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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Wasn't Katie more or less Bill's mouthpiece when she ran FC? Her only real accomplishment (if you could call it that) was green-lighting HFTF, which laid the foundation for the blue-eyed monster we now call Hope and the hellish three-year ToD. Way to go! (NOT.)

Even that was less about Hope and more about finding out Steffy tried to seduce $Bill.

How I was a Katie fan until last year is beyond me.

Ridge pretending to do this for altruistic reasons has been good for a chuckle.  

The last time Ridge Forrester did anything for altruistic reasons, Reagan was President, cell phones were bigger than pocket dogs,and mullets were in style. Edited by Anna Yolei
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If blood ties are so sacrosanct that we are calling out Ridge on being a Marone, then how about the blood tie to Stephanie? I mean, after all, if memory serves me right FC was built on Eric's design talent and Stephanie's money and business sense. So put that in your pipe and cry over it, Ricky. And if Ridge isn't "Forrester" enough, why do he and his children (who have zero Forrester blood) own half the company stock? Oh yeah, that any way the wind blows writing thing.

I'm so over everyone using the blood ties as a diss against one another. I hated it when Steffy did it, when Thomas did it, when even Thorne and Felicia did it against Rick which makes even less sense given Rick actually does share blood with that lot...and now Rick does it,to Ridge, after having dated both of the latter's daughters.

I can't even with this show.

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So according to the credits on 05/27, Ashlyn Pearce is no longer a contract cast member. Unless she goes recurring, her last airdate was April 22nd. Guess this means Thorne will never come out of the basement lol.


Well, that sucks. Bring back JMW and kick AP to the curb. Assholes!

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It's not okay for Rick to rub Ridge's lack of Forrester blood in his face, not to me anyway. Actually I find it quite cruel. I've always hated how soap operas treat blood ties as sacrosanct and superior. Rick's just the latest mouthpiece for that douchey throwback idea.


The Bell family has always been rabid about birthright/bloodright patrimony theories.


Ridge told Eric, as his eldest son, Forrester Creations leadership was his birthright. Eric disabused him of the notion that he was a 'real' Forrester due to his self-centered attitude and behavior to the family.


In his chat with Stephanie's portrait, as her son, she had prepared and always wanted him in leadership of FC, touching on both birthright and bloodright claptrap .


Just because you were born on third base, doesn't mean you hit a triple, Ridge.

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UGH--I came here because Y&R was so bad and I like so many of the actors here---no use for Ronnnn Moss or Brooke or many others but as a sorta watcher I am not really entitled to complain about the past---I like Ivy and the actor who is Liam but I tuned in enough during the Hopefest to get why he is called Waffle--tee hee---not much use for Wyatt but whatever--Steffy then and now is a no go---love TK but as Ridge? not sure---loathe Rick and that is a big part of my problem about now---he is horrid and shitty every day---he is entitled and not worthy no matter what he or Eric say---and the HAIR!!!!! so he has business sense? I am waiting to see that---what I see is he is taking credit for others work and profits---BARF--CEO of the century? I think not---I really wish that Ridge and Caroline (who I barely know) and everyone else with a smidge of talent would leave and there would be little Ricky and his awful parents trying to salvage the company he ran into the ground with his UGLEEE---my hate knows no bounds for the stuff he says and I do not care about old Ridge or any of the rest of the past---what I see on my screen now is not a respite from what Upchuck has done to Y&R and I have lost AW,ATWT, etc over the years---sob---geez what is left? cable murder mysteries?


I knew going in that this show is slow and Eric is an idiot but still---beautiful sets and good actors (mostly) I was so hopeful that it was not like it used to be and that compared to the other crap around it had options  and actually had potential---I am still choosing to hope for that but if Rick/Eric "win" and yeah I do not want to see $Bill win either I will not be here for long--- so sick of the idiots ruling the day here and everywhere----so for this week I am watching this and not Y&R but not a high bar for comparison---sigh 

Edited by Oly
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Can somebody please explain to me how Liam is going to be president of Spencer Publications and VP of Forrester Creations at the same time? I know nobody works on this show, but don't they even have to PRETEND to have real jobs anymore? I guess next he'll be plotting to be Chief Financial Officer at a third huge company. Why limit himself?


Well to be fair he doesn't really DO anything at Spencer Publications that his Daddy can't and doesn't automatically reverse so....

It's not okay for Rick to rub Ridge's lack of Forrester blood in his face, not to me anyway. Actually I find it quite cruel. I've always hated how soap operas treat blood ties as sacrosanct and superior. Rick's just the latest mouthpiece for that douchey throwback idea.


It was actually started by Ridge and his bratty children before he knew he was a Marone. Constantly referring to Rick as a "Logan" and not a real Forrester and suggesting he was a bastard child. He set the tone, Rick is just following it.

