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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Bonus scene from yesterday where Liam and Wyatt are discussing Katie's dire situation. Methinks there are still feelings there and while I wasn't a huge fan of Watie, DB  is selling it here, and I'd much rather have Watie than Wally or Fyatt or Batie 3.0.

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In some of those last scenes with Flo I honestly expected to see a halo😇 appear over her head.   🤢

Gimmee a f'n break.

Are they seriously going to go back to that ridiculous ToD again? 😩 Oh hell, of course they are. So predictable...so boring.

Edited by RedRockRosie
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1 hour ago, RedRockRosie said:

Are they seriously going to go back to that ridiculous ToD again? 😩 Oh hell, of course they are. So predictable...so boring.

Gentle reminder that this same show tanked every romantic relationship Brooke ever had to prop Bridge as "destiny", and she was a character who once had more to her than just her relationships with men. Hope and Steffy were define by who they dated almost from day one. I don't need to recap why this is was a collosal fail for Hope but I'm still livid that Matula joined B&B January of 2010 and  never shared a scene together with Bridget for six whole fucking months until the Possé boink. The only other time I remember seeing them in a scene together was before AJ left was  when Brooke and Thomas were stuck on Boinkberry Island, which was at least 8 months later.

You'd think if TIIC  went through the trouble of shitting over Brooke in what is arguably the single most damaging story her character was put through, they'd make the payoff to be worth that destruction. God, I mean Y&R took a way long time to show what a trashbags Summer is because of her horrible parents, but show her ass she did, especially towards Phyllis and I would've loved it if the poor girl weren't Brittany S. Pierce from Glee-levels of stupid *crosses fingers for Faith to deliver*

I mean, Hope found out the truth the week I left for boot camp and I expected her to have wrecked havoc on Brooke, and what to I come out of training to see on Graduation Day but Steffy throwing her mother's wedding cake on Hope and the whole thing completely forgotten. Yaaaaaaaawn.

Although, if we need to insert a triangle, why not bring back Oliver? He never really recovered from the Possé boink (and I'd argue the shit Liam's put her through was far, far worse) and he and Steffy had kinda become friends. Plus, with Olieffy, there's the potential for floating head Ali to haunt the shit outta her slag cousin, which is the type of campy silliness B&B needs to get back to ASAP.

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20 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Touché 😉 it ain't exactly a high bar to clear...

Hee!!!  And Brad Bell and the writers don't care.  All of the insults Shana and Brooke were throwing at each other were nothing more than the writers going, "Yeah, yeah, we know what they all did.  We don't care.  We want to move onto the next story."

I doubt Steffy or Hope will ever get a love interest that is real competition to Liam.  It makes no sense, but Brad Bell is wedded to the idea that all women are needy pathetic weaklings who don't just have to have a man, they have to have a specific man that they will humiliate themselves for over and over again.

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3 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Gentle reminder that this same show tanked every romantic relationship Brooke ever had to prop Bridge as "destiny", and she was a character who once had more to her than just her relationships with men.

Thank you very much.

There's been a lot of talk about how dare Brooke fight with Shauna because Brooke's a 'slut' too.  It's the same old tired, when the writers can't come up with a decent story line, it's Beat up Brooke Time!

Well, the last time I checked, Brooke Logan is a self-made woman who EARNED  everything she has.  Those Forresters who look down their noses at her (most of them are REALLY Marones) have forgotten that her Belief formula was what kept them from having to actually go out and work for a living.  Brooke was introduced as young woman who was working her way through college.  Have any of the other female characters on the show even been INSIDE a college?  Can either Shauna or Flo SPELL college?

And if Brooke is a SLUT, then what about Taylor who fucked her way through as many family members as Brooke has.  The only reason she hasn't fucked Liam is because Liam can SEE.  Do we need to even discuss Hauxdilox?  She's been married to two men and has cheated on both of them.  With a close family member.

The only thing that I'm mad at is that Brooke Logan is fighting with grifter scum like Shauna over a man who isn't worth the dirt under her Manolos. 

I'm glad I'm not the only one to notice that only the people of colour have paid for the human trafficking story.  Flo might not have actually stolen the baby but she passed the child off as hers and kept the lie going almost as long as Dr. Shady did.  And she's getting fitted for a halo, even as we speak.  Tommy Choo-Choo WATCHED A GIRL DIE and his father (who knows the truth) is walking around talking like Thomas sprayed graffiti on the high school gym, instead of being the rapist, abuser, killer his father KNOWS he is.  And now, the character is becoming a hero to Brooke haters, because somebody has to put that SLUT in her place!

I want Flo to give Katie her kidney and then have Katie die anyway.  And then I want Flo to suffer kidney failure and have Shauna donate her kidney and the both of them die on the operating table.  What we have now is FUCKERY.

Edited by mightysparrow
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Bottom line, in my humble opinion, once they find out that Flo gave up her kidney, for Katie, that they will not be grateful and Flo will still be a pariah.  

I find it funny that there are two separate surgical waiting rooms in the hospital. 

