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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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That's what I thought, but didn't Nicole say on Wednesday's show something to the effect of "I want to hear what I think I know from you". So did she know for sure or just strongly suspect?

I can't really fault Rick for this. Sorry if this is TMI, but I'm a runner & haven't had a period since forever & my gynecologist said it's quite common, so something like that could have been the reason Maya gave.

I think that Nicole knew but just wanted Maya to confess.

Maya might not of needed implants because hormonal replacement, estrogen, can cause breast enlargement. Also, if implants were done, they could have gone through the naval. Rick's equipment, Maya's lack of one sexual desire, or grooming habits could have contributed to Rick's PRS. Or it could be that Rick was too busy fantasizing about his CEOship to notice. Rick seems to be so wrapped up in himself that he calls out his own name in the throws of ecstasy.

Because of low body mass, many runners and other female athletes have to stop their workout routines to get pregnant. Models, who we have to believe Maya is one, can also be included with women who have low body mass.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 5

This board has really come alive since the big SEKRIT came out and I have enjoyed reading everyone's posts, but I think you guys are giving the writers too much credit. This is obviously something they pulled out of their asses at the last minute because of Linsey Godfrey's accident. Karla herself said that this storyline was a surprise to her, so please expect it to be handled along the lines of Brooke's 3 week descent into alcoholism...Sorry to be a buzzkill

I think I'm okay with it being a last minute storyline change, as long as they follow it all the way through (ie fully explain her story, what happened with the baby, treat the transgendered aspect of her character with respect etc) . I'm not opposed to soaps throwing me for a loop with a nearly unbelievable surprising twist. As long as it's fully fleshed out Im usually a fan of it. I mean if the goal was to make Maya instantly more interesting they definitely did that. And kudos to them for keeping this plot completely under wraps. Didn't hear any spoilers and that made this hit like an earthquake.

I think KM speaking out in the press about the story is a good sign. It holds her accountable and I think it holds the writers accountable as well. I get the vibe they would love nothing more than to be receiving GLAAD awards for this storyline next year lol.

Regarding Rick not noticing any physical differences I'm consigning what others said about hormones => breasts. One thing ive learned from dating women is that they're all built a little differently. Plus even if she did have implants (I can confirm nowadays there is very little scaring) it's highly likely Rick has dated women with implants before in Bell-A. I'm also certain he's like his mother who isn't able to notice small differences between the fleshy parts of different partners. Im sure a fleshy hole is a fleshy hole for him. Lol

Edited by luvlee2003
  • Love 6
Or it could be that Rick was too busy fantasizing about his CEOship to notice. Rick seems to be so wrapped up in himself that he calls out his own name in the throws of ecstasy.



There should be laws about making statements like that, cause that shit cost me an entire mouthful of hot, delicious DD coffee! 


But, it is so on point.

  • Love 14

This is LA, doesn't every woman have scars around her breasts?


Especially a woman he knows wants to be in the entertainment industry. 


As for the period thing, there are also ways to use some forms of birth control so that you don't get your period for several months at a stretch, to the point where you can, essentially, decide when you get it.  If it occurred to him to be curious about it, she could have just told him it was her birth control. 

  • Love 1

While I agree with all the positive feedback re: the transgender storyline, there's one thing that bothers me: Shouldn't Rick (by now) have seen and/or asked about the obvious (implant) scars around Maya's breasts? Also, without being overly graphic...and I know modern medicine has made excellent strides, but the female architecture can't be exactly as nature intended.

There have been some trans females that, if treated earlier in life, have in fact managed to get to a natural B cup with the typical hormone treatment.

As for the....er, other surgery, I don't know too much about that. I've heard stories of women going into the bathroom to lube up beforehand to keep the appearance of a natal woman, but I doubt that's been the case for Maya with all the spontaneous fucking she and Rick do.

  • Love 3
As for the....er, other surgery, I don't know too much about that. I've heard stories of women going into the bathroom to lube up beforehand to keep the appearance of a natal woman, but I doubt that's been the case for Maya with all the spontaneous fucking she and Rick do.



