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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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41 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Besides Maddie has any kid said something negative about Meri? Gwen recently called her a sweetie.

Maybe they all don't like her, maybe they don't think of her often, maybe they don't think of including her, maybe they don't include her because their mom doesn't want them to, or maybe they do invite her to events and holidays.

Christine said they had a blow up over Christine's kids, but that's one side of the story. Don't get me wrong I think Meri is cold, harsh and bitchy, but so is my SIL and my kids actually like her.

They did an "ask the kids" style q and a one year. They asked which mom was the strictest. Ysabel said "my mom Christine." Recall, Ysabel went through a phase where she was attached to Meri and butt heads more with Christine. Aspyn said "no one because I never need correcting" (or something like that)

But Paedon very enthusiastically answered "Meri!" 

Of course, knowing what we know now about Paedon ... I'm guessing Meri probably did try to reign in Paedon and the boys and so they view her as mean. Paedon said on some podcast that his "favorites" were Christine and Janelle.

I would also think that for so many of the family - watching the show actually informs and reshapes their opinions too.  But I do think its generally correct to say there's a bit of a clique situation in general. Janelle's biological children and Christine's biological children are "the family." They are the unit. Meri is an outlier. Maybe if Leon were more involved, Meri would be invited. But I think Leon is split from many of the more conservative family members (Maddie, Caleb, Garrison, Paedon...).

Edited by Tuxcat
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I assume Meri may is not the favorite parent of many or any of the Brown kids, including her own, but she may not be hated by all of them either.

As far as the strictest parent, kids are asked that all the time about their parents in two parent families and almost all have an answer, but it doesn't mean that parent is liked less.

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14 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

She absolutely could have had that life with the other non bio children, but she spent decades making sure they were given less and treated like lower class citizens. If they don’t want to be around the Mom who hogged financial resources and lorded it over them, I don’t blame them. Meri treated them all like total crap who needed to bow down to her, and now she’s left alone. Her own fault. 

This. It’s almost too late for her to redeem herself, that bitter Meri flavour is already in their mouths from years of exposure. She won’t change until she sees herself as part of the problem (Cue up Taylor Swift “It’s me, hi, I’m the problem it’s me”).

Now *that* is one TikTok I’d love to see Meri do (but never will because she’s the “victim”). 

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20 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

Of course, knowing what we know now about Paedon ... I'm guessing Meri probably did try to reign in Paedon and the boys and so they view her as mean. Paedon said on some podcast that his "favorites" were Christine and Janelle.

This reminded me of some wise words of my grandmother: “Girls play inside your house and boys play with your house.” And while this is ‘t necessarily true for all boys and girls of course,  it was definitely true for the older Brown kids when they were younger. They were a fairly rowdy bunch at times and all over the place. Meri likes peace and quietness and a tidy house. I can see why this caused conflicts on both sides.

Edited by LilyD
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Meri posted some crap on IG about the food she served at her "retreat."  One picture (I don't know how to post it) showed what looked like a card table set up with a big Costco plastic tub of ice cream and a few bowls of toppings for what was apparently a DIY sundae bar.  Kind of like what parents might set up for a kid's birthday party, the difference being the kids aren't typically being charged $6,000.

The comments were not kind. :)

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41 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Meri posted some crap on IG about the food she served at her "retreat."  One picture (I don't know how to post it) showed what looked like a card table set up with a big Costco plastic tub of ice cream and a few bowls of toppings for what was apparently a DIY sundae bar.  Kind of like what parents might set up for a kid's birthday party, the difference being the kids aren't typically being charged $6,000.

The comments were not kind. :)

I just looked it up, and wow! Disposable everything, she couldn't have even trotted out some of meemaw's old dinnerware, or go to a thrift store to get some that she could claim was meemaw's? And that ice cream and toppings, how sad. I'm surprised Meri is allowing comments at all. I'm sure she'll go through and delete all the unflattering ones.

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Nothing says pricey retreat like foil pans of fried and barbecued chicken.  Or whatever that is.  It looks like the fried chicken at my local grocery store deli.  It's good, but for $6000 I'd expect quite a bit more.

