What was her purpose, besides derailing it? Is she the keeper of the minutes or something? I could sooner see Pam or Donna there. And of course she's against a lingerie line and all "what about Hope For The Future?". If Hope isn't there to give a fuck about it, why should anyone else? You know Ridge never gave a damn about it anyway.

And Wyatt doesn't even really know Steffy, does he? I mean I get he knows of her, but they've never really interacted. It's kinda weird... but I really don't see Liam just being fine and dandy if those two begin to gravitate towards one another.

Quinn gets a shout out as having provided the jewelry Liam was gushing over thinking it was Ivy's. Ha.

Edited by Amberosia
  • Love 6

This. This nonsense right here is why I just can't with Aly. I. Just. Can't. Excuse the hell out of me, where does she get off demanding to know Liam's intentions toward Ivy. Who does this girl think she is?

Aly talks a lot of shit about things she doesn't really know about, and she was bound and determined to make that meeting unprofessional. Why does she even get to be in that meeting? What was her purpose, besides derailing it? Is she the keeper of the minutes or something? I could sooner see Pam or Donna there. And of course she's against a lingerie line and all "what about Hope For The Future?". If Hope isn't there to give a fuck about it, why should anyone else? You know Ridge never gave a damn about it anyway.

And Wyatt doesn't even really know Steffy, does he? I mean I get he knows of her, but they've never really interacted. It's kinda weird... but I really don't see Liam just being fine and dandy if those two begin to gravitate towards one another.

Quinn gets a shout out as having provided the jewelry Liam was gushing over thinking it was Ivy's. Ha.

I just read a recap and it sounds like Aly was really off of the deep end. I don't get why she's at the meeting either. She really needs to learn how to mind her own business.


Please soap people, bring in a new man for Steffy. No more triangles because I'm pretty positive Liam is not going to appreciate Wyatt going for his sloppy seconds again. Also, Ivy needs to tone it down. Act like a confident woman. He'll appreciate that.

  • Love 1

Aly was giving me a major case of secondhand embarrassment. You're at work, lady, not high school. You're not passing a note to Liam at assembly asking him if he likes Ivy. Even after she obviously derailed the meeting, Aly still didn't take the hint and drop it. You're not the head cheerleader either, Steffy, so stop standing there wearing that superior smirk and offering to let Liam see your undies under the bleachers.


Ivy asks a question I have long wanted the answer to: why does everyone act like Steffy is some kind of goddess? "That's just the way Steffy is" doesn't fly as an excuse for all her boundary-crossing, manipulative behavior, Liam, you worthless waffle. Stop chuckling ruefully that Steffy got you in trouble with Ivy, tell Steffy to stop touching your suit, or better yet, take your ass back to Spencer Publications where there's a slim chance you know what the hell you're doing. Anyone can look at some dresses and call them sexy and elegant. I hope everyone at Forrester realizes Waffle barely has any agency and will most likely parrot whatever the others say. You're not getting any fashion insights from that guy.


Oh well, at least the picture on his company ID is cute:


  • Love 17

I just read a recap and it sounds like Aly was really off of the deep end. I don't get why she's at the meeting either. She really needs to learn how to mind her own business.


In Ally's defense, FC always had a loosey-goosey approach to attendance at board meetings.  Charlie the janitor has been to several, as well as Maya the model and Oliver the photog.  I wouldn't normally condone Aly's behavior but since it's the insufferable Steffi who's bearing the brunt of Ally's arrows I will not only condone it, I will wholeheartedly encourage it.  Where's that ax when you need one?

Edited by sugarbaker design
  • Love 6

 I wouldn't normally condone Aly's behavior but since it's the insufferable Steffi who's bearing the brunt of Ally's arrows I will not only condone it, I will wholeheartedly encourage it. 

Same here, but I can't enjoy it long since Steffy follows up with a smug smirk that makes ME want to smack her upside the head so hard that her troweled-on makeup cracks.  Or that thing she does where she dismissively stands there and texts while someone's talking to her.  If they just HAD to bring Steffy back, I wish they would have done so with a new actress & given the character a personality transplant.


Back to Aly...are the writers really THIS lazy???  It wasn't too long ago she was losing her shit over how much she hated Wyatt/Quinn at FC meetings.

  • Love 3

Have they ever had Ally confront Steffy with the fact that Steffy's mother killed her mother?  It would be a better story for Ally to seek revenge on Taylor and her children.  After all not only did Ally and Thorne lose Darla because of Taylor, they lost out on having any ownership of FC to the Marone clan.  I always thought Taylor should have given her shares of FC to Thorne and Ally and not her Marone spawn.

  • Love 7

2014: Aly is yelling at Wyatt because he's pursuing Hope who should be with Liam.

2015: Aly is yelling at Steffi because she's pursuing Liam who should be with Ivy.

If they follow following Robert's rules of order, Aly would be out of order first because of inappropriate behavior and second who is kissing who, in the CEO office, should be brought up under new business.

