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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Brooke's coy giggling ingenue persona is seriously working my last nerve. I had the highest of hopes today that when she started gently needling Sludge during lunch that she was going to lay into him and put him on full blast for decades of crap and heartache.  No. Instead, she demurred, fluttered her eyelashes and dropped hints right and left about how much she needs/loves to be surprised, spoiled and pampered. The case she laid out for why she enjoyed being with Sludge was pretty scarce and lame (grasping at straws, actually) ... going to the beach whenever she wanted to ... OH-kay.  That'd make me say "I do," right on the spot. /eyeroll.

I'm not sure what I thought about Thorne running to "daddy" to try to make him take his side against Ridge. Lord knows, that cockroach needs a major takedown in the worst way but I feel that this nuThorne can do that simply on his own merits (decency, integrity, talent, and did I mention good looks? height? and a hot body?)  He also really doesn't need to keep dredging up Quiridge. That has enough embers flying around to eventually reignite on its own. (Maybe sooner than later if Brooke refuses the proposal.)

Best line of the day:

Eric (to Thorne): "Have you discussed this Brooke?" 

(As if that ever mattered.)  We all know that Ridge is rushing the proposal just to best Thorne (and vice versa.) The way Sludge was talking today about "we don't know how much time we have ... " made me hope that maybe a terminal illness SL is on the horizon for him but that will never happen ...

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They're playing Thorne's return and pursuit of Brooke all wrong because right now it looks like that once he heard Ridge was sniffing around Brooke and cheated on Brooke with Quinn, he went full throttle white knight to Ridge's black hearted cad with caring for Brooke a close second to battling his brother.

Thorne wasn't thinking about any kind of future with Brooke. He came home supposedly to reclaim his place at FC for himself and Aly so why is he launching marriage at Brooke less than a month after being home?

Thorne should still be heartbroken and healing from not just Aly's death but life in general. He's lost his daughter, his mother, and his wife, and still has scars from losing Macy. The man should be guarded as hell. He should defintiely be advising Brooke to slow her roll with Ridge given she's still divorcing Bill. When Thorne makes an impassioned plea for Brooke to not fall for Ridge 's crap and wait for a man who deserves her and she answers with You mean like you?' Thorne should sincerely reply, 'we tried that, it didn't work,  besides I'm not looking for love, not anymore, not after losing so much.'

And mean it. And Brooke be heartbroken by a man so deserving of love denying it to himself, but resolved to being his friend and part of being his friend is listening to his advice and shutting down Ridge. And another part of that is trying to help Thorne realize his vision for Aly Designs and Thorne in spite of himself falling for Brooke all over again and fighting it because he's been burned by her before and his heart can't handle that again. Let Ingo play that anguish of his heart wanting her, but his pride and head trying to keep her at a distance. Make it less about Brooke trying to force him into submitting and her realizing she has to let him take his time -just like she needs to do after Bill. 

Then after Aly Designs has its first fashion show at FC and is a hit, Thorne is hit with how much Brooke has stood by him as a friend and the thaw begins and the door opens a little more. Ridge and Thorne really should have some common ground in that both men know the pain of losing beloved daughters. Ridge should put his money where his mouth is and actually be a damned protective big brother for Thorne and not so antagonistic. Mitigating facts aside, Ridge's family decimated Thorne's family. There should be some guilt on Ridge's part that he's trying to make up for.

With Thorne's reappearance you don't think the show would have the balls to have Steffy (if pregnant, which I'm 99% she is) name that kid Phoebe Alexandra if she's a girl of Cooper (Hamilton) Alexander if a boy? Somehow I think they would! 

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Why can't whoever's courting Brooke actually court her...like take her on dates, trips and such.  All we ever see are men declaring their love for her while she smiles coyly but we don't see any build up of any feelings on anyone's part.  At this point it looks like she's just a pawn in Ridge's and Thorne's ongoing rivalry.  I really miss the old days of soaps when a couple slowly fell in love and we fell in love along with them.  That's what gave them rooting power. 

Actually this would go for any of the couples who 'fall in love' instantly on this show. I too miss the slow build to an actual love story. One side of the couple denying feelings, the other side of the couple pursuing. 

I'm not a Brooke fan but good lawd this story is terrible. Why exactly does she just need to be with someone so badly? She isn't even currently divorced and now she has 2 proposals ... from two guys who have spent more time pissing on one another than wooing her. Why can't Brooke just take a romance break for a while? Go back to work? Grow up? The giggling and so forth is ridiculous. And really? Why would she even spend one moment considering Ridge when he was making out with Quinn the night before their last marriage attempt?!?  I just cannot. I would love to see a Brooke and Thorne re-do but not like this.

And TobinAlbers? I'd love to watch that B&B, rather than the dreck these professional writers poop out every day.

Edited by hypnotoad
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Recap for Thursday, 12/14/17:

This show, man. With one notably half-naked exception, today's epi was seriously terrible.

We open at the beach house where Steffy and Liam decide to "catch some waves." It must be nice not having to work or anything.

Liam changes into swim trunks and there's a moment where I think these two are going to get busy, but thankfully, we're spared from that when Steffy runs outside and Liam chases after her like a puppy. I have that German second-hand embarrassment for Liam right now.

When they come back inside, Liam renews an attempt at intimacy but Steffy deflects and leaves the room, emerging minutes later fully dressed. She has a check-up at her doctor's.

She's far too chipper for someone who cheated on her husband (with his father no less) and is still lying about it. But in her mind, it's all in the past. Psycho.

She heads off but not before teasing Liam with everyone's least favorite phrase.