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If they wanted to do something different, since no one except Dr. Shady had to do actual prison time, Flo and Shana would have been shown the door along with Xander and Zoe.  End of them.  Thomas would still be in a coma.  Katie would die.

I don't see why Phoebe, Caroline II, and Allie are dead, but Katie gets to live, or why Taylor is still alive.

Rick, Bridget, CJ, Mark, Thomas, Steffy, Phoebe, Hope, RJ, and Jack's conceptions and births were all major SLs, and now most of them are forgotten.

Why are they still wasting time with the lame Ridge and Brooke break up again SL when they have a dozen legacy children they could write SLs about?

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Lol, when Katie finds out where the kidney came from her body will probably eject it right out through her belly button. (Seriously though, is it possible one of her remaining original kidneys could heal once it's no longer under so much pressure?)

Aw Brooke, don't let Ridge use Katie's illness to worm his way back in. Ridge is still the same d-bag defending his son despite what that POS did to your family and to Douglas.

Yeah, no, Brooke. You can't just give Douglas to Hope and Liam. (And how hard would it be for someone to mention that Douglas' two grandmas had been consulted on his temporary custody?)

And the glorification of Saint Flo begins. 😕

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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5 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

There's been a lot of talk about how dare Brooke fight with Shauna because Brooke's a 'slut' too.  It's the same old tired, when the writers can't come up with a decent story line, it's Beat up Brooke Time!

Well, the last time I checked, Brooke Logan is a self-made woman who EARNED  everything she has.  Those Forresters who look down their noses at her (most of them are REALLY Marones) have forgotten that her Belief formula was what kept them from having to actually go out and work for a living.  Brooke was introduced as young woman who was working her way through college.  Have any of the other female characters on the show even been INSIDE a college?  Can either Shauna or Flo SPELL college?

And she graduated near the top of her class, IIRC.

Even the one thing she "slept her way into"--the CEO position of FC--came about because the Forresters had no class and they'd rather trick Brooke out of a patent that was rightfully hers than to treat her with any human respect. And Brooke, contrary to what everyone expected, made FC an even bigger success with her men's line and Brooke's Bedroom....this in contrast to when Steph and Taylor tried unsuccessfully to bring morality into FC by making Taylor its spokesmodel (??????) and later on when Nick purposely tried to lay waste after Brooke went back to Ridge. When the Forresters went low, Brooke went high.

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This show sure is zippy when you fast forward through all the drone footage and Katie’s crying/people fussing over her scenes. 

Flo is super impulsive and passive under pressure. She knew practically nothing of the baby scheme when Dr Buckingham proposed it and wasn’t close to him at all but left her job and agreed to this dicey AF scam. Then randomly decided to stay in LA. Then made up her mind about the kidney and underwent the procedure in a day. She’s a little weird. Donating a kidney isn’t some light procedure or sup common as soaps like this or Y&R make it seem. The girl who donated hers to Selena Gomez said she felt like shit for 2 months. The girl on Modern Family had one and 2 years later it failed and got another one. Those who donate can’t drink really anymore and have to mind their fluids and nutrition thereafter from what I understand. 

I swear if in a few months Katie has liver failure or needs a bone marrow transplant or another heart attack I’m going to blast the show’s socials ranting. ENOUGH. 

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You know, I'm liking Shauna.  She's a ho, she's a grifter, she's a scammer and she's so much more and knows it and owns it.  I can dig it.

I am amused at Brooke becoming the new Stephanie, lol.

I think JG/Donna lost weight...her face looks slimmer than usual.

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15 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

Why are they still wasting time with the lame Ridge and Brooke break up again SL when they have a dozen legacy children they could write SLs about?

I asked this question in 2006 when Bridget was the only legacy "child" on the canvas and married to her mom's leftovers. Show answered that with pairing barely legal Phoebe with old AF bitter Gorrilick the next season 😐

I mean, I'd rather watch any of the children than the idiot parents (ToD excluded because I'm SO. sick of them fighting over Liam), but between Zende and Aly and hell even Bridget and Rick after 2003, I don't expect anything better for any of the other remaining children. Dino? Who's that? Jack Marone WHOMST'VE?! I dunno if the show will be around for Logan and Lizzie and Beth and Kelly to be major players, but as long as Bell is running the joint, don't expect any changes to the status quo.

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There was no reason whatsoever for Taylor to become involved with FC or for Bridget to become a designer.  For years, they had careers of their own, and were very successful at them.  Besides I'm still baffled how FC is still in business when it employees a million people who never do any work, and when those same people are constantly sabotaging the company when they don't get what they want.

ETA:  First words out of everyone's mouths should be - "How do we know the kidney Flo gave up was hers?"

Edited by TigerLynx
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Good lawd, does DD look extra fine with that scruff or what? And then there's TK over there looking like he's homeless and doesn't have access to personal grooming tools. 😑

Brooke. Your words. You will soon eat them. All praise Saint Flo!

