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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I don't even hate Nicole, but when Zende started puffing himself up over Thomas kissing her my brain went like this: "Okay, girl, decide: hair or eyebrows. Choose wisely."

And apart from hearing the word sperm at least a dozen times today, the whole thing with Ridge turning out to be infertile made me wonder like crazy if it just makes it more likely that, when Caroline inevitably gets pregnant, the baby will be his. Let alone how many years we'll have to wait for that to come out. OTOH, allowing for temporal mechanics, maybe this is the show's way of backhandedly saying that they're really not supposed to be together after all and she can go ahead and get with Mr. Brow. I honestly can't discount other option, although one thing keeps echoing through my head: in a general sense, no woman on this show ever has a child with the man they're with at the time...

Oddly, Steffy and her twin Phoebe are two exceptions to the general rule.

I'm not sure if Brooke and Ridge were on a break when Rick was conceived,but they were married by the time he was born.

Considering how they've both turned out make of that what you will.

Also, as I typed that last sentence, I had to wonder: would it be bad for TIIC to revisit Steffy and Rick now that Steffy herself is Lady Napoleon? I'm kinda sad that KL was let go for whatever reason and JY was hired because they have zero chemistry. But in theory, given the right actor I could stomach another round of this more so than seeing her drag Liam around by the ballsack until he gets distracted by Hope or Ivy or maybe that new bisexual character that was rumored a while back; and certainly an improvement over Rick and Maya blowing so much smoke up one another's asses that they put chimneys to shame.

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I find it funny that Ridge had to go through a fertility test to get a reversal but did he have to go through a fertility test before he was snipped. I know quite a few men that were snipped and non of them were tested prior. Put it back together and hope for the best. If the doctors were wrong about Steffy never being able to have a child and subsequently fixed than what do the doctors know? The writers know more than doctors because they have the power to heal by just using a pen.

It would be a great SL that Thomas' swimmers are used for invetro to get Caroline pregnant.

ETA: I was wondering if Ridge was more disappointed that he can't have children or he went through the pain, in his nut sack, when he might not of had to do so. Also, like Sage, of Y&R, Ridge/Caroline could have a miracle baby. Also, I'm wondering since Rick and Maya can't have children than Ridge and Caroline having a baby would be a slap in the face.

Edited by Waldo13
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As an aside to that, Rick going postal aside in glad to see a former couple going their separate ways and not fucking with each other anymore. Raya are happily tongue rimming one another because their assholes squeeze out delicious chocolate fudge evidentally and Caridge have no time to play jealous former lover because they care too much about one another (as much as Ridge N.Titled is able to care about any woman not named Stephanie Forrester I). They actually have things in common, unlike Katie where all their conversations rolled around to Brill in some way. I'm happy they stay in their separate corners aside from work.

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I'm not sure if Brooke and Ridge were on a break when Rick was conceived,but they were married by the time he was born.

Wasn't Brooke married to Eric at the time, or am I mistaken? I swear I remember the events of Rick's conception to birth being uneventful.
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There was some drama about how to tell Stephanie, whom Eric was legally separated but not divorced from, and breaking the news to Beth. I remember seeing clips of Brooke being in the hospital and having a row with Stephanie that triggered her labor. Besides that, it wasn't eventful and Rick was the only one of Brooke's children that was born in a hospital.

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From what I understand, as long as there are some viable swimmers, IV is an option.

B&B choose to ignor advances in medical science. My daughter took her medical fellowship under one of the leading fertility doctors in the country. She has told me about the miracles, this doctor has performed, in order for a couple to be able to to have a child. Male infertility is not the death sentence it once was.

Does Brooke have to be a bitch? I'm not talking about telling Ridge he has to tell Caroline but the innuendoes she drops to Caroline, Thomas, and others with a shit eating smirk on her face. Personally, I would rather have hot pokers shoved up my ass than confide in Brooke.

Edited by Waldo13
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Thanks for sharing the value information Waldo13 and LittleIggy since medical science is beyond my ken.  This means a miracle baby is still possible for Ridge and Caroline. Who knows? Caroline probably got pregnant with Ridge's baby on their honeymoon.  Of course the writer would hide the fact for a while.


Someone mentioned about the show painting adoption like it is wrong.  Personally, I think adoption is a great idea. So why not?


