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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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17 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

OMG, Thomas, put a 🤬shirt on! Thomas and his buddy look as if they are in a gay porn movie. 😆

4 minutes ago, nkotb said:

My husband is home today, & he seriously asked if they were a couple (Thomas & Vinny). 

So I wasn't the only one who expected them to start making out?

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I didn't expect that, only because it's BelLA, & there are no gay men in LA, or in the fashion industry. People can come back from the dead repeatedly, marry their step-siblings, accept adults as their bio kids, DNA-testing be damned, but no same-sex lovin. 

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Today's show has Detective Sanchez paying head-still-stuck-in-the-sand-re-Thomas Ridge a visit regarding Emma's death and, sorry Carter, Justin (yay!) stepping in to help Hope with the pesky little details of her fake marriage and the equally fake adoption. 

We open at the cabin where it's the next day and Hope is holding ORB, who is as happy as can be in her mommy's arms.

Hope is in the rocking chair in the living room, marveling over the adorable chubbiness of her daughter's legs, says: "Look at you...my little rock star. I was worried, but you are settling in just fine. I can't believe you're here - you're really home."


Liam comes in from the guest bedroom/nursery and is smiling as he watches her and their daughter. 


Hope continues: "You know I am never, ever gonna take that for granted. You know, this almost never happened. All of that bad stuff...that's behind us now."

Liam is just so in love as he watches the two of them. 


Hope: "It's just you and me and your daddy - the way it should have always been. Your mommy may have made a wrong decision (clearly referring to "marrying" Thomas) and she has a bit of a miss to clean up, but I promise you, I'm gonna fix it."


Liam makes his presence known as he leans down and looks at her with a cheeky grin.

Hope: "And you have been listening to me go on and on, haven't you?"

LIam: "Um hmm....my favorite sound in the world." Aww... 

He takes a moment to touch the baby's toes, asking "How is she?"

Hope smiles: "Perfect."

Liam: "Oh...just like her mother then." 

I just love my Lope babies.

She shares that Justin is stopping by later and Liam is happy to hear that. Bill insisted she use him vs Carter, who is out of town. I think that's for the best. 

Hope: "I mean, obviously I have question about "Phoebe's adoption," but more than that, I want to concentrate on our future." She clearly means the two of them.

He intertwines his fingers with Hope on the baby's lap, whispering "Yeah, you do."


Over at Brooke's, Ridge is still trying to get in touch with Thomas.

Ridge: "How many messages and texts can I leave for you? Call me back ASAP."

Brooke comes in with a pitcher of orange juice: "Still nothing?" It's obvious from Ridge's expression that the answer to that is "yes." She says she would feel a lot better if they knew what he was doing, what he was thinking. And I wouldn't be too sure about that, Brooke.

Ridge: "I know what he's doing. He's avoiding everything."

Brooke: "I know, but you can only do that for so long, now that the criminal justice." She notes that with Reese and Flo in custody now, the authorities are going to want to talk to anyone who knew Beth was alive and Thomas is most certainly on that list.

Ridge clearly doesn't want to hear it, snapping, "I know!" when she says, "There will be consequences."

Ridge insists he'll help Thomas through this (um, okay, Ridge), but he can't help him if he can't even find him.

They are interrupted when Douglas, sporting a new haircut, comes down the stairs and Ridge calls him "the man of the hour."

Brooke: "Sleep well?"

Douglas: "Yeah, but then I woke up and couldn't find Daddy. Where is he anyways?" Poor kid.

Brooke and Ridge look at him, then each other, at a loss for words.

We hear the psycho Thomas theme so we know we're about to cut to Vinny's apartment.

He's sitting there, shirtless this time, and wearing what I'm sure are borrowed, dirty sweatpants. He's also very...sweaty. I'm guessing he hasn't showered in days. He looks down at a text alert and tosses the phone down on the couch, ignoring his father yet again.

Vinny comes into the room and tells Thomas he can end this by calling Ridge back. Riiiight, Vinny.

Thomas: "I don't wanna talk to my dad. He doesn't give a damn about me." 

Vinny: "That's not true."

Thomas: "Oh yeah? Then why would he leave us for Brooke?" Perhaps someone needs to share a Wikipedia article or something with the B&B history because that did not happen. Well, at least not until the kids were long grown and Ridge found out about the Big Bear Boink/hypocrisy and the heart attack Mommy Dearest faked. But is revisionist history about to rear its ugly head as the catalyst for Tommy-Boy's actions? I cannot roll my eyes hard enough.

He grouses that Brooke is the boss of Ridge (as if!) and he can't trust anyone except Hope.

Vinny is all "what am I, chopped liver" and Thomas quickly apologies, thanking him for letting him crash while he figures out his next move.

He whines about being a married man, living apart from his wife and crashing on his friend's couch like college roomies. 

Thomas, stating the obvious but LOL as ICAM: "I feel like an idiot." 



Back at Brooke's, she and Ridge are sitting down with Douglas as Ridge says they don't know where his father is, but it's nothing for him to be worried about. 


Brooke echoes Ridge: "Thomas is fine."

Douglas adorably asks: "Is he taking a time out?"

Ridge smiles, "Something like that, yeah."

