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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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It seems weird that Finn would spend at least 10 months with Steffy and never mention anything about his family. If it’s no big deal that he’s adopted then why act like it was some big reveal? I know we’re headed towards some big reveal that his biological parentage is someone we already know otherwise what would be the big “bombshell” previewed at the end of today’s show. At this point, I’m hoping that Finn’s real dad is Charlie the security guard. 

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On 7/30/2021 at 9:45 AM, hypnotoad said:

I suppose they don't bring up a lot of the Quinn past stuff because she committed actual crimes and newer viewers might be left going 'ummm why is she not in prison?!?' The writers want us to just sort of forget all that and move on

That's par for the course for most soap characters after some time (Like Nikki's body count on Y&R, she may have a higher kill count that Sheila!), but to just NOT bring up anything at all? As Countrygirl pointed out, characters can fix their mouths all day long about Brooke--and hell, Taylor had the nerve to drag up Breacon AFTER Phoebe died as an indirect consequence of her fling with Rick--but we can't  anything Quinn's done in the *checks notes* 8 years this summer she's been on the show?

On 7/30/2021 at 11:34 AM, CharlizeCat said:

Rick has been antagonistic towards Ridge, so they both gave as good as they got.  They earn props solely for:

I've seen some old clips of that Rick (who I LOATHED as a recast at first) and I sometimes wish we had this actor going up against the current crop of men on this show. He could go toe-to-toe with current Thomas, be a force to tell Liam to nut up the next time he steps out on Hope (and we all know there will be a next time) and I'd be fully onboard with whatever grudgewank he has against Ridge, provided he doesn't use barely legal girls as collateral damage this time.

Plus, the only thing that really irked me physically was the long Hanson haircut that was long out of fashion by '09 when that scene was taped. When he cut it a few months later....*chef's kiss*

23 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

But I also think that it could be that Stuffy is marring someone who’s related to her.  

Naw, this show doesn't have the cajones to do actual incest. Not like Y&R that had Cricket still kissing a man who she damn well knew could be her brother a la some Luke and Leia ass bullshit (and I have...questions why William Bell wrote this for his own daughter, but I will not speak ill of the dead ! 🤐)

I dunno what they have planned but all I know is it better not open the doors to the ToD again! No, ma'am!! Sheila doesn't need a 5th child but given the choice of that or any path to Steam, I'll take a cyninde (sic?) pill the former any day of the week. Just let us be free of that mess--if we can't have both of them walk away for good, at least let the escapee grow as a person and get some non-Spencer dick for the first time since the iPad was released.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Random thoughts ...

Steffy also completed a family trifecta -- Bill, Liam & Wyatt. Impressive, given her relatively young age. Maybe by the time the Sinn marriage busts up, Will will be SOARS'd to legal age.

Mr. Finnegan's opening line of introducing himself was the acting highlight of all the cliff house scenes. The guy who plays Finn is just awful. Maybe he should shadow SC to perfect the conflicted, dumfounded facial expressions. 

Was Quinn telling Carter that she couldn't give him children a signal of a surprise perimenopausal pregnancy? 

I think Steffy was going for a low-rent Bardot look today with the hair and pink gingham capri pants. I wonder what Finn things of the ever-changing hairstyles?

More double entendre today from Brooke. "Stick it to Quinn." "Carter, stay on top of it." Hee!

I am on Brooke's side. I have always liked her and I like KKL. RS is a knock-out and what I have seen of her off-screen, she seems like a kind, humorous and humble person, but I really don't care for Quinn at all. But I have to agree that Brooke's "Stephanie Lite" isn't working and having the opposite effect. She's coming off as a busybody shrew. Why is she so invested in having Eric's divorce expedited?

KKL looked smashing today in that navy blue dress. Makes me wonder if she gained weight during COVID, hence the frumpy wardrobe. Now that's she back in shape, she's wearing the bodycon dresses and suits again. (I noticed that TK had his hands on her more than he usually does.) Even her hair worked today. Power to her!


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4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

So do people not get their babies christened on this show? I wondered why Hayes' big introduction to his extended families won't be until the wedding.

Nobody on B&B is religious so having a big production number christening is at least one hypocrisy they forego! For now...

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12 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

I got the feeling that his adopted dad is Finn’s real father. But I also think that it could be that Stuffy is marring someone who’s related to her.  

Agree....and his mother is Taylor. (pure speculation on my part)

Edited by MsTree
added speculative verbiage
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Was Quinn telling Carter that she couldn't give him children a signal of a surprise perimenopausal pregnancy? 

Oh please don't put that out into the universe. The last thing I want to see is a WTD situation between Eric and Carter, where everyone's waiting with bated breath to see how dark the baby's skin is. Got enough of that from the British royal family. Yeah, I said it, Your Majesty. Come at me. 😉


Nobody on B&B is religious so having a big production number christening is at least one hypocrisy they forego! For now...

Yet they're religious enough to get their marriage ceremonies conducted by ministers. (At least they do when Carter's not available or is momentarily on the Forrester sh!t list.)