I used to put a lot more effort into the sundae bar at kids' parties and at the school annual fall carnival.  Colorful tablecloths, some seasonal decorations, and if you must use disposables at least make them cheerful.

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Just now, Absolom said:

Nothing says pricey retreat like foil pans of fried and barbecued chicken.  Or whatever that is.  It looks like the fried chicken at my local grocery store deli.  It's good, but for $6000 I'd expect quite a bit more.

I used to put a lot more effort into the sundae bar at kids' parties and at the school annual fall carnival.  Colorful tablecloths, some seasonal decorations, and if you must use disposables at least make them cheerful.

So, you’re a no for the one in February? 😂🤣

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1 hour ago, Absolom said:

Nothing says pricey retreat like foil pans of fried and barbecued chicken.  Or whatever that is.  It looks like the fried chicken at my local grocery store deli.  It's good, but for $6000 I'd expect quite a bit more.

I used to put a lot more effort into the sundae bar at kids' parties and at the school annual fall carnival.  Colorful tablecloths, some seasonal decorations, and if you must use disposables at least make them cheerful.

I would rather puke and have diarrhea at the same time than eat any of that $hit. Not to mention would never pay $6000 for the chance to indulge. Hope she doesn't hope this is a great advertisement for her next event... 

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12 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

For $6,000 I want steak and lobster dinner.

And caviar. And the very best sushi prepared by the sushi chef she should have hired. And let’s add top of the line champagne. If I’m paying $6k I want a luxury experience, not a common looking buffet served in throwaway aluminum pans. So fucking BASIC — she couldn’t be bothered to use silver for $6k? What kind of shitty cook does she have there (or are the cook’s hands tied because, Meri). 

Meri Brown seems way too uncultured and unqualified to be hosting anything “luxury”. This whole weekend should have been $700 *tops* for the room, the Golden Corral Buffet food and the trip to Zion. That’s it. That’s all it was probably worth. 

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When you stop and think about the amazing trips one could take with 6 grand, anyone who gives that kind of money to Meri Brown for a bike ride, a toddler's sundae bar and a talk about how to be a #BossBabe from a woman who refuses to leave a man who actively loathes her, the women that attended HAVE to be LLR folks, and I'm sure they did not pay the full amount.

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If anyone paid $6000 for this weekend with this kind of  food they need their head examined. Love the ice cream sundae table. It appears that she put chocolate pudding and strawberries in styrofoam bowls, 2 other unidentifiable  toppings in paper bowls and pineapple in a glass pie plate. She didn't even attempt anything with the toppings in the glass jars and plastic bottles.  Off to the side we see red plastic bowls. And she has the nerve to call this a luxury weekend. I think most people would have had a better presentation for a child's birthday party. 

Maybe no one paid anything for this joke and it was all on her dime. She didn't want to spend any money on the ice cream party so she just used whatever she had at the inn. Or maybe is was a giant FU to those nonpaying customers.

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I'm getting a Christmas PieCaken for @GINGER90 in appreciation. The spectacular PieCaken features 4 of the best-selling products of the holiday all in one — Chocolate Pecan Pie, Eggnog Cheesecake, and Red Velvet Cake layered together with amaretto buttercream and topped with sweet and tart cherry pie filling. 


Edited by altopower
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19 minutes ago, altopower said:

I'm getting a Christmas PieCaken for @GINGER90 in appreciation. The spectacular PieCaken features 4 of the best-selling products of the holiday all in one — Chocolate Pecan Pie, Eggnog Cheesecake, and Red Velvet Cake layered together with amaretto buttercream and topped with sweet and tart cherry pie filling. 



That actually looks strangely delish.

Much better than the 6.99 tub of ice cream and the squirty toppings Meri had to offer in Styrofoam bowls and plastic utensils

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3 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

That actually looks strangely delish.

It actually is delish. I sent it to my family for Christmas last year and Thanksgiving this year (which is a different combo). I can't travel to be with them anymore, but at least I could spare someone having to bake as well as all the other meal prep.

