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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I think that last part is a big part of everyone's problem - Rick has screwed over everyone in his revenge schemes.  It isn't just about Caroline and Ridge.  


 Ivy didn't do anything to him except find out the big secret and she didn't even out it, he did that himself. Aly didn't do anything to him either and he's treating her like shit for not kissing his butt boo-boo.

  • Love 6

 Ivy didn't do anything to him except find out the big secret and she didn't even out it, he did that himself. Aly didn't do anything to him either and he's treating her like shit for not kissing his butt boo-boo.


Exactly!  If I was either of them, I would be yelling at him "I didn't cheat on you!"  He invades their home, runs roughshod over them at work, and is just, in general, a real shit to them.  Makes it really easy to choose Caroline's side. 


Steffy saying to Liam "are you dense?" had me laughing.  You're just figuring that out?  

  • Love 7

Oh Brooke...no. She's going to use sex to put Caroline in her place? This is personal growth? As a woman, I find this kind of writing offensive. And she flirtatiously brags about this amazing plan to Deacon? So much bullshit and not enough shovels in the world to clean it up. Hey, Brooke, you know what else puts a person in their place? Words.

I'm surprised Steffy didn't dry hump Wyatt's leg. I mean, it probably still has Hope's scent on it. Oh, and she'd probably shoot too if she saw her father crawling all over a younger woman? Hilarious. Isn't she such a bad ass? I don't recall her firing at Eric when he was crawling all over her mom.

While I can't stand Steffy, I loathe the insulting writing for her character even more. She's ready to be CEO and kick some ass and take some names until her wimmins feelz make it toooo hard. She's going to take back the family business but she wuuubbbssss Liam so much she can't work with him (never mind that they wouldn't necessarily need to ever see each other just because they both work for the same large company).

I really didn't need those Usher flashbacks.

Watched the show at my mom's today, so I couldn't ff Steffy. It hurt, people.

  • Love 13

At this point, I'm not even sure I'm up for CarRidge and that's mainly because of Ridge/Rick.  Love TK but wish he wasn't a legacy character with a really crappy history and tons of baggage.


Marriages fail all the time, especially in the first few years.  (Not that I approve, just an observation.) It would be nice it the show gave us some introspection or self-awareness on Caroline's part as to why she was so susceptible to Ridge.  

  • Love 5

Wow!  Ridge and Caroline were smoking hot today.  I can't believe how much I like the two of them together, because just a few months ago I hated Ridge.  Really hope they don't screw up this pairing.


Steffy is a fucking idiot and in need of some serious psychological help.  Your dad is alive and for some reason likes you, so why not enjoy it instead of whining and carrying on that he's not satisfying your weird expectations?  Please go away, dumbass.


Brooke is pathetic.

  • Love 9
Wow!  Ridge and Caroline were smoking hot today.  I can't believe how much I like the two of them together, because just a few months ago I hated Ridge.  Really hope they don't screw up this pairing.



I think I would have found that whole painting thing unbearably cheesy if it was anyone else.  But it worked for them. 

  • Love 5

I get that people want to continue to speak to this version of villain Rick that is on the screen right now, but I still contend that we probably wouldn't have this Rick if his family stepped up earlier. There were no schemes at the beginning of this: there was only a man acting out in his hurt. His wife and brother got the brunt of it, and Carter got some residual, but nothing he did, IMO, was so off putting to his immediate family members that it would have stopped them from reaching out, but they didn't. He flaunted an affair. Okay...? I think that when most people engage in destructive behavior, that clues their family in to the fact that they need some kind of help. Brother's keeper and all that jazz.

So now Ridge paints. :-|

Pointless Amber and Usher flashback. I am glad that they apparently couldn't reair that horrific duet of "Slow Jam" that they performed, though.

  • Love 3

I get that people want to continue to speak to this version of villain Rick that is on the screen right now, but I still contend that we probably wouldn't have this Rick if his family stepped up earlier. There were no schemes at the beginning of this: there was only a man acting out in his hurt. His wife and brother got the brunt of it, and Carter got some residual, but nothing he did, IMO, was so off putting to his immediate family members that it would have stopped them from reaching out, but they didn't. He flaunted an affair. Okay...? I think that when most people engage in destructive behavior, that clues their family in to the fact that they need some kind of help. Brother's keeper and all that jazz.


 But this is the PRick that we do have.  I could contend that Maya was not going to allow anyone to get in the way of what she wanted anyway. His family may have helped but she was there attached to his ass and wallet.

  • Love 5

Brooke is too damn old to be playing the sex kitten, which is not to say KKL isn't sexy, she sure is, but to have her resort to tricks that should have been laid to rest in her twenties is just pathetic.


It doesn't sound like her efforts will go anywhere and that she will turn to the bottle for comfort.



  • Love 9

I wasn't around for it, but I can't imagine I should be anything other than thankful that they didn't re-air it.  


It was bad.  Real bad.