If anyone's taking bets, my money is on Quinn as Finn's mommy. I truly hope it's not Brooke but Steffy having Brooke as a MIL and grandmother to Hayes might be fun.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Yet they're religious enough to get their marriage ceremonies conducted by ministers. (At least they do when Carter's not available or is momentarily on the Forrester sh!t list.)

Plus, they used to have church weddings all the time. Taylor & Ridge got married at a huge ass church the second time as did Eric and Sheila. The home weddings became more frequent as the budget shrank.

That said, I don't ever remember a single christening ceremony.

5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

If anyone's taking bets, my money is on Quinn as Finn's mommy. I truly hope it's not Brooke but Steffy having Brooke as a MIL and grandmother to Hayes might be fun.

I doubt it's Brooke. Wasn't she a virgin before Ridge? It too bad they already pulled that secret son thing with Donna ages ago or they could've done that. But man, if Steffy married a Logan and Taylor caught wind of it from wherever she's fucked off to, I imagine she'd come busting through the door like the Kool-Aid man to rage about it.

Quinn or Shauna are the only two that make sense. Shauna because she has no story at the moment and Quinn because she's the only other woman of a certain age, but I dunno, given that she's already in one big story already. I still wouldn't rule out Sheila.

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22 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Is Ted King Latino? NTTAWWT, but he has a certain look and I wonder if it's deliberate. I've previously complained about this show being set in CA/LA and not having any or Latinx characters (besides the police detective who's basically an occasional day player). Is this B&B's attempt to address that lacking? Finnegan is an Irish name though. Ow, my head hurts. 🥴

I don't know if the actor himself is Latino or not...but he was on the long ago soap Loving (yes, I am super old) and later on General Hospital. On GH, he was a mobster or something?  And on Loving he was kind of sketchy too, iirc. Anyhoo, I bring this up because I 'shipped his character on both soaps with the characters played by Laura Wright (Ally something on Loving and Carly on GH). Their characters never hooked up on Loving that I can recall...and I don't know about GH since I stopped watching that eons ago.

(Ted King was also on the X-Files movie)

20 hours ago, Runningwild said:

Is Quinn Finn’s mama with Ted King’s character? Also- lose the ‘satchel, Daddy Finnegan. 


2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

My money is on Mr. Finnegan being his biological father, the product of an affair with Quinn. 

GMTA because I think this will be the Big Reveal as well...

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On 7/30/2021 at 10:10 AM, CountryGirl said:

A great big WORD to your entire post, @RuntheTable!

Eric has defended Quinn six ways from Sunday, starting with him marrying her in the first place, despite him being well aware of all she had done to Liam and to Hope. He defended her and forgave her after she cheated with his own son (and, in fact, Eric forgave Quinn before he forgave Ridge). He defended her and forgave her after her actions during and in the aftermath of VegasGate. 

He is just DONE this time (from all appearances) although who can say what the future will hold. But I foresee the possibility of something with Donna/Shauna, but him ultimately circling back to wanting Quinn only to find it's she who is done with him.

As for Ridge, he can STFU, truly, about Quinn. I think a lot of his nonsense is because he, too, succumbed to Quinn, his supposed enemy, with their affair, and that she showed him for the philandering chump he is and always has been with that interlude as well as during VegasGate. Because he conveniently forgets that it was HIS idea to go to Vegas with Shauna and HE got himself soused. Yes, Quinn had her part as did Shauna, but Ridge helped orchestrate much of what happened. So, again, STFU, Ridge!

I can agree that Brooke has a right to be concerned about Eric. They share 30+ years of history. He's the father of two of her children. They share grandchildren. I would find it odd if she didn't show concern. Now, concern doesn't = the right to interfere as Eric is a grown man and capable of making his own decisions (good, bad, or otherwise). You are right that many, many times Eric has told Brooke, through his own words and actions, exactly that - that it's HIS life. 

I also agree that they're trying and failing to make Brooke the new Stephanie which cannot and will not work because the women couldn't be more different. I think they also tried for it with Quinn and it, too, failed miserably. Because there can only be ONE Stephanie Douglas Forrester. Let's let both ladies be who they are instead of trying to shoehorn them into roles that don't suit them and, in fact, make them come off looking badly.

I've already discussed my thoughts about Brooke's concerns about Quinn being dismissed because "she was a slut, too!" Because first, slut-shaming really should have gone the way of the dodo bird and as I said earlier, somehow we never see the men called out for it. I mean, Brooke didn't have sex by herself nor Quinn. I suppose the men are just being men or worse, as has been the cases with Carter, they're just the poor, widdle victims of these calculating sirens. To which my reaction is pretty much this:


I brought up Taylor's history not to shame her but to say, well, she slept her way through two families and with some questionable choices along the way. She thought nothing of her daughter Phoebe's pain when she took up with Rick, which, in part, I'll stand by led to Phoebe's demise. So doing much the same as Brooke here yet it's only Brooke that I see consistently being taken to task for it, onscreen and off. Sure, Taylor is offscreen and has been for some time (and I wish they would recast with Colleen Zink or someone of her caliber already) but that doesn't change the facts of that. Nor does it change the fact that the argument that Brooke shouldn't dare throw stones at Quinn for being unfaithful because she did it, too! doesn't hold up for a lot of reasons. Brooke cheating in the past doesn't negate Quinn's actions as last time I checked, you can't unfuck a dick. And Brooke has plenty of beef in her own right as Quinn terrorized her family (Hope and Liam) for years and while Hope's poor choice of footwear the day of her baby shower for the baby she lost with Wyatt was a factor, Quinn's actions also contributed to that loss. Add in Brooke's love and concern for Eric and she's not the one in the wrong here. Quinn and her affair with Carter, on top of everything else, was the final straw for Eric. So I may not like Brooke's approach at time because yes, it can come off shrilly, but she's not the one who cheated here. Quinn is. And Eric made up his own mind to toss her out without Brooke having to say a word. He did that all on his own and initiated the divorce as well. Brooke certainly wasn't holding his hand or a gun to his head to make him do either action.

And, as I said previously, holding up Quinn's crimes to Brooke's cheating?


Even if Quinn had never cheated on Eric, Brooke will still be a far better person because she hasn't raped anyway (not once, let alone multiple times), she hasn't kidnapped anyone much less an obviously brain-injured in-need-of-medical-care amnesiac, she hasn't tried to kill anyone as Quinn did with Deacon and Liam (and she may have actually killed Mr. Montemayor to get her clutches on the HFTF diamond). That this even has to be said. And while Brooke has been dragged ad nauseum for her sexual escapades, when has Quinn EVER paid for anything before now? She's been forgiven over and over and over again, by Eric, by Liam, by Hope. She hasn't served one day of jail time which even if her victims wanted to drop the charges, that's not how it works. And Deacon is the one in jail for attempting to get revenge on her (which, wrong, is still wrong and he should have faced the consequences). But still, the irony. Apparently, no one gives a good god damn that she pushed him OFF of a CLIFF.

I agree that I would love to see a more nuanced version of Quinn. One where she still has her prickly edges but they're softened somewhat through her feelings for Carter. And yes, they are hot as hell. I mean, I can't stand Quinn, never have, except for the brief interlude with Deacon and the earliest Queric days, but she is must-see-TV for me with Quarter. 

As for #Sinn. Oh vey. They are terribly dull, aren't they? I LOL at your "one big ole sappy ass drip of nothing." So spot on. 

Although I have to laugh at Finn's "ruh roh!" facial expressions, too. For all the reasons you stated, but also, his future MIL is a whackadoo who tried to kill Bill and did kill Darla by plowing her down while drunk as well as buying a stolen baby. His future FIL has trouble keeping his dick in his pants, especially around the wives of his relatives. Whatever skeletons are in your family's closet, Finn, I think you'll be just fine.

Spill that Tea!! @CountryGirl and @RuntheTable 

The narrative has been leaning anti-Logan for a while now. Most of the fandom accepts it and rejoices but I think this turn of events is for the corner that isn't budging yet. Therefore it's *drumroll* Character Assassination Time!!!   I.e. Brooke's shrill Stephanie impression. It's god-awful and I wish she'd knock it off already.  

I tolerate Brooke more than I like her, but I never fully got on the hate train because 1) out of spite 2) She's annoying but not necessarily evil. And I can usually live with that. and 3) Brooke haters kept trying to bring her daughter into it like??? Hope is nothing like her mother (or her aunts) aside from being schemed on I guess & being a sucker in love with a philandering douche bag that doesn't value her. It was the biggest turn off imo. Lumping Hope in just came off as illogically biased. Especially when they turn around and stan shit stirring, trifecta pulling Steffy and her OG hypocrite, batshit insane mother, it really makes no sense to me. Like are folks okay with characters sleeping their way through families as long as their names are Taylor and Steffy? Is it the brunette hair? lol 

As far as Quinn goes, she can shove the "YoU nEvEr DeFeNd MeH ErIC1!1!" revisionist lie up her stupid cooter. I wasn't even watching when Eric married her or during the Quiridge affair and even I know that's total horseshit. Fuck off for that writers. 

That said, Quarter is easy on the eyes and is a thrill so I can see the appeal. I don't care either way but I do wish Quarter fans a better fate than what Tally and Wally shippers got. Also the innuendos are still so damn funny. 😂

I know Finn is boring but I will take boring, quick marriage on the couch, hyped up but disappointing meet the parents SL over ToD ever again. Paris is okay but she lacks the stage presence of a character that moves in and then fucks your man in your house. I don't get that vibe from her. Being nosy as hell, goody two shoes suits her better. If Faris happens it's going to be forced and shitty but still better than Hope/Steffy/Lame nonsense. I wish Finn weren't adopted I feel like it adds nothing to an already decaying show. Quinn has one spawn on here too many. Brooke can't even have two of her children on the show at once. Where's R.J? What a waste. I do low-key hope that Steffy's In-Laws give her plenty of shit about cheating on their son. That's about the only thing that could revive Sinn at this point, and make it halfway spark. 

