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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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4 minutes ago, nasir jones said:

Ewww... that spoiler is greasy and gross.  That girl would have to have literally zero respect for herself.

Given her romantic past, that seems on brand for what we know. 

5 minutes ago, nasir jones said:

Speaking of greasy and gross (and exponentially worse), for some reason, Brooke and Oliver having sex popped into my mind.  That was completely and utterly insane.  Does anyone remember what their excuse were again?  Was it just the costume?

Hope had a mascarade party where Brooke wore Hope's necklace for safekeeping and Oliver wore a jacket similar to Ridge's. Brooke whispered "I'm ready" to Oliver--the words Hope told him she'd use when she'd wanted to have sex--and Oliver being a dumbass horny 20-something thought Hope would want to be banged outside by the pool.

For those who have only seen the quiet, passive, mousy version of Hope as written since 2018, I advise anyone to go back to ten years ago and see how she laid into those two morons for this mix-up.

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I realize Denise Richards has never been a Streep-like thespian but I truly do not understand why she is making the acting choices she has. And the scene where she came and basically berated Brooke? If she played it with the slightest humility and hint of guilt it would be so much better. But to goad Brooke into smacking her and pushing her out of the house and now playing it that she's getting revenge on her by flirting it up (and probably worse yuckkkk) with Ridge is just insane writing and acting.

Katrina Bowden is over-playing the martyr act but at least she is showing some remorse.

Bring back Beth and Douglas, the best things on this show.

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TK is a billion times more believable as a munchy, belligerent, thirsty drunk, than he is as a suave, charming, leading man. 

As much as he was downing alcohol, he can't touch the thirstiness of Shauna, though.

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When Pam wanted to get married in Eric's house, creating conflict between Eric and Quinn (who hated Pam) because it was their house (even though he had lived there for decades prior), then Brooke's house is their house too and Ridge should get a vote.  

Legally speaking, even if Brooke is the only one on the deed, since Ridge bought the house for her years ago, it could be considered community property and 50% his.  But that's just actual law, not Bell Law.

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I can’t believe I came back to this show. Or maybe I’m just not watching it through Brad Bell colored glasses. Hope, Liam, and Beth are the primary victims, right? Not Ridge and Thomas. Steffy is more of a victim than those two clowns, but I’m getting a daily dose of noxious Marone manpain. 

Ridge keeps asking Brooke, “What are you saying?” Is she speaking Mandarin, motherfucker? Your son is an obsessed creep and not welcome in Brooke’s home. God. You can’t honestly expect your wife to live with the douche who lied to her daughter about her not so dead baby. I hope Brooke finds out Thomas was going to roofie Hope and unleashes a giant bag of hell on his flat ass. 

I’m not particularly interested in Flo’s self-made pain either. If Wyatt even thinks about forgiving her, I don’t know, man. I’m glad Sally slowed his roll. I like them as a couple, but his sneaky business with Flo really soured me on Wyatt for a while. Flo didn’t tell your brother your niece was alive, buddy. That’s not forgivable. 

Seriously, it all went to hell so fast. Such piss poor writing, pacing, and plotting.

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So I am finally caught up and I have to say that Brooke telling Ridge how it's going to be for once, with finger-pointing and the use of "friggin'" and everything was, well, EVERYTHING!

The only thing missing was her physically throwing Thomas' shit on the curb. 


I, too, was a little relieved that Sally didn't make it that easy for Wyatt to warm up his sheets again, and told him she wasn't on the same page as him and needed to take things slow. Good girl!


But WTAF to Flo just strutting into SP like she owns the place when she was wearing prison scrubs just a few hours before that.


If Wyatt takes her back. then he an even bigger dolt than he is now and that's not a huge stretch. I mean, the fact that he even let her in the door speaks volumes.


But part of me would rather he did take Flo back because Sally has deserved better and it still doesn't sit well that he's comparing his cheating with Flo for weeks (which he is STILL lying about) to Sally's one-day of keeping a much minor secret from him before confessing.

Back to GarBridge, Ridge's nasty ass can follow right behind that of his rapist, murdering son. And fuck him forever for saying this is his house. It ain't.


Also, LOL forever to Ridge saying that they "need to remember who Douglas' father is."

Yeah...funny how he doesn't remember he didn't even know that at one point and when he did find out he wasn't the daddy, he tried to cover it up and steal Douglas away from Thomas.

And I didn't miss his eyes lighting up either when earlier in the episode, Shauna was begging him and so grateful. Because we all know a groveling woman is catnip to Ridge. On their knees and begging is how this greaseball likes 'em best. 


Also, are we in the Twilight Zone or something because since when did Ridge decide Thomas is now his favorite and that his daughter, Princess Hauxdilox, who was done dirty by her own brother, can get fucked?


As for Hauxdi, I couldn't care less about her yelling at Flo any more than her yelling at Thomas. I mean, it's better than her crying scenes, but really, all Miss Thang was doing was bemoaning the fact that she lost the happy little fambly she was trying to foist upon Liam. Nevermind that if the truth had never come out, Liam was never, ever gonna be into her as anything more than a default choice. That's what is chapping her ass more than anything and proof positive was how she kept harping on "my family." Not about the loss of her "daughter."