Of course Shauna had to make a big "prepare to bow down, bitches!" speech before Flo was wheeled in. Now that was some old school soap. The only way it could've been better IMO is if the audience hadn't already known Flo was the donor.


Wow, it was like a cocktail party in Katie’s room post surgery!

Right? All they needed was a DJ and a fog machine.

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What took me out of the whole thing was that these idiot Logan sisters never even thought of Flo as a donor....

They were having every relative tested and it seems like she never crossed their  mind since they were so shocked to see her...

she should have been an obvious choice but her name was never mentioned once by them

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Cryin' on my pillow

Kidney in me dead

Then I heard the doctor's voice beside me

And she softly said

"Dialysis has been your life line

Keeping that kidney clean

But I came to say

There is a donor and you'll be getting your dream

Undercover Angel

Kidney donating fraud

I never had a dream turn to a nightmare so quickly

Undercover Angel

My dream turned to despair

You made me know that  baby snatching liars can care

It would have went a lot better without Shauna's intro.

Shauna talks out of both sides of her mouth; talking smack about the Logans to the organ donation lady, but doing everything she can to make sure Flo regains her footing in the family. Hungry and thirsty. 

Man, Ridge turned his support off like Brooke had flipped a switch. And the look of utter annoyance on his face when Brooke was talking?

Compared to the sheepish "There's my little Merry Maid" look he was giving Shauna. 

Am I the only one who noticed how Ridge grabbed Donna and was rubbing her back and shoulders? 

Brooke said she was lucky to have Ridge in her life, causing me to have weird feelings and thoughts in my head. 

Ridge told Hope what happened? When her aunt was undergoing life saving surgery? Hmmm. Odd. 

Thank you Hope, for setting Brooke straight about who is lucky to have who, in who's fucking life. 

If everyone keeps feeding Will he is gonna explode. Poor kid probably needs the bathroom instead of more food.  

Brooke, Shauna, and the organ donation lady's blouses were all banging. 

I like Will's new do.

I have been married to Mr. R for nearly thirty four years, and we have been through eighteen surgeries together. All his. He had a very dangerous job, and is....um...…..well, lets just say he is accident prone. I mean, because, no one would have seen that forty thousand, by forty thousand piece of steel. And anyone could have stepped in that hole; it was only the size of Pluto. But I digress; I have spent many, many hours in hospital waiting rooms. At all hours of the day and night. I never had any little private area right outside of his room. I never had anyone bring my anything, but were always happy to point me in the right direction. I never got personal updates, but was required to watch the patient status board just like everyone else. I never had anyone come up and tell me what a saint I was for standing by my man. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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The pacing on this show....so uneven. (Kindest word I could come up with.) We suffered for months & months on end over "dead/not dead/bought adopted by Steffy" baby PhoeBeth. I mean it was excruciating!!!!! 😱

And now with in the space of a day (whaa??) Katie is tired...Katie has back pains....Katie has a faint...Katie is in the hospital with bad kidneys...Katie's kidneys have failed. 😭 Oh noes...we need a donor STAT (but it has to be a living donor cause I guess dead kidneys won't work right?) and this must happen immediately. Like right now cause dialysis ain't gonna be an option for another damn day.  Oopsie no one has a spare that will work. And they figured this all out in a day or so?

So...time passes, like maybe a couple hours or something ...da da daa daah! In walks angel 😇 Flo who miraculously gets talked into cutting one of those pesky spare kidneys out ...by her own MOTHER no less. But sshhh, Mom. I don't want anyone to know...so 2 minutes after surgery they wheel her into Katie's room & hey lookie! Do ya all like me better now?? You have too...cause now I am part of Katie so you have to forgive me & love me. "HA!" says Shauna! "See what my angel 😇 child gave up to be back in the Logan sister's good graces?! Bet ya like her now. Betcha. Betcha...especially you Ridge. You Logans all owe us Fultons now....oh& btw Brooke, I'll just take your Hubby  as repayment for your sister's life. M'kay? Cool."

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Shauna is such a show mom, which is probably 1) why she grates and 2) why she and Quinn were besties. Game knows game.

I feel a tiny smidgen of sorrow for Flo...she at least is trying non-manipulstive ways to stone for this and her idiot golddigger mother can only see dollar signs.

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4 hours ago, RedRockRosie said:

The pacing on this show....so uneven. (Kindest word I could come up with.) We suffered for months & months on end over "dead/not dead/bought adopted by Steffy" baby PhoeBeth. I mean it was excruciating!!!!! 😱

And now with in the space of a day (whaa??) Katie is tired...Katie has back pains....Katie has a faint...Katie is in the hospital with bad kidneys...Katie's kidneys have failed. 😭 Oh noes...we need a donor STAT (but it has to be a living donor cause I guess dead kidneys won't work right?) and this must happen immediately. Like right now cause dialysis ain't gonna be an option for another damn day.  Oopsie no one has a spare that will work. And they figured this all out in a day or so?

