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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I detest Liam. Is he going to try to "reason/guilt" Ivy into dropping her blackmail scheme? I hope she sticks it to him as well. He just doesn't seem to get it. WTH did he mean anyway when he told Ivy that their relationship "got complicated?" No it didn't. That spineless tool didn't have the balls to tell Steffy to get lost and that he was in a committed relationship. He did it once before. What changed other than parachute men and limp cold truffle fries? FUN, I guess..


JMW is such a horrible actress. I was cringing at her reaction shots before the commercial breaks. She can't even move her face. I have to say that I did like her outfit, but that was the extent of it.


When is somebody going to come clean to Ridge? This is like Maya's secret. Like Rick, everybody is going to know about Ivy's blackmail video except Ridge.


I want to see this SL play out with a big trial and Steffy having to spend some time in the LA County jail just like her mother did. I remember back in the good old days of B&B with the extended trial of the Caroline 1.0 rape, Brooke vs. Stephanie for custody of Brooke's kids, Taylor on trial for running down Darla, etc. This one will fizzle out too. SMH.

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 I guess the cast is too small for them to develop any friendships that last. 

Nope, this show's always had a limited cast due to the half hour format,and they were much better at this. Caroline I was close to all the Logans, and as mentioned Sally Spectra had her crew of Darla and Clarke, among others. Hell, even Sheila and Brooke got along for a time, with Sheila having Brooke's back when Steph tried to get custody of Rick and Bridget by having Steph slowly poisoned.

No, Bradley Bell is just lazy and uninspired, and about the only good thing about his position by nepotism is that we won't see any of the other soap hacks here, except maybe his sister-in-law Maria Arena Bell.

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Im starting to think that not only is Aly alive, but Ivy knows it. I think at the scene of the accident, Aly showed some signs of life and she arranged to have her whisked away. She's been in a coma since with no guarantee that she'll recover so she used that to justify keeping her from Thorne, as to not get his hopes up. Since then she hatched a plan to set Steffy up for muuuuurrrdaaaa to torture her as revenge for losing Liam. She is coming across as too conniving nad evil and I wouldn't have believed it before but I buy it with this new attitude she is now sporting

LOL at Quinn calling Liam a vegan troll.

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Actually, the angle of Ivy's video seems rather odd. I believe you can see Aly's front, and the side/back of Steffy as she swings the tire iron. Maybe Ivy pulled up behind Steffy's car. At any rate, it'll be a real bear finding the rock with Aly's prints on it while it will be easier to find the tire iron of death. Detective Waffles and his hipster Watson might want to check into that.

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If Ivy absconded with Aly's body wouldn't Thorne have wondered where it was?

This show had a whole week-long story to retcon Taylor's death by gunshot and having her body being switched with a wax dummy by the same prince that was obsessed with her the last time Tylo left B&B for "better career options."

Plus, everyone has their heads up either their own ass or Maya's, so I figured a stashed body plot is more feasible than ever.

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I don't like what they are doing to Ivy AT ALL and I loathe most of the other players and can see that they are going to ruin Ridge and Caroline for that blouse wearing icky twerp---sigh---but still Steffy is the one I hate the most with Liam as a close second so I continue to hope that something will happen to the awfuls---

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Yesterday's show must have been penned by that one writer they have that knows how to write a cohesive script, that has continuity, and makes sense. Ever since AllyGate began I have felt the SL was disjointed, and compartmentalized, and well.......stupid. As I have watched the different conversations about Ally's death, I have seen imaginary balloons floating around the room. These balloons have words and sayings on them such as: ROCK, MENTALLY UNBALANCED, TIRE IRON, VIDEO, SELF DEFENSE, NAIL, COLLAGE OF HATE, !!MURRRRDAHHHH!!; they float around just waiting for someone to reach up and grab one, read the word or words, and say "Well, fuckitol, of course!" Those balloons were grabbed and popped yesterday. All good, except I really don't like it when the characters I hate are the voices of reason and on point. So, as I watched Steffy call out Ivy for sitting in the car making the video, and asking Ivy why she thought Steffy would want to hurt Ally, then Liam reading Ivy for filth, and calling her on her real motivations; I was silently fist pumping one hand, while giving them both a firm single digit salute with the other. I was also on board with Liam calling Ivy's bluff, and telling her to go to the police. Oh, our little prickly, thorn invested Ivy isn't going to be interested in giving up her ace in the hole. Nope. And I am ok with that. If that makes me a bad and terrible person so be it. I am just so glad that someone has been put in the position of not only applying the screws to Steffy, put tightening them as well. When I think of how that Mattel reject danced all over Hope and Liam's relationship; the lies and manipulations, and of course the none stop "You're a Logan" crap. And doofus Liam, being led around by two different girls, looking butt hurt in his slack jawed befuddlement. UGH! All I can say is GO IVY!