Brooke: "In the meantime...we get to hang out with the BEST boy in the world." She leans in, rubbing his back, smiling as she says: "We are so proud of you."

Ridge is more understated, saying simply: "Good job. It was hard."

Douglas: "Telling the secret about Beth?" Ridge nods.

Brooke: "You put a family back together and that is a BIG deal."

Douglas fidgets nervously: "Well, my daddy's MAD at me. I don't think he likes me anymore." That's so sad, but Thomas honestly doesn't even like himself right now. How could he?

Ridge denies it, insisting Thomas loves him. He chalks it up to sometimes, people who love each other fight but then the anger goes away. He reassures Douglas again that he did a great job and should be very proud of what you did.

Douglas doesn't seem so sure and I need someone to dole out a slap to Thomas like the one Hope gave to Flo for being such a shit to his son.

Brooke says: "You are our hero" as Ridge pulls Douglas into his arms and hugs him with a little chuckle and kiss on the cheek, trying to put him at ease.


Back at Vinny's, Thomas is bitching about the air conditioning and I guess that explains the giant fan pointed at him.

Vinny tells him it's a wall unit and he's lucky it's working at all. Then, hilariously, he tells him: "Quit complaining. You're staying here for free."

Thomas: "I feel like my brain is on fire." Oh....kay.

Vinny tells him to stop thinking too hard and to "chill out." The 80s called - they want their catchphrase back.

Thomas snits to Vinny that his wife is most likely with another man so how is he supposed to chill out about that?


Um, she's not your wife, doofus.

Over at the cabin, Hope has just put Beth down for a nap and she comes back into the living room, remarking on what an easy, happy baby they have.

Hope: "We have Steffy to thank for that." So again, just another reminder that Steffy and what she is going through is constantly on both of their minds. Because they are decent, compassionate human beings and it proves that Hope genuinely cares about Steffy. 

Liam: "Yeah, we do." 

There's a knock on the door and Hope gets up to let Justin in.

He comes in with a big grin, asking "How's the new family?"


Liam: "Amazing."

Hope: "I can certainly say that this is the happiest and most grateful I have ever been in my entire life."


Justin: "I am thrilled for all three of you and very happy that I can help in any way." He cuts right to the chase: "So...tell me what you need."

Hope asks if he's talked to Carter about the fauxdoption.

Justin: "Yes, he sent over copies of the documentation and brought me up to speed. He would also like to say how sorry he is for his role in keeping Beth away from you." He didn't do his homework, so he's also to blame and should, at minimum, face the California Supreme Court on disciplinary charges.

Liam chimes in that Carter's not to blame as he had no idea what was going on. Exactly and there were plenty of red flags - unsigned documents, no follow up with Flo's "attorney" or the hospital where she allegedly gave birth and the doctor who allegedly signed off on everything. Not following up on the fake birth certificate. The lack of a home study. The sheer speed at which the adoption took place alone should have given cause for pause. The fact that an adoption is private can certainly expedite the process but not barely 48 hours (if that) fast. Well, not legally anyway.

Justin says Reese was a pro and everything looked legit (um, no). "Except for the fact that the baby listed, never really existed."

Hope: "Well, that's why you're here. So we can move forward with our lives."


Back at Brooke's, she acknowledges understanding that Ridge wants to see the best in his son but she then expresses concern about Thomas: "If he can scare a five-year-old boy, what is he gonna do to Hope?"

Ridge thinks Thomas can fix things with his son and with him but Brooke counters that his marriage to Hope is over. She adds: "We have to find him, Ridge, before he does something he regrets."

Ridge: "So, what are you saying?"

Brooke sighs: "I'm saying, I think your son is dangerous." And you would be right, Brooke.

Over at Vinny's, Thomas is pacing and looking as beady-eyed-deranged as ever. Vinny suggests going out to get some food, but psychos like Thomas can survive on hate alone.

He says he's not hungry and that he can't think straight.

Vinny wants to know if Thomas has been "dipping into (his) stash again."


Uh huh... He encourages Thomas to calm down and take some deep breaths and good luck with that, Vinny.

Thomas snaps: "How am I supposed to do that when Liam is over there with Hope, taking advantage of her?" That would be your department, creep.

Thomas: "I hate that guy. He's so smug and self-righteous and entitled...and not just to Hope, but Steffy, too." Once, that would have been true but no more. And it's hardly Thomas's role to point that out. Andplusalso, if Liam is soooo terrible, then you would think he'd want better than that for his precious sister, Hauxdilox, but nope.

Thomas adds: "I never understood what those two ever saw in him." Well, many have asked that over the years and it's a valid question. Or it was. Ever since he married Hope, he's been all about her. For well over a year now and that's like a decade in soap time. 

Thomas says Liam needs to "know his place." Where is that, exactly? Six feet under?

He rants that Hope is his now and he needs to get her away from Liam. For good this time.

Back at the cabin, Hope tells Justin her main concern is that their legal rights to Beth be as ironclad as possible.

Justin shares that he'll file a motion for fraud and they agree Steffy won't contest it. Justin again expresses sorrow for what they've been through.

Hope says that's all behind them and she just wants them to move on, which includes ending her marriage to Thomas.

Liam points out: "Which was just as fraudulent as the adoption."Abso-friggin-lutely!

Hope nods: "I want it over...as fast as possible."