Caroline kept bring up that Night. Deep down, she didn't believe Thomas's version of truth.  But I have to say the guy is almost getting good at lying today.  Caroline telling Thomas they need to find him a girl (melodies of We Gotta Get You A Woman wandering through my mind)  Same to you Brooke, they need to find you a man. 

Edited by sweetautumn
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If I wasn't already wondering if Stephanie had possessed Brooke, today's episode with her being far too smug about Ridge not having a child with Caroline (still debating on which way this could go) kind of sealed the deal.  Now, she really needs to just start inexplicably wearing a brooch.


Zende and Nicole...they're cute and all, but they just don't do anything for me.

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Does Brooke have to be a bitch? I'm not talking about telling Ridge he has to tell Caroline but the innuendoes she drops to Caroline, Thomas, and others with a shit eating smirk on her face. Personally, I would rather have hot pokers shoved up my ass than confide in Brooke.



I don't think she's being a bitch at all. I've seen Brooke be a bitch, this ain't it. I think Brooke is behaving as reasonably as anyone, who has an ex who lured her former rival's half-aged namesake away from her son and decided in the span of less than a year to marry her and try to make babies with her,  would behave in this situation. 


Mark my words/  (TM Rachel Lynde), the entire Carridge relationship is made of ick. It's particularly icky for this viewer who has watched this show's original episode with Joanna Johnson as Caroline Spencer who is now currently playing Caroline's (relatively) newfound twin and mother to this new half-aged Caroline Spencer for whom this new Ridge is also enamoured of. If Ronn Moss were in the role I'd turn off my laptop, and not due to his skills in comparison to TK's ( I honestly don't see much difference truly) but simply because growing up with a dude and watching him back and forth with Brooke and Taylor and whomever else only to end up with a 24year old or however old she's meant to be (that's certainly how old she looks) is such a massive disappointment. Just massive.


This situation for all intents and purposes is stupid and icky as fuck IMO. That's not to say that TK and LG (particularly) aren't selling the hell out of it but LG just comes off soooo very young in her mannerisms and her speech that it's all a little Teresa Lopez-Fitzgerald marrying Julian or Allistair Crane to me. The ick factor cannot be overcome. I think Brooke is handly it quite well, frankly. Imagine the outrage if Brooke took up with Thomas. I'm certain Taylor and Rick's relationship received more fanfare than this travesty.


Another thing that bugs, having Caroline giving tips to Thomas on how to draw like she's leaps and bounds ahead of him in that respect. I understand that's the narrative but the narrative sucks, she didn't come onto the show as a design prodigy she simply came on as someone who could design and I've been watching Thomas design under a number of different actors now and it's ludicrous for me to suddenly opine that he'd been spinning his wheels as an artist all this time while Steffy was off becoming businesswoman extraordinaire. I just feel like they're trying to de-SORAS Thomas and his experiences with this new casting and it's the wrong with to go IMO.

Edited by slayer2
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Does Brooke have to be a bitch? I'm not talking about telling Ridge he has to tell Caroline but the innuendoes she drops to Caroline, Thomas, and others with a shit eating smirk on her face. Personally, I would rather have hot pokers shoved up my ass than confide in Brooke.


Eh, I'm okay with it as it pertains to Brooke and Caroline.  They both seem to give as good as they get.  My only issue with Brooke is that I could understand the Caroline shade if she was pissed about what happened with Rick.  Instead, it's all about her (Rick who?)... she just doesn't want anyone else with Ridge-babies.  Dammit, now I just talked myself into your POV.


Caroline seems to be regressing to giddy teenager with her squeaky voice and girlish gushing. Make it stop.


I thought it was just me... it is really annoying.

Edited by nasir jones
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Eh, I'm okay with it as it pertains to Brooke and Caroline.  They both seem to give as good as they get.  My only issue with Brooke is that I could understand the Caroline shade if she was pissed about what happened with Rick.  Instead, it's all about her (Rick who?)... she just doesn't want anyone else with Ridge-babies.  Dammit, now I just talked myself into your POV.


I'm in it for the Rick stuff too. Granted that might be part of KKL's motivation even if it's not in the script. KKL has always done well at highlighting Mama Bear.