 But this is the PRick that we do have.  I could contend that Maya was not going to allow anyone to get in the way of what she wanted anyway. His family may have helped but she was there attached to his ass and wallet.


I understand that this is the Rick we have, but, as we do with all characters, we discuss the actions/inactions/decisions that led them to be who they are today.  Whenever I talk about the lack of support from Rick's family, I'm generally talking about post-reveal/pre-scheming, but the responses I get are why people shouldn't support Rick now.  I get why they don't support him now, but, for this viewer, if the show wanted to get me on board completely with this whole demonization of Rick thing, then they skipped a few steps, and family support is a big one.


In addition, I have no reason to think that Maya wouldn't "allow" any of Rick's family to talk to him.  Caroline?  No.  Ridge?  No.  Hope?  Aly?  Donna?  Ivy?  Katie?  I really can't see her going, "No, Hope.  You can't talk to Rick" and even if she did, would Hope even pay attention to her?  Plus, there's the fact that supporting Rick/talking to him doesn't automatically equate convincing him to attempt reconciliation with Caroline.

  • Love 2

What in the world is going on with Brooke?  I don't get what her motivation is supposed to be here at all.  I can understand her wanting to protect Rick or get revenge for him, but if Rick is furious about his wife kissing Ridge, how is his *mother* getting with Ridge supposed to fix that?  Sure, maybe it gets Caroline hurt, but it doesn't really balance out.  And wasn't Brooke pretty clearly done with Ridge before she left?  I am just so confused.  And I think it's stupid.


Since I started watching this show, the flashbacks have been my very hilarious favorite thing, and so I'm sure you can imagine my surprise and delight when Usher appeared!  I died.  


she and her brother were not too long ago quite happy to support their mother being in a relationship with their grandfather 



Once again, don't understand it, can't stop laughing at it.  Keep 'em coming, folks!  I've only been watching for about a year (I think), and these history summaries are my favorites second only to aforementioned flashbacks.

  • Love 12

After watching Ridge and Caroline today, I have two words for Brooke "Dream On". The next logical step, when snapping her fingers doesn't work, Brooke will start sexing up Eric in order to keep her son in power. Could anyone tell me if the age difference between Eric and Brooke is about the same as Ridge and Caroline? I would guess Brooke and Eric at 20 years and Ridge and Caroline at 25 years.

As for Rick moving on that quickly, I have a sneaky suspision that he really wanted Maya in the first place and only married Caroline after Maya bowed out of the picture. I also suspect that Rick only went after Caroline because of Thomas. I may be wrong but .... I also think that once Maya was showing interest again that it was easy for him to go postal on Caroline. For, from my "real world" experience, men don't move on from a relationships unless there is another warm body waiting. Did Rick do anything to Amber to make her move on or was it all Amber? Also, what makes Liam such a stud?

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 8


I understand that this is the Rick we have, but, as we do with all characters, we discuss the actions/inactions/decisions that led them to be who they are today.  Whenever I talk about the lack of support from Rick's family, I'm generally talking about post-reveal/pre-scheming, but the responses I get are why people shouldn't support Rick now.  I get why they don't support him now, but, for this viewer, if the show wanted to get me on board completely with this whole demonization of Rick thing, then they skipped a few steps, and family support is a big one.


Since we seem to get stuck in a rut discussing this, let me ask this.  What exactly would be different about the story if he had gotten some sympathy from his family?  Would he have gotten over the fact that his wife had a crush on/emotional affair with (whatever you want to call it) Ridge?  Would we have ended up at this point anyway, except via a slow burn, burr under the saddle kind of destruction of Rick/Caroline? Would we have been spared Maya's scheming and bathtub sex?  Or would he have still turned to her but in a non-revenge way? 


I had no preformed ideas about Rick - he was on the back burner when I started watching.  (Hope/Liam/Wyatt non-stop for weeks and weeks and weeks...)     




In addition, I have no reason to think that Maya wouldn't "allow" any of Rick's family to talk to him.  Caroline?  No.  Ridge?  No.  Hope?  Aly?  Donna?  Ivy?  Katie?  I really can't see her going, "No, Hope.  You can't talk to Rick" and even if she did, would Hope even pay attention to her?  Plus, there's the fact that supporting Rick/talking to him doesn't automatically equate convincing him to attempt reconciliation with Caroline.


Maya didn't and wouldn't have stopped anyone from supporting him, from what I saw she just made sure to keep rubbing it in so Rick wouldn't listen to or trust anyone other than herself.  That's what I saw anyway.  She made no pretenses about this being her chance to have it all.  I do believe that she cared for him but not enough to put his emotional well-being ahead of their own relationship. She couldn't take the chance he would forgive Caroline.

