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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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IKR. When Eric was reading from the Bible, I kept picturing him standing naked on an window ledge outside of the window of his and Donna's fuckpad.

IIRC, that happened when he was with Sally, too.

All these characters are best to leave religion aline, lest any of them were to get smited with lightening.

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I'd love to be able to snark on this show like you awesome people here have been able to, but it's just been SO bad I don't have the energy to even think of something snarky to say :(

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I thought Liam's Etch-a-Sketch woman looked more like Ivy than Steffy, especially the eyebrows and lips.

I thought the same! It would be a funny twist if Liam "wakes up" and is back in love with Ivy again. Lol

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grisgris, on 01 Apr 2016 - 08:05 AM, said:

If I were some of these parents (looking at Ridge and Bill) I'd have some serious concerns if my kids who were still under 30 were marching down the aisle for the third or fourth time. I know that Ridge tried to drive that point home with his "marry in haste" missive to Wyatt, but it obviously fell on deaf ears.


Absolutely, in the real world. Ridge is a serial monogamist and has no moral high ground or experience in fidelity to preach to Steffy.


The Forrester's and Spencer's are adherents of the Soap Opera Marriage Lotto Motto: "You gotta' to play to win."

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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Joimiaroxeu, on 01 Apr 2016 - 8:26 PM, said:

Poor Liam's memory is still shaky if that's the best he can do as an image of Steffy. The mouth was all wrong, I thought. Steffy's lips are at least 40 psi.



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 Hi, Lamima!


Wyatt...is he a son of a writer or director because he is AWFUL...acting wise and he's just weaselly looking...ick! I don't usually watch this show because I could never stomach Ridge and Brooke and now we have this weasel.


Yeah, I don't get the appeal of Darin Brooks at all. Too weaselly plus sweaty desperation about sums it up.


Also, does Ridge know that his new baby is really his grandbaby? Does Thomas know? Why is cute young Caroline with icky old Ridge (this new Ridge isn't any better that the last)?  Gross!


So far Ridge and Caroline assume Doug is Thomas's son after Rape Night (Ridge had a vasectomy in Paris a couple of years before returning to Los Angeles. He went to have it reversed to cure Caroline's Baby Rabies and found out he had some additional sperm production issue beyond the reversal and was sterile). They are attempting to shield the baby from public exposure that he is the product of a rape between Thomas and Caroline, or some such twaddle. Neither of them have the wherewithal to have a legitimate DNA test performed to confirm their assumption of Thomas's paternity or determine that Ridge's Super Sperm made him the father of Doug.


Instead, TIIC are using the Ridge vasectomy/sterility SL as a long, drawn out dramatic event for May Sweeps, which includes Rick and Maya trying to usurp Ridge's leadership at Forrester Creations -- Same old same old with those two. In the mean time, Thomas pretends if he says he's sorry and regrets being a rapist slime enough times it will make it so. Thomas hasn't changed. His elitist punk attitude is loud and proud, flying his I Fucked My Father's Wife ... Neener Neener Neener  freak flag. 


Why is Caroline married to TK's world-weary, sardonic, wrinkled and generally unkempt hoi-polloi dressmaker? The Forrester Penis Flytrap? My theory is TK doesn't play nice with actresses in his general age bracket, prefering them young to keep Ridge 2.0 from looking like a pathetic, faded playboy ... which ended up having the opposite effect.

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Why is Caroline married to TK's world-weary, sardonic, wrinkled and generally unkempt hoi-polloi dressmaker? The Forrester Penis Flytrap? My theory is TK doesn't play nice with actresses in his general age bracket, prefering them young to keep Ridge 2.0 from looking like a pathetic, faded playboy ... which ended up having the opposite effect.


Personally, I think Caroline and Ridge are together because the actors have chemistry. As far as I'm concerned, they were the best couple on this show until the unfortunate Thomas!Rape night and Caroline's baby rabies.


I realize best couple on this show is a low bar considering the others but ...

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What I thought was weird was that Katie'd have two bottles stashed so close together.

I had just assumed it was the same bottle and she was moving it around the kitchen, not sure of where would be the best place to keep it. I think I read too much into it. What I thought was weird was that she kept a bottle of mouthwash laying on its side in a drawer in the kitchen. I never heard of keeping mouthwash in the kitchen. Or keeping a bottle of mouthwash laying on its side in a drawer anywhere. Is that a trendy California thing? Should I start doing it?

What's for dinner? Chicken a la Listerine.

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That wedding photo looks more like a random cast shot. Something along the lines of a PA hollering, "OK. Break's over. Back to your marks." Otherwise, yes. It looks really odd with the bride and groom not standing together.