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Thomas was off at Forrester International on at least one occasion, wasn't he (I want to say this was how they introduced Adam Gregory's Thomas, but my brain is like a sieve)?  And that's on top of his being a designer-wannabe waaaaay back in the day (the fashion showdown with Ridge over poor chucked Gabriela)...sure, it's not completely beyond reason that he'd shelve the design urges for a bit, but the show's never really illustrated that one way or another.


This situation for all intents and purposes is stupid and icky as fuck IMO. That's not to say that TK and LG (particularly) aren't selling the hell out of it but LG just comes off soooo very young in her mannerisms and her speech that it's all a little Teresa Lopez-Fitzgerald marrying Julian or Allistair Crane to me. The ick factor cannot be overcome. I think Brooke is handly it quite well, frankly. Imagine the outrage if Brooke took up with Thomas. I'm certain Taylor and Rick's relationship received more fanfare than this travesty.


This is probably the biggest MMV situation B&B's thrown at us in years--almost certainly since before Ronn Moss left, and maybe going back to...actually, yeah, Trick is the closest past analogue.  Taylor and Rick probably shouldn't have worked at all due to its inherent ick (if for this show, actually, the usual legally acceptable ew since it was ultimately cross-familial bangin'), but somehow Hunter Tylo and Kyle Lowder made it work--at least for some of us--before they unceremoniously blew it the hell up.  And here we've got Thorsten Kaye and Linsey Godfrey doing the same thing, maybe even better, but with a different type of ew involved (KL's Rick played older than he was, or at least appeared that way, and it worked with Taylor; LG's Caroline, at least in giggly mode, seems younger...if not much younger at times...than her presumed mid-twenties), but for some of us there's the undercurrents that Ridge is straight up cradle robbing, which invokes the dreaded temporal mechanics rule, and that it's a sort of second chance for him with his lost great love Caroline I.


And it's those undercurrents that make me wonder if they're really going to tie Caroline and Ridge together permanently with a miracle kid.  (Assuming the pregnancy goes off without a hitch, though AIUI we're so far into consecutive failed pregnancies now that the next one pretty much has to succeed.)  Ridge has three kids already, though the idea of his current kids freaking out over their new brother or sister has some short-term merit.  OTOH, and this is a biggie either way: whether he does have a kid with Caroline or if it turns out to be Thomas's, it puts a pretty big red flashing alert klaxon-accompanied button on his age.  Either he has a kid with a woman young enough to be his daughter--literally--or he gets his first grandchild.  As much as TK and LG are selling this, as said, there's a layer of ick or pending ick that you have to work pretty hard to overcome.

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As much as TK and LG are selling this, as said, there's a layer of ick or pending ick that you have to work pretty hard to overcome.

I have to be honest, I don't think they're selling it at all. I didn't think TK & HT sold it either when Ridge was with Katie. I also think he falls flat with KKL. Maybe it's just TK that I'm not overly impressed with.
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As much as TK and LG are selling this, as said, there's a layer of ick or pending ick that you have to work pretty hard to overcome.


It just isn't helped by, as someone upthread helpfully pointed out, the giggly, high pitched natural tones of LG's voice. If they were going to put TK with the younger set then it would have behooved them to pick an actress who seems older than she appears and not younger. LG is very young indeed but even so has a youthfulness that could still land her roles as a CW teenager, it's unhelped by her wardrobe and that TK's Ridge is dressed and built rather middle-aged (his actual age) and that he hasn't yet drunk from that same fountain of youth that DD seems to be hogging that somehow made Steffy and Bill palatable.

Edited by slayer2
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Same to you Brooke, they need to find you a man.


Actually, maybe Brooke needs to find a woman! Shake things up a bit!



somehow Hunter Tylo and Kyle Lowder made it work--at least for some of us


I loved Rick and Taylor. That pairing really did work for me despite the age difference. I actually have just learned to look past the incestuous nature of this show. Frankly, there's no getting around that factor on this soap in particular. So that's probably why I have feel no icks with Ridge and Caroline. I think the actors sell the story and I think they have chemistry. I have no doubt the show would never have gone there if Ronn Moss was still around but for this version of Ridge I buy the pairing.


Honestly, I'm glad KKL and TK have zero chemistry because that means I'm less likely to have to suffer Ridge/Brooke again for the millionth time.

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If they were going to put TK with the younger set then it would have behooved them to pick an actress who seems older than she appears and not younger.

