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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Things we learned today. Raggedy is selfish but not Stuffy.  Shanna would stay with Ridge no matter what because he’s such a fine fine man. Zoey is turning a blind eye on Lurch to lie down with a dog because she needs a place to stay.

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Everyone bitches, moans and complains when the revisionist history benefits the Logan's but when Steffy starts talking out the side her neck suddenly she's in the right and she should slap Hope silly? FOH 

It's nice to be on this forum, Anna Yolei sent me! You are a Godsend! 

On 10/18/2019 at 2:13 AM, Anna Yolei said:

Do any of them know about that? There's a lot I could pin on that slattern, but this isn't one of them. That was all Tommy's doing because he believed Liam's admittedly shitty history with loyalty entitled him to force sex on him, like Stephanie thought Brooke's history entitled her to sic a man she barely knew onto her.

And if Thomas' continued griping about Hope passing him up and choosing Liam in spite of their history didn't smack of incel Nice Guy rhetoric, I don't know what does. Even if Liam was still the unrepentant shitcock he was at his third wedding attempt, he would still be better than ThomAss for not being a gaslighting rapist.

Thomas slut shames Brooke on a regular basis now so he's now the best character in soap history smh.... XD

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5 hours ago, ByTor said:

Once he decided all was forgiven & he went back to Hope, I would consider it now on him. 


Remember the good ol' days when Hope was the waffle, stringing Wyatt along and punishing Liam for the shit he did when Steffy was in town? Because I do, and I was pretty pissed that she wouldn't make a decision or cut bait and move on. If she wanted him and forgave him, fine, but none of this two way crap.

It's the same thing here. There's a lot of baggage that wouldn't go away immediately but if Liam has problems with Hope and keeping Beth away, discuss 👏those 👏 fucking 👏 problems 👏 with 👏 her 👏 first! 👏 Steffy is owed jack shit. She can raise Kelly however she wishes and Hope gets no say in that, either (other than asking that Beth not be there with Taylor, which is entirely reasonable considering her raving lunacy towards all things Logan. I wouldn't trust her to care for a pet rock that a Logan loved!).

Also welcome @TeamGabi ! 🙂 I'm glad you made it over here! Enjoy your stay!

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Wow, that smug look on Steffy's face while Hope was flailing. Hope let her desperation and insecurity get the best of her, and from where I was sitting, Liam passively goaded her into it. And Steffy just stood there eating it up.

I can't believe how Tommy was spilling his dastardly plans to Zoe. He's like a James Bond villain.

While I do like Liam getting called on his waffling, Hope and Steffy have let him get away with it for this long so why would he stop now? Kelly and Beth give him permanent excuses to keep both women dangling for the next 18 years. They should be grateful they're the only baby mamas he has. 😒

Again, why can Liam only see Kelly at Steffy's house? It's ridiculous. And if he's not willing to commit to Hope why is he living with her? Ugh, these trifling, freeloading men. (And the weak women who enable them.)

Thomas, you are freaking rich! Why are you not only squatting at some poor guy's tiny apartment but encouraging Zoe move in too? Why!???!!! Zoe girl, you better not...

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Steffy and Hope are both selfish, and so is Liam.  If any of them had any functioning brain cells or ever thought about someone besides themselves, they would not keep ending up in this idiotic situation.

Liam lost his child to when he thought Beth was dead, and tried to be there for Hope.  That's about as much as I want to defend Liam.  Even Steffy questioned why Hope didn't consider adopting.  Why did Hope have to end her marriage to Liam and marry Thomas so she could be a mother?  There were also several people who warned Hope about Thomas, and she didn't listen.  So this time around, Hope played a major part in her marriage to Liam ending.  Hope was the one insisting Liam should go be with Steffy and Kelly.  Of course, now that Beth is alive, Hope has changed her tune again.  Liam could have stayed with Wyatt.  Steffy didn't have to let Liam move in with her.  No sympathy for any of these idiots.

I feel sorry for Kelly and Beth.

Is Liam ever going to find out Thomas drugged him?

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On 10/18/2019 at 2:54 PM, CountryGirl said:

I wish Hope had slapped Hauxdi sideways todays, especially when she fixed her trout mouth to tell Hope this: "You realize it was like there was a death."


No, bitch, Hope being told her baby died, made to hold a DEAD baby, and having a funeral for Beth. THAT is like a death. 

Steffy will continue to see Beth and gets to know that everyday, she is alive and thriving and being cared for by her parents.

And scoffing that Hope reclaiming her child as was her RIGHT is Logans always taking?

That is HER baby, you absolutely vapid, vile, piece of shit.

And of course, Liam doesn't show up until after she's spewed her venom against Hope, including telling Hope that she has every intention of going after Liam. 

Nope, he comes in when Hope is fighting back as she should and of course, misses the triumph in the heifer's eyes that her little ploy to be seen as poor widdle Steffy is working.

But Hope misses nothing.


I mean just look at her gleeful face.


Fuck him for not standing by Hope. 

I didn't see anything in Liam's expression in yesterday's episode that hinted he was picking up what Steffy was putting down with a forklift regarding a reunion.

But today?

He's done a 180 and is defending this bitch.