Later, we cut to her at her doctor's office, thinking about Liam and laughing as if she doesn't have a care in the world. Bitch.

Over at the Forrester mansion, Thorne steps into the living room and hellooooo, Thorne!

He's dressed in blue trunks that exactly match his piercing eyes and that body...


This is me right now:


Eric reiterates his offer for Thorne to move in but Thorne dodges, pressing Eric again about Ridge and his disrespect for Eric and his marriage to Quinn.

Eric: "You need to slow down a bit. I want peace in the family." Peace is not achieved by turning a blind eye to that which is right in front of you.

Thorne gives him a look: "Okay, but are you at peace with how he treated you?"

Sensing it's still an open wound, Thorne changes the subject and pulls up Aly Designs on his iPad, revealing to a stunned and impressed Eric that he's the designer.

Eric: "Does Ridge know?"

Thorne: "Only Brooke does and now you."

Eric is excited and pleased, even more so when Thorne confides how much he wants to work with his father.

Thorne: "I'm a designer."

Eric: "Yes, you are."

It's a nice moment between father and son but moments later, Thorne is circling back to the original conversation, reminding Eric how much he loves him and that he would never disrespect him the way Ridge has. 

Thorne shouldn't have to state the obvious and he comes off as trying too hard. He should know better than anyone that when backed into a corner, Eric will just dig in his heels that much more.

Eric says that Ridge's contributions to FC can't be discounted but Thorne counters that he wants a chance to run the company with Eric.

Thorne: "I'm done hiding in Ridge's shadow and I'm sick of the mockery he's made of our lives."

That includes how he's treated Brooke and he admits that he's throwing his hat into the ring where Brooke's heart is concerned.

Elsewhere, at Brooke's house, Ridge proposes.




And instead of laughing in his face and telling him to take his rumpled, trifling ass home, she just sits there and smiles.


So they are right back where they started because they were engaged as of last Christmas and I will bet 1 million internet dollars that Brooke says "yes."

To a man that has proven countless times that he can and will hurt her. It's just a matter of time.

What has he done, exactly, in all these months, to prove that he's truly sorry and remorseful and not just capable of change but has changed.


His continued flirting with Quinn is proof positive that he simply doesn't have it in him to be a good and decent person.

But that's to be expected.

Brooke is the bigger disappointment and sad to say, she has completely regressed. All the progress she made in Sydney when bid Ridge "goodbye," the moving on and marrying Bill, the dumping Bill when he, in turn, did deplorable actions...all of that, pfffttt!

It's pathetic and frustrating that we see these glimpses of a strong, confident Brooke and it's wiped away so TPTB can trot out another insipid triangle that no one save a masochist could possibly want. 

And as much as I'm loving Ingo's Thorne, they had brought him in all bull in the china shop so they can hamfist him into said triangle as a foil for Ridge and doing it in such a way that some are doing a head tilt like huh, he comes off almost as much of an ass as the brother he's bitching about.

Not my feeling as I'm loving nuThorne and he can dish out whatever, whenever to Ridge.

I would much prefer a storyline like that proposed by @TobinAlbers where we get this slow reintroduction of Thorne and slow build (or rebuild) of Throoke, which TPTB are clearly capable of (case in point, Lally - only, of course, just when it was getting good, they scrap it for the impending WTD storyline).

This sums up my feelings about this crapfest perfectly:


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14 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:
19 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Lol at NuThorne going from wearing the same clothes for almost three weeks to wearing just a wrinkled shirt and swim trunks.

Hey, I liked the combo! Especially the part where he was topless! ?

You and me both, @Anna Yolei, you and me both.

14 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Also Bridget, but to the writers' credit, it made sense that in the stress of losing her surrogate pregnancy that she'd forget about St John's wort messing with her pills.

It really bugged me that the show did this, Bridget the super doctor should have been more aware.

14 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Also, if she and Waffles were trying to make an Eggo Mini, why the hell would she be on BCP anyway?

Ohhh, maybe that's why she's not getting pregnant :)

11 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

I'm not a Brooke fan but good lawd this story is terrible.

It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway, we Brooke fans are hating this too!  Just who is this story supposed to be pandering to, anyway?

1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

We open at the beach house where Steffy and Liam decide to "catch some waves."

That scene makes me think that she must have the strongest neck muscles on earth to support that massive lump of "hair" on her head.

1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

This is me right now:



You and me both, @CountryGirl, you and me both :)

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Okay, I'll concede that NuThorne has a nice body, especially for a man his age. I think he could stand to get some color though, and not that fake tan that gets sprayed or rubbed onto the skin.

Gotta throw some credit at Ridge too: he has excellent taste in engagement rings. That ring he's offering Brooke is gorgeous. Simple elegance is always a good choice. She probably needs to run away in the other direction though...

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For those who watch, it's like a low-rent airing of the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers."  I understand that Bill incredibly claimed that "some wives" stick around to work things out when there are problems and that Steffy is one of them.  It's another way to throw shade at Brooke for not sticking around and enabling his criminal behavior.  I mean, how dare she have standards, right?

That he apparently made this comment to Wyatt indicates Bill is suffering from some form of dementia or that he has a total lack of self-awareness as to whom he was speaking.  Shockingly, Wyatt kept his stupid mouth shut.  Any other man would have cussed six ways to Sunday, but then, too, this is the Stuffy Praise & Worship Show, where folks pretend not to remember her numerous offenses.  