So...time passes, like maybe a couple hours or something ...da da daa daah! In walks angel 😇 Flo who miraculously gets talked into cutting one of those pesky spare kidneys out ...by her own MOTHER no less. But sshhh, Mom. I don't want anyone to know...so 2 minutes after surgery they wheel her into Katie's room & hey lookie! Do ya all like me better now?? You have too...cause now I am part of Katie so you have to forgive me & love me. "HA!" says Shauna! "See what my angel 😇 child gave up to be back in the Logan sister's good graces?! Bet ya like her now. Betcha. Betcha...especially you Ridge. You Logans all owe us Fultons now....oh& btw Brooke, I'll just take your Hubby  as repayment for your sister's life. M'kay? Cool."

Yeah, they really sped up the Katie needs a doner storyline. I guess they needed to fulfill HT episodes count for her current contract. “Quick! We only have 2 months left on Heathers contract and we have to meet her (episode) guarantee . Give her a disease and a doner STAT.”

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The randomness of the story line never fails to amuse me.  Why in the world would Ridge tell Raggedy directly about Shanna. 

It’s only a 20 minute show so I guess TIIC had to speed up Katie’s major surgery and recovery in that amount of time.  

The big Flo reveal and Brooke is still squinting. For me the jury is still out on what will happen next.  Monday will tell. 

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2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

The randomness of the story line never fails to amuse me.  Why in the world would Ridge tell Raggedy directly about Shanna. 

It’s only a 20 minute show so I guess TIIC had to speed up Katie’s major surgery and recovery in that amount of time.  

The big Flo reveal and Brooke is still squinting. For me the jury is still out on what will happen next.  Monday will tell. 

Brooke always squints. Why should today or tomorrow be any different? 

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21 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Yeah, they really sped up the Katie needs a doner storyline. I guess they needed to fulfill HT episodes count for her current contract. “Quick! We only have 2 months left on Heathers contract and we have to meet her (episode) guarantee . Give her a disease and a doner STAT.”

In all seriousness, other than SC and AN, has any other actor met their required screentime. This baby story ate up the show as the ONLY story for months, with at least two full months of that dedicated to the three stooges and Big Bad Thomas having the same tired conversation. And where has Don Diamont been in all of this?

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

In all seriousness, other than SC and AN, has any other actor met their required screentime. This baby story ate up the show as the ONLY story for months, with at least two full months of that dedicated to the three stooges and Big Bad Thomas having the same tired conversation. And where has Don Diamont been in all of this?

DD was really a big omission during the whole baby storyline. I think he was gone the whole summer as were other cast members. I don’t know how contracts work. I think most contract players get paid their minimum even if they aren’t on air and others have a contract guarantee of episodes to appear in. Nevertheless, the baby storyline really ate most of the show up. Now, it’s Katie doner storyline but the umbrella was wisen and most of the cast is involved. I think Brad Bell took a lot of heat during the baby switch storyline but it brought their biggest ratings in years. I think he is trying to get back on track and involve the majority of the cast but it’s still just one storyline. It’s funny how half hour soaps such as Ryan’s Hope & Loving seemed to have multiple storylines going on. Brad seems to be able to  only handle one at a time.

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I was talking to my mother on Friday. She lives in Memphis and I live in VA so I call her once a week, and we invariably talk about B&B. She’s 88 and said “Why did they name that girl Flo? Nobody names their daughter Flo anymore!” She also said Flo always has the dumbest blank look on her face! 😆

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13 hours ago, ByaNose said:

DD was really a big omission during the whole baby storyline. I think he was gone the whole summer as were other cast members. I don’t know how contracts work. I think most contract players get paid their minimum even if they aren’t on air and others have a contract guarantee of episodes to appear in. Nevertheless, the baby storyline really ate most of the show up. Now, it’s Katie doner storyline but the umbrella was wisen and most of the cast is involved. I think Brad Bell took a lot of heat during the baby switch storyline but it brought their biggest ratings in years. I think he is trying to get back on track and involve the majority of the cast but it’s still just one storyline. It’s funny how half hour soaps such as Ryan’s Hope & Loving seemed to have multiple storylines going on. Brad seems to be able to  only handle one at a time.

Bell and the writers also don't understand how to do an umbrella SL.  It doesn't just mention characters and how they were affected, it shows them.  Bill being MIA during the not dead baby switch SL is a glaring example of this, but he wasn't the only one missing.

On AMC, they had an SL where Erica, Brooke, Edmund, Dimitri, Maria, Mona, Phoebe, Adam, Jack, Trevor, and the Pine Valley PD were working together to bring down a scam artist.  Some of these people were related, had been rivals, married to and divorced from each other, business competitors, etc.  It was a great SL, and Dimitri's look when he saw Edmund dressed as Eduardo was priceless.

Thomas going over a cliff, and Flo giving up a kidney does not change anything, and they haven't even come close to earning redemption.  I doubt they ever will.  Especially, since Thomas still thinks he didn't do anything wrong.  I believe this SL would be better if Shana and Flo had some end game that doesn't involve being a happy family with the Logans.  If there was something more at stake, they were real grifters, and since the baby switch SL didn't work out, they moved onto Plan B.