The one good thing I can say about this storyline is finally, we have my queen from day one, Brooke, front and center and kicking ass and taking names. It's about damn time KKL got back in action. 


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Yeah Flo, but the bigger "right thing to do" would've been to tell Hope months ago that her baby was alive. Stuff your sorries in a sack, bimbo. You just want to get back on the rich boyfriend train. Guess you forgot who Wyatt's daddy is?

While I can appreciate Shauna trying to help fix things for Flo, geez, give people some time to catch their breath. Demanding their instant forgiveness is probably not the way to go. 😑

Carter has some nerve, IMO. His half-assed work on those adoption papers helped set all the Beth trouble in motion. Look at him acting all nonchalant and innocent. Ridge should fire him too. 😒

Lol, Shauna looked across the bar at Ridge like "aww yiss, Ima get me some of that." Cue the Jaws shark music.

I'm not a huge KKL fan but dang if she didn't kick all kinds a$$ today. Brava!

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Ridge, you piece of shit, if I was Brooke, I would kick him in his balls and send him packing.  Lurch needs a lot more therapy than a family council can provide.  

Did Brooke call Flo a tramp?  That’s rich coming from Brooke. Flo, is a lier and a baby stealer but I don’t believe she’s a tramp. On the other hand, we have Shanna.

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I couldn’t believe how Shauna acted when she barged into Brooke’s house uninvited. Her smirking and rolling her eyes would have made me slap her into next Tuesday. I don’t blame Brooke one bit for shoving her out of the door!

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I'm going to laugh if Ridge cheats on Brooke with Shana.  It will confirm everything I have always thought about these two losers and their destiny.

Is anyone ever going to find out about Thomas drugging Liam?

Is anyone ever going to address the fact that Hope sent Liam back to Steffy, Liam was dumb enough to go live with Steffy, and Steffy was dumb enough to have sex with Liam?  Because out of all the things Thomas can be blamed for, Hope ending her marriage to Liam again, Steffy willing to be not even second choice really but just there, and Liam being a waffling spineless loser, isn't one of them.

Does Brad Bell believe Ridge is God?  I know Ridge thinks that.  However, in what Universe is Ridge allowed to decide Flo's fate?  {triple face palm}

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So I find myself enjoying Shauna. I think her kinda uppity, kinda trashy, kinda fuck you, I'm Shauna attitude is hilarious. Also hilarious, is Shauna's belief that Flo's heretofore good girlism is gonna carry any weight with Brooke. Seriously though, Shauna's boldness is simply mesmerizing. Waltzing up to Brooke's house, and expecting......what? Ridge to be there? I would imagine coming to Brooke's house to canoodle with her husband about that great act of generosity he just showed Shauna's daughter would not sit well with Ridge's wife. 

And now look at her. Working Ridge. Oh girl, let us examine the situation. Ridge is married to Brooke Logan Forrester. So go on with your bad self. Ridge may fuck you, but the man is drunk. And if you think your trailer trash cooch is any competition for The Golden Cooter I suggest you return to school. 

Wyatt...….you are simply pissing me off. The most beautiful, hottest redhead in LA was just in your office working a banging outfit. You were asking her about moving back into your bed and your home. You should not be giving Flo the time of day. So how do you think Sally is going to feel when she finds out that Flo not only came to see you, but that you gave her an audience. You are listening to her. And you are feeling sorry for her. She is the damsel in distress that you are always attracted to, and she is already priming your rocket for blastoff.

I guess the only good thing to come out of this is how they are now showcasing Brooke. It has been such a long time since she has had a decent SL. I mean, finger snapping, alcoholic, forgiving, and getting back with Ridge. As I watched her today I missed Stephanie so much. At the same time, I felt Brooke was channeling her old nemesis. Her verbiage and demeanor were spot on Stephanie. How many times did Steph throw Brooke out? Brooke called Flo a "tramp". Brooke was talking about Forrester as if she were still the CEO. It was fascinating, and sad, and a beautiful thing to watch.

Even so, as Brooke lashed Shauna to a bloody mess, all I could see was the Breacon fallout. When Brooke was running around telling everyone how sorry she was, she didn't mean to hurt Bridget, she and Deacon simply fell in love. Saying these ridiculous things; begging for understanding, and to be forgiven for the unforgivable. It was surreal today. Brooke was Stephanie and Shauna was Brooke. The only things missing were a bed, a mirror, and "you are no heroine". 