Ridge knows something is up. He can smell it. After all, he has been through a similar scenario before. Yesterday was the first day I caught a real father/daughter vibe from TK and JMW. 


It seems like they hold out the really good lines for Bill and Quinn, cause really? Vegan Troll? All the same, please keep Quinn out of this and give her a real grown up SL. She is a married woman now, and all we ever see is her tweaking necklaces and interacting with kids. Where is my whisk wielding nymphomaniac? 

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They say jew ler ry instead of jew el ry

According to Webster's, that is an acceptable pronunciation: jewelry noun jew·el·ry \ˈjü-əl-rē, ˈjül-rē, ˈju̇l-; ÷ˈjü-lə-rē\

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As far as today's show, Ivy should just go to the police and upload the video to the internet or at least send it to all the Forrester employees while she's at it.  If Steffy says she broke their agreement Ivy could just say that she thought Liam spoke for Steffy and told her to do it, so she complied.

THAT would be genius! I guess that's why we won't get that scenario :(
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Im starting to think that not only is Aly alive, but Ivy knows it. I think at the scene of the accident, Aly showed some signs of life and she arranged to have her whisked away. She's been in a coma since with no guarantee that she'll recover so she used that to justify keeping her from Thorne, as to not get his hopes up. Since then she hatched a plan to set Steffy up for muuuuurrrdaaaa to torture her as revenge for losing Liam. She is coming across as too conniving nad evil and I wouldn't have believed it before but I buy it with this new attitude she is now sporting

LOL at Quinn calling Liam a vegan troll.


It would be kind of amazing if this whole thing was a plot by Aly and Ivy.  That's why Ivy pulled out her camera to film when she got there instead of getting out right away.  Just one big elaborate mind fuck on Steffy.  

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As far as today's show, Ivy should just go to the police and upload the video to the internet or at least send it to all the Forrester employees while she's at it.

Maybe Ivy can play it at the next fashion show. Yanno, like how Steffy hired Liam that time to expose Brooke's wall boink of Oliver (I know Bill's goons posted it when she chickened out, but if she hadn't created it, there'd been nothing to post) or when she had the sign fixed at the Hope for the Future opening. I'd like that. I also wouldn't mind a two day guest appearance from Kim Matula as this happens because while Hope Logan is an entitled, spoiled crybaby and Lope sucked the life outta this show for far too long, Steffy's rampant bitchery went unchecked for just as long. I mean hey, she could literally phone it in for Deacon and Quinn's wedding, so why not this?

Edited by Anna Yolei
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It seems like they hold out the really good lines for Bill and Quinn, cause really? Vegan Troll?



I wouldn't give these writers credit, "they" only give good lines to the only actors who aren't phoning in their performances?  "They" don't do anything of the sort, those are definitely ad-libs, courtesy of the actors involved.

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Not only is new Thomas a bad actor but he is just too tall for this part. I don't mind a difference in height because my daughter is 5'1" and her husband is 6'4" but on screen, I find the height difference between Thomas and Caroline to be unsettling. New Thomas has to be at least 5" taller than everyone and I'm tired of watching all the actors having to look up when they are interacting with him.

If I was Steffy or Liam (God forbid) I would obtain a lawyer, not Carter, as a preemptive strike and have him get a copy of the autopsy report to see if Ally had any signs of being hit with the tire Iron. If I was Ivy, if she had to go to the police, I would get immunity from prosecution for withholding evidence.

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Why can someone just grab the phone from Ivy's hand and smash it? I wish I could do it at this point to not have to hear her go on and on about the video and flash her phone around.