Edited by tessaray
  • Love 6

Since we seem to get stuck in a rut discussing this, let me ask this.  What exactly would be different about the story if he had gotten some sympathy from his family?  Would he have gotten over the fact that his wife had a crush on/emotional affair with (whatever you want to call it) Ridge?  Would we have ended up at this point anyway, except via a slow burn, burr under the saddle kind of destruction of Rick/Caroline? Would we have been spared Maya's scheming and bathtub sex?  Or would he have still turned to her but in a non-revenge way? 


I had no preformed ideas about Rick - he was on the back burner when I started watching.  (Hope/Liam/Wyatt non-stop for weeks and weeks and weeks...)     




Maya didn't and wouldn't have stopped anyone from supporting him, from what I saw she just made sure to keep rubbing it in so Rick wouldn't listen to or trust anyone other than herself.  That's what I saw anyway.  She made no pretenses about this being her chance to have it all.  I do believe that she cared for him but not enough to put his emotional well-being ahead of their own relationship. She couldn't take the chance he would forgive Caroline.


My point was that for me to get on board with this development, there had to be more stuff that happened, not that they necessarily change the direction that they were going (though, like I said, I do think that there's a big chance all of this could have been avoided if he did get support).  I get the feeling that I'm supposed to be like, "Yeah, Rick needs to go down!" when I'm thinking, "Rick needs some therapy.  And an entirely new family."  If I'd seen anyone talk to Rick the way the did Caroline or if Eric had that great talk with Rick they way he did with Ridge, I could go, "Dang, Rick.  Your family tried to help you out, but you just kept stewing in your rage and listening to Maya."  I can't say that.  But I can go, "Welp, Steffy, you're the dummy that got engaged to "Uncle" Rick right after your mother broke off her engagement to him.  Everyone tried to warn you that he was using you, but you ignored them.  Go kick rocks."


I also think that Maya would have just crept up, Gollum style, and started going in on Rick to make sure that he still was still "on track" if anyone actually went to see Rick.  I was just pointing out that I saw no reason why Maya would be a deterrent to attempting to talk to Rick.


I also understand that this is a part of soap opera writing.  I mean, Rick was no where to be found when Hope had a miscarriage.

  • Love 5

What in the world is going on with Brooke?  I don't get what her motivation is supposed to be here at all.  I can understand her wanting to protect Rick or get revenge for him, but if Rick is furious about his wife kissing Ridge, how is his *mother* getting with Ridge supposed to fix that?  Sure, maybe it gets Caroline hurt, but it doesn't really balance out.  And wasn't Brooke pretty clearly done with Ridge before she left?  I am just so confused.  And I think it's stupid.





I remember now why I loved having KKL gone.  Because anytime Brooke is around it's always about her having to have a man...and usually it's Ridge or she's breastfeeding Rick and trying to save him from someone...now it will big bad Caroline.  I think most of Brooke's Revenagenda is about her tired raggedy and surely by now menopausal ass being replaced by the young fresh nublile Caroline Spencer who is the niece of the biggest adversary she could never really compete with.  The thing is I love KKL, I think Brooke is a character who could be so much more than the sum of who is in her vagina.  I'm just no interested in seeing her chasing Ridge again, been there done that and mileage may vary for some around here but I see very tepid chemistry with TK and KKL; certainly not the five alarm heat that  TK and LG are bringing.


Rick needs to stop with his "I've been so wronged" act.  Ridge is not the big bad monster...most of Rick's issues are of his own complex and his mother's sexual nonsense being paraded under his nose.  That would warp any kid, but in terms of being wronged and in Ridge's shadow,  well try being Thorne.  The man has never been give a chance to do much of anything in that company, certainly not at the right hand of Eric's throne.  


Rick needs to shut the fuck up like yesterday. 


I could do without Steffy and her hypocrisy.  She forgets that she was happy to be on her back under a man who is old enough to be her father at one time. Bitch can miss me with her damn "hear me roar" bull shit and then suddenly she's whining about Liam and their great love.  I didn't miss her either.  


Oh my gerd.....Ridge and Caroline...I need a cool cloth, a drink and several cigarettes.  I will have seconds and thirds of that hot plate please!  


ETA: Shira...your whole post..BANG ON! 

Edited by PsychedelicTrip
  • Love 18

Brooke is too damn old to be playing the sex kitten, which is not to say KKL isn't sexy, she sure is, but to have her resort to tricks that should have been laid to rest in her twenties is just pathetic.

It doesn't sound like her efforts will go anywhere and that she will turn to the bottle for comfort.


Do we really need another of Ridge's exes turning to the damn bottle because she can no longer ride his disco stick? Taylor's turn made for some mild shock value because Saint Taylor and all,but Brooke? Just no.

Did Rick do anything to Amber to make her move on or was it all Amber?

IIRC,the last straw was when she lost custody of their son to Deacon and ran off with him, nearly getting them both killed in the process.

But if that didn't kill it, her popping Rick's nephew's cherry should have.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 3


My point was that for me to get on board with this development, there had to be more stuff that happened, not that they necessarily change the direction that they were going (though, like I said, I do think that there's a big chance all of this could have been avoided if he did get support).  I get the feeling that I'm supposed to be like, "Yeah, Rick needs to go down!" when I'm thinking, "Rick needs some therapy.  And an entirely new family."