I lied, there is another good thing to come out of this shit; the possible end of Bridge. One can only hope. Those scenes with KKL and TK were absolutely the best they have had since he came on the show. They suck as a romantic pair, they work as friends, but they are on FIYAR as adversaries. I wish they would let her unload this oaf, and get into a hot romance with anyone whose last name is not Forrester. This is Brooke Logan we are talking about, a woman who has always enjoyed her hanky panky. And a character who has been perpetually in her lingerie. When was the last time we saw Brooke in the boudoir for sex? I realize she is older now, but girlfriend still has it. I am not saying I want to see her prancing around Forrester in her skivvies, but we could see her as a mature adult in a sexual situation. That was such a big part of who the character was, and now she is this watered down, browbeaten, cowtowing  Stepford Wife. I loved her raised voice today. I nearly peed myself when she said "Friggin" for the second time. And she looked so beautiful, while Ridge looked like a poorly made cheesesteak sub, with his greasy hair, unkempt, too tight clothes, and stubbly face. He does make a great drunk though. Shauna can't really want to tap that. Nah, Shauna is just wanting to tap into the Forrester cred. Girlie has some fries to go with that greasy sub.  

Edited by RuntheTable
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2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

So I am finally caught up and I have to say that Brooke telling Ridge how it's going to be for once, with finger-pointing and the use of "friggin'" and everything was, well, EVERYTHING!

I want to inject Brooke reading Ridge for filth directly into my bloodstream. 

Wyatt is on some thin, thin ice. I have always been a fan, but you do not give an audience to the criminal who pretended to be Beth’s birth mother for 50 grand. That’s your niece, goddamnit. If someone had done that to my brother with my nieces or nephew, I’d be going scorched earth, not bringing a nice bottle of wine to their pity party. Thomas is already throwing a months long ‘poor me’ festival that Flo is welcome to attend. 

I’m not sure Bell actually understands who the injured parties are here. Or that Ridge’s next stop better be a trebuchet aimed at the sun. 

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19 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

 I am praying Thomas ghost machine is found or Douglas pipes up about his dad threatening to abandon him and twisting his arm (when he just lost a parent!!) and the roofie he slipped Liam to rape him by proxy are found out. Cuz that shit was evil. 

I wanted it found too, but since it's the no consequences show, nothing will come of it.

10 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

For those who have only seen the quiet, passive, mousy version of Hope as written since 2018, I advise anyone to go back to ten years ago and see how she laid into those two morons for this mix-up.

Yes, that Hope got royally pissed all the time.  She and Steffy were adversaries.  That little bit of 

standing up for her rights as a mother was good enough, but not like Matula's Hope.

2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

And now look at her. Working Ridge. Oh girl, let us examine the situation. Ridge is married to Brooke Logan Forrester. So go on with your bad self. Ridge may fuck you, but the man is drunk. And if you think your trailer trash cooch is any competition for The Golden Cooter I suggest you return to school. 

Woo hoo.  Well said.


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18 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I’m not sure Bell actually understands who the injured parties are here.

At this point, I'm not sure if Bell has ever interacted with human beings. This George Lucas/Star Wars Episode II levels of misunderstanding humans. My God, old Ridge may have had his divided loyalties and did awful things for Stephanie's sake, but he never would've gone behind Brooke's back like this or thrown Hope entirely under the bus. He would've been extremely heartbroken but he would have been in his wife and daughters' corner. Hell, Liam wouldn't have had to punch him, because Ridge would beat him to it.

Like I've said many times before, if Bell wants to cancel the show, just fucking do it, but don't just throw a tantrum and ruin everyone on the way out.

As for the discussion about communal property laws, this is the same show that hands out annulments like Tootsie Rolls on Halloween and let Nick divorce Bridget a month after the Logan paternity came to light and otherwise disregards California family law as it sees fit, so I'm perfectly fine with them ignoring any housing laws for Brooke to kick her loser husband and her psychotic stepson out of HER house. 

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Is “Bold” a new synonym for trash cuz good Lord some of these people are trashy and shameless. 

I’m against casual violence especially how it’s over used on soaps to be “cute” (Hi Days of Our Lives) but Brooke should have slapped the shit Ridge for assuming Thomas would be back in her home and coddled in his redemption feet away from her daughter and when she disagreed he yelled and balled his fists by his face in rage. And Shauna to barge right in and make demands then smugly roll her eyes as she walked away. Entitled douchebags.  And Wyatt ain’t shit either. He went directly from Sally to Flo to Sally to warming again Flo in hours. Does he think his penis will fall off if he isn’t clocking mileage daily? 

I believe the aerial and exterior shots of “Brooke’s” property is Bradley’s. The old footage of Taylor and Ridges then later the Marone mansion is Lauralee’s and Eric’s was their parents. The Bells must have made a lot of money, the houses are in Bel Air and the size of hotels. One of my friends has a large home and they actually are bigger on the inside than they even appear (20-30 rooms?).  

Brooke is beautiful, rich and finally getting her brain and grit back. DON’T FUCK THAT UP SHOW. 

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1 hour ago, Petunia13 said:

The Bells must have made a lot of money, the houses are in Bel Air and the size of hotels.

I've been rerouted through that area on trips home and these houses are huge AF. Even if I hit the lotto, I'd be just as happy with a property in San Diego's La Jolla area, which have a lot of space but I can feasibly spend time in all the spaces each day.

51 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

I’m against casual violence especially how it’s over used on soaps to be “cute” (Hi Days of Our Lives) but Brooke should have slapped the shit Ridge for assuming Thomas would be back in her home and coddled in his redemption feet away from her daughter and when she disagreed he yelled and balled his fists by his face in rage.

