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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I wish there were a couple on this show I could root for. We have the obnoxious Maya & Rick. Then there's Ridge and Caroline; sorry, I just don't buy that these 2 would ever be "in love"...I wish the writers would be daring and have made them fuck buddies, THAT I would have understood (I mean in real life sex and physical attraction doesn't automatically mean love). I guess Ivy and Liam are ok together, the only reason I don't want them to end is that I don't want to vile Steffy to get her way.

Edited by ByTor
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I don't think there's anything sick about being dependent on someone you love who loves you and is in a committed relationship.


I think there is a huge difference between depending on your partner and being dependent upon that person to approve of practically everything about yourself. Rick seems to need Maya around to tell him constantly about what a wonder he is and to make sure to tell everyone else he's the boss. Additionally, Rick demands that everyone in the company respect Maya sharing the CEO position with him though she's done nothing to deserve that respect.


Of course people need to depend on others. Of course that is part and parcel of being a couple. However, I think Rick is hanging onto that Maya didn't lie to me mantra in an effort to keep her on some odd pedestal of perfection.


Maya like Brooke and Eric just ignore Rick's obvious mental issues and coddle him.


I wonder what would happen if Maya were actually allowed to disapprove of Rick firing a gun in the office or of ordering his staff around like are peasants. If Maya were allowed to express an opinion beyond Rick's needs I think the rose would be off the bloom very quickly.

Edited by hypnotoad
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I am not a long time viewer but what do I care if two completely unlikeable people are finding twu wuv? I don't. PRick and Myra are FF for me. I'm finding them as tedious and unpleasant as The Hopeless Triangle of Suck. I dislike that PRick's comeuppance is tied to Myra's being transgender because this show has turned into an After School Special on that issue and they will probably win. Maybe if I had seen the beginning of PRick/Myra.....wait , I have, over and over. Rick is a Ken Doll down to the plastic looking hair and Myra is just blank space to me. For those that enjoy them, I'm happy for you.


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For those that enjoy them, I'm happy for you.

This just made me wonder...yes there are fans *on this board* who like Rick/Maya and those who do not, which is to be expected.  However, back in the triangle(s) of suck days involving Steffy/Hope/Liam & Hope/Wyatt/Liam, to the best of my knowledge I don't recall many discussions of couples the posters here backed.  From what I recall, I think most backed "let someone choose someone already to get this over with!" 


* I'm specifying fans on this board as opposed to fans in general, because in general there will always be some sort of rabid fandom.  Plus, fans on this board are much more civilized ;-)

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Does FC even have an HR department?  IMWTK. 


I'm thinking no. I don't know what IMWTK means but if it's anything equivalent to lolz or lmao then that's what I'm thinking too. I feel like HR and PR should be in attendance in every office in that building because none of these people seem to know how to interact in a work environment.


Speaking of that, what is it with Ivy and snooping and lurking around corners and doors. When she saw Rick come out of the apartment her first instinct instead of greeting her cousin and asking him what he was doing there was to run around the corner and hide and peep WTF? Shady as hell, maybe SHE should be with Wyatt. Then she pulls the same crap when she hears Steffy with Liam she stands outside the door listening in like she's the second coming of Pam, girl needs to stop...seriously.

Edited by slayer2
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I wonder what would happen if Maya were actually allowed to disapprove of Rick firing a gun in the office or of ordering his staff around like are peasants. If Maya were allowed to express an opinion beyond Rick's needs I think the rose would be off the bloom very quickly.


I actually don't think it would and I still don't see how it is any different from anybody else's relationships where support is an important thing, again dependency is natural in a relationship, even if she did disapprove, to what end? Katie vocally disapproves (with good reason) of about 65% of the crap Bill pulls but in the end he does whatever the fuck he wants anyway. When you love someone you love them, there's nothing sick about unconditional love.


My way of thinking on this is that people who hate Rick just hate that he has anyone in his corner at all, but here's the news even assholes need love, and that applies to Ridge as well. I myself, would have liked it if Maya shut him down with all the weird Aly foot rubbing stuff but I also would have liked it if Aly had her own agency and simply said no. I would have liked it even more if the writers didn't turn Rick into a moustache twirling uber-villain for the sole propping of CarRidge, so we all have storyline crosses to bear. 


By the same token I think Ivy and Aly are meddling assholes and I haven't been cool with them since they inserted themselves in Wyatt and Hope's marriage so I don't necessarily give a fuck about who does what to them, I don't enjoy that they turned Maya into an alleged "gold digging, matriarch wannabe" for the purpose of having a villain in a storyline where the villain was already clear but whatever, I'm rolling with it. I figure if I could tolerate the poison that was Stephanie Forrester for decades then I can step over gaping plotholes and avoid falling anvils on my way to storylines I actually enjoy.