One of the things that made characters like J.R. Ewing, Richard Channing, Adam Chandler, Abby Ewing, Alexis Carrington, etc., popular was no one pretended they were the good guys.

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On 10/12/2019 at 8:25 PM, ByaNose said:

I think Brad Bell took a lot of heat during the baby switch storyline but it brought their biggest ratings in years

I've been in fandom (of various sorts) for 20 years and not one single sunken ship, horrendous storyline, or craptastic finale has made me as salty as when B&B overtook Y&R in ratings for THIS trash. Absolute viseral disgust with being rewarded with the story that fans have universally hated. 

I have legit met more people who defended the last season of GoT than I have standing up for any part of this baby story. Even the ones who were happy to see Hope get "punished" for shit she did in her twenties grew quiet after a while, since they were rightfully upset with how utterly ignored Steffy has been in all of this. And we only got rid of one of the shitty interns! At least use this to clean house, Brad.

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The only reason I don’t have a problem w last season of GOT was I agreed with Dani’s actions, good sis did what she had to do. Dexter really had me fucked up. 

Hope didn’t do anything to deserve what happened (I’ve seen the posts as well saying this). Steffy, who I dislike, I’ve also felt bad for and high key pissed off Ridge and Thomas, her FATHER and BROTHER brush that aside. And Emma, a character I couldn’t care less about for her entire run was the only one besides a small, traumatized, abused kid were the ONLY ones with integrity. Emma literally died trying to do something right for someone she wasn’t even close too and that’s seemingly irrelevant. Bullshit. But this is the same show that trashed Ally and pretends she and Bridget didn’t exist. Why wasn’t Bridget mentioned in passing or brought back for this? She and Hope could have had some amazing scenes talking about loss of a baby and disconnection from spouses. 

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On 10/11/2019 at 7:45 PM, RedRockRosie said:

Oh noes...we need a donor STAT (but it has to be a living donor cause I guess dead kidneys won't work right?)

They work, but in studies the survival rate is shown to be longer when you have a live donor.  Considering Katie's age, it would make sense for a live donor to be preferable, but if they were that desperate you'd think they'd at least look into a cadaver donor.

I LOVED Flo being wheeled into Katie's room.  Crap, she just had a kidney removed and looks better than I do after getting pesky stray eyebrow hairs removed. 

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Of course the Logans are not grateful never really expected them to be especially Brooke and Raggedy.  Flo just came out of surgery and Brooke just had to berate Flo. 

Flo gave Katie life as did Storm. Storm died for Katie and it’s not 100% out of the possibility that Flo won’t either.  Now if her one kidney fails, Flo could need a transplant or have a life on dialysis.  In my book, saving Katie’s life is a selfless act and Brooke should cut Flo a little more slack.  Oh, I forgot, a selfless act is not in Brooks vocabulary.  Brooke just loves to  piss all over the place to mark her territory. 

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Lol, that initial look on Katie's face was like, "Kill me. Kill me now." 🤕

Beth is getting so big! Sally was struggling to hold her.

Guess Doc Davis doesn't read the gossip pages. She wasn't just putting her foot in her mouth by gushing over Flo in front of the Logans, she was jamming her whole leg in there. 😑

Man, Shauna is shameless and can't read a room for shite.

Wyatt was again trying to defend Flo to Sally. What is wrong with him? And AFAIC she really needs to stop speaking of Flo at all. I think it tends to put her needlessly on the defensive. Nothing Sally did to Wyatt equates to stealing his niece for money and letting her mommy think her child was dead.

Sally, Wyatt will never marry you. You can see he's hedging. You know it.

Aw Brooke, have some class and just ignore Shauna. Now you're just looking insecure.

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Of course the Logans are not grateful never really expected them to be especially Brooke and Raggedy.  Flo just came out of surgery and Brooke just had to berate Flo. 

Flo gave Katie life as did Storm. Storm died for Katie and it’s not 100% out of the possibility that Flo won’t either.  Now if her one kidney fails, Flo could need a transplant or have a life on dialysis.  In my book, saving Katie’s life is a selfless act and Brooke should cut Flo a little more slack.  Oh, I forgot, a selfless act is not in Brooks vocabulary.  Brooke just loves to  piss all over the place to mark her territory. 

Brooke's timing and motivations aside, one selfless act that anyone with the intellect of a doorknob would find suspect at best doesn't make up for losing months the family will never get back with Beth. Brooke hasn't lifted a finger to sic Bill on her or her scheming ass knock-off Phyllis Summer ass momma, which is all the forgiveness they deserve in my book.

Hope has every right to never utter a kind word to or about her cousin, just as much as Liam has to never talk to or be in the same room as Quinn.

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I would say Brooke should have been the better person, except there is no way in hell Brooke knows how to do that, told Flo thank you for saving Katie's life, and left it at that.  Going after Shana just made Brooke look insecure and jealous (which try a little insight Brooke and wonder why you are always so insecure where Ridge is concerned - here is a hint - Ridge is your problem), and gives Shana a chance to play the victim.  If this were better written, I might enjoy watching Brooke squirm, but it's not.  It's boring.

