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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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Waitasec -- you all are telling me that you find it hard to believe that a bacon-loving vegan multimillionaire (and multiple jet owning!) Catholic tarot card reading enthusiast with a love for Yankee Candles and crafting who chooses Disneyland for a first date with the greatest passion of his life, might not be real?  This is a man, I might add, who may or may not have held a secret position in a super secret part of the US Military, so secret in fact that it was clearly involved in some sort of time-space continuum manipulating activities, thereby (OBVIOUSLY! - DUH) accounting for the time discrepancies in his personal bio.


What a bunch of cynics.

Jackie Over-a-ton is a pro at inventing personalities because she doesn't have one of her own.

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There are a lot of things that I do for people that I don’t ever talk about. I have actually been doing daily things for years. A nice compliment to a stranger. $200 to someone that needs it for groceries they can’t afford, going down to the power company and paying off 3 bills for total strangers. I do bigger things too. Buy cars for people that really need it. Pay for college for kids in foster care that can’t go unless they have help. And sending people to rehab and paying for a 3 month stay.


Uh, you talk about them ALL THE TIME, Sam!  You never shut up about what a great guy you are and how sweet you are and the many many things you do with your millions and millions of dollars. 


The other day he said something about having to go to Denver to pick up "Mike" for the Superbowl, which is equally confusing because I thought "Mike" was one of his employees in the Las Vegas office and (coincidentally) came from a polygamous family.  I'm sure JO will clear all this up in the next blog entry. 

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 This is a man, I might add, who may or may not have held a secret position in a super secret part of the US Military, so secret in fact that it was clearly involved in some sort of time-space continuum manipulating activities, thereby (OBVIOUSLY! - DUH) accounting for the time discrepancies in his personal bio.


Ahhh, now I get it ... Sam is living on a different sector of the time scale, just like Apollo from RHoAtl!  I knew there had to be some explanation.  


Um.  Overton.  If you bothered to take note, the Super Bowl is in Santa Clara/SF this year.  It's only been on, oh, every single news and sports network.  Quoting Celia - now SCURRY OFF and make your correction in the comments that you're going to Denver first to pick up the Bronco's third string water boy on your way to SF.


No see, Sam is going to be watching the game in Denver.  It's that whole time scale thing.  He will be in Denver occupying the space that San Francisco will eventually occupy, making him able to watch the game an hour ahead of the rest of the world.   I just hope he doesn't tweet who won and spoil it for everybody.


Seriously, WFT? Good catch, Dakota! I don't know how I managed to miss that flaming error on JO's part. How lame.  I can't wait to see what explanation she posts to explain this screw up.  Given Sam's latest humble-brag rant (posted above by Nancybeth) I am guessing Sam will claim he volunteered to pick up a couple of make-a-wish kids who are Denver fans and need a ride to the game or something selfless like that.  He will surprise them all with custom jerseys and football signed by Peyton Manning who he knows personally from the many charitable causes they are both involved in.  Because Sam is a giver like that.

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Yeah because owners of supposedly very successful international businesses give their employees a half day off at short notice so they can go home and prep for their Superbowl parties on Sunday after giving them days off to go Christmas shopping late last year, oh and how sweet Jackie was probably planning to have "Sam" give his employees Valentine's Day off because he loves them all so much and knows they need to prep that special night for their SO. Is that all 3 companies?

Because that is absolutely what a multi millionaire who presumably would like to stay a multi millionaire would do, give everyone the off for their own personal enjoyment, especially when he works so much in countries where Superbowl is not even a blip on their radar and people can spend a day getting ready. Jackie, it doesn't make Sam look philanthropic, it makes you look pathetic. MSWC had a better business model than "he" does. His "he" going to give people time off to arrange their Chinese New Year/Shrove Tuesday(Pancake Day)/Ash Wednesday family get togethers all next week as well? Yo Sam I'm having a post Superbowl blow out part yhangover Monday Morning an awesome CNY/Pancake Day mash up, and of course I have to attend Church on Wednesday, I assume its ok to make it to the office maybe Thursday-ish?

Has this woman ever left her house?

Edited by Featherhat

In JO's world, Superbowl Sunday is A VERY BIG DEAL. No big surprise. I'm sure she makes her mom lay in a big supply of Bud Light, Funyuns extra ciggies, and a tub of nacho cheese dip big enough to drown a horse. OF COURSE she thinks a wealthy CEO would just be the bestest boss ever by letting employees off early on FRIDAY to get ready for the superbowl. Good lord.