Edited by slayer2
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I always rooted against Steffy and will into infinity; I definitely did not root for Hope. I think you hit the nail on the head, ByTor, when you say a lot of people backed the "please merciful soap gods, just let this triangle die" choice. That triangle was like the walking dead, and Brad Bell was hoarding the only loaded shotgun.

I do feel sorry for Rick sometimes. He doesn't need to up and get over his issues, but he does need help to process them in a healthy way. Instead he gets the Eric and Brooke Parental Clown Show and Enabling Tour 2015, and that shit ain't helping.

I have zero tolerance for his workplace bullying, especially when he admitted to doing it because he didn't feel like he had absolute control. If Rick can only be magnanimous when he gets his own way, he's a pro player on the douche circuit. The only person responsible for his wretched behavior and making it stop is Rick. Everyone at FC could walk on eggshells around Rick and genuflect when passing him in the hallway and he'd still find a reason to dog them. Look at Aly; no matter how much she kissed his shiny hiney, he kept degrading her. Dude needs to work on himself with a reputable therapist.

Yet, even for all that, the callback at Dayzee's did give me a little heart fuzzy. It was nicely done and actually used flashbacks in an effective way. I think JY is great in this role, and while I mostly can't root for Rick, JY gives me a little bit of hope that a decent human being lies within.

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Yet, even for all that, the callback at Dayzee's did give me a little heart fuzzy. It was nicely done and actually used flashbacks in an effective way. I think JY is great in this role, and while I mostly can't root for Rick, JY gives me a little bit of hope that a decent human being lies within.



He's just doing incredible isn't he? KM said the reason Bell gave him this storyline is because JY is such a good-natured, kind person IRL and he wanted to challenge him, so enter despicable Rick. But I agree in different hands this role could be impossible to swallow. JY has grown leaps and bounds since he played Lucky on GH, so excited to see that happen with actors.

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I can totally see Ivy looking like a young Liz Taylor.  By coincidence I happened to catch "Suddenly Last Summer" this morning (great movie btw...Katherine Hepburn, Montgomery Clift) and yes.


Steffy....just...no.  I like SC and do not want to see him stuck with her.  Liam/Ivy FTW.


JY is bringing it.  I don't like Rick but he is playing this very well.

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JY is bringing it.  I don't like Rick but he is playing this very well.


There's something really incredible about watching an actor commit to a role irrespective of how dodgy the writing is. It's like watching Christina Aguilera sing the shit out of a crappy song. Real talent can make nearly anything believable.


Just as an aside when Nicole went to Rick's office and asked him if she could please talk to him it reminded me so much of the intro to "A Boy is Mine" she even sounded like Brandy. Ah the nineties!

Edited by slayer2
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My way of thinking on this is that people who hate Rick just hate that he has anyone in his corner at all, but here's the news even assholes need love, and that applies to Ridge as well. I myself, would have liked it if Maya shut him down with all the weird Aly foot rubbing stuff but I also would have liked it if Aly had her own agency and simply said no. I would have liked it even more if the writers didn't turn Rick into a moustache twirling uber-villain for the sole propping of CarRidge, so we all have storyline crosses to bear. 


Not liking Rick doesn't mean I think he shouldn't have anyone in his corner.  But they've written him as such an OTT jerk that's all I can see.  Letting Rick show a little vulnerability now is too little, too late for me.  I waffle on Maya and was glad she got a sister (well, at first anyway) and someone on her side but she was compromised when she joined in when Rick bullied Aly.  


If Rick and Maya the last few months have been written to prop CaRidge, it would have been nice to have gotten something to replace them while we waited, just to balance out the toxic CEO business.. I'm not even sure they can recapture where they were with CaRidge before LG's accident.  I know I don't much care at this point.  


IMWTK is an ancient acronym for Inquiring Minds Want to Know.

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That's what happens when soap writers don't balance their stories :(


I get that they were caught off-guard with the accident but their normal pacing isn't great on the best of days.  Deacon and Quinn helped a little bit but they wasted Brooke's return with the dumbest alcoholism story I've ever seen. It's almost like they set up these stories and then lose interest in playing them out. Maybe not as bad as some other soaps but because of the 30 minute format, it's much more noticeable. 

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I really must be a club of one over here, because I actually like both Ridge and Caroline and Rick and Maya. I don't think one needs to be at the expense of the other.

I admit I did like the first go-around of Raya better, before Rick became CEO (I hope that's not a spoiler for anyone!) and Maya began coveting "the good life". I've suspected for a while that Rick's over-the-top behavior (and Maya's silence made her complicit in this) was leading to some kind of redemption, most likely a reconciliation between Rick and Ridge, and I'm still holding out hope that that is the case.

As for Ivy...doesn't she have her own business in Australia? I remember, when she was first offered a job at Forrester, that she had to make sure her to get her ducks in a row with her business before she could accept the position. She certainly has other options, but, again, I still believe this is all leading somewhere. On B&B, they always take the very long scenic route!