Edited by slayer2
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Brooke was highly interested in the momentous occasion of Hope losing her virginity to Liam. IIRC, Brooke showed up at Liam's early the next morning with refreshments. Then she sat down and acted like she expected them to discuss the experience with her so she could grade them or something. It was kinda creepy to me. If/when Rick and Maya get back together, it wouldn't at all surprise me if Brooke questions Maya on how well she's able to satisfy Rick given her "special" anatomy. I'm surprised she hasn't already gone there with Rick.

OMG - I must have wiped this out of my mind and for good reason (shudders).

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I wasn't aware that Rick was capable of levity, but I found myself rolling on the couch with laughter as I listened to him telling Carter about Ridge being coddled by a doting mother, and how Ridge is this and Ridge is that. Project much there buddy? 


Maya is the woman Rick has always loved? Wow, I must have been watching a different show or something, because what I remember is a frustrated Maya telling Rick she was walking out on him again if he didn't tell her he loved her. I am convinced that Rick's behavior since the "reveal" is more about saving face, and not looking like a complete fool and an idiot. Rick has held Maya to a much higher standard than he did Caroline or Amber. He has placed her at the top of the heap as the shining light of honesty and the beacon of truth saying. And now he finds out that this woman he claims to love more than anyone else ever, this woman that he has paraded around to everyone as someone who would never withhold information from him, or lie to him, kept something so fundamental to any relationship from him until he was ready to seal the deal with an engagement ring. Self serving at best, and manipulative at worst, and Rick knows this. I mean come on, wouldn't he have called out the National Guard by now? And how stupid can he be to not know where Maya is holed up? It isn't as if she had a lot of options. I just don't see Rick so hell bent on finding Maya.


I think it would be fairly hilarious if every time Rick told someone he was the "CEO", that something would start growing, you know, like Pinocchio. With as much as he says it, I would suspect that he may have grown into a man by this time in the next century. 


So, Rick can only be nice if he has total control? Only after he has offended, humiliated, belittled, shot at, and threatened all with their livelihoods? Why does that not sound right? Maybe because it isn't? Sounds a bit psychotic to me. I don't know, seems like if Rick could find it in himself to do away with his diapies, and would start pulling on his big boy boxers, he might actually see what a total douche he is, and might try to remedy the situation. At this stage of the game though I am not sure there is any salvation for Rick. 


Where was Stephanie's portrait? I thought Eric had hung it in the guest house, but it looked like it was in some sort of storage closet or something. That tells me that Eric has turned the corner, and his back, on his wife and her son. By allowing Rick to dishonor Stephanie's memory by hanging that ridiculous picture of Maya in Stephanie's house, and now by shoving Stephanie away out of sight, and by turning on Ridge, drawing out the lines of who is and who is not a Forrester,  by suddenly, and continually reminding Ridge that Rick is his namesake; illustrates without a doubt that Eric has what he always wanted; a family with Brooke. Eric's actions make Ridge's betrayal so much easier to digest. 


They have effectively painted Ridge into a corner. He can stay on as the Head Designer, and deal with daily berating from Rick, and have his work cut to shreds, and be made to feel like the hired hand, or, he can betray Eric, the man he has always called father, but who has made it clear that he doesn't consider himself that anymore. This dilemma drove Ridge to consult with his mother; imagine that, Ridge actually showing he has a conscious. Just more of the new shades of Ridge. 


Did we really need to see Steffy/Liam flashbacks? Did we really need the witty repartee? The coyly laced flirting? I don't know how scintillating Liam and Ivy are, as much as they are cute, but for fucks sake, please do not start another triangle with Liam. What is the draw with this guy? How about two love interests for Wyatt? Or Carter? Where the hell is Oliver? 


Considering that I have never actually seen Liam doing any type of work makes me wonder how he will handle two full time executive jobs.


Still loving that pink outfit Ivy has been sporting, and also loving Katie's dress. Their conversation though? Can you say double entendre? Katie isn't concerned in the least for Ivy, or what Steffy returning means to her. Katie is only concerned with how Steffy will effect Ivy and Liam's relationship. Katie is worried that the Bratz Doll may be "Cha Cha Chaaing" her way right back into Bill's arms. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I don't know WHY TIIC are trying to push Liam and Steffy without Hope around. Basically, that triangle existed to highlight Hope's hangups with sex (that disappeared along with the anxiety attacks) and to capitalize on their mothers' played out battle over Waffle 1.0. Ivy has been a better woman than Liam deserves--no drama, no running away, no immediate pressure to get married, and put out in about three months (which is slow by B&B standards, but far, far faster than what he went through with Hope). The Cooter was the only thing Steffy had over Hope, but that's certainly not an issue now.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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It was actually started by Ridge and his bratty children before he knew he was a Marone. Constantly referring to Rick as a "Logan" and not a real Forrester and suggesting he was a bastard child. He set the tone, Rick is just following it.


Steffy was the worst pos.  She always lorded that over Rick and Hope while she (Steffi) didn't have an ounce of Forrester blood in her.  I guess it depends on the context and the characters, I hated it when Steffi did it to Rick and Hope, because I hated and still hate Steffi, but I'm ok with Eric doing to it Ridge because I hate Ridge, love TK, but hate Ridge.


