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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

don't expect Brad Bell to have been able to predict the future but seems to me like there's been enough time to change the plot point away from a doctor tired of medicine who wants to chuck it all to design overpriced clothes. I think it's beyond tone deaf given what's going on IRL right now.

If this is airing right now, it was filmed between mid and late February and planned out three months before that. It was a ridiculous scheme but I can't hold him to the fire for this one.

Now, the Thomas crap after #Me Too? Big fucking tone deaf blunder.

38 minutes ago, nkotb said:

This Sally story is the most frustrating, mostly because I legit think she loved Thomas. I think she likes Wyatt. Big difference.

Right?! She and Thomas we're good with each other. They grew as people because of each other, yet she was entirely understanding about him moving in with Caroline, who had a history of scheming and manipulation well before that shit ass brain cancer story.

Even at his best, Wyatt comes off as a slimy, entitled weasel whose sole redeeming feature was being a Thorne in Liam's side (get it? 😛) and call him out for being a lame ass waffle. I haven't forgotten how he demanded Bill just give him that beach house Liam lived in with Hope right after it came out that he was Bill's son or how he waited till *after* marrying Steffy to look into WTF was going on with his Looney mother when Liam was missing. 


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If this is airing right now, it was filmed between mid and late February and planned out three months before that. It was a ridiculous scheme but I can't hold him to the fire for this one.

I can.

When the Oklahoma City bombing happened, AMC had a character about to bomb a church where her ex was getting ready to marry another woman. Over the ensuing weekend TPTB modified what was to be shown so that the bomb didn't really go off as intended and they quickly retaped scenes that would've shown bombing destruction. If ABC and the AMC producers/writers/actors could do that over a few days with stuff that had also been taped weeks in advance, I think Brad Bell could get rid of references to a doctor wanting to be a fashion designer when right now every single person with medical training is in dire need across the US. At the very least he could issue a statement saying he realizes how it doesn't look great right now and express appreciation for the efforts of all medical personal to fight the pandemic.

When/if this show comes back I hope Bell will have changed that plot point (or have gotten rid of the Dr. Escobar character altogether) because IMO it's bordering on being offensive.

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Fair enough. The entire state of California has been on lockdown for *checks watch* 26 days now so obviously reshoots are out of the question but he could issue a statement issuing an apology.

He could also issue an apology to all the rape victims and child abuse survivors for the horrible stories he's put out starting with the Thomas/Caroline crap over the last five years too, while he's at it.

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4 hours ago, nkotb said:

That was literally the worst green scene I have ever seen. Like ever. Geez, they were like pretending to jet ski or something, in front of a very obvious green screen. It was so odd, why didn't they just say that she wanted to go to a spa to get away or something? I get that money is tight, but don't make up stories that require locations then. 

I, too, can't understand how Shauna could even throw Ridge a passing glance when she rode the $tallion. And, he's even hotter now than when he was younger. Get that hair outta your face & open your eyes. Crazy.


Shauna and Bill? When?! 


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Brooke, blah blah blah Ridge 

Sally, blah blah blah Wyatt 

Quinn and Brooke, blah blah blah

Shanna and Ridge blah blah blah 

Flo and Wyatt, much less blah blah blah  

Brooke sends the pilot to find Ridge.  Does Brooke think it’s no more than a cab ride to Malibu.  Does she actually think Ridge could bring Ridge back to LA?  

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That was laughably bad greenscreen. I mean, German second-hand embarrassment bad.


8 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Shauna and Bill? When?! 


They slept together around the same time she was seeing Storm and there was a hot minute where it was speculated that Flo was a Spencer. 

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Whee, wait until Ridge finds out $Bill got in there before he did. Like decades before. His head will explode and then he'll go running back to Brooke because clearly every woman in LA has already slept with the Stallion.😏

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2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

That was laughably bad greenscreen. I mean, German second-hand embarrassment bad.


They slept together around the same time she was seeing Storm and there was a hot minute where it was speculated that Flo was a Spencer. 

Oh, good grief. They did the same thing with Liam’s parentage. It was between Thorne and Bill. 

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Whee, wait until Ridge finds out $Bill got in there before he did. Like decades before. His head will explode and then he'll go running back to Brooke because clearly every woman in LA has already slept with the Stallion.😏

Although he didn't seem to mind that Quinn had (obviously) had a fling with Bill. 

I'm sure I'm not alone in this but honestly, the best chemistry this version of Ridge has ever had is with Bill.




Just go on with your Brokeback selves.

And some videos where you can feel the heat.

I need to go cool myself off now. How 'bout you? 😉

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Wouldn’t be surprised if Bell fills in the gaps in production with shows comprised solely of the characters having conversations wit each other on the phone.  With the scenes shot by the actors themselves.