Hope should take Beth and get as far away from this chucklefuck and succubus as she can. But not before punching her in her life preserver lips.


If Steffy wants this waffling dipshit, she can have him.


Here's actual live footage of Liam right about now:


And while I should have known better, it just sickens me that all these months of Liam fighting for her and being firmly in Hope's corner, long after a lot of men would have thrown in the towel, all of that is undone in an episode. And now that I have time to think, it's really two episodes. Today's and yesterday's, when he went behind Hope's back to let Beth visit Hauxdi.

After going through the horror of her daughter being kidnapped and sold and kept from her for the better part of the year, Hope deserves to know where Beth is every minute and should be able to trust Liam to keep her informed. 

But yet he went behind her back and did it anyway, putting Steffy's feelings above those of Beth's own mother. Very telling is the fact that he did it in secret as people who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.

I may be right back to tuning out again because I cannot stand yet another retread of the Triangle From Hell.

Steffy Deserves to get punched in the mouth. Repeatedly. Just to think I was starting to like her sneaky, hater, jealous ass. Won't make that mistake twice.  

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Welcome TeamGabi!

Whew! Just got caught up on the last three days in like twenty minutes; I can't remember when I have been more thankful for the ole FF button. 

My takeaways:

There seems to be a lack of public housing and hotels in LA. Everyone winds up at the same hotel or apartment building. 

Zoe wants to be Tommy Choo Choo's caboose? Alrighty then. 

I take high umbrage with the notable exceptions of Partially Open Door and LDG from Thomas's "IN" list. 

Oh Ridge you fucker. You were eating Shauna alive. 

She knew it of course, and was eating up being eaten up. 

Sparkly new toy indeed. I wish I could care that Ridge is being played like a fiddle, but I don't. I think it is kind of hilarious that he is so fucking dense that he can't see Shauna pushing his buttons. Brooke doesn't get you. Brooke doesn't support you. Brooke doesn't like your kids. All bullshit of course, but Ridge was ogling. 

Shauna's dress reminded me of a very early scene, when Brooke came to see Ridge in a beautiful yellow dress. She looked like pure sunshine. Shauna looked cheap. And very bronze. 

Steffy, you fucking twit. Maybe you should put down the crack pipe, and pickup that peace pipe again. 

I mean, it wasn't bad enough that you were swiggin' the "Logans are trash" kool aid again, but you did the whole finger twirl thing. God, how I hate that shit. Makes me want to run out to Mr. R's he shed and get the biggest, ugliest pair of metal shears I can find and start clipping some friggin nails. Bitch. 

Fuck her Hope. You go home and mother Beth, and keep her away from that shameless,  heauxing whack. Took her daughter from her. Jesus. I am really a nonviolent person, but I seriously wanted to smack a bitch's face. And then saying she showed Hope sympathy and understanding? Yeah, my hand works in both directions. Five or six times on each of those ski slopes you call cheeks might have begun to scratch my itch. 

Brooke looked so damn amazing when she was talking to Hope. And her doofus husband across town peeling a thirsty banana. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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10 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

Welcome @TeamGabi!  Any enemy of Hauxdilox is a friend of mine!

How do you feel about her psycho, drunk-driver, murdering mother?

Hello nice to be here! Taylor's victim complex is bigger than her fan base. She's a salty hypocrite who needs to get a fucking life and stop making excuses for her bitch daughter. Brooke is not the reason you are miserable YOU ARE! Her and Sharon Newman(Young and the restless) being therapists is one of the biggest ironies in the galaxy. 

Edited by TeamGabi
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I’ve never punched anyone in the face (although I’ve certainly wanted to in the past) but Hope had every right and reason to do that to that tacky, hateful, selfish slattern, Steffy, today. Just knock her lights out, Hope!!

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Welcome Team Gabi...I too, am Team Gabi.😉 (Love CB.❤️ She is rockin' it right now.)

Always nice to find another who feels the same about Steffy aka Haudxi as I do as well.

1 hour ago, TeamGabi said:

Steffy Deserves to get punched in the mouth. Repeatedly. Just to think I was starting to like her sneaky, hater, jealous ass. Won't make that mistake twice.  

I had like 2 seconds of compassion for her...but she blew that up with that snarky smug attitude & bitchface.🙄

1 hour ago, TeamGabi said:

Her and Sharon Newman(Young and the restless) being therapists is one of the biggest ironies in the galaxy. 

I know, like...whaaa?? 😏

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20 minutes ago, RedRockRosie said:

(Love CB.❤️ She is rockin' it right now.)

She is so beautiful and talented, It's such a relief to have a worthy, bad ass soap heroine to root for finally unlike the disasters on B&B and Y&R.  

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Watching this episode made me sick, so I had to fast forward most of it.

Clearly, Bell is afraid that he alienated a segment of his audience by having the audacity to return Beth to her rightful mother.  So now we have a bunch of sociopaths 'punishing' the Logans. 

Gaslighting, slut-shaming; NOTHING seems to be too much.   Hauxdilox was sweet as pie while Liam was in the room but the second he was gone she reverted back to her slatternly ways.  She had Liam to herself for months.  Hope handed him over to her on a silver platter.  BUT LIAM DOESN'T WANT STEFFY.  He had to be drugged in order to get it up to fuck the woman who fucked his father just to get back at him.  AFTER Hope turned him down.  Are we all supposed to forget that? 