I was thinking about Y&R, about 10-15 years in its run, abandoned its core families, the Brookes' and the Fosters in favor of two new families, the Abbotts and the Williams.  Maybe it's time to jettison the Forresters and all their baggage.  Keep a few for B or C stories.  Keep the Spencers, father, three sons, their cousin.  Bring in a new fashion house, maybe Spectra.  Ally could change her name to her honorary grandmother's:  Ally Spectra.  I can picture her likeness on a poster, hands on hips:  Ally Says Recycle!

Edited by sugarbaker design
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I get the context that Eric brought it up,but I still think it's BS. When the paternity came out Eric was rightfully upset with Stephanie but never once held that against Ridge or treated him any differently than he had been. In fact,there's a scene with Ridge,Eric and Massimo where Massimo was hammering Ridge about something and Ridge says to him,"Father, I want you to leave." It was clear that he wanted nothing to do with him, but Eric was devestated.

Eric didn't used to be an asshole like this, actively pitting his sons against one another. I loved that someone posted the first two seasons on YouTube because THAT Eric Forrester was a good guy worth rooting for (his emotional affairs with Margo and Beth aside) who clearly loved all his children. This shit with Rick now,I don't even know what to say.

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Eric didn't used to be an asshole like this, actively pitting his sons against one another.


It's not only Eric, but every long term Forrester character has been ruined.  Ridge has banged a couple of Logans and a couple of Spencers.  Brooke has banged two generations of Forresters and two Marrone brothers.  It's time to relegate the three actors who have been on since day one to tentpole positions.  Give advice, watch your kids, take care of the company, but stop accidentally banging your daughter's boyfriend, stop banging your late wife's niece, it's just embarrassing at this point. 

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Who's Thorne again?



Really, though. Where's he supposed to be? Thorne was on years ago when I started watching. I stopped, and now the sons are having a war and acting like he never existed.

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I wasn't aware that Rick was capable of levity, but I found myself rolling on the couch with laughter as I listened to him telling Carter about Ridge being coddled by a doting mother, and how Ridge is this and Ridge is that. Project much there buddy?



There's no projection there, if you weren't (mis)fortunate (?) enough to witness the two decade relationship between Ridge and Stephanie get to Oedipus levels of creepy then let me confirm, it was the most disturbing mother/son relationship on CBS. I would say all soaps but Claudia and Johnny on GH had really inappropriate chemistry. To this day I'm convinced the only reason Ridge didn't go all Norman Bates when she died was because the actor wasn't on canvas.



Last I heard, he was in Paris, but I'm not a daily watcher, so there could've been a mention of Thorne that I missed.


Rick mentioned him in passing saying that he "knew his place". This is why I need Thorne to come back and take the reins (with Bridget) Rick and Ridge are such entitled assholes to still be assuming they are the only heirs to the throne, and deserving of such. At least Rick knows how to run the business well, Ridge completely fucking sucks at it, but Rick should have been dethroned when he shot the gun off because....hello? But by the same token Ridge should have been demoted when he was outed for lying about his abilities and macking on Caroline. Can you imagine any other company where you could shoot a gun off or lie to the CEO about your abilities while attempting to bed his/her wife/husband. Bro, don't do it.

Edited by slayer2
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wasn't aware that Rick was capable of levity, but I found myself rolling on the couch with laughter as I listened to him telling Carter about Ridge being coddled by a doting mother, and how Ridge is this and Ridge is that. Project much there buddy?



There's no projection there, if you weren't (mis)fortunate (?) enough to witness the two decade relationship between Ridge and Stephanie get to Oedipus levels of creepy then let me confirm, it was the most disturbing mother/son relationship on CBS. I would say all soaps but Claudia and Johnny on GH had really inappropriate chemistry. To this day I'm convinced the only reason Ridge didn't go all Norman Bates when she died was because the actor wasn't on canvas.



I disagree; Rick was totally projecting because he was just as coddled as Ridge. Jeez, even Ridge coddled the little fool. In one of the few selfless things Ridge has ever done, he took the rap for Rick after Rick shot Grant Chambers. Brooke has cooed and mewed over her baby boy his whole life. I will allow that Eric was a terrible and absentee parent to Rick, but he was also that way with Bridget. And Rick also had his plumb job at International handed to him by mummy, while Ridge has been working and contributing to FC's his entire adult life. 


I have been watching the B&B from the beginning, so I am well aware of the Stephanie/Ridge dynamic, but that doesn't change the fact that Rick had the same type relationship with Brooke, and if anything, the "nurturing" has gotten worse the older Rick has gotten. Now Eric is on board, and steadfastly looks the other way, and excuses, and ignores all the warning signs that there is something not right with Rick. 


All three of them turn my stomach.

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Is it only me who is getting sick and tired of these soulful flashbacks? Geez, the show is short enough with the tours of LA we see on a daily basis. The one good thing was Rick's and Maya's hair when they first met. Rick's new hairdo makes him look like a penis head (maybe that's the point) and Maya's longer hair makes her look harsh. Can anyone at B&B get Nicole a change of clothes or do they enjoy making Nicole look like the matchbook girl.