Let's talk about that devoted wife who stuck around to work things out unlike others.  First of all, Stuffy ditched Wyatt and blamed it on someone else, and a bitch couldn't wait to jump into bed with her brother-in-law--the current husband that she cuckolded with her hypocritical, lying ass fuck buddy-in-law.  Her dumb husband confesses to kissing Sally when he thought they were dying, and the first thing this trick does is--you guessed it!--jumped into bed with her fuck buddy-in-law.  Now, if that is "sticking around to work" shit out, then maybe I'm the crazy one.  But, then, too, I have to also remember that Hauxdi was credited for bringing the Spencer family together.  I'm still mystified as to how that happened.  Nor, does it help that Hauxdi is continually lying to her fool husband and is the primary source of all of Leffy's problems.  But, yeah--that bitch is a hell of a wife, isn't she?  Fuck outta here!

Don't you just love it when destructive, deceitful, cowardly, trifling people get on their high horses about people who finally refuse to stand idly by and watch them screw folks over?  Would it have been preferable for Brooke to "stick around and work things out?"  Maybe.  But, why bother especially when the accursed "Sky" was back in Bill's office barely two minutes after Bill was, and he was stroking that thing yet again?  If I were Brooke, I would have told Bill in no uncertain terms that he could stick that Lego set so far up a certain orifice of his that he wouldn't be able to sit down for a month.  But, I'm that bitch who would do that, keep it moving and not look back.  Bill takes absolutely NO RESPONSIBILITY for his own failures as a man and a husband to the woman he once described as "the very air [he] breathe[d]."   Meanwhile, his insipid side piece has so few standards herself that she'll accept any and everything no matter how trifling and criminal.  Even accepting another woman's ring (like dear old mom did) if it meant she could preen and gloat.  It's like the ugly girl who gloats to the head cheerleader because she gave the cheerleader's boyfriend (the head jock) a BJ behind the bleachers.  But, we're supposed to buy that Hauxdi is "sorry" and feels guilty.  Yeah, she's sorry alright--the sorriest and most worthless bitch I've ever seen.

I also wish that the writers had slowed their roll and at least allowed the audience to become acclimated to seeing IR as Thorne.  Although Brooke and Thorne were married before, TIIC should at least give us a chance to enjoy the journey if Throoke 2.0 is the end game.  Intellectually, I understand that this shit was probably rushed out of necessity due to the dismal November ratings (4th in those all-important demos).  But, having the characters say the same 5 lines repeatedly; having a 50-something woman acting the coquette; attempting to recreate non-existent memories of Ridge indulging or spoiling Brooke; and recycling Brill's dialogue and having it roll off of Bill's tongue to praise Stuffy 24/7 is beyond ridiculous.  

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16 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Thorne should still be heartbroken and healing from not just Aly's death but life in general. He's lost his daughter, his mother, and his wife, and still has scars from losing Macy. The man should be guarded as hell. He should defintiely be advising Brooke to slow her roll with Ridge given she's still divorcing Bill. When Thorne makes an impassioned plea for Brooke to not fall for Ridge 's crap and wait for a man who deserves her and she answers with You mean like you?' Thorne should sincerely reply, 'we tried that, it didn't work,  besides I'm not looking for love, not anymore, not after losing so much.'

It would be more believable.  When Thorne divorced Brooke, he never looked back.  Macy was the one he missed, and wished he had another chance with.  Brooke took all of two seconds after Thorne dumped her to go chasing after Ridge again, and when Ridge turned her down, she screwed her daughter's husband.

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6 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

why bother especially when the accursed "Sky" was back in Bill's office barely two minutes after Bill was, and he was stroking that thing yet again? 

I really, really hate how he became obsessed with than damn building when he needed to be to create drama.  How much do you want to bet that "Sky" will never escape his mouth again now that it served its purpose?

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And now the WTD saga begins. Cue up the panorama of guilty and wistful faces Steffy and $Bill will be pulling behind Liam's back...

Oy, that bedroom scene with Brooke and Ridge. Was it supposed to be as corny as it came across? (To me anyway. ?) I was a hardcore fan of TK back in his AMC days but I'm not sure he can pull off those smoldering sex scenes anymore. Just can't understand why TPTB won't (or can't) get him to clean up his look. No actress would be allowed to get away it unless they were playing a vagrant or something.


I think the natural color of his skin is just fine...as is the natural color of any & all skin tones.

Different strokes. I happen not to be a fan of men with paler than average skin. No offense intended. (And yes, "paleness" is relative but I'm generally thinking of guys  who look like vampires.) Thorne looks to me like there's some likely artificial tanning on his face but not the rest of his body. When he was shirtless it jumped out at me in a negative way. Again, different strokes.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Stuffy's pregnancy is probable but highly unlikely. She had coitus with Liam than Wyatt than Liam again with no scare in being late.  Now within 10 days, Stuffy has become pregnant.  Drama!  Is it Bill's or Liam's?  Come on, can TIIC give it a few more weeks to make it more plausible?  At least make Stuffy late a week prompting her to go to the doctor and take that pregnancy test.  Caroline and Stuffy, one shot wonders!  

Who are TIIC think they are kidding?  A pregnancy test, blood or urine, is 99.5% not part of a routine check up.  It's only given when a patient thinks that they might be pregnant or a harmful procedure is going to be done.  

I'm not a fan of Ridge, but Thorne is getting OTT.  He sounds exactly like Ridge, when he was plotting against Quinn and Eric. Another Forester who beats his chest in making demands and will hold his breath until he gets what he wants. 

Who does Brooke think she is, Elizabeth Taylor?  She married Richard Burton more than one. She's also pretty close, to Elizabeth, in total marriages. 