I'm sure they've already discovered some lube in dear old Dad's nightstand drawer.   

  • Love 7

This board has really come alive since the big SEKRIT came out and I have enjoyed reading everyone's posts, but I think you guys are giving the writers too much credit. This is obviously something they pulled out of their asses at the last minute because of Linsey Godfrey's accident. Karla herself said that this storyline was a surprise to her, so please expect it to be handled along the lines of Brooke's 3 week descent into alcoholism...Sorry to be a buzzkill

Brooke's foray into alcoholism didn't make headlines. They're committed to seeing this through now. KM says in the interview that it's going to play out over a long time.

So much interesting and good discussion here. Before I saw the links you guys posted, I kind of though that Monday's show would be Maya laughing hysterically because Nicole was so off base. I'm very curious about where they're going to take this storyline, but it does seem like they have done some research in to transsexuals and aren't just going to play it for laughs or shock value, but instead plan to treat it somewhat realistically (it is a soap, after all; none of us are expecting 100% reality!). For those that don't know, many transsexual women are able to have sex with men without the man realizing or even suspecting, especially in the last few years as the surgical technology has improved so much. The man may feel or notice some differences, but all women are different from each other in some way, and I don't think most men automatically assume that any anatomical difference they notice is due to sex reassignment surgery. Not to go too overboard here, but there are many women who have not had reassignment surgery who have shallow vaginas, or (as mentioned) absent periods, or breast surgery scars, or pain in certain sexual positions and so do not participate in them, etc. all that to say, I have no problem believing that Rick wouldn't have been suspicious.

I just wanted to say that I loved posting here (even though I didn't agree with everything), but today's B&B was a deal breaker for me. On a show that named a child Dayzee and has never been able to sustain or write for black characters, I was excited about Maya and about Raya. When I believed that they were making Raya a viable couple, I was interested. Now? With this? I don't like it and I don't appreciate it. I don't want to read about any social awareness they are trying to bring because they had a million characters that they could do it with and they chose Maya--I don't like it. So I'm out. I hope their ratings plummet.

I'm sorry you don't like it, but to me it makes some sense that they would choose Maya for this storyline. I don't know every character's history, but I do that Maya didn't come to the show until she was adult. Any character who was "born" on the show couldn't possibly do this story. Moreover, the female to male sexual reassignment process is generally more difficult and, from my understanding that may well be wrong, more easily "detectable." So, women that were not born on the show and that no one on screen knew as a child doesn't leave too many options.

Before she and Rick became intimate, she should have come clean and told Rick her secret. Through the industry my wife worked in and my daughter has worked in, we've met many transsexuals and cross dressers. We've heard many storied where these facts have not been brought to light, up front, and it has not turned out well but we've heard many more stories of lasting relationships and love when potential partners are up front with each other.

This is so tricky. Before you become physically intimate with someone, you often are still developing the emotional intimacy, and you often don't really know if the relationship is going anywhere. I've certainly never told a boyfriend all of my deepest darkest secrets before we slept together. Some private stuff, absolutely, but not everything. And it's not as if Maya lied to Rick - she is a woman. At the same time, I can understand the sense of betrayal a partner might feel to find out years after starting a relationship. And I can understand the hurt of the transexual person if the partner is upset, angered, or even worse, disgusted by finding out, rather it's before or after they've started a sexual relationship. Like I said, tricky, and I suspect there is no right answer for all individuals or couples.

ETA: this is already so long, but I need to point out: THIS IS NOT HOW ALCOHOLISM WORKS.

Edited by Turtle
  • Love 14
I think you guys are giving the writers too much credit. This is obviously something they pulled out of their asses at the last minute because of Linsey Godfrey's accident. Karla herself said that this storyline was a surprise to her, so please expect it to be handled along the lines of Brooke's 3 week descent into alcoholism...Sorry to be a buzzkill


This storyline has been 3 months in the making ... since December. KM said that's when the story was pitched to her as well. Also via BB's interview w. The Daily Beast:  "Bell denies the storyline is a short-term, sensationalist shot in the arm. B&B plans to stick with the storyline, and the media group GLAAD has been collaborating on the scripts."