In this instance, a Stephanie Forrester boxing of the ears would've been more than justified. Not since Thorne suggested he and Macy raise and adopt Darla's baby have I wanted a woman to throw hands on a Forrester man for the stupid shit they say.

And is there a rule saying there's only one man that's allowed not to be complete trash at a time? Now that Liam's waffling days are apparently behind him for good, the baton has been passed onto Wyatt--and granted, he's always went after Liam's scraps who were at best killing time with him, but he did seem attentive and supportive to Hope and Steffy in a way Liam wasn't able to be at the time.

But now he's jumping back and forth this quickly? Good God, he is thirstier than Liam ever was. I hesitate to say it was obvious Liam loved either of them as much as he loved not putting in effort to make the relationship work, but...no, I can't type anything in defense of the ToD in any good faith. 2019 is the worst year in B&B's history but the ToD sucked, hands down, and I'd have been happy to have seen Liam leave the show until about three months ago 

But it does make Wyatt look like a massive hypocrite at a minimum to have built his brand on calling out Liam's shit for years, only to trash Sally for....what, exactly? I forgot what it was she kept from Wyatt for half a day, except that the secret wasn't even his to know and she should've went to Hope first. But he's still entertaining Flo after going along with the baby plan in the first place? I'd call him the show's biggest ass but Ridge has that title on lock.

Even worse, how is he going to face his brother if he takes that trick back? Wyatt has been shady towards Liam in the past to win a woman or for Bill's affection but this would truly be inexcusable.

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10 hours ago, nkotb said:

TK is a billion times more believable as a munchy, belligerent, thirsty drunk, than he is as a suave, charming, leading man. 

As much as he was downing alcohol, he can't touch the thirstiness of Shauna, though.

That close-up of her trout pout at the end was truly frightening! 😬

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7 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Did Brooke call Flo a tramp?

She learned that from her mother-in-law. Didn't Stef always call her the "tramp from the Valley"?

Edited by MsTree
it helps to clarify
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Yea my friend’s house is like just 50 percent the size on the outside looking and aerial of “Brooke’s” and “Eric’s” and still has like 8 bedrooms, 3 dining rooms, and a movie theater (I stayed there but an only comparing exteriors for off hand judging) and Bradley and Lauralee are in Bel Air real estate so needless to say they are RICH. It makes it absurd Eric and Brooke have to scramble for guest rooms during the Ally and Maya years or current era. Also it makes me wonder with the inherited wealth and all the money Bradley made from syndicating B&B internationally is why he so completely phones in this shit. I digress!

Shauna is a parasite and her flirting or budding friendship with Ridge is revolting. She is no competition for Brooke that’s for sure but Ridge regards Brooke as a nothing, he’s made that perfectly clear. 

Its terrible none of the ramifications or payment for this year long story has played out on screen. So many missed beats. Flo being in jail a couple weeks doesn’t count. 

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12 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

And if you think your trailer trash cooch is any competition for The Golden Cooter I suggest you return to school. 

OMG!!!!! laughing so much I am crying.....

12 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

As I watched her today I missed Stephanie so much. At the same time, I felt Brooke was channeling her old nemesis. Her verbiage and demeanor were spot on Stephanie

When I was watching Brook tell off Shauna I got Stephanie vibes as well.  I hope Brooke channels her inner Stephanie and teams up with Bill  and reigns hell down upon them all, especially her shitbag of a husband!

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If I were Flo, newly released from prison following a deed which can never be forgiven, I'd be packing my bags and leaving that shitty apartment in my rear-view mirror!  She and Shauna could easily return to Vegas and no on there would know anything about Phoebeth and Flo's part in the baby swap.  However, this is Bell-aire so we, the viewers, will have to be tortured for months while she grovels and tries to get back into everyone's good graces.  Maybe she can borrow some of Hope's recently discarded dusters of despair?

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I’m not sure Bell actually understands who the injured parties are here. Or that Ridge’s next stop better be a trebuchet aimed at the sun. 

I think Bell understands but he's standing hard on the "rich people can do whatever they want" position. So basically everything has to be in service of helping the wrong-doers ultimately get away with whatever crap they pull. (Unless your name is Bill; then you must suffer. 😩)

Meanwhile, wasn't "Trebuchet Aimed at the Sun" the name of Pink Floyd's last album? 😉

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2 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I think Bell understands but he's standing hard on the "rich people can do whatever they want" position. So basically everything has to be in service of helping the wrong-doers ultimately get away with whatever crap they pull. (Unless your name is Bill; then you must suffer. 😩)

Meanwhile, wasn't "Trebuchet Aimed at the Sun" the name of Pink Floyd's last album? 😉

Yeah, Joi, I think I was being too generous with Bell by assuming his terrible writing came from a place of abject ignorance of basic human behavior. He just embraces shitty behavior and finds it heroic. He is, apparently, congenitally unable to view Ridge’s and Choo-choo’s actions through the eyes of the audience. 

