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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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New Thomas looks even cuter than the last one. I just hope he can act.

I don't want Ivy with him however. They still grew up as cousins and the show seems to have finally moved away from these borderline incestuous couplings that plagued B&B for the better part of a decade after Ridge's paternity reveal.

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Maybe the young blonde ingénue who's in a relationship with an older Forrester will have an affair with his son at FC, unwittingly getting captured on videotape!  Oh wait, this happened in the early '90's!


Well, to be fair, now you usually get caught via cell phone video.  MUCH different! :-)

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Maybe the young blonde ingénue who's in a relationship with an older Forrester will have an affair with his son at FC, unwittingly getting captured on videotape!  Oh wait, this happened in the early '90's!

Yeah, but these writers never recycle stories. Oh...wait :)
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Thanks for the history lesson CountryGirl. Are we sure Waffles isn't Ridge's kid?

I do have to wonder. His mother (who I think was a model for FC but can't quite recall) did date Thorne and who's to say Ridge didn't have an offscreen fling with her as well? But then that would make Steffy his half-sister and ewwww!

The article says he tested with the actress who plays Caroline.  Could there be a father/son/Caroline triangle brewing?

Ding ding ding!


Because B&B must.have.triangles and we all just LOVE seeing fathers and sons fight over the same woman. (insert eyeroll here)

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I hope they go there, that's the kind of story the B&B does best, good looking people acting totally inappropriately!  The actors who play Caroline and Ridge are already good actors, if the actor who's set to play Thomas is any good, this could be very interesting.  Any story that includes Ridge being betrayed is a winner.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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Maya the SUPERmodel! Bwa-ha-ha! Supermodels don't work for one fashion house.

I was afraid Ivy's dad was going to say "Well, Steffy is smokin' hot!" ;-)

That internship must have no minimum requirements if Nicole got one. Zende is cute.

Edited by LittleIggy
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Did John say that Ivy was his only daughter? What about Jessica? Either that was an error or Jessica was retconned.


NuZende is cute and it seems like he can act. Lets hope Nicole doesn't wow him with dance moves anytime soon.

Edited by Whitley Trillbert
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Can you imagine what the internship selection would be like if Rick was CEO? The interview would start off with a speach from Maya telling the candidates that you would have a chance to work for the greatest CEO ever at FC and the most honest and genuine person In the world. Rick would ask the young woman candidates if the can make a martini and serve snacks while he would have the young men candidates get on their knees a beg for a chance to work at FC.

Once again, Liam, looked like he shit his pants when Ivy walked in on him and Steffy. Yes Liam, Ivy or Steffy but I would of loved to see Brooke coming into the office with an I-Pad, with Hope on the screen, telling Liam she still loved him.

Nicole, you little minx, purring up to Rick's nephew even before she knew who he was. Now knowing he's a Forrester, I see a steam room and a bathtub in their future.

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Except Caroline's already been there, done that with Thomas.  I'd be surprised if these two are revisited, even for how much the show recycles.

I wasn't yet watching B&B regularly when that was going on. Did Caroline sleep with Thomas and if so, why was that not addressed when she got with Ridge? ("Oh, Ridge, your son does not do it this way.")


I'm surprised the writers pointed out how woefully unqualified Nicole is compared to the other interns. I don't see how most of the other interns aren't going to resent her, especially when her golddigger self is already putting the moves on the boss' nephew. (Because that's not going to stay secret for long; they'll likely be checking each other out on social media.)

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Plus, Liam recycles engagement and wedding rings from one woman to the other! At least Ridge usually had the good sense to get different bling!

C'mon now Liam is good for the environment. ;)


I think Nicole is coming out ahead in the boyfriend department.


I'm glad Ridge showed enough business sense to hire the qualified interns (congrats on the SAG cards) as well as the nepotism choices.


It was funny to see Steffy try to hop on the dignity train when she saw what an actual strong woman looked like.




Here's a link to the story:


If anyone needed proof of the different standards of beauty between the sexes, this is it.

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I wasn't yet watching B&B regularly when that was going on. Did Caroline sleep with Thomas and if so, why was that not addressed when she got with Ridge? ("Oh, Ridge, your son does not do it this way.")