PS: Linsey's accident occurred in mid February. Thus, this was not an s/l to accommodate her.

Edited by Samantha84

Yes, all relationships are trickey and I do believe not every sorted detail needs to be disclosed unless there are severe health issues like STD's. The main problem in Rick's and Maya's relationship is Rick's insistence of honesty and loyalty. Yes, Maya was loyal to a fault but how long did she think she could keep her secret and how long did she think that someone other than Nicole would recognize her. After all she was famously "The Face of Forester" and not hiding in Dayzees apartment. Half of me wants Rick to stay with Maya and show a Leapord can change its spots but the other half of me wants Rick and Maya to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune because they are shit heels. But than again, I don't want Maya to be chastise for being transsexual. I want Rick to say, if he is going to break up with her, that she lied to him and not that she is transsexual. The same as I want the rest of the Foresters, Spencers, Logans to call Maya out for being a bitch and being a gold digger. In any case, there will be controversy. I'm glad that the writers are consulting experts in this field and hopefully are not broaching the subject in a totally soap opera like fashion.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 5

Brad Bell must surely understand the skepticism of longer time viewers that B&B can handle this story with any competence, especially those of us who remember Jack Marone.  For those not familiar with that storyline, Nick Marone was married to Taylor Hayes Forrester and they wanted to have a child together but Taylor was no longer fertile. Taylor chose a surrogate egg donor and became pregnant through IVF.  The twist to the story is that the eggs used were not from the surrogate but from Taylor's longtime nemesis Brooke.  What could have been a great soap opera story went totally off the rails.  Instead of Brooke and Taylor fighting for Jack, the story was that Jack rejected Taylor--wouldn't breast feed, wouldn't bond with her, but liked Brooke and Taylor had trouble bonding with Jack who cried all the time and reminded her of Brooke.  The message was that biology is everything and Jack knew who his "real" mother was and it wasn't the woman who gave birth to him.  That s/l was quite the slap in the face to adoptive families and couples who can only have children through IVF.  The whole mess finally ended with Nick leaving LA with Jack and not returning since. 

  • Love 7
Half of me wants Rick to stay with Maya and show a Leapord can change its spots but the other half of me wants Rick and Maya to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune because they are shit heels. But than again, I don't want Maya to be chastise for being transsexual. I want Rick to say, if he is going to break up with her, that she lied to him and not that she is transsexual. The same as I want the rest of the Foresters, Spencers, Logans to call Maya out for being a bitch and being a gold digger.



This sums up my feelings perfectly; any dissing on Maya/Myron should be based on her actions and lying to Rick, not on her being transgender. At the same time, being transgender should not absolve her of her mean and trifling behavior towards Rick's family and friends. Let them all have at her, they can tell her she is a lying bitch, and a gold digging heaux, but none of that should be based on her sexual persuasion. 


Actually, with this being LA, and the fashion industry, and having a gay couple on the (sometimes) canvas, I would like to see Maya be embraced by all for having the courage to follow through on such a scary, life changing, and potentially ostracizing procedure. They can dislike her all they want for being a mean girl, but respect her courage at the same time. That would blur the lines, and would cause each character to deal with their own prejudices and beliefs, and would, I think, make the telling and unfolding of Maya/Myron's journey all the more compelling. 

  • Love 8

Brad Bell must surely understand the skepticism of longer time viewers that B&B can handle this story with any competence, especially those of us who remember Jack Marone. For those not familiar with that storyline, Nick Marone was married to Taylor Hayes Forrester and they wanted to have a child together but Taylor was no longer fertile. Taylor chose a surrogate egg donor and became pregnant through IVF. The twist to the story is that the eggs used were not from the surrogate but from Taylor's longtime nemesis Brooke. What could have been a great soap opera story went totally off the rails. Instead of Brooke and Taylor fighting for Jack, the story was that Jack rejected Taylor--wouldn't breast feed, wouldn't bond with her, but liked Brooke and Taylor had trouble bonding with Jack who cried all the time and reminded her of Brooke. The message was that biology is everything and Jack knew who his "real" mother was and it wasn't the woman who gave birth to him. That s/l was quite the slap in the face to adoptive families and couples who can only have children through IVF. The whole mess finally ended with Nick leaving LA with Jack and not returning since.