It must nice to work in a family business and receive a paycheck when you don't have to be in the office. They haven't been there in weeks and I don't expect to see them there anytime soon. 

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Ok. Today just killed me per this show. They have truly jumped the shark with all of these characters. Just when I think they’ve sunk as low as they can go, the writers prove me wrong.

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11 hours ago, AngelKitty said:

I know Steffy is pregnant and usually I love a good, soapy baby drama, however I just can't see her as a mom. After the initial novelty wears off she'll pass it off to a nanny and that'll be the end of that.

I hope so. Steffy III might have half a chance of being a decent human being if she's raised by nannies instead of that sociopath.

11 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

And as much as I'm loving Ingo's Thorne, they had brought him in all bull in the china shop so they can hamfist him into said triangle as a foil for Ridge and doing it in such a way that some are doing a head tilt like huh, he comes off almost as much of an ass as the brother he's bitching about.


And honestly, we already have Rick to be Ridge's hypocritical foil when need be and Nick was nearly ruined when he was turned into a Ridge clone. We don't need to fuck up Thorne three weeks into a new recast with this pissing shit that no one wanted with a woman who has yet to be legally divorced.

6 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

I understand that Bill incredibly claimed that "some wives" stick around to work things out when there are problems and that Steffy is one of them. 


Oh, boy. I can't wait for Steffy to drop his ass like a hot potato to chase Liam when he decides to give Hope another shot.?

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9 hours ago, Waldo13 said:


I'm not a fan of Ridge, but Thorne is getting OTT.  He sounds exactly like Ridge, when he was plotting against Quinn and Eric. Another Forester who beats his chest in making demands and will hold his breath until he gets what he wants. 

Thank you. I’m in the minority in not liking the new actor playing Thorne, but I might be able to like his Thorne a little if he wasn’t being portrayed as another obnoxious, arrogant, demanding asshole like Ridge (and Rick at times). I mean, demanding that Ridge be fired. He is the lead designer, you know.

Edited by LittleIggy
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16 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

 A pregnancy test, blood or urine, is 99.5% not part of a routine check up.

I used to go to a gynecologist who did a urinalysis, including pregnancy, on every visit.  With the way insurance is now, though, I'm not so sure this would be done anymore.

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I have never had pregnancy tests performed on a routine basis but yeah, up until just a few years ago (and I'm 58) I'd always get asked every time I had to have x-rays if I was pregnant. The technicians always looked sheepish/embarrassed when they asked and said "they had to."

It was a sad testament to JMW's acting (lack of) talent that necessitated the Still flashback when she found out she was pregnant. In the hands of a more skilled actress, an expression that shifted from joy to shock to pure terror could have been accomplished without the visual reminder.

Did the mentions of previous pregnancy problems portend the possibility of a high-risk pregnancy and the likelihood of a "tock?" Or worse, one of those situations where the baby needs blood or a bone marrow transplant or something and Bill is the only match. YAWN ... I don't want to see Hauxdi become a mother. There isn't an ounce of anything remotely maternal about her -- no warm, compassion, patience, decency, integrity (do you have all day) that a child needs for a decent upbringing.

Brooke looks like the village idiot and truly desperate. I can't believe that she not only accepted Sludge's proposal, but coaxed him into bed. Yuck. I didn't need to see that. Those two have zero romantic/sexual chemistry. The Forrester guesthouse has really been busy lately.

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Well, I lie, lie, lie

Well, I lie to Brooke’s face the whole day through

Lie, lie, lie, cause that is what I always do

And it ain’t no trick to get hitched quick

If you lie, lie, lie, eventually the proposal will stick

Lie, lie, lie, to Brooke’s face the whole day through


Got to lie, lie, lie, it’s what I do to Brooke all the time

Where memories of past betrayals shine

I got to lie, lie, lie, to Brooke from morning to night

Lie, lie, lie with no end in sight

I got to lie, lie, lie, it’s what I do to Brooke all the time

Painting false futures, and dreams about forevermore

A thousand treacheries, and entries through the back door

And Brooke just keeps comin’ on back for more


I beg, I beg

For Show to make Ridge go away

And allow Brooke to finally be free

I beg


I beg, I beg

Show stop this foolish blunder

And shove your rotten Bridge asunder

I beg


I beg, I beg


Why, that silly Brooke accepted Rumple’s proposal. That wily little ingenue. That devilish little sprite. And giggling like it is her and Rumple’s first time headed to the alter.


I contacted the Men in Black to see if they would be willing to Flashy Thing me because, other than having my corneas scraped off, I couldn’t think of another way to completely obliterate the images of Brooke and Rumple’s in that short, soft porn spot. Normally Brooke and sex scenes are money in the bank, but that felt like a middle aged, desperate, enabling woman allowing a bumbling, crumbling, middle aged lothario to have his way. The squick factor was not measurable. Instead of fucking I feel Brooke and Ridge should have been doing this:




Thorne is also sounding desperate, and just as manipulative as Ridge. I wanted a stronger more confidant Thorne not a bully. We already have plenty of those. If he would just sit tight, Ridge will eventually screw up. He always does. What will it be this time? Fuck it, because it doesn’t matter. Ridge could screw Quinn at will, get caught, plead temporary horniness and uncontrollable lust, and Brooke would be horrified and would still forgive him. And make excuses for him. And apologize for him.


Destiny! Destiny!


Absolute WhatTheFuckery.


Steffy’s pregnant. Well surprise, surprise.