Where the hambeast really unravels is her ultimate failure to fully inhabit the fictional life of Sam. She can make up the raft of silly over-the-top ideas (private jets, etc.) but the colors of Jackie's everyday world bleed through. Therefore, Big Sam is aggressive and loves to fight. Fun Sam likes candle stores and Disneyland. Down-Home Sam can't get enough of American Idol. She's so transparently ignorant of the world she pretends to live in. Massive, massive dork.

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I have to say, it completely amazes..no, astonishes me, that Meri ever fell for "Sam."  I noticed their tweets back in May of last year and even then I thought something was grossly amiss with him.   So full of himself, constantly bragging about his wealth, or bragging about what a great sweet romantic thoughtful loving generous man of God he was.  It was clear to me back then that he was simply too good to be true plus laying it on way too thick.  Real attractive, perfect, wealthy heirs of fortunes and CEOs of multiple business empires don't spend 2 minutes on Twitter unless it's for business/marketing purposes and even then, they have "people" who take care of this for them.   Real wealthy men don't post 43 inspirational pics and quotes on social media each day.  They don't need to brag about their private planes or fleet or Range Rovers or multiple homes/lake houses etc because they don't need to prove anything to anyone.  The reason I started looking into "Sam" back in May was because he really just seemed totally full of poop.  Real wealthy men don't have or maintain blogs where they ramble on about new age crap or their feelings or post Vegan recipes. As well, a little bit of searching proved that there was never any descendant of Kool-Aid founder/inventor Edwin & Kitty Perkins with the surname Cooper.  Sad that Meri hadn't been skeptical and done some digging. 


Now add to that, the fact that not once over those 6 months did they meet in person, when Sam reportedly owned a home in Vegas just a couple of blocks from her.  How minute excuses does a man give you for not being able to meet before you realize that something is not adding up?   And based on the zillion text screenshots and voicemails Sam posted on blog, "he" treated Meri horribly.  Tons of head games.  Passive aggressive.  It seems like she was constantly apologizing for something, or begging him to pick up the phone, or calling him immediately after he'd text her to phone him and then he wouldn't answer so she'd keep calling.  Psychological abuse.  So creepy.  How could any woman be attracted to any man who was constantly have a hissy fit about something then giving them the silent treatment?   So unattractive.   That's not a man to me, that's a drama queen.  What a turn-off.  How could any woman respect such a fragile little tit of a man like that?  Craziness.

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Meri's been shackled to a self-absorbed, patriarchal, emotionally unavailable manchild since she was a teenager. She allowed herself to be hornswaggled because she was lonely, stuck in a life circumscribed by the public eye, and rattling around a big house all by herself most days of the week.

Just the sort of patsy a nasty, lying thief like Jackie Overton preys on. Meri left herself vulnerable to attack, and JO waltzed in and ran her ugly little psychodrama. Meri has her role to play in how it went down, but the real blame rest quite squarely on the shoulders of that pathetic, useless, thieving, talentless wannabe, oh-please-world-pay-attention-to-me, JO.

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I'm actually kind of annoyed that with how much emotional and hoped for financial investment Overton was counting on that "Sam" as so sloppy.

Taking such an (in)famous brand name to brag about, surely she had to know that was provable with the most rudimentary digging. Even Meri could conceivably wikied "Kool Aid founder family" to see how wealthy he was if nothing else.

Overton clearly knows very little about Catholicism but seems to have done little to educate herself. Not bothered to attend a local mass and get "insider info", check out any official literature online or research the large number of blogs, forums etc of devout US Catholics. Surely a multi millionaire, devout, social media addict like Sam would be a leading light in the Catholic blogger world. Nor does she realise that devout Catholics are unlikely to use Tarot or take it seriously if they do have a reading.

Similar it takes two seconds to google "death card Tarot" and realise that it doesn't mean actual death.

She's apparently never taken the time to research Veganism or she would have realised that it's much more than "Veggie Plus" and that devoted Vegans would find the smell of bacon vomit inducing or appetising, that their favourite dish would never be funeral potatoes and the traditional Superbowl party would be 100% inedible and to be avoided not celebrated.

And that no football fan takes his time shopping in Yankee Candle before a big game. If he's there, it's because he's miraculously remembered a birthday or something for his SO and rushed in and grabbed the first colourful candle he sees. Nor do they personally redecorate at Hobby Lobby.

Or that wealthy business men don't give random time off for their staff at the drop of a hat, especially not 2 days before the "event". A Jewish firm that I interact with closes early on Friday during winter and the guy I was talking to stayed later than usual so we could sort some issues out (I think he made it in time). My father was a business man and he constantly stayed late and had is work with him, even on vacation in case something came up. That is how successful businesses work.