I've liked Liam when it was hard to do so.  I always thought that he was a good man in his heart.  But this fuckery is too much.  He KNOWS he doesn't want Hauxdilox.  And he knows she knows it.  But he'll let Hope humiliate herself because he's too weak to tell the truth.

Hope girl, take your baby and go.  Tell Liam that he needs to clear who gets to see Beth with her mother FIRST.  It's amazing that a woman is being denigrated for wanting to have a say in what happens to the daughter that was stolen and SOLD LIKE FURNITURE.

Watching a rapist plan his attack on a family of women turns my stomach.  He raped Caroline and would have raped Hope if he had had the chance.  Now he's supposed to be a HERO?  I'm supposed to root for him because he wants to get the Logans?  He calls Brooke the 'slut from the valley'.  Has he met his MOTHER? 

The only positive thing is the possibility that Ridge and Shauna DO end up together.  Nobody deserves a cheap grifter like Shauna MORE than TK's Ridge Marrone.  They look more like a couple than Brooke and Ridge do.  Maybe because Brooke always look clean.

Ridge is going to get his wish.  Hatred of Hope is going to reunite his children.  In order to get back at the Logans an abused child is going to be trapped with his abuser.  What a sick family, the product of a sick man and sick woman.

I don't know who Bell is writing this shit for.  Actually I do.  All I know is he isn't writing it for me.

Edited by mightysparrow
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46 minutes ago, TeamGabi said:

She is so beautiful and talented, It's such a relief to have a worthy, bad ass soap heroine to root for finally unlike the disasters on B&B and Y&R.  

I've loved her since she was on OLTL. She has become so good...in spite of the writing,CB always brings it!!❤️

45 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

Watching this episode made me sick, so I had to fast forward most of it.

Yeah, I FF'wd most of it too. Just watching it go by I knew what was going on....as has been said about this show before...it's "deep fried fuckery".

46 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

I don't know who Bell is writing this shit for.  Actually I do.  All I know is he isn't writing it for me.


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3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Shanna would stay with Ridge no matter what because he’s such a fine fine man.

No matter what huh? So even if he bangs her daughter? Well nice to know. The slut from the desert has no standards. 

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1 hour ago, TeamGabi said:

She is so beautiful and talented, It's such a relief to have a worthy, bad ass soap heroine to root for finally unlike the disasters on B&B and Y&R.  

She is doing such a good job with the Stefan story, also I hate Abigail and Lani so I Stan. 

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3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Zoe wants to be Tommy Choo Choo's caboose? Alrighty then.

That's all the commentary that clown foolery deserves! 😂

I can't remember the last time a woman has been this willingly stupid, and that includes all the times Sharon has taken Nick back.

Speaking of which:

3 hours ago, TeamGabi said:

Her and Sharon Newman(Young and the restless) being therapists is one of the biggest ironies in the galaxy. 

Sharon to her credit doesn't fuck her clients, so she has that going for her over Taylor.

1 hour ago, mightysparrow said:

Watching a rapist plan his attack on a family of women turns my stomach.  He raped Caroline and would have raped Hope if he had had the chance.  Now he's supposed to be a HERO?  I'm supposed to root for him because he wants to get the Logans?  He calls Brooke the 'slut from the valley'.  Has he met his MOTHER? 

There's a lot of discourse I see on Tumblr among my other fandoms about the supposedly "glorification" of abuse in media. 99 percent of the time, it usually a smokescreen for some other (often shipping-related) grudge with the show or certain people need their morality spoodfed to them.

B&B, however? It is the one series that is unbashedly glorifing abuse. 

There's no other word it. If this was a thing B&B had always done like it's never-ending triangles I wouldn't expect anything better. But they've gone out of their way to paint Stephanie as the villain for the equally awful things she's done. She's even shown remorse (or a decent fascimile of such) on a few occasions. 

On any other show, this is the thing that haunts a character forever. It's only with this new recast of Adam that he's washed off the stank of the Faith switch (mostly by being a lousy, selfish father to his own two children in his plot to bash the Newman's, but still, that was ten years and two recasts to move out that shadow!). The only reason Sharon doesn't get dragged for the Christian thing is because the entire situation was too convoluted for words and no one cared that Hammertoes or Detective Plywood got fucked over.

But Thomas? Who's gotten to chew him out? Oh, one scene with Steffy? Boo fucking hoo. Even that's tainted when you know she broke him and Sally out of her own pettiness 

Yeah, it does feel like major whiplash to make him the hero fighting for a son he resents for cockblocking him and the Logans the evil, evil people for caring what happens to a very traumatized little boy. And as pointed out, it feels like they're trying to cater to the anti-Logan critics instead of telling the organic story this demands. In what universe does someone hurt children like this and get to be painted the hero? There's plenty to drag the Logans for but this ain't it, Chief.

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

That's all the commentary that clown foolery deserves! 😂

I can't remember the last time a woman has been this willingly stupid, and that includes all the times Sharon has taken Nick back.

Speaking of which:

Sharon to her credit doesn't fuck her clients, so she has that going for her over Taylor.