Later, she expresses concern about Douglas and how her ending her faux marriage will disappoint him. And just like with her continued concern for Steffy, she is just as focused on Douglas, saying "He really bonded with me and liked having me as a mother in his life."


She adds: "Obviously, I'm still gonna be there for him when he needs me, but I cannot stay in a marriage with Thomas for one second longer than I need to be."

Liam clasps her hand in his, telling Justin: "The thing is, Thomas knew that Beth was alive. And actively kept it from Hope."

Hope chimes in: "And threatened anyone who wanted to tell me." Justin's niece, included, and is that not going to come up?

Liam: "Nothing about that wedding was true."

Hope scoffs: "He promised to love and cherish me...and look what happened. Besides, I didn't love him." And she shouldn't have married him, especially not so soon, but I can't forget that she was mentally fragile and Thomas, using his son, took full advantage of that. 

She rubs Liam's arm with her free hand, her other hand still in his: "I never did. So that is why I need out of this marriage."

Justin indicates he'll get started on the paperwork and talk to someone about fast-tracking things but it shouldn't be too difficult to end a marriage that wasn't legal in the first place.

Hope shares how sorry she is for Justin's loss (meaning Emma) and that she thinks of her every day and misses her so much.

Justin thanks her and says he feels the same and has been burying himself in work and he was actually glad he could step in for Carter.

Hope: "We can't thank you enough."

Justin: "I do have to say, this Thomas situation was quite shocking."

Liam almost laughs as he says: "Justin, you have NO idea. Like he was awful when he first came back to town but now? He's off the grid, he basically abandoned his son, and it seems like he is getting worse, so I don't want him anywhere near Hope."

Back at Vinny's, Thomas is still pacing and ranting about being Hope's husband.

He tells Vinny that he has no idea what he had to do to get to this point. Oh, I think Vinny is starting to mentally add things up. 

Hilariously, but not, Thomas whines: "I didn't even get a damn wedding night!" Did he really think he was gonna get one without Hope being drugged?

Vinny, trying to be the voice of reason, asks about Douglas, "All you talk about is Hope. I know you're in love, but what about your son?"

Thomas scowls, saying: "You mean that little brat who ratted me out?" Fuck you, Thomas. 

What an absolute jackhole.

Back at Brooke's, Ridge scoffs at Brooke's assessment, saying "Dangerous?"

Brooke: "Yes, Ridge."

Ridge: "Being a little dramatic, aren't you?"

Brooke: "I wish I were." She's very worried for Hope and knows that when Hope ends their marriage, there's no telling what Thomas will do.

Ridge obviously doesn't want to face the truth and is growing increasingly annoyed, turning his back on her and her concerns.

Brooke is clearly frustrated: "He's unstable and he has been for years. It's getting worse."

Ridge shrugs is off: "He's done some things in the past." 

Brooke shouts: "He's STILL doing them! He lied to Hope. He kept her baby from her. He married her under false pretenses."

Ridge shouts back: "You don't think I'm concerned about any of that?" Clearly, not. He tries to deflect by whining about not knowing where Thomas is and how he won't return his calls or texts. And shouldn't that, more than anything, tell you everything you need to know, Ridge?

He exclaims that he doesn't understand what's happening.

Brooke sighs and tries to defuse the tension, saying "I'm sorry." For what? His son being a psycho and some of that needing to be laid at Ridge and Taylor's feet.

She says that sometimes, she acts like she's only with a stake.

Ridge pulls her closer, saying "He's my son. I raised him and I'm not wrong about him."

Yes. You. ARE!

Brooke acknowledges how hard this is for him but tells him they have to pay attention to the clues (aka the danger, Thomas is Psycho! warning sirens). 

Brooke reveals her thoughts about what really happened to Emma the night she died - in a nutshell, that Ridge, unsurprisingly, has a totally different take but before they can really go at it, Detective Sanchez arrives.

He wastes zero time in telling them that they are reopening the investigation into Emma's death.

Ridge looks like he's about to vomit.

Back at Hope's, Justin asks if they think Thomas is a threat. It's clear he thinks that.


Hope: "I do."

Liam agrees and shares that Thomas tried to kidnap Hope. Justin is disgusted.

Liam says he would have gotten away from it if he hadn't shown up in time, adding "to paint a picture, this is a guy who used his own son, a five-year-old who just lost his mother, to emotionally manipulate Hope, who at the time, was grieving the supposed death of her own baby, and Thomas knew didn't even happen. But he kept quiet and didn't say anything. Because that's how you trap Hope into marriage." He pauses to let Justin digest this. "So, it's not just that he's nuts. He's a threat. And Hope needs to cut all ties with him."

Justin advises using caution with regard to her taking actions to annul the marriage, telling her: "If what you're saying about Thomas is true, annulling this marriage may just trigger the threat.  If he thinks that it's over, that he has nothing to lose...that's something you might want to consider."


Hope is resolute as she looks at Liam.


She won't be scared into being tied (however false the marriage is) to Thomas one moment longer than necessary, saying: "I have...and I'm taking my life back."


I certainly want Hope to take bac her life, but I am very concerned, especially with what I know is coming. And I'm not alone per the poll. WTAF voted "no?" here?