I might be wrong but pretty sure the audience consensus is that Rick desperately needs some therapy.  And the whole family sucks for choosing sides in a battle they should have stayed out of.  I may not like JY but he has done a good job imploding and turning everyone against him. 


I agree that the shift to "take over FC because Rick is losing it" (especially to protect delicate little Caroline, who seems to be doing okay for herself) makes very little sense.  It's not the direction I expected any of that to take. 


ETA:  I haven't seen today's show - does Caroline even know yet that her uncle and cousin are planning a hostile takeover?

Edited by tessaray
  • Love 2


Do we really need another of Ridge's exes turning to the damn bottle because she can no longer ride his disco stick? Taylor's turn made for some mild shock value because Saint Taylor and all,but Brooke? Just no.


Maybe it will be like the last time

she "turned to the bottle."  Meaning it will only be one night and she'll spend it talking to a portrait.  Maybe Maya's this time.

  • Love 7

Maybe it will be like the last time

she "turned to the bottle."  Meaning it will only be one night and she'll spend it talking to a portrait.  Maybe Maya's this time.

I'd pay good money too see that one.



Foreheads are supposed to MOVE, people!

HA ! 


Steffy's admission of still loving Liam makes me hope her stay is a short one.

  • Love 6

Brooke is crazy and why is she turning to Deacon instead of, say, Donna? So much for her transformation in Italy--old habits don't die with her. Does she honestly believe Rick would be happy to see her with Ridge? And what makes her think Ridge is interested in a retread when he's got the nubile Caroline Spencer to flirt with? I'm glad they're taking it slow and I pray that when it inevitably ends because of the age gap that it will do so sweetly. Though, who knows? Maybe it will last?


And Steffy has a nerve with the daddy issues crap. Kettle meet pot! I used to be a Steffy fan, but absence didn't make this heart grow fonder!


Saw part of the show before leaving home today; can't wait to see the rest.

  • Love 5

I think I would have found that whole painting thing unbearably cheesy if it was anyone else.  But it worked for them. 

It worked for about thirty seconds.  And then I found myself laughing out loud because it was unbearably cheesy.  This isn't because I hate them as a couple (I'm neutral I think) because I think I would've laughed out loud even if I adored the couple. 


What is the point of having Steffy still in love with Liam?  I hate pointless big revelations. 

  • Love 3

It worked for about thirty seconds.  And then I found myself laughing out loud because it was unbearably cheesy.  This isn't because I hate them as a couple (I'm neutral I think) because I think I would've laughed out loud even if I adored the couple. 


What is the point of having Steffy still in love with Liam?  I hate pointless big revelations. 

It was so very cheesy. For a 'couple' who were all...'We made mistakes! It was nothing!'...they got real passionate real quick. LOL! I almost wish Rick had never found out, but then they couldn't have portrayed these two as star crossed lovers up against the villain.  


The more important part to your question is 'Why IS Steffy still in love with Liam...why would anyone be in love with him?'


Also, what was the point of the Amber and Usher flashback? It was just odd and weirdly placed. 

Edited by venusnv80
  • Love 2

...Also, what was the point of the Amber and Usher flashback? It was just odd and weirdly placed.

I took it as a very clumsy tie-in to the Grammy Awards. (I'm assuming Usher has a Grammy, or is nominated for one, or is performing at the Grammys? I don't pay attention to any award shows, so I don't really know.)

  • Love 2

The more important part to your question is 'Why IS Steffy still in love with Liam...why would anyone be in love with him?'


And he can't use the usual excuses he's trotted out with Hope about her not putting out or being a drama queen that makes everything about her to explain stepping out on Ivy.

Also, what was the point of the Amber and Usher flashback? It was just odd and weirdly placed.

Maybe Amber is coming back....? With Deacon in the picture, it wouldn't be the worst idea. And bring in Grown Up Eric III that will have to go by his middle or the nickname Trip to distinguish himself from Erics I and II.

  • Love 2

Well, Usher is nominated for a Grammy this year. But I think the scenes with Usher weren't necessarily about him, but it showed Amber about to hit the sheets with another man while married to Rick. (I could be wrong, but I assume they were married at the time.) In any case, Amber ended up pregnant and it was another mad-scramble WTD... She ultimately betrayed Rick. I can't remember any footage of Amber getting hot and heavy with another man while Rick was still in the picture.


Steffy needs to take several seats. And from the looks of her, she could easily fill them up. Has the actress gained a lot of weight? Her butt looks considerably larger and I noticed that she's dressed in shapeless dark clothes -- very un-Steffy-like. That could also partially explain the bloated puffy face. Her whiny mini-meltdown about Liam and Ivy was pathetic. I hope that she goes back to Paris before she can stir up any trouble.