I don't think Caroline slept with Thomas, she was the second coming of Hope when she was first on.  My memory is fuzzy, but when she first came to town she was the most perfect perfection that ever perfected...such grace, such class (we'd hear over & over & over again).  Both Thomas & Rick wanted her, but she chose Thomas.  Amber was on at the time, and to help Caroline stay with Thomas (since Amber wanted Rick for herself) she somehow videotaped Rick walking around in high heels, I think under the ruse of showing a model the correct way to walk the runway.  This is where my memory gets lost, why Caroline ended it with Thomas to be with Rick.

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This is a stretch, but since he's played a gay character before, I wonder if Rome Flynn's Zende could end up being paired with the new Thomas? The show has been on a diversity kick lately. I've been stalking  perusing his Instagram and Vine and I must also attest that he is absolutely gorgeous. He reminds me of another current soap hunk, Jayden Daniels, who plays bad boy Curtis on my New Zealand soap, Shortland Street. They could be brothers.

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I don't give a flip about Ridge and hated him actively whether I was watching or not for many years but I am a TK fan so ---oh no---and when I read that Caroline was uglee and something about falling off a balcony I don't know that either so I am not sure where I am supposed to be---I saw about 2 episodes when she was married to Rick but was not impressed----I lurve TK and might always but still..... and as for Rick? not so much ever---Maya is a not much to me so I don't care but I read she was awful so that is a problem for me---I would love for Thorne to be some sort of balance but I doubt it---would love to never see Brooke again and Waffle is just a loser---let Steffy have him and give Ivy someone new who is worthy---yeah like that will happen

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 This is where my memory gets lost, why Caroline ended it with Thomas to be with Rick.


Didn't Thomas get into a scuffle with Rick in the communal office and toss Rick through a window? I thought that was the deal-breaker for Caroline.


I wanted to slap the smirk off Steffy's face today. Ivy was being firm, but civil with Steffy and Liam and all Steffy could do was stand there and roll her eyes. I'm glad that Ivy stood up for herself. No man, especially Liam, is worth groveling for.  Even though Ivy can do and deserves much better, I want for her to "win" Waffle, just to piss off Steffy.

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Thanks for the history lesson CountryGirl. Are we sure Waffles isn't Ridge's kid?


 For as relentlessly ineffectual, muddle-headed and irresponsible as Liam has demonstrated himself to be, it's too soon to call.







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Can you imagine what the internship selection would be like if Rick was CEO? The interview would start off with a speach from Maya telling the candidates that you would have a chance to work for the greatest CEO ever at FC and the most honest and genuine person In the world. Rick would ask the young woman candidates if the can make a martini and serve snacks while he would have the young men candidates get on their knees a beg for a chance to work at FC.


Considering in the real world most corporate internship selection processes were completed by February, this cattle call was insulting and undignified.


Nicole would be sent packing; nothing to recommend her, no advanced education, using her family connection to horn into a final selection group, boasting about her limited experience to Zende with both feet in her mouth, a brown-nose apology that should have take place much earlier and under very different circumstances  -- No lemon bar for you, ratfink.

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If TIIC are planning a Thomas versus Ridge thing, it would serve Ridge right for everything in the entire history of the show.

I hope not,but given this is Ridge, he'll probably find his way back to Brooke if and when it does happen :/

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Ivy was pretty great today, loved her standing up for herself. Saying she wasn't going to fight Steffy for Liam because she deserved better than a guy who didn't want her first. 


I laughed at Steffy piping in that they both did. That's why she locked Hope in a gondola and did everything she could to trap Liam? 

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Zende is simply adorable; nice voice, beautiful smile, and appears to have some acting chops too. 


And who is this mellow, benevolent Ridge? I continue to be amazed at the changes taking place in the character. When Ridge said "sure why not" to hiring all the young interns I felt like I was watching Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas morning proclaiming with delight "everything for everybody!" This new Ridge has given me reason to revisit my feelings on his behavior since his return, and when the changes actually started happening. And I keep coming back to Ridge trying to save Brooke from Bill, and his made dash across the world, because after he was dunked in the Gulf is when I started noticing the real changes. So I guess that would make Quinn the Jacob Marley character since she is the one who precipitated Ridge's jaunt to Dubai, and I guess Brooke would be the ghost of Christmas past, with Bill as the ghost of Christmas present and Justin rounding out the group as the ghost of Christmas future. I don't find myself as angry with them as I once was. 