The look on Ivy's face, as she walked out of the office, I thought for sure she was going to warn Eric about the plan. Thank goodness they got to Eric first. Eric never saw this coming and was all Ridge wouldn't do this or you can't do this. Well, sorry it's done I hope. Now you can go back on your world adventure with your brother and

Rick and Maya can recapture their first meeting with jobs at Dayzee's.

Please, would a long term viewer please help me with the timeline as to Eric's relationships and marriages to Brooke and Steffeny. I'm just confused about that whole situation. Thank you.

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so I am well aware of the Stephanie/Ridge dynamic, but that doesn't change the fact that Rick had the same type relationship with Brooke,


Rick has a sick relationship with Brooke, that's a given, and as sick and dysfunctional as it is it still doesn't even come close to the psycho mother/son dynamic that was Stephanie and Ridge.  Those two were B&B's first supercouple.  Every other word out of Stephanie's mouth was Ridge.  She was forever lurking the hallways of the Forrester Mansion or Forrester Creations looking for Ridge, talking to Ridge, talking about Ridge.  It was crazy!

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Well, well, well. Where's the stupid smirk now, Eric? Forgive me, but watching Eric swagger about with that smug smile on his face as he dropped pearls of parental wisdom really scorched my scones. Lord of the dunces acted like he set the gold standard for fatherhood and healed Rick's boo-boo's with each jaw-droppingly dumb decision and weak sauce excuse he made. Too bad Steffy's involved, because she ruins everything.


Speaking of which, I believe any scriptwriter who pens a scene featuring Liam and Steffy alone in a room should be flogged with a frozen cucumber. Liam starts babbling at a rapid pace like an overcaffeinated wolverine, while Steffy looks coyly away and plays at being the coquette. Liam acts like a normal person with Ivy. Just leave that shit alone, show.


I will applaud the fact that B&B didn't draw out the hang-up/car accident misunderstanding for weeks or months. That was refreshing.

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Can't wait to see today's episode, it looks like fireworks! All cylinders B&B get it!! Excited to see Rick find Maya and also as an aside in the previews it looks like B&B wardrobe finally realized that AB is gorgeous, glad they're letting her flaunt it.

Rick has a sick relationship with Brooke, that's a given, and as sick and dysfunctional as it is it still doesn't even come close to the psycho mother/son dynamic that was Stephanie and Ridge.  Those two were B&B's first supercouple.  Every other word out of Stephanie's mouth was Ridge.  She was forever lurking the hallways of the Forrester Mansion or Forrester Creations looking for Ridge, talking to Ridge, talking about Ridge.  It was crazy!



This times a million!! Rick and Brooke aren't even in the same universe of dysfunction as Steph and Ridge, sorry. They win that contest all day everyday even when she's dead. 



Is it only me who is getting sick and tired of these soulful flashbacks? Geez, the show is short enough with the tours of LA we see on a daily basis. The one good thing was Rick's and Maya's hair when they first met. Rick's new hairdo makes him look like a penis head (maybe that's the point) and Maya's longer hair makes her look harsh. Can anyone at B&B get Nicole a change of clothes or do they enjoy making Nicole look like the matchbook girl.



I think they all look great, Us non-actor types would be lucky to be as good-looking as the B&B cast. I'm also excited for the flashbacks because I never saw those episodes. I was wasting away on GH.

Edited by slayer2
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Stephanie did dote way, way, way, WAY too much on Ridge, but at least if she saw that he was mentally ill like Rick clearly is, she would get him some help. Rick's dependence on Maya is sick as shit and his demands that everyone else worship the ground she walks on and shooting into offices is disgusting. I hope he has ED next time he crawls into Stephanie's bed next to her.

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Where was Stephanie's portrait? I thought Eric had hung it in the guest house, but it looked like it was in some sort of storage closet or something.

It's actually worse than a storage closet if they keep true to what was last spoken about it. I believe it was Rick telling Ridge (or maybe he was telling Pam) in the Communal CEO's Office that the portrait was safe in the garage and all wrapped up. I remember thinking then how undignified to be stowed in the garage. But I pictured it wrapped in bubble wrap and taped up so it wouldn't get damaged. I realize "all wrapped up" didn't work for this scene with Ridge, but damn - just a sheet thrown over it? Stephanie who? Edited by nicolin
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Please, would a long term viewer please help me with the timeline as to Eric's relationships and marriages to Brooke and Steffeny. I'm just confused about that whole situation. Thank you.

As a longtime viewer, I'm getting confused thinking about it,too. Since I started watching in '99, Eric has had one aborted wedding to Stephanie (the one where Massimo tells Eric about Ridge) in 2002, one brief marriage to Brooke which was more about keeping up a façade to Bridget about not being interested in Nick IIRC and finally another Eric/Steph marriage sometime after 2010 when I was overseas and not following the show anymore.