There's a lot of discourse I see on Tumblr among my other fandoms about the supposedly "glorification" of abuse in media. 99 percent of the time, it usually a smokescreen for some other (often shipping-related) grudge with the show or certain people need their morality spoodfed to them.

B&B, however? It is the one series that is unbashedly glorifing abuse. 

There's no other word it. If this was a thing B&B had always done like it's never-ending triangles I wouldn't expect anything better. But they've gone out of their way to paint Stephanie as the villain for the equally awful things she's done. She's even shown remorse (or a decent fascimile of such) on a few occasions. 

On any other show, this is the thing that haunts a character forever. It's only with this new recast of Adam that he's washed off the stank of the Faith switch (mostly by being a lousy, selfish father to his own two children in his plot to bash the Newman's, but still, that was ten years and two recasts to move out that shadow!). The only reason Sharon doesn't get dragged for the Christian thing is because the entire situation was too convoluted for words and no one cared that Hammertoes or Detective Plywood got fucked over.

But Thomas? Who's gotten to chew him out? Oh, one scene with Steffy? Boo fucking hoo. Even that's tainted when you know she broke him and Sally out of her own pettiness 

Yeah, it does feel like major whiplash to make him the hero fighting for a son he resents for cockblocking him and the Logans the evil, evil people for caring what happens to a very traumatized little boy. And as pointed out, it feels like they're trying to cater to the anti-Logan critics instead of telling the organic story this demands. In what universe does someone hurt children like this and get to be painted the hero? There's plenty to drag the Logans for but this ain't it, Chief.

There's a few people on the show that do a lot of bullying.  They go on endless tirades without a break, how YOU are like this and YOU always do THAT.  Stephanie did it, but she was so well written and was so good that it didn't matter if what she was saying was so twisted.  Steffy and Thomas just yell and bully with so much hot air that I gloss over.  It was good not watching for a couple of weeks, I figured the ShrekRidge stuff would die down.  

However, I was blown away by Waffles.  Where the hell did that come from?  Nowhere, that's where.  Made no sense.  I remember Old Hope would be so bitchy to Steffy, she'd never

back down.  This one is so passive like a little girl trying her best to be so mad.  

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3 hours ago, TeamGabi said:

The slut from the desert

I hate when Brooke said this, and I hate the saying in general. Brooke, of all people, should listen to what comes out of her mouth. After all, wasn't Brooke called the "slut from the Valley" by Stephanie?  Pot calling the kettle black much? 🤨🙄

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7 hours ago, TessHarding2 said:

 I remember Old Hope would be so bitchy to Steffy, she'd never back down.  This one is so passive like a little girl trying her best to be so mad.  

Old Hope did use to have so much fire, but it often came off as a bratty and spoiled. Back when Steffy was refusing to sign the first divorce papers after Aspen, a lot of folks thought it was ridiculous that Hope couldn't wait the damn six months for the divorce before planning another wedding. But it's another example of how Liam was allowed to skate because not only was Ridge the one to tell Hope at the actual wedding that Steffy hadn't signed, Hope barely gives him a second thought as she hitails it to tell at Steffy off for ruining her day. She doesn't even ask why Liam didn't try to tell her it hadn't happen or that he would later tear up the annulment papers once she did sign.

I mostly like AN's Hope but the Flo confrontation is the only time that she's pulled off believable anger (not that they'd ever written her like that ever before then).

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Welcome @TeamGabi!

You can't stand Steffy so I like you already. LOL.

Thomas needs to STFU about the Logans. He was obsessed with Brooke for quite a while, culminating in BoinkBerryGate. Then he made a play for Hope. Twice. And she ended up right back with Liam both times. 

I think he, like his daddy and sister, can't stand rejection. 

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Sigh. They have already managed to have me tuning out. Who thought that watching Brooke fight with Shauna over the grease bomb would make compelling television? Taking another B&B break. 

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12 hours ago, TeamGabi said:

No matter what huh? So even if he bangs her daughter? Well nice to know. The slut from the desert has no standards. 

If Ridge hooks up with Flo instead of Shana, I am going to be LMAO.

Brad Bell just does not understand how to do long term rivalries.  He needs to check out Vicky and Dorian from OTLT, or Erica and Brooke on AMC.  They had so much more to fight about than just some pathetic man.

Susan Flannery is the reason Stephanie was so much fun to watch.  She made the character.

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11 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

There's a lot of discourse I see on Tumblr among my other fandoms about the supposedly "glorification" of abuse in media. 99 percent of the time, it usually a smokescreen for some other (often shipping-related) grudge with the show or certain people need their morality spoodfed to them.

B&B, however? It is the one series that is unbashedly glorifing abuse. 

There's no other word it. If this was a thing B&B had always done like it's never-ending triangles I wouldn't expect anything better. But they've gone out of their way to paint Stephanie as the villain for the equally awful things she's done. She's even shown remorse (or a decent fascimile of such) on a few occasions. 

On any other show, this is the thing that haunts a character forever. It's only with this new recast of Adam that he's washed off the stank of the Faith switch (mostly by being a lousy, selfish father to his own two children in his plot to bash the Newman's, but still, that was ten years and two recasts to move out that shadow!). The only reason Sharon doesn't get dragged for the Christian thing is because the entire situation was too convoluted for words and no one cared that Hammertoes or Detective Plywood got fucked over.