I would like to add that the biggest reason this story was dropped was because KKL justifiably and understandably said she did not want yet another go-around with Nick. Jack,like most soap children between the age of birth to puberty, was a plot device that was mean to unite Brooke and Nick, then quickly sent up the stairs with Ritchie Cunningham and Judy Winslow when that plan fell through.

It was stupid because next to Hope, Jack had the best potential to have some great story when he came of age. What if TIIC had decided to go the Jill/Katherine route and Jack became this show's Philip? I'd much rather have sat through Taylor and Brooke compete for Jack's affections than Ridge's.

  • Love 5


While I agree with all the positive feedback re: the transgender storyline, there's one thing that bothers me: Shouldn't Rick (by now) have seen and/or asked about the obvious (implant) scars around Maya's breasts?


sugarbaker design quote

This is LA, doesn't every woman have scars around her breasts?


Uhh, no. Breast augmentation surgery does not involve being fileted like a salmon.


As in so many medical practices, money, expertise and reputation are key in getting optimal results; a major consideration in sex reassignment surgery.

Turtle quote

ETA: this is already so long, but I need to point out: THIS IS NOT HOW ALCOHOLISM WORKS.


^^^ This needs to be repeated a couple hundred times.


It is also the reason I have no confidence in Brad Bell's producing the Maya/Myron storyline with any level of respect or regard for the subject. 

  • Love 5

Collinwood, on 20 Mar 2015 - 10:57 PM, said:

Brad Bell must surely understand the skepticism of longer time viewers that B&B can handle this story with any competence, especially those of us who remember Jack Marone. For those not familiar with that storyline, Nick Marone was married to Taylor Hayes Forrester and they wanted to have a child together but Taylor was no longer fertile. Taylor chose a surrogate egg donor and became pregnant through IVF. The twist to the story is that the eggs used were not from the surrogate but from Taylor's longtime nemesis Brooke. What could have been a great soap opera story went totally off the rails. Instead of Brooke and Taylor fighting for Jack, the story was that Jack rejected Taylor--wouldn't breast feed, wouldn't bond with her, but liked Brooke and Taylor had trouble bonding with Jack who cried all the time and reminded her of Brooke. The message was that biology is everything and Jack knew who his "real" mother was and it wasn't the woman who gave birth to him. That s/l was quite the slap in the face to adoptive families and couples who can only have children through IVF. The whole mess finally ended with Nick leaving LA with Jack and not returning since.


Anna Yolei quote

I would like to add that the biggest reason this story was dropped was because KKL justifiably and understandably said she did not want yet another go-around with Nick. Jack,like most soap children between the age of birth to puberty, was a plot device that was mean to unite Brooke and Nick, then quickly sent up the stairs with Ritchie Cunningham and Judy Winslow when that plan fell through.

It was stupid because next to Hope, Jack had the best potential to have some great story when he came of age. What if TIIC had decided to go the Jill/Katherine route and Jack became this show's Philip? I'd much rather have sat through Taylor and Brooke compete for Jack's affections than Ridge's.


Whatever the politics between actors, Bn'B producers and writers, wiping the Marone family off the map was a mistake. A drama-prone family that incorporated sex appeal and the fashion industry, they also changed the bloodline and family history of the Forrester's; Ridge, Stephanie and Eric's lives always had the Marone asterisk incorporated with their name. The Marone's generated much-needed business storylines between Forrester Creations and Jackie M Designs, formerly Spectra (sorely missing at present -- the Spencer hostile takeover is a revenge plot), the sexual rivalry between Stephanie/Jackie, Nick/Ridge and Jackie/Bridget ranged from hilarious to lunatic. It is unfortunate that Brooke learned nothing about herself from her relationship with Nick, managing to permanently damage her relationship with Bridget.

  • Love 2

WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH woah woah woah woah, woah, woah... woah.