Wyatt, wake up, like Hope using you as second fiddle, Steffy would only need you for rebound sex at best. If you have learned anything, Brooke might have the golden cooter, but Liam possesses the golden sword.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 3
Wyatt, wake up, like Hope using you as second fiddle, Steffy would only need you for rebound sex at best. If you have learned anything, Brooke might have the golden cooter, but Liam possesses the golden sword.



At this point, I think that's all he really wants.  He gets to get laid while being Steffy's rebound guy, and he's helping out Ivy/Liam by keeping Steffy occupied. (And, hey, if anyone wants to spread the word to Hope that he's screwing Steffy, so much the better, I'm sure.  Because he can probably guess that she'd go crazy possessive/jealous, even after she willingly left him and filed for divorce).  

  • Love 4

Ivy looked extra gorgeous today. Did she lose weight? No comment on Steffy. 

Why was Ivy so upset, it was just a kiss. She does hold the title of Miss "It was only a couple of kisses" after all.  Liam should test that title some more and tell her he also made out with Hope(less) before she vanished into the ether.


Aly & her cray cray: Table for 2. Girl is seriously entertaining me.


Sorry show but I see no chemistry with Steffy and Chicken head.

  • Love 7

Ha, tricknasty,I knew there was something I was forgetting about Miss Ivy. Thanks so much for reminding me of the It Was Only A Couple Of Kisses mantra of not all that long ago. Now I'm pretty much dying to see her reaction should that be thrown in her direction. Preferably by someone with no real pertinence to the situation, just like she was. Turnabout being fair play and all that.

  • Love 3

I know the Forrester and Spencer families generally have greater than average boundary issues but Aly is taking the blue ribbon. Holy crap, is she off her meds or something? Why do they let her pull that stuff at business meetings? Ditto comments upthread, why was she even at the meeting? What is her job besides being a bluenosed busybody? Aaargh!

"We just have to understand that's how Steffy is." Seriously, Liam? What's next: "Oh, Ivy, we just have to understand that's how my peen is. It tends to slip and fall into Steffy's cooch."

  • Love 4

Holy crap, Aly. WTH??? Why was she in that transition meeting with the new FC management team? Was she there supposed to be representing Thorne or something? She's like a rabid dog. Enough is enough! What's with her new "look" anyway? The dowdy dresses, lack of makeup and unflattering hair make her look like some crazy adolescent who's been locked away in the attic all her life.


I was surprised that JMW was able to squeeze any tears out of her Botoxed face. Man, she's looking rough. Ivy was raising some really good questions today as to why everybody thinks Steffy is the end all to be all. Please enlighten us Brad Bell.


Can't Liam have a conversation with Steffy without standing 3" from her face or touching her? I swear that he is sending her mixed signals. He may tell her that she needs to back off (and a feeble attempt that was) but his body language is speaking in a different tongue entirely.

  • Love 6

Sooooo, I lasted about five minutes today before switching the channel to a bunch of reruns and finally settling on that awful Chew show, which should demonstrate how much I despise Steffy.  Wyatt just needed to stop at 'freakish.'


It sucks that they're turning Ally back into cousin crazypants and Ivy into a jealous loon.


I'm out again.  Steffy, another Liam triangle, Ally and Ivy under the wheels of the bus, and Rick/Maya are just too much boring to overcome the rest. 

  • Love 8

Ivy and Wyatt should just get together. And really, Ivy ought to be worried. Steffy is a predator and a thoughtless asshole, and Liam has a spine with the tensile strength of cotton candy. Please soap gods, stop tormenting me with excrutiating, repetitive scenes of Steffy throwing herself at Liam while ol' Waffles makes his duh face. I sense we're in for days without end of Steffy assuring everyone she has no problem working with Liam alternating with even worse scenes of her crocodile tears and blubbering about their shitty, uninteresting history. The whole shit sandwich will be garnished with FUN flashbacks that look like something out of a beer commercial crossed with the tender romance of a douche ad.

Hey, you know what would be interesting, writers? I'd like to know where Rick and Maya are going with their relationship, if Bill's rag is still getting backlash, and that Deacon and Quinn still exist. Fuck it, I'd rather watch Pam feed lemon squares to Charlie using Caroline's grabber thingy than rehash Steffy/Liam.

  • Love 17

This Aly stuff reminds me of when Pam first came on the show barking at Donna to stay away from Eric. A lot of folks wondered if she didn't want Eric for herself, to say she'd barely talked to Steph in four decades.

But then, Pam had the excuse of a brain tumor to hand wave her behavior. Not sure what Aly's excuse is.

  • Love 2

Aly was batty as ever, definitely a flashback as you guys have noted.  But I thought the entire meeting looked like grade-schoolers pretending to run a corporation, right down to them congratulating Ridge, him going, aw shucks it was nothing, and then parading in a couple of models with new dresses.


What I love is of course the new regime is not going to make Ivy happy either is it. Before she only had to worry that Rick was being a prick when she was in his face.  Now she has to worry about Steffy going after her man.  What to do, what to do.  Hey, how about a coup?