I thought that Katie poured the vodka from the bottle Brooke found down the sink and made sure Brooke watched her. It's not uncommon for people who are trying to conceal their alcohol consumption to hide bottles all over the place. Sad, but true.

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That wedding photo looks more like a random cast shot. Something along the lines of a PA hollering, "OK. Break's over. Back to your marks." Otherwise, yes. It looks really odd with the bride and groom not standing together.

Plus the way Eric is holding Caroline, I had to remind myself he is her father in law.

Edited by BoldDays
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That composite pic of Puffy that Liam made looked as if it belonged on a ransom note.


I was thinking "oh, they had JMW bring in the picture she brought to her plastic surgeon to show him what she wanted?" 

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Wyatt should have the word "Thirsty" tattooed around his ring finger. I've seen trout flopping and gasping on docks that were less desperate and thirsty.

I think I might hate, dislike, or feel mildly irritated by every single character on this show. Except poor, cliff-diving Deacon...

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I didn't see all of this week - you mean they're actually going to tattoo their rings?  Two people who have already had at least one short-lived marriage under their belts in their 20's?  Sounds like a solid plan, kids.  While you're there, you should get each other's names tattooed somewhere that there's no way anyone would miss seeing it.  Think big, boldly colored letters.  You totally won't regret it.  


I guess, on the plus side, the next wedding ring will slide right on and cover these tattoos?  And these aren't rings either party can take back and slip on the finger of their next soul mate? 

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I didn't see all of this week - you mean they're actually going to tattoo their rings? Two people who have already had at least one short-lived marriage under their belts in their 20's? Sounds like a solid plan, kids. While you're there, you should get each other's names tattooed somewhere that there's no way anyone would miss seeing it. Think big, boldly colored letters. You totally won't regret it.

I guess, on the plus side, the next wedding ring will slide right on and cover these tattoos? And these aren't rings either party can take back and slip on the finger of their next soul mate?

I LOLed. :p

Damn, I thought Brooke was desperate back in the steam room and lingerie days of yore. But even at her worst, she comes across as more secure than any of these clowns play acting as adults. Steffy just needs a daughter of her own whose husband she can boink and her transformation into Brooke 2: Electric Boogaloo will be complete. Wyatt....I really just can't. He's got the worst traits of Nick and Thorne, what with the former's self righteous moralizing and the latter's whining about being the favorite and the thirst that both of them had for their brother's leftovers.

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And the big question....does anyone really care at this point??

I know I don't! I'm here for Raya the CarRidge baby scandal and I was here for DeQuinn before they fucked it up. I guess I'm still holding hope Krisolyn Lloyd will return and that KKL will be shoved back into a business storyline. Oh why can't we have power-hungry Brooke and Steffy hell-bent on taking down $Bill's empire? I'm so sick of their sparkly vaginas, how about their sparkly brains? Also, not for nothing but I really wish they'd get a hot Spanish or Asian guy up in here. Bring back the triangle with characters I actually give a fuck about!

Edited by slayer2
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Why is Caroline married to TK's world-weary, sardonic, wrinkled and generally unkempt hoi-polloi dressmaker? The Forrester Penis Flytrap? My theory is TK doesn't play nice with actresses in his general age bracket, prefering them young to keep Ridge 2.0 from looking like a pathetic, faded playboy ... which ended up having the opposite effect.

Actually, TK lobbied to be paired with Rena Sofer before he was chem tested and coupled with LG/Caroline.

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Cupid Stunt, on 02 Apr 2016 - 3:05 PM, said:

Where's $Bill?


tricknasty, on 02 Apr 2016 - 7:01 PM, said:

He took the pic silly rabbit ;)




I'm a very silly rabbit.




Here I thought $Bill would demand the royal privilege of sitting at the the center of the known and unknown universe ... like Kaiser Wilhelm II, "the bride at every wedding, the stag at every hunt, the corpse at every funeral ..."

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Actually, TK lobbied to be paired with Rena Sofer before he was chem tested and coupled with LG/Caroline.

And TIIC passed on this why, exactly? To write in another excuse for Ridge and Rick to piss on one another?

Nothing against CaRidge, but while there was a point once upon a time that I wished the show didn't rely almost entirely on its vets to carry every story, it was nice to see one male character in soapdom who was allowed to date women his own age. And RS is a very deserving actress of doing more than being a lame Stephanie knockoff.

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The problem with this show is if they had put RS with TK they would have been exiled to backburner land. The main reason TK and RS are in front burner stories now is because their characters are firmly entrenched in the kiddie pool.

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I watched Friday's episode, and boy was that a hoot! I loved when Chaz Bono talked about hearing Steffy and Wyatt's love story and they both laughed. I had to wonder if that was part of the script because...what love story?

Also, ALL of Liam's scenes.