As I type this, it dawned on me that Eric and Steph spent more time divorced from one another than married. That part, I am sure of.

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Just watching yesterday's show...Ridge talking to Stephanie's portrait.   I gotta channel that "Bitch, please" face.  Awesome.  Wasn't watching back in the day but my Mom was so caught it occasionally and remember her.  Haven't read posts yet and am looking forward to y'all's brilliant snark. 


Songbird out.

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Rick has a sick relationship with Brooke, that's a given, and as sick and dysfunctional as it is it still doesn't even come close to the psycho mother/son dynamic that was Stephanie and Ridge.  Those two were B&B's first supercouple.  Every other word out of Stephanie's mouth was Ridge.  She was forever lurking the hallways of the Forrester Mansion or Forrester Creations looking for Ridge, talking to Ridge, talking about Ridge.  It was crazy!



Indeed! I would never venture to even try to put the two different relationships in the same galaxy. What I was saying is that Brooke has always coddled Rick, certainly no where near the level that Stephanie did Ridge, but she coddled him all the same. I am not willing to say they were different, simply because they transpired on different planes. The big differences between S/R and B/R are that when Rick was small, Brooke thought more about Ridge than him, and only thought about Rick when she had to. It wasn't until he was older that her hand wringing really began, probably about the time Amber came into the picture. And it has only escalated as Rick has aged: I can't bring myself to say matured simply because. Well because. I also think Stephanie was more in tune with Ridge as a person, and if she felt he needed help, she would tell him so. That is if she didn't kidnap him and get him to a doctor herself. Brooke and Eric are both ignoring Rick's real issues. Eric thinks giving Rick FC's will cure his ills, but having that autonomous power is only feeding Rick's problems. Brooke just wants to see Ridge on the outside, frustrated and angry. Ridge is gonna learn one way or the other that when Brooke snaps her fingers, and Ridge doesn't come running, there will be a price to pay. Brooke also wants Ridge to pay for rejecting her after presenting in her bikini. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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When all is said and done I hope everyone at least realizes that Nicole should not be trusted with any secrets. Girl can't keep her mouth shut to save her life.


Loved Maya's overnighter bag. Also loved the beginning of Eric's face cracking and falling in a million little pieces to the floor. Ya backed the wrong horse, ya doddering old fool.

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I did feel a little sorry for Eric today but then I think about having had to sit through Rick's power trip these many months and I got over it.  I was back to feeling Eric/Ridge as father and son again though.


And I'm not sure what these writers are smoking but if they really wanted me to feel anything positive about Rick and Maya, they should have started back a few months, with some self-awareness about how toxic an atmosphere they were creating.  Because the callback to their first meeting didn't do anything for me. 

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And I'm not sure what these writers are smoking but if they really wanted me to feel anything positive about Rick and Maya, they should have started back a few months, with some self-awareness about how toxic an atmosphere they were creating.  Because the callback to their first meeting didn't do anything for me.


Me either. So tired these two. Especially Maya and her sad face packing scenes. I don't feel bad for her at all. She treated everyone like crap because her man child boyfriend is the CEO and now I'm supposed to be teary eyed over these two and their 'great' love story? Pulease.


Plus she's supposedly leaving town because Rick didn't answer her about still wanting to get married? I know he was in an accident but even if that hadn't happened - he's not allowed more than 30 minutes to perhaps process all that happened? It's okay for her to lie about herself - or at least withhold the truth about herself for months and months but Rick has to accept it all immediately. Shut up Maya. She's irritates me so much. Plus, the actress continues to underwhelm me.



Rick's dependence on Maya is sick as shit and his demands that everyone else worship the ground she walks on and shooting into offices is disgusting


Agreed. I cannot figure out how this pairing is a love story. The characters seem dependent and desperate to me.


I'm Team Ridge and I don't care. I hated Ridge 1.0 but I love me some Ridge 2.0. It's all due to TK. I love him.


Oh and what the hell is that on Rick's head? When did Rick go to basic training? The haircut is awful.

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I think there were spots when I might have been interested in Raya but the way they treated Ivy and Aly (and the bizarre shooting incident) pretty much negates any love story they've tried to sell.  There were times when it looked like Maya was uncomfortable with Rick's behavior - if they had developed that aspect, then again, maybe I'd feel differently. These writers have a crappy sense of pacing. 


ETA:  B&B has such an advantage with so many original actors and real flashbacks. (Okay, maybe we could skip the Liam/Steffy ones.)  Technically the bookend scenes (past and present) at Daisy's (can't remember how they spelled it) should have evoked something, anything. 

Edited by tessaray
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Also loved the beginning of Eric's face cracking and falling in a million little pieces to the floor. Ya backed the wrong horse, ya doddering old fool.

Loved that too! I wasn't quite as whooping with joy the way I was with what happened to Cersei in last weeks GoT, but I did relish the old ninny getting served.

Edited by LittleIggy
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ETA:  B&B has such an advantage with so many original actors and real flashbacks. (Okay, maybe we could skip the Liam/Steffy ones.)  