I have no idea why Brooke sought out Deacon to confide in. The only thing I could think of was that it was a last-ditch testing the water to see if he was possibly still interested in her. Or... Deacon is going to play some type of role in Brooke's alleged upcoming storyline about

developing a drinking problem. I was glancing at SOD today at the store and there was talk with KKL about the SL. It sounded like a go and might last a while. (We know how that goes.) Maybe Deacon will be her drinking buddy...or it will be a dual trip to rehab and AA.

  • Love 5

Just shoot me now; Brooke is going to get Ridge back? What lesson is she going to teach Caroline, and why does Brooke feel compelled to be the teacher? She mentioned something about Caroline messing with her son, but I am lost as to how reopening the Golden Couter for business is going to help matters. The sad thing is, Brooke can pull out the Brasso and set to shining that Grand Canal up real pretty; she could have it glittering brighter than the Vegas strip, and Ridge would still not want to book a room. I think there is a whole lot of things going on with Brooke, and her feelings about Caroline are being driven by Brooke's emotions, and not her concern for Rick. This is ridiculous, and sad. 


Steffy = two more shows right? Because seriously, I am spent. She is exhausting to watch. I do have a question though. In the beginning of her rant she told Liam she moved to Paris to try and put her family back together. Then, at the end, she told Liam that she went to Paris to get away from him. Which is it? And Steffy was really projecting today when she said "Caroline shouldn't have daddy issues". DUH! Aren't you the one who was just waxing on about how your daddy had always let you down? And how he had never put you first? Would that mean then, that Steffy wanted to be put ahead of Thomas and Phoebe? Taylor? Now that Steffy has let the cat out of the bag, and pricked Liam's libido by declaring her love for him, is her 


going to be a night of uninterrupted sex?


Quinn is insecure and jealous; two very human emotions. Deacon seems to be very good for her, and he seems to be filling out as a person too. Leave them alone Brooke; you have two sister's you can talk too. That would make much more sense than Deacon, particularly since Rick is their nephew. But oh, I forgot, your discussion with Deacon wasn't so much about Rick, but Ridge, and how you can just "snap" him right on back. And Deacon, being your ever loving lapdog, fell right into place, and told you what you came there to hear. That you still had it. That he would bet on you. Brooke went to Deacon to get some early ego strokin, cause she is not feeling so sure about her snapping ability. 


Rick and Maya are just nauseating. Laughing about Rick shooting up the office. It is really just so offensive, it nearly defies words. And Rick is still whining. Maya saying Caroline and Amber are one and the same? No, Rick just gave Maya a very watered down version of Amber, and left out how he was going to have her at all costs. There are entire universes, friggin mega-galaxies, of difference between Amber and Caroline. But Rick just let it go, gotta keep his woman feeling bad for him, and pumping up his ego. 


Holy Smokin Hotness Batman! Ridge and Caroline were so much better than expected. I read an article with Linsey Godfrey a while back, and she was talking about an upcoming scene where Ridge would see her in her undies, and how hard she had been working out to get in shape for it. So, I guess the undies morphed into the sheet (YEAH!), but you could clearly see LG has been hitting the gym. Absolutely gorgeous. I loved every silly thing about it. The sitting. The fire. The paintbrushes. The bohemian "artist" loft. The longing looks. And Caroline making "the move" absolutely set me aflame. Monday can't get here quick enough, and God help them if they make me wait till Tuesday. 

  • Love 16
Well, Usher is nominated for a Grammy this year. But I think the scenes with Usher weren't necessarily about him, but it showed Amber about to hit the sheets with another man while married to Rick. (I could be wrong, but I assume they were married at the time.)

They were kinda-sorta together (I think they'd fooled around a few times) when she banged Raymond. She happened to get pregnant by Rick but wasn't sure who the baby's father was. Her mother talked her into getting married to Rick anyway for $$$, she went into labor in her hometown--away from Rick, in case the baby was born black*--but the baby was stillborn. So she swapped that baby with her cousin's that had also given birth the same day. Wacky hijinx ensure for the next four years as Amber eats up the show in a way no character had done before, and rivaled only by Hope and maybe Nick in that regard.


*which isn't even how that works most of the time anyway, since many blacks whose families have been here since before the Civil War most likely share caucasian blood anyway. I have a mother with paler skin that my father, and I didn't start "looking" black until i was six months old. :/

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 6


I will never forget her wailing over those baby graves


I know in real life dead babies are of course not funny, but this is a soap and this sentence just cracked me the hell up - thanks!



Holy Smokin Hotness Batman! Ridge and Caroline were so much better than expected.


Yes they were. I mean the whole thing was cheesetastic to be sure, but i think they have so much chemistry that these scenes really worked for me. Please show and Bell do not mess this pairing up!



Rick and Maya are just nauseating. Laughing about Rick shooting up the office. It is really just so offensive, it nearly defies words. And Rick is still whining. Maya saying Caroline and Amber are one and the same?