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47 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Brooke's timing and motivations aside, one selfless act that anyone with the intellect of a doorknob would find suspect at best doesn't make up for losing months the family will never get back with Beth. Brooke hasn't lifted a finger to sic Bill on her or her scheming ass knock-off Phyllis Summer ass momma, which is all the forgiveness they deserve in my book.

Hope has every right to never utter a kind word to or about her cousin, just as much as Liam has to never talk to or be in the same room as Quinn.

I beg to differ. Flo’s selfless act gave Katie her life back at the risk to her own life and Flo’s life, in essence, could still be at risk. To me, Liam and Raggedy might have loss a few months, with Beth, but in the same ilk, Will would have lost decades without his mother. We haven’t heard from Will or Bill, on Flo’s selfless act, but, I bet they would be a little more grateful.  

TIIC have transformed Brooke into Stephanie 2.0. 

Edited by Waldo13
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On 10/12/2019 at 11:29 PM, LittleIggy said:

I was talking to my mother on Friday. She lives in Memphis and I live in VA so I call her once a week, and we invariably talk about B&B. She’s 88 and said “Why did they name that girl Flo? Nobody names their daughter Flo anymore!” She also said Flo always has the dumbest blank look on her face! 😆

My husband, who is just shy of a decade older than me, shakes his head every time he hears "Flo" referenced on the show. He even asked me the other day if she told people to "kiss her grits!"

10 hours ago, ByTor said:

I LOVED Flo being wheeled into Katie's room.  Crap, she just had a kidney removed and looks better than I do after getting pesky stray eyebrow hairs removed. 

It was a very soapy moment.

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I was so freaking proud of Brooke today. Stephanie would be also. Brooke stood her ground with those two grifters. I cheered when she refused to let Flo and Shauna use the kidney transplant to wipe away Flo's crime and worm their way back into the Logan family. I was surprised that they didn't have Hope go all soft and forgiving. Hell, even Katie was tough as she could be. I think this is all so that Ridge will be all soft and become Shauna's ally, but whatever the reason, I enjoyed the hella out of those scenes.

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I can't believe that anyone thinks that any of the Logans should be GRATEFUL to the woman who sold Beth LIKE FURNITURE and then kept the secret for MONTHS while they reaped the benefits of being a Logan and watched Hope's life disintegrate. WHERE'S THE 50K, FLO????


Emma is DEAD because she was the only one decent enough to want to tell the truth.  But she was just some random Black girl, so gives a fuck?

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3 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Brooke's timing and motivations aside, one selfless act that anyone with the intellect of a doorknob would find suspect at best doesn't make up for losing months the family will never get back with Beth. Brooke hasn't lifted a finger to sic Bill on her or her scheming ass knock-off Phyllis Summer ass momma, which is all the forgiveness they deserve in my book.

Hope has every right to never utter a kind word to or about her cousin, just as much as Liam has to never talk to or be in the same room as Quinn.

Brooke needs to give Det. Sanchez a call and tell him that Ridge Forrester had NO authority to negotiate a deal since his family was only peripherally involved.  The REAL victims of Flo and Thomas' crimes were the Logans and the Spencers.  She should also ask him that since he's so concerned about 'bad publicity' maybe he should think about what kind of bad publicity the LAPD would get if word got out that they had let a human trafficker and potential killer WALK.

Thomas and Shauna are throwing their weight around all over LA.  Somebody must have told them that all they needed to do was to call Brooke Logan a 'whore' and all would be forgiven.

Now that Katie is on the mend, it's time for Bill to get back to what he does best:  making the assholes who hurt his family PAY.  And it sure would be nice to see Justin again.  Remember Justin, the guy who's niece was left to die on the side of the road like a dead animal?  Yeah, that guy.

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2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

I beg to differ. Flo’s selfless act gave Katie her life back at the risk to her own life and Flo’s life, in essence, could still be at risk. To me, Liam and Raggedy might have loss a few months, with Beth, but in the same ilk, Will would have lost decades without his mother. We haven’t heard from Will or Bill, on Flo’s selfless act, but, I bet they would be a little more grateful.  

TIIC have transformed Brooke into Stephanie 2.0. 

Well yeah. She didn't help to sell *their* child.

I'll just agree to disagree on this, because ultimately I'm not mad that Flo saved Katie or that she's all but skated on this crap, but that Brad Bell keeps shoving this character down my throat at all with no understand why the fandom hates her and everyone else involved in this.

In general, I hate what screenwriters call the Save The Cat method of character redemption of cheap stunts in lieu of any actual development.Need to redeem Ridge for staying with Taylor in 2006? Turn Nick N. Sane(tm) and ruin any love ppl have for Brick. Need to push past the current shitty thing Victor Newman's done? Fake his death.  Need to get Bridget to forgive Brooke for conceiving s whole child with her husband? Have Sheila shoot her and Eric speachify about forgiveness he's barely extended towards Ridge in recent years.