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All this stuff lives on the cloud now

We don't know whether any of these doofuses realize that. AFAIC it's significant potential plot hole that the writers had better deal with eventually. It's kind of like when a contemporary mystery novel's storyline can often be rendered moot by the unexplained lack of availability to a cell phone at a key plot point.

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I did like Steffy's outfit (for a change) and Ivy's pink dress but her hair....not so much.  I hate that pulled back on top look.....on anybody.  She has beautiful hair but I think they are de-glamming her to make Steffy look better.  As if.   


Loved Caroline's hair and top.  Wow, watching LG move and stretch like shows how well she has recovered.  


More TK please.

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She has beautiful hair but I think they are de-glamming her to make Steffy look better.  As if.  

ICAM. AB is a natural beauty, plus she can move her facial muscles.


I just don't get the big deal about being the Face of Forrester and why Steffy would want that role in addition to being the president. How many fashion houses have their CEO or president also serve as the face of the line? I can't think of many. Ralph Lauren? Coco Chanel back in the day?


Oh look at Wyatt hitching his wagon to Ivy's presumed star. What could possibly go wrong? He just might end up being arrested as a co-conspirator in an obstruction of justice charge.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I did like Steffy's outfit (for a change) and Ivy's pink dress but her hair....not so much.  I hate that pulled back on top look.....on anybody.  She has beautiful hair but I think they are de-glamming her to make Steffy look better. 

I'm pretty sure they're doing that with AB's hair because she is growing out her bangs (a horrible experience, one that I am going through!!!).  I didn't care much for the pink shade of lipstick she had on, if they wanted to go light on the lip color I think a nude shade would be more flattering to her coloring.

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The dialogue on today's show was quite poor, nobody had any real chance to act.  What can you say when the strongest scenes were between Quinn and Wyatt?!  Liam and Ivy's scenes seem to be going in circles as are Ridge and Steffy's scenes-- going nowhere, the same ole same ole.


As for Caroline and Thomas, I am trying to be patient with the new guy but I'm not getting much from him.  I think part of the problem is that some of these new guys, in addition to being green as well as less than full talents- are not surrounded by enough truly strong actors.  LG is a decent actress who can be pretty serviceable with good story but I hardly consider her a powerhouse.  The P& G soaps were expert at taking green actors or good looking but less than fully talented actors (particularly male) and surrounding them with very strong actresses and over time, the actors usually rose to the occasion.


B&B is fresh out of Susan Flannerys and Darlene Conleys and Thomas would have no reason to have a lot of scenes with Rena Sofer, so honestly I don't know how this actor is supposed to improve.  And with dialogue like this and awkward scenes, an actor that's not up to standard probably has an even harder time improving.  A good director and more rehearsal time could also help but we know with today's soaps both are in very short supply.

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B&B has sadly drawn the short straw on acting talent, and on the rare occassion they get a decent actor, he or she will often end up wasted. SF's Stephanie went from aloof and reserved to a mustachioed villain in her quest against Brooke. Lesli Kay as Felicia was popular enough to revive from what was supposed to have been B&B's ten millionth death by cancer and barely a year later half her lines were her and Thorne pulling high school Hijinx against Donna for daring to marry their dad.

That Adrianne Franz was ever considered for a nomination , much less won says everything that needs to be said on the Emmy process. I say this as someone for whom Amber is the reason you're reading this now and who even now I don't entirely hate.

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I detest Liam. Is he going to try to "reason/guilt" Ivy into dropping her blackmail scheme? I hope she sticks it to him as well. He just doesn't seem to get it. WTH did he mean anyway when he told Ivy that their relationship "got complicated?" No it didn't. That spineless tool didn't have the balls to tell Steffy to get lost and that he was in a committed relationship. He did it once before. What changed other than parachute men and limp cold truffle fries? FUN, I guess..


I have to give it to Ivy, she called his bluff, tore the bark off him and he wilted like a soggy waffle.


I don't agree with the behavior of anyone involved with the Ally Death Video. They've all been reduced to a bunch of self-righteous assholes. All their personal ambitions are in question to the what they consider and demonstrate ethical behavior.


If it isn't revenge for a convoluted cause, then it's denial of guilt from a less-than-innocent suspect.

If it's not blackmail on one side, it's blackmail from the other.