I'm surprised that they haven't shot some new faux-flashbacks of TK-Ridge and SF-Stephanie.

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I also think Stephanie was more in tune with Ridge as a person, and if she felt he needed help, she would tell him so.

That's pretty true, actually. Back in the first season, after Ridge split from Caroline I, Stephanie did speak to him about his rampant playing around and spoke to him about protection from AIDS, which was pretty big in the social consciousness at the time (and would have to be in their world, given the industry they worked in).


OTOH, Brooke doesn't seem to know Rick at all. As I'm previously mentioned, this isn't the firt time Rick's gone off the rails over Ridge but when he did this years ago when Kyle Lauder was in the role, he had enough brain cells to realize that Brooke and Taylor were willing participants in their Ridge worship. Now it's all "Big baddie Ridge is a homewrecker, whaaaaa!" I'm surprised he didn't drag Bridget's name through the mud during his Two Minutes Hate with Eric. Or maybe the writers really would like us to forget that the show went there with them. Probably that, more likely.

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I'm surprised that they haven't shot some new faux-flashbacks of TK-Ridge and SF-Stephanie.

She would never return. Stick a fork in her she's done. TK's Ridge and SF Stephanie remind me of Lex and Tess Mercer on Smallville. So much of Lex defines everything about Tess yet she never shared a single scene with him until the finale.

Stephanie did dote way, way, way, WAY too much on Ridge, but at least if she saw that he was mentally ill like Rick clearly is, she would get him some help. Rick's dependence on Maya is sick as shit and his demands that everyone else worship the ground she walks on and shooting into offices is disgusting. I hope he has ED next time he crawls into Stephanie's bed next to her.

I don't think there's anything sick about being dependent on someone you love who loves you and is in a committed relationship. No man is an island and it'd be a pretty sad world and life if you couldn't or wouldn't depend on your girlfriend. People depend on other people, it's how humanity surivives, it's only when they let them down that the trouble arises. Also, (just as an aside) if co-dependency gets your goat, there's a chance you're watching the wrong show...

In other news RAYA RAYA house on fire! Yessss! Get it Bell! That was good soap. Sweet, romantic and good throwback with the song, I love it when the music supervisor works the contemporary song into the score! Lovely

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Re: Slayer's comment about SF...yeah, the last interview I've read on her states that she's pretty much enjoying her retirement and wants to move on from B&B. It's too bad for me cuz I really wanted Ghost Stephanie to slap some sense into Eric and Brooke, but I can't begrudge her for her decision.

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If he weren't related to the (doddering old fool) founder, he'd never have that job.



Comment can be applied to 99.9% of the characters who've ever appeared on Bold and the Beautiful.   And to be entirely fair, Rick would never have the job if it weren't for RIDGE'S unbecoming behavior, not the "doddering old fool".  That behavior is as much the root of the current "workplace toxicity" as anything else.  If that's the case why would Eric put that man back in charge?  Ridge isn't asking for anyone else to be in charge (Thorne who?)... just him.

Edited by nasir jones
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Re: Slayer's comment about SF...yeah, the last interview I've read on her states that she's pretty much enjoying her retirement and wants to move on from B&B. It's too bad for me cuz I really wanted Ghost Stephanie to slap some sense into Eric and Brooke, but I can't begrudge her for her decision.

I can't begrudge her either. I can't imagine how much of a toll it would have taken to play such a poisonous character for so many decades and she was the consummate actress so who knows how deep she had to go. Once that Brooke rape storyline came I would have been out like Ellen. I certainly wish her the best though, wherever she is.

Comment can be applied to 99.9% of the characters who've ever appeared on Bold and the Beautiful. And to be entirely fair, Rick would never have the job if it weren't for RIDGE'S unbecoming behavior, not the "doddering old fool". That behavior is as much the root of the current "workplace toxicity" as anything else. If that's the case why would Eric put that man back in charge? Ridge isn't asking for anyone else to be in charge (Thorne who?)... just him.

This is an important distinction.

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I thought it was funny how Ridge and Steffi were so concerned that the big takeover is a big secret and they chide Liam and Ivy for even thinking about it let alone talking about it (and Liam reminds them Ivy knew before anyone!) and then five seconds later they tell Eric!  And oh by the way,  I am pretty sure $Bill already has the headlines written.

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Well, as an unapologetic, unashamed, unrepentant Raya shipper, that last scene between the two of them at Dayzee's got me right in the feels. So did Rick's acceptance of Maya as the woman she is. I can only assume it's what CarRidge shippers feel when they get to painting and pawing one another, though it does nothing for me.

From the time this Maya is transgender storyline began I've been on the warpath, because I was afraid it would open her up to more venom and animosity, and frankly thought it was something the writers whipped out of their collective asses just to be "edgy". I'm not one who ever bought into the Maya is a golddigger narrative, I never forgave Caroline for the constant bs she pulled, and I never liked Nicole from the second she appeared at the doorstep. I was disheartened by the Raya Mean Girls antics, but that I held on hope they would move beyond it. I definitely saw moments of Maya being uncomfortable with it and at least trying to reign it in, however unsuccessfully. Specifically, when Rick was insisting Aly rub Maya's feet.