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I think, at least for me, I assumed the Raya Mustache Twirling Tour/ Rick as Napoleon show would go much the way of other character woes: Brooke being a sloppy alcoholic, Hope popping anxiety pills like tictacs, Hope being a cold fish, Steffy being infertile, did Quinn kill Senor Montemayer, Ridge can't draw, Aly the axe wielding smeller of evil and keeper of the ghostly floating Darla head... these things all eventually fade away and soon enough the people these things happen to won't even remember. I thought if I was patient this too would pass. When Rick apologized to the staff at large I wanted so much for it to be sincere. Then Rick started that fetch us a snack shit and I knew it wasn't to be. But I haven't given up hope yet.

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Not liking Rick doesn't mean I think he shouldn't have anyone in his corner.


Exactly one thing has nothing to do with the other. I don't mind Rick having someone in his corner, what I mind is the way in which its portrayed. Maya has to always stand there and agree with whatever nonsense Rick is pulling. Say what you will about Katie but at least she gets to disagree with the things Bill does.


Up to this point, Rick knew pretty much nothing about Maya - nothing that was true. They had lots of sex in the tub where when he climaxed he yelled out 'I'm the CEO' and when she pretended to climax she yelled out 'You're the CEO.' Other than that she has coddled him for his tough tough poor little rich boy childhood. She has stood by and laughed at the fact that he shot a gun at the office. She has actively engaged in bullying employees (which is incredibly hypocritical considering she probably went through some bullying as she was making her transition).


Unconditional love? Rick has lots of conditions: honesty, integrity, back him up no matter what. It seems to me, he is so desperate to hang onto his little cheerleader that he's convinced himself that Maya not telling him about being transgendered wasn't a lie.


I think JY is doing a good job too, but I sure wish he had a far more talented actress to play Maya. Because while KM is certainly beautiful, she gives nothing back to her screen partner that I can see. All she does is stand there with that blank deer caught in headlights look on her face.



really must be a club of one over here, because I actually like both Ridge and Caroline and Rick and Maya. I don't think one needs to be at the expense of the other.


I agree, I don't think liking one pairing means you have to dislike the other. However, I just don't happen to like Rick and Maya and I've seen nothing that leads me to believe this is a great love type pairing - but mileage varies and all that!

Edited by hypnotoad
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I think, at least for me, I assumed the Raya Mustache Twirling Tour/ Rick as Napoleon show would go much the way of other character woes: Brooke being a sloppy alcoholic, Hope popping anxiety pills like tictacs, Hope being a cold fish, Steffy being infertile, did Quinn kill Senor Montemayer, Ridge can't draw, Aly the axe wielding smeller of evil and keeper of the ghostly floating Darla head... these things all eventually fade away and soon enough the people these things happen to won't even remember. I thought if I was patient this too would pass. When Rick apologized to the staff at large I wanted so much for it to be sincere. Then Rick started that fetch us a snack shit and I knew it wasn't to be. But I haven't given up hope yet.




I'm in this boat! I will always be Team Rick against Ridge because I think Ridge is a faithless asshole but if he were vying for the company against Thorne then I'd be a bigger waffle than Liam and Ridge put together. I too am waiting out the storm but if it doesn't happen I can live with it. I was a fan of Carly 1.0 and Jason because I like it when outcasts get together and have each other's back. It's why I could still like Todd (as played by Trevor St John) in a relationship even though his personality was literally the worst. Sami Brady falls in this category as well.


I would be happier if Rick were mistreating Ivy and Aly and the writers dropped hints about how he knows that buttinskis Aly and Ivy were very clearly Team Ridge and enabling Caroline and Ridge's relationship while offering scorn and derision for Maya's. That's one of the many reasons I can't give a shit what he says to those two,  If Ivy had problems with Maya and Rick she should have had the same trouble with Caroline and Ridge and yet...nope because Ivy fancies herself the arbitrator of all relationships which are none of her business. This is why I'm happy Steffy is back (which will likely change when she digs her heels in on Maya).



I really must be a club of one over here, because I actually like both Ridge and Caroline and Rick and Maya. I don't think one needs to be at the expense of the other.


You're not alone, friend. Many Raya shippers on twitter ship Raya AND CarRidge and are immense fans of KM, JY, LG and TK the buck only seems to stop here. There's a lot of love on twitter for both of them and in a sweet and respectful fashion to boot! Go to @TeamMaya14 on twitter, the girl who runs it ships both couples and is very vocal about both. :)



I get that they were caught off-guard with the accident but their normal pacing isn't great on the best of days.  Deacon and Quinn helped a little bit but they wasted Brooke's return with the dumbest alcoholism story I've ever seen. It's almost like they set up these stories and then lose interest in playing them out. Maybe not as bad as some other soaps but because of the 30 minute format, it's much more noticeable.