But Thomas? Who's gotten to chew him out? Oh, one scene with Steffy? Boo fucking hoo. Even that's tainted when you know she broke him and Sally out of her own pettiness 

Yeah, it does feel like major whiplash to make him the hero fighting for a son he resents for cockblocking him and the Logans the evil, evil people for caring what happens to a very traumatized little boy. And as pointed out, it feels like they're trying to cater to the anti-Logan critics instead of telling the organic story this demands. In what universe does someone hurt children like this and get to be painted the hero? There's plenty to drag the Logans for but this ain't it, Chief.

What I don't understand is on what fucking planet was the Phoebeth story PRO-LOGAN?  To watch a woman mourn her child.  To see her tear her marriage apart against the advice of every single person who loved her?  To watch as an actual rapist, raped her mentally and tried his best to do it physically?  THAT was PRO-LOGAN?  Hope has had a couple of minutes of happiness, mostly because Steffy was out of the picture.  As soon as JMW returns, it's back to the same bullshit and the torment of Hope and the Logans.  

Bell really thinks that JMW is the future of B&B but he's so wrong it's unbelievable.  She isn't strong enough to carry the show on her own.  The show did very well in the ratings when she was gone.  She's not the kind of actress that elicits sympathy.  She's the Kim Kardashian of soaps, and just like I don't understand THAT woman's popularity, I don't understand JMW/Steffy's.

It's the same with the guy who's playing Tommy Choo-Choo.  I hear he's a nice man, but his performance is so Snidely Whiplash that I keep waiting for him to grow a big, black mustache to twirl.  His character is a spoiled, sniveling, hateful, abusive rapist.  There's isn't a shred of subtlety in his performance.  Now that he's been paired with Zoe, it's like Bell has created a black hole of acting ability.

So, let Bell glorify rapists and child abusers.  He's done it before.  Let TK and DR grease up the tv screens for a while.  They're a perfect match and if it means that KKL doesn't have to pretend to be in love with TK, so be it.  Let every sleazy character on the show line up to call Brooke a 'slut'. We all know how it's going to end because, as far as I know, KKL isn't going anywhere and, like it or not, SHE is the REAL queen of B&B.  Brooke Logan may be down but she's not out.  She's NEVER out. 

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2 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Bell really thinks that JMW is the future of B&B but he's so wrong it's unbelievable.  She isn't strong enough to carry the show on her own.  The show did very well in the ratings when she was gone.  She's not the kind of actress that elicits sympathy.  She's the Kim Kardashian of soaps, and just like I don't understand THAT woman's popularity, I don't understand JMW/Steffy's.


2 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

So, let Bell glorify rapists and child abusers.  He's done it before.  Let TK and DR grease up the tv screens for a while.  They're a perfect match and if it means that KKL doesn't have to pretend to be in love with TK, so be it.  Let every sleazy character on the show line up to call Brooke a 'slut'. We all know how it's going to end because, as far as I know, KKL isn't going anywhere and, like it or not, SHE is the REAL queen of B&B.  Brooke Logan may be down but she's not out.  She's NEVER out. 

And this

Brooke was the core of Show for years; carrying it on her back for the first two decades. She was either at the center of, or integral to, every major SL. I would say she really took the reigns after the fallout from BeLief and taking control of Forrester. Even though she wanted Ridge, and continued to chase him, we were still allowed to see Brooke as a business woman, stepping into a leadership role she had no training for, and doing a bang up job. She was smart and forward thinking, and did many good things for Forrester. At the same time, she was a mother, continued to battle Stephanie and Taylor, had her extended family, and was allowed to have other relationships. 

Steffy has never been written this way, and even if she was, JMW just doesn't have what it takes to pull it off. She doesn't shine and pull your attention the way KKL did. She is one note and is hardly ever believable, and is truly one of the most unsympathetic characters to ever grace daytime. I could count on one hand the times I have felt anything other than disdain for the character, while Brooke elicited all manner of emotions in me on a daily basis. 

Bradley is blind. He had something special with Hope/Liam and Wyatt/Sally. The interactions between these couples felt real, and were enjoyable. Who can Steffy hang with? She has no friends because she is a raving bitch, and sees herself as the Alpha Female who doesn't take any prisoners. 

I'm trying to hang in there but the thread is getting mighty thin again.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Did Brad Bell actually say somewhere publicly that he thinks JMW is the future of this show? Because if that’s a known quote it will save me a lot of time, I’ll just stop watching now.

That’s as laughable as the clowns at GH who seem to think a Steve Burton is an actor.

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2 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

Susan Flannery is the reason Stephanie was so much fun to watch.  She made the character.

So true!  Even though Brooke was always my favorite I could never hate Stephanie, and this was all because of what SF put into the role.

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Poor Vinnie.  He is to nice for his own good.

Liam seemed to be the voice of reason there for a second.

Are Brooke and Hope this stupid?  They do realize they can't legally keep Thomas from Douglas.  As far as bypassing Ridge, Karen, and Taylor, with the adoption papers - it's not that easy.  Of course, this is the land of instant annulments, and no one goes to prison, so I don't know why I'm surprised the writers can't be bothered to get this SL right either.