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I watched Friday's episode, and boy was that a hoot! I loved when Chaz Bono talked about hearing Steffy and Wyatt's love story and they both laughed. I had to wonder if that was part of the script because...what love story?

Also, ALL of Liam's scenes.

What love story, indeed! That girl did not mention the word love once in her silly vows. So when Steffy annuls this farce of a marriage and Wyatt says, Oh, but you love me! She can reply: Name one time when I ever told you that. 


A few people noted that Liam's composite looked more like Ivy. I thought the same when I saw it, especially the mouth. I'm glad this story is going to be wrapped up soon and I want to see some major fury. Screaming and throwing shit. And I want Quinsane to pay big time for this horrible act of cruelty. At the very least she needs to be locked up in a mental institution because what she did was fucking crazy and all kinds of cruel. 

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Speaking of the inevitable annulment, I'm gonna laugh my ass off if Wyatt decides he wants a divorce to keep her and Liam from marrying for another six months. Because, karma (that will go over Steffy's head, but I digress).

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Is it true that they jumped ahead three months? I know there was a skip in time. In no universe would that make sense when they celebrated the holidays on screen and Liamnesiac didn't happen until well after that.

What is Wyatt going to do when he comes across Liam? Is he going to tell Steffy? Can they please send him overseas to Spencer International and let him come back with an ounce of dignity? He has stolen his brother's life and shown no care for him at all. Pathetic.

The only people I'm rooting for are the adorable Will and loading dock guy.

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If not for Liam finally running a head cleaner through his brain VCR (but apparently not for as long as recommended, since now all he has is a face), today's episode would be completely forgettable.  Not good or bad, just...there...apart from the realization that, AFAICT, JMW's perpetual beestung lip pout doesn't have a default "closed" setting.

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Honestly, the only scenes I watched were with Liam. It's a real hoot watching the cogs begin to click in his brain...but that composite of Steffy?? Not even close!  Did love how they had to pick a color somewhere between the dark roots & the overbleached ends. lol  And why did he give her long curly hair when the flashbacks had her with short straight dark hair? No wonder he couldn't figure it all out. lol


This story is so bad I think I'm actually rooting for Quinn...ok, well I'm rooting for RS to get a better story.


Can AdamLiam shave off his beard soon? He is fondling it way too much.


When it isn't boring or maddening, show is good for some laughs at least....

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I'm rooting for Deacon to come back but with the state of the stories I'm not sure why. I think I just want to see him screw with Quinn.

And maybe for the writers to remember he was on this show before and has a history on it.

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The problem with this show is if they had put RS with TK they would have been exiled to backburner land. The main reason TK and RS are in front burner stories now is because their characters are firmly entrenched in the kiddie pool.

That's a big problem with this show. The talented vets who are tied to or carrying the rest of the canvas and younger set. It drives me crazy.

I read what has been shared by actors backstage that the portrayers of Eric, Julius, and Vivienne are close and it's obvious they relate when it comes to workload material, but also they have mutual friends in RL I think they all know or worked with Anthony Hopkins and some other A List talent. I'm glad they aren't snobby about it or whatever and are here but yes it would be nice to see adult driven story. Julius Vs Bill would be AMAZING. The zingers and sarcasm alone in a business story (!) or if Vivienne was working in a cosmetics line for Forrester mixing it up.

Of course this is the show that decided it was wise to kill Ally an unconventionally interesting heroine and Thorne's daughter and the last tie to Spectra ... in a plot point to prop Puffy's hardship.

I'm also tired of bitchmade Liam and Wyatt's whimsy being front burner.

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I think I might hate, dislike, or feel mildly irritated by every single character on this show. Except poor, cliff-diving Deacon...

And, as AussieBabe mentioned, Loading Dock Guy :) Edited by ByTor
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That's a big problem with this show. The talented vets who are tied to or carrying the rest of the canvas and younger set. It drives me crazy.

This. It wasn't all that long ago (like, even as recently as four years ago) when B&B had the extreme opposite problem of not developing the younger cast, like...at all. Instead, we got Brooke and Taylor in the forefront with pregnancy stories and a whole slew of May/December romances like Eric and Donna, Nick with half of Brooke's family and Owen/Jackie and barely legal Phoebe getting slobbered over by guys averaging ten years older than she was including her former uncle. Also, Brooke/Ridge.

But I could grit my teeth through that because at the end of the day, there was a whole lotta history there and the vets earned that time. But what history is there to car about here? That Steffy is a sociopath worthy of her namesake? That Liam....exists? That Wyatt is Thorne 2.0? Of all the younger set, Hope had the most potential, and the biggest blundering of any legacy character of any soap opera besides Adam Newman. She must have shared a grand total of maybe three scenes with Bridget in the year that their contracts overlapped.