Edited by RuntheTable
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After not watching for a couple of months, I made the mistake of watching the last couple of B&B's on the dvr today. Eww... and WTH?  It's true that the last episode I saw was Bill maniacally pushing the button on Liam and Sally but now he's a lovesick shell of a man without Steffy?  

And I can't begin to wrap my head around this (even more) empty-headed version of Brooke. It's not okay to wear the ring but okay to indulge in some after lunch whatever?  That scene was so gross.  KKL really is beautiful but Bridge will always be revolting to me with TK in the role. The anti-chemistry hurts to watch.  

Still, I liked the idea of Thorne (who has only been on once or twice since I've been watching) designing a line using Aly's name.  And Ingo is better than I expected.  

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The only way I would enjoy this SL with Thorne is if Thorne doesn't give a damn about Brooke, he is just using her to get at Ridge.  It would be hilarious if Thorne got Brooke away from Ridge, Ridge went running to Quinn to whine about it, and Thorne has it set up for Eric to find out, then Thorne dumps Brooke.  That I would love.

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8 hours ago, grisgris said:

Did the mentions of previous pregnancy problems portend the possibility of a high-risk pregnancy and the likelihood of a "tock?" Or worse, one of those situations where the baby needs blood or a bone marrow transplant or something and Bill is the only match. YAWN ... I don't want to see Hauxdi become a mother. There isn't an ounce of anything remotely maternal about her -- no warm, compassion, patience, decency, integrity (do you have all day) that a child needs for a decent upbringing.

I think the mentions of her previous pregnancy loss and complications are so that we know this child is Steffy's miracle golden child and she won't risk its health to appease Bill's immediate need to know if he's the father so the drama and tension will escalate for the entire pregnancy. There is also possibility that the stress of the secret will wear on Steffy and the fetus with Bill finally exposing the secret as he won't stand by and watch the mother of his child or grandchild suffer. Or a situation where Liam finds out, loses his shit and goes off on Steffy and /or Liam vs Bill fisticuffs happen with Steffy screeching for them to stop and she gets in the way resulting in her going into premature labor with the baby's life hanging in jeaopardy and Liam and Bill blaming each other.

There is the possibility of a tock since as you and others have pointed out, few see Steffy as a mother and it's not unheard of for a heroine to have two devestating baby losses to really give her baggage (Margo on ATWT; Lucy on GH). Hell it could be JMCW exit story that Steffy loses another kid and flees back to Paris to leave the Spencer family in shambles or she takes the kid offscreen like Caroline did and Bill and Liam are left with nothing. 

At the same time it's not like we'd see the kid all that much. Lizzie is trotted out once every 6 months; Douglas is onscreen only when used as a weapon; Baby Spencer-Forrester will have a few NICU scenes and Steffy clutching the child as her potential baby daddys promise to fight for their child and a baby's first Christmas appearance and then be gone as CEO Steffy needs to get back to work. 

Personally, I want Liam to have a kid and be a single dad. I can see SC playing the hell out of that. Since they can't kill Steffy off, put her in a post partum coma and she's spirited to Paris under Taylor's guardianship and care. Liam moves on with his child to raise with Hope or Sally and if/when Steffy comes back you have a whole new chapter to that story.

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The more I think about yesterday’s show, the more astonished I become that people are actually paid to write this crap and people are paid to act this crap. Thorne arrives back in LA and immediately demands that Brooke reject Ridge and marry him. Then he whines to his daddy and demands that he fire Ridge. Then Ridge pulls his usual bullshit, Brainless Brooke falls for it and accepts his honking diamond ring and agrees to marry him while she’s still married to the Stallion who’s lusting after his son’s wife and may have impregnated her. Have I pretty much covered the bullshit that is B&B?

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15 hours ago, ByTor said:

I used to go to a gynecologist who did a urinalysis, including pregnancy, on every visit.  With the way insurance is now, though, I'm not so sure this would be done anymore.

My daughter is an OBGYN and she told me that routine pregnancy tests, blood or urine, hadn't been routine since insurance companies have become unwilling to pay for test they deem unnecessary. In fact, many tests, deemed unnecessary, by insurance companies that my daughter might requested, patients won't take because they cannot afford to pay for them. A pregnancy test is warrented only when a medical procedure, that is to be preformed, may harm a fetus.  Such as an X-Ray, certain surgeries, etc.  

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8 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

My daughter is an OBGYN and she told me that routine pregnancy tests, blood or urine, hadn't been routine since insurance companies have become unwilling to pay for test they deem unnecessary.

I figured, and yeah, routinely testing for pregnancy makes no sense.

10 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

I think the mentions of her previous pregnancy loss and complications are so that we know this child is Steffy's miracle golden child

Ugh, now I don't know what would be worse, the constant fawning over Steffy and her miracle if she ticks, or JMW trying with all her might to squeeze out tears if she tocks.

Edited by ByTor
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10 hours ago, Gam2 said:

The more I think about yesterday’s show, the more astonished I become that people are actually paid to write this crap

I'm astonished they actually have writers!  With the way these stories get recycled (same crap, different characters), you'd swear they're just digging old scripts out of the trash.

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On 12/12/2017 at 5:28 PM, CountryGirl said:

Steffy: "Yeah." She's clearly remembering Bill's words - if you believe a lie, it becomes the truth.

Also the words of George Costanza.

On 12/12/2017 at 5:28 PM, CountryGirl said:


OMG. Best nickname for this cretin yet.

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Brooke accepted an engagement ring from Ridge.  Ridge had the ring designed by Quinn right?  Quinn the woman Ridge cheated with just before her wedding?  If Mr. Moving had done that to me 1) he would have never been around me to see or propose to me again and 2) If he had gotten close enough to give me a ring designed by that woman, he would have to hire a team of proctologists to retrieve it from his colon. 