Hold on a minute.


Stop the presses for a second here.


Forget this "Maya's really a man" hoo-hah and answer me this:


What's with Ridge and Bill drinking beers together?!?!?1




Colour me shocked.


I'm sure they've already discovered some lube in dear old Dad's nightstand drawer.


Oh God no eww gross no no no don't be using your old man's lube that's nasty.

  • Love 6

WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH woah woah woah woah, woah, woah... woah.




Hold on a minute.


Stop the presses for a second here.


Forget this "Maya's really a man" hoo-hah and answer me this:


What's with Ridge and Bill drinking beers together?!?!?1


$Bill downs his beer with gusto, and takes the empty bottle by the neck. He rears back and wallops NuRidge on the Art, Fart Jean-Paul Sartre side of his head, stifling his designing abilities a second time. 'The Stallion' gallops home, a job well done.


All is Boo Hoo-ness at Forrester Creations now that everyone knows NuRidge cannot put crayon to construction paper. Black armbands are worn and mourning bunting is draped at Forrester Creations without NuRidge's artful insight and pointless bitching.


Caroline looks at the nude NuRidge painted of her with new eyes and wonders what she saw in the aging Lothario, "I know I look better than that." NuRidge whimpers impotently at the iniquity of his fate, becoming a greater pain in the ass than normal. He drives Caroline away with his constant bellyaching, seething with juvenile jealousies at her talent and youth.


Rick hires several journeymen/women clothing designers to take NuRidge's place, breathing new life into Forrester Creations design catalog, and the cashboxes overflow tenfold, leading Eric to muse, "I should have ignored that frigid crone Stephanie, and fired the bastard years ago."

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 11

Good job B&B!  I sure as hell didn't see "Myron" coming.


Rick will be super pissed (for being fooled and lied to).  This will be some fun fallout.  Be interesting to see everybody else's reaction. 


Caroline's gonna faint then get really pissed.


Poor Carter will be doing the eeewwwwwwww dance all over the office.

  • Love 2
Poor Carter will be doing the eeewwwwwwww dance all over the office.

Well, IMO he sort of deserves the humiliation for having been such a hasty fool. However he does have a right to be pissed because Maya never gave him the opportunity to decide whether he wanted to go there or not. I guess her surgery must have been pretty darn good if she's fooled two guys who are hardly virgins and should know their way around a woman's body.


Caroline's gonna faint then get really pissed.


Yeah, next to Rick I think Caroline's got the biggest right to be pissed. Maya blew up their marriage with this whole "honesty" stuff and there she was holding the biggest secret ever. It'd be nice if this show was on cable so we could see Caroline really cuss Maya out with all the words that can't be said on broadcast TV.

  • Love 3

I'm so back and forth on this.  Generally, transexual people feel that they were born in to the wrong body from a very young age; as in, a transexual man always felt like he was a man, but was born anatomically a woman.  So, is it really a lie to not volunteer that you were born with different genitalia than what you currently have?  Maya most likely always felt like she was a woman, and now her outside matches her inside, to put it simply.  How is it betrayal, especially if it's never come up in their relationship?  She didn't lie; she is a woman.  I don't see it as her fooling him; she's being who she is.  If they had been talking about having children together, she absolutely should have told him that wasn't possible, but otherwise, I just don't know.  Different scale, I know, but am I required to tell a man that I was born with an extra toe or vestigial tail that was surgically removed?  Have I betrayed him if I don't?  Is presenting myself as a person who naturally doesn't have a tail a lie?  It's confusing.


On the other hand, I can understand Rick or others having a freak-out moment upon finding out, because it's not something any of us deal with on a regular basis, and I can see how it would be shocking.  I guess I'm saying I don't think it *should* be a huge deal, or worthy of spazzing out over, or a reason for anyone to be ashamed or disgusted.  But I know it is, again because it's different than what we know.  I hope that despite the initial shock Rick and others are going to have, we also see some honest discussions about it, both with and about Maya, and all that transsexualism entails.  And I hope that this storyline doesn't turn Maya in to a Very Special Person who everyone gives a pass to.  She's horrible, and should be held accountable for that.  

