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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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<quote> Wait, I'm confused. What daddy tried to screw Rick's wife? Ridge isn't Rick's dad, Eric is ... correct? <\quote>

Ridge was a father figure to Rick and Bridget when he was married to Brooke. He's been an off and on stepfather to Brooke's kids. Neither Brooke nor Ridge have any concepts of boundaries, which is why it's easy for them to sleep with their kids' and parents' partners.

  • Love 3

I don't care if they don't respect her, but there's that fine line between not respecting someone and legitimately thinking that you are a better person than someone else. That's the vibe that Ridge is giving to me. "How dare this lesser being dare speak to me without my acknowledgement." And it wasn't so much his words but how he said it.

That's also TK's crappy acting. 

  • Love 4

Seriously? A competition between Brooke and Caroline? I don't recall her exact words, but didn't Brooke say something today to the effect that Bridge was over and done with and no chance of reemerging?


I'm as baffled as the rest as to why revisit the Usher days. That was a L-O-N-G time ago.


Steffy's face has an odd-sort of grasshopper-like shape to it. It's like she has two sets of jawbones connected by her cheekbones. That ombre-headed bitch had better respect Ivy. I was hoping that Ivy had left some item or article of clothing lying around and Steffy would see it.

  • Love 4

Well, nobody died, unlike the last time the Ricktator had a gun, (Didn't Grant die?) So by B&B standards it really is no BFD. Hell, at this point PRick could tell Maya he wants to consume the burnt flesh of an employee and Maya would say "Go for it! They are yours, CEO. As long as I can have some, too!" And Brooke would shrug and blame Ridge. lol

I think Grant got terminal cancer a year or two later,like every major character that got written out in the 90's that wasn't Sheila.

But the thing is, shootings used to be seen as a big deal. Even as recently as Stephanie's shooting from Storm after her role in Brooke's rape came out, the writers acknowledged he needed help with the anger he'd harbored. I don't need everyone going to jail over this craziness,but I would like folks sitting with a shrink every now and again.

  • Love 2

I agree with you about Ridge, but Amber did nearly kill him so I can understand why he hated her and always expressed it. I liked that he never forgave her for what she did and kept his contempt of her.

Not to excuse that drive down Bashit Lane, but Ridge had been a nasty little shit towards her for years. His contempt began when she and Rick started their own line after he bailed for Spectra (I think after Massimo bought it for him) and got FC blackballed from their distributors. Then he flipped shit after she popped Tommy boy's cherry, and I can't blame him for not wanting Amber as a daughter in law. It was specifically that which led her to pull that stunt.

  • Love 3

Actually Ridge did talk to Darla in very much the same way when- you guessed it- Thorne was making the same noise as Rick to be head of the company and demanding Ridge respect his authority. And while Darla was acting smug and fluffing Thorne and getting in Ridge's face a lot like Maya, Ridge really was a straight up ass for the way he talked to her - really demeaning stuff like calling her a dingbat to her face among other things. Thorne had every right to pop him one and Brooke should've been appalled at his behavior. I'd even say that he was worse with Darla not just with what he said but the fact that at that point she was married into the family and the mother of Thorne's kid.

Having said that, while talking down to Maya is not something new in Ridge's wheelhouse I'm not so upset with him for dishing it out to her because A) she ain't family but an opportunist who doesn't care about the collateral damage she's inflicting on his family B) she's dishing it out so she should be prepared to take it C) as mentioned he did have a more than civil talk with her about the consequences of her bulldozing over everyone with such glee and that she'd alienate everyone to the point of having no one when the ground shifted again.

He gave her more than fair warning. She's chosen to continue on this path to the point of supporting a man who fired a gun at people and turn a blind eye to suit her own needs. I totally get why Ridge is absolutely done being civil to her.

  • Love 15

Oh, so *that's* Steffy.  I've been wondering.  Do we hate her?  I kind of want to hate her. And I don't even know what cha cha cha is.