Very good point. If he weren't related to Ivy, for example, I wouldn't find them squicky as a couple. However, since they are not blood related, I think the writers would consider them fair game!
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I've been thinking that Ridge wouldn't actually tell Caroline anything, and then she would find out she's pregnant, assume it's Ridge's and tell him. Surprise! Then he'd either tell her the truth and leave her or keep quiet but try to find out who's it is.

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Very good point. If he weren't related to Ivy, for example, I wouldn't find them squicky as a couple. However, since they are not blood related, I think the writers would consider them fair game!


Me too! They just don't have enough actors on this show or they spend way too much time focusing on one Forrester at a time. Maybe Ridge/Quinn/Deacon? At least it would shake things up. 


Oh crap you're right Ivy/Ridge aren't blood related, ugh.

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"You're not that much older than me."? WTF? Ridge has to have at least 20 years on Caroline. That's a whole generation. (And TK does have 20+ years on LG.)


I don't like Ridge and Caroline--because of the age difference and his significant history with her aunt--but I do think the actors are selling it. In my experience watching TK get paired with several actresses on AMC, he's fairly obvious when he's in a match he doesn't like for whatever reason. So, I always got the vibe that he wasn't feeling Ridge's pairings with either Brooke or Katie and I think he really prefers being matched with a much younger woman. However, that's just me making some big, possibly dumb assumptions...

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Yeah it is a whole generation, and as I get older (and older and older) I come to realize how much that matters, especially with the leaps and bounds technology has made, it's like one generation but it's light years away, man.

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Many real life celebrity couples have age gap and come from different generation.  Taking Celine Dion and Rene Angelil for example. Not only there was 26 years old difference between Celine Dion and Rene Angelil but they met when she was 12 and he was 38!  For some, this is probably the icky factor. But they are happy together so I failed to see what's the big deal.  


Perhaps LG and TK's heartfelt portrayal got me.  Perhaps the re-cast, Thorsten Kaye, a great actor who played several popular romantic leads made a huge effort that convinced this audience otherwise. Perhaps I shipped Dusty/Lucy in the past. Whatever... The actors really made Caridge and their storyline work and they have the "IT" factor. So those are probably the reasons why I don't feel ickiness with them.


I also don't have problem with LG speak in high-pitched voice on screen when her character got excited...  The voice, tone or pitch. It was nearly impossible to have the perfect and flawless combination of three. Even Legends of Opera and Jazz like Kirsten Flagstad, Fritz Wunderlich, Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin etc has vocal, singing range and vocal fach. That's probably why I don't have problem with actors not having the "perfect" and "ideal" voice (funny words, yeah please define perfect and ideal lol) It is not like they are auditioning for roles of soprano, tenor or whatever style of singing.   

Edited by sweetautumn
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Taking Celine Dion and Rene Angelil for example. Not only there was 26 years old difference between Celine Dion and Rene Angelil but they met when she was 12 and he was 38!  For some, this is probably the icky factor.


Definitely for me. Eeeek! Super gross, and he was her first. Yuck! Wrt Ridge and Caroline it just squicks me because she is young and seems even younger and with her youthful appearance and demeanour it screams statuatory rape or molestation or something. She just looks so little next to him, so very very young and he, simply doesn't. To be honest I'd have the same problem with her and Thorne or the actress and DD (even if he weren't playing her Uncle). She just has a very young CW look to me. It's like watching Blair Waldorf with Rufus Humphrey.

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I like the chemistry between TK and LG. However I do agree that the giggly LG we have been getting lately is not her best acting. I thought her breakdown over losing Ridge was believable and some of her better acting. She really sold me that she was hurting

I haven't been watching this soap for as long as many of the posters here. But what I find strange is how some story lines move at lightening speed and others get drug out. This week has bored me to tears with all of Brooke's ominous talks with TK and LG. Last week I was all excited about a possible new fashion house and this week just zip on that story front.

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Definitely for me. Eeeek! Super gross, and he was her first. Yuck! Wrt Ridge and Caroline it just squicks me because she is young and seems even younger and with her youthful appearance and demeanour it screams statuatory rape or molestation or something. She just looks so little next to him, so very very young and he, simply doesn't. To be honest I'd have the same problem with her and Thorne or the actress and DD (even if he weren't playing her Uncle). She just has a very young CW look to me. It's like watching Blair Waldorf with Rufus Humphrey.