  • Love 6

I so agree!  BTW, doesn't it cost a lot of money to have gender reassignment surgery?  How was "Myron," "Maynard," or whomever able to pay for the surgery?

maybe that is why she was in jail? Maya stole the money to get her reassignment surgery?

"Orange Is The New Black" has a very similar storyline thread - it wouldn't surprise me in the least if TIIC are attempting a copy of that story.

I love all of this discussion between us here on this board, and I’m really glad that the mainstream media picked up this story, because I think it’ll really hold the writers accountable to do this story justice. I’m hoping, anyway.


My main takeaway so far, is this is actually a believable secret, which I didn’t think would happen. In today’s world, with the internet a fingertip away, it’d be unbelievable  for “Maya” to hide a life-altering secret, like being a murderer or having a 2nd child, IE Nicole, born when she was way under-age or something of the sort, because someone would remember her and blast it on the interwebs, since she’s a world-famous model. However, “Myron” could pretty easily disappear, and “Maya” could realistically just appear in a different part of the country without any baggage (besides familial-baggage, but I could see family members not drawing attention to the situation entirely, especially since it didn’t seem like the parents were accepting at all). At least this part, so far, is pretty believable to me.


I’m kinda loving this storyline and the potential it has. Please don’t disappoint me, writers.

  • Love 6

 So, is it really a lie to not volunteer that you were born with different genitalia than what you currently have?  

You have to remember, this is a soap.  If a character says he's going to the kitchen to get a drink of water but decides to go to the bathroom instead, THAT constitutes a "you lied to me!!!" moment.

  • Love 6

The conversation with Maya/Nicole feels like a real one that a real family would have and questions real people would ask in this situation. Great writing.

Maya/Nicole brought their A game today. I have to admit they brought tears to my eyes. Maya's story was true to form an not soap like at all. With that said, the scene between Katie and Little Cesar set the stage, once again, for rejecting Maya. Too much emphasis is placed on lying, as a deal breaker, to see Rick have any other reaction. He will not accept Maya's explanation that she didn't lie because she always felt like a woman. Now kids have been brought up and I can't see Rick wanting to adopt. It's not in his nature to accept and love a child not of his blood.

  • Love 6

Well, she didn't, obviously.  According to the interview posted by Artsda above, it sounds like there was, indeed, a baby, but it wasn't Maya's biologically.  That, and Maya's backstory with Jesse, will have to be explained a bit more.

Maybe Jesse used to be Jessie! There is an actual case of a woman going through the sex change process keeping her lady plumbing long enough to have a child. The headlines were stuff like the "pregnant man!"

  • Love 1

The Bold and the Beautiful Star on How Transgender Twist 'Connects Dots'


Thanks for posting, it's a pretty good interview. The comments, on the other hand? Sheesh..I have no words. It's really jarring to read stuff like that, even once you get past the terrible grammar and spelling. It makes me grateful for this board, where the comments come from people who are intelligent, insightful, witty, and you know, NOT illiterate, inbred, racist, homophobic troglodytes.

I will never take you guys for granted. No joke.

Maya and Nicole were really good today. I'm looking forward to seeing how all of this plays out.

  • Love 15

I laughed out loud at Brooke spraying the can of air freshener after Deacon left. I know it was to mask the odor of booze, but it reminded me of the old scene where Bridget (Jennifer Finnigan) dumped Deacon and one of the insults she hurled at him was "you stink!" (referring to his boozing and chain smoking habits.)


Katie needs to take several seats. Nosy?

  • Love 4

while Im finding the Myra/Myron storyline shocking and interesting,(for now), it can get old very fast, if it isn't done properly and in balance. It doesn't need to be the forefront of the show. There are more interesting stories available if they would spend some time developing them  instead of just throwing something out there as a "hook".

  • Love 2

Isn't that what these writers do though? When I started watching last year the "hook" was Hope/Liam/Wyatt that they couldn't get away from. After Hope left it was then the SL with Rick and Maya that they couldn't seem to get past. Obviously no long-term viewer here, but I assumed real fast that even if this wasn't the way it used to be on this show, that it's just how they do it now. As tiring as it is...