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4 minutes ago, mmccpp said:

So I can't be the only one who thinks Ridge and Shauna got married in Vegas, right?  Right?

That's one helluva hat trick, considering he never officially divorced Brooke! 🤣

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29 minutes ago, mmccpp said:

So I can't be the only one who thinks Ridge and Shauna got married in Vegas, right?  Right?

It wouldn’t be legal if he was black-out drunk (even if he weren’t still married to Brooke). BTW, getting black-out drunk isn’t my idea of a romantic date.

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1 hour ago, LittleIggy said:

It wouldn’t be legal if he was black-out drunk (even if he weren’t still married to Brooke). BTW, getting black-out drunk isn’t my idea of a romantic date.

Me neither but based on Shauna's reactions both times, clearly passed out men are like catnip to her. 

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3 hours ago, mmccpp said:

So I can't be the only one who thinks Ridge and Shauna got married in Vegas, right?  Right?

No, you’re not alone.  I noticed that yesterday when the last, horrid green-screen shot was them in front of a seedy wedding chapel.  And their final “goodbyes” today?  They totally got married.  

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Bill vs Quinn. Let the games begin! Frankly I think now would be a good time for it to come out that Wyatt isn't Bill's kid. It still annoys me that Bill just took Quinn's word for it and there was no DNA test.

Bill, ya know I love ya but what was up with your coiffure today? I might could see a nest of small animals living in that skyscraper of hair on your head. 😨

So did Ridge sleep with Shauna or not? She woke up on her couch with that post-coital disheveled look. Maybe Pilot Nat pulled Ridge off her mid-stroke and onto the FC jet. Hope he gets hazardous duty pay.

How is it up to Flo to decide who gets to live in Wyatt's house and under what conditions? They're not even engaged, much less married. Ugh, Wyatt is plain p-whipped. 😒

OH PUHLEEZE! Are Shauna and Ridge supposed to be star-crossed lovers now? I can't. But wow, it didn't occur to me that they might've gotten married. I guess next Quinn will try to get Ridge and Brooke's divorce papers and pay someone in the county clerk's office to backdate them.

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Wyatt said Sally shouldn't be dying because she's too young, talented, and beautiful. So, if she were old, talentless, and fugly she should be dead already? STFU, Wyatt. 😑

I really don't understand why Dr. Penny Peloton Simplicity Pattern Face Escobar doesn't call security as soon as Flo shows up trying to browbeat confidential details about Sally's medical condition out of her. Flo is not entitled to know anything about Sally no matter how she tries to twist the approach of her questions and make it seem like she's Sally's friend. AFAIC Penny is a moron for talking to Flo at all.

Katie can dish it out but she can't take it. She had no problem violating Sally's trust but Quinn spilling secrets that affected Katie's life was wrong. Okay then, Katie.

Sally's story is full of holes. Repeatedly deflecting to Flo doesn't plug them, at least not as fast as she needs them to. She ought to be beyond her 30-day decline now and she knows people are starting to get impatient.

Dr. Escobar should be fired. Why would she leave Flo--or any other unauthorized person--alone in her office with her computer logged on? Meanwhile, just when I thought I couldn't loathe Flo more she proves me mistaken. Ugh! 😠

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Ok, if Sally is really dying, she shouldn’t expect Wyatt to take care of her in her end stage.  More emotional blackmail. 

Wyatt could be with her in a facility where she is receiving the care she needs. If not a facility, than insist on her having an in home care giver. Wyatt is too stupid or just unwilling to see the things Flo sees. 

I’m wondering if Dr Peloton left her laptop open and unprotected on purpose so Flo could see that Sally is faking. 


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3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

I’m wondering if Dr Peloton left her laptop open and unprotected on purpose so Flo could see that Sally is faking. 

Yes, because it would help ease her guilty conscience and put an end to this charade.

I'm rooting for Flo to find out the truth and put us all out of our misery with this storyline.


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Well, I felt like I’d slept through a few days because Ridge woke up in his bed at Eric’s and Brooke was just sitting there watching him. The last thing I saw was Brooke ordering the Forrester pilot to go find Ridge and bring him home. Huh? Is that his job? Then poof! Ridge is there in bed. I really thought that Brooke was dreaming and she’d wake up to find her husband still in Vegas. This show makes no sense whatsoever and the writers don’t care.

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I've only been watching B&B full-time for a few years but that scene of Ridge falling out the helicopter was the best thing ever for me. AFAIC it's still even better than Liam learning that Steffy slept with Bill, Hope getting Beth back, and Thomas getting publicly destroyed at his wedding to Zoe. Can't wait to see it again!