It's not nearly as insulting as Billy.Abbott's two weeks of DID or every redemption story each new Adam received, but after months of Flo hide the truth for no other reason but to keep out of jail and the constant weasling back to the Logans with no tact or respect...I don't buy it from what I saw over and over in the same endless, looping conversation she had for months. 

Katie can kick rocks for all I care and it is *a* step towards remption, far more than anyone else in this shit show has even attempted. But a truly decent or improving person would do that without any expectation of forgiveness of glory seeking (which in her defense is more Shauna's deal than hers but at some point as an adult you put your foot down to parental foolishness).

Hopefully, one of the board spies can run tell dat to Bell and put those grifters out of our misery.

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4 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

the woman who sold Beth LIKE FURNITURE and then kept the secret for MONTHS

Technically, only Reese SOLD Beth. Flo wasn't involved until it happened. The 50K was to keep her mouth shut and pretend to be the baby mama.

And yes, she DID keep the secret, but what about all the others, like Zoe & Zander, who knew and didn't say a word. I'll bet people are still talking to THEM.

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No one, except Dr. Shady, paid for Beth's kidnapping, and everything else that went with it.  That's just one of the many problems with this SL.  If Bell or the writers had any talent, there would have been more consequences.

They should have kept Flo's identity a secret even though Katie wanted to meet her.  Have Katie and Bill try to find out on their own who donated the kidney.  Instead after dragging the not dead baby switch SL out for months, this SL happened in two seconds.

Brooke should have thanked Flo for giving her kidney to Katie, but told her it didn't change what she did, and left it at that.  Chasing after Shana, not only, makes Brooke look like a hypocrite, it also highlights how insecure Brooke is about Ridge.  Which no surprise there.  Brooke herself told Ridge there was always another woman in the picture with them.  Of course, that happens when you go after someone else's fiancée or husband, Brooke.

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3 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

Of course, that happens when you go after someone else's fiancée or husband, Brooke.

Ask Steffy.

5 hours ago, MsTree said:

Technically, only Reese SOLD Beth. Flo wasn't involved until it happened. The 50K was to keep her mouth shut and pretend to be the baby mama.

And yes, she DID keep the secret, but what about all the others, like Zoe & Zander, who knew and didn't say a word. I'll bet people are still talking to THEM.

Zoe and Zander got fired and IF their names are mentioned, people talk about them like they're dirt.  Nobody ever  talks about their hard childhoods.

The only people who have paid for Beth's trafficking are the people of colour, which I think is pretty fucking SHADY.

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Zoe and Zander got fired and IF their names are mentioned, people talk about them like they're dirt. Nobody ever  talks about their hard childhoods.

And no one is out there aggressively cheerleading for their forgiveness. Xander is practically family and nobody cares. I believe the problem has been pointed out to TPTB and that's why there are now spoilers about


Zoe and Xander campaigning to get their jobs back, and Zoe possibly getting involved with Thomas. At her own peril, of course. She saw what happened to Emma when she crossed Tommy.

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43 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

Ask Steffy.

What does Steffy have to do with it?  Steffy wasn't even born when Brooke went chasing after Ridge when he was engaged to Caroline, or when Ridge was first married to Taylor.  Brooke wanted Ridge, he was her destiny, and decades later Brooke's destiny still has another woman in the picture.  This would be great karma for Brooke if the SL was written better.

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It is really very simple:

Flo did a wonderful thing for Katie, and for Will, and for Brooke and Donna. Having surgery is risky. Living with one kidney is risky. But Flo still did it because she cares about Katie and the rest. I do believe that. Everyone should be grateful. The end. 

That whole situation has absolutely nothing to do with the past year, and Flo's role in the Beth napping plot. Everyone can be grateful for Flo giving Katie life, but they certainly don't have to forgive a years worth of pain because of it. 

The waters are getting muddied though, because Shauna has become Flo's official spokesperson, and just like her bestie Quinn, feels like everyone should just move on because "that's life!" Flo did not ask for forgiveness; Shauna did. 

This is how they often played it with Brooke, who would stand there mutely watching Stephanie and Eric, or Stephanie and Ridge, or what ever pairing was arguing about her. It is a way to make the guilty look less so, and to make them appear tragic and remorseful. Actually, I think it is working far better for Flo than it ever did for Brooke, and I think that is because Flo doesn't have the same amount of history with the families, and doesn't carry nearly as much baggage. 

I suspected they would allow all the baby napping perps to walk, but I didn't think they were going to come after Brooke in this fashion. They are making Brooke look like an angry, jealous, insecure, predatory fish wife. The rudimentary writing is trying and very tiresome. Additionally, they are making her look incredibly vindictive and thoughtless, by having her saying shit about how they should have been told who the donor was first. Why Brooke? So you could have told the hospital people no? This is your sister's life we are talking about here, she will die without a donor. I cannot believe Brooke would do that, and there is also the fact that the decision would not have been hers, but Katie and Bill's. Also annoying me, is that much of Brooke's venom for Flo is actually for Shauna. Brooke has always been a raving maniac when it comes to Ridge; the funny thing about that though, is that she was never worried about models, or waitresses, or stewardesses, kinda seeing them as annoying little pests, but you pull out a young Taylor, or Lauren Fenmore, or Ashley Abbot, and Brooke brings out the claws and the horns. She sees Shauna as a bottom dweller, so I can't understand why she is so threatened. And just like Stephanie did to her over Beth, she will do to Flo over Shauna. 