Yup ...That's Steffy.


Hockey puck cheekbones, Restylane filled nasolabial folds, lip filler, frozen forehead, hair extentions ... did our newest contestant in the Pig In A Poke contest get breast implants while she was at Forester International?




The Cha Cha Cha reference is in the third from the bottom paragraph. <Shudder>

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 5

Just finished catching up on the weeks's episodes... and I'm not really sure about what's going on. Wednesday's show with Quinn & Deacon was pretty unforgettable, but the others were pretty good. Not as good as it has been lately, but enjoyable. I definitely feel the "Brooke vs Maya is the new Stephanie vs Brooke" thing being pushed on us, but KKL has a loooong way to go before she's up to filling Susan Flannery's comfortable loafers. I'm quite happy to watch more of JY & TK & LG & JMos in the meantime. Bring on next week, I guess?


Did Pam really say "Eric always knows what to do"? Girl don't make me laugh.


...and maybe getting Donna's shares? Does she still have shares in FC from the Eric divorce?

Donna sold her shares to Bill, that's how he got his 12.5% that Liam said he wanted to help him take over FC.


This comment makes me want to see Rick walking around pronouncing himself the Forrester patriarch.

In Eric's boxers and robe.

Rick in Eric's portly-sized attire would just make him look like a kid playing dress-ups.


Cha cha cha? Where's a piece of flaming space debris when you need it?

LOL, thanks for the laugh NinjaPenguins.


And why are we going back to see Usher's stint on the show?

Glad I'm not the only one confused by this. Is he on some big tour in the States? Or doing some new show on TV? Why would CBS promote something from 10ish years ago? Seems a bit weird.


Happy Australia Day to St3phForrester and all of our friends Down Under! Although it's probably already the day after Australia Day as I write this. :>/ A lot of us are getting a snow day today, so it's even more reason to celebrate!

Thanks Snaporaz! I hope everyone survived the blizzards. Snow don't play!

Edited by St3phForrester
  • Love 6

Does anyone know who owns Forester Creations stock and in what increments now? I lost track around the time Taylor was involved with the day-to-day operations of FC (2011?).


$Bill's 12.5% and Steffy/Thomas' 17.5% (a total of 30%) is not an overwhelming purpose built group for a corporate takeover.

  • Love 1

I haven't missed Steffy the giant, spray tanned Bratz doll one little bit.  Hopefully her stay will be an extremely short one.


Brooke sounded crazed today.  Why is she so invested in Caroline and Rick's marriage?  She should be focused on getting Rick some help for his shaky mental health. 

  • Love 9



The Cha Cha Cha reference is in the third from the bottom paragraph. <Shudder>


Oh my god.  It's worse than I thought it would be.  Question: When Liam was talking to Bill, I thought he said "I'm married to her."  That didn't make any sense, so I rewound to see if he said "I *was* married to her" but I still heard "I'm married to her."  Did anyone else hear that?  Or are they still married???  Confused.


Does anyone know who owns Forester Creations stock and in what increments now? I lost track around the time Taylor was involved with the day-to-day operations of FC (2011?).


$Bill's 12.5% and Steffy/Thomas' 17.5% (a total of 30%) is not an overwhelming purpose built group for a corporate takeover.



I didn't get this at all.  How do Steffy and Thomas have 17.5%?  One has 12% and the other has 5.5%?  Who the hell divvied up this stock in such a bizarre way?  Also, who is Thomas?

  • Love 3

My memory totally sucks and I don't always pay attention, but I think Thomas got his percentage in the boinkberry story.  Stephanie the Larger gave him some (or all?) of her stock in return for Thomas lying about sexing up Brooke on the deserted island.  Taylor was somehow involved in this scheme as well.  Steffy's share came from Ridge, but I don't remember why he gave it to her.  Maybe to make up for Thomas having a nice stake in the company when she had none??