Edited by movingtargetgal
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19 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

There is the possibility of a tock since as you and others have pointed out, few see Steffy as a mother and it's not unheard of for a heroine to have two devestating baby losses to really give her baggage (Margo on ATWT; Lucy on GH). 

Or Bridget, who had three miscarriages, two of which happened within four months. But the difference between all those examples and Steffy is we actually gave a shit about what happened to those heroines. Meanwhile everything since the day Steffy pulled that Ho for the Future stunt has made me think the wrong twin got snuffed.

9 hours ago, ByTor said:

I figured, and yeah, routinely testing for pregnancy makes no sense.

Ugh, now I don't know what would be worse, the constant fawning over Steffy and her miracle if she ticks, or JMW trying with all her might to squeeze out tears if she tocks.

The answer is they’re both worse [/grumpy cat]

1 hour ago, movingtargetgal said:

Brooke accepted an engagement ring from Ridge.  Ridge had the ring designed by Quinn right?  Quinn the woman Ridge cheated with just before her wedding?  If Mr. Moving had done that to me 1) he would have never been around me to see or propose to me again and 2) If he had gotten close enough to give me a ring designed by that woman, he would have to hire a team of proctologists to retrieve it from his colon. 

Back when Ridge proposed to Ashley, the dude brought in a whole jeweler to the house that brought his best engagement rings to him to pick out. 

Can we have anything in the realm of romance or slow burning anymore? Arguably, the only pairing in the last decade that’s come close to that is arguably Hope and Liam who had something of a friendship for a few months before getting together.

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Darn! I can't find it again but recently, I was watching old B&B clips on YT and there was an episode when Taylor and Ridge were in the throes of their new intimate relationship. They were together at one of their offices and Taylor read Ridge for filth for not properly dating and courting her; calling at the last minute in the evenings to get together, etc. She also very clearly spelled out how he should behave, such as phone calls (especially 'morning after'), calling ahead for dates/making plans, sending flowers, etc.  He definitely got the message because then we started seeing them going out to that fancy restaurant, Pierre's (forerunner to Cafe' Russe) and not too long after that was the very romantic week in St. Thomas which ended up with Ridge proposing.

I never was much of a Taylor fan because I thought she was very cold and stand-offish and had a superiority complex. It got even worse after her "deaths," when she became this sanctimonious hypocritical shrew (thanks in part, I guess, to HT's insistence on scripting, which eventually backfired.) However, Taylor had standards back in the beginning and I respected her for setting boundaries.  I guess that type of behavior would be laughable IRL today. I don't even know what dating/courtship is like for young people. That's why it always seemed so strange that Hope (daughter of the "Forrester family mattress -TM - Stephanie) would not throw herself at men, whereas St. Taylor's spawn willing opens her legs for anybody.

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I was hoping so much that Steffy had an STD and not a fetus. How would she explain to her partners that they need to get over to the Minute Clinic right away!! Lol. 

I want so much to like NewThorne, but does he have only months to live? Why this full court press on everyone about EVERYthing? 

So did Mateo get deported or something? Can he and Ivy have a "meet cute"? And go start solving mysteries or something? 

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28 minutes ago, grisgris said:

Darn! I can't find it again but recently, I was watching old B&B clips on YT and there was an episode when Taylor and Ridge were in the throes of their new intimate relationship. They were together at one of their offices and Taylor read Ridge for filth for not properly dating and courting her; calling at the last minute in the evenings to get together, etc. She also very clearly spelled out how he should behave, such as phone calls (especially 'morning after'), calling ahead for dates/making plans, sending flowers, etc.  He definitely got the message because then we started seeing them going out to that fancy restaurant, Pierre's (forerunner to Cafe' Russe) and not too long after that was the very romantic week in St. Thomas which ended up with Ridge proposing.

I never was much of a Taylor fan because I thought she was very cold and stand-offish and had a superiority complex. It got even worse after her "deaths," when she became this sanctimonious hypocritical shrew (thanks in part, I guess, to HT's insistence on scripting, which eventually backfired.) However, Taylor had standards back in the beginning and I respected her for setting boundaries.  I guess that type of behavior would be laughable IRL today. I don't even know what dating/courtship is like for young people. That's why it always seemed so strange that Hope (daughter of the "Forrester family mattress -TM - Stephanie) would not throw herself at men, whereas St. Taylor's spawn willing opens her legs for anybody.

They took Taylor's character in the wrong direction.  Ridge didn't like it when Taylor was dating Storm Logan either, but she told Ridge he had no claim on her.  When Taylor was on vacation in St. Thomas, Ridge followed her, and chased her all over the place before she would finally agree to spend any time with him.  Unfortunately, the SL eventually devolved into Taylor and Brooke waiting around for Ridge to decide who he wanted to be with that week.  Both women looked like such pathetic doormats for putting up with Ridge's waffling for 20 or 30 years.

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3 hours ago, grisgris said:

Darn! I can't find it again but recently, I was watching old B&B clips on YT and there was an episode when Taylor and Ridge were in the throes of their new intimate relationship. They were together at one of their offices and Taylor read Ridge for filth for not properly dating and courting her; calling at the last minute in the evenings to get together, etc. She also very clearly spelled out how he should behave, such as phone calls (especially 'morning after'), calling ahead for dates/making plans, sending flowers, etc.  He definitely got the message because then we started seeing them going out to that fancy restaurant, Pierre's (forerunner to Cafe' Russe) and not too long after that was the very romantic week in St. Thomas which ended up with Ridge proposing.