Am I a dick for noticing that SK is putting on the pounds again? Sometimes I feel like they backburner actors when they gain weight. I definitely think the writers get bored, go get drunk and then forget about what happened with their storylines. How else would you explain Rick "attacking" Ridge then next thing you know he's back in bed and Ridge is at Forrester?



I think JY is doing a good job too, but I sure wish he had a far more talented actress to play Maya. Because while KM is certainly beautiful, she gives nothing back to her screen partner that I can see. All she does is stand there with that blank deer caught in headlights look on her face.



I don't know if you were the poster that said that you had some previous baggage about KM from another soap opera or not but regardless I couldn't disagree more. I'll just leave it at that.

Edited by slayer2
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I wish Rick had someone in his corner who would snap his ass back to reality. Someone who would point blank tell him that he's acting like a fool and he'll never be able to control anything in life 100%, so learn some coping skills. I'd like to see Rick, Brooke, Eric, and Ridge in a family counseling session. Pam and Donna and Ivy can listen at the door.

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I wish Rick had someone in his corner who would snap his ass back to reality. Someone who would point blank tell him that he's acting like a fool and he'll never be able to control anything in life 100%, so learn some coping skills. I'd like to see Rick, Brooke, Eric, and Ridge in a family counseling session. Pam and Donna and Ivy can listen at the door.



I'd actually LOVE to see that family counselling session as well. We can eat Pam's lemon bars for snacks and drink Brooke's leftover expensive vodka. But there should be a caveat that Taylor CANNOT mediate.

Edited by slayer2
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When Steffy was talking to Liam and referred to Ivy as "what's her name," I hoped for a minute that she's develop some type of "misunderstood name" for Ivy like Caroline did with Myrna.

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I don't know if you were the poster that said that you had some previous baggage about KM from another soap opera


My knowing about her alleged 'acting skills' from GL has nothing to do with this show. I can distinguish the difference between the shows. It's just that for me, she hasn't improved one iota since her GL days. That's not baggage (and I never ever said I had baggage about KM from GL). That's my opinion.



I wish Rick had someone in his corner who would snap his ass back to reality.


Exactly. Rick doesn't need someone to just say he's right all the time, he needs someone to actually force him to see some truths about his behavior. Counseling for the entire Forrester/Logan/Marone family would be a great idea - thus it will never happen!

Edited by hypnotoad
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I'm in this boat! I will always be Team Rick against Ridge because I think Ridge is a faithless asshole but if he were vying for the company against Thorne then I'd be a bigger waffle than Liam and Ridge put together. I too am waiting out the storm but if it doesn't happen I can live with it... I like it when outcasts get together and have each other's back...Sami Brady falls in this category as well.

...Ivy fancies herself the arbitrator of all relationships which are none of her business. This is why I'm happy Steffy is back (which will likely change when she digs her heels in on Maya).

Deleting for the sake of brevity, but I couldn't agree more. Even sailing my Raya ship, if Thorne were a straight up option in the CEO Games, that's the pony I would be placing my money behind. But he's not, and I hate Ridge. I don't hate Caroline, but I sure as hell don't like her, either.

You also zeroed in on my exact issue with Ivy. I was totally rooting for her when she first stepped on the scene, and I really felt for her when Hope was pulling that passive aggressive bs on her. I flat out cheered when she told Hope that she needed to focus on her own marriage instead of worrying about how quickly Liam is moving on. But then she kept it up in regards to other couplings that have nothing to do with her and she started to lose me.

Oh, and I love Sami. Always have, always will. I miss her.

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While we're asking what happened to folks, where the h.r. puffinstuff is Donna? Or Oliver? Or Aly for that matter. Has anyone checked the steam room? Maybe the door sticks and once you get in you can't get back out.

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I can't watch scenes with Steffy, and not only because the character is odious and tiresome.  It's JMW's plastic but strangely haggard looking face.  It's so sad that people do this to themselves.  It's equally disturbing that plastic surgeons profit from their dysfunction and insecurities.  They should be ashamed of themselves.


As a person who works in a "creative" environment, I must disagree with this. I can't imagine working in the current situation at FC's, with my every effort being ripped apart by a CEO and his Lead Model; neither of which know a thing about design. Creative people have egos, particularly successful ones, and when they are continually belittled, and made to question themselves, then that is what they do, and product suffers for it. When product suffers, the company suffers.


From a few pages back, but quoting for truth.  I'm an artisan and every so often there's a show or market that draws an asshole like Rick, who thinks s/he knows more than you do about what you create.  My favorites are the ones who sniff and say, I'm going to go home and make a better widget than you!  Sometimes it's a very good thing that humans don't have eyes that shoot laser beams. 