ETA: Thomas is Steffy's brother/Ridge and Taylor's son.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 4

Actually Ridge did talk to Darla in very much the same way when- you guessed it- Thorne was making the same noise as Rick to be head of the company and demanding Ridge respect his authority. And while Darla was acting smug and fluffing Thorne and getting in Ridge's face a lot like Maya, Ridge really was a straight up ass for the way he talked to her - really demeaning stuff like calling her a dingbat to her face among other things. Thorne had every right to pop him one and Brooke should've been appalled at his behavior. I'd even say that he was worse with Darla not just with what he said but the fact that at that point she was married into the family and the mother of Thorne's kid.

I never got his hate on for Darla. She was doing what any wife would do, which is stand up for her man. I mean, she really didn't do anything that I can recall to deserve that treatment....not like Amber did or Maya.

Speaking of him, is Winsor Harmon still on contract or what? I'm honestly at a loss as to the last time he was onscreen, by it was around the time of floating head Darla.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 3

C) as mentioned he did have a more than civil talk with her about the consequences of her bulldozing over everyone with such glee and that she'd alienate everyone to the point of having no one when the ground shifted again.

One person's "civil" is another person's "condescending", I suppose. Especially since it ended with "Give Caroline what she wants." I guess the bigger question is if that even counts since that scene didn't make it to broadcast.

  • Love 2

What are y'all saying? That you didn't find the witty, sexy banter between Steffy and Liam as scorching hot as infinite suns going supernova in Hell? Cause, you know, me too.


What amuses me about Brooke and Eric is that they don't even suggest marriage counseling or something similar for Rick and Caroline. No, it's just stay married and everything will somehow work itself out by magic. Good plan, dipshits.

  • Love 17

OH MY GOD, Kitty Redstone, THANK YOU for nailing exactly what Steffy looks like now! She is 100% a living Bratz doll! That is really freaky. When I was searching images for Bratz dolls, it was extremely hard to narrow it down to just one doll that is most fitting for her, but I believe "Leora" on the far right is a pretty damn close match:


(...and I'm giggling because "Shira" is in the line-up, too!)


In honor of the stunning likeness, I think we should hereby nickname Steffy. Suggestions? Statz? Breffy? Steffy-Bratz?


Too funny!  I had a difficult time picking out which Bratz she looked like, too, and agree about "Leora."


Seconding the Statz nickname (though Breffy makes me giggle).

  • Love 3

I have no problem with the way Ridge spoke to Maya; as a firm believer in you reap what you sow, Maya has not handled her affairs all that well. Ridge tried to tell her early on about burning her bridges, and came right out and asked her who was going to have her back? She stuck her pretty little nose in where it didn't belong, right or wrong is irrelevant; it wasn't her place, nor the right place, for such an outburst. What Maya fails to realize is that her public humiliation of Rick is probably a bigger factor in Rick's mental state than the actual act of Caroline kissing Ridge. And the way she has flaunted herself since stalking Rick to Brooke's cabin is embarrassing. Talking down, ordering people around, telling Ridge to leave the company; no, sorry, if you want respect, then you have to give it.

This.  I also don't see it as Maya being talked down to because the Forresters are better than her...I see it more as Maya being the one acting as though she were above them with the smug gloating & the talking down is to remind her that she is not above them, not that she is beneath them.

  • Love 8

"Why are you talking when I'm talking" is to remind Maya that she's not above them?  Okay.


I don't particularly want to argue the point any longer; I'm fine with other opinions.  I just see it as example 10 million of 7,000+ episodes worth of Ridge being an entitled asshole.  Ridge who is quick to stick his nose in other people's business, but when someone does it to him, it's all, "How dare you?"

  • Love 9

"Why are you talking when I'm talking" is to remind Maya that she's not above them?  Okay.

Yes, I think that's exactly what it is.  She acts like she is entitled to speak down to whoever she damn well pleases, and she does try to shut other people down when they are speaking, so I think she deserves every bit of that kind of talk, whether Ridge is a hypocrite or not. 