Rick telling his version of his past is typical for everyone I think. Most people tend to whitewash a bit to new partners so I basically overlooked that. Though Maya saying that about Caroline and Amber? Shut up Maya, you know nothing.


However, laughing at the shooting stuff? Yikes. Maya is really dumb: #1 for apparently not noticing Rick is off the rails #2 for noticing but deciding to ignore it because she's now the matriarch and #3 for apparently believing Rick will never turn that temper on her.  I just can't with these two at all. I don't see chemistry, I don't see any connection and KM is just not a good enough actress to convince me of anything.



Just shoot me now; Brooke is going to get Ridge back? What lesson is she going to teach Caroline, and why does Brooke feel compelled to be the teacher? She mentioned something about Caroline messing with her son, but I am lost as to how reopening the Golden Couter for business is going to help matters.


i swear if she snaps her fingers one more time ... well, I don't know exactly what I'll do but it will be epic.


So if Brooke were to succeed in getting Ridge back, it would teach Caroline what exactly? And how would this lesson somehow help Rick? I'm thoroughly confused by this line of thinking. Plus, since Lil' Rick's biggest issue in the world is Ridge and his treatment of Brooke ... then mommy reuniting with Ridge would not be a good thing in Rick's eyes. Brooke really should talk to her son and find out what is going on with him before plotting. But then again, this is not about Rick (no matter what Brooke might say), it's all about her ego. Brooke is beyond tiresome.


I will concede this much to Steffy: Ridge and Caroline's hook up has caused some major issues at Forrester. That's about the only thing that rang a bit true. The rest of her speeches and whining were just hypocritical nonsense.

  • Love 11


Thanks, Cupid Stunt, for the logical answer to the Spencer Boys and their choice of insiders! Makes sense...although their whole takeover plan still seems really shaky and stupid to me. I think Caroline's alliances right now are with Ridge and they're too dumb to take that into account?


Your welcome, Shira. It's the only way I can make sense of this crackpot revenge plot ("Rick is going down" to avenge his treatment of Caroline and Ivy) of Liam's.  For reasons that have not occurred to him, convincing them to find work elsewhere would be less trouble and less expensive. But Spencer egos and appetites must be sated, and Prince Quinoa hasn't worn his White Knight armor since Paris.


As RuntheTable pointed out above:


I don't like this Spencer take over thing. It makes zero sense.


Liam and Bill are not respecting their new romances.


When $Bill was telling Liam that he couldn't discuss the FC takeover with Ivy, and he wouldn't say anything to Katie because the "Logan's can't keep their mouth shut," there is no way this nonsense is going to go well for $Bill or Liam. Neither of them have sustained a relationship without lying to their beloved or themselves.


This exchange was hilarious.


Steffy: Are you dense Liam? I'm still in love with you.

Listen up, Daddy Issues, if you have to ask ... Clearly all that time you wasted on this vacillating schmuck was in vain.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 7

I'm never going to think CaRidge is "hot" simply because they both disgust me as people.  This isn't going to change for me...  Ridge's complete lack of regret and Caroline's complete lack of candor are really unattractive qualities.  No amount of piling on with Rick, demonizing of Maya, or "ar-teest" B.S. with CaRidge is going to make me forget/ignore that.  I know that's the direction the show is trying to push me in, but I'm not going to do that.


Brooke's stupidity is mind-numbing.  All her return has accomplished is making that character look outrageously selfish and petty.


The possible alliances in the FC takeover story could be interesting despite my extreme disdain for Liam and his plan. But let's try to avoid out of the blue foolishness like this sudden Wyatt "I hate the Forresters" crap.  WTF is he talking about and where did that come from?

Edited by nasir jones
  • Love 4

Guys, I want you all to understand something - where I am it's 40ºC outside. The air con is struggling down here in my study so it's not much better inside. These scenes today of Ridge painting Caroline like one of his French girls might be winter warmers for you, but I'm just about dying from heatstroke. I need like 100 cold showers.


I've always fanwanked that Eric paints in his spare time, but I'm happy for NuRidge to take up that fantasy hobby instead. Particularly if he also wants to take up naked finger painting in the near future, I got no qualms about that.


Also, I liked Liam not "realising" that his talk of running FCs with Steffy while involved with Ivy upset Steffy because that's a good sign that he's moved on, and for God's sake, someone has to.


I think the writers did a good enough job of making the whole situation a mess, with no real winners.


And I reckon the fact that there are no clear winners or losers makes this story so great. Or did, before Brooke & Steffy reappeared.


Steffy is a fucking idiot and in need of some serious psychological help.  Your dad is alive and for some reason likes you, so why not enjoy it instead of whining and carrying on that he's not satisfying your weird expectations?  Please go away, dumbass.

For real. Caroline has two mothers so she's the one with daddy issues? What an incredibly stupid, ignorant, and uneducated comment to make in the first instance, but then to follow it up with complaining about how her father's free agency as a sentient and conscious human being doesn't play along with her infantile need to play happy families? And we're supposed to root for this character?