We cut to Vinny's where once again, Vinny is futilely trying to get Thomas to calm down and telling him he used to be a calm guy isn't really going to work here.

Hilariously, he calls Thomas "a hot mess, pacing a hole through my floor."

Thomas actually seems to listen, but not really: "You're right. I can't get stressed out. Hope doesn't like me when I'm like that." Um, she pretty much straight up hates your guts 24/7. Delusional as ever, he warms to the idea of being calm when he "explains" why he kept the truth about Beth from her and how it was in her best interest, that it was the best thing for our family.

It was the best thing for YOU!

He's sure she'll understand once he explains and Vinny, telling him what he wants to hear for fear of his throat being slit in the night, says "that sounds like a plan."

Thomas nods and says, "Those vows that we took...I meant every word. Till death do us part. Anything else is unacceptable."


Back at Brooke's, Ridge feigns ignorance, saying: "Emma Barber? I thought that investigation was closed."

Until it's not, Ridge.

He adds: "It was distracted driving, right?"

Det. Sanchez: "That's what we thought - at first. And the evidence seemed to support that resolution."

Brooke asks, "So why reopen the investigation?"

Det. Sanchez lowers the boom: "Because we came into some new evidence from Xander Avant."

And we see a flashback with Emma learning the truth and confronting Thomas.

Det. Sanchez continues: "He had knowledge of a confrontation between Thomas and Emma that happened the night that she died." It's, at minimum, very damning circumstantial evidence. "Not a friendly one." 

We see more flashbacks, with Thomas grabbing Emmy and the car chase and Thomas running her off the road, then fleeing the scene when he saw movement in the car instead of calling for help.

Det. Sanchez adds: "And he ran her off the road."

Ridge, in denial, "Well, Xander's mistaken." Nope and he has the GPS (much more than circumstantial evidence) to prove it.

Det. Sanchez challenges him, almost smiling here: "Okay...and you know that how?"

Ridge: "Because this is my son you're talking about. This is not him. He's got some problems. He's trying to figure them all out. But he didn't kill anybody. And that's what you're suggesting, isn't it? That he's a murderer?"

Det. Sanchez nods and the camera zooms in to show the walls literally closing in on Ridge.

Ridge continues to bury his head in the sand, saying: "My son isn't dangerous." But you can tell even he doesn't believe it and at the very same time, we cut to Vinny's apartment and we see Thomas, staring creepily into space.


He starts fidgeting with his fake wedding ring as the eerie music swells.


He then starts in with his typical refrain/rant: "You're mine, Hope. You're mine."


Is there any doubt that Thomas is:


Yeah, didn't think so.

Also, I just had to include another clip of yesterday's epic verbal and literal smackdown by Hope of Flo because I could watch that from now until forever. Even CountryBoy sat down and honest-to-goodness watched it with me. I just now noticed that she yelled at Flo so hard she created a breeze that moved Flo's tendrils of hair.

And also her clapping for emphasis because that was awesome as well:

And just because, a gif of just the slap.

While I am fearful of what might happen to Hope or Brooke or Douglas or anyone else I care about, I hope that this finally wakes Ridge up to the monster he raised.

But I doubt it.

Either way, I'm hoping Bridge is toast.

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Justin to the rescue. I wouldn’t know why they wanted to use him in the first place. IMO Carter can not be held harmless. He should have done some more due diligence especially with an out of town lawyer. Carter could have checked more about the birth mother. Liam found out that there was no medical record of a birth in the hospital and Carter could have done the same.  

Ridge is still a grease hypocritical apologist for his psycho son.  Xander was finally of use when he dropped a dime on Lurch.  I hope Justin finds out about Lurch and takes him on a helicopter ride over the LaBreaTar Pits.   

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Bridge will never be over.  Ridge left Brooke a million times to marry other women, and she still goes back to him.  Brooke was also more than happy to chase after Ridge when he was married or engaged to someone else so no sympathy for her.  If Taylor did return, I have no doubt she would be dumb enough to still want Ridge to.  Pathetic.

I have a bad feeling that psycho Thomas will continue to get away with everything.

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1 hour ago, LittleIggy said:

If any of these rich folks’ homes had anything remotely resembling security then Hope and Liam wouldn’t have to worry about a psycho on the loose. But they don’t so...

Seriously, why are they not employing security outside of Hope's house? And having security go with her wherever she goes?? They have buckets of money, so spend it on security!!

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8 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Seriously, why are they not employing security outside of Hope's house? And having security go with her wherever she goes?? They have buckets of money, so spend it on security!!

They could employ the same security agency that guards the Newman ranch - and we all know that place is as porous as a sieve. 

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Seriously, why are they not employing security outside of Hope's house?

Why arent they staying at a Spencer property, imstead of staying exactly where Thomas expects them to be ...like sitting ducks in a three sided box?

I finally watched Monday's episode and it was GLORIOUS. So whats a satisfied viewer to do after watching the righteous wrath of our severly wronged heroine? Come right here to find an equally gorgeous recap from CountryGirl, of course. 

Although Vinnie and Thomas looked like they had just had a Greco Roman wrestling match....I am pretty sure Vinnie is gonna give up his "friend" soon. I have very good friends and I care about them a lot. But if I KNEW they had committed a terrible crime and seriously hurt people, innocent people...children....you best believe i would turn them in as soon as I could. It would hurt my heart... But some things are non negotiable. 