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 9

I don't like that I'm getting a whiff of Brooke wanting Rick and Caroline together to get her away from Ridge. Destiny and all that rot.

That would be in Brooke's wheelhouse, and it's sad that this is even a legitimate possibility as to why she's Team Carick.

Even apart from their toxic history, KKL has no chemistry with this new Ridge. She had more Chem with William DeVry when he was playing her BROTHER than TK.* TIIC needed to bury Bridge 17 years ago when Taylor used her anchor baby to get Ridge back after lying about the paternity for the whole pregnancy and let Brooke move on from her schoolgirl fantasy, but nooooooo. Couldn't have kept her with Thorne for a few years or even get with Nick in earnest before pairing him with Bridget. >:(

To quote Doctor McCoy, "it's dead, Jim."

*I will maintain that casting WD as Storm was such an epic waste. He was great as Storm, but those scenes with him confessing to Brooke about shooting the Wicked Witch of West Beverly Hills had a vibe that didn't seem entirely brotherly. To me, anyway.

  • Love 4

With the whole talking down to Maya thing, I think part of it is just people sensing what her weak spot would be and targeting it, because, well, they want to shoot her down. This is a woman who has a less than subtle desire to be part of the Forrester clan and not be just "the help."  Even being with Carter, a lawyer, wasn't enough, because Carter is also, in her eyes, "the help."  So nothing is going to get her goat more than acting like she's less than.  Whether it's Caroline calling her Myrna or Ridge dismissing her like a child.  I mean, if Hope had tried dismissively calling Steffy "Stacy" or something, it wouldn't have worked.  Steffy would have seen through and laughed at that shit (while sticking her tongue down Liam's throat).  Maya has had a hand in imploding a whole lot of lives here, to varying degrees, and people want to shoot her down, so they go for her weakness. 

  • Love 10

I haven't missed Steffy the giant, spray tanned Bratz doll one little bit.  Hopefully her stay will be an extremely short one.


We are not worthy ...





TobinAlbers, on 30 Jan 2015 - 10:09 PM, said:

Actually Ridge did talk to Darla in very much the same way when- you guessed it- Thorne was making the same noise as Rick to be head of the company and demanding Ridge respect his authority. And while Darla was acting smug and fluffing Thorne and getting in Ridge's face a lot like Maya, Ridge really was a straight up ass for the way he talked to her - really demeaning stuff like calling her a dingbat to her face among other things. Thorne had every right to pop him one and Brooke should've been appalled at his behavior. I'd even say that he was worse with Darla not just with what he said but the fact that at that point she was married into the family and the mother of Thorne's kid.


Anna Yolei quote

I never got his hate on for Darla. She was doing what any wife would do, which is stand up for her man. I mean, she really didn't do anything that I can recall to deserve that treatment....not like Amber did or Maya.

Speaking of him, is Winsor Harmon still on contract or what? I'm honestly at a loss as to the last time he was onscreen, by it was around the time of floating head Darla.


I thought it was due to Ridge's animosity with the Spectra knock-offs of FC designs, and Darla being Sally Spectra's ever-loyal assistant; guilt by association, perhaps, but there was no love lost between any of the parties. When Darla married Thorne the animosity grew worse; she defended him against Ridge and Brooke, while many were convinced at FC that Darla's loyalties were exclusively for Sally Spectra, and she was a corporate spy. Darla was not the sharpest knife in the drawer, self-effacing and easily threatened, making her a convenient target for Ridge's cheap shots.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 6

"Why are you talking when I'm talking" is to remind Maya that she's not above them? Okay.

I don't particularly want to argue the point any longer; I'm fine with other opinions. I just see it as example 10 million of 7,000+ episodes worth of Ridge being an entitled asshole. Ridge who is quick to stick his nose in other people's business, but when someone does it to him, it's all, "How dare you?"