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My thinking is that Brad Bell is positioning Steffy/Liam/Hope to be the Brooke/Ridge/Taylor of the 21st century, only with the roles reversed for the women. A big part of who Brooke Logan is/was was her sex appeal. Trying to force JMW into the "sex kitten" role just isn't working. The actress lacks the warmth, charm and empathy that makes Brooke such an appealing character. Slapping on a bouffant wig, winged eyeliner and ill-fitting crop tops just ain't enough.  

While Hope is pretty in a girl-next-door way, she comes across as a more watered-down Taylor. And as much as I am in her corner, she can come across as a little self-righteous and morally superior at times. 

Scott Clifton is a decent actor, even very good when given the right material and scene partners, but he will never come close to RM's Ridge for many of the attributes that I used to describe Brooke -- those which TK's portrayal is in short supply of.

My guess is why JMW/Steffy is so popular is because a lot of her "fans" are those who were big supports of HTy/Taylor. Why? I have no idea. Since Taylor has been gone so much, the default went to Steffy. All that really does is keep the low flame going under the simmering Logans vs. Forresters/Hayes feud, which should have been put to bed ages ago. 

Edited by CharlizeCat
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1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

Poor Vinnie.  He is to nice for his own good.

Liam seemed to be the voice of reason there for a second.

Are Brooke and Hope this stupid?  They do realize they can't legally keep Thomas from Douglas.  As far as bypassing Ridge, Karen, and Taylor, with the adoption papers - it's not that easy.  Of course, this is the land of instant annulments, and no one goes to prison, so I don't know why I'm surprised the writers can't be bothered to get this SL right either.

The writers don't let pesky little details like the law get in the way of their BS storylines. Case in point, Ridge, who was only loosely linked to the Beth kidnapping/trafficking, being allowed to call the shots on Flo getting out of jail.

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Well, I guess I'll be the leader of the Unpopular Opinion club and say that I enjoyed Friday and Monday's episodes. One thing most of us can agree on is that the baby switch storyline was awful, but I'm really confused by some of the replies that say Steffy should't have the feelings she's having because she was never Beth's mother. I completely disagree with that. She was a mother for 8 or however many months the baby was there. Beth was taken away from her the exact day that she found out about it. She had no time to process. Her "sort of a mother" comment was made from shock, not malice. So, yeah, it is like losing a child. She didn't fight for custody of Beth, she let her go. Hope was acting crazy just barging in the cliff house yesterday. Both episodes have showed me that she sees Kelly as an inconvenience--that look she and Brooke shared today really drove that home, and she looked uncomfortable when Kelly was in the living room. Brooke and Hope have been in charge of everything, making decisions for Liam and everyone for a while now, and it's not okay. She has shown selfish tendencies. Steffy's doesn't deserve to get slapped in the mouth or whatever. Also, I'm not sure what the quotes around "fans" is about. I am a fan of Steffy and JMW because I like the character and the actress. It has nothing to do with Taylor or HT.

Side note: I've also been enjoying Thomas and am tired of everyone putting all the non-Buckingham blame on him when he was one of the last people to discover the secret.

Just thought I would add a different perspective. This board is my favorite for most of my shows, but it's seemed a bit hostile for B&B for a while. I don't do "teams," but I also don't see Steffy as horrible. Idk.

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We absolutely welcome different perspectives and we will also call out our faves, just as we do the characters we dislike, for doing stupid crap.

I have no argument with Steffy suffering heartbreak when she learned Fauxbe was Beth.

And I even gave her a bit of a pass for some of her thoughtless comments in those first moments of knowing the truth.

Where I take issue is with her acting as if she is the only one who suffered or that her pain is even in the same galaxy as Hope's.

Hope believed her child to be dead for the better part of a year. She was made to hold a DEAD baby by Dr. Buckingham as a part of that. And yet she could not have been kinder or gentler when she told Steffy the truth. 

Steffy losing the child she thought she adopted is painful, but it can never, ever compare to that. Especially when you consider that Beth can still be in Steffy's life and she knows that this precious little girl is alive and well and where she belongs. 

And Steffy is still saying hurtful, vicious things, so long past the point of shock and trying to process, and trashing Hope's family and rewriting history to boot.

As can be seen in this exchange here:

Steffy: "That little girl that I loved as my own, you took her away."

Hope: "Okay, Beth wasn't taken from you. She was stolen from me-"

Steffy: "I--"

Hope: "And given to you."

Steffy: "I know that. I know that. And I had enormous empathy for you. But I was her mother, too. I loved her. And I cared for her every single day. And it feels like you don't even realize that you ripped her from my arms. You took her away from Kelly and me. You took her sister away. Do you even think about that? Do you think about my daughter or me? The pain that we're going through? No. Because you're a Logan. And that's what Logans do. They take, and they take, and they take. All you do is take from others. Especially from my family."

The only sympathy Steffy has ever shown Hope was doing the right thing and handing Beth over to her rightful parents. Which any decent human being would and should have done. If Steffy bothered to stop and think if that had been her child? There's no force in the world that could have kept her away from reclaiming her child.

Also, Kelly is still Beth's sister - they will always be in each other's life. 

And just look at her statements - me, me, me. And throwing up the family stuff that Hope has NOTHING to do with? The cheapest of shots.