11 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

At this point, I'm not sure if Bell has ever interacted with human beings. This George Lucas/Star Wars Episode II levels of misunderstanding humans

And yet I find this argument persuasive (and hilariously accurate!). I mean, it’s easy to see why people would assume Bell was raised by a disembodied computer voice in a sterile environment with no access to other humans. I was going to say he was raised by wolves, but I think wolves would model more relatable behavior than what I see on this show daily.

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18 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Even so, as Brooke lashed Shauna to a bloody mess, all I could see was the Breacon fallout. When Brooke was running around telling everyone how sorry she was, she didn't mean to hurt Bridget, she and Deacon simply fell in love. Saying these ridiculous things; begging for understanding, and to be forgiven for the unforgivable. It was surreal today. Brooke was Stephanie and Shauna was Brooke. The only things missing were a bed, a mirror, and "you are no heroine". 

The thing that runs me about Shauna is she doesn't seem to believe her pweshous widdle snowflake should be punished at all. I'm sick of how Flo has gone full martyr, but she understands why she got locked up.

But then to slink into Brooke's house and show her whole overly-Botoxed ass like that? Hell no. I wasn't here for that when Liam went railing about Quinn in Eric's house and this was months after Captive Cabin (mostly because his tantrum was more about Steffy staying with Wyatt in spite of his zero attempts to win her back, but I digress)

I hesitate to defend any part of Brooke's selfishness in the Breacon mess, but she did at least show some damn embarrassment and tried to shield Hope from that knowledge for as long as possible. Shauna has no shame and seems to think Flo's connection to Storm is all that's required to handwave this crap. It isn't.

And while I'm normally never here for Katie's moralizing, I'm glad to have her be 100 percent That Bitch next week when Flo apparently pulls the Logan card, her own history with Bridget notwithstanding. Because someone needs to get through to this insufferable waste of space that her actions are double-plus ungood

18 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Even so, as Brooke lashed Shauna to a bloody mess, all I could see was the Breacon fallout. When Brooke was running around telling everyone how sorry she was, she didn't mean to hurt Bridget, she and Deacon simply fell in love. Saying these ridiculous things; begging for understanding, and to be forgiven for the unforgivable. It was surreal today. Brooke was Stephanie and Shauna was Brooke. The only things missing were a bed, a mirror, and "you are no heroine". 

The thing that runs me about Shauna is she doesn't seem to believe her pweshous widdle snowflake should be punished at all. I'm sick of how Flo has gone full martyr, but she understands why she got locked up.

But then to slink into Brooke's house and show her whole overly-Botoxed ass like that? Hell no. I wasn't here for that when Liam went railing about Quinn in Eric's house and this was months after Captive Cabin (mostly because his tantrum was more about Steffy staying with Wyatt in spite of his zero attempts to win her back, but I digress)

I hesitate to defend any part of Brooke's selfishness in the Breacon mess, but she did at least show some damn embarrassment and tried to shield Hope from that knowledge for as long as possible. Shauna has no shame and seems to think Flo's connection to Storm is all that's required to handwave this crap. It isn't.

And while I'm normally never here for Katie's moralizing, I'm glad to have her be 100 percent That Bitch next week when Flo apparently pulls the Logan card, her own history with Bridget notwithstanding. Because someone needs to get through to this insufferable waste of space that her actions are double-plus ungood

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Meet Rauna, guys.

Or is it Shidge? 


If ever there was a match made in hell, it's these two and I say BRING IT ON because if nothing else, it puts an end to GarBridge.

And apparently, DR is the exception to TK's rule about only lighting up around younger women.

Drunk or not, he was Joey Tribbiani levels of "How you doin?"


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The level of loathsomeness on this show has gone WAY past 11. 

I agree with those who say that King Marone was loving all the worship he was receiving from the 'Tramp from Vegas'.  I WISH Stephanie was alive only because she'd instantly drop dead the second she saw who was in line to be her future daughter in law.  If anybody deserves Shauna, other than Ridge, it's Stephanie Forrester.  I'd hate to be housekeeping at whatever no-tell motel Shauna's infesting because once Ridge and Shauna ooze out of the bed, those sheets are going to be toxic.

When TK balled his fists in Brooke's face, I didn't want her to slap him.  I wanted her to grab a .38 and shoot him in his greasy, fucking head.  I've had ENOUGH of this bullying motherfucker and while I'm glad that Brooke is standing up to him, I'm fed up to my eyeteeth with how he treats Brooke.  It's abuse plain and simple and enough is enough. 

And even if Brooke did shoot Ridge, it looks like the LAPD is handing out deals, so it's not like she'd do any time.

The grease and grime has clearly eaten its way into Ridge's brain.  Remember when Ridge Forrester was the most immaculate man in LA?  The only man who could compete with Ridge was Eric.  Who is this slovenly, violent, abusive piece of shit?  And what makes him think that Brooke should just roll out the red carpet for someone who CONFESSED to doing NOTHING while a girl died in front of him?  He thinks Brooke should want that animal steps away from her daughter and grand-child.  And he thinks that Douglas should have to endure more of Thomas Marone's brand of parenting? 