I don't understand what ivy needs protection from. Goodness knows she's hardly ever at work anyway, and when she is so is liam. Then he leaves and, lookit that, Ivy is at SP again in the middle of a work day. Nice work if you can get it, I suppose. I admit she's a lovely young woman, but that outfit, while flattering, hardly seems workplace appropriate.

I tend to shift my loyalties as time goes by, depending on who aggravates me the most at any given time. I've loved Bill, but he's a bastard. I always backed wyatt and he's dead to me, now. And I fear now I'm on the path of disliking Steffy, which I really don't want to do... I cannot think of a time I've ever backed Ridge, though. Doesn't matter who plays him, the I do miss RM clips appearing on The Soup.

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I don't know---I admit to being partial to TK over the years and other places so I might be willing to cut "this" Ridge some slack and I detested RM so there is that----I am not fond of Steffy either---I tuned in now and again during the triangle from hell and liked none of them (although I do remember Liam from GH many years ago so had a little fondness for him but Waffle--lol) I have watched this show off and on for years and remember the whole Marone clan too---but none of that takes away from my "Rick is an ass extrordinaire" vibe and I feel "not much" for Maya either even though I was not present for much of her snickering as Rick ordered family members to massage her feet or make ridiculous orders of food or kick Ally out of her room and the whole portrait thing? barfing now---I do not see them as the love story of the century---more like they are delusional and maybe deserve each other? I can't say for sure as I was not here for the whole thing but those flashbacks did not much for me---Eric? there are no words for his stupidity and why oh why can not someone from the outside show up and knock a few heads together? He has created two obnoxious sons who cannot work together or stop blaming each other (but if I have to pick it will never be Rick) and Brooke needs to take a long walk off a short pier---SuperMom? I think not

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Well, as an unapologetic, unashamed, unrepentant Raya shipper, that last scene between the two of them at Dayzee's got me right in the feels. So did Rick's acceptance of Maya as the woman she is. I can only assume it's what CarRidge shippers feel when they get to painting and pawing one another, though it does nothing for me.

From the time this Maya is transgender storyline began I've been on the warpath, because I was afraid it would open her up to more venom and animosity, and frankly thought it was something the writers whipped out of their collective asses just to be "edgy". I'm not one who ever bought into the Maya is a golddigger narrative, I never forgave Caroline for the constant bs she pulled, and I never liked Nicole from the second she appeared at the doorstep. I was disheartened by the Raya Mean Girls antics, but that I held on hope they would move beyond it. I definitely saw moments of Maya being uncomfortable with it and at least trying to reign it in, however unsuccessfully. Specifically, when Rick was insisting Aly rub Maya's feet.

I don't understand what ivy needs protection from. Goodness knows she's hardly ever at work anyway, and when she is so is liam. Then he leaves and, lookit that, Ivy is at SP again in the middle of a work day. Nice work if you can get it, I suppose. I admit she's a lovely young woman, but that outfit, while flattering, hardly seems workplace appropriate.

I tend to shift my loyalties as time goes by, depending on who aggravates me the most at any given time. I've loved Bill, but he's a bastard. I always backed wyatt and he's dead to me, now. And I fear now I'm on the path of disliking Steffy, which I really don't want to do... I cannot think of a time I've ever backed Ridge, though. Doesn't matter who plays him, the I do miss RM clips appearing on The Soup.

Wish I could give your post a thousand likes Amberosia, most especially the bolded part. Get out of my head!

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Heehee, please do sit here with me tricknasty and slayer2. I suspect there's plenty of room here, and sometimes I feel like I'm all by my lonesome. I'm allergic to wine, though, so I'll just watch you enjoy it ;)

I've actually been lurking for some time (you may notice my liking posts and wonder why I never say anything, heh), but I refuse to post until I read everything. Then when I do finally get caught up I'm too shy to say anything then fall behind, and so on and so on. I'm working on that, since there are so many interesting takes on things, and I can only watch my husband's eyes glaze over so many times as I try to discuss my shows with him.

So, in the name of participation, I'd like to throw this into the ring: Stephanie's portrait was a bit of a dusty mess when Ridge was having his little chat with it. But for all the shit Rick gets, whether deserved or not, he's not the one who did it. Eric said he was hanging it up in the guest house, and that portrait was last seen in his possession. So if it's being disrespected or mistreated, it's by Eric. I seem to recall it did have some sort of covering when Rick took it down.

Honestly, if you told me five years ago I'd be Team Rick in any capacity, I'd have laughed in your face and told you to get off the grass cuz it's officially frying your brain. Who knew?

Tessaray, I understand what the purported reasons for why Ivy needs supposed protecting. I just am not picking up what's being put down, is all. Ivy doesn't strike me as the shrinking violet and doesn't seem to be intimidated. I just feel if she truly felt that way she'd actually be, you know, at work. Working. She doesn't like Rick, but I just don't believe she's afraid of him.