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I rewound it about 20 times the first time it aired. I'll probably follow suit today because I (we) could use a laugh right now.

I'll also enjoy Brill in their wedding finery and the gorgeous Dubai scenery and revel when the show did honest-to-goodness location shoots instead of the fake-ass "Vegas" or "Paris" green screens.

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Another "classic" episode with KM Hope in it. That's interesting. Per IMDb she doesn't appear to be doing much. Is a reverse recast afoot?

Whee! Bill stays getting messy and blowing up relationships, especially his own. And DD must've been in great shape to be able to run like that on sand. Fully dressed.

Ugh, Ridge was being pretty much a bully to Brooke. I think he definitely needed a refreshing dunk in the ocean or sea or whatever that was. 🤗

Wait, so Katie was still carrying a torch for Ridge? Was that before or after the cheap mf-er tied that stupid engagement ribbon on her finger?

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The latest classic episode made me think Quinn’s hate-on for Brooke stemmed from Bill dumping her (well, their sexy times) the second he reunited with Brooke with nary a backward glance. 

Clearly, Quinn was hoping for more and has been looking to get some revenge ever since. I’m sure it played a role with her fooling around with Ridge. 

It must chap her ass that every man she’s ever been interested in is enamored with Brooke. Even Eric will always care for her, even beyond her being the mother of two of his children. 

Re Katie - pretty sure she had the red ribbon of true wuv by then. 

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You know, an interesting story would be about Sludge having a major drinking problem. This is two times now where he's gotten blackout drunk. I'd say he has a worse problem than Brooke and Katie. It's about time a male character has a SL about alcoholism or some other addiction. B&B history has had Macy, Taylor, Katie and Brooke all struggle with drinking. Amber and Hope (briefly) had problems with pills. There was a hint that the writers were going to go there with Bill with the drinking, but backed off. It's always the women ... 

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On 4/17/2020 at 3:39 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Another "classic" episode with KM Hope in it. That's interesting. Per IMDb she doesn't appear to be doing much. Is a reverse recast afoot?

I hope not. I actually liked AN in the role for the first year she was in the role and allowed to be forgiving without being a pushover. She can be quite decent when given something to do beside being a mopey sad sack and KM would be even less convincing of that version of Hope than AN.

10 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Re Katie - pretty sure she had the red ribbon of true wuv by then. 

She did. And she wore it for another few months as Ridge soon started canoodling with her nephew's wife.

I would say it served her right, but I never believed Katie was ever in love with Ridge and was just as happy to be rid of him as he was to be rid of her.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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8 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I hope not. I actually liked AN in the role for the first year she was in the role and allowed to be forgiving without being a pushover. She can be quite decent when given something to do beside being a mopey sad sack and KM would be even less convincing of that version of Hope than AN.

Same.  I thought I didn't like Hope when KM played her, and then I saw her in Unreal & realized it's KM I don't like.

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I cannot imagine KM back in the role and AN acts circles around her.

There's no way she could have pulled off the Beth is "dead" storyline, particularly those clinic scenes where she wailed over her dead "child." And we do have the Hope losing her unborn son with Wyatt for comparison and there simply is no comparison. The only truly great acting in the latter scenes were DD's normally stoic Bill struggling to keep his composure as he moved to comfort Hope and kiss her on the forehead with a bit of an assist from SC.

KM's Hope (telling Wyatt about the baby): 


KM/group mourning: 


I couldn't find any clips of AN and the "loss" of Beth but I think many here are familiar with her work there.


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I was watching today's show at work today, & I was about 5 minutes in, & thought 'wow, Flo has worn that shorts outfit for a long time". She was in Dr. Designer's office, like she was on Friday. I paused it, so my coworker didn't see me watching, & when I went to turn it back on, I noticed that the episode description was from Monday, April 6, a full 2 weeks ago. Different outfit for Flo, same exact situation, same exact dialogue, & still haunting Dr. Designer's office. 

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I prefer Anika’s Hope to KM. The only reason Hope isn’t as good rn is the writing for her has gone downhill. 

16 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

You know, an interesting story would be about Sludge having a major drinking problem. This is two times now where he's gotten blackout drunk. I'd say he has a worse problem than Brooke and Katie. It's about time a male character has a SL about alcoholism or some other addiction. B&B history has had Macy, Taylor, Katie and Brooke all struggle with drinking. Amber and Hope (briefly) had problems with pills. There was a hint that the writers were going to go there with Bill with the drinking, but backed off. It's always the women ... 

Ridge certainly looks like a sloppy drunk but I don’t like addiction stories on soaps. 

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Flo is laughably rich today.

Sally's "dying" stunt is incredibly manipulative but for Felony to call Sally a "fake" and a "fraud" is beyond ridiculous.