I want Ridge dead, because watching him makes me sick.

I've never really liked Wyatt.  The actor who plays him is good but Wyatt is either sleazing after other men's women (usually his brother's) or being mistaken for wallpaper.  There's no THERE there.  I think Wyatt and Flo are perfect because they're both more boring than a Perry Como Christmas Special.  Free Sally!!!!

The only thing I have to look forward to is the screeching that's going to happen when Hauxdilox finds out that her Daddy Dearest is the one who let Flo out of prison.  It's almost worth it just to think about how upset Hauxdi will be.  And wait till she realizes that she's got competition in the Slattern Sweepstakes!

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I don't feel sorry for Brooke.  This is the worthless man she spent her entire life chasing, not caring who she hurt in the process, because he was her soulmate, love of her life, destiny, whatever.  However, I loath TK's Ridge even more than I did RM's Ridge so I want Brooke to kill him and go to prison.

OTOH, I think I might detest Flo and Shana even more.  I wouldn't mind if Brooke killed them to.  Thomas completely failed at ridding the show of boring pointless characters, isn't that what psychos are supposed to do, so here is Brooke's chance.

Where is Bill?  I specifically requested he be on everyday, and once again Brad Bell and the writers have failed at this simple task.

Edited by TigerLynx
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I gotta say it, TK does an excellent job playing drunk.

Well, Wyatt's already given Flo a wee bit of an opening and she slid right into it. Ugh. I think he is a two-faced, wishy-washy pig and now he's probably going play Sally and Flo against each other.

Miracles? KMN with that little silent prayer Flo threw upward towards the sky after Wyatt left the room. Bish, don't look to heaven for help with the devil's work.

Flo was looking at Sally like, "Chile, I'll put my cooch's powers up against yours any day of the week. I won't need a miracle if I can get near Wyatt's joystick." And Sally was like, "But does your stank carpet match the drapes?"

Ridge is supposed to be a celebrity, right? Odd that no one was catching his sloppy drunk behavior on their phone and posting it to social media. TMZ would've been there on the spot.

Guess we should be glad that it wasn't Liam getting taken advantage of again while he was too drunk or drugged to give proper consent. IMO Bradley seriously has an issue with the concept of consent and he keeps re-addressing it for some reason.

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Ridge is so good at acting drunk you would think he’s not acting.  

I’m wondering if that Sally told Wyatt told take a hike, that Wyatt would take Flo back.  Wyatt like Liam, loves to gravitate between women. 

Did Katie forget or didn’t know that Lurch was well into his pursuit of Raggedy before he found out about about Beth being alive. Beth being alive was just another arrow in his quill to get with Raggedy. 

Today was Sally’s turn to slap Flo in the face. There are a few people left in the slapfest  that I guess will continue next week. It’s not that’s not deserved, it’s just redundant upon redundancy. 

Shanna can’t see the man who Ridge really is past the fact that he, in a way, helped Flo get out of jail. But if Shanna knew Ridge like we know Ridge, would she feel the same way? 

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I think we've found a new place for Thomas to live. Above the Bikini.

OK. Hear me out here. Since Danny, the bartender, models for FC quite a bit, wouldn't one assume that he knows Brooke? Then, why couldn't he have taken Sludge's phone and sent Brooke a quick text to let know her has-been husband was safe and just sleeping it off?

Not that I really care, but it looks like Shauna and Sludge don't do the actual deed. When Shauna started unbuttoning his short, I had to look away. But, hey, DR was married to Charlie Sheen, so this couldn't be much worse.

So Shauna is getting her revenge on Brooke for not immediately forgiving Flo, by going after Sludge. 

I think the redemption seeds for Flo were sewn today after Wyatt's little speech about how Quinn was able to change her ways ... GAH!!!  

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Nothing will rouse a drunken man quicker than a pair of frisky fingers messing around the frontal lobe area. 

I had to turn on the closed captioning to follow Show today. TK was doing such a good job of playing drunk I couldn't understand a word he said. So, why was it necessary for Shauna to make Ridge more "comfortable?" Seriously Shauna, you making Ridge more comfortable made me start wigglin around on the couch. You unbuttoned his damn shirt and exposed that Shar Peisque like body. And the pants. OMG the fucking pants! I am so glad he was wearing tight black biker like shorts and not tighty whities, or heaven forbid, a thong, or some speedos. 

The tables have turned; Ridge is getting violated while he is inebriated. Caroline 1 and Brooke will get some kind of retribution against their rapist. And as an added bonus, it will hopefully drive the final nail into this horrible, tired and boring Bridge. For reasons I don't understand, I love Shauna's sleaziness. She is a female Ridge. I do not like DR, but I think she is playing Shauna perfectly. Even so, "The Tramp From Vegas's Mom", needs to shut her trap about Brooke. Yes, of course Brooke has a history. So do all the other Forresters, Logans, and Spencers, not to mention her best friends the Fuller's, who fled Vegas for reasons not yet explained. Here is the thing though, none of that has a thing to do with your felonious daughter. Other peoples crimes do not eclipse, or erase those of other criminals. Flo did what she did to score a big payday, what she didn't realize was how big that payday was going to be. Her crime allowed her to score the brass ring, but when you score on lies and deceit, the fall from grace is long and painful. 