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On 12/7/2022 at 11:42 PM, Teri313 said:

I think we need to have an @GINGER90 Appreciation Day. She contributes a lot to these boards, especially for those of us who don't do Instagram (or wherever she finds this stuff). This one is funny as hell.

15 hours ago, dariafan said:

What kind of food are we getting ? V

I scroll in this thread after a few days and its filled with food for @ginger90 party!

But I think we all really need a reset. Here's to you @ginger90

Screen Shot 2022-12-09 at 2.02.22 AM.png

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Meri Brown upset that Kody doesn’t want to work on things with her and doesn’t want to be in any kind of relationship with her anymore: 


There’s no fixing this. What. Is. Meri. Still. Doing. There. But like a barnacle, her plans are to “stay” 10 15 20 years (her words). And it can’t be the money — Christine has been filming and she’s left.

If Kody wants her gone he’s gonna have to scream at her to get out. He might as well, he’s unhinged about everything else. I wish he would and just get it over with. 

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4 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

Meri Brown upset that Kody doesn’t want to work on things with her and doesn’t want to be in any kind of relationship with her anymore: 


There’s no fixing this. What. Is. Meri. Still. Doing. There. But like a barnacle, her plans are to “stay” 10 15 20 years (her words). And it can’t be the money — Christine has been filming and she’s left.

If Kody wants her gone he’s gonna have to scream at her to get out. He might as well, he’s unhinged about everything else. I wish he would and just get it over with. 

Yes, Christine is still filming but she has her children, Janelle’s children as well as Janelle with whom she can interact and film. Meri just has Leon and Audrey. I think she likes being on tv. 

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1 hour ago, Twopper said:

Yes, Christine is still filming but she has her children, Janelle’s children as well as Janelle with whom she can interact and film. Meri just has Leon and Audrey. I think she likes being on tv. 

But, Meri brags about all those friends outside the family who love her soooo much and fill her cup!!! That’s all she needs!! 

* sarcasm disclaimer 😂 

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Its funny, if we break down Meri, she really is who she is. She's consistently been a cold, bitchy, rule follower. She sees life in black and white, with very few gray areas. And Meri uses control, of things and people, to reduce chaos.

IMO, she is less apt to rewrite history than Kody and her sister wives. That's not to say she takes responsibility for her part in the unhealthy dynamics, she doesn't, but she does acknowledge they exist.

Even her cult-like positive memes - I believe part of Meri's life is fun and happy. The disconnect happens because her IG is all sunshine and unicorns, but on the show we see how a good portion of her life sucks. 

Karma is a bitch and IMO, Meri lives everyday with karma tapping her on the shoulder and occasionally punching her in the gut. So I think she pays her dues everyday and don't wish anymore ill will on her.

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53 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Its funny, if we break down Meri, she really is who she is. She's consistently been a cold, bitchy, rule follower. She sees life in black and white, with very few gray areas. And Meri uses control, of things and people, to reduce chaos.

IMO, she is less apt to rewrite history than Kody and her sister wives. That's not to say she takes responsibility for her part in the unhealthy dynamics, she doesn't, but she does acknowledge they exist.

Even her cult-like positive memes - I believe part of Meri's life is fun and happy. The disconnect happens because her IG is all sunshine and unicorns, but on the show we see how a good portion of her life sucks. 

Karma is a bitch and IMO, Meri lives everyday with karma tapping her on the shoulder and occasionally punching her in the gut. So I think she pays her dues everyday and don't wish anymore ill will on her.

You’re clearly a more kind person than I am. I detest ego-filled bullies and enjoy seeing them get their comeuppance. I would be happy to see Meri and her meanness left behind if Janelle and Christine got their own spin-off. 

If Meri turned over a new leaf, however, my opinion of her would absolutely change. But that stunt she just tried to pull with the retreat tells me she’s still the same old Meri. 

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48 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

You’re clearly a more kind person than I am. I detest ego-filled bullies and enjoy seeing them get their comeuppance. I would be happy to see Meri and her meanness left behind if Janelle and Christine got their own spin-off. 