I'm not advocating that anyone do these things, and it certainly made it obvious this "guy" wasn't for real, but........I guess I feel like exposed internet scammers should have put more effort into it before their lies get too outrageous to ignore, like Warrior Eli or even the Duggar "fandom's" Razing Ruth.

In fact as everyone else has said, I don't think she's ever significantly interacted with a straight man before.

Edited by Featherhat
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I think JO gets a lot of her material from TV shows. I'm ashamed to admit I watched an episode from last season of Don't be Tardy, when Kim and crew went to see her psychic, Rose, and she read their tarot cards and palms. Since JO is such a football fan it wouldn't surprise me if she watches that show too since Kroy Biermann is in the NFL. Kim also has an overweight, lesbian, vegan chef working for her. Haha, and they had baby twins last year.....

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Vegan's can be overweight?  The ones I see on TV all look very thin.


Preface:  I am overweight, so I'm not "fat shaming" anyone.


We were once on a cruise and met a couple who were both well over 300 pounds.  He was probably close to 400.  During our conversation in line, we learned that they are both vegans.  We were waiting with friends for a table for four; the vegan couple had a reserved table for two where their dining steward knew they wanted vegan food only.


As they were walking away, my friend's husband looked at us and asked, "Wow.  How many vegetables do you have to eat every day to be that large?"  He wasn't being mean, but we were all part of the "vegans are thin" mindset.  My granddaughter used to battle her weight, but is very thin now that she's a vegan.


It was a very odd circumstance, and I still don't understand it.




And I do agree with those above who have commented that Meri was susceptible to the machinations of this catfish because her only prior exposure to a relationship was in a situation where her self-esteem was constantly decimated by the lifestyle in which she lived.

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A Vegan diet can consist of things other than vegetables, some of which are high in calories.  Legumes, Beans, Rice (even if its brown), and nuts are all high in calories.  A lot of pasta has eggs in it, so that's not allowed, but my guess is that there is pasta available without eggs.  Some fruit is also surprisingly high in calories.  Because of the lack of meat or meat products in their diets, vegans need to find protein sources to subsitute.  That's where the high calories beans and nuts come in.


I'm beginning to wonder if the Batfish is purposefully putting errors into his/her blog.  No errors or inconsistencies in the blog would mean that people would lose interest.  Errors or inconsistencies keep people talking.  I have to admit that I scan the blog just to see if I can catch him/her in a lie.  Each new blog that he/she posts sets off a twitter storm to disprove the latest antic of the Batfish.  I think that the Batfish think that any attention is better than no attention and has found a way to keep us reading.



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A woman who has been married to Kody Brown for 25 years could.

Sure, but if you had already spent much of your life with such a melodramatic, immature pussy of a man - and it left you miserable, wouldn't you hypersensitive to men with similar qualities and as such, steer clear?  For example, I had been married to a very abusive, unfaithful dick.  He was very full of himself, the center of attention type, knew everything about everything.  Once we divorced and I felt ready to begin dating again, I steered clear of ANY man who had even the most similar qualities (likely to the point of being overly cautious and writing off a few actual good guys).  I was terrified of getting mixed up again with a man who would be in any way similar to my ex husband. 


Also, I guess I'm not the kind to be impressed by men who brag about their alleged wealth and success and vast material possessions.   It's just so arrogant and flashy to me, and so shallow.   To me it's a total turn-off and comes across as a guy trying to seriously overcompensate for something he's sorely lacking.  But I guess Meri was attracted to this kind of guy?



I'm beginning to wonder if the Batfish is purposefully putting errors into his/her blog.  No errors or inconsistencies in the blog would mean that people would lose interest.  Errors or inconsistencies keep people talking.  I have to admit that I scan the blog just to see if I can catch him/her in a lie.  Each new blog that he/she posts sets off a twitter storm to disprove the latest antic of the Batfish.  I think that the Batfish think that any attention is better than no attention and has found a way to keep us reading.


I tend to agree.  I feel that Jackie looks down her nose at women, most especially the women "trollz" who are quick to call her out on stuff.   I've gathered from her tweets and posts over the past few months that she thinks of us all as dowdy, bored housewives with no lives.  She thinks she's better and smart and more clever than us all.   And I think she absolutely thrives on the cyber-frenzy that occurs when she tweets or blogs crap that doesn't add up/is inconsistent/is outlandish/etc.  I think she intentionally makes up this crap just to get a reaction and then she plops her fat ass down in her Mom's 1974 recliner, and with huge bag of Cheetos in hand, she goes through the responses and is pathetically entertained.  In a sick way she feels famous, even if her fame is due solely to being thought of by everyone as a loser/predator/con/deadbeat/sociopath.   I suspect as time passes her tweets and blog posts will become more and more bizarre and outlandish, just to keep getting attention and a reaction.