Anyway, people like Rick are a nightmare to work for, and as a creative person himself you'd think Eric would be more sympathetic to the toxic environment that Rick has created.  It doesn't mean Ridge should be CEO by default, just that Rick shouldn't even be in charge of picking up dog shit.

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I can't watch scenes with Steffy, and not only because the character is odious and tiresome.  It's JMW's plastic but strangely haggard looking face.  It's so sad that people do this to themselves.  It's equally disturbing that plastic surgeons profit from their dysfunction and insecurities.  They should be ashamed of themselves.


Oh so true!  I don't think her bulbous top lip goes down anymore, it seems to sit in a permanent sneer and doesn't touch the bottom one which is also huge of course.  She is very hard looking and has way too many hair extensions.  I can't imagine how awful she will look in another couple of years.  

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I couldn't help myself; as I watched Ridge lowering the boom on Eric, I was flashing back to that day in 1993 when Brooke and Connor Davis had Sheila read Brooke's list of demands in order to stay at FC's, and not take the BeLief patent. Is this as riveting? No, but the show was so much better back then, and outside of the fact that Brooke was demanding controlling interest in FC's, there were plenty of other dynamics working at that conference table; Brooke and Ridge, Brooke and Eric, Brooke and Connor, Ridge and Connor, Stephanie and Brooke, Stephanie and Sheila, Eric and Sheila, but much of the groundwork is the same. Just as the Forrester's actions forced Brooke's hand, Rick's actions, and Eric condoning them, have forced Ridge's. I remember clearly when the truth of what was happening sunk in, Eric stood up and started shouting at Brooke, saying "who do you think you are, coming in here trying to steal this company, my company! Who are you? I don't even know who you are anymore Brooke! Now get out of my office!" And Brooke did, after squirming in her chair under the heat of Eric's anger, she got up and fled, even though she was perfectly within her rights, and had every reason to be furious with Eric, Stephanie and Ridge over the crap they had pulled in order to steal Brooke's right to BeLief. But Eric had an air of authority back then, as well as only recently being divorced from Brooke. This takeover doesn't feel the same at all. Eric has no air of authority anymore, all Eric exudes in today's world is senility, laced with what appears to be dementia or alzheimer's. And the company has changed hands so many times since 1993, I guess the real question is who cares anymore? All the same, I did enjoy watching Ridge do what he has been forced to do. He is clearly taking no joy in this. The only thing that isn't working for me is Steffy. I don't want to see a Steffy and Liam redux under any circumstances. I don't want to see a triangle of L/S/I under any circumstances. I don't want to watch daily sessions of coy flirting, and catty behavior, and diatribes about who Liam fucking belongs to. Please, I am begging you writers, don't destroy what could be a very compelling SL, by watering it down to nothing more than another Liam triangle. 


I guess this evens the score though; now both brothers have betrayed their father. Rick, by lying to everyone about his desire to reconcile with Caroline in order to get Eric to sign his company over to him, and Ridge by siding with the enemy to do what has to be done. 


So, was everyone quivering with excitement as Nicole and Rick worked to get their longitude and latitude correct? Did your heart start beating fast with anticipation when they finally discovered that Rick hadn't hung up at all, but had crashed his car? Was everyone "Oh, hell yeahing!" when Nicole finally disclosed Maya's whereabouts? Did you get all misty eyed when the two love struck kids finally found their way back to each other? Right; me neither. Regardless of what the show want's me to feel; there is no way I could ever see these two as a great love story. Great love stories are about more than overcoming; they are about overcoming with grace and dignity. They are about a connection that defies explanation, and unqualified love, and they are about unsolicited support. These two are anything but a "great love story". They are both needy, whiny, overgrown children. Maya is only concerned with Rick putting that ring on her finger. I detest Rick, but all the same, I think Maya's behavior and actions since her reveal are unforgivable. You lay some serious, smoking shit like that on someone, and they are supposed to all insta acceptance? Maya has had a year or more to plan this thing out, and Rick, on the night he is proposing to his Saint, finds out that she was in fact born male. And Maya gives him about fifty seconds to process that before making demands about "you still love me and want to marry me right?" Even after a clearly stressed and pressed Rick pleaded for a few minutes to digest this startling development. And now, once again, Maya is all set to runaway, just like every other time the going got tough, or she wasn't getting her way. And Rick doesn't really love Maya, as much as he needs her. Rick has made it clear that he needs someone by his side who will give unwavering support, who will never question, who will condone and look the other way. There is nothing wrong with being dependent on your significant other, but then there is dependence and then there is dependence. With Rick it is more like a lifeline, or maybe his life blood, and I honestly feel that any woman willing to subjugate herself to Rick would work just fine. I don't think Rick would care who it is, as long as they are propping him, and making him feel like the big man on campus. 