What's the grossness? Where is the statutory rape and molestation? It is not like TK's Ridge made a move on a blackout, drunk and out of conscious Caroline...  I agree LG has youthful energy but definitely not the look of sophomore, junior or senior. In fact, Caroline/LG looks more mature and older with the recent change in style - new light blonde short hair, simple and elegant clothing and light makeup.  


To FanOfTheFans: I think this is the week of filler scenes. Calm before the storm I guess. Next week is gonna be angst lol

Edited by sweetautumn
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For me, it's not just the number of years.  It's the vast spread in maturity.  Giggly preening Caroline seems like she fits in with the Nicole/Zende group.  She seems younger and less mature than Steffi, let alone Steffi's dad.


The first episode I saw after a long time away was the infamous "painting" scene.  I didn't even realize TK was supposed to be Ridge, and I had no idea who Caroline was at all.  I just saw this older, scruffy-looking dude leering at a sweet young thing, and it definitely gave off a predatory vibe, not knowing anything about the characters.  I really thought it was supposed to be a disturbing scene.  I've never been able to move past that.  Ick!


They're a bad visual, IMO as well.  TK does this thing where he constantly has his hands on her, like he's holding her in place or something.  I can't quite describe it.  It's not just touching.  But it's like he's physically controlling her.  There was a recent scene where they were arguing with $Bill, and Ridge was interrupting her and again, physically "restraining" her.  It just really bothers me.  It's not helped by the fact that LG is such a tiny thing.


Zende needs to take a seat.  Other than some mild flirting, he's never expressed any interest in Nicole.  She's free to kiss whoever the hell she wants.  (Not that she even initiated the kiss.)  Stop with the slut shaming, asshole.  She doesn't owe you any explanations, but since she's chosen to give you one, the least you can do is believe her.


I actually thought Thomas and Nicole had decent chemistry.  She and Zende are snoresville.  Do they even have anything in common besides being young, reasonably attractive people of color?  And am I supposed to care about Zende, just because he's a Forrester?  He's boring, and the actor isn't great.

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Honestly, I'm glad KKL and TK have zero chemistry because that means I'm less likely to have to suffer Ridge/Brooke again for the millionth time.

This is really my favorite thing about the Thurston Kaye!Ridge recast. He is wrong as Ridge in every conceivable way but the anti chem between him and KKL has pretty much deep sixed any planned reunion between them. I'm glad Ridge is shown to be committed to Caroline and not pulling the crap he did with Brooke and Taylor. I only wished the writers would allow Brooke the same opportunity to move on, and not just to her sloppy seconds of Bill or Deacon.
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Did I miss an episode where Ridge was ordained to perform a wedding ceremony?  Unless I'm totally missing something, why is everyone (on the show) accepting their self-proposed "marriage" as the real thing? 

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AIUI, Brad Bell himself said that Ridge and Caroline went to a justice of the peace right after their beach wedding and made it official.  I'm not sure if the show referenced that at all onscreen, though, apart from changing Caroline's name in the credits.

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AIUI, Brad Bell himself said that Ridge and Caroline went to a justice of the peace right after their beach wedding and made it official.  I'm not sure if the show referenced that at all onscreen, though, apart from changing Caroline's name in the credits.


Thomas told Brooke the day after the wedding that they went to City Hall. :)

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I've taken long breaks from this show before but this time it is different. The only episode I checked out recently was the one with Katie and Bill confronting Liam and Steffie. While I enjoyed them it isn't enough to keep me around. In the past when on a break, I would read about the episodes to keep up with the plots. The poor writing with characters being changed in an instance into something they are not is the last straw for me. I liked ivy and Aly too but Ivy has changed and nothing much was done with Aly's character. Liam getting back together so quickly with Steffie was abrupt and not well written. If Bill hadn't gotten together with Brooke, I might continue to check in to catch episodes with them but that turned me off the show and Bill and Katie are rarely on.  I won't say never but it looks like I'm done with the show.

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I actually thought Thomas and Nicole had decent chemistry.  She and Zende are snoresville.  Do they even have anything in common besides being young, reasonably attractive people of color?  And am I supposed to care about Zende, just because he's a Forrester?  He's boring, and the actor isn't great

Totally agree, about as boring as a box of rocks, both of them and with Pam and whats his face  Charlie trying to play fairy godparents is just ridiculous. Brooke and her pant suits aren't nearly as dynamic as big Steffies. At least when she wore hers, she had the cojones to make them work. Brooke has such a wispy voice, that nothing she says carries much weight. . Only thing she has is the one tear flowing from the eye. TOO tall Thomas needs to be replaced , just doesn't have it going on in my opinion. Ridge looks like he's been on a three day drunk. 