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I tend to agree.  I feel that Jackie looks down her nose at women, most especially the women "trollz" who are quick to call her out on stuff.   I've gathered from her tweets and posts over the past few months that she thinks of us all as dowdy, bored housewives with no lives.  She thinks she's better and smart and more clever than us all.   And I think she absolutely thrives on the cyber-frenzy that occurs when she tweets or blogs crap that doesn't add up/is inconsistent/is outlandish/etc.  I think she intentionally makes up this crap just to get a reaction and then she plops her fat ass down in her Mom's 1974 recliner, and with huge bag of Cheetos in hand, she goes through the responses and is pathetically entertained.  In a sick way she feels famous, even if her fame is due solely to being thought of by everyone as a loser/predator/con/deadbeat/sociopath.   I suspect as time passes her tweets and blog posts will become more and more bizarre and outlandish, just to keep getting attention and a reaction.

Speaking as one of Jay-O's bored, dowdy, no-life housewives, I'd like her to know that anyone with even half a brain sees this not only as a gigantic pile of BS, but also one that is both poorly (and embarrassingly) thought out and executed. Take some pride in your work, woman, for Heaven's sake

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I don't get it, I don't follow the blog I just read the updates here, but does she even have a following of delusional people who believe any of this? My understanding is that pretty much everyone is hate-reading or mocking.

That whole death card is totally setting up for her to kill somone off, I just wonder who. I was thinking the cousin/twin birth mother would decide to keep the babies, but JO may be just sick enough to kill them off. Ps isn't the cousin like 80 weeks at this point? I haven't kept that close of tabs but it really seems like they should have been born by now, twins are pretty much always early, even once the due date is moved up.

All of this talk about the "international business" but absolutely no explanation of what kind of business... It makes me think of "the little couple" when that show first started lots of people took issue with Bill referring to himself as a business man, with no real description of what kind of business... But even then I think we knew it had something to do with medical supplies (I don't remember exactly what it was now) but with Sam there is all of this hoopla about having to travel, all of these offices, having the luxury to treat the super bowl like a national holiday, but no indication as to even what area of business he deals in, it could be marketing, finance, sales, data entry, I don't expect any really specific details but I would think we would at least have a vague idea... I guess that's why stuff can wait until Monday, why keep people from their weekend plans for work that doesn't exist.

Is there a link for the book club blog? I know there is one a ways back, I need to just favorite it.

That whole death card is totally setting up for her to kill somone off, I just wonder who. I was thinking the cousin/twin birth mother would decide to keep the babies, but JO may be just sick enough to kill them off. Ps isn't the cousin like 80 weeks at this point? I haven't kept that close of tabs but it really seems like they should have been born by now, twins are pretty much always early, even once the due date is moved up.


Could it be international man of mystery (and crafting), Sam Cooper?


Problem solved.

Could it be international man of mystery (and crafting), Sam Cooper?


If only, lol.  But that is never going to happen.  "Sam" is Jackie's connection to Meri.  She'll never give him up.  Playing Sam is how Jackie expresses her love for for Meri.  And I do believe that Jackie is totally head over heels in love with Meri.  She may be just a sad, lonely person or a grifter or whatever ... that may be how they initially hooked up.  But this endless obsession all things Meri Brown shows that JO's feelings about Meri went way beyond that.  That blog is usually nothing but a thinly veiled love letter meant to make Meri miss "Sam" and allow Jackie to slither back into Meri's life.  Jackie is DESPERATE for Meri's attention and it must be killing her that she can't force Meri into responding no matter what she does. 


That being said, I would add that it is a sad, sick kind of love based on mental and emotional abuse.  For some reason JO seems to have found manipulating and punishing Meri extremely satisfying and is having a hard time letting go.  I guess it was some kind of power trip for her and she must be furious at Meri for scraping JO off the bottom of her shoe like so much dog shit and moving on.  It's actually kind of scary because JO is basically no different than your run of the mill abusive husband who plays mind games and tortures his spouse and comes completely unglued when the wife finally walks away and he has to confront the fact that he isn't going to get to call the shots any more.  I hope Meri is sleeping with one eye open.  


ETA link to Bullshit Book Club, a new chapter is out today!  http://bullshitbookclub.blogspot.com/

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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That being said, I would add that it is a sad, sick kind of love based on mental and emotional abuse.  For some reason JO seems to have found manipulating and punishing Meri extremely satisfying and is having a hard time letting go.  I guess it was some kind of power trip for her and she must be furious at Meri for scraping JO off the bottom of her shoe like so much dog shit and moving on.  It's actually kind of scary because JO is basically no different than your run of the mill abusive husband who plays mind games and tortures his spouse and comes completely unglued when the wife finally walks away and he has to confront the fact that he isn't going to get to call the shots any more.  I hope Meri is sleeping with one eye open.