Did that final scene ever feel smarmy and stank. I could actually see the aromatic vapors wafting up from certain areas. It was like a bad B movie when the naughty couple is about to get whacked. Just nasty and dirty. And I swear, it looked like Shauna's lips were going to melt right into Ridge's. I thought little pieces may still be stuck to his when she pulled back, like in the zombie movies. 

Wyatt, man, but you have become such a slimly little prick. Why on earth did you tell Flo that you didn't want to hurt her? How do you think that statement will make Liam feel? Sally's Flo smackdown ranks right up there with Hope's. She positively was on point with her flat out mockery of our downcast, and so, so, sorry Flo. When she said "boo, hoo, hoo", and called her "innocent little Florence" I was like, YAASSS! Just like Roger Daltrey sang, reign o'er me. 

Did Flo really ask Sally if Wyatt was expecting her? 

I love my family, but I don't just walk into their homes. I usually alert them that I am coming, and once there, I ring the bell or knock. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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7 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Meet Rauna, guys.

Or is it Shidge?

I hope the former takes off cuz Shidge is a portmanteau of another pairing I ship and I'd rather it not be ruined in association with this grossness 🤣😷 

1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

Wyatt, man, but you have become such a slimly little prick.

Wyatt has always been slimy. Let's not forget his first action when seeing Hope unconscious in the woods was to kiss her--while naked!--and demanding Bill give him Liam's house two minutes after learning they were related. And let's also not forget he suspect Quinn knew something about Liam disappearing but did nothing about that until well after he and Steffy were married.

Wyatt's biggest selling point was that he wasn't Liam the lazy waffle who made even this milquetoast version of Hope look as badass and ball-busting as Katherine Chancellor by comparison, but he ain't never been all that. Sally's the only woman he's been with who wasn't hung up on Liam and even made a genuine effort to reach out to Quinn and this is how he treats her? If Wyatt goes back to Flo, he deserves to be alone.

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2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:
11 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Meet Rauna, guys.

Or is it Shidge?

I hope the former takes off cuz Shidge is a portmanteau of another pairing I ship and I'd rather it not be ruined in association with this grossness

You've already got "Sludge"...why not just go with that? Describes both IMO.

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9 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

I want Ridge dead, because watching him makes me sick.

Thank heaven above that I was watching on my phone and not on my laptop or tv.  Screen size matters and I'm glad it was the smallest screen.  I started to wretch so I turned it off.  I haven't seen the end yet.  That photo of Denise above looks like she was going to get out her camera.  

Edited by TessHarding2
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So many things to snark on!

  • Who knew that there is a perfectly lovely room above Bikini?  When Danny mentioned it, I expected it to be kind of sketch.  But, no, this is a room you could rent out for a few hundred bucks, right on the beach.
  • But what made Danny, who knows Ridge, who just talked to Carter, allow Shauna, who he doesn't know, go to a room with Ridge?  Wouldn't a guy do another guy a favour and call Carter to let him know what was happening?
  • WTF was that with Flo today? I guess the martyr act is over and now she is full on Shauna-like with her staking her ground.  These two bitches should be high-tailing it out of LA.  Instead, they stay.  They could have laid low for, I don't know, five minutes?
  • I can get why Katie is worried for Brooke's marriage (cause she is worried about her own), but seriously, Brooke?  After all he has said and done to you these past weeks, you want this guy back?
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8 hours ago, TessHarding2 said:

Thank heaven above that I was watching on my phone and not on my laptop or tv.  Screen size matters and I'm glad it was the smallest screen.  I started to wretch so I turned it off.  I haven't seen the end yet.  That photo of Denise above looks like she was going to get out her camera.  

This week Dish & CBS finally settled their standoff** so lucky me, I did get to see the Ridge/Shauna closeup on my TV....and yeah. Beyond gross. I was just waiting for him to belch in her face that she had to press right next to his..eewww....the fumes ...the fumes!😱 😱 TK can be so disgusting. lol🤪  That whole scene was just bad.

** I also got Y&R back...not sure I care anymore, ya know?

ETA: Brooke should be grateful that stinking greasy mess did NOT come home.😏

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On 9/12/2019 at 7:25 PM, TigerLynx said:

Because out of all the things Thomas can be blamed for, Hope ending her marriage to Liam again, Steffy willing to be not even second choice really but just there, and Liam being a waffling spineless loser, isn't one of them.

He can take some responsibility, I think. Hope and Liam had actually talked through their problems and were in a good place when Thomas manipulated Liam’s trip to Paris, and then slowly chipped away at Hope’s confidence so that she wanted the annulment. Ultimately, it was on her, but while Hope May have set the fire, Thomas was egging her on, handing her the match.

I also don’t know that it’s accurate to call Liam waffling this time around. He and Steffy had sex when he was unable to give consent, and afterwards, everything in his tone, facial expression and actions said he didn’t want her and wasn’t with her. 