So do you think Adam/Liam will remember that as 'the wedding that happened because the girl I was actually in love with was trapped in a gondola' ?

OMG, I'd love for that to happen!
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I'm a very silly rabbit.




Here I thought $Bill would demand the royal privilege of sitting at the the center of the known and unknown universe ... like Kaiser Wilhelm II, "the bride at every wedding, the stag at every hunt, the corpse at every funeral ..."


I'm surprised he's not standing plastered to the side of the bride, with his hand on her ass. 


So do you think Adam/Liam  will remember that as 'the wedding that happened because the girl I was actually in love with was trapped in a gondola' ?


I'm guessing we're supposed to completely forget that wedding was the result of massive amounts of manipulation.  Nope. They're soul mates! 

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And, as AussieBabe mentioned, Loading Dock Guy :)


I've also grown to really appreciate the machine Carter uses to do his chin-ups. I love Raya but not when Rick's whining so I guess that's it for me. Oh and Brooke's Vodka.



That's a big problem with this show. The talented vets who are tied to or carrying the rest of the canvas and younger set. It drives me crazy.



True, although technically TK isn't a vet but I catch your meaning.

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Thirsty's hair 'don't' only serves to accentuate his receding hairline. And contribute to his thirsty look. Liam looks like Grizzly Addams. $Bill is a grown up Alfalfa. Get it together hair and wardrobe people!

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What really ticks Brooke off is that Katie is not drinking her brand of vodka.

I wonder what would of happened if Rick was still CEO and Ridge, Caroline, & Thomas were sitting at the conference table, in the CEO office stuffing their collective faces with Chinese food and gossiping like teenage high schoolers. Who are Brooke, Maya, and Rick to pass judgment on anyone?

Did they have to go so far as tilting the camera to show Liam's anguish in trying regain his memory? I would say that the closer Liam gets to getting his memory back, the closer he gets to falling off the face of the map for good. Last thought: Liam's beard is hideous.

Edited by Waldo13
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Waldo13, on 05 Apr 2016 - 02:50 AM, said:

Did they have to go so far as tilting the camera to show Liam's anguish in trying regain his memory? I would say that the closer Liam gets to getting his memory back, the closer he gets to falling off the face of the map for good. Last thought: Liam's beard is hideous.


It's painful to watch Liamnesiac's cogs lurching into his fractured past. There's his memory of he and Steffy kissing in profile at the Aspen wedding (thank you Gudzilla for pointing out the Aspen wedding was predicated on Steffy trapping Hope, Liam's original true love, in a gondola), then the decoupage face he draped a Kleenex over that resembles Ivy, and now there's the disconnect he senses with the doctored wedding photos.


Short of whacking Liam in the back of the head with a frying pan to reinstitute his amnesia and her control of the message, what is Quinn going to do with the increasingly agitated Liam?

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Why is Caroline married to TK's world-weary, sardonic, wrinkled and generally unkempt hoi-polloi dressmaker? The Forrester Penis Flytrap? My theory is TK doesn't play nice with actresses in his general age bracket, prefering them young to keep Ridge 2.0 from looking like a pathetic, faded playboy ... which ended up having the opposite effect.


Actually, TK lobbied to be paired with Rena Sofer before he was chem tested and coupled with LG/Caroline.


^^^ That would have been entertaining. Rena brings her A game and would have been a great counterpoint to TKs louche mannerisms.



I've been trying to locate a SoCal CBS affiliate interview I saw with KKL and TK when he was first introduced on B&B. They were sitting next to each other, facing the reporter. The unshaven and wrinkled TK was leaning as far away from the glossy KKL as he could get, like she was the one who hadn't showered -- weird and awkward. And his grooming and body language remained the same in his first episodes; upper body leaning or turned away from KKL, holding her at arm's length, no acknowledgement or warmth, speaking away from her and not meeting her gaze. KKL was shining all her light on TK and he was having none of it. It was the complete reversal of Brooke and Ridge's historic DESTINY Couple.


Was his dispassionate attitude due to TIIC direction of NuRidge -- to physically and emotionally reject his history with Brooke outright/ to pursue Katie with random poetry and a red ribbon/ to conflate the rivalry with $Bill and dramatically lose his ability to draw/ to seduce Caroline by making it a personal attack on CEO Rick? I don't know, but I sense it has as much to do with how TK wanted NuRidge to be presented and perceived, as it was for TIIC to establish NuRidge as not the OldRidge.

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Did they have to go so far as tilting the camera to show Liam's anguish in trying regain his memory?

Not only that, they seemed to be trying to play a soapy version of Ride of the Valkyries to underscore how overwrought he was. I kept waiting for Liam to say, "I love the smell of churning brain cells in the morning!"


Wyatt is such a fool.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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