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Nicole and Zende rarely giggle so they belong to the big kid's table?


About maturity.... Since we live in a world that people disguised as anorexic elvis fights a never-ending battle for egos and narcissists; people succumb to passive aggressiveness, temptation of bitterness, cynicism and blame; people who hide behind a computer and an anonymous persona to spew hate at another person; people who act like childish adults and throw temper tantrum; people who act like picky eaters who never feel satisfied with anything...  Hell Yeah! Caroline is out of their league...  She has been through a life threatening experience but didn't let it hold her back.  In fact she's growing more positive and optimistic since the accident. This is maturity! And I've seen people who become depressed, bitter or even cynical after trauma, accident, loss of loved one or termination of employment etc.


Lol sure touchy-feely is a crime and something age difference couples shouldn't be allowed...


Oh I almost forgot to point out What Tassi did to Artemisia was predatory. Caridge is nothing like that...

Edited by sweetautumn
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It looks like I will be standing out there on my isolated island; the lonely castaway who has no issue with the current happenings in Bell LA. Ridge and Brooke have been intimately involved with each other, and each other's lives, for nearly three decades. Their history speaks for itself, and is far too complex to try an analyze in a post, but there have been many times they have been there for each other as friends and confidantes. Ridge has gotten himself into quite the pickle here, and I can understand him not wanting to run to Caroline with all of this. Is Brooke his best choice? Maybe not, but the selection pool is pretty shallow on B&B these days. Stephanie is gone, Eric has essentially disowned Ridge as a Marone, Taylor is MIA, so I am not at all surprised that Ridge has turned to Brooke. As for our Ms. Logan, I don't for one minute believe she is gunning for Ridge. Historically, Brooke has never needed to cloak her desire for Ridge in anything other than what it was; if she was going to use Ridge's vasectomy as some sort of ammunition, she would have done so already. To the contrary, I think she understands very clearly that telling Caroline would destroy any remaining relationship she has with Ridge. There is no doubt that the truly amazing anti-chemistry between KKL and TK is fueling most of my feelings, but this is not territorial Brooke at all. I don't believe that she cares all that much about Caroline's feelings, but I do think she cares about Ridge's, and she gets that if Caroline is hurting, so will Ridge. And at the end of the day, Brooke is absolutely correct; the minute Ridge took it to the next level with Caroline, is when he should have told her about his operation. There is also the never talked about fact that Brooke should be angry with Ridge herself. He came charging back to LA to get his "Logan" back, and was even going to marry her, but he never mentioned anything about having a vasectomy; to Katie either. 


There is also the fact that Ridge has made it his life's mission to interfere in any relationship Brooke has had. Going all the way back to Eric, whenever Brooke has found happiness with someone else, Ridge has stepped right in the middle of it. How to forget his mad dash to the pier as Brooke was setting off to marry Grant? All the while, Taylor is waiting at the church to marry him. His behavior with James was just as appalling. Look at the truly heinous scheme he came up with in Italy to convince Thorne that Brooke was still in love with him. Nick was probably one of his biggest rivals, and look at how hard he worked to keep Brooke away from him, even after they were married. And of course, there was his 007 jaunt over to Dubai to "save" Brooke from Bill, even as he was engaged to Katie. 