17 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

if Steffy married a Logan and Taylor caught wind of it from wherever she's fucked off to, I imagine she'd come busting through the door like the Kool-Aid man to rage about it.

Finn: Steffy. I have something to tell you...I'm a Logan by birth!!

Steffy: Oh my god!

Finn: Do you still love me? 

Steffy: Yes, I do Finn but there might be a problem. 

Finn: What? 

Steffy: Mom come out the bushes, I know you're there! And put the gun down! 

Taylor: *Unintelligible anti-Logan screeching noises* Get away from my daughter you Logan bastard!!! 

Edited by TeamGabi
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I don’t care how many times Steffy and Finn say they “love” each other, there’s no passion there, there’s no reality there and I don’t believe their love story for one second. We used to see real love stories on these soaps but holy cow, this ain’t one of them by far. Every one involved on this show should be embarrassed by this sad excuse for a soap.

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6 hours ago, TeamGabi said:

Brooke haters kept trying to bring her daughter into it like??? Hope is nothing like her mother (or her aunts) aside from being schemed on I guess & being a sucker in love with a philandering douche bag that doesn't value her

The only thing I ever hear cited is that she slept with Liam when he was married to Steffy, but nothing about the fact that he had well moved on before there was an inkling of an idea of Hope coming back to LA. And Hope herself was entirely unaware of the breakup when Ridge dragged her back as a peace offering for having snogged Quinn on what was supposed to be their wedding day. She was the one who told Liam to go with Steffy for the first ultrasound because he was so livid that he didn't want to be in the same room as her...and Hope reminded him of the fact that this was still his child.

And yeah, he did waffle after it came out that the Still thing right before the wedding was a set up and I wish he'd been the one to definitively choose Hope versus Steffy making the choice, but it's not like he made much effort to go after her either. 

6 hours ago, TeamGabi said:

Like are folks okay with characters sleeping their way through families as long as their names are Taylor and Steffy? Is the brunette hair? lol 

Gross as that all is, that doesn't even piss me off as much as the complete double standard. I mean, Taylor went after Thorne after lying about killing his wife FFS. Even Stephanie was mad enough about that one that she left Taylor tied to a burning house until she finally confessed to it.

I will say I did enjoy the concept of Taylor and Nick until it played out exactly the way I expected it to as an extension of their fight over Ridge. And God was her hammy acting on full display. Michelle Stafford would have told her to leave some scenery for the rest of the cast during that story with Jack.

6 hours ago, TeamGabi said:

As far as Quinn goes, she can shove the "YoU nEvEr DeFeNd MeH ErIC1!1!" revisionist lie up her stupid cooter. I wasn't even watching when Eric married her or during the Quiridge affair and even I know that's total horseshit. Fuck off for that writers

Eric has a certain tendency to dismiss the concerns of the wife he's married to pretty often (mainly Stephanie, but he did it to Donna and Sheila too--i can't find much if anything from his marriage to Brooke to see if the pattern holds there) but that's never been on display here. So, what was his wedding to her in a nearly empty living room, then? What was her NOT getting divorce papers after her affair with Ridge? I mean, he called Ridge a Marone for that one and forgave her long before him. 

And he had damn near forgiven VegasGate and the shit with Brill before she pulled this. She's had more apology tours than a mid-tier YouTuber after yet another blackface video surfaced. And that's not touching anything else between 2013 and '16.

Quinn is lucky anyone talks to her at all.


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18 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

My money is on Mr. Finnegan being his biological father, the product of an affair with Quinn. 

You know…….I like that and I wouldn’t be surprised. If Quinn is telling Carter she can’t have kids it must mean she already has one nearby that ain’t Wyatt. Also, Finn could pass for Quinn with the dark hair and dimples. Of course, If that was by accident or design is a whole other story. LOL!!!!

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On 7/30/2021 at 5:49 PM, CountryGirl said:

As @Anna Yolei, pointed out, Ridge was shitty to Brooke‘s kids long before Brooke ever looked sideways at Thomas or Steffy. She was a loving stepmother to them after Taylor’s 2nd dirt nap and she had a good relationship with Phoebe (whom I wish they hadn’t foolishly killed off). Thomas had caused issues for years - he was all in on the Boinkberry Island stuff with granny Stephanie so he could get more FC shares (which directly hurt Brooke) and look at all the shit he’s pulled on Hope, including attempting to kidnap her and rape her as he had roofies courtesy of Vinny. Oh and let’s not forget that he helped keep Beth from her parents for months.  Then there’s Steffy, whose been a nasty little bitch from jump with her incessant hatred of the Logans. The childish Ho-gan stunt. Outing the Oliver/Brooke boink. Her pursuit of Liam after he saved her from drowning, despite him being engaged to Hope and gleefully accepting Hope’s still-warm-from-her-finger engagement ring. All the stunts she pulled, which are too many to list, but most recently, her cheating with Liam and having her second WTD debacle. 

If I was Brooke, I wouldn’t like them either, much less feign affection to please the father who treated her kids like dirt. 