I guess what is flummoxing me is this -- how did Meri fall for this?  Did they actually have phone conversations? And if so, was JO faking a man's voice, or did she have a man play the part of Sam?  Or was it all texts and email?  


(Sorry about the messed up quoting -- don't know what I did there.)

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Awesome post Celia. I really enjoy the BSBC. She's definitely on a roll!! Did you see this in yesterday's? I don't think it's love as much as...obsession on Overton's part along with wanting to make a little something out of it $$$.

Her home is move out ready by the end of June; she starts plotting how she can extricate Kody from her financial situation. The mortgage and some smaller bills are in both Meri and Kody’s names, as well as a checking account that is mainly for Meri’s personal use. Meri acts somewhat shady; she heads down to the bank to see what can be done and she is informed that Kody would have to sign off on the account to remove him. She gets pretty much the same story from the mortgage company; worse, once Kody is removed from the loan she would have to refinance the house entirely if the balance couldn’t be paid at that point. Her finances seem a little bleak, which makes me think it's possible that a lot of the friction in June stems from the fact that Meri's turned out to have much less to her name than Zero had calculated.

I would also like to know if Kendra's getting anything out of it. Edited by DakotaJustice
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Perhaps "Sam's" wealth is from Internet data hacking, ransomware, credit card theft--all run internationally, outside the law. "His" prayers are that he won't get caught and thrown in some foreign prison. The white, infant twins might make a good trade for freedom. Just saying, Sam could be so much more interesting if he got real with us. Right now, he's just so bland. The man is full of untapped dramatic potential he doesn't want to share. 

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Someone tried to warn one of his followers/fans that Sam doesn't exist.  She was very quick to defend her non-existent friend and savior.   A friend on Twitter sent this to me.  Poor lady can't even count.


That's really strange because it's definitely a MAN I've spoken to on the phone!! I'm not really sure WHY it's ANY concern of YOURS, but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume you feel compelled to WARN women who might not have common sense. Let me make this clear though, as I have NO INTEREST in getting in these nasty disputes I've seen on Twitter.


1) I'm not entirely sure WHAT "catfishing" is. I mean I've heard of it and looked it up a little, but when someone has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to gain by TALKING to someone, I don't know HOW/WHY you call it "catfishing".


2) The "story" I read by either 'Jessica Justice' or 'Stacy'?? (not really sure WHO, nor do I care), sounded like a VERY desperate woman with NO self esteem. She falls for some guy she's NEVER set eyes on, flys to Las Vegas to meet him, somehow ends up letting 'Jackie' move in or stay or whatever, completely footing the bill, and flys to Vegas AGAIN, all to CHASE AFTER A MAN?!?! Why would she even allow 'Jackie' to stay ONE DAY if she didn't enjoy her company or THINK she was going to get something in return? Sounds like a GOLD DIGGER to me. How is THIS SAM'S fault?


2) ANYTHING that you put ONLINE is subject to being stolen by ANYONE!! We can set all the privacy settings possible, but if it's something that you wouldn't SHARE WITH THE WORLD, it's BEST not to put it online!


3) Sam KNOWS I am married, no interest in dating (he's a dozen years younger than I am anyway), have ABSOLUTELY NO money, and in poor health. He doesn't ask for ANYTHING from ME, just FUN chats and he checks on my health, even offering suggestions to try and help.


3) I ENJOY his stories! I honestly couldn't care less if they're written by Sam, Jackie, Lindsay, the Man on the Moon, or a Wallaby...they're GOOD, romantic stories!!


4) I don't see HOW this damaged Meri Brown in the least!! IF you listened to the voicemails CAREFULLY (instead of hearing what you WANT to hear), you would hear that they DID meet, and that they even had sex)! Not that that's MY business OR yours, but she clearly states that she 'CAN'T come over and have what happened last night happen AGAIN. That she is a married woman.' In another she talks about their Disneyland day and another about their Utah get away. Don't take MY word or ANYBODY else's, listen to them yourself!! AGAIN if you already did once, but WHO has that kind of time and WHY does it even matter? I personally couldn't get through ALL of them...they were boring and repetitive, MAYBE someday when I have NOTHING better to do, but I doubt it. If anything, this "catfish" story has HELPED Meri and the Browns. Meri gets attention and pity, something she obviously enjoys (she's on a REALITY TV show!!), additionally, a blind person could see that the show was on it's way out, at least NOW they can get another season out of this, helping them pay their outrageous mortgage bills!!