Once again, don't understand it, can't stop laughing at it.

Oh Turtle, laughing is the last thing one would be doing watching the Taylor/Eric trainwreck. On a similar vein:


Brooke will start sexing up Eric in order to keep her son in power.

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no


venusnv80, I've seen your spoiler floating around for some time.

I have no idea why they would make up a character like that when they have that in Maya already, or could just as easily bring Dayzee back.


The bohemian "artist" loft.

I actually really like this new set - so masculine, so creative, so... Ridge! He really is a new man now, isn't he?

Edited by St3phForrester
  • Love 12

Maybe Deacon will be her drinking buddy...or it will be a dual trip to rehab and AA

Oh geez,

Deacon already did that on Y&R with Nikki Newman. They even had an affair while they were in the rehab center.

It was ridiculous.


I have no idea why they would make up a character like that when they have that in Maya already, or could just as easily bring Dayzee back.



's contract is up for renewal. Sometimes when a show is playing hardball during contract negotiations they'll put out a casting call like that to make the person think they'll be replaced toot sweet if they don't accept the deal they're being offered. One time a Y&R actor accidentally went on an audition for their own role.


I don't like this Spencer take over thing. It makes zero sense.

IKR? It's like one of those 1930s Judy Garland and MIckey Rooney movies: Hey! My uncle has an old barn! Let's put on a show! Seriously, one company in a completely different business can just take over another because somebody's girlfriend and cousin got their feelings hurt? Come on. They make it sound like initiating hostile takeovers are as easy as dropping by Starbucks for grande mocha latte.


While I'm not on Team CaRidge I am impressed with Ridge's new set. At least we now know he isn't living in a van down by the river. Apparently TPTB are going all in with their bet on TK because that loft is completely in his soap opera wheelhouse. I thought the darkness of it and the rich detail was very AMC or OLTL-ish. For I minute I really wondered if I was watching an old ABC soap.



Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 8
venusnv80 quote

As for Steffy and Ridge today, I realized that she is basically sentencing us to that relationship...which actually works for me. If they have their little relationship, I hope I don't have to hear or see people basically manipulate Rick to reconcile with her. So Ridge and Caroline, FLY...until Ridge gets bored.



St3phForrester quote

I wish Ridge & Caroline had decided that what they were going to pursue was not a relationship but a flat out fling, no strings attached, so we wouldn't have to deal with all this nay-saying nonsense. Oh well.



I don't really see Ridge and Caroline's relationship working for the long-term.


There has been a lot of damage done. When Ridge needed her to "help" him re-learn to draw, she was therapeutic and a soft place for his wounded ego and abilities. Though their collaborated collection was successful, their growing infatuation for each other was destructive for everyone it touched, and keeps ripping through FC daily.


Ridge believes the universe circumnavigates around his sun, and will not allow Caroline to be creatively acknowledged in couture for very long. Couture is Ridge's wheelhouse and his self-worth is permanently fused to its existence and successes. If Caroline receives accolades for future designs, this could easily be a threat to Ridge's supremacy at FC. As it had been pointed out several times, he has never worked collaboratively with anyone and working in concert with Caroline was a fluke of his noggin bonk out of the helicopter. 


The women Ridge has been in serial long-term relationships have not been in creative competition with him. Sure, Brooke and Katie controlled FC for periods of time, and he bridled under their leadership, but design success for Caroline could be seen as a slight of Ridge's "genius," and his narcissism will do the rest of the dirty work.  

  • Love 2

I'm starting to think Rick is better off without his family's support, considering the support he's gotten so far isn't worth a warm bucket of spit.

Maya: Shoot up the office any old time, as long as it's not motivated by jealousy! I'll enable your bizarre behavior unless it's about another woman. Ha ha.

Brooke: Hmmm. Clearly Ridge triggers a volcanic eruption of anger from my beloved son. Rick is clearly traumatized by the way Ridge treated me over the years. The best medicine for what ails Rick is for me to get a syringe full of sex from the man he hates. Damn I'm good!

Eric: Rick has made a complete and total ass of me in front of the entire company. There's only one thing to do and that's nothing. If nobody intervenes, Rick will see that he's out of control and cease his bad behavior. Maybe Brooke and I should get together and write parenting manuals.

I mean, I'm sure Taylor's gross incompetence has spoiled psychotherapy for these people, but they need to get the fuck over it and help that poor bastard.

If Steffy finds it so difficult to be around Liam, her ass should have stayed in Europe.

  • Love 13
And I reckon the fact that there are no clear winners or losers makes this story so great. Or did, before Brooke & Steffy reappeared.

This. I have no idea what the idea of Bridge is even being resurrected at this point. KKL had a history with RM, so there was some logical sense in beating out those diminishing returns as long as they did there. Brooke and NuRidge could never have a conversation again about anything other than RJ and I wouldn't care.