Edited by nicolin
  • Love 4

So, it seems that Maya comes from your traditional mid-west family that hides their prejudices and intolerance behind their religion. UGH! Now, don't misunderstand, I have nothing against religion, that is until it is used to condemn, and pass judgement on those that choose to be different, and is held up as some kind of banner proclaiming the bearer as superior. This makes me very sad for Myron, who is the one that actually suffered as a child. It also makes me admire his courage; the current was rough enough without the parents disapproval thrown in. And it seems Nicole may share her parent's beliefs, because she did call Maya a freak, of course that could be her anger and confusion talking too. What is getting me, is how torn I am with the rightness and the wrongness of Maya not telling. This seems like such a personal and monumental choice; one that entails mental and physical stress and pain, and I am sure many legalities. 


I think Karla and Reign did a good job with that material; I see that as a good start to this SL.


What was with the random scene of Brooke spraying her mansion with Febreze, then sitting down and smiling to herself? 


Deacon needs to clarify that his AA buddy is female; he doesn't have to disclose who she is, but Quinn is going to be pissed that Deacon let her go on thinking he was helping a man. 


Why do Katie and Rick even bother? They clearly don't like each other, hell, Rick couldn't even be bothered to go to Katie's wedding, and the underlying snark and nastiness in their statements to each other almost make them seem like an ex husband and wife. 


Rick is in for a rude awakening if he thinks there is someone out there who has never told a lie or fabricated a story. And really, shouldn't a relationship be based on more than that? Sure, you want honesty, but what about love and commitment? Having like minded ideas? Wanting the same thing in the future? It is just so ridiculous to base everything on honesty "oh, my wife would never tell a lie, but at the same time she is a faithless heaux", or "my wife is the most honest person in the world, never mind that she is an ax murderess and will cut your dick off". 

  • Love 10

Now that was some fine soap.  Emmy reel for both gals.  KM was so good.  Mr. Songbird doesn't watch but I'm going to make him watch this ep (minus Katie/Rick...set up for the lying aspect much?).


Just awesome.  Hope they can keep it up.


And I'm with Snaporaz about the folks here.  I don't go to any other sites (except Serial Drama....those gals are hilarious).  I tried others but, damn.  Y'all are witty, intelligent and snarky.  My kind of people.


Carry on.



eta.....RuntheTable......get the hell out of my head.....

Edited by OhioSongbird
  • Love 5

Oops, posted something in the wrong thread...


Anyways, back to B&B, yeah I think the actresses who play Maya and Nicole did a fabulous job. There's a fine line to walk to keep this from becoming campy and demeaning or preachy and condescending. Meanwhile, since when is it Katie's job to climb up Rick's derriere? You'd think she'd still be basking in the afterglow of her honeymoon instead sticking her nose into situation that's been settled, at least as far as the primary concerned parties are concerned. I guess when the truth about Maya comes out she'll be one of the first in line to rub Rick's nose in it.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 4

Why do Katie and Rick even bother? They clearly don't like each other, hell, Rick couldn't even be bothered to go to Katie's wedding, and the underlying snark and nastiness in their statements to each other almost make them seem like an ex husband and wife. 

Haha! That's an interesting comparison. Well, until Amber came along Katie was the babysitter. So I guess their bad blood goes back a long way.

  • Love 2

One thing that I'm finding a bit unbelievable about this is that if Maya's family was THAT judgmental and that torn up about this that they would cast her out of the family entirely, it seems unlikely to me that Nicole would grow up thinking she had a sister that she never got to see.  It seems to me that they would have told her she had a brother that she never got to see.  If they were talking about her as a woman, that alone seems to be a measure of acceptance.

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Nicole didn't know she had a sibling at all until an aunt at a wedding told her to say hello to her sister.  The first time she saw Maya, she presented as a woman.  I think it would have caused even more uncomfortable questions for her parents, if they would have insisted that the aunt was wrong and that she had a brother.  Particularly so after Maya showed up instead of Myron.

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