Rick wanted his mom and dad together so he did always have a chip on his shoulder toward Ridge.  He should have blamed his mom though as she was cheating on Ricks dad with his son. It was gross and whorish. Ridge never liked Rick as he was a reminder that Brooke wasn’t only Ridges whore but his dads too. (And occasionally Thornes whore). 
Both Brooke and Ridge have been awful to the others kids. They are not step parent material. When Hope came home after Steffy had a night with Bill, Brooke couldn’t wait for Hope to go bang him. A normal human would not want their daughter with such a waffle but the Logan Whore has her own set of standards. 
Ridge should put Brooke in her place. 

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2 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Rick wanted his mom and dad together so he did always have a chip on his shoulder toward Ridge.

I don't ever remember him bemoaning Brooke and Eric not staying married but he have a chip about Ridge waffling between two people. You're not wrong that Brooke contributed to that mess too--mainly by enabling Ridge's shitty behavior.

2 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Both Brooke and Ridge have been awful to the others kids. They are not step parent material.

Not without reason, on both ends. I was never more fully in Ridge's corner for anything than when Rick was throwing his baby tantrums about his mommy issues as a nearly 30 year old divorcee and father himself. Yeah he rolled a 00 being born into this family but somehow his sister who got it way worse didn't become a sociopathic trash bag using other people in vendettas. Ridge deserved to have a punk ass brat treating him the way he did Bill Sr. in the 80s, but Steffy didn't deserve that (not then, at least).

Steffy and Tom-ass have been discussed at length so I won't go into those in too much depth, but Brooke owes neither of them a damn thing IMO, no more than Ridge owes Rick civility.

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I wonder if Shauna might be Finn’s bio mom because the writers seem determined to keep her around and that would keep her relevant. I will seriously roll my eyes if they make him Flo’s fraternal twin though.  

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9 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

I wonder if Shauna might be Finn’s bio mom because the writers seem determined to keep her around and that would keep her relevant. I will seriously roll my eyes if they make him Flo’s fraternal twin though.  

If so, I hope it turns out that he was baby-napped, & sold to the highest bidder, with no one ever spending more than a nap time in prison. Double-points if it was someone related to Shauna that kept the secret. I can only imagine the hand-wringing from our dear Felonious. If that occurs, hope Daddy Finn has a good kidney/lung/liver/retina to pass along to someone in need, who absolves him of all sin, assuming that he was involved. 

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10 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

I wonder if Shauna might be Finn’s bio mom because the writers seem determined to keep her around and that would keep her relevant. I will seriously roll my eyes if they make him Flo’s fraternal twin though.  

I wish they’d stop making everyone related. 

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I KNEW Daddy Finn was sketchy AF. It’s the mustache, it’s a dead-giveaway. 

The best part of the show was Ridge asking if Taylor would be there, followed by Steffy lying about “mission work”, & that horny old goat, Eric, wistfully saying “that’s too bad”, while his thought bubble was saying ‘I’d like to do some ‘missionary work’ with good old Taylor. I’m single & ready to inappropriately mingle!’

Edited by nkotb
Spacing, man.
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I have to admit Thomas was working that man bun today.

They should just recast Taylor already if the actress doesn't want to come back. She is missing so much of her children's/grandkids lives. 

IDK about the Forresters being great people, Finn. I would be worried marrying into that family. 


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I'm not sure what it is Brooke is supposed to have done to Steffy in this latest escapade. Yes she commented that it's a plus point Steffy will no longer be mooning after her daughter's husband, but the way people are carrying on, you'd think she'd expressed unhappiness that Steffy had found a man who loved her, and only her, and they'd gotten engaged. On the contrary, today's episode had Brooke looking genuinely excited over Finn and Steffy posting their wedding announcement. It is a huge contrast to how Steffy usually reacts to happy news about Hope - where her default approach has always been to go after the man in question just so she can destroy Hope's happiness for supposedly enjoying more of Ridge's attention growing up (which, of course, NEVER happened except in her mind that's been brainwashed by Taylor's endless, largely baseless anti-Logan rants over the years).

So who do we think is Finn's biological mother? I agree the dad is definitely his bio-dad, and Li seemed to have no reservations about the social media post so she's not in on the secret. I found it odd that Finn's own mother calls him by a diminutive of his last name, instead of John (or Johnny). 

And on that note - come on, show. These are the same folks who gave us names like Ridge and Thorne 30+ years ago. You really can't come up with anything better than John and Jack? Really? Especially when you already have a John (Eric's brother) and two Jacks (Steffy's grandfather Hamilton - not Hayes!!! - as well as her brother/cousin). Is Finn the second John Finnegan? Jack is itself a nickname for John.

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

Today’s show was one of the most sickening shows I’ve seen in a long time. Do we have a vomit icon?!


Geeze, I hope bio-mom isn’t Sheila. 😬 

Taylor doing missionary work. 😆😂🤣😆

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Pass the Gravol  after today’s nauseating show.  No Emmys today for Outstanding Writing!