If Meri turned over a new leaf, however, my opinion of her would absolutely change. But that stunt she just tried to pull with the retreat tells me she’s still the same old Meri. 

What stunt did she pull with the retreat?

5 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

What stunt did she pull with the retreat?

I think it means advertising it for $6000 and then filling it with non-paying Lularoe down liners. I have been wondering if the original price was a publicity stunt to get it noticed more on social media than if she had offered it for $600 which would have been a lot more reasonable.   If so, it probably worked because I saw several items about it. 

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3 minutes ago, Twopper said:

I think it means advertising it for $6000 and then filling it with non-paying Lularoe down liners. I have been wondering if the original price was a publicity stunt to get it noticed more on social media than if she had offered it for $600 which would have been a lot more reasonable.   If so, it probably worked because I saw several items about it. 

I thought that was all rumors and speculation.

Folks spend money on dumb shit. An acquaintance of mine just spent $300 on a dog collar. Folks with no money will spend $1000s of dollars to attend a sporting event or concert. I certainly think Meri's retreat was overpriced and from the looks of it, it under produced, but I can believe their was a handful of uber fans who would pony up the money.

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27 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I thought that was all rumors and speculation.

Folks spend money on dumb shit. An acquaintance of mine just spent $300 on a dog collar. Folks with no money will spend $1000s of dollars to attend a sporting event or concert. I certainly think Meri's retreat was overpriced and from the looks of it, it under produced, but I can believe their was a handful of uber fans who would pony up the money.

I know people spend money on dumb stuff (I was a pole dancer, getting big bills felt WEIRD), but I doubt there were very many (if any) takers on a $6k weekend with Meri. I just don’t believe she got people to go. If someone comes forward and said they paid, I’ll admit to being wrong but that’s A LOT of money and even super fans would think twice. 

The stunt I’m referring to was Meri even asking $6k for a “retreat” while not having any experience or professional credibility hosting such events. Most retreats cost around $1k and are hosted by people who worked their way up the popularity chain and have a good reputation and following. Meri has none of that, just a giant ego. She has no idea what she’s doing and she’s asking a ton of money for it. That’s the stunt.

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1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

If Meri turned over a new leaf, however, my opinion of her would absolutely change. But that stunt she just tried to pull with the retreat tells me she’s still the same old Meri. 

For me, all Meri would need to do is stop the revisionist explanation of the catfish. 

Meri- "I was sad and lonely. My life wasn't happy. I had a relationship online. I was ready to leave the family for this relationship.  I was catfished. I'm embarrassed and appalled at my actions. I'm sorry and truly regret what I did. I take responsibility for this emotional affair."

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11 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

The stunt I’m referring to was Meri even asking $6k for a “retreat” while not having any experience or professional credibility hosting such events. Most retreats cost around $1k and are hosted by people who worked their way up the popularity chain and have a good reputation and following. Meri has none of that, just a giant ego. She has no idea what she’s doing and she’s asking a ton of money for it. That’s the stunt.

Totally agree!

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25 minutes ago, BAForever said:

For me, all Meri would need to do is stop the revisionist explanation of the catfish. 

Meri- "I was sad and lonely. My life wasn't happy. I had a relationship online. I was ready to leave the family for this relationship.  I was catfished. I'm embarrassed and appalled at my actions. I'm sorry and truly regret what I did. I take responsibility for this emotional affair."

Yeah, even if Meri just said that PRIVATELY, I think people would understand. But I think a big problem Leon had with her regarding the entire situation is that Meri never said “I was wrong.” I have observed that it’s often REALLY hard for people to admit they’re wrong to individuals lower in the social hierarchy than they are. Meri is like Kody in this way. 

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9 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Yeah, even if Meri just said that PRIVATELY, I think people would understand. But I think a big problem Leon had with her regarding the entire situation is that Meri never said “I was wrong.” I have observed that it’s often REALLY hard for people to admit they’re wrong to individuals lower in the social hierarchy than they are. Meri is like Kody in this way. 

I truly believe if Meri would have said/done this from the get go, that she would have gotten sympathy vs the vitriol to this day.

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