It's secret-telling by a salacious son to secret-keep from a significant other.

Pallid paternal noises and threats from boyfriends, brother, and father fall on deaf ears, generate more lies and obstructive behavior.



When is somebody going to come clean to Ridge? This is like Maya's secret. Like Rick, everybody is going to know about Ivy's blackmail video except Ridge.


Lather, rinse, repeat.


I expect that once Ridge finds out about the Ally Death Video the situation will have already taken a very ugly turn.



I want to see this SL play out with a big trial and Steffy having to spend some time in the LA County jail just like her mother did. I remember back in the good old days of B&B with the extended trial of the Caroline 1.0 rape, Brooke vs. Stephanie for custody of Brooke's kids, Taylor on trial for running down Darla, etc. This one will fizzle out too. SMH.


That would be interesting, but I don't think Bn'B has skillful enough writing staff or the production budget for a full-blown trial SL.







Edited by Cupid Stunt
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I swear I'm watching Kindergarten Theater with the way these characters are behaving.  Maybe Steffy's response to the umpteenth declaration of "You're a murderuh!" should be "I know you are, but what am I?"

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I don't get why Ridge was acting like Aly was Steffy's cousin on her mother's side.  Aly was his family too, not just "your cousin".  I love TK but the way that scene played you would never guess that his mother was Aly's grandmother. 


So which one of the inner circle is going to spill first? 

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I loved Ivy schooling Liam, letting him play Mr. Knight in Doofus Armour in all his banty-rooster, puffed-up-little-boy-chest glory - at first.





Before she had enough of his blathering and  owned him like the little bitch he is.



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So which one of the inner circle is going to spill first?

I won't be someone from the inner circle, it will be whoever is the first to hear it from the conversation in Ridge's office (aka the all-purpose room at Forrester) when the door is slightly open (which is all the time). I can tell you who it won't be...Eric or Brooke.

Edited by ByTor
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I think I'm going to have to take a break from this show.  They're trying to make Steffy look virginal and innocent.  I haven't even watched this show that long (this is my first taste of Steffy for longer than a couple of days) but the few days I did see her before (trying to "blackmail" Liam into dumping Ivy, etc. in order to get her cooperation with the takeover) were enough to convince me that she was a conniving, desperate, royal B who thought of no one but herself, let alone what was best for the company.  Puleez!

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While I've still got my doubts about Ivy's new attitude, her putting Liam on blast was everything. Ivy exposed Liam's hero complex for the sexist bullshit it is was even better than her calling his bluff about the video. In other words, Ivy told Ping-Pong "Fuck you & the white charger you rode in on."

Edited by DollEyes
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I'm sure it will go beautifully with her duck lips and wig.

THIS,YES!! I am so sick of looking at her puffy pouty lips and flaring nostrils, and wish she would get rid of the Repunzel looking hair.  I think Thomas is behaving like a pervert toward Caroline. He is just too skeevy looking to be a leading man. I don't for one second feel sorry for steffy, and the actress needs to return to the road runner "Acme school of acting."

Edited by godfreydaniels
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Wyatt looks like a loaf of Wonder Bread. Liam is sporting Frat Boy bod; he could either way, maintain muscle definition or slide into couch potato mode. Carter is over-developed for my taste.

Carter looks fantastic to me, I'll take all of that any day of the week. But I really would like to see Liam and Wyatt whip into shape. It's unfair, all the girls look fetching including the one who could barely walk a few months ago. It's not asking too much for these two so-called Spencers to step up their game. I also find it unbelievable that two sons of the hottie that is $Bill would go around looking like they do, honestly.

In other news it's Karla Mosley's Birthday today, (just realized that I'm always improperly placing the "e" in her surname) Happy Birthday Karla!

Edited by slayer2
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Golly, this episode had everything! Bob Hope movies, Aspen, Liam doing a John Wayne impression and wearing that shirt. It was like the recipe for making me want to stick my head between the blades of a rapidly spinning ceiling fan.

Go to the police and tell them Ivy is blackmailing you, Steffy. They'll probably want to know why and how. That's what I thought.

I feel like I say the same thing every single time Thomas is on: he's a creeper.