Not a fan of the manbun but Thomas wore it well.

Yep, the shit is about to hit the fan.  Hope it is worth it.  We needed new blood on the show and hope it is not a regular that is Finn’s mother.

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Was that a lady in the dark looking at the email? Please please don’t let the bio mom be Taylor. When Steffy mentioned the missionary work Papa Finn said “beautiful” Ridge asked him what he said which made me think it may be Taylor related.

I hope it’s not Shelia. 

19 minutes ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

Pass the Gravol  after today’s nauseating show.  No Emmys today for Outstanding Writing!

Not a fan of the manbun but Thomas wore it well.

Yep, the shit is about to hit the fan.  Hope it is worth it.  We needed new blood on the show and hope it is not a regular that is Finn’s mother.

Forgot about the star of today, the man bun! It looked like a martial arts man bun as opposed to a Starbucks man bun. 

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Please no to Shelia or Taylor being Finn’s biological mother. 

Shelia is a dried up husk in terms of storyline potential. And unless they are gonna make Steffy/Phoebe Pierce’s kids, then he’ll no to incest. 

2 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Today’s show was one of the most sickening shows I’ve seen in a long time. Do we have a vomit icon?!


It was so syrupy sweet and fake.

The only saving grace was Thomas’ man-bun. 

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Eric screwed up when they first started talking about Steffi and Finn ....he said Steffi and Quinn.....

I replayed it three times to listen and he absolutely screwed up....

He then hesitated  a tad and maybe somebody in his ear said to just keep going....and so he did


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I thought that Lurch designed for HFTF. That dress definitely didn’t give off a HFTF vibe.  If not, that would only leave Zende as the only designer.  With Eric back designing, for couture, why would they need Lurch?  

Brooke, you dumb shit, of course Stuffy wanted to talk about a wedding. You just had to fake being surprised. 

Finn’s father, Jack, was actually surprised that Finn could find any woman being as boring as he is let alone a seemingly intelligent woman like Stuffy. 

That must have been off camera because I don’t remember Eric holding or ever seeing Hayes. 

Even though Finn is adopted, they are just a boring as he is.  

Ridge your another dumb fuck. When Stuffy and Finn met she was in a bad place but Finn was her doctor. Wouldn’t it have been unethical for him to run?  Did he have a choice?  I don’t think so. 

Of course Stuffy’s name is on top of the wedding announcement but according to Emily Post, the Doctor’s name should be first. It’s like Dr and Mrs Smith or if the doctor is a woman, it’s should be Dr and Mr Smith. I guess in the wedding announcement TIIC are trying to make the couple look more edgy and less boring. 

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26 minutes ago, SiouxB said:

Eric screwed up when they first started talking about Steffi and Finn ....he said Steffi and Quinn.....

I replayed it three times to listen and he absolutely screwed up....

He then hesitated  a tad and maybe somebody in his ear said to just keep going....and so he did


I didn't catch it, but misstating a person's name is something that does happen IRL. People in my own family call me by another family member's name somewhat regularly - and our two names (me and my niece) do not sound alike AT ALL.

So, maybe B&B left in the faux pas to inject realism...?  🤷‍♀️

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On 7/31/2021 at 2:47 PM, Anna Yolei said:

I doubt it's Brooke. Wasn't she a virgin before Ridge? It too bad they already pulled that secret son thing with Donna ages ago or they could've done that. But man, if Steffy married a Logan and Taylor caught wind of it from wherever she's fucked off to, I imagine she'd come busting through the door like the Kool-Aid man to rage about it.

If memory serves, Brooke was attacked and I believe raped back when she was living in the valley with Donna and Katie (you know, the 'old' Katie and Donna! 😂). At least I think that it was Brooke. Whoever it was had an admirer who followed her and attacked her on her way home from work (I think). Anyway, I am not sure if it was Brooke OR even if she was actually raped (the actress' clothing was ripped and hanging off of her), but that would be a reaaaalllllly long stretch to have Finn's dad be the attacker and have Brooke give birth to a secret son and Finn's dad adopt him. With these writers, though? 🙄 

I cackled out loud when I heard about Taylor doing "missionary work." Oh, my god what in the hell? There are SO many other excuses that they could have used, but that one is just off the charts. 😂😂😂

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14 minutes ago, lightninggirl said:

PpIf memory serves, Brooke was attacked and I believe raped back when she was living in the valley with Donna and Katie (you know, the 'old' Katie and Donna! 😂). At least I think that it was Brooke. Whoever it was had an admirer who followed her and attacked her on her way home from work (I think). Anyway, I am not sure if it was Brooke OR even if she was actually raped (the actress' clothing was ripped and hanging off of her), but that would be a reaaaalllllly long stretch to have Finn's dad be the attacker and have Brooke give birth to a secret son and Finn's dad adopt him. With these writers, though? 🙄 

I cackled out loud when I heard about Taylor doing "missionary work." Oh, my god what in the hell? There are SO many other excuses that they could have used, but that one is just off the charts. 😂😂😂

I think she was attacked but escaped. They aired that episode when they were showing the classics.  Brooke was raped another time but that was later and set in motion by Stephanie although I can’t remember if that was Stephanie’s goal or if she just wanted to scare her.