It smacks of the days when Steffy did that petty, childish Hogan crap.

Hope: "Are you really going to go there, Steffy? Attacking my family, bringing up old history?"

Steffy:" I'm just saying how it felt watching you walk out the door with my daughter." 

Or this one, from earlier that day, with Liam:

Steffy: "She feels at home here."

Liam: "I know she does."

Steffy: "Not that she doesn't with you and Hope. I-- I understand why you had to take her home that day. I just wish we could have... eased into it somehow. Maybe Hope could have moved in here. Ah, it all happened so fast. Like, one minute, you were looking into her birth certificate, and the next, she's being ripped out of my arms. I was losing another Phoebe... just as suddenly as I lost my sister."

Again, suggesting Hope should move in there because that's what Steffy wanted. Again, if Steffy were in Hope's shoes, she wouldn't have entertained moving into Hope's home for one second. Of course, she wouldn't have been in Hope's shoes because Hope would have never bought a baby, no questions asked.

Liam: "I know. I-- Hope just... she wasn't thinking about it from that point of view, you know?"

Steffy: No, I--I know. I know. She just wanted her daughter. She wanted to take her home and start being her mom. As a mother, I-- I sympathize. I just wish she could have been more sympathetic toward me."

Once again, it's all about her and I'm over it.

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I'll say this, I can't stand Steffy , but I definitely felt awful for her when she had to give Beth up.  I know that if someone knocked on my door and had proof that my dog was really theirs & I had to give her up I'd be in hysterics, so I could imagine how that would feel if it happened with a human baby.  However, she's losing me with her "the Logans just take."  She's "taking" her baby that she gave birth to and did not intend to give up for adoption.  How Steffy's mouth can even form those words...and be so smug about it... is beyond me.

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5 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

What I don't understand is on what fucking planet was the Phoebeth story PRO-LOGAN?  To watch a woman mourn her child.  To see her tear her marriage apart against the advice of every single person who loved her?  To watch as an actual rapist, raped her mentally and tried his best to do it physically?  THAT was PRO-LOGAN?  Hope has had a couple of minutes of happiness, mostly because Steffy was out of the picture.  As soon as JMW returns, it's back to the same bullshit and the torment of Hope and the Logans.  

Exactly!! But you can't tell some blockheads that....They really think it's been smooth sailing for the Logan's this whole time. So who got to deliver their baby in a hospital with a doctor that wasn't evil and got to take her home and raise her from day one? Steffy. Who's been the butt of every insult and unoriginal slut joke for the past year? The entire Logan family save for Katie. In speaking of Katie guess who had to have a kidney transplant from a woman who sold out the entire family??? Katie Logan!! I remember one person saying how Bill, after spending ONE EPISODE with his granddaughter and admitting he was deeply hurt at her "death" was him "fawning over the Logan baby" or "giving all the attention to the Logan child" Like???? Bitch HE HAS A CHILD WITH A LOGAN! OMG OMG! AND HE SAW BETH ONE TIME ON SCREEN!! I'm sorry if I sound crazy but the Anti-Logan crowd is a special kind of butthurt and bitterness. Lmao 

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44 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

I have no argument with Steffy suffering heartbreak when she learned Fauxbe was Beth.

And I even gave her a bit of a pass for some of her thoughtless comments in those first moments of knowing the truth.

Where I take issue is with her acting as if she is the only one who suffered or that her pain is even in the same galaxy as Hope's.

Hope believed her child to be dead for the better part of a year. She was made to hold a DEAD baby by Dr. Buckingham as a part of that. And yet she could not have been kinder or gentler when she told Steffy the truth. 

Steffy losing the child she thought she adopted is painful, but it can never, ever compare to that. Especially when you consider that Beth can still be in Steffy's life and she knows that this precious little girl is alive and well and where she belongs. 

Yeah, Remember how when the truth came people were saying how rude it was for Hope to expect Steffy give Beth back the same day were the same people bitching about Hope grieving her dead child after like a week? Good Times.  And no I didn't expect Steffy to stomach the news well but holy crap if the roles were reversed and If Hope even looked like she wanted to hesitate giving Kelly back to  Steffy, fans would be dragging Hope to hell and back by her ear. So I expect the same energy kept.   

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6 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Thomas needs to STFU about the Logans. He was obsessed with Brooke for quite a while, culminating in BoinkBerryGate. Then he made a play for Hope. Twice. And she ended up right back with Liam both times. 

I think he, like his daddy and sister, can't stand rejection. 

Oh this is true af. All I have to say is if Crazy and Stuffy can't take rejection it sounds like a personal problem and they need to grow up and stop blaming other people for their failed relationships.

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On 10/21/2019 at 9:20 PM, mightysparrow said:

Clearly, Bell is afraid that he alienated a segment of his audience by having the audacity to return Beth to her rightful mother.  So now we have a bunch of sociopaths 'punishing' the Logans. 

Not just sociopaths, straight up psychos and hypocrites. 

I usually detest when people who say "if you don't like the show stop watching it" however B&B is the exception not the rule since it's a soap opera if the anti-Logan crowd doesn't like that Hope & her mother aren't at the bottom of everyone's shoe then they can piss off. Stop watching, it's that simple so much crap is on today just get a new streaming service like damn....