Way to go Steffy, just when I was starting to soften a little towards your arrogance, you pull out your little bag of tricks and reapply your bitch face. Just couldn't find it in yourself to be the least bit magnanimous towards Ivy for doing the right thing, preferring instead to remind Ivy that her decision was better for Liam, and of course for Steffy. And now she can't be with Liam because he married Ivy? WTF? Steffy had no problem when Hope was in the picture. Deep down, I think Steffy is a little put off and confused with Ivy because the girl has integrity, something very alien to Steffy, and she doesn't know how to deal with someone who is willing to stand her ground on principles and the truth. None of this "he is mine", "you are a Logan", "you had your chance", nonsense. I love Ivy more everyday. 


And Liam is quickly becoming my least favorite. I missed the whole L/S/H mess, only tuning back in to see the bitter end, so I have always been somewhat on the fence where Liam is concerned. But I am seeing first hand how weak minded the character is; in one breath telling Ivy that he loves her, then after a few "Cha Cha Cha's" from Steffy, he only 'cares" for Ivy. Telling Ivy that he would be willing to give the marriage a go, then ten minutes later telling Steffy that he had made a big mistake, and he would just end the marriage. Some people see this as a hero complex, but I am not so sure it isn't narcissism and neediness, and more about Liam's need to be wanted and desired by multiple women, and his ability to stand on the double yellow lines while they all speed past him in an effort to get him to the alter.  


For Liam:


She looked like the kind of woman I could marry. Trouble is, she was standing next to the kind of woman I could fall in love with, who was standing next to the kind of  woman I’d like to make love to.

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"No man is worth my dignity."


Amen, sister! Ivy was nothing but class yesterday with a spine of steel to boot.


LOLforever at Steffy trying to hop on the dignity bandwagon. Honey, you couldn't hop on that if you had a trampoline. 


But at least it stopped her pouting for a few minutes because OMG that was nails on a chalkboard to watch (and listen to).


Waffles was in fine form as it was clear from the moment Ivy strode confidently into the room (forget lurking and listening in the doorway - no more of that for THIS gal), he was back in "Did you ever have to make up your mind?" mode. Ivy knew it and Steffy knew it, too. 


It would serve Steffy and Waffles right if Waffles started pining away for Ivy now that she doesn't want him anymore, not where she's the default choice. If anyone is the Taylor in the situation, it's her very own daughter. But Ivy girl, you DO deserve better, so please leave soggy Waffles with the Bratz doll.


On a shallow note, Zende is pretty foxy. 

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And who is this mellow, benevolent Ridge? I continue to be amazed at the changes taking place in the character. When Ridge said "sure why not" to hiring all the young interns I felt like I was watching Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas morning proclaiming with delight "everything for everybody!" 

Who does Ridge think he is, Oprah or somebody?



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I thought the Zende being a nobody intern would have lasted more than 3 minutes. At least, have Nicole be in the dark for a month or two. Where's the drama? Now, she & Zende start dating? Is that it? Usually, Brad Bell drags a storyline for months and sometimes years. Between this & Ivy already telling Liam the truth so fast I'm sort of shocked at the speed.

Edited by ByaNose
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And now she can't be with Liam because he married Ivy? WTF? Steffy had no problem when Hope was in the picture. Deep down, I think Steffy is a little put off and confused with Ivy because the girl has integrity, something very alien to Steffy, and she doesn't know how to deal with someone who is willing to stand her ground on principles and the truth. None of this "he is mine", "you are a Logan", "you had your chance", nonsense. I love Ivy more everyday.