Either way, I would hope it’s not Brooke.

It could be Quinn, she would probably be on the mass email. 
By the way did they use email? It didn’t look like Instagram or FB. 

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I do remember the first episode or so and Brooke wasn't raped. Some men tried to drag her into a van and she fought them off and escaped. That's why her light blue denim dress was ripped and smudged. I don't remember exactly, but I think that there had been a series of rapes in the area and Dave (Brooke's boyfriend who was a cop) was working the case. I recall that she went to the police station to make a statement and I think she even viewed a lineup. 

I don't know if Brooke ever slept with Dave or not. They got engaged, so it would make sense. If Ridge popped her cherry, then her lifetime attitude about him *destiny* sort of makes sense, which makes it even sadder and more pathetic. It was probably just another notch on the bedpost for him, but Brooke's obsession persistence and pandering to his oversized *cough* ego obviously wore him down. 😍🤩


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This wedding invitation is sending me to the moon 😆

My God, they're really treating this like the second coming of Luke & Laura, aren't they? If they're trying to convince fans that the Steam Age is over, I wish they'd do so in the show itself rather than the promos.

3 hours ago, Aymery said:

These are the same folks who gave us names like Ridge and Thorne 30+ years ago. You really can't come up with anything better than John and Jack?

Side note, but I remember hearing that Ridge specifically was named after a family friend of the Bells'. I dunno if that was the case for Thorne, but as a Californian born in the 80s, when every tradition C name* for baby girls was being spelled with Ks, B&B was definitely ahead of it's time.

*Guess who's mom went specifically against that trend but whose friends in school ignored it anyway? 😐🙃

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Finn's mom is cute.

Jack is quite the charmer. If he knew of Steffy and her family he must know how many marriages she already has under her belt. He must also wonder why she's adding Finn to that list, besides baby Hayes anyway.

Why all this discussion about Steffy getting married? Why is it such a big deal this time as opposed to all the other times? Ridge is utterly giddy about it. Maybe he'll get to be the flower girl. 😏

Of course Taylor won't be at the wedding. Of course. Pretty much anything is more important to her than her kids.

Badass? I thought that wedding announcement was like something designed by a middle schooler. Steffy and Finn barely even looked like a couple to me.

So what's Jack hiding? He seemed really worried about that wedding announcement getting released.

Ditto comments upthread, I sure hope that disembodied hand at the end doesn't belong to Sheila. 💩

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39 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

This wedding invitation is sending me to the moon 😆

My God, they're really treating this like the second coming of Luke & Laura, aren't they? If they're trying to convince fans that the Steam Age is over, I wish they'd do so in the show itself rather than the promos.

Side note, but I remember hearing that Ridge specifically was named after a family friend of the Bells'. I dunno if that was the case for Thorne, but as a Californian born in the 80s, when every tradition C name* for baby girls was being spelled with Ks, B&B was definitely ahead of it's time.

*Guess who's mom went specifically against that trend but whose friends in school ignored it anyway? 😐🙃

The invite is amazing 🤣

It looks like Eric’s living room is being utilized again for this wedding. They must keep the set up in the hall closet cause you never know when a wedding will strike. 
At least Carter’s off the hook for officiating. That would have been hysterical.

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I am surprised that Finn would condone Steffy being anywhere near a motorcycle. The creative team probably didn't even know how Sinn met when they came up with that concept. Is it supposed to some kind of inside joke?

Ridge sure was physically overly friendly with Mrs. Sinn Sr.  The guy playing Finn's father sure has the sketch facial expressions and worried eyes down.  And how appropriate of Ridge to air Steffy's dirty laundry to future in-laws she'd just met. Not that I care if she has an uncomfortable or embarrassing moment, but it didn't seem to land. I also have a feeling that Finn has been pretty selective about what he's shared with is parents about Steffy and her family. 

Yep. I agree it was a sickeningly sweet episode. I hate it when the writers over-telegraph that doom is around the corner. We get it by now. No couple can be happy on this show. I would actually welcome lots of drama and problems for Sinn. The problem is that the guy playing Finn wouldn't be able to pull it off. JMW just barely. 


Edited by CharlizeCat
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1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

I am surprised that Finn would condone Steffy being anywhere near a motorcycle.

Does anyone here think Finn tells Steffy *anything?* The guy makes Liam look as assertive as Victor Newman for all that Finn gushes about her :p

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ITA that a motorcycle was inappropriate AF for the invite, given its role in Steffy’s accident and addiction. And that she had already had a motorcycle accident a few years, resulting in her losing her first child with Liam. 