Bonus: Just because Steffy did something you didn't like (Sleeping with Bill) doesn't make it character assassination in the name of all things Logan, you just want your fave to be right all the time no matter what. 

23 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Sharon to her credit doesn't fuck her clients, so she has that going for her over Taylor.

Lmao. Give her a minute she's gonna need somebody to cheat on Rey with eventually. Connor is underage so of course he's out XD. 

Edited by TeamGabi
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Um, how is it possible for Brooke to find a lawyer who will write custody papers taking Douglas away from his dad and giving him to Hope and Liam??!! Brooke has no legal right to do any damn thing in regards to that little boy. Who the hell does she think she is? This show just gets sorrier and sorrier every day.

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1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

My guess is why JMW/Steffy is so popular is because a lot of her "fans" are those who were big supports of HTy/Taylor. Why? I have no idea.

When I did a rewatch of the show from 2013 to right around the time Wyatt was brought on (a whopping six episodes after JMW left the show in 2013!) and ..yeah, I guess I see it when you stacked her against that version of Hope who.lived life on Fast Forward and seemed more obsessed with the idea of perfection and the fairy tale life instead of enjoying life for what it was.

Her Aspen  hijinx aside, Steffy was the only person voicing how ridiculous it was to go rushing down the aisle at their age, so I can see why she was popular...in 2012. In 2019, after stepping on Ivy's toes and murdering Aly and banging Bill over one stupid kiss (which is at the bottom of things I'd be dragging Liam for with their history)? I don't get it. But then, no one is ever allowed to grow up...Brooke is still as stupid about Ridge in 2019 as she was in 1989.

4 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

If Ridge hooks up with Flo instead of Shana, I am going to be LMAO.

It wouldn't be the first time he went for a daughter after the mother, just saying 🤐

3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Steffy has never been written this way, and even if she was, JMW just doesn't have what it takes to pull it off. She doesn't shine and pull your attention the way KKL did. She is one note and is hardly ever believable, and is truly one of the most unsympathetic characters to ever grace daytime. I could count on one hand the times I have felt anything other than disdain for the character, while Brooke elicited all manner of emotions in me on a daily basis. 

I mean, I feel more sympathy for Steffy than I have for characters like Nick Newman or ATWT's Dusty "Bash the doctor for not saving my GF at her funeral" Donovan but God is that an incredibly low bar. Usually I only feel bad for her when her even shitter family is on-screen and if you have to deploy Save the Cat(tm) techniques to make your Mary Sue fave heroine more likeable, you're doing it wrong.

3 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Scott Clifton is a decent actor, even very good when given the right material and scene partners, but he will never come close to RM's Ridge for many of the attributes that I used to describe Brooke -- those which TK's portrayal is in short supply of.

See, I don't even need or want Liam to be another Ridge. I just want him to have his own agency and maybe a story outside of who he is banging. For every other criticism about Flo, she was a nice reminder that Wyatt once had a life and interests outside of the Forrester/Spencer world. Liam supposedly had a good relationship with his stepdad: does he have some other stepfamily? What about the prep school kids he used to hang with before his mother got sick? It's canon that he never had a relationship before Hope, but that doesn't mean there couldn't be someone he thought about that comes back into the picture.

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The writers are making me root for Thomas against Brooke.

Yes, Thomas is a Bad Dad.

Yes, Douglas should grow up in a more secure home.

But NO, Brooke, YOU don't have the right to determine that.  You don't have the right to have a lawyer draw up papers to terminate Thomas's parental rights.  You don't have the right to bypass everyone else in Douglas' life to have Hope & Liam adopt Liam. 

What about Karen & Dani? Steffy? Ridge? Bill and Katie?

Sit down, Brooke.

I'm kind of liking Vinnie and now wondering who his father might be.

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The Logan's trying to get custody of Douglas is a bit of a reach since the boy has PLENTY of other family bedsides Thomas and Ridge. So I don't get why they are trying to make this a mission for Brooke other than cheap drama but it's so tacky and ridiculous, Hope and Waffles have their own issues they can't save Douglas from his hypocrite family. I wish Caroline would just come back from the dead already and put a stop to all of this, and save her boy from all those people in LA

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20 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

I hate Abigail and Lani so I Stan. 

Abigail is a wench no debate here. Lani is halfway decent (or at least has the capacity to be) IMO I don't think she's in the right but I believe the writers are doing her a little dirty but Gabi is getting the shortest end of the stick, because she really loved Stefan and she's badass so that's why I'm team Gabi and not Lani

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Thomas is a good friend? In what universe? And I thought Vinnie was a drug dealer? Today he was looking like a regular unemployed tool to me. But I was really hoping he'd accidentally spill to Zoe about the molly. Maybe she'll find some in the apartment and wonder about it.

Countdown to when Thomas is encouraging Douglas to call Zoe "Mommy Zoe" and he's declaring that he's loved Zoe for years. 😒 She seems to be slowly jumping on the Tommy Choo-Choo train. She'll be riding that rail in no time. 😼

Heh, Thomas' scheme with that fake Caroline letter came back to bite him. He can't confess to it though because that'll make him look as deranged as he is.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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