It could actually show some character growth if she does have a problem with the way he's come to her now.  She knows that Liam never 100 percent chose her during the Triangle of Doom.  Their first marriage was the result of manipulation.  The second was because she was pregnant.  Neither involved him passionately declaring that she's the only one for him and he can't live without her.  I'm sure, with Hope out of the picture completely, she had it in her head that she should just be his first and only choice now.  And, first, he flat out turned her down (during her last brief stint) because he loved Ivy (seriously, do you even remember that, Waffle Pong?) Then, she returns to town, and he marries Ivy after leading her to believe they could have a go at a relationship.  That all had to leave her feeling like, once again, he's never just going to passionately declare his love for her and only her.  Then, he shows up and tells her his marriage is over.  She probably had an instant reaction of "oh my God, he's finally choosing me and only me!  He's even going to let Ivy risk deportation!"  Then he keeps talking, and she hears the rest of the story.  And his coming to her didn't happen without a boost from Ivy.  Ivy told him they didn't need to stay married, and Ivy said she didn't want to be with him if he wanted to be with Steffy.  Since Steffy knows Liam is a waffle (after all, she exploited his waffle side to manipulate him into being with her more than once in the past), this is starting to sound to her a lot like he didn't "choose" her so much as Ivy gave him a nice push out the door.  That doesn't feel anything like him declaring his undying love for her and only her.  Add in that Ivy looks like the "good girl" here, because she didn't hide her changed citizenship status from him to keep him, and I could see why a Steffy who has learned from her past with Liam would be wondering exactly how completely he's into her.  She's already spent years playing understudy to one good girl.  And this new good girl?  She has no hangups about having sex with Liam, so Steffy can't even leverage sex as a selling point to tip the scales in her favor.   And even if she hasn't matured much, it still has to sting that she still hasn't completely "won" him over another woman.


My guess is that she will now want him to grovel a whole lot, to prove that he will fight to be with her. 

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I really like Zende too. He has an ease about him and the way he looked at Nicole was cute. I think I'm going soft like Ridge. Speaking of him, I wonder if giving Nicole an internship was a little way of extending an olive branch to Rick and Maya.

I generally like Fred Willard, but great Jupiter's ghost, the shouting! It seemed like he shouted every last one of his lines.

Color me surprised that the secret ingredient in waffles is concentrated douche. Liam is just so blandly vile. Faced with a woman of integrity and a woman who left her dignity locked inside a gondola in Aspen, he stands there, mouth agape, looking like he dropped a nugget in his organic boxers (made from recycled douchebags!). I don't mean to brag, but I got a sneak peek at the rest of this week's scripts.

Liam: I love you, Steffy. Only you. I love you more than Hope, Ivy, and my dad combined.

Steffy: I believe you, but...you married Ivy.

Liam: We're getting an annulment. I can be with you now.

Steffy: I have dignity now, Liam. I refuse to feel insecure. Now, can we please talk about work?

Liam: Fine. Forrester is getting a batch of interns today. Want to look over their applications?

Steffy: I would like to see if any of them married Ivy before. Like you just did.

Liam: (sighs) Charlie is looking into a string of thefts. Someone keeps stealing Carter's shirts while he works out.

Steffy: Carter had no problem finding a shirt so he could unite you and Ivy in holy matrimony.

Liam: You're obviously not going to let this go, so...

Steffy: Sorry. I'm not sure you and the rest of the world understand that I am about more than FUN and QUIRKY and ADVENTURE. I am a STRONG, INDEPENDENT badass who will not compete for a man's love. That's better than integrity and honesty. So, back to work.

Liam: Okay. The budget for Aly's shoe line-

Steffy: Is probably more than what you spent on that rinky-dinky green card wedding.

They're actually going to have the same conversation all summer. Gosh, I'm so excited.

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That's the biggest problem with this show right now...no clear white hats. I've pretty much just decided to judge what a character is doing this month and root/criticize them accordingly.

ETA: to slayer2, because started writing this response an hour ago and got busy.



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NuZende is cute and it seems like he can act. Lets hope Nicole doesn't wow him with dance moves anytime soon.

Thanks, Whitlley Trillbert, now all of my coworkers most definitely know that I'm not doing quarterly reports like I'm supposed to be, because they do not cause the kind of reaction that the image of Denise Cosby's clone "Electric Youth"-ing out did for me a few minutes ago. FYI, love the name, after one of my favorite tv characters ever! We should get some Whitley Gilbert-Wayne on this show. She still looks gorgeous!

Edited by nkotb
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I loved Ivy standing up for herself, too. But I wish she had decided just to wash her hands of Liam instead of confronting him to make a choice about who he's in love with. "Not giving up" was the worst advice her father could have given her, and it kind of contradicts her declaration that she has too much dignity to put up with this shit. Really, girl, Just.Move.On.

I honestly don't understand how anybody could see Liam as a hero to root for now.

As for any possible romantic pairings between Ivy/Thomas/Zende, just no No NO. I don't care that they aren't related by blood. They are all family and it's just gross.