I could give a rat's behind about the age difference between Ridge and Caroline; if you love someone, then you do, age should not be a factor. It isn't as if Ridge is a geriatric, who needs to be ushered around in his wheelchair. Certainly there is an age difference, but they are both still adults, and should be allowed to make their own damn decisions. LG comes off as younger because she is younger; that was a big part of her appeal to Ridge in the first place. Even so, Caroline does carry a maturity about her that defies her age. What I like the most is her ability to respect, understand and discuss Ridge and Brooke's history, but not be intimated by it. This is a first and most certainly a first for Brooke. I think her and Caroline's talk the other day was the most honest Brooke has ever had about Ridge. Brooke openly, and without rancor or anger, told Caroline that she would always love Ridge, and he her. And she got no push back. No denials. No animosity. If Brooke was angling for Ridge, she would have pulled out the claws and went after Caroline as only Brooke can. But she didn't. Brooke knows that what Ridge has found with Caroline supersedes all his past relationships. Caroline 1.0 was his first love, the one you never forget or get over. She was sweet and devoted and ambitious, but she was also very staid and conforming. Taylor was his true love, the woman he wanted to have a family and future with. Taylor grounded Ridge and gave him boundaries, and made him want to be a better person. Brooke has always been Ridge's passion, the woman who has a good heart, albeit in many cases misguided, but also fulfilled Ridge's fantasies as the "bad girl". Of course, Brooke's love/hate relationship with Stephanie fueled a lot of what went on between Brooke and Ridge, and I think he loved the fact that Brooke would not hesitate to tell Stephanie to bugger off, at the same time she was begging her for her love and acceptance. It seems the show finally gets that Bridge doesn't work anymore. The players certainly get it, and feel it, and it comes across in their performances; bathing suit ambushes and finger snapping not withstanding. 


I would like to send my kudos out to TK, who I think is doing a bang up job with this. I actually felt bad for him when the doctor delivered the news. That would be tough for any man to hear, but Ridge Forrester? His confusion and disbelief were palpable, as was his disappointment. And yesterday, when he yelled at Brooke? Spot on and priceless. He wasn't mad at Brooke, he was mad and upset and frightened about not being able to make Caroline happy. This is why you don't withhold important information from those you love, so if nothing else, Ridge should have learned a very valuable lesson here. 


I have never made any bones about the fact that Brooke is, was, and will always be my girl. Even so, I will throw her under the bus, and slap her around when she needs it, and I will defend her when I think she is being unfairly judged. Brooke has been given a bad rap about many things I don't agree with, all based on her sordid affair with Deacon. If you remove that mess from the equation, there just isn't all that much there to bitch about, certainly no more than any other character on this show. And please don't come at me with "she slept through all the Forrester men!", because who hasn't slept their way through the families on the B&B? It also bears saying that Brooke's relationships were not fly by night romances; they were all very serious and led to engagements or marriage, and if Ridge had left her alone in these relationships, Bridge would have probably been over before it started. There is also the fact that Brooke has never really been malicious; she didn't just wake up and say she was going to destroy so and so, like say Stephanie, or Bill Sr., or Sheila, or Bill Jr., or Ridge, or Eric. I won't say her actions were always the best, but they were not guided by the desire to hurt even if they did cause pain. I think Brooke's biggest fault is selfishness about who she loves. I can think of worse faults. 


What I would like to see happen is Katie to plant the bug in Brooke's ear about Wyatt's idea of a competing fashion house, and the fact that Bill put the big ix-nay on the whole thing. If I know our little passive/aggressive Sourpuss, she will pour gallons of Miracle Grow on that bug, causing it to grow and take over Brooke's thoughts. Then Brooke can finance the whole thing. I have little doubt that she could afford it, and it would be an awesome way to reinstall her in the business front. She wouldn't necessarily have to actively work at the venture, she could just be the financier, but it would certainly give her something to do and a new focus. The reality is that with Ridge and Caroline at the helm, and Steffy and Liam on the next tier, and the fact that Rick and Maya are still lurking in the background; there just isn't much left at FC's for Brooke, and certainly no where for her to go. Heck, she could hire a good looking, middle aged designer and start a hot new romance too!


Outside of all of that is the fact that KKL is part of the original four, a core character, and one the show revolved around for roughly twenty five years. Brooke deserves a voice, and should always have a viable place in the show since many of it's foundations are based on the character.

Edited by RuntheTable
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I think Brooke's biggest fault is selfishness about who she loves. I can think of worse faults. 

While I overall agree with your post, I think there's a limit to this, and Brooke hit that when she took up with Nick after Bridget was married to him. I could've seen the Deacon thing as a major OOC moment but there was no excuse for the writers to write Brooke and Nick together when they did unless they were trying to tank the popularity on purpose IMNSHO.

That said, as much as I've generally not liked Brooke during my time of viewership on the show, I do hate that KKL has been essentially given the shafts these past six months. Certainly, I don't need Brooke at the forefront any longer, but she need not be lost in the wilderness just because there's no men for her to fuck either.