Edited by Amberosia
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Tessaray, I understand what the purported reasons for why Ivy needs supposed protecting. I just am not picking up what's being put down, is all. Ivy doesn't strike me as the shrinking violet and doesn't seem to be intimidated. I just feel if she truly felt that way she'd actually be, you know, at work. Working. She doesn't like Rick, but I just don't believe she's afraid of him.


True, Ivy isn't a shrinking violet.  She stayed at the (3 - 4 bedroom?) mansion because of Aly when she could have moved in with Liam. IIRC, she wasn't afraid of Rick but disconcerted when the whole immigration thing came up. And angry, for herself and Aly.  You can be strong and independent and still get taken off guard by a relative or boss's threats.  There's no denying that Rick was verbally abusive at home and at work to them, though they've backed off that lately.  But I haven't forgotten it.  


When I first started watching Rick was just boring and in the background while Hope gave Liam ultimatums about meeting her in Paris.  This storyline has made me actively dislike both Rick and Maya.  For their fans, I'm kind of puzzled, because there hasn't been anything sympathetic about Rick at all.  If she hadn't pursued him, I would say he dragged her character down with him. 

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I don't agree that there isn't anything sympathetic about Rick. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm the first to admit that his "I'm the CEO at work and at home, now where's that ice cream" was tacky as all get out. But if Aly and Ivy didn't like it, neither of them had to put up with it either.

Some like to point out that it's Eric's house, not Rick's. Well, that applies to Aly and Ivy, too. Ivy could have moved in with Liam, or she could have gotten a place of her own like a grown up. Aly may not be ready to move in with Oliver, but she has a father of her own. Or the girls could have gotten a place to share. There were options, they chose not to employ any of them. Aly pimped herself out for a shoe line.

But, I digress. The point was in regards to Rick potential to be sympathetic. In that regard, I feel personal feelings come into play. It can be much harder to summon sympathy for someone you just.don't.like. I feel that way about Caroline and Ridge, myself. But when Rick says he loves Maya, I believe it. He slipped up in a heated moment and said something hurtful without thinking, which drove Maya off, and immediately regret it. Who hasn't blurted something they wish they had worded better? He knows he still wants her in spite of everything and can't find her. That breaks the shriveled lump of black that passes as my heart. And when he realizes Maya thinks he ended things with her by hanging up on her... Boy howdy, I cannot begin to describe my delight in that moment.

I can find things to feel bad for him for without trying too hard, but I don't (currently) despise him either.

I know folks feel like he needs to get over the past and stop bitching about it. But if no one else has to, I don't see why he must.

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Ivy and Aly were living in Eric's home at his invitation.  Why should they have to leave because of Rick?  I don't remember Eric saying his bedroom went with the CEO position.  


But you're right. I don't like Rick.  Some of it is JY - I've never liked him, on AMC, GH or B&B - although I did sympathize with JR once in a great while. I will say the flashbacks of Rick and Maya made him look less cold, so I can kind of see Raya 1.0. (And Maya isn't Babe, which makes her 10 times more appealing right off the bat. )

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No, you're right. They didn't have to leave, just like they didn't have to stay. It's by choice... well, "choice" since they can't do anything the writers won't let them. They were invited, though I dunno if it should be considered indefinite. And while Eric didn't say his bedroom was included in the CEO package, he also clearly opted to allow it, going so far as to move himself into the guest house.

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OK--I guess I don't get it either since I think that Rick sucks eggs on a good day and Maya is not much better---if the rest of the Foresters were stupid as usual whatever that does still not give Rick and maya license to be beyond obnoxious which is what I have seen as a about 6 week or 2 month viewer---Jacob Young can play horrid with the best and I have seen it at AMC--hoped to see something different here but apparently he asked to play Rick as an ASS---Maya is boring and not much else---I do not mind the actress and the writing is not her fault but wth? Why does she support Rick in his ass behavior? No way will I root for these dough heads to be winners----

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Awww glad to see you're posting Amberosia! It is nice not to be all alone in the Raya lovin' on here. Did somebody just say the name Babe? I thought that was the equivalent of whispering Voldemort. Should I buy an extra lock?

Edited by slayer2
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And while Eric didn't say his bedroom was included in the CEO package, he also clearly opted to allow it, going so far as to move himself into the guest house.


After the fact. Rick was his final choice for CEO - and thus tacitly enabling** all the other behavior, so pitching a fit at this point would only make him look bad.


I know it's Eric Forrester but seriously, I keep expecting an Alzheimers story based on some of his recent actions.


** ETA - tacitly enabling in the sense that he never raised any objections to things Rick did while claiming the CEO mantle.  And this is important, at least to me - being CEO doesn't mean Czar-like privileges and treating employees like crap - or worse. Real businesses don't work like that. Well, at least those with competent attorneys and HR departments.

Edited by tessaray
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