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17 hours ago, Aymery said:

I'm not sure what it is Brooke is supposed to have done to Steffy in this latest escapade. Yes she commented that it's a plus point Steffy will no longer be mooning after her daughter's husband, but the way people are carrying on, you'd think she'd expressed unhappiness that Steffy had found a man who loved her, and only her, and they'd gotten engaged. On the contrary, today's episode had Brooke looking genuinely excited over Finn and Steffy posting their wedding announcement. It is a huge contrast to how Steffy usually reacts to happy news about Hope - where her default approach has always been to go after the man in question just so she can destroy Hope's happiness for supposedly enjoying more of Ridge's attention growing up (which, of course, NEVER happened except in her mind that's been brainwashed by Taylor's endless, largely baseless anti-Logan rants over the years).

Brooke looked genuinely happy for Steffy. Could some of that happiness be because Steffy appears to finally be out of Liam/Hope's orbit? Sure, but so what? Steffy has been a thorn in Hope's side for well over a decade with very little of anything that can be deemed retaliatory from Hope's side. 

She smiled warmly when she saw the engagement announcement and told Steffy: "You look beautiful." They shared a fond look and even if Brooke and Steffy have been at odds at times, it's clear KKL and JMW really care about one another.

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I don't see Quinn, who is 100% wrapped up in Carter, sitting in a dark room waiting for a Forrester family wedding announcement. And didn't we just see her and Carter heading upstairs for some action? I don't see Shauna doing this either. 

Of course, Sheila would be one to do it. Please don't go there Show. You brought her back a few years ago and it was a complete and total fail. Sheila has run her course. I don't care how many feathers would be ruffled; just no. I don't see Taylor either; outside of the whole incest thing, I don't see when she could have had a baby without us knowing it. I guess during her second dirt nap there would have been time, and it could be Prince Omar's son, but I don't think Show would have the cojones to be marrying a brother and sister. 

How about Morgan? That would certainly set Ridge's world upside down. 

Maybe it isn't about who the mommy is at all; maybe it is about who the daddy is. Deacon? Could Jack be an ex-con that was helping a pal out? He and his wife were childless and Deacon couldn't care for his child. Could Finn be a grown up Little D? Or maybe he is a grown up Jack Marone. Or maybe the child of Mike Guthrie. 

Please show; anything but Sheila. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I was wondering about Finn being Little D, which would have some real legs from a storyline perspective. However, it looked like a woman's hand and Becky, Little D's mom, is dead. But it could be Amber's hand (who raised him the first several years of his life).

Him being a grown-up Jack Marone would be interesting as well, except for the fact that Nick, Ridge's half-brother is his father, making Steffy and Finn half-first-cousins. But it worked quite well on Guiding Light with Tammy/Jonathan. And they need something to spice up #Sinn. I think Nick being his biological father would be swept under the rug and the main focus is that Brooke is his biological mother.

But back to the Little D = Finn angle. I'm getting the sense that Finn was adopted before he was old enough to remember other parents in his life. Not that they couldn't retconn this along with SORASing Little D (although just a smidge on the latter as Little D was born in 1999 and if allowed to age naturally would be 22 today).

I'm praying to the soap gods that this is NOT Sheila because she was an epic fail last go-round and it's embarrassing to the Sheila of old and her viciously twisted legacy to keep trotting her out like the Christmas fruitcake nobody wants. Just as it was embarrassing for all the times Y&R used her or her specter to push a storyline that was flailing in the wind.

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Well it is Sheila.  KB can really bring a lot to the show if the writing is there.  I, for one, am glad it is not Quinn.  She is fun for causing trouble but I detest her as a person.  She needs to be surgically excised from the Forresters.  Just stick in Carter's bedroom and leave her there.

I found yesterday's show to be overly saccharine myself.  I want to like Steffy and Finn as a couple but I find them fake, boring and not entertaining.  So far, Finn is a total zero.  I get no fire, no passion nothing from him.  And Steffy has more passion for her now hidden giant LeeeeUm poster than she has for Finn.  It's sad really.  You just know that soon Steffy will be crying on LeeeeUm's shoulder and accidentally fall on his crotch.  Sheila alone will not be enough to add some jazz to this boring duo.

The wedding announcement was incorrect.  The groom should be listed first and it should have said Finn and Steffy invite you, which it did not.  Is the motorcycle a last gasp attempt to hang on to Steffy's wild child younger self?  Multi-married and mother of two must be so sad for her to digest.  And wedding of the century?????? Overblown much!

I ugly laughed about Taylor and her misson work.  That crazy loon is out doing good with a murder and almost murder on her conscience?  Plus she bought a stolen baby.  Nothing like a little whitewash to cleanse all the muck up. Hope she stays gone forever.

Edited by CatLady
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Ugh, the break from Hope/Liam was nice while it lasted. 

Hopes dress was ugly.

Is Hope going to ask Liam how he feels about Steffy every time she makes a life decision. Its pathetic she has to ask how he feels. 

Oh, Steffy why would you want Lope to be at your wedding. Did she even ask Finn how he felt about Liam being there. Of course she has to acknowledge st. Hope.

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4 hours ago, CatLady said:

Well it is Sheila.  KB can really bring a lot to the show if the writing is there. 

This is true. KB has the chops, but so much depends on the writers, which I don't trust as far as I can throw them these days.

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