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That said, as much as I've generally not liked Brooke during my time of viewership on the show, I do hate that KKL has been essentially given the shafts these past six months. Certainly, I don't need Brooke at the forefront any longer, but she need not be lost in the wilderness just because there's no men for her to fuck either.



I really do believe the only way to save the character and make her relevant again, is to reinvent her. I don't want to see her as the Dowager Yenta of the show; KKL has much more to offer than that. 


What is clear to me is they only know one way to write for Brooke, and it just doesn't work anymore. She is still a beautiful sexy woman, but she is no longer the shows reigning sex kitten, nor should she be. I honestly wonder sometimes how KKL pulls off her ridiculous lines without laughing. I have this mental image of her getting her scripts and just rolling her eyes so hard. 

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There is also the never talked about fact that Brooke should be angry with Ridge herself. He came charging back to LA to get his "Logan" back, and was even going to marry her, but he never mentioned anything about having a vasectomy; to Katie either.

But why would Ridge owe them any explanation about his vasectomy?  It was a choice he made when he was single.  (Brooke's ridiculous Brill pregnancy notwithstanding, she's too far along to have any more kids.  She's already got a couple, i.e., RJ and Jack, we haven't heard about in months.)  If the genders were reversed, would we expect a woman to volunteer that information?




LG just comes off soooo very young in her mannerisms and her speech

She hasn't always played it this way.  Is it possible this is a choice to emphasize the age difference between Caroline II and RIdge?  At some point, this age gap will prove insurmountable and Caroline will turn to age-appropriate Thomas?  I doubt that much thought went into it, but it's a possibility. 

Edited by Cool Breeze
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My main problem with Brooke is that she doesn't have a story of her own.  Well, at least since she stopped fixating on Deacon/drinking - that was just weird. The woman is attractive, rich, educated and single.  How hard could it be to write something for her? 


I'm 4 episodes behind now and not really motivated to catch up yet.  

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Brooke knows that what Ridge has found with Caroline supersedes all his past relationships.



I agree with a lot of your post with respect to Brooke RuntheTable save for the above and Brooke's affair with Bill as I'm a longtime Brooke fan too and I really only despise her when she can't put her family before her sexual prowess. I also disagree on age difference not mattering. But in terms of above I absolutely disagree. What Ridge found with Caroline is certainly different but there's nothing to indicate that it supercedes anything he found with Taylor, Brooke or Caroline The First and certainly no way to discover that within what is only their first (not even) year together.


I think that the writers and actors are boosting hard on this but honestly as a viewer since it's inception it just looks like another one of Ridge's flings. He's a very mercurial man as we all know, and I'm partly insulted that it's implied that the only woman to cure these mercurial tendencies is a 23 year old since older women are marginalized enough in television and media. The idea that only a millennial can tame Ridge Forrester's wanton ways is just wrong to me as is the way he came to be with her.


It's also (to me) a matter of negating, why must Carridge supercede Bridge or Ridge/Taylor or Ridge/Caroline or whomever else he was with? Why can they not all be viewed on their own merit. There's no question to me that barely 8month old Carridge cannot attempt to supercede 25 year old relationships like he's had with Brooke or Taylor and it's certainly too early to call if they will reach supercouple status IMO but why must it even be in the ether?

Edited by slayer2
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I don't get Caroline's reaction to being pregnant because she's only been married a few days? It was like they didn't have premarital sex. Right away Caroline realizes it could be Thomas but she doesn't confirm he took advantage of her. Has Thomas convinced Caroline it was mutual, since she can't remember, or was it guilt from taking the pills and boozing? Is Caroline going to be concerned the baby is at risk because it was conceived on drugs as well who is the father? But we know who is not the father. Since Caroline is concerned that the baby is Thomas's, who's confession will come out first? Caroline that she is pregnant or Ridge's infertility. Stay tuned!

Since when it's part of an internship to be making out on the rooftop? Next they will be taking breaks in the steam room. I guess if Rick condones it it's ok.

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Since when it's part of an internship to be making out on the rooftop? Next they will be taking breaks in the steam room. I guess if Rick condones it it's ok.



It's got nothing to do with Rick, he's not in charge anymore. I am surprised that you're surprised however given every other thing that's gone on in that building. Making out on the rooftop is the least and most chaste of all offenses if you ask me.

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