The worst part though, is that Brooke doesn't deserve any of this. Brooke was not a part of the plot; Brooke was a victim of it. Yet she is the only one paying any kind of price, while Flo is slowly reclaiming her life, by going back to work, reconnecting with a fucking douche named Wyatt, and giving up kidneys. Shauna, who admittedly was only a periphery player, but was still part of the pact to keep the secret, has now winked at Ridge, and gave him the scent of her trailer trash cooch, and is being rewarded by getting the patented Ridge leer, complete with gleaming, dazed eyes, and head tilt. While Brooke has had nothing but stress and worry. First Ridge tells her to curb her excitement over Beth, because Steffy had also been hurt. Then he argues with her that Thomas is a good kid who made a bad decision, trying to force her into allowing Thomas to move back into "his home." Then, out of fear and desperation, she pushes Thomas over a cliff, and is accused by her husband of deliberately trying to kill his son. Douglas is also a big issue with them, and while I don't believe it is Brooke's place to decide what happens with Douglas, it sure shouldn't be Thomas's. And Brooke at least understands what is happening between Douglas and Thomas, while Ridge refuses to. Then Ridge has a wedgie, and runs away from his distraught wife, going out and getting drunk, and passing out.  Eventually, ending up spending the night with someone he shouldn't have been with. Then lying to his wife by omission. Now Brooke has lost her marriage. Then Katie has her near death experience. 

I have a feeling there is more coming Brooke's way. I took notice that Donna was able to thank Flo, and it seemed genuine. Katie too, came off as grateful, but confused. Brooke's cold "Thank You", came off just as what it was. I think this is going to put some distance in the Logan sisters relationships. That is all we have heard about for months; how the Logan girls are family, and stick together no matter what. Having them come to odds about Flo will just be another blow for Brooke. 

I watched the Wyatt and Sally scenes muted. I wanted to see Beth and Douglas, but I didn't want to hear one word Wyatt had to say. 

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My Grandma and Mom watched soaps on CBS and I ended up watching them too. The writing was so awful with so many inconsistencies, I quit watching several years ago. Funny how you can keep up by only catching a few episodes each year while channel changing. Caring for elderly family, I recently caught up with recent events on Y&R and B&B. I see that Delia's death is still a focus on Y&R.  Really!

Anyway, the Logan sister closeness is one of the stupid themes that I find to be completely ridiculous due to the constant relationship swapping.  Brook is just as irritating to me always.  Why does she have to be such a loud mouth in every situation.  After yesterday's show, I am back to not watching but wanted to vent.

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I can't stand the sniveling Katie character but I have to give props to HT for being willing to appear without makeup while rivers of tears run down her blotchy, puffy face.  I don't know if any of the other actors on B&B would be willing to do the same thing.

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My takeaway from yesterday...shouldn't Sally know a lot about kids? She was living with Thomas in NYC when Douglas was an infant, right? If she doesn't know about infants, shouldn't she have at least some sort of bond with Douglas? It's like they barely know each other, when she was a huge part of his life for quite a long while. I know he was young, but my kids still remember their daycare teachers from a young age. 

That's my takeaway. Oh, & that I can't WAIT for $Bill to find out Flo & Shauna & kidney/kindness swap. **Insert Michael Jackson eating popcorn GIF.**

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I can't stand watching Millennials acting all stupid and helpless around babies. And WTF did Wally need a list as long as their arm to take care of two kids? Baby: change nappies, feed and put down to sleep. Douglas is obviously old enough to entertain himself. Those stupid filler scenes had me doing a hard eyeroll.  Sally is a fool to stay engaged to Wyatt. She needs to run as hard and fast as she can to ditch his lame ass. 

I honestly don't know that to think about Flo. She did save Katie's life, but that doesn't erase the months of deception and Hope's utter devastation and despair. I don't have to reiterate the Shauna is making everything 1000x worse. I read one of the recap/oped columns last weekend and the writer raised a good point. WHY are Shauna and Flo even still on the show? They were initially brought on as temporary characters and have now morphed to front and center. From what I picked up, those two aren't fan favorites by any means. That's again, Brad Bell writing without any type of compass and seeing what shit sticks to the wall and goes with it. Like hiring VI and making a big deal of it for what? Three-four full-time day equivalent scenes then he's gone?

And speaking of Flo, did she or did she not take Reese's $50K? I swear I saw her accept a check or envelope of cash from him, but in other scenes, she has very vehemently stated that she did not take any money.  I'm confused. 

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