Where the hell is Dr Lipenstein? Taylor is the only person who could make me feel sorry for Steffy. Because if she ever needed her mother...or ANYONE... its now. With her world crashing down. And not to come up with schemes to get Liam back...but to hold her suffering daughter and let her know everything is going to be okay.

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On 8/15/2019 at 1:37 PM, CountryGirl said:

To reiterate others comments, it makes me insane that these people don’t have security all over their properties. Shauna and Flo walked right into Hope’s cabin after seeing Brooke’s Gardner! In this day and age, many of us have home security stuff even when we live in small homes in small communities. Ridge? Your son is nuts and dangerous and has scared his 5 year old son to death. How much more do you need to know about this nut job? Also, I watched a utube video of Taylor and Nick’s wedding preview yesterday that someone posted. I was amazed at what a natural actress HT was back then. When she’s been on the show this past year, crying without tears, rubbing her immobile face, etc, she was the worst actress I’ve ever seen. No wonder they dispatched her to somewhere, anywhere. 

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Incompetent Carter's out of town. How convenient. 😑

Yep, if I turned off the sound that first scene with Thomas and Vinny was definitely like the intro to a gay porn video. Don't ask me how I know. 🙄

Oh please, those adoption papers looked "legit"? Yeah, kinda like how a Honda looks like a BMW. It took Liam less than an hour to glean that the adoption papers were fishy and he doesn't even have a law degree. GMAFB.

Hope gets annulments like I get Frappucinos. A lot.

Stay oblivious, Ridge. You know darned well your oldest son is an effed up person and has been one for YEARS. What's the atmosphere like on your planet?

Hmm, wonder if Thomas remembered to wipe the GPS tracking in his car?


what is it with Ridge always intimidating and grabbing women

It may be a TK thing. He did that on AMC too.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Thomas: "Oh yeah? Then why would he leave us for Brooke?

Like, did he literally say this? Because I cannot anymore with this nonsense from the Marone morons. It’s not what happened, for one, and also, get the hell over it. 

Really enjoy Justin in lawyer mode. 

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Maybe it likes when middled-aged Thorne and Felicia wanted to parent trap their parents. Despite being old enough to know better, they all act like if they are children needing mommy and daddy to stay together.

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3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Andplusalso, if Liam is soooo terrible, then you would think he'd want better than that for his precious sister, Hauxdilox, but nope.

Yeah, a sister so precious he couldn't be assed to tell her she was raising Hope's baby. 🙄

I really want to snark and say it's great karma to Steffy considering the Carowhine shit a while ago that broke up Tally, but...no. Whether Caroline was dying or not, he didn't have to break up with Sally while temporarily taking care her and their child together. Steffy brought the bait but he never had  to bite.

But this? This hurt *both* women that he's grown up with. Hope is still family. Thomas has lost one blood sister fairly young. You'd think  he'd consider that for Steffy as he let her raise a child that wasn't hers to keep 

2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

 Thomas: "I don't wanna talk to my dad. He doesn't give a damn about me.

Vinny: "That's not true."

Thomas: "Oh yeah? Then why would he leave us for Brooke?"

I haven't watched today's episode yet but I missed this in skimming the summary on my break.

AYFKMWTS?! Really?! This is the well you want to dip back into to excuse this shit? Get fucked.

1 minute ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Like, did he literally say this? Because I cannot anymore with this nonsense from the Marone morons. It’s not what happened, for one, and also, get the hell over it. 

Really enjoy Justin in lawyer mode. 

Especially that last part. As someone pointed out, there comes a point where you have to own up to that your shittiness is your own and you have to choose to be better than your raising. Even Steffy made the choice to stop actively pursuing Liam and never once tried to play off the Still boink as anything but consentual. She gets why Liam left at least.

5 minutes ago, nilyank said:

Maybe it likes when middled-aged Thorne and Felicia wanted to parent trap their parents. Despite being old enough to know better, they all act like if they are children needing mommy and daddy to stay together.

I felt second hand embarrassment for those actors TBH. Forget Stephanie and Eric's history, these "children" were in their forties with children of their own--one of whom definitely needed their father's time and attention more than his elderly horn dog father needed h in his business, as it turns out.

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Is it just me or is the guy who plays Vinnie a horrible actor?

Can Justin now become the show's default attorney? He seems much more competent and efficient than Carter. Just don't have Justin perform weddings. 

Remember the scenes from back in the day when Thomas and Oliver were hanging out together clad in nothing but surf gear? They also looked like a gay couple. I think what all indicators are pointing to is that the plan to have made Thomas gay years ago, should have been followed-through on. Screw that uptight actor who refused to play a gay character. 

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It was so nice to see Hope take the lead in dealing with Justin.  She didn't just sit back and let Liam do all the talking.  And when she said she was taking her life back, I smiled and said 'baby girl'.  I want THIS Hope to stay. 

Why am I not surprised that Ridge is in denial about Thomas?  He's been in denial about his children for their entire lives.  Ridge has never acknowledged that the Taytots are nasty pieces of work.  BOTH of his children have killed.  I know that if I was driving on the Pacific Coast Highway and saw a Marone spawn in my rear view mirror, I'd be terrified.