How she fixes her mouth to say anything to Sally after she willingly participated in a baby swapping and selling scheme and pocketed $50k to boot and lied to everyone for the better part of a year until a five-year-old outed her is infuriating. 

Elsewhere, Flo should really be keeping an eye on the aunt whom she gifted a kidney.

Because Wyatt looks at her like he can't even remember Felony's name. And Katie?

She doesn't look like someone pining over Bill to me. 



And if Flo heard him say: "I'm here for you if you need anything."


The Captain Save a Ho is strong with this one.

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One thing I'm surprised about is how no one's mentioned to Sally that maybe Wyatt doesn't want her actually dying in his home. The memory of it might make it hard for him to keep living there.

What was Flo getting teary-eyed about in Dr. Penny Peloton Lax on Medical Records Security Face Escobar's office?

I'm also surprised Quinn and Katie are so friendly. Does Quinn know Katie and Wyatt used to be fcuk buddies?

Flo: Do you really feel anything but hatred towards me?
The World: Wait, is this a trick question?

Oh I get it now. Flo just figured out that Sally's scheme is all about HER. Did Sally hurt her widdle feelings? At least when she helped steal Hope's baby it wasn't personal. Gah. 🙄

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Sally Sally Sally, the jig is up but she continues to boil the bunny. 

Katie, after your operation didn’t you want to come home but you needed to be taken care of in the hospital; but now Katie can’t understand why Wyatt wants her in a facility that is better equipped to take care of her. 

I don’t think any character on B&B can cast the first stone. 

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7 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I'm also surprised Quinn and Katie are so friendly. Does Quinn know Katie and Wyatt used to be fcuk buddies?

Oh, she tried to kill that relationship! That is why it is so weird that Katie would even speak to Quinn, especially with the latest ambush,

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1 hour ago, bannana said:

Oh, she tried to kill that relationship! That is why it is so weird that Katie would even speak to Quinn, especially with the latest ambush,

She lost her damn mind trying to kill Quinn when she was feening for Eric and trying to “protect him” from bad influence Quinn. 

On brand for preachy perfect Katie. She loves falling for her families exes and being a buttinski into other people’s business. 

Isn’t it cute? A snake used a fake snake to expose a snake. giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f297ff662da45eaa14946

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On ‎4‎/‎14‎/‎2020 at 8:46 PM, Anna Yolei said:
On ‎4‎/‎14‎/‎2020 at 8:00 PM, nkotb said:

This Sally story is the most frustrating, mostly because I legit think she loved Thomas. I think she likes Wyatt. Big difference.

Right?! She and Thomas we're good with each other. They grew as people because of each other, yet she was entirely understanding about him moving in with Caroline, who had a history of scheming and manipulation well before that shit ass brain cancer story.

THIS!  is Thomas still around??  If he is maybe Sally and Thomas could revert to villains and F shit up 

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I read that B&B is going to air "classic" episodes featuring the Monte Carlo storyline.  Admittedly, I don't follow this show regularly much anymore and only see it once in a blue moon, but wasn't that storyline like only two or three years ago?  

Y&R is going to feature episodes centered around Katherine Chancellor.  This show has been around for over 30 years... why can't they air episodes from the 90s?  Sally Spectra, Sheila Carter, etc.  Is anyone really dying to see episodes from two or three years ago again?  And featuring the same exact characters still onscreen today?

If they want people to feel nostalgic, they are missing the boat.  Is it an issue of royalties?  They don't want to have to pay Ronnnnnnnnnnn "Ginsu Cheeks" Mossssssss any money?  I guess Jeanne Cooper and Kristoff St. John are dead so can't object, but not sure if their estates are entitled to any royalties, unclear how that works.

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I wonder, too, if they don't want Ronn getting one red cent, even though he helped make the show and it has never been the same without him.

Or they don't want to suck in new viewers or bring back old ones by showing truly classic episodes that feature Ronn (as he was pretty front burner throughout) and have them tune out again when TK shows  up as the worst recast in soap opera history (*IMO).

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6 hours ago, Cindylou said:

THIS!  is Thomas still around??  If he is maybe Sally and Thomas could revert to villains and F shit up 

Well, Sally was able to rescue the character from bad writing once before, so maybe it'll work again! 😛

....naw, I think I'd rather they revisit Lally or even pairing her with Bill before throwing her with Thomas again.

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33 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Well, Sally was able to rescue the character from bad writing once before, so maybe it'll work again! 😛

....naw, I think I'd rather they revisit Lally or even pairing her with Bill before throwing her with Thomas again.

Sure that would be fine, but her and Thomas could work on making those ideas come true...….. they don't have to be together, they could just be partners in crime.

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