5) IF Sam was in this for 'FAME and FORTUNE' he WOULD put his face out there, and SELL his story!! If you don't believe HE exists, Jackie could even sell HER story!! It's NOT a crime to use fake names, chat with desperate/bored housewives, or even to LIE and tell people that you're rich!! Show me WHAT he/she has done that is illegal. IF whatyyou say is true, about SOMEONE scamming people, using THEIR photos to set up online profiles, and letting women give him/her money, it's NOT illegal unless bribery or extortion is involved. lt's MORALLY wrong, SICK and even SAD, but NOT illegal.    I would need more information on this so called 'adoption schemes', because that COULD be illegal, but honestly it could be illegal on BOTH sides, that is why ANYONE going through a PRIVATE adoption has to follow the letter of the law!! Only reimbursement for medical and living expenses, NOT PROFITING by SELLING a baby!! Childless couples are heartbroken every day though. I personally have friends spend thousands of dollars for a surrogate mother to carry their baby, but the embryo didn't 'stick'. They weren't even sure they could bare the heartache to go through it again, or even if the surrogate would be willing, but God has made it possible for all parties to try ONE more time. (Prayers for THEM). Also the Samuel I KNOW, runs the risk of losing his twins, even after 1 year of fostering them. So 'Fame and Fortune', I just don't buy!!


6) The ugliness of what I have seen on Twitter by 'anti Jackie' groupies, by far sickens ME more than worrying about some pathetic housewife/single woman being "catfished by Jackie"! The amount of effort spent creating numerous accounts, stalking people (especially 'Sam believers, such as myself), the photoshopping is just PATHETIC!! I've read SOME of them, just for the shear enjoyment of watching them make fools of themselves. LOL I'm not sure if YOU are one of THEM, I certainly didn't memorize any names, but the name calling, the FAKE lawyers, FAKE lawsuits, the "FBI Investigation', would be HILARIOUS IF  (this woman's response just abruptly ended here)



I don't get it, I don't follow the blog I just read the updates here, but does she even have a following of delusional people who believe any of this? My understanding is that pretty much everyone is hate-reading or mocking.

Oh yeah. She has a cast of thousands interacting on social media. Of course, they are all HER. It's all Sybil up in Jackie's busy little snake pit of a brain.

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Yeah, that's what she does ... she pretends to be all these people posting on her blog saying all these supportive things.  It's supposed to make all this believable and give Sam a chance to be gracious to his non-existent fans.  


What I think is really nuts is that she has also been known to post really harsh stuff about herself on social media and message boards to throw people off.  She wants to build up a reputation as a "Jackie Hater" so people trust her, then she tries to scam them into doing things like donate to one of those online crowd-funding sites that has supposedly been set up to support some anti-Jackie project (like a documentary exposing her).   She must really think the people who are reading that stuff are morons.  No one ever falls for it.


The way to spot her is she suddenly swarms the board (usually using more then one screen name) making these really long detailed posts filled with rants against Jackie, including claiming she knows people who have either been victims or are falling for JO's games or sometimes she claims she knows people who can personally prove the stuff JO is posting are lies.  She tries just a little too hard trying to build up her credibility, so it's not really hard to spot her at all.  She stands out like a sore thumb.  A big, pathetic, redheaded sore thumb. 


She doesn't manage to get away with it for very long though, because what inevitably happens is people start private messaging each other talking about how obvious she is and laughing like hell at her antics.   People aren't nearly as dumb as she likes to think they are.  We are not all sad, lonely, bored housewives moping around with no lives, ignorant and inexperienced in the ways of the world and just sitting there waiting to be taken advantage of.  You know .... like Meri was.  

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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Sure, but if you had already spent much of your life with such a melodramatic, immature pussy of a man - and it left you miserable, wouldn't you hypersensitive to men with similar qualities and as such, steer clear?  For example, I had been ....


       We have to remember though, for all the weird plyg dynamics she is familiar with , she has no frame of reference as most people outside of that have as far as dating, exes, etc. She didn't make the leap that anyone could be a bigger BSer than Kod-fish. It also may not have occurred to her that this person was trying to 'get' anything from her, since he was so successful- he must be safe-he doesnt appear to be after money, therefore he's ok. I know this is really poor logic, but that could have been the thinking. Or, they don't want to expose their real identity, this guy is hiding from me, because he must have something to lose, because we all know creepy people would be pushing me to meet him at a motel or just meet him anywhere, and he's not doing that so he must not be a weirdo. It's not because he has something to hide, it's because he's protecting himself. That's why he is disguising his voice with software or not calling me. He has something to lose too.