I think it was posted in the retro thread before. I know the one you're talking about. The lack of romance from all the men on this show in the 2010s has been glaring, to say the least.

3 hours ago, grisgris said:

never was much of a Taylor fan because I thought she was very cold and stand-offish and had a superiority complex. It got even worse after her "deaths," when she became this sanctimonious hypocritical shrew (thanks in part, I guess, to HT's insistence on scripting, which eventually backfired.) However, Taylor had standards back in the beginning and I respected her for setting boundaries.  I guess that type of behavior would be laughable IRL today.

I'm turning 32 in a month, but if the memes I see floating around are any indicator, folks do still want romance but dating apps make it easier to do hookups instead. Me, I'd rather be alone if that's all there fucking is and most of the guys I meet are as broke as I am. That's jaded, yes, but I can waste as much time with a rich asshole as a poor one. Or, yanno....no assholes. ?

3 hours ago, grisgris said:

That's why it always seemed so strange that Hope (daughter of the "Forrester family mattress -TM - Stephanie) would not throw herself at men, whereas St. Taylor's spawn willing opens her legs for anybody.

It's not strange to me at all...especially not from Steffy. The rules never applied to her sainted mother who literally got away with murder (okay, manslaughter but...) and her father bullied and demeaned all three of her uncles and took the piss outta Eric when he felt entitled to some shit. If anything, it was a surprise Phoebe had anything resembling human decency and a miracle up there with walking on water that Thomas cleaned up his own act.

From the way she was introduced in 2010, it was implied that Hope was fairly sheltered and given the sordid details of her conception, that too is not unexpected. I've gone on at length far too many times than I care to count on this one. Suffice it to say her relationship with Liam should not have been her defining character arc.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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On 12/16/2017 at 3:02 PM, TigerLynx said:

The only way I would enjoy this SL with Thorne is if Thorne doesn't give a damn about Brooke, he is just using her to get at Ridge.  It would be hilarious if Thorne got Brooke away from Ridge, Ridge went running to Quinn to whine about it, and Thorne has it set up for Eric to find out, then Thorne dumps Brooke.  That I would love.

Forgot to comment on this sooner, but...I don’t want that. I’m tired of seeing women being used as weapons in pissing contests and Thorne has been shown to be one of Brooke’s only living exes that had seemingly moved on from her milkshake, as another poster mentioned. Plus, that is the exact opposite of what Thorne has been shown to be. Like, he’s historically called out Ridge for that behavior. They’ve already got a ready made Ridge clone in Rick when he gets on a bender who has done this and will likely do so again in the future.

Theres a whole lotta area between the pushover in the basement his character has become and this entitled creature he’s shaping up to be now. Like Rick, he’s not wrong but this moving onto Brooke in three weeks is just...no. Besides her conversation that led to their divorce, she’s done nothing to deserve that kind of treatment from him. And after getting Macy’s best friend pregnant, to say nothing of every other thing he put her through even before Brooke, he’d have no leg to stand on even if it is about that.

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On 12/16/2017 at 6:02 PM, TigerLynx said:

The only way I would enjoy this SL with Thorne is if Thorne doesn't give a damn about Brooke, he is just using her to get at Ridge.  It would be hilarious if Thorne got Brooke away from Ridge, Ridge went running to Quinn to whine about it, and Thorne has it set up for Eric to find out, then Thorne dumps Brooke.  That I would love.

This reminds me...didn't Thorne do something similar to Donna when he realized she was only with him as some kind of revenge thing.  The reasons for this are pretty fuzzy, but I remember this leading to Donna/Eric pairing.

7 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:
11 hours ago, grisgris said:

That's why it always seemed so strange that Hope (daughter of the "Forrester family mattress -TM - Stephanie) would not throw herself at men, whereas St. Taylor's spawn willing opens her legs for anybody.

It's not strange to me at all

Yeah, very often children purposely try to be different than their parents.  I could especially see this from Hope, considering the details of her conception.

5 hours ago, bannana said:

So, I have a question.  I thought that Thorne was with Taylor, even after Aly died.  Did Show ever explain their split and where Taylor is now?

Silly @bannana, you think this show would explain something? :)

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Just when I think show can't possibly get any worse, it sinks to a whole other level of truly terrible.

There isn't enough brain bleach in the world to wipe out watching Brooke not only saying "yes" once again to Rumpledickskin but sealing the deal in bed. Let alone recapping it...shudders.

Brooke, I love you, but you are dumb as DIRT.

I could go on ad nauseum about how Ridge is just going to hurt her again but why bother? She clearly doesn't give a shit.

So why should I?

Elsewhere, we had this:


Liam is so excited...and I can't be happy for him. One, I think the baby is Bill's. Daddy succeeded where Liam and Wyatt failed. Also, I can't forgot how Liam called Hope's miscarriage a blessing or some such shit.


Steffy's thought bubble: "I'm gonna be a mommy, I'm gonna be a mommy...to a kid I never have to take care of..."


Steffy's thought bubble: "Damn these flashbacks!!! Although Bill was such an amazing lover, much better than his two clueless boys."


Steffy's thought bubble: "Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkk."

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do you think with Thorne being back and him letting the cat out of the bag about the ALY line, it could finally come out that Steffy is the reason why Aly is dead?  Maybe Thorne can get Steffy and Ridge both kicked out as the CEO, and Thorne and Rick take over?


just spitballin here

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19 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Steffy's thought bubble: "Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkk."