Ridge is a giant POS. The fact that he tries to intidimate women and exploit any weakness he can find whether in Darla, Maya, Brooke or Amber isn't at all surprising. He's always been a self-centered, narcissistic pratt.

The only thing to ever come out of his mouth now and in the future will ever be mastubatory bullshit and as for the women in his life (daughters excluded) if you're not giving him a hand with his hand job then you may as well be eating off the floor and that is the highlighted chapter from the book of Ridge Forrester always and forever.

*Funny how Brooke is always referenced for being a walking mattress and a grande ol' slut whose 'hot shit days are over' but when Ridge does the same shit (if not worse) the most egregious nickname people can scrape together is The Waffle.

*not funny, in fact inordinately sexist, imbalanced and sad.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 7

So I missed the Friday episode and finally just watched it online this morning. Honestly, I'm mostly mad at myself for thinking they could sustain this mess. 


Statz (bless you guys for that one) and the cha-cha *vomit* I just can't with them. Even after the stupid clips package, it was like I relived that whole horror show and I think I have some kind of mild PTSD.


And then Brook making everything about her? Ugh. best scene? Pam and Donna in the hallway being clueless. 

Edited by jenrising
  • Love 3

thewhiteowl, on 31 Jan 2015 - 11:53 AM, said:

I don't like that I'm getting a whiff of Brooke wanting Rick and Caroline together to get her away from Ridge. Destiny and all that rot.


Anna Yolei quote


That would be in Brooke's wheelhouse, and it's sad that this is even a legitimate possibility as to why she's Team Carick.



It could be Brooke is still clinging to the dream of Destiny: If not for herself and Ridge, but for her son. Brooke had essentially hand-chosen Caroline for Rick's Destiny and Brooke has not given that dream up.


The problem with Friday's meeting is that Brooke is still not aware of all the previous actions that lead to Rick being in a dissociative mental state. She can try to order Rick and Caroline back into a marriage relationship (A few too many lies, little emotional treachery, adultery, a gun shot, signed and filed divorce papers and an internal corporate mutiny not withstanding), but Brooke is not bitch enough to complete the mission.


Even apart from their toxic history, KKL has no chemistry with this new Ridge. She had more Chem with William DeVry when he was playing her BROTHER than TK.* TIIC needed to bury Bridge 17 years ago when Taylor used her anchor baby to get Ridge back after lying about the paternity for the whole pregnancy and let Brooke move on from her schoolgirl fantasy, but nooooooo. Couldn't have kept her with Thorne for a few years or even get with Nick in earnest before pairing him with Bridget. >:(


To quote Doctor McCoy, "it's dead, Jim."


Ain't it the truth!


KKL and TK are awful together, and that should be reason enough to kill Bridge. It's bleedin' demised! It's passed on! This relationship is no more! It has ceased to be! It's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! It's a stiff! Bereft of life. It needs to rest in peace -- To misappropriate Monty Python.



  • Love 9


Funny how Brooke is always referenced for being a walking mattress and a grande ol' slut whose 'hot shit days are over' but when Ridge does the same shit (if not worse) the most egregious nickname people can scrape together is The Waffle.


Certainly the names given to Ridge, Eric and other males on this show should be worse than they are (in real life too). However, for me at least,  I think it's more about the circumstances surrounding Brooke's sexual history rather than the number. Brooke had an affair with Bridget's husband and had a baby. Brooke slept with Bridget's other husband Nick too. She slept with her daughter Hope's boyfriend (yes yes I know that was mistaken identity ... hahahahahaha ... Brooke couldn't tell the difference between 20 something Oliver and 60 something Ridge. Hilarious). She also slept with Nick roughly 5 minutes after she thought Ridge died in the foundry. I mean really?


Ridge waffled between Brooke and Taylor for years, no doubt but he genuinely loved both women. I'm not saying he hasn't done some crap stuff, just saying Brooke standing there and insisting Ridge owes her for the years of turmoil? Ummm what? Brooke needs to straight up shut up on that stuff. She is the reason her life was turmoil. And if she didn't live for the turmoil she could have stopped chasing Ridge around years and years ago.