  • Love 8

This. This nonsense right here is why I just can't with Aly. I. Just. Can't. Excuse the hell out of me, where does she get off demanding to know Liam's intentions toward Ivy. Who does this girl think she is?


Aly is a cradle-to-grave adherent to all myths waxing romantic about Mother Superior Stephanie's moral leadership, spouting off about Forrester Creations traditional good taste in gentlewoman designer bloomers and frocks. 


Aly talks a lot of shit about things she doesn't really know about, and she was bound and determined to make that meeting unprofessional. Why does she even get to be in that meeting? What was her purpose, besides derailing it? Is she the keeper of the minutes or something? I could sooner see Pam or Donna there. And of course she's against a lingerie line and all "what about Hope For The Future?". If Hope isn't there to give a fuck about it, why should anyone else? You know Ridge never gave a damn about it anyway.


Ridge isn't much of a CEO if Aly can derail his first meeting of the FC braintrust; she should have held after and censured. Why Aly is in those meetings makes no sense; she heads no department, is in charge of nothing, and has no corporate responsibilities.


Aly lives in a pink cloud of romantic claptrap. Just because she believes Ivy and Liam belong together doesn't mean Liam isn't going to end up in a dozen compromising situations with Steffy that prove to the contrary. Liam is a meat puppet, easily manipulated and not worth the fuss of a chipped nail.


That TIIC are building a new twentysomthing quadrangle of suck with Ivy, Liam, Steffy and Wyatt makes me queasy.


And Wyatt doesn't even really know Steffy, does he? I mean I get he knows of her, but they've never really interacted. It's kinda weird... but I really don't see Liam just being fine and dandy if those two begin to gravitate towards one another.



I'm sure Wyatt has read $Bill's tabloids. It's back to Wyatt playing catch-up to Liam's trail of previously schtupped female conquests. 


Too bad Amber isn't haunting Los Angeles.  <ducking>. 


Quinn gets a shout out as having provided the jewelry Liam was gushing over thinking it was Ivy's. Ha.


That's sure to bite him in the ass later. Ivy will be berating him for not supporting her products for the new regime.



It shouldn't be long before the Forrester Creations circular firing squad assembles in the public square.

  • Love 5

I believe that Aly was in the meeting because they were going to talk about her shoe line but she threw a hissy fit instead. Go back to your Renaissance Fair and STFU.

Ivy, jealousy is a sign of ownership and not love. Steffy can fish for Liam all she wants it, it doesn't mean that he will take the bait. You have to trust Liam to keep yourself in tact.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 2

I guess Ashlyn Pierce was looking too much like her real-life model self, so they had to dowdy her down to make JMW look better in comparison.

Yet it didn't work. Ashlyn Pierce would look stunning in a paper sack. The only way they could make her look bad is if they changed her lip shape so it doesn't look like any real lip shape and gave her some rats' nest ombré hair. You know like Janice the muppet, or JMW.

  • Love 6

Yet it didn't work. Ashlyn Pierce would look stunning in a paper sack. The only way they could make her look bad is if they changed her lip shape so it doesn't look like any real lip shape and gave her some rats' nest ombré hair. You know like Janice the muppet, or JMW.

You are SO right :)


Ivy, jealousy is a sign of ownership and not love. Steffy can fish for Liam all she wants it, it doesn't mean that he will take the bait. You have to trust Liam to keep yourself in tact.

Exactly!  It's not like Steffy has these magical powers of hypnosis that render men helpless...although I think we are supposed to believe that she does.  I can totally see Ivy having a problem with Steffy and her wall of smug, but her real problem should be with the weak willed Liam.

  • Love 5

That was some transition meeting. If this is a preview of coming attractions, Ridge, you're in trouble. Good luck corralling these children you've put in positions of leadership. And instead of shutting their high school bullshit down like the boss you are supposed to be, what do you do? You just end the meeting, leaving them free to bicker some more. Yeah, that'll teach them.


Ivy - repeat after me. My name is Ivy, not Hope, but keep on acting like the jealous girlfriend (a thing which sends Steffy into overdrive) and send Liam straight into Steffy's arms. And LMAO forever that a few kisses were just fine and dandy and gush-worthy for the very-married Caroline and engaged-Ridge in Ivy's eyes but now that chickens are coming home to roost, she doesn't like it AT ALL. Imagine that.


Aly needs some therapy although I wonder if her new fixation with Steffy isn't a by-product of Steffy being Taylor's daughter. That make up session with the plastic one was a little too easily said and done for me - I wouldn't mind if they explored that angle with Steffy. It sure would be a welcome break from what is certain to be the next quadrangle. 

  • Love 2

I did have to laugh though at Liam's slack-jawed expression when he thought Quinn's pieces were of Ivy's making. Way to notice your girlfriend's work there, partner. Remind me again why, exactly, Liam is qualified to do anything at FC (let alone SP). 


I also chuckled when Wyatt described Steffy as this:



  • Love 4

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