LOL!  I don't understand how it possibly took as long as it did for that thought to enter her brain.

2 minutes ago, Cindylou said:

do you think with Thorne being back and him letting the cat out of the bag about the ALY line, it could finally come out that Steffy is the reason why Aly is dead?

I'm pretty sure they all already know Steffy did it, she just cried self defense.

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9 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Forgot to comment on this sooner, but...I don’t want that. I’m tired of seeing women being used as weapons in pissing contests and Thorne has been shown to be one of Brooke’s only living exes that had seemingly moved on from her milkshake, as another poster mentioned. Plus, that is the exact opposite of what Thorne has been shown to be. Like, he’s historically called out Ridge for that behavior. They’ve already got a ready made Ridge clone in Rick when he gets on a bender who has done this and will likely do so again in the future.

Theres a whole lotta area between the pushover in the basement his character has become and this entitled creature he’s shaping up to be now. Like Rick, he’s not wrong but this moving onto Brooke in three weeks is just...no. Besides her conversation that led to their divorce, she’s done nothing to deserve that kind of treatment from him. And after getting Macy’s best friend pregnant, to say nothing of every other thing he put her through even before Brooke, he’d have no leg to stand on even if it is about that.

I don't want Thorne to care about Brooke at all.  Brooke will just use him, and then go running back to Ridge.

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11 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Also, I can't forgot how Liam called Hope's miscarriage a blessing or some such shit.

To be fair, she did the same thing with the Steam spawn, so I call it a wash.

Still, I agree that it's hard to be happy for him, or even to enjoy the karmic justice that's been long overdue for his waffling. He's nearly lost his life and now he'll have to play Bridget to Bill's Brooke. All for standing up for what's right.

9 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

I don't want Thorne to care about Brooke at all.  Brooke will just use him, and then go running back to Ridge.

Anyone who deals with Brooke at this point is just as stupid as she, IMHO.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

I don't want Thorne to care about Brooke at all.  Brooke will just use him, and then go running back to Ridge.

Unfortunately that's exactly what she would do.

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Thorne can think about Macy and Darla all he wants, but they are dead and Brooke is alive.  They were always friends.  Maybe Thorne got tired of Taylor's sanctimony and distanced himself from her as he worked on Aly Fashions?

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I'm shaking my head with puzzlement and disbelief at the atrociously bad writing for Thorne.  I'm a big Ingo fan from GH, but he's an unknown quantity on B&B.  Having him come on to the show, tell everyone who will listen that Brooke deserves him and only him after years of Thorne having been with lots of other women, pushing his father to fire Ridge, blabbing a major family secret which doesn't concern him at all to Rick and Maya, oblivious to how this will affect his beloved father, and basically being a bulldozer through the one story he's currently in (Who will own Brooke's heart?), is turning me off royally.  Ridge hasn't been written much better and I'm not on Team Bridge, but this is not how you write a returning character played by a newbie (as far as B&B and its fans are concerned), especially when many viewers fondly remember the last actor who took on this role.  B&B usually does an abrupt U-turn whenever they mess up a story this badly, and I can't believe that they intend for NuThorne to come across as unlikable (IMO).  I'm expecting this will change in the coming months, but OMG, it's bad.  I watched a live chat with Ingo and KKL on Facebook from last week, and even Ingo said he hoped Thorne would stop whining soon.  From Ingo's mouth to Brad Bell's ears.

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Yay, Thorne got a new outfit! It seemed to me a little big for him though. Did he stop off at the mall on the way to work and just wear the suit out of the store, lol?

"Ridge and I are getting married." How does Brooke say that with a straight face? Especially when she's not even divorced from her other merry-go-round ride yet. She just loves having the boys compete for who gets to be her prom date latest groom, doesn't she?

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At least they gave us a timetable for the Thorne/Brooke/Ridge shenanigans. Her divorce is final in 3 mos. So 3 mos of Thorne and Ridge beating their chests and courting Brooke. Will Ridge pull a Hope and have the wedding that very next day or will Thorne kidnap her so she doesn't make her wedding date?

Thorne dropping the Quinn bomb on Rick was dirty but a delight. Send him on his yapping way to Ridge and Quinn!

Can't believe I'm typing this but can Wyatt and Bill scenes be about something other than Liam like, oh, I don't know, Wyatt's life? Wyatt's dreams? Wyatt and Bill's damn relationship? I'm sick of Wyatt consoling Bill, playing at being the 'good' long suffering martyr son. I get that he's keeping Watie on the down low and Bill is internally masturbating to his one night with Steffy, but it's ridiculous that Wyatt is nothing but a prop for Steffy, Bill, and Liam.

When the truth gets dropped on Liam, it's gonna be ugly. He was on such a high today that he is going to be beyond devestated when he finds out that kid could be his bro-stepson or sis-stepdaughter. 

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Just a short while ago, Bill was obsessed with Sky now its Stuffy. Two objects than can't show emotion.  

Once again I have to say fuck Maya and the horse she rode in on. Again gossiping about Ridge and Quinn when she just lectured Quinn about Stuffy and Liam.  You noticed that Thorne gave Rick and Maya the impression that there was more than a kiss. Thinking about that, it wouldn't matter to Maya since she condemned Caroline on a kiss. 

Brooke should of shut Thorne down right away but she's intrigued by the idea that Thorne still wants to fight for her. 

Yes, Stuffy wants a baby she will never have to take care of just like Maya. When was the last time Maya mentioned Lizzy?  Now that Nicole has been shipped off, Maya doesn't have to be a pretend mommy anymore.  

Edited by Waldo13
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