I am irritated that they are using Carter as Maya's sounding board. Why can't they give this guy a SL that doesn't revolve around her? How Carter can still care about her and want to be her friend escapes me entirely. Not only did Maya disrespect him by sniffing around a very married Rick while engaged to Carter, she then proceeded to dump him after she secured her payday with her inappropriate outburst at the board meeting. Additionally, after getting back into Rick's bed, she then decided to rub her good fortune in Carter's face, essentially telling him he just wasn't good enough. UGH, has there ever been a more unlikeable character on B&B than Maya?

Edited by RuntheTable
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I can't watch scenes with Steffy, and not only because the character is odious and tiresome. It's JMW's plastic but strangely haggard looking face. It's so sad that people do this to themselves. It's equally disturbing that plastic surgeons profit from their dysfunction and insecurities. They should be ashamed of themselves.

From a few pages back, but quoting for truth. I'm an artisan and every so often there's a show or market that draws an asshole like Rick, who thinks s/he knows more than you do about what you create. My favorites are the ones who sniff and say, I'm going to go home and make a better widget than you! Sometimes it's a very good thing that humans don't have eyes that shoot laser beams.

Anyway, people like Rick are a nightmare to work for, and as a creative person himself you'd think Eric would be more sympathetic to the toxic environment that Rick has created. It doesn't mean Ridge should be CEO by default, just that Rick shouldn't even be in charge of picking up dog shit.

Rick is like most entitled ass holes that are running a family business. Rick could never be a CEO of another fashion house with his management style nor would another fashion house give Maya the power she wields as lead model. On the other hand, I don't see Ridge as a CEO of any other fashion house either but he does have the talent and credentials to be the head designer. I would imagine that Ridge would also have autonomy with his designes. In addition, I'm sure the Ridge could bring Caroline with him without objection to a new fashion house.

I know from whence I speak because I've worked for a few family business where the top dog, of the family, running the company always has to be the smartest person in the room. They pay hundreds of thousand of dollars to the best employees they can find, but they know more than everyone of them. Sure they make money, but they could make a lot more money if they just listened.

Edited by Waldo13
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She would never return. Stick a fork in her she's done. TK's Ridge and SF Stephanie remind me of Lex and Tess Mercer on Smallville. So much of Lex defines everything about Tess yet she never shared a single scene with him until the finale.

I don't think there's anything sick about being dependent on someone you love who loves you and is in a committed relationship. No man is an island and it'd be a pretty sad world and life if you couldn't or wouldn't depend on your girlfriend. People depend on other people, it's how humanity surivives, it's only when they let them down that the trouble arises. Also, (just as an aside) if co-dependency gets your goat, there's a chance you're watching the wrong show...


Actually, your last sentence kind of "got my goat." In my and the view of several others here, Rick and Maya are on a whole different level of what seems to us a normal amount of dependency. That doesn't mean I'm watching the wrong show. We're entitled to our own opinions, which makes for lively discussions.

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Steffy is my vote for most unlikeable.

I watch Eric and I don't see senility or dementia at all. He's not forgetting things; in fact, he showed off his long-term memory when whining to Ridge about stealin' his woman. His behavior isn't even bizarre, necessarily. Eric is just being a gold-plated, diamond encrusted, silk-lined, weapons grade dum-dum and all around sucky parent of a spoiled brat. He wishes he had senility as an excuse.

I also don't see Ivy as a horrible busybody either, because I'm not sure what the etiquette is for accidentally stumbling across your cousin committing adultery. If you catch a loved one shoplifting, masturbating to Guns & Ammo, or pissing in a neighbor's flowerbed, you're caught in a pretty awkward situation where it's only human to be judgemental. Do you tell others? Do you confront them or pretend you didn't see them? What if your friends with the injured party? Ivy was in a no-win situation because she happened across Rick, a fact he took as a license to be nasty to her.

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It's so sad that people do this to themselves.  It's equally disturbing that plastic surgeons profit from their dysfunction and insecurities.  They should be ashamed of themselves.



Yeah, Hollyweird is in it's own sad little world, it sucks that they make women feel like they have to do this to themselves. I remember it all seemed to start with Lindsay Lohan who was young and gorgeous at the time. I agree that the plastic surgeons shouldn't be sleeping well at  night. JMW was a gorgeous girl, I hope it's mostly filler and will go away in time.



Actually, your last sentence kind of "got my goat." In my and the view of several others here, Rick and Maya are on a whole different level of what seems to us a normal amount of dependency. That doesn't mean I'm watching the wrong show. We're entitled to our own opinions, which makes for lively discussions.


I don't know what I said that implied that you didn't, I was making the point that Bold and the Beautiful is a master class in relationship co-dependency while also quoting Captain America: Winter Soldier. It always has been since Stephanie and Ridge had their very first scene, not sure what was offensive about that.