Maya: Shoot up the office any old time, as long as it's not motivated by jealousy! I'll enable your bizarre behavior unless it's about another woman. Ha ha.


Is it wrong for me to wish Amber back on the show to see Rick waffle out on Maya's enabling ass? That way she and Caroline both "lose." :/




The women Ridge has been in serial long-term relationships have not been in creative competition with him. Sure, Brooke and Katie controlled FC for periods of time, and he bridled under their leadership, but design success for Caroline could be seen as a slight of Ridge's "genius," and his narcissism will do the rest of the dirty work.


Agreed. Ridge's second greatest love next to his overbearing enabling mother is Ridge Forrester. Any woman would be lucky to be a distant third. I use lucky in the loosest sense possible of the word, of course, because this is Ridge we're talking 'bout.


I'm starting to think Rick is better off without his family's support, considering the support he's gotten so far isn't worth a warm bucket of spit.

As I read this, I realized how far down the rabbit hole this show has gone when the Logans--the original stick-together family that had one another's backs and enough room to support Caroline I in the aftermath of her rape--are the most fractured family on the show. It reminds me of how the Synder family was writting in the last few years of ATWT when families members that should have been mentioned at a minimum at major events are entirely MIA. I understand KKL needing her break, but certainly someone could have received a text or Skype from Brooke in the last three months? Like Donna, who's had maybe all of three lines in the past year? As another poster mentioned above, when Hope had the whole of LA at her side after her miscarriage, Rick was absent--but Bill--BILL!!!--manages to stop in. And going way, way back to Brooke's attack on Andy, Rick somehow was the last to know about that, mostly because he needed to be let in as to why Uncle Storm suddenly went all Rambo on Satanie, IIRC.


Also, everything Brooke's done to her sisters and daughters.


I did get a kick outta one of the old episode with Original Recipe Katie commenting about Grandma Logan and her sister being so close at their age and wondering if she and Brooke would still be that way at their age. I couldn't not laugh at that.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 1

I think the writers are making Brooke pay for being gone that long, her character has seldom been worse. 


She just doesn't fit very well on the current canvas.  I won't copy the most recent spoiler above but it does seem like a dismal story for her.


You know, it can actually be a liberating experience when a woman reaches a certain age. And we can even have a pretty interesting life once the kids are older - although how old is RJ anyway?  These writers have no imagination.      


ETA:  Wasn't Brooke a chemist?  What is more current than STEM?  I would love to see her interact with Maya's tech-y sister.  Maybe Nicole (?) could reawaken her scientific side. 

Edited by tessaray
  • Love 6

She used to try to give one-on-one encouragement and advice.  Now she is on a seek and destroy mission to get a man.  If not Ridge, then Deacon, and if not him, then she could probably accidentally get Bill away from her sister.  Actually, she might have better luck snapping her fingers in that direction.  The Brooke we have known over the years, though, has more compassion and understanding than we have seen lately.  See if you go on Dancing with the Stars again anytime soon, ha ha, not that you weren't punished enough while you were there.  Yes, there is a lot she could do besides go after a man, she is quite capable. 

Edited by Unwarranted
  • Love 1
I actually really like this new set - so masculine, so creative, so... Ridge! He really is a new man now, isn't he?
If the same attitude and behavior with a new hobby and location make for a new man.

Sorry, I should've put in one of these ;) at the end, I was being sarcastic.



KM 's

contract is up for renewal. Sometimes when a show is playing hardball during contract negotiations they'll put out a casting call like that to make the person think they'll be replaced toot sweet if they don't accept the deal they're being offered. One time a Y&R actor accidentally went on an audition for their own role.

Good point. It doesn't seem to me like this particular actor would be a huffy diva about their contract, especially when

she's in the current frontburner story

, but anything's possible.


Apparently TPTB are going all in with their bet on TK because that loft is completely in his soap opera wheelhouse.
Are there rooms for rent in that wheelhouse? Because here's my first check and the security deposit...

I'm on the first plane over - dibs on the bed in the living room!


I wish Ridge & Caroline had decided that what they were going to pursue was not a relationship but a flat out fling, no strings attached, so we wouldn't have to deal with all this nay-saying nonsense. Oh well.
I don't really see Ridge and Caroline's relationship working for the long-term.

Oh no, me neither - what I meant was that I wanted Ridge and Caroline, particularly the latter, to acknowledge that there's no future for them as a proper, established couple, and just say that what they're after at the moment with one another is just a Colleagues with Benefits kind of deal, so that when characters like Brooke or Steffy or whoever else says "There's no way you two will be a couple on my watch/over my dead body/etc.", Caroline can say "Well sure, but I don't want that right now, I just want to ride this out and see what happens".


Having Caroline confidently declare that Ridge wants her has her teetering on the same edge of sanity and reason as Brooke for mine.


Eric: Rick has made a complete and total ass of me in front of the entire company.

Business as usual then.

Edited by St3phForrester
  • Love 5

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