Ridge even had the nerve to insinuate that there was a possibility that Thomas and Hope could work things out!!!!  How does a woman work things out with a killer who kept her child from her?  Not to mention the fact that SHE DOESN'T LOVE HIM!  Ridge was all for the marriage between Thomas and Hope because he thought it would guarantee that Hauxdilox would get to keep her talons in Liam.  Ridge STILL wants his daughter with a man WHO DOESN'T WANT HER.  Maybe if he had been father enough to talk to his daughter about running after unavailable men, his daughter wouldn't be such a slattern.  Of course, when her mother is Taylor Hayes, 'slattern' is all a girl has to look forward to.

I'm glad Justin is handling the legal issues right now.  Carter is a nice man but law is NOT his thing.  He needs to explore giving up law and exploring other careers.  Maybe enter the ministry since he likes marrying people so much.  I can't wait for Justin to find out that Thomas is a suspect in his niece's death. 

Oh and JUSTIN NEEDS A WOMAN.  I don't understand how a good-looking LAWYER like Justin is sitting around waiting for a Spencer to call.

Is there nobody at CBS who has the eyes to see that shirtless Thomas is not a good look?  Too many muscles.  Long torso, short legs and beady little eyes.  Thomas is moving from sociopath into straight up psychopath.  I agree with all of those who think that it's PAST time for Brooke to hire some security.  ANYONE can walk into her house.  If she's not concerned about her daughter, she should be concerned about that little boy she's caring for.  Thomas has already been violent with Douglas.  Ridge refuses to acknowledge that his son is dangerous.  Brooke needs to get some rent-a-cops and give them Thomas' picture.

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It just cracks me up that corporate attorneys like Justin and Carter are made to be jack of all trades. No corporate attorney would handle matters like adoptions and annulments. It’s not even ethical to do so unless you are up to date on domestic relations law.

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The dichotomy between Thomas and Vinnie is jarring, but also kinda funny. Here you have Thomas Forrester, the rich, pampered son of one of LA's best fashion houses. Thomas; raised with all the benefits befitting the Scion of such a family. Then we have Vinnie; the street guy, the drug dealer, who lives in a tiny non-air conditioned apartment. If I did not know that, I would think Vinnie was Thomas and Thomas was Vinnie. Thomas is out of control, ranting and raving about make believe marriages, and having hallucinations about how things were in the past with his dad and Brooke, talking shit about his 5 year old son, threatening, and raging. Then we have Vinnie, who is acting as the voice of reason. I didn't miss the serious side eye Vinnie was giving his pal. I think he knows Thomas is five keys off a concerto, and is maybe questioning whether he should continue offering Thomas a place to stay. Not only that, but Thomas is the most ungrateful punk; insulting Vinnie's digs and complaining. But that is Thomas, always biting the hand that feeds him. For some reason I have taken a liking to Vinnie, he reminds me of Vinnie Barbarino. He seems like an ok guy; the drug dealing not withstanding. I think I am going to be really upset if Thomas hurts. him. Oh, and Vinnie's bare chest looks much more natural than Thomas's, who reminds me of Stretch Armstrong. 

And once again I think I will have to give Ridge a pass. Yes, he knows Thomas has a dark side. Maybe he doesn't really want to own that, or lay voice to it, but he knows all the same. But a murderer? A person capable of chasing down a young girl and forcing her off the road to her death? That is a lot for any parent to take in. And Ridge has really had his fair share over the last few weeks. And his kooky ex-wife, the person who set all this shit in motion, is no where to be found. Taylor is a lunatic, but she is still Steffy and Thomas's mother and Ridge could use her help and support right now. 

I saw some images from upcoming episodes, and I don't know that I will be able to watch some of them. There are some things I cannot witness, regardless if they are make believe. 


And one of those is a parent abusing their child. It looks like Thomas is really going to go at little Douglas, and just NAH, NAH, NAH to that ish. And I wonder about a young child doing scenes like that. Yes, he is acting, but still. He is only 5 years old. 

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Co-signing to everything you and @mightysparrow said, @RuntheTable, although I can't agree with Vinnie. I don't know if he knew for certain what Thomas was planning with the Steamless molly night but he definitely knew what was up when he brought over the molly to Thomas when he and Hope were at the hotel, commenting it was a wedding gift (ugh!) and that he wanted to ensure they had a "great" night. 

Hard pass to that.

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

although I can't agree with Vinnie. I don't know if he knew for certain what Thomas was planning with the Steamless molly night but he definitely knew what was up when he brought over the molly to Thomas when he and Hope were at the hotel, commenting it was a wedding gift (ugh!) and that he wanted to ensure they had a "great" night. 

Hard pass to that.

OOPS! I wasn't watching at that time, so that is totally on me. For some reason I thought Thomas had pulled the wool over Vinnie's eyes on what his plans were. 

So now I can't like Vinnie anymore. Although I still maintain he looks better shirtless than his housemate. 

Who is left to like! I have always liked Wyatt, but after what he has done/is doing to Sally? Not so much anymore. I like Liam sometimes. If he stays with Hope and stops waffling, I will like him a lot more. 

Stupid Show always takes my nice things away.