I also don't see Ivy as a horrible busybody either, because I'm not sure what the etiquette is for accidentally stumbling across your cousin committing adultery


I was referring to her first instinct as opposed to her confronting him. I thought it bizarre that when she saw him coming out of the apartment (and she had yet to see Maya or anyone or hear any voices) that instead of saying "Oh hey Rick" and having a conversation with him, her first instinct was to hide around the corner, there's something Wyatt levels of shady about that IMO. When I correlate that with her and Aly purposefully distracting Wyatt downstairs so Liam and Hope could talk to each other in the bedroom upstairs simply because Ivy believed (at the time) that Hope belonged with Liam and not Wyatt it makes me see her as someone who doesn't know how to mind her own damn business. I actually liked her quite a bit before she pulled that Wyatt crap, it really did have nothing to do with her.

Edited by slayer2
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Yeah, Hollyweird is in it's own sad little world, it sucks that they make women feel like they have to do this to themselves. I remember it all seemed to start with Lindsay Lohan who was young and gorgeous at the time.



I don't know what I said that implied that you didn't, I was making the point that Bold and the Beautiful is a master class in relationship co-dependency while also quoting Captain America: Winter Soldier. It always has been since Stephanie and Ridge had their very first scene, not sure what was offensive about that.

it was the "maybe you're watching the wrong show bit." let's just leave it at that now.

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it was the "maybe you're watching the wrong show bit." let's just leave it at that now.


That's a Winter Soldier quote. But again, the show is rife for the co-dependency picking.


Here's a question, I'm running into some copyright laws trying to upload B&B fanvids on youtube, does anyone else wonder why CBS and its affiliates (CTV etc) don't have couple edits for sale that people can buy instead of having to desperately find and download them online? They could make a killing on this. I would pay a good deal of money to have all the Rick and Maya clips and early Brooke and Ridge or Brooke and Thorne. Why haven't they thought of this yet?

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Maya is so important to Rick that he's going to run to Bill, the man who outed her in the douchiest, most juvenile way possible, and kiss his Spencer ass? What a twit.

Eric locking himself in the CEO office...lol. Just...lol.

So I guess the show is going to double down on the "blood is everything" bullshit. Whatever.

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People talk about Ridge and Rick having senses of entitlement but, for me, the dark horse in that race of unearned narcissism is Brooke.  Snapping her fingers about reclaiming Ridge, forbidding Deacon to marry Quinn, etc.  Ha.  Just wait until she finds out about Rick being voted out as CEO.  Whenever someone does something Brooke doesn't like, she gives the squinty stare of "How could you?" and acts as if the other party was somehow completely out-of-bounds.  It's understandable to be pissed at the actions of others but Brooke takes it to another level by being offended that someone acted without consulting her feelings.  I can just hear her now, berating Ridge as if he had some obligation to let Rick remain CEO; as if Ridge hadn't been crystal clear about wanting Rick gone.  Brooke will be shocked, shocked, I tell you.

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Eric's just ridiculous, he had the new to bring up Stephanie and what she'd think? Did he even know Stephanie at all? What would she think about Rick being CEO? About Rick having Ally rub Maya's feet and his treating her like a pathetic slave? Stephanie would be loving Ridge and Steffy getting Rick out of there. 


Eric needs to just die already. 

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I get that they were caught off-guard with the accident but their normal pacing isn't great on the best of days. Deacon and Quinn helped a little bit but they wasted Brooke's return with the dumbest alcoholism story I've ever seen. It's almost like they set up these stories and then lose interest in playing them out. Maybe not as bad as some other soaps but because of the 30 minute format, it's much more noticeable.

Speaking of that, did TIIC just drop that? Brooke went to one AA meeting, then went into breaking up Deaquinn and after that failed jumped into petting her lil' wooden boy.

Pacing on this show is terrible. Not as bad as the last season of ATWT where multiple terrible stories began and ended in the eight weeks I spent in Navy boot camp, but it's getting there.

And sadly, it's still heads and tails above the other three soaps. :/

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Eric's just ridiculous, he had the new to bring up Stephanie and what she'd think? Did he even know Stephanie at all? What would she think about Rick being CEO? About Rick having Ally rub Maya's feet and his treating her like a pathetic slave? Stephanie would be loving Ridge and Steffy getting Rick out of there. 


Eric needs to just die already. 



Nooooo way!! John McCook is phenomenal dashing and fucking.awesome. If anything I want more of the J-Cook, not less.



Speaking of that, did TIIC just drop that?


If they did, aren't you glad? I'm not above finger-ear inserting and a certain amount of la-la-las if that's what counts for headwriter mea culpas these days. 'Tis true that this soap is leaps and bounds above the rest right now. I hear Pratt is turning Y&R into a Passions inspired disaster.

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If they did, aren't you glad? I'm not above finger-ear inserting and a certain amount of la-la-las if that's what counts for headwriter mea culpas these days. 'Tis true that this soap is leaps and bounds above the rest right now. I hear Pratt is turning Y&R into a Passions inspired disaster.