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I can't stand Nicole and I don't care about her. When she was lurking around before, at least she was Maya's (annoying) sister and she was attached to that storyline. But now, she is in her own storyline? Not interested. She bores me and she does not have an ounce of charisma IMO. She looks cold and calculating to me and I already feel bad for Zende. Oh well, at least I can stare at TK and be happy.

Edited by SiouxB
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As for any possible romantic pairings between Ivy/Thomas/Zende, just no No NO. I don't care that they aren't related by blood. They are all family and it's just gross.

ICAM that it's gross but I also think it would be funny if B&B actually did this. Their new PR slogan could be "Shut up! They're not biologically related!"


What a family the Forresters are. In a city of nearly 4 million people, they can't find anyone to date other than their adopted and step-cousins. Pshht, wannabe Lannisters.

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Liam is just so blandly vile. 

This. And it's his complete lack of anything interesting that irritates me as much as his actions (or more accurately, inaction). At least when Ridge waffled between Brooke and Taylor, the ladies got trips to Europe, amazing sex (supposedly Ridge was well endowed) and they needn't share engagement rings.

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Wow! Four black actors on contract with B&B.

Soon to be six, with certain spoilers that came out a few weeks back.

That said, I don't think B&B or Y&R would ever do a male/male gay storyline. I think it's a Bell law.

The Bells no longer own Y&R, so the ball's in Sony's court there. But with Upchuck Pratt and JFP running the asylum, whatever gay romance they penned would make the Adam/Rafe debacle look like Brokeback Mountain in comparision.

As for B&B, I'd love it for Ridge Forrester, Jr. to come out as being gay upon SORASing. I always thought it'd be interesting to see Ridge be surprisingly supportive as Brooke struggled a bit more. With TK in the role now, I think that could be pulled off now.

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I think Ivy questioned Liam because I think she knows that he still has feelings for her - which he absolutely does - and I think she wanted him to acknowledge it to her and to Steffy vs making it seem like they barely knew each other but he was helping her out as friend vs them being in a committed serious dating relationship where "I love yous" had been exchanged as well as intimate relations.


I don't blame Ivy for that because they went from being this committed couple to being essentially nothing and a marriage of convenience when Steffy returned for the second time. A complete 180 from her earlier trip this year when Liam said no bueno to Steffy's cha-cha-cha. She deserved to be acknowledged and for their relationship truth to be told and known to Steffy and to Liam himself.


It isn't about her wanting him back because I don't know that she does right now. She loves him, of course, those feelings won't disappear overnight but her eyes were opened wide with his waffling between her and Steffy. It's about her validating what they had was real. 


And given Liam's reaction now that Ivy has put his feet to the fire, she was right to do so and Steffy must be quaking in her spike heels right about now because while it was mostly a marriage for convenience, I don't think LIam would have married Ivy solely for that reason and the fact that now, he is second-guessing himself is very telling.

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So since posters that I respect and who have been around a lot longer than this newbie seem to harbor some ill will toward Caroline in the same way I do for Rick and Maya I decided that I had best do some homework and find out about the past---unfortunately I now don't like anyone but Ivy--lol. Everyone looked bad in the character history I read. I can't even imagine the Caroline I see on my screen being that person and while I am familiar with the whole Rick/Ridge tug of war that is aided and abetted by senile daddy-- still--not an attractive narrative for any of them. I think I am going to either have to quit watching (and I don't want to) or be like another poster said and just go with what I am seeing on my screen today. I think that TK is changing Ridge (for the better) and hopefully that will continue to spill over to Caroline. I wish that Rick would experience some character growth or self awareness or something and independent from his personal cheerleader but doubt that will happen. I hope that when Thorne shows up it is for a real storyline and not just window dressing to distract from the other messes and Liam should end up alone and lose both women but then Steffy would be free to pursue some other hapless guy and really no one but Liam deserves that.

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  The new Zende is definitely a keeper. Based on what I've seen so far, he can act, he's charming and SLAM (Sexy Like A Mofo). Too bad he's about to be wasted on Nicole instead of getting hooked up with Ivy.  Not only do I think they would have great chemistry, Zende could be just what Ivy needs right now. Ping-Pong's exploding head would be the icing on the cake.

Edited by DollEyes
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Unfortunately, there was a lot of dust floating around my house, and then landing in both of my eyes at the end of the show today, so I'm not sure what all I missed, but I think I might have liked the Caroline/Maya scene.

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