Edited by RuntheTable
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I don't think Vinnie knew Thomas was going to give the drugs to someone without their knowing they were taking them.  Apparently, Molly makes sex better, and Vinnie is under the impression that Thomas/Hope and Steffy/Liam knew they were taking the drug.  When in reality, Thomas slipped them in Liam's drink without anyone else knowing, and was going to do the same thing to Hope, but Vinnie doesn't know that.  I could be wrong.

Another day at the Shirtless Shack.  Calm down, just breath, I'm trying to figure out if Vinnie is coaching Thomas through labor, or giving him instructions for a workout.

Justin, "There won't be a problem with the annulment.  It's a clear case of fraud."

Me, "And all the other annulments were a clear case of stupidity?"

The "We need to tell Hope conversation" has turned into the "Where is Thomas, we don't know what he will do" conversation.  Is this conversation going to last 8 months to?

Edited by TigerLynx
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No worries, RTT, especially since you hadn't started watching again.

Don't get me started (again) on the blink-and-you-missed-it whining from Thomas, blaming Brooke (because it's always Brooke's fault!!!), for causing his issues, citing his dad leaving them for Brooke which did not happen until long after they were grown and gone from the home.

Because we have the receipts.

And even if it had happened the way his fevered brain remembers it, GROW THE FFF UP. 

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37 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Lol, some B&B fans are talking about starting a GoFundMe to buy Thomas a shirt. Here, take my money!

So it's not just me who wants him to put a goddamn shirt on?  I swear, I can't watch anymore until he does. 

It's sad because I'm sure the actor thinks he's hawt!  NOT! 

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Vinnie's a drug dealer, right?  Isn't the whole point of being a drug dealer to make lots of cash?  Vinnie must suck at it if all he can afford is that teeny little apartment with a faulty window unit.  Almost as bad as the acting talent of the actor who plays him!

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Lurch’s everyday rambling is getting even more tiresome than Raggedy’s irrational daily dimwitted idea of having to marry Lurch, for Douglas, and Liam having to be with Stuffy. 

I know this is comparing apples with oranges but it’s ok for Ridge to defend Lurch but its not ok for Shanna to defend Flo.  Murder and Baby Trafficking are both reprehensible. 

And Raggedy is back to being dimwitted. No restraining order and contacting Lurch to add fuel to his irrational behavior.

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Unfortunately no one is fully aware of how out of control Thomas is, aside from mostly shirtless Vinnie. Hope knows he lied to her and manipulated her but doesn't know how far he really went. She doesn't know about the scheming with the nanny, the fake drawing, deleting photos, the molly (or the planned second molly), exactly what went down with Emma (the show seems to have not decided yet) and I'm sure I'm forgetting some other things. 

I completely understand her wanting to take responsibility for her own life and take her own power back after what's happened. She's spent months broken and going along with what others tell her is the right thing to do and that didn't work too well. 

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Bet Ridge is regretting being so imperious with Xander now. That is unless Xander dropped the dime on Thomas before he was fired from FC.

So if Hope is considered legally married to Thomas then that means Liam is legally still a free agent. Hmm. I was thinking Hope and Liam's annulment would be void and Hope's marriage to Thomas would be basically invalid because she was still married. Good grief, maybe the State of California should have a limit on how many annulments you can get within a calendar year. Hope's got them stacked on top of each other.

Vinny is an enabler. How can he not see what a dangerous whack job Thomas is?

"You're a mean liar! I'm dumping you! Neener, neener, neener!" OMG, somebody needs to smack Hope upside the head when she starts taking these sharp wrong turns. Sigh, cain't nobody tell her nothin' either.

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54 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

"You're a mean liar! I'm dumping you! Neener, neener, neener!" OMG, somebody needs to smack Hope upside the head when she starts taking these sharp wrong turns. Sigh, cain't nobody tell her nothin' either.

I've tried and tried to give Hope a pass and show her some sympathy for what she's been through but, honestly, right now?  I'm sick of her.  Liam tried to talk some sense into her but noooooo she's not listening.  I understand that she wants to take her power back, but that doesn't mean acting stupid.

I love that they are a family again but I still think that Liam and Hope shouldn't be together, they should just raise Beth together.    

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2 hours ago, A-Lo said:

Vinnie's a drug dealer, right?  Isn't the whole point of being a drug dealer to make lots of cash?  Vinnie must suck at it if all he can afford is that teeny little apartment with a faulty window unit.  Almost as bad as the acting talent of the actor who plays him!

It depends.  If you are using the product yourself, then you are probably selling to support your own habit, and usually the money spent on the habit is greater than any money you are making selling it.

Is anyone going to remember that Hope had already decided to end things with Liam before Thomas returned to town?  Are they just going to ignore that Hope once again bailed on Liam, and this time around, Liam was a supportive spouse?

If Brad Bell really wanted to surprise me, he would actually let Hope kill Thomas in self-defense, Thomas would be dead dead, and their would be consequences (not legal for Hope because she would be defending herself), actual fallout the characters had to deal with.

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I really like Hope and I support her taking control of her life.  But I couldn't help thinking 'you idiot' when she insisted on giving Thomas a call.  If anyone knows how dangerous and insane Thomas is, it's Hope.  She's counting on him being sooooooooo much in love with her that he'll do whatever she says.  Thomas doesn't love Hope.  Thomas is obsessed with Hope.  She spoke the truth when she said he used the most painful moment of her life to manipulate her.  So why would she think he would just turn tail and slink away when she told him to piss off?  He almost tossed her and Liam off the roof!