Y&R is practically unrecognizable. A combo of Passions and GH of the Midwest. It is B-A-D!

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Y&R is practically unrecognizable. A combo of Passions and GH of the Midwest. It is B-A-D!


Awww sorry, dude. I feel so bad for my Y&R peeps. I was lucky to get out early. At least with this show even when it's ludicrous it's entertaining.

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I guess this evens the score though; now both brothers have betrayed their father. Rick, by lying to everyone about his desire to reconcile with Caroline in order to get Eric to sign his company over to him, and Ridge by siding with the enemy to do what has to be done.


I don't think this is 100% comparable.  Ridge finds himself in his current predicament due to his own actions... he was the choice to be CEO.  Rick's predicament was in no way due to his own actions.  Eric later admitted that he never should've made a condition for Rick to stay with Caroline, a woman Rick obviously has never wanted to be with since the reveal.  "Doing what needs to be done" is not quite the way I view Ridge's behavior.  I see it as a spoiled brat (the same thing Ridge always says about Rick) finally getting what he wanted... himself in charge.  Ridge being worried about the future of the company, morale, and all that other horseshit was always a front with the end goal of him being the CEO.  Despite the fact I HATE Ridge Forrester, I could actually understand his POV if he wasn't so damn insistent that HE be the one running the company.


UGH, has there ever been a more unlikeable character on B&B than Maya?



I'd say Ridge and especially Steffy.  But I'll reserve my judgement until I see Maya get with a family member's significant other (or drag an adult away from their wedding by force), then pretend to be the injured party... actions that Ridge and Steffy have perfected.


Eric was a bit nastier than I expected.  However, there's nothing he could've said to Steffy that I would've considered out of bounds.

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Maya is so important to Rick that he's going to run to Bill, the man who outed her in the douchiest, most juvenile way possible, and kiss his Spencer ass? What a twit.

Eric locking himself in the CEO office...lol. Just...lol.

So I guess the show is going to double down on the "blood is everything" bullshit. Whatever.

If this was Survivor Blood vs Water, Rick would vote Eric out in a heartbeat and if Rick was starving, he would cut Eric's heart out and eat it to survive. At least it took the straw that broke the camel's back for Ridge to lash out and he even though twice about it. Eric, you old fool, everyone would quit if Ridge goes through with his plan and Rick is the poster boy for stability and love in the work environment. I want what Eric is smoking. Ridge, Caroline, and maybe Ivy are not expendable but that isn't even considered by Eric if Rick stays CEO. What in the world can they offer Bill that he can't get through Liam. Sure, Bill hates Ridge but I would imagine Rick is not on Bill's Christmas card list either. It's funny that Eric locked himself in the CEO office like a scared little boy afraid of the big bad monsters that are out to get him. Once again Maya is the enabler to reinforce that Rick good Ridge bad. I was wondering why Maya didn't put on her lead model uniform and join Eric and Rick in their quest to stay in power.

Speaking of Maya, once again I have to reiterate that TBTB had to take the transgender route to gain sympathy for Eric and Maya. I have absolutely nothing against the transgendered, gay, and lesbian community and commend Rick for standing behind Maya but it's the forgiving and justification of lies and lies of omission that is completely out of Rick's character. It bothers me because it's the ultimate in hypocritical behavior and I'm not very fond of hypocrites. Bill is what he is and he is not afraid of criticism. In a way Maya is a hypocrite. She made the decision to have gender reassignment surgery but was still too ashamed to let Rick know. Maya if you are now comfortable in you new skin, than be proud and take ownership of being a woman. Sure, there are people that will not accept your decision but there are more and more people everyday that will.

As an aside, my grandson had his second birthday last Sunday. His mother is an OBGYN and there were a few other OBGYNS at the party so I asked them about transgendered woman. A transgendered woman would be seen by an OBGYN but for the most part, since transgendered woman are not their usual patient, they would seek an OBGYN that specializes in transgendered woman. As for Maya feeling totally like a woman and never a male, it's very common. There are many more genetic make ups, for male and female, than XX and XY. In Maya case she was born with male parts but with a female brain so, in her genetic make up, its possible to never consider her a male. As we know, Mother Nature can be a real bitch.

Edited by Waldo13
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Oliver better brush off his resume. Last time Ridge was CEO he wanted him fired.

tricknasty, I appreciate you bringing this up...it refreshed my memory as to what a jackass Ridge was upon his return.  He wasn't quite as nasty as Rick, as in demanding snacks & foot massages, but he did return from him "poor me" tour of Europe behaving as an entitled tyrant.  If I'm remembering this correctly, wasn't it this behavior that led to Rick becoming CEO?  Now I'm even angrier with the Rick story.  Couldn't the writers have come up with a different scenario for Rick needing to be ousted?

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