Sally's the only woman he's been with who wasn't hung up on Liam

Katie. But the point still stands. 

Regarding The Who owns the house conversation, I find it hard to believe Ridge and Brooke don’t have a prenup. Destiny blah blah blah, but they’ve both been married enough times to get things happen, and also, no way in hell Ridge isn’t protecting his 20% of FC should they get divorced.

i also find it hard to believe that Katie, who 100% agrees with Brooke on everything but also doesn’t want to see Brooke lose her marriage, wouldn’t whip out her phone and call Karen, who has been pretty consistent in being Katie’s ally, right then and there to get her to take over the Thomas/Douglas situation. Karen has more standing than Brooke, and then Brooke’s hands are clean. Hell, even if Karen can’t take in Douglas at the moment because she’s secretly nursing her daughter back to health and doesn’t want anyone to know, her backing her nephew Liam in his claim for custody would help a lot. 

Edited by Zoe116
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Bell Law bears no resemblance to real law, but Liam and Hope getting custody of Douglas would be a long shot.

First, Thomas has to be proved an unfit parent.  However, that's not all.  Thomas could be put on a plan which would allow him to retain custody or regain custody of Douglas if he completes therapy, proves to the court, etc., that he is now a fit parent.

Then if all of Thomas parental rights were severed, there are still several other people who would have a better claim for custody than Liam and Hope.  Even with Karen's backing there is no guarantee that Liam and Hope would be granted custody.

If the judge met these people, he would probably tell Karen she could have custody of Douglas if she agreed to never let Douglas anywhere near the Forresters, Logans, or other Spencers ever again.

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4 hours ago, Zoe116 said:

I also don’t know that it’s accurate to call Liam waffling this time around. He and Steffy had sex when he was unable to give consent, and afterwards, everything in his tone, facial expression and actions said he didn’t want her and wasn’t with her. 

I've long been an anti-Liam voice, but he really did do everything right and I don't know how much more he could have or should have done when Hope either would not or could not help herself get better.

I've seen him when he's with Steffy in between fights with Hope far too many times before...and this was way different from any of those times. It's been all about supporting the girls with Liam occasionally looking in after Hope to make sure she was okay. Even his fighting with Thomas seemed way less motivated about winning Hope back than it was about an obvious, blatant predator  taking advantage of someone not in their right mind, which is something he'd have absolutely done for Steffy were she in the same situation--because unlike the previous Waffle King Ridge, at his core, he's a decent guy who actually does respect other people as humans and not for just sex, his youthful foolishness notwithstanding.

The spies on the board have at least listened to that long-echoed criticism about how the two of them always ran from one another in the past and have worked overtime to fix that. Now that it's resolved, I can find that yes, I actually can root for them unironically and not in spite of themselves. Which is one more rootable couple that I've had since Tally.

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15 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I've long been an anti-Liam voice, but he really did do everything right and I don't know how much more he could have or should have done when Hope either would not or could not help herself get better.

This time around Liam was there for Hope, but I wondered if Liam's past waffling behavior played a factor in Hope's decision.  It's hard to know because Bell and the writers didn't give Hope much of a POV.  They just had her make vague references to feeling guilty about Beth's death, etc.  It also didn't make sense that Hope believed she could be a replacement mother for Douglas, but did not want to consider adoption with Liam.  The writers didn't really deal with this either beyond Hope's vague "Our marriage ending was my fault" statement to Liam when they got back together.  It was nice that Hope took responsibility (something the characters on this show rarely do).  However, overall this entire SL fell flat especially the end result which was no one really paid for anything.  Dr. Shady is in jail, but he has been MIA from almost the beginning so no payoff there.

I still think they should have had Thomas return to get Sally back, and for revenge against Bill, Liam, and Steffy for helping Caroline with her lies.  Hope would have simply been collateral damage that Thomas didn't care about.  Have Steffy with a new guy that she stupidly ends things with because like Liam and Hope she foolishly listens to Ridge and Brooke about how a child's parents need to stay together for the child (something these people only believe when it's convenient to them getting what they want, otherwise not so much).  Steffy and Liam are miserable together because they want to be with other people.  Hope is alone.  Everyone is mourning Beth's death.  Thomas gets Sally back because Wyatt is an ass and cheats on Sally with Flo.  Then a few months down the line Thomas anonymously reveals Beth is alive.  Maybe he arranges for Douglas to overhear the three morons arguing about telling Liam, Hope, and Steffy the truth about Phoebe/Beth so Douglas is still the child who did what the adults wouldn't and told the truth.  Thomas is still a bad guy, but he did not play a part in anyone's death, and he didn't drug Liam.

Eventually the whole truth comes out, and when questioned about it, Thomas points out to Steffy, Bill, and Liam, they had no problem interfering in his relationship with Sally, or lying for Caroline so why should he care about them.

What is the point of Ridge and Flo?  That they are two terrible people enabling their children's horrible and criminal behavior?  They already have that with Ridge and Brooke.

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