I'm happy to see Brooke standing up for her daughter's safety, especially to Ridge.  However, Brooke doesn't seem to understand that Ridge, at least this version, doesn't give a shit about Hope.  Ronnnnnnnnn Moss' Ridge cared about Hope but TK's Ridge could care less. 

I'm glad Xander dropped a dime on Thomas.  He's the least bad out of all of these assholes, so he has a right to make sure that Thomas suffers.  And he seems to be the only one of the conspirators who are interested in making sure Thomas pays for killing Emma.  I'm hoping that we don't have to sit through a lengthy trial.  Just turn Thomas over to Justin and shut the door.  Justice will be served.

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Hope: I never want to see Thomas ever again. 

Umm, this is why you don’t marry your step brother. Unless Thomas dies or goes away forever she will always have to see him around family events. Thanksgiving is going to be super awkward this year. 

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Just some general observations:

I am really kinda aggravated that Show is making me feel bad for Ridge, but that is what they are doing, and no matter how hard I try, I cannot change my own mind. 

I am pissed that we did not get to see Quinn with Shauna and Flo the other day, and that we have not heard one word about what transpired. 

They need to wrap up the Thomas SL. He is teetering toward campy now, with his constant monologue about Hope. He seems to be channeling his inner Barnabas Collins in pursuit of his great love Josette, except Thomas and Hope never had a great love. 

As soft as I have been on Vinnie; I do have to say that he is a bit......um........thick. Surely he sees that Thomas is going downhill really, really fast right? I think if he wasn't so dimwitted, he might consider the implications of giving Thomas a safe haven. 

I am ok with Hope calling Thomas. They have known each other their whole lives, and while Thomas has done things, I don't think anyone understands, or realizes, how deep in the dark Thomas has sunk. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

I think they should let nuThomas finish this storyline and then bring back Pierson Fode back and pair him with Sally. My job is done.

Naw, let him die. I'm sick of this character....six months of decency doesn't erase over 15 years of lameness at best and sociopathic entitlement at worse.

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Thomas, I didn't think I could hate a character more on this show than I do Ridge and Brooke, but you proved me wrong.

More re-writing of history with regards to Ridge and Thomas.  Also, how the hell do they mention Thomas, Steffy, and Hope's childhoods, but say nothing about Phoebe or Bridget?

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Pure speculation but I'm wondering if 


TPTB are going to give Ridge a do-over as a father by making Douglas his son.  The image of Thomas as the abandoning dad will fade as Ridge and Douglas forge their new relationship.  Bonus that Brooke will have to accept Ridge's new progeny as a "gift" just as she cooed to him about Jack, actually comparing that baby to the baby Jesus.  (No joke.)

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I have to say, I was dreading the Thomas/Douglas verbal abuse. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting. The way the scenes were shot, I'm guessing that some of them were shot separately, so as not to scare the Douglas' actor too much. Thomas is probably irredeemable,  I wasn't worried about the character, I was just worried about the young Douglas' actor. Guess who has kids about Douglas' age. It's me, I do.

Amelia is too dumb for words. Why she would leave Douglas alone with Thomas, knowing that he's not responding to anyone, knowing that everyone is looking for him, knowing that he's upset with Douglas? What an idiot. It didn't escape my spidey-senses that Brooke told Douglas that Hope is going over to Steffy's, which I assume Douglas will somehow innocently tell his dad. 

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If Thomas goes to Steffy's, out of the characters of Steffy, Liam, and Hope, I'm betting on Steffy being the one to kick Thomas' ass.  They will probably have Liam do it, but come on, Steffy's the one who would actually be capable of doing it.  I wonder if this is when they find out Thomas drugged Liam?

I could see Ridge, Karen, Steffy, and Hope all wanting custody of Douglas.

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14 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Thomas’ chest just looks weird. It has no definition.  Please put a shirt on him! 🙄

Needs bra.

9 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Speaking of Ridge and sons.....I totally forgot about this kid. It's funny how time flies.


Now that kid I could not stand.  They made him spoiled and a master manipulator.  Some of these adults can sure be steamrolled by their offspring.  It just makes them look stupid.

And another thing....I want every poster here to be MORE SPECIFIC! (you'll see when you see today's show).  Eeek.

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2 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

Pure speculation but I'm wondering if 

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TPTB are going to give Ridge a do-over as a father by making Douglas his son.  The image of Thomas as the abandoning dad will fade as Ridge and Douglas forge their new relationship.  Bonus that Brooke will have to accept Ridge's new progeny as a "gift" just as she cooed to him about Jack, actually comparing that baby to the baby Jesus.  (No joke.)

That would be a way to keep the character Douglas on the show since he’s become a fan favorite and the actor is super talented. I would be sad to to see the cutie go offscreen to live w Thorne or Caroline’s mothers. 

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2 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

Will Vinny return, kick Thomas' ass, and take Douglas to Steffy?

One can only hope!

I did enjoy Vinnie a little today when he was reading off his list of Thomas' roommate infractions and got to the part about how Thomas was wearing his clothes.  He was sort of funny!

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