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Carter looks fantastic to me, I'll take all of that any day of the week. But I really would like to see Liam and Wyatt whip into shape. It's unfair, all the girls look fetching including the one who could barely walk a few months ago. It's not asking too much for these two so-called Spencers to step up their game. I also find it unbelievable that two sons of the hottie that is $Bill would go around looking like they do, honestly.


Maybe $Bill could introduce them to his personal shopper and his trainer.  I don't understand Wyatt's vests or that hideous blue suit that Liam wears all the time.  Do younger guys really dress like that in CA?

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Golly, this episode had everything! Bob Hope movies, Aspen, Liam doing a John Wayne impression and wearing that shirt. It was like the recipe for making me want to stick my head between the blades of a rapidly spinning ceiling fan.

Go to the police and tell them Ivy is blackmailing you, Steffy. They'll probably want to know why and how. That's what I thought.

I feel like I say the same thing every single time Thomas is on: he's a creeper.

To think of it blackmail is the way of the world at FC. It's not like Ivy is any different in holding something over someone's head. Steffy with not taking over FC unless Liam was in the deal, Rick holding Ally's hopes, of a shoe line, by turning her into a scullery maid, Maya not returning to FC unless Rick was included, Hope's ultimatums to Wyatt about Quinn, Nicole threatening Maya about outing her, etc. Ivy is just following by example.

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Maybe $Bill could introduce them to his personal shopper and his trainer. I don't understand Wyatt's vests or that hideous blue suit that Liam wears all the time. Do younger guys really dress like that in CA?

It is incredibly disheartening, and they work in a FASHION HOUSE. There's literally, no excuse.

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Steffy with not taking over FC unless Liam was in the deal, Rick holding Ally's hopes, of a shoe line, by turning her into a scullery maid, Maya not returning to FC unless Rick was included, Hope's ultimatums to Wyatt about Quinn, Nicole threatening Maya about outing her, etc. Ivy is just following by example.

Yeah, blackmail is the FC way but in none of those instances was anyone going to jail if they didn't agree to the deal. Ivy has taken it to the next level.

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I just can't with Steffy's hair. You'd think someone would tell JMW how ridiculous it looks. And I guess TPTB figure most people didn't start watching the show until last week and don't know any better.

Don't kid yourself Wyatt. Ivy would drop you like a hot rock. Meanwhile, Aly must be spinning in her grave at the way her name keeps being taken in vain and used to justify blackmail.

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I just can't with Steffy's hair. You'd think someone would tell JMW how ridiculous it looks. And I guess TPTB figure most people didn't start watching the show until last week and don't know any better.


Speaking as someone who hasn't watched recently I was flummoxed at the idea that her two toned fried hairstyle of yesteryear has been rendered not ridiculous by comparison.  I searched for a recent clip.  Holy extensions, Batman!  You are right its very distracting.

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After making sweet love with your partner Is there anything more romantic than watching a video of your beloved cousin being murdered.


Too f'ing much isn't it!?!  She should be so enraged yet she takes great pleasure in watching it over and over.  Yeah, I would say the writers did a 180 on her personality!  So much yuck.  Other yuck is Steffy and that awful hair, all she needs is a basket of fruit on top of her head to complete the look!  And I can't forget the final yuck of stalker Thomas who likely has pics of Caroline stashed in his closet!

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I don't understand Wyatt's vests

My mother doesn't understand his plaid shirts, she wants to know if he has a whole closet full of them.

I don't understand his facial hair. But I still think he's hot, which is weird because he's not my type at all. But there it is. Lol

When I first started watching again after a long hiatus, I thought Caroline was so cute and quirky, a real breath of fresh air. But with more viewing, she really kind of annoys me. Stop with the twitching and face pulling and brush your dang hair already.

And she and Ridge will never not be squicky IMO.

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Maybe $Bill could introduce them to his personal shopper and his trainer. I don't understand Wyatt's vests or that hideous blue suit that Liam wears all the time. Do younger guys really dress like that in CA?

I grew up in NorCal and adopted San Diego as my new city after being stationed there in the Navy...and I've never seen anyone dress like Liam does. I'll grant that the West Coast is a bit more casual than many places in the US (going to church here in jeans and flip flops will barely get a shrug), but when we wear suits and ties, we do pick flattering colors.
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