She probably told herself these things because the last thing on her mind would be a woman posing as a man playing a twisted game. When things don't add up in our heads, we rationalize to try to make them make sense, and con artists know this. They will feed into that, saying stuff like 'have I ever asked you for anything? have I ever given you reason to think I'm a bad person? why are you so paranoid?' asking rpid-fire questions like this in order to put the focus off the inconsistencies and lies and put the other person on the defensive. It's kind of like a trick lawyers will use, asking a bunch of questions they know the answers to  or questions they know will cause the person to stop and think to give reasons but they won't let them stop and reason. "well do you have proof that I'm lying to you? Have I ever done anything to you to make you treat me like this? You're just letting your distrust of (whoever, kody, robyn, etc) posion you and not trust ..blah blah.."


 Some quotes from a site with great insights re this whole phenomenon of the con.


"The confidence game starts with basic human psychology. From the artist’s perspective, it’s a question of identifying the victim (the put-up): who is he, what does he want, and how can I play on that desire to achieve what I want? It requires the creation of empathy and rapport (the play): an emotional foundation must be laid before any scheme is proposed,..."


"our minds are built for stories. We crave them, and, when there aren’t ready ones available, we create them. Stories about our origins. Our purpose. The reasons the world is the way it is. Human beings don’t like to exist in a state of uncertainty or ambiguity. When something doesn’t make sense, we want to supply the missing link."


"The confidence game — the con — is an exercise in soft skills. Trust, sympathy, persuasion. The true con artist doesn’t force us to do anything; he makes us complicit in our own undoing. He doesn’t steal. We give. He doesn’t have to threaten us. We supply the story ourselves. We believe because we want to, not because anyone made us."




a more basic site outlining many of the red flags to be aware of


  • Love 3

I'm fairly certain that post above that was quoted from Twitter (I think) by simonsez, is Jackie... It has the trademark narccistic comments about how Sam is so nice and generous and cares for her, the Rubin sentences (which I'm not great with either, but I didn't write a book) ... And the obviously they had sex because Meri said in a voicemail that they can't do "that" again, when "that" could mean a lot of things. If that person is real, then bless. I don't know that Jackie comments here, but I'm pretty sure she has at some point read posts, it's just too coincidental that a point will be brought up and then just "happens" to come up on her blog.

  • Love 4

I'm fairly certain that post above that was quoted from Twitter (I think) by simonsez, is Jackie... It has the trademark narccistic comments about how Sam is so nice and generous and cares for her, the Rubin sentences (which I'm not great with either, but I didn't write a book) ... And the obviously they had sex because Meri said in a voicemail that they can't do "that" again, when "that" could mean a lot of things. If that person is real, then bless. I don't know that Jackie comments here, but I'm pretty sure she has at some point read posts, it's just too coincidental that a point will be brought up and then just "happens" to come up on her blog.


Whoa.  What does my post above have to do with anything?  The person who wrote all of this garbage about "Sam" was contacted because she was noted to be both following "Sam" on Twitter/"him" following her, and is also a follower on "his" fake FB profile.  Unfortunately she's a real person.  We've looked at her FB profile.  It's not a new profile and it contains lots of family photos and comments from a whole host of real relatives.  A few of the women that "Sam" follows/follow "him" have been contacted by those who are very much against Jackie, in an attempt to give them proof that "Sam" doesn't exist and that they're being conned.  This fruitcake of a woman's defense of "Sam" was shocking on many levels.   I only shared it because someone above asked if there were really any people out there who truly believed "Sam" was real.   I suspect 99% of people have read enough of the proof to know it's really a catfish behind it, and the rest are merely Jackie's fake names pretending to support/believe in Sam - but clearly there are a few dingalings who believe "Sam" is real.   If anyone here is implying that I'm Jackie, you need to give your head a shake.  I've been very very vocal on social media and elsewhere, that Overton is a con and that Sam is merely one of her many fake personas.

My personal opinion is that Meri did have some doubts as to the authenticity of "Sam's" claims, but that said doubts were squelched for two reasons. One, I believe Meri had a desperate desire for Sam to be real, such that she probably spent much more mental energy trying to overlook or justify why the things Sam said were real, vs. spending any real effort trying to discredit/disprove them. She simply didn't want Sam to be a fraud, so she did all sorts of mental gymnastics to convince herself that he wasn't. As they say, "denial" isn't just a river in Egypt....

Two, I also think Meri in fact did question Sam on a few of his most outrageous claims. Sam has said so himself, actually, at some point on the batblog....although I can't remember exactly when. However, I believe that when Meri would challenge Sam about some part of his story, she was quickly punished by Sam. The texts, the voice-mails, and Sam's own blog all support the fact that Sam would first shame Meri for her doubts with over-the-top displays of righteous anger and hurt. Sam would then drive the point home that he wasn't to be questioned by refusing to interact with Meri for a period of time. Further, I suspect Meri is treated generally the same way by Kody any time she tries to stand up for herself. First shame, then the withholding of love/time. So, I think this is a pattern with which she's quite familiar, and she's well aware that the solution (meaning, the way to keep from being rejected) is to stop questioning anything and instead to just declare her undying love, admiration, and so on for said individual instead....