I don't get where Brooke is coming from in the preview, saying she could have Ridge back with a snap of her fingers. Didn't she already try that when she tried to get him back from Katie? I think she's finally getting to the point where she's overestimating her sexual power.


Brooke is ridiculous and always has been. I hate when she starts this 'I could have Ridge back with a snap of my fingers' bit. If that were true, then why did Ridge spend years married to Taylor? Why did Ridge stay with Katie?


I'm shocked KKL can even say lines like these with a straight face anymore. When she was reading the script she probably rolled her eyes so hard they almost popped out of her head.



Even apart from their toxic history, KKL has no chemistry with this new Ridge


Agree with this. I think the very first kiss he gave her when Ridge returned was pretty good, but since then? They just have no connection or chemistry at all.

  • Love 14

I didn't see Ridge addressing Maya any differently than the way he talks to other people he's "perturbed" with. However, neither Ronnnnn Moss nor TK can bring on the condescension like $Bill. Who can forget the DARE smack-down?


Why is Brooke trying to settle the score with Ridge after all of these years right now? Burned Bridge really has nothing to do with the Rick-Caroline situation.


Word that nuRidge and Brooke don't light any fires. Sometimes it clicks when pairing up actors and sometimes it doesn't. At least they didn't try to force chemistry like they did with Liam and Hope -- for far too long.

  • Love 7


Why is Brooke trying to settle the score with Ridge after all of these years right now? Burned Bridge really has nothing to do with the Rick-Caroline situation.

I think she was just trying to load it up with anything she had.  She's going in like gangbusters, acting like she's taking charge, but she is just back from being gone for months, she would know that her leadership might not be accepted by this group of angry people in turmoil. 

Edited by Unwarranted
  • Love 3
It could be Brooke is still clinging to the dream of Destiny: If not for herself and Ridge, but for her son. Brooke had essentially hand-chosen Caroline for Rick's Destiny and Brooke has not given that dream up.

She picked Caroline to drive a knife through the newly-reignited Rick and Amber, and Rick never paid any noticed till Thomas started pursuing her.


Seriously, it's ridiculous how parents on this show run their kids lives. At least in the 80's, the kids would call their parents on it every so often, but nowadays, a twenty year old has her mother sitting in on therapy sessions with her.


Certainly the names given to Ridge, Eric and other males on this show should be worse than they are (in real life too). However, for me at least,  I think it's more about the circumstances surrounding Brooke's sexual history rather than the number. Brooke had an affair with Bridget's husband and had a baby. Brooke slept with Bridget's other husband Nick too. She slept with her daughter Hope's boyfriend (yes yes I know that was mistaken identity ... hahahahahaha ... Brooke couldn't tell the difference between 20 something Oliver and 60 something Ridge. Hilarious). She also slept with Nick roughly 5 minutes after she thought Ridge died in the foundry. I mean really?

This, exactly. Looking back on the history before the 2000s, nearly all the relationships she got accused of busting up were already teetering on the brink if not ended anyway: Eric was divorcing Stephanie for something entirely unrelated to Brooke, Caroline and Ridge had their trust issues, and IIRC, Thorne and Macy had been split up over another woman for months before Brooke entered the picture.


But then Breacon happened, and the stupidity  took off in earnest. The Posse boink, while a comedic goldmine, was one of the most stupidly insulting SLs for exactly the reason you mentioned. Ridge is supposedly some amazing stud in bed and Oliver was an overly eager young man who was stupid enough to think his virgin girlfriend wanted to be deflowered up against a wall. How the actual everloving fuck could Brooke NOT know?


TLDR; The biggest problem in Brooke Logan's life is Brooke Logan.