Finally, I think Meri knew she'd been duped for a while before cutting ties with Sam completely, because I'm sure she knew she was in deep by that point. I'm absolutely convinced she knew that when she ended her faux relationship with faux Sam, he was going to expose her to everyone....and she was right. So my guess is there was some period of time at the end where Meri knew the truth but was still playing along because she was in way over her head and couldn't figure out how to extricate herself from the situation without the world finding out she'd been having an emotional affair, with a woman nonetheless.

To me, this helps to explain why a woman of seemingly otherwise average intelligence fell for Sam's stories in the first place, and then took so long to admit to herself (and then others) that her rich batman superhero is really just a pathetic, broke, mean-ass batgirl.

Edited by MommyToMyCats
  • Love 9
I don't think she is posting here.  Everyone on this thread is a much better writer than JO.


Yes, she was here on Friday trying to get us to contribute to some fictitious warrior who was going to do a documentary about catfishing or some such BS.  The mods deleted the post pretty quickly.  It was typical JO rhetoric with poor grammar and spelling.

  • Love 5

Yes, she was here on Friday trying to get us to contribute to some fictitious warrior who was going to do a documentary about catfishing or some such BS. The mods deleted the post pretty quickly. It was typical JO rhetoric with poor grammar and spelling.[/quote)

I think she was here before that fussing the she did not get the " book" and the getting her money back. I am not what you would call a critical ( sp) ? reader and she stood out so if I thought it was writtn bad it was very bad.

  • Love 1

That person defending Sam on Twitter is probably one of JO personalities ( not you Simonesez- I don't think anyone was saying you are JO)

Regarding overweight vegans- no one that is truly following a healthy vegan diet is going to have weight issues. Overweight people that say they are vegetarians or vegans may or may not not be eating meat or animal products, but they do not eat a healthy balanced diet. Also true that alcohol is notorious for adding weight. I think JO's fictions are an extension of her self hatred and loathing. The more she lies, the emptiness in her grows, so she uses her fiction to fill it, which in turn, makes her feel more loathsome, etc, etc. It would be pathetic is she weren't such an wretched human being.

  • Love 2

Just read this comment "Sam" left to someone else on his pay it forward blog-

"I’ve found that during the times when my leukemia is active it helps me heal up a lot faster than others doing treatments. Being vegan was only hard when I was in the Marines. I used to trade the guys my meat and chili dishes for their vegetables or orange slices"

"Sam" having Leukemia is something I've never read before, and if he had Leukemia, I don't know how he would pass a physical that Pilot's take.

And the the use of words here- "I used to trade the guys my meat and chili dishes for their vegetables or orange slices."

"Dishes"? I've never heard a Man, much less a man in the Military refer to their meals as "Dishes".

Don't most Men in the Military call them MRE? (Meals ready to eat) or some other word? I've always read that the food in the Military isn't very good, that's why some call it Slop, etc. and in the Marines you need meat, I'm sorry. "Sam" would have been malnourished if he were eating only oranges and a few veggies a day.

  • Love 2

I'm so disappointed I missed hacker extraordinaire, Jackie LindSam RIGHT HERE on our very own thread.  

When oh when will the stars align again.  


Batfish is really dropping the ball on this whole scam thing.  I don't know how she managed to get any money out of

anyone, her story isn't believable in the slightest and she obviously doesn't know how to do research.  I'd be 

surprised if she's ever had a romantic relationship in her life.  Or sex.  Or met a straight man.  Or a Vegan.  Or left her couch.


She's obviously a pathetic creature, and deserves our pity.  Unfortunately,  I'm not a very nice person so I am 

going to laugh and at her instead.  LOL JACKIE!   I'm going to unplug my computer now and hope the master catfish

hacker can't track me down and steal my mail or my garden gnome!  

  • Love 6

Sam has updated his blog with his thoughts on the Super Bowl. Highlights include taking a complete stranger to the game, and wacky Lindsay almost getting into a fight.


Then there's this gem in the comments section:


Wondering says:

February 8, 2016 at 9:21 am

Sam what do you think about the rumor going around that Meri is cheating on Kody again with the bass player from Van Lady Love band?


Samuel says:

February 8, 2016 at 9:23 am

That’s not a rumor.

Edited by egilsdottir
  • Love 3

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