I didn't see Ridge addressing Maya any differently than the way he talks to other people he's "perturbed" with. However, neither Ronnnnn Moss nor TK can bring on the condescension like $Bill. Who can forget the DARE smack-down?

That shit was so frigging epic! I'd give my left foot to find a clip of that without the monotone dub playing over it. It also captures in a nutshell every reason why I've never gotten entirely on the Brill bandwagon. Apart from the Katie issue, was it necessary to have her screw every man on the show that wasn't Rick?

  • Love 3

Yes, I think that's exactly what it is. She acts like she is entitled to speak down to whoever she damn well pleases, and she does try to shut other people down when they are speaking, so I think she deserves every bit of that kind of talk, whether Ridge is a hypocrite or not.

Thank you. I don't see why Ridge would have anything but disdain for this woman. She threatened to have him fired not to long ago and rather smugly with no authority. . . he's a person who made millions for Forrester for decades, its his dad's company, and she's new to it and his insubordinate. And she's threatening to get him thrown out on his ass? Get the fuck outta here. Just because she's posed for pictures and Rick's current vagina supplier doesn't give her the right to threaten others livelihoods and be smug to everyone. And if she does that expect people to be bitchy to her in reaction. Especially if everyone in LA knows that's how they roll.

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 12

I think it's kinda funny watching Maya yapping like Rick's attack dog. He looks all the more the wuss when he stands there with that smirk on his face and watches her do his dirty work.


I can't wait to see Steffy get her hands on Maya. As long as she moves along and stays out of Livy's relationship.

  • Love 4

I think it's kinda funny watching Maya yapping like Rick's attack dog. He looks all the more the wuss when he stands there with that smirk on his face and watches her do his dirty work.


I can't wait to see Steffy get her hands on Maya. As long as she moves along and stays out of Livy's relationship.


I'm the exact opposite. I don't think the word emasculate should exist (unless there's a female counterpart) and I see nothing wrong with a women standing up and defending her lover. If a guy can do it for a girl then a girl should be able to do it for a guy. I don't believe in words like pussy or wuss (I don't believe in the word pussy as a negative period) as it pertains to situations like this as that leans into the antiquated idea of machismo and all that man's man crap that I absolutely abhor. 


I also seem to counter you entirely on Liam/Ivy because I want Steffy to get all in those guts. I think it serves Ivy right because she spends too much time yapping about other people's business while hers is wandering out the door kissing girls and making plans with exes. I shipped Ivy/Liam quite hard in the beginning but once she started in on Maya (instead of Rick) and started making a pattern (first Wyatt/Hope then Maya/Rick) of being a buttinski and a gossip I kind of cooled on their romance. I find it hard for me to ship relationships when I don't like the character. I used to be able to do it with Sarah Brown's Carly but haven't been able to since.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 5

Regarding the probable Steffy/Liam/Ivy ToD 3.0, I don't find Ivy being a gossip reason enough for me to want to root for Steffy to pull her bullshit....again. Steffy is a horrid brat that's nearly as entitled as Hope IMO and I've never bought into their romance as anything but a placeholder for Liam until Hope gave him the okay to enter her Golden Cooter and/or she was the most peaceful easiest-to-deal-with option that day.


Ivy does need some story that isn't about jumping into matters that don't concern her and to actually do some work (that goes for everyone, actually), but Steffy is free to go back out the door.


.....ooooooor, maybe she can use her manipulation for a better use and fuck with Rick's head the way he fucked with hers back in the day to bust up him and Maya. That might almost be worth her continued presence on this show.


Not a Steffy fan, in case you couldn't tell. :p

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 15

Well, Ivy should be the perfect woman for Liam because so far she's got the worst of Steffy and Hope's character traits. To me she's been nothing but a self-righteous busybody railing against things she doesn't know anything about and that are none of her business.


But you guys, Steffy's so F-U-N! Who can resist. Ugh. Mostly I want her to make Ivy miserable and then take her spackled face